function LoadBrowsers($_outdated = false)
     global $CONFIG;
     $this->Browsers = array();
     $limiter = !$_outdated ? " AND `last_active` > " . (time() - $CONFIG["timeout_track"]) . " " : "";
     if ($result = queryDB(true, "SELECT * FROM `" . DB_PREFIX . DATABASE_VISITOR_BROWSERS . "` WHERE `visit_id`='" . @mysql_real_escape_string($this->VisitId) . "' AND `visitor_id`='" . @mysql_real_escape_string($this->UserId) . "'" . $limiter . "ORDER BY `created` ASC;")) {
         while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_BOTH)) {
             if (empty($row["is_chat"])) {
                 $browser = new VisitorBrowser($row["id"], $row["visitor_id"]);
                 $browser->Query = !empty($row["query"]) ? getIdValue(DATABASE_VISITOR_DATA_QUERIES, "query", $row["query"]) : "";
                 $browser->Email = $row["email"];
                 $browser->Fullname = $row["fullname"];
                 $browser->Company = $row["company"];
                 $browser->Customs = @unserialize($row["customs"]);
                 $browser->LastUpdate = $row["last_update"];
             } else {
                 $browser = new VisitorChat($row["visitor_id"], $row["id"]);
             if (count($browser->History) > 0) {
                 $this->Browsers[$row["id"]] = $browser;
                 $this->Browsers[$row["id"]]->LastActive = $row["last_active"];
 static function CloseChats()
     $result = DBManager::Execute(false, "SELECT * FROM `" . DB_PREFIX . DATABASE_CHAT_ARCHIVE . "` WHERE `chat_type`=1 AND `closed`=0 AND `transcript_sent`=0;");
     while ($row = DBManager::FetchArray($result)) {
         $results = DBManager::Execute(false, "SELECT * FROM `" . DB_PREFIX . DATABASE_VISITOR_CHATS . "` WHERE `chat_id`='" . DBManager::RealEscape($row["chat_id"]) . "' AND (`exit`>0 OR `last_active`<" . (time() - Server::$Configuration->File["timeout_track"]) . ");");
         if ($results && ($rows = DBManager::FetchArray($results))) {
             $botchat = !empty($row["internal_id"]) && Server::$Operators[$row["internal_id"]]->IsBot;
             $chat = new VisitorChat($rows);
             $startResult = 0;
             $endResult = 0;
             if ($botchat) {
                 $lastOp = $row["internal_id"];
                 $waitingtime = 1;
                 $startResult = 1;
             } else {
                 $lastOp = $chat->GetLastOperator();
                 $waitingtime = $chat->GetTotalWaitingTime($startResult, $endResult);
             $chatBrowser = new VisitorBrowser($chat->BrowserId, $chat->UserId, false);
             Chat::SaveToArchive($row["chat_id"], $chatBrowser->UserData->Fullname, $rows["visitor_id"], $lastOp, $rows["request_group"], $chatBrowser->UserData->Email, $chatBrowser->UserData->Company, $chatBrowser->UserData->Phone, $row["host"], $row["ip"], $chatBrowser->UserData->Text, empty(Server::$Configuration->File["gl_sctb"]) && $botchat, $waitingtime, $startResult, $endResult);
Esempio n. 3
         $EXTERNALUSER->Save($CONFIG, null, "", "", -522, -522, "", "", "", "", "", "", "", false);
     } else {
 if ($EXTERNALUSER->IsCrawler) {
 } else {
     if ($EXTERNALUSER->SignatureMismatch) {
         $TRACKINGSCRIPT = "lz_tracking_set_sessid(\"" . htmlentities($EXTERNALUSER->UserId) . "\",\"" . htmlentities(CALLER_BROWSER_ID) . "\");";
         $TRACKINGSCRIPT .= "lz_tracking_callback(1);";
         $TRACKINGSCRIPT .= "lz_tracking_poll_server();";
     } else {
         if (isset($_GET[GET_TRACK_CLOSE_CHAT_WINDOW])) {
             $chat = new VisitorChat($EXTERNALUSER->UserId, $_GET[GET_TRACK_CLOSE_CHAT_WINDOW]);
         $BROWSER->LastActive = time();
         $BROWSER->VisitId = $EXTERNALUSER->VisitId;
         if (isset($currentURL) && (count($BROWSER->History) == 0 || count($BROWSER->History) > 0 && $BROWSER->History[count($BROWSER->History) - 1]->Url->GetAbsoluteUrl() != $currentURL->Url->GetAbsoluteUrl())) {
             $BROWSER->History[] = $currentURL;
             if (!isnull($BROWSER->History[count($BROWSER->History) - 1]->Referrer->GetAbsoluteUrl())) {
                 if ($BROWSER->SetQuery($BROWSER->History[count($BROWSER->History) - 1]->Referrer->GetAbsoluteUrl())) {
                     $BROWSER->History[count($BROWSER->History) - 1]->Referrer->MarkSearchEngine();
             $BROWSER->History[count($BROWSER->History) - 1]->Save(CALLER_BROWSER_ID);
function appendAcceptedConversations()
    $users = explode(POST_ACTION_VALUE_SPLITTER, utf8_decode($_POST[POST_INTERN_PROCESS_ACCEPTED_CHAT . "_va"]));
    $browsers = explode(POST_ACTION_VALUE_SPLITTER, utf8_decode($_POST[POST_INTERN_PROCESS_ACCEPTED_CHAT . "_vb"]));
    foreach ($users as $key => $userid) {
        if (strlen($browsers[$key]) > 0 && strlen($userid) > 0) {
            $chat = new VisitorChat($userid, $browsers[$key]);
            $chat->ChatId = $ids[$key];
if (!defined("LIVEZILLA_PATH")) {
    define("LIVEZILLA_PATH", "./");
require LIVEZILLA_PATH . "_definitions/";
require LIVEZILLA_PATH . "_lib/";
require LIVEZILLA_PATH . "_definitions/";
require LIVEZILLA_PATH . "_definitions/";
require LIVEZILLA_PATH . "_lib/";
header("Pragma: no-cache");
header("Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate");
header("Keep-Alive: timeout=5, max=100");
if (!empty($_GET["value"]) && strlen($_GET["value"]) == 16) {
    $ticket = VisitorChat::GetMatchingVoucher($_GET[GET_EXTERN_GROUP], $_GET["value"]);
    if (!empty($ticket) && !$ticket->CheckForVoid() && $ticket->Paid) {
        $ticket->UpdateVoucherChatTime(0, empty($ticket->FirstUsed));
        $sessions = $ticket->ChatSessionsMax < 0 ? 0 : $ticket->ChatSessionsMax;
        if ($result = DBManager::Execute(true, "SELECT `exit` FROM `" . DB_PREFIX . DATABASE_VISITOR_CHATS . "` WHERE `chat_ticket_id`='" . DBManager::RealEscape($ticket->Id) . "' AND `exit`=0 LIMIT 1;")) {
            if ($row = DBManager::FetchArray($result)) {
        exit("lz_validate_com_chat_input_result(true,false,1,'" . $ticket->Id . "'," . $ticket->ChatTime . "," . $ticket->ChatTimeMax . "," . $ticket->ChatSessions . "," . $ticket->ChatSessionsMax . "," . $ticket->VoucherAutoExpire . "," . To::BoolString($ticket->VoucherAutoExpire < time()) . ");");
    } else {
        if (!empty($ticket)) {
 static function ApplyDynamicGroup($_chatObj = null)
     if (!empty($_GET[GET_EXTERN_DYNAMIC_GROUP])) {
         if ($_chatObj != null && empty($_chatObj->Forward)) {
         if ($_chatObj != null && !empty($_chatObj->Forward)) {
         $tgroup = Communication::ReadParameter(GET_EXTERN_DYNAMIC_GROUP, "");
         if (isset(Server::$Groups[$tgroup]) && Server::$Groups[$tgroup]->IsDynamic) {
             VisitorChat::$DynamicGroup = $tgroup;
Esempio n. 7
         $html = str_replace("<!--SO_HIDDEN-->", empty($GROUPS[$groupid]->ChatFunctions[1]) ? "none" : "", $html);
         $html = str_replace("<!--PR_HIDDEN-->", empty($GROUPS[$groupid]->ChatFunctions[2]) ? "none" : "", $html);
         $html = str_replace("<!--RA_HIDDEN-->", empty($GROUPS[$groupid]->ChatFunctions[3]) ? "none" : "", $html);
         $html = str_replace("<!--FV_HIDDEN-->", empty($GROUPS[$groupid]->ChatFunctions[4]) ? "none" : "", $html);
         $html = str_replace("<!--FU_HIDDEN-->", empty($GROUPS[$groupid]->ChatFunctions[5]) ? "none" : "", $html);
         $html = str_replace("<!--post_chat_html-->", $GROUPS[$groupid]->PostHTML, $html);
 } else {
     if ($_GET[GET_EXTERN_TEMPLATE] == "") {
         $html = getFile(PATH_FRAMES . $_GET[GET_EXTERN_TEMPLATE] . ".tpl");
         if (isset($_POST[POST_EXTERN_USER_USERID])) {
             if (STATS_ACTIVE) {
             $externalUser = new Visitor($_POST[POST_EXTERN_USER_USERID]);
             $externalChat = VisitorChat::FromCache($externalUser->UserId, $_POST[POST_EXTERN_USER_BROWSERID]);
             if (isset($_FILES["userfile"]) && $externalUser->StoreFile($_POST[POST_EXTERN_USER_BROWSERID], $externalChat->DesiredChatPartner, $externalChat->Fullname, $externalChat->ChatId)) {
                 $command = "parent.parent.lz_chat_file_ready();";
             } else {
                 if (isset($_FILES['userfile'])) {
                     $command = "parent.parent.lz_chat_file_error(2);";
                 } else {
                     $command = "";
         } else {
             if (isset($_GET["file"])) {
                 $command = "parent.parent.lz_chat_file_error(2);";
             } else {
                 $command = "";
 function OverlayChat()
     $this->Flags = array();
     VisitorChat::$Router = new ChatRouter();
function closeChats()
    global $INTERNAL, $CONFIG;
    $result = queryDB(false, "SELECT * FROM `" . DB_PREFIX . DATABASE_CHAT_ARCHIVE . "` WHERE `chat_type`=1 AND `closed`=0 AND `transcript_sent`=0;");
    while ($row = DBManager::FetchArray($result)) {
        $results = queryDB(false, "SELECT * FROM `" . DB_PREFIX . DATABASE_VISITOR_CHATS . "` WHERE `chat_id`='" . DBManager::RealEscape($row["chat_id"]) . "' AND (`exit`>0 OR `last_active`<" . (time() - $CONFIG["timeout_track"]) . ");");
        if ($results && ($rows = DBManager::FetchArray($results))) {
            $botchat = !empty($row["internal_id"]) && $INTERNAL[$row["internal_id"]]->IsBot;
            $chat = new VisitorChat($rows);
            $startResult = 0;
            $endResult = 0;
            $waitingtime = 0;
            if ($botchat) {
                $lastOp = $row["internal_id"];
                $waitingtime = 1;
                $startResult = 1;
            } else {
                $lastOp = $chat->GetLastOperator($waitingtime, $startResult, $endResult);
            closeArchiveEntry($row["chat_id"], $rows["fullname"], $rows["visitor_id"], $lastOp, $rows["request_group"], $rows["email"], $rows["company"], $rows["phone"], $row["host"], $row["ip"], $rows["question"], empty($CONFIG["gl_sctb"]) && $botchat, $waitingtime, $startResult, $endResult);
Esempio n. 10
             if (!$currentURL->Url->IsInternalDomain()) {
         if (VisitorMonitoring::$IsActive) {
             VisitorMonitoring::$Visitor->Save(null, "", "", -522, -522, "", "", "", "", "", "", "", false);
     } else {
 if (VisitorMonitoring::$Visitor->IsCrawler) {
 } else {
     if (isset($_GET["clch"])) {
         $chat = VisitorChat::FromCache(VisitorMonitoring::$Visitor->UserId, Communication::ReadParameter("clch", ""));
     VisitorMonitoring::$Browser->LastActive = time();
     VisitorMonitoring::$Browser->VisitId = VisitorMonitoring::$Visitor->VisitId;
     $parameters = Communication::GetTargetParameters(false);
     $conline = operatorsAvailable(0, $parameters["exclude"], $parameters["include_group"], $parameters["include_user"], false) > 0;
     VisitorMonitoring::$Browser->OverlayContainer = !empty($_GET["ovlc"]);
     if (VisitorMonitoring::$IsActive) {
         if (!empty($currentURL) && (count(VisitorMonitoring::$Browser->History) == 0 || count(VisitorMonitoring::$Browser->History) > 0 && VisitorMonitoring::$Browser->History[count(VisitorMonitoring::$Browser->History) - 1]->Url->GetAbsoluteUrl() != $currentURL->Url->GetAbsoluteUrl())) {
             VisitorMonitoring::$Browser->History[] = $currentURL;
             if (!Is::Null(VisitorMonitoring::$Browser->History[count(VisitorMonitoring::$Browser->History) - 1]->Referrer->GetAbsoluteUrl())) {
                 if (VisitorMonitoring::$Browser->SetQuery(VisitorMonitoring::$Browser->History[count(VisitorMonitoring::$Browser->History) - 1]->Referrer->GetAbsoluteUrl())) {
                     VisitorMonitoring::$Browser->History[count(VisitorMonitoring::$Browser->History) - 1]->Referrer->MarkSearchEngine();
function processForward()
    global $USER, $GROUPS, $VOUCHER;
    if (!empty($USER->Browsers[0]->Forward) && !$USER->Browsers[0]->Forward->Invite && !empty($USER->Browsers[0]->Forward->TargetGroupId) && !$USER->Browsers[0]->Forward->Processed) {
        if (!empty($VOUCHER) && !in_array($VOUCHER->TypeId, $GROUPS[$USER->Browsers[0]->Forward->TargetGroupId]->ChatVouchersRequired)) {
            $USER->AddFunctionCall("lz_chat_switch_com_chat_box(false);", false);
        } else {
            if (!empty($GROUPS[$USER->Browsers[0]->Forward->TargetGroupId]->ChatVouchersRequired)) {
                $VOUCHER = VisitorChat::GetMatchingVoucher($USER->Browsers[0]->Forward->TargetGroupId, base64UrlDecode($_POST["p_tid"]));
                if ($VOUCHER != null) {
                    $USER->AddFunctionCall("lz_chat_switch_com_chat_box(true);", false);
        $USER->AddFunctionCall("lz_chat_initiate_forwarding('" . base64_encode($USER->Browsers[0]->Forward->TargetGroupId) . "'," . parseBool($USER->Browsers[0]->Forward->Auto) . ");", false);
        $USER->Browsers[0]->DesiredChatGroup = $USER->Browsers[0]->Forward->TargetGroupId;
        $USER->Browsers[0]->DesiredChatPartner = $USER->Browsers[0]->Forward->TargetSessId;
        $USER->Browsers[0]->FirstActive = time();
Esempio n. 12
 } else {
         if (($ticket = $externalUser->SaveTicket(Encoding::Base64UrlDecode($_POST[POST_EXTERN_USER_GROUP]), $externalUser->GeoCountryISO2, isset($_POST["p_cmb"]), true, Communication::GetParameter("p_url", "", $nu, FILTER_SANITIZE_URL))) !== false && (Server::$Configuration->File["gl_scom"] != null || Server::$Configuration->File["gl_sgom"] != null)) {
             $ticket->SendAutoresponder($externalUser, $externalUser->Browsers[0]);
     } else {
         if ($externalUser->Browsers[0]->Status != CHAT_STATUS_OPEN || $externalUser->Browsers[0]->Waiting) {
             $externalUser->Browsers[0] = new VisitorChat($externalUser->UserId, Encoding::Base64UrlDecode(@$_POST[POST_EXTERN_USER_BROWSERID]), $externalUser->Browsers[0]->UserData->Fullname, $externalUser->Browsers[0]->UserData->Email, $externalUser->Browsers[0]->UserData->Company, $externalUser->Browsers[0]->UserData->Text, $externalUser->Browsers[0]->UserData->Customs, $externalUser->Browsers[0]->DesiredChatGroup, $externalUser->Browsers[0]->DesiredChatPartner, $externalUser->Browsers[0]->UserData->Phone);
         } else {
             $externalUser->Browsers[0]->ChatId = Encoding::Base64UrlDecode(@$_POST[POST_EXTERN_CHAT_ID]);
         $externalUser->Browsers[0]->Waiting = false;
         $externalUser->Browsers[0]->WaitingMessageDisplayed = null;
             if (!VisitorChat::IsChatBrowserIdAvailable($externalUser->Browsers[0]->BrowserId, true)) {
                 Logging::ErrorLog("Invalid Browser ID - trying to change ...");
                 $externalUser->AddFunctionCall("lz_chat_change_browser_id('" . getId(USER_ID_LENGTH) . "');", true);
                 $externalUser->AddFunctionCall("lz_chat_reload_groups();", false);
             } else {
                 if (!$externalUser->Browsers[1]->LoadUserData()) {
                 $externalUser = $externalUser->Browsers[1]->ReplaceLoginDetails($externalUser);
         } else {
Esempio n. 13
         $html = str_replace("<!--SM_HIDDEN-->", empty($GROUPS[$groupid]->ChatFunctions[0]) ? " style=\"display:none;\"" : "", $html);
         $html = str_replace("<!--SO_HIDDEN-->", empty($GROUPS[$groupid]->ChatFunctions[1]) ? " style=\"display:none;\"" : "", $html);
         $html = str_replace("<!--PR_HIDDEN-->", empty($GROUPS[$groupid]->ChatFunctions[2]) ? " style=\"display:none;\"" : "", $html);
         $html = str_replace("<!--RA_HIDDEN-->", empty($GROUPS[$groupid]->ChatFunctions[3]) ? " style=\"display:none;\"" : "", $html);
         $html = str_replace("<!--FV_HIDDEN-->", empty($GROUPS[$groupid]->ChatFunctions[4]) ? " style=\"display:none;\"" : "", $html);
         $html = str_replace("<!--FU_HIDDEN-->", empty($GROUPS[$groupid]->ChatFunctions[5]) ? " style=\"display:none;\"" : "", $html);
 } else {
     if ($_GET[GET_EXTERN_TEMPLATE] == "") {
         $html = getFile(PATH_FRAMES . $_GET[GET_EXTERN_TEMPLATE] . ".tpl");
         if (isset($_POST[POST_EXTERN_USER_USERID])) {
             if (STATS_ACTIVE) {
             $externalUser = new Visitor($_POST[POST_EXTERN_USER_USERID]);
             $externalChat = new VisitorChat($externalUser->UserId, $_POST[POST_EXTERN_USER_BROWSERID]);
             if (isset($_FILES["userfile"]) && $externalUser->StoreFile($_POST[POST_EXTERN_USER_BROWSERID], $externalChat->DesiredChatPartner, $externalChat->Fullname)) {
                 $command = "top.lz_chat_file_ready();";
             } else {
                 if (isset($_FILES['userfile'])) {
                     $command = "top.lz_chat_file_error(2);";
                 } else {
                     $command = "";
         } else {
             if (isset($_GET["file"])) {
                 $command = "top.lz_chat_file_error(2);";
             } else {
                 $command = "";
Esempio n. 14
 * All rights reserved.
 * LiveZilla is a registered trademark.
 * Improper changes to this file may cause critical errors.
define("IN_LIVEZILLA", true);
header('Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8');
if (!defined("LIVEZILLA_PATH")) {
    define("LIVEZILLA_PATH", "./");
require LIVEZILLA_PATH . "_definitions/";
require LIVEZILLA_PATH . "_lib/";
require LIVEZILLA_PATH . "_definitions/";
require LIVEZILLA_PATH . "_definitions/";
if (Server::InitDataProvider()) {
    if (!empty($_GET[GET_TRACK_CHATID]) && !empty($_GET[GET_TRACK_BROWSERID]) && !empty($_GET[GET_TRACK_USERID])) {
        $archive = new Chat();
        $archive->ChatId = intval(Communication::GetParameter("c", ""));
        $chat = VisitorChat::GetByChatId($archive->ChatId);
        if ($chat->BrowserId == Communication::GetParameter(GET_TRACK_BROWSERID, "") && $chat->UserId == Communication::GetParameter(GET_TRACK_USERID, "") && $chat->LastActive > time() - 3600) {
            $print = IOStruct::GetFile(PATH_TEMPLATES . "print.tpl");
            $archive->Generate($archive->ChatId, "", true, true);
            $print = str_replace("<!--chat_id-->", $archive->ChatId, $print);
            $print = str_replace("<!--transcript-->", nl2br($archive->PlainText), $print);
 static function FromCache($_uid, $_bid)
     global $CM, $VISITOR;
     if (!empty($CM)) {
         if (isset($VISITOR[$_uid])) {
             foreach ($VISITOR[$_uid]->Browsers as $browser) {
                 if ($browser->BrowserId == $_bid) {
                     return $browser;
     $br = new VisitorChat($_uid, $_bid);
     return $br;
Esempio n. 16
    } else {
    if (isset($_POST["company"]) && !empty($_POST["company"]) || isset($_POST["email"]) && !empty($_POST["email"]) || isset($_POST["name"]) && !empty($_POST["name"]) || isset($_POST["text"]) && !empty($_POST["text"])) {
        exit(Filter::CreateFloodFilter(Communication::GetIP(), null));
header("Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8");
if (!isset($_GET[GET_EXTERN_TEMPLATE])) {
    define("IS_FLOOD", Filter::IsFlood(Communication::GetIP(), null, true));
    define("IS_FILTERED", DataManager::$Filters->Match(Communication::GetIP(), LocalizationManager::ImplodeLanguages(!empty($_SERVER["HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE"]) ? $_SERVER["HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE"] : ""), SESSION));
    require LIVEZILLA_PATH . "_lib/trdp/mobde.php";
    $MobileDetect = new Mobile_Detect();
    Server::InitDataBlock(array("INTERNAL", "DBCONFIG"));
    $html = IOStruct::GetFile(TEMPLATE_HTML_CHAT);
    $html = str_replace("<!--extern_script-->", IOStruct::GetFile(TEMPLATE_SCRIPT_EXTERN) . IOStruct::GetFile(TEMPLATE_SCRIPT_DATA) . IOStruct::GetFile(TEMPLATE_SCRIPT_CHAT) . IOStruct::GetFile(TEMPLATE_SCRIPT_FRAME), $html);
    $html = str_replace("<!--server_id-->", substr(md5(Server::$Configuration->File["gl_lzid"]), 5, 5), $html);
    $html = str_replace("<!--connector_script-->", IOStruct::GetFile(TEMPLATE_SCRIPT_CONNECTOR), $html);
    $html = str_replace("<!--group_script-->", IOStruct::GetFile(TEMPLATE_SCRIPT_GROUPS), $html);
    $html = str_replace("<!--global_script-->", IOStruct::GetFile(TEMPLATE_SCRIPT_GLOBAL), $html);
    $html = str_replace("<!--browser_id-->", $browserId, $html);
    $html = str_replace("<!--extern_timeout-->", min(Server::$Configuration->File["timeout_chats"], Server::$Configuration->File["timeout_track"]), $html);
    $html = str_replace("<!--show_oib-->", To::BoolString(!empty(Server::$Configuration->File["gl_soib"]) && empty($_GET[GET_EXTERN_DYNAMIC_GROUP])), $html);
    $html = str_replace("<!--window_width-->", Server::$Configuration->File["wcl_window_width"], $html);
    $html = str_replace("<!--window_height-->", Server::$Configuration->File["wcl_window_height"], $html);
    $html = str_replace("<!--window_resize-->", To::BoolString(Server::$Configuration->File["gl_hrol"]), $html);
    $html = str_replace("<!--feedback_on_exit-->", To::BoolString(Server::$Configuration->File["gl_fboe"]), $html);
    $html = str_replace("<!--switch_to_kb-->", To::BoolString(Communication::ReadParameter("t", "") == "kb" && empty($_GET["hfk"])), $html);
    $html = str_replace("<!--kb_only-->", To::BoolString(!empty($_REQUEST["kbo"])), $html);
function processChatActions()
    global $INTERNAL, $RVISITOR;
    $count = 0;
    while (isset($_POST[POST_INTERN_PROCESS_CHAT_ACTION . "_" . $count . "_va"])) {
        $type = $_POST[POST_INTERN_PROCESS_CHAT_ACTION . "_" . $count . "_vd"];
        if ($type == "OperatorSignOff") {
            $op = $INTERNAL[$_POST[POST_INTERN_PROCESS_CHAT_ACTION . "_" . $count . "_ve_0"]];
        } else {
            if ($type == "SendChatTranscriptTo") {
                $value = 1;
                while (!empty($_POST[POST_INTERN_PROCESS_CHAT_ACTION . "_" . $count . "_ve_" . $value])) {
                    queryDB(true, "UPDATE `" . DB_PREFIX . DATABASE_CHAT_ARCHIVE . "` SET `transcript_sent`=0,`transcript_receiver`='" . DBManager::RealEscape($_POST[POST_INTERN_PROCESS_CHAT_ACTION . "_" . $count . "_ve_0"]) . "' WHERE `transcript_sent`=1 AND `chat_id`='" . DBManager::RealEscape($_POST[POST_INTERN_PROCESS_CHAT_ACTION . "_" . $count . "_ve_" . $value]) . "' LIMIT 1;");
            } else {
                if ($type == "CreatePublicGroup") {
                    $room = new UserGroup();
                    $room->IsDynamic = true;
                    $room->Id = $_POST[POST_INTERN_PROCESS_CHAT_ACTION . "_" . $count . "_ve_0"];
                    $room->Descriptions["EN"] = $_POST[POST_INTERN_PROCESS_CHAT_ACTION . "_" . $count . "_ve_1"];
                    $room->Owner = $_POST[POST_INTERN_PROCESS_CHAT_ACTION . "_" . $count . "_ve_2"];
                    $room->AddMember($_POST[POST_INTERN_PROCESS_CHAT_ACTION . "_" . $count . "_ve_2"], !empty($_POST[POST_INTERN_PROCESS_CHAT_ACTION . "_" . $count . "_ve_3"]));
                } else {
                    if ($type == "DeletePublicGroup") {
                        $room = new UserGroup();
                        $room->Id = $_POST[POST_INTERN_PROCESS_CHAT_ACTION . "_" . $count . "_ve_0"];
                    } else {
                        if ($type == "JoinPublicGroup") {
                            $room = new UserGroup();
                            $room->Id = $_POST[POST_INTERN_PROCESS_CHAT_ACTION . "_" . $count . "_ve_0"];
                            $room->AddMember($_POST[POST_INTERN_PROCESS_CHAT_ACTION . "_" . $count . "_ve_2"], !empty($_POST[POST_INTERN_PROCESS_CHAT_ACTION . "_" . $count . "_ve_3"]));
                        } else {
                            if ($type == "QuitPublicGroup") {
                                $room = new UserGroup();
                                $room->Id = $_POST[POST_INTERN_PROCESS_CHAT_ACTION . "_" . $count . "_ve_0"];
                                $room->RemoveMember($_POST[POST_INTERN_PROCESS_CHAT_ACTION . "_" . $count . "_ve_1"]);
                            } else {
                                if ($type == "StartOverlayChat") {
                                    $chat = new VisitorChat($_POST[POST_INTERN_PROCESS_CHAT_ACTION . "_" . $count . "_va"], $_POST[POST_INTERN_PROCESS_CHAT_ACTION . "_" . $count . "_vb"]);
                                } else {
                                    if ($type == "AddVisitorComment") {
                                        $visitor = new Visitor($_POST[POST_INTERN_PROCESS_CHAT_ACTION . "_" . $count . "_ve_0"]);
                                        $visitor->SaveComment(CALLER_SYSTEM_ID, $_POST[POST_INTERN_PROCESS_CHAT_ACTION . "_" . $count . "_ve_1"]);
                                    } else {
                                        if ($type == "DownloadRecentHistory") {
                                            $RVISITOR = new Visitor($_POST[POST_INTERN_PROCESS_CHAT_ACTION . "_" . $count . "_ve_0"]);
                                            $RVISITOR->LoadRecentVisits(true, $_POST[POST_INTERN_PROCESS_CHAT_ACTION . "_" . $count . "_ve_1"]);
                                        } else {
                                            if ($type == "SetTranslation") {
                                                $chat = new VisitorChat($_POST[POST_INTERN_PROCESS_CHAT_ACTION . "_" . $count . "_va"], $_POST[POST_INTERN_PROCESS_CHAT_ACTION . "_" . $count . "_vb"]);
                                                $chat->ChatId = $_POST[POST_INTERN_PROCESS_CHAT_ACTION . "_" . $count . "_ve_0"];
                                                $chat->SetTranslation($_POST[POST_INTERN_PROCESS_CHAT_ACTION . "_" . $count . "_ve_1"]);
                                            } else {
                                                if ($type == "SetChatTicketParam") {
                                                    $ticket = new CommercialChatVoucher("", $_POST[POST_INTERN_PROCESS_CHAT_ACTION . "_" . $count . "_ve_0"]);
                                                    $ticket->SetVoucherParams(!empty($_POST[POST_INTERN_PROCESS_CHAT_ACTION . "_" . $count . "_ve_1"]), !empty($_POST[POST_INTERN_PROCESS_CHAT_ACTION . "_" . $count . "_ve_2"]), !empty($_POST[POST_INTERN_PROCESS_CHAT_ACTION . "_" . $count . "_ve_3"]), !empty($_POST[POST_INTERN_PROCESS_CHAT_ACTION . "_" . $count . "_ve_4"]), !empty($_POST[POST_INTERN_PROCESS_CHAT_ACTION . "_" . $count . "_ve_5"]), !empty($_POST[POST_INTERN_PROCESS_CHAT_ACTION . "_" . $count . "_ve_6"]));
                                                } else {
                                                    if (strlen($_POST[POST_INTERN_PROCESS_CHAT_ACTION . "_" . $count . "_vb"]) > 0 && strlen($_POST[POST_INTERN_PROCESS_CHAT_ACTION . "_" . $count . "_va"]) > 0) {
                                                        $chat = new VisitorChat($_POST[POST_INTERN_PROCESS_CHAT_ACTION . "_" . $count . "_va"], $_POST[POST_INTERN_PROCESS_CHAT_ACTION . "_" . $count . "_vb"]);
                                                        $chat->ChatId = $_POST[POST_INTERN_PROCESS_CHAT_ACTION . "_" . $count . "_vc"];
                                                        if ($type == "SetCallMeBackStatus") {
                                                            $chat->SetCallMeBackStatus($_POST[POST_INTERN_PROCESS_CHAT_ACTION . "_" . $count . "_ve_0"]);
                                                        } else {
                                                            if ($type == "JoinChatInvisible") {
                                                                $chat->JoinChat(CALLER_SYSTEM_ID, true, !empty($_POST[POST_INTERN_PROCESS_CHAT_ACTION . "_" . $count . "_ve_0"]));
                                                            } else {
                                                                if ($type == "JoinChat") {
                                                                    $chat->JoinChat(CALLER_SYSTEM_ID, false, !empty($_POST[POST_INTERN_PROCESS_CHAT_ACTION . "_" . $count . "_ve_0"]));
                                                                } else {
                                                                    if ($type == "SetPriority") {
                                                                        $chat->SetPriority($_POST[POST_INTERN_PROCESS_CHAT_ACTION . "_" . $count . "_ve_0"]);
                                                                    } else {
                                                                        if ($type == "SetTargetOperator") {
                                                                            $chat->SetTargetOperator($_POST[POST_INTERN_PROCESS_CHAT_ACTION . "_" . $count . "_ve_0"]);
                                                                        } else {
                                                                            if ($type == "SetTargetGroup") {
                                                                                $chat->SetTargetGroup($_POST[POST_INTERN_PROCESS_CHAT_ACTION . "_" . $count . "_ve_0"]);
                                                                            } else {
                                                                                if ($type == "AcceptChat") {
                                                                                } else {
                                                                                    if ($type == "CloseChat") {
                                                                                    } else {
                                                                                        if ($type == "TakeChat") {
                                                                                            $chat->TakeChat(CALLER_SYSTEM_ID, $_POST[POST_INTERN_PROCESS_CHAT_ACTION . "_" . $count . "_ve_0"]);
                                                                                        } else {
                                                                                            if ($type == "DeclineChat") {
                                                                                            } else {
                                                                                                if ($type == "LeaveChat") {
Esempio n. 18
 * LiveZilla is a registered trademark.
 * Improper changes to this file may cause critical errors.
define("IN_LIVEZILLA", true);
header('Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8');
if (!defined("LIVEZILLA_PATH")) {
    define("LIVEZILLA_PATH", "./");
require LIVEZILLA_PATH . "_definitions/";
require LIVEZILLA_PATH . "_lib/";
require LIVEZILLA_PATH . "_definitions/";
require LIVEZILLA_PATH . "_definitions/";
if (!empty($_REQUEST["cid"]) && Server::InitDataProvider()) {
    $chat = VisitorChat::GetByChatId(Communication::ReadParameter("cid", 0));
    if ($chat != null) {
        if ($chat->Closed) {
        } else {
            $visitor = new Visitor($chat->UserId);
            if (isset($_FILES["form_userfile"])) {
                if (StoreFile($visitor, $chat->BrowserId, $chat->DesiredChatPartner, $chat->UserData->Fullname, $chat->ChatId)) {
                } else {
            } else {
                if (Communication::GetIP() == $visitor->IP) {
                    if (!empty($_POST["p_fu_a"])) {
 function BuildChatXML()
     global $USER, $BROWSER, $GROUPS, $INPUTS;
     if ($this->CurrentResponseType == DATA_RESPONSE_TYPE_KEEP_ALIVE) {
         $this->CurrentResponseType = DATA_RESPONSE_TYPE_BASIC;
     if ($this->GetAll) {
         $this->CurrentResponseType = DATA_RESPONSE_TYPE_STATIC;
     if (!$BROWSER->Closed && ($BROWSER->Status > CHAT_STATUS_OPEN || $BROWSER->Waiting)) {
         if (!empty($BROWSER->DesiredChatGroup)) {
             $pra = !empty($BROWSER->Members[CALLER_SYSTEM_ID]) ? " pra=\"" . base64_encode($BROWSER->PostsReceived(CALLER_SYSTEM_ID)) . "\"" : "";
             $cti = "";
             $USER->IsChat = true;
             $this->XMLCurrentChat = "<chat id=\"" . base64_encode($BROWSER->ChatId) . "\" d=\"" . base64_encode(!empty($BROWSER->Declined) ? 1 : 0) . "\" p=\"" . base64_encode($BROWSER->Priority) . "\" f=\"" . base64_encode($BROWSER->FirstActive) . "\" q=\"" . base64_encode($BROWSER->Status > CHAT_STATUS_OPEN ? "0" : "1") . "\" cmb=\"" . base64_encode($BROWSER->CallMeBack) . "\" st=\"" . base64_encode($BROWSER->Activated) . "\" fn=\"" . base64_encode($BROWSER->GetInputData(111)) . "\" em=\"" . base64_encode($BROWSER->GetInputData(112)) . "\" eq=\"" . base64_encode($BROWSER->GetInputData(114)) . "\" gr=\"" . base64_encode($BROWSER->DesiredChatGroup) . "\" dcp=\"" . base64_encode($BROWSER->DesiredChatPartner) . "\" at=\"" . base64_encode($BROWSER->AllocatedTime) . "\" cp=\"" . base64_encode($BROWSER->GetInputData(116)) . "\" co=\"" . base64_encode($BROWSER->GetInputData(113)) . "\"" . $pra . $cti . ">\r\n";
             foreach ($GROUPS as $groupid => $group) {
                 if ($group->IsDynamic) {
                     foreach ($group->Members as $member => $persistent) {
                         if ($member == $BROWSER->SystemId) {
                             $this->XMLCurrentChat .= "<gr p=\"" . base64_encode($persistent ? "1" : "0") . "\">" . base64_encode($groupid) . "</gr>\r\n";
             if (is_array($BROWSER->Customs)) {
                 foreach ($BROWSER->Customs as $index => $value) {
                     if ($INPUTS[$index]->Active && $INPUTS[$index]->Custom) {
                         $value = $INPUTS[$index]->Type == "Text" ? $BROWSER->GetInputData($index) : $value;
                         $this->XMLCurrentChat .= "   <cf index=\"" . base64_encode($index) . "\">" . base64_encode($INPUTS[$index]->GetClientValue($value)) . "</cf>\r\n";
             $this->XMLCurrentChat .= "   <pn acc=\"" . base64_encode($BROWSER->Activated ? "1" : "0") . "\">\r\n";
             foreach ($BROWSER->Members as $systemid => $member) {
                 $this->XMLCurrentChat .= "<member id=\"" . base64_encode($systemid) . "\" st=\"" . base64_encode($member->Status) . "\" dec=\"" . base64_encode($member->Declined ? 1 : 0) . "\" />\r\n";
             $this->XMLCurrentChat .= "   </pn>\r\n";
             if (!empty($BROWSER->ChatVoucherId)) {
                 $chatticket = VisitorChat::GetMatchingVoucher($BROWSER->DesiredChatGroup, $BROWSER->ChatVoucherId);
                 if (!empty($chatticket)) {
                     $this->XMLCurrentChat .= "<cticket>" . $chatticket->GetXML(true) . "</cticket>\r\n";
             $v_tp = 0;
             if (!empty($BROWSER->Members[CALLER_SYSTEM_ID])) {
                 if ($BROWSER->Activated == 0) {
                     $BROWSER->LoadForward(false, true);
                     if (!empty($BROWSER->Forward) && ($BROWSER->Forward->TargetSessId == CALLER_SYSTEM_ID || empty($BROWSER->Forward->TargetSessId))) {
                         $BROWSER->RepostChatHistory(3, $BROWSER->ChatId, CALLER_SYSTEM_ID, 0, 0, "", "", "", false, false);
                     } else {
                         $BROWSER->RepostChatHistory(3, $BROWSER->ChatId, CALLER_SYSTEM_ID, 0, 0, "", "", "", false, false);
                 $v_tp = $BROWSER->Typing ? 1 : 0;
             if (isset($this->Caller->ExternalChats[$BROWSER->SystemId]) && !empty($this->Caller->ExternalChats[$BROWSER->SystemId]->FileUploadRequest)) {
                 foreach ($this->Caller->ExternalChats[$BROWSER->SystemId]->FileUploadRequest as $request) {
                     if ($request->Error && $request->Permission != PERMISSION_NONE) {
                         if (!$request->Closed) {
                         $this->XMLCurrentChat .= "   <fupr id=\"" . base64_encode($request->Id) . "\" cr=\"" . base64_encode($request->Created) . "\" fm=\"" . base64_encode($request->FileMask) . "\" fn=\"" . base64_encode($request->FileName) . "\" fid=\"" . base64_encode($request->FileId) . "\" cid=\"" . base64_encode($request->ChatId) . "\" error=\"" . base64_encode(true) . "\" />\r\n";
                     } else {
                         if ($request->Download) {
                             $this->XMLCurrentChat .= "   <fupr pm=\"" . base64_encode($request->Permission) . "\" id=\"" . base64_encode($request->Id) . "\" cr=\"" . base64_encode($request->Created) . "\" fm=\"" . base64_encode($request->FileMask) . "\" fn=\"" . base64_encode($request->FileName) . "\" cid=\"" . base64_encode($request->ChatId) . "\" fid=\"" . base64_encode($request->FileId) . "\" download=\"" . base64_encode(true) . "\" size=\"" . base64_encode(@filesize($request->GetFile())) . "\" />\r\n";
                         } else {
                             if ($request->Permission == PERMISSION_VOID) {
                                 $this->XMLCurrentChat .= "   <fupr id=\"" . base64_encode($request->Id) . "\" cr=\"" . base64_encode($request->Created) . "\" fm=\"" . base64_encode($request->FileMask) . "\" fn=\"" . base64_encode($request->FileName) . "\" fid=\"" . base64_encode($request->FileId) . "\" cid=\"" . base64_encode($request->ChatId) . "\" />\r\n";
                             } else {
                                 if ($request->Permission == PERMISSION_NONE) {
                                     $this->XMLCurrentChat .= "   <fupr pm=\"" . base64_encode($request->Permission) . "\" id=\"" . base64_encode($request->Id) . "\" cr=\"" . base64_encode($request->Created) . "\" fm=\"" . base64_encode($request->FileMask) . "\" fn=\"" . base64_encode($request->FileName) . "\" cid=\"" . base64_encode($request->ChatId) . "\" fid=\"" . base64_encode($request->FileId) . "\" />\r\n";
                                 } else {
                                     if ($request->Permission == PERMISSION_CHAT_ARCHIVE) {
                                         $this->XMLCurrentChat .= "   <fupr pm=\"" . base64_encode($request->Permission) . "\" id=\"" . base64_encode($request->Id) . "\" cr=\"" . base64_encode($request->Created) . "\" fm=\"" . base64_encode($request->FileMask) . "\" fn=\"" . base64_encode($request->FileName) . "\" cid=\"" . base64_encode($request->ChatId) . "\" fid=\"" . base64_encode($request->FileId) . "\" />\r\n";
             $this->XMLCurrentChat .= "  </chat>\r\n";
             $this->XMLTyping .= "<v id=\"" . base64_encode($BROWSER->UserId . "~" . $BROWSER->BrowserId) . "\" tp=\"" . base64_encode($v_tp) . "\" />\r\n";
         } else {
             $this->XMLCurrentChat = "  <chat />\r\n";
Esempio n. 20
             $EXTERNALUSER->Save($CONFIG, null, "", "", -522, -522, "", "", "", "", "", "", "", false);
     } else {
 if ($EXTERNALUSER->IsCrawler) {
 } else {
     if ($EXTERNALUSER->SignatureMismatch) {
         $TRACKINGSCRIPT = "lz_tracking_set_sessid(\"" . base64_encode($EXTERNALUSER->UserId) . "\",\"" . base64_encode(CALLER_BROWSER_ID) . "\");";
         $TRACKINGSCRIPT .= "lz_tracking_callback(5);";
         $TRACKINGSCRIPT .= "lz_tracking_poll_server();";
     } else {
         if (isset($_GET[GET_TRACK_CLOSE_CHAT_WINDOW])) {
             $chat = VisitorChat::FromCache($EXTERNALUSER->UserId, $_GET[GET_TRACK_CLOSE_CHAT_WINDOW]);
         $BROWSER->LastActive = time();
         $BROWSER->VisitId = $EXTERNALUSER->VisitId;
         $parameters = getTargetParameters(false);
         $conline = operatorsAvailable(0, $parameters["exclude"], $parameters["include_group"], $parameters["include_user"], false) > 0;
         $BROWSER->OverlayContainer = !empty($_GET["ovlc"]);
         if ($monitoringActive) {
         if (isset($currentURL) && (count($BROWSER->History) == 0 || count($BROWSER->History) > 0 && $BROWSER->History[count($BROWSER->History) - 1]->Url->GetAbsoluteUrl() != $currentURL->Url->GetAbsoluteUrl())) {
             $BROWSER->History[] = $currentURL;
             if (!isnull($BROWSER->History[count($BROWSER->History) - 1]->Referrer->GetAbsoluteUrl())) {
                 if ($BROWSER->SetQuery($BROWSER->History[count($BROWSER->History) - 1]->Referrer->GetAbsoluteUrl())) {
    define("LIVEZILLA_PATH", "./");
require LIVEZILLA_PATH . "_definitions/";
require LIVEZILLA_PATH . "_lib/";
require LIVEZILLA_PATH . "_lib/";
require LIVEZILLA_PATH . "_definitions/";
require LIVEZILLA_PATH . "_definitions/";
require LIVEZILLA_PATH . "_lib/";
header("Pragma: no-cache");
header("Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate");
header("Keep-Alive: timeout=5, max=100");
if (!empty($_GET["value"]) && strlen($_GET["value"]) == 16) {
    $ticket = VisitorChat::GetMatchingVoucher($_GET["intgroup"], $_GET["value"]);
    if (!empty($ticket) && !$ticket->CheckForVoid() && $ticket->Paid) {
        $ticket->UpdateVoucherChatTime(0, empty($ticket->FirstUsed));
        $sessions = $ticket->ChatSessionsMax < 0 ? 0 : $ticket->ChatSessionsMax;
        if ($result = queryDB(true, "SELECT `exit` FROM `" . DB_PREFIX . DATABASE_VISITOR_CHATS . "` WHERE `chat_ticket_id`='" . DBManager::RealEscape($ticket->Id) . "' AND `exit`=0 LIMIT 1;")) {
            if ($row = DBManager::FetchArray($result)) {
        exit("lz_validate_com_chat_input_result(true,false,1,'" . $ticket->Id . "'," . $ticket->ChatTime . "," . $ticket->ChatTimeMax . "," . $ticket->ChatSessions . "," . $ticket->ChatSessionsMax . "," . $ticket->VoucherAutoExpire . "," . parseBool($ticket->VoucherAutoExpire < time()) . ");");
    } else {
        if (!empty($ticket)) {