Esempio n. 1
 protected function getCancelUrl()
     $page = JString::trim($this->params->get('paypal_cancel_url'));
     if (!$page) {
         $uri = JURI::getInstance();
         $page = $uri->toString(array("scheme", "host")) . JRoute::_(VirtualCurrencyHelperRoute::getPaymentRoute("default"), false);
     // DEBUG DATA
     JDEBUG ? $this->log->add(JText::_($this->textPrefix . "_DEBUG_CANCEL_URL"), $this->debugType, $page) : null;
     return $page;
Esempio n. 2
 protected static function findItem($needles = null)
     $app = JFactory::getApplication();
     $menus = $app->getMenu('site');
     // Prepare the reverse lookup array.
     // Collect all menu items and creat an array that contains
     // the ID from the query string of the menu item as a key,
     // and the menu item id (Itemid) as a value
     // Example:
     // array( "category" =>
     //     1(id) => 100 (Itemid),
     //     2(id) => 101 (Itemid)
     // );
     if (self::$lookup === null) {
         self::$lookup = array();
         $component = JComponentHelper::getComponent('com_virtualcurrency');
         $items = $menus->getItems('component_id', $component->id);
         if ($items) {
             foreach ($items as $item) {
                 if (isset($item->query) && isset($item->query['view'])) {
                     $view = $item->query['view'];
                     if (!isset(self::$lookup[$view])) {
                         self::$lookup[$view] = array();
                     if (isset($item->query['id'])) {
                         self::$lookup[$view][$item->query['id']] = $item->id;
                     } else {
                         // If it is a root element that have no a request parameter ID ( categories, authors ), we set 0 for an key
                         self::$lookup[$view][0] = $item->id;
     if ($needles) {
         foreach ($needles as $view => $ids) {
             if (isset(self::$lookup[$view])) {
                 foreach ($ids as $id) {
                     if (isset(self::$lookup[$view][(int) $id])) {
                         return self::$lookup[$view][(int) $id];
     } else {
         $active = $menus->getActive();
         if ($active) {
             return $active->id;
     return null;
Esempio n. 3
  * Send emails to the administrator and buyer of units.
  * @param object $currency
  * @param object $transaction
  * @param Joomla\Registry\Registry $params
 protected function sendMails($currency, $transaction, $params)
     $app = JFactory::getApplication();
     /** @var $app JApplicationSite */
     // Get website
     $uri = JUri::getInstance();
     $website = $uri->toString(array("scheme", "host"));
     $emailMode = $this->params->get("email_mode", "plain");
     $units = VirtualCurrencyCurrency::getInstance(JFactory::getDbo(), $currency->id);
     $currencyId = $params->get("payments_currency_id");
     $realCurrency = VirtualCurrencyRealCurrency::getInstance(JFactory::getDbo(), $currencyId, $params);
     // Prepare data for parsing
     $data = array("site_name" => $app->get("sitename"), "site_url" => JUri::root(), "item_title" => $currency->title, "order_url" => $website . JRoute::_(VirtualCurrencyHelperRoute::getAccountsRoute()), "units" => $units->getAmountString($transaction->units), "units_title" => $units->getTitle(), "amount" => $realCurrency->getAmountString($transaction->txn_amount), "transaction_id" => $transaction->txn_id);
     // DEBUG DATA
     JDEBUG ? $this->log->add($this->textPrefix . "_DEBUG_MAIL_DATA", $this->debugType, var_export($data, true)) : null;
     // Send mail to the administrator
     $emailId = $this->params->get("admin_mail_id", 0);
     if (!empty($emailId)) {
         $email = new VirtualCurrencyEmail();
         if (!$email->getSenderName()) {
         if (!$email->getSenderEmail()) {
         $recipientName = $email->getSenderName();
         $recipientMail = $email->getSenderEmail();
         // Prepare data for parsing
         $data["sender_name"] = $email->getSenderName();
         $data["sender_email"] = $email->getSenderEmail();
         $data["recipient_name"] = $recipientName;
         $data["recipient_email"] = $recipientMail;
         $subject = $email->getSubject();
         $body = $email->getBody($emailMode);
         $mailer = JFactory::getMailer();
         if (strcmp("html", $emailMode) == 0) {
             // Send as HTML message
             $return = $mailer->sendMail($email->getSenderEmail(), $email->getSenderName(), $recipientMail, $subject, $body, VirtualCurrencyConstants::MAIL_MODE_HTML);
         } else {
             // Send as plain text.
             $return = $mailer->sendMail($email->getSenderEmail(), $email->getSenderName(), $recipientMail, $subject, $body, VirtualCurrencyConstants::MAIL_MODE_PLAIN_TEXT);
         // Check for an error.
         if ($return !== true) {
             $this->log->add(JText::_($this->textPrefix . "_ERROR_MAIL_SENDING_ADMIN"), $this->debugType);
     // Send mail to buyer
     $emailId = $this->params->get("user_mail_id", 0);
     $userId = $transaction->receiver_id;
     if (!empty($emailId) and !empty($userId)) {
         $email = new VirtualCurrencyEmail();
         if (!$email->getSenderName()) {
         if (!$email->getSenderEmail()) {
         $user = JFactory::getUser($userId);
         $recipientName = $user->get("name");
         $recipientMail = $user->get("email");
         // Prepare data for parsing
         $data["sender_name"] = $email->getSenderName();
         $data["sender_email"] = $email->getSenderEmail();
         $data["recipient_name"] = $recipientName;
         $data["recipient_email"] = $recipientMail;
         $subject = $email->getSubject();
         $body = $email->getBody($emailMode);
         $mailer = JFactory::getMailer();
         if (strcmp("html", $emailMode) == 0) {
             // Send as HTML message
             $return = $mailer->sendMail($email->getSenderEmail(), $email->getSenderName(), $recipientMail, $subject, $body, VirtualCurrencyConstants::MAIL_MODE_HTML);
         } else {
             // Send as plain text.
             $return = $mailer->sendMail($email->getSenderEmail(), $email->getSenderName(), $recipientMail, $subject, $body, VirtualCurrencyConstants::MAIL_MODE_PLAIN_TEXT);
         // Check for an error.
         if ($return !== true) {
             // Log error
             $this->log->add(JText::_($this->textPrefix . "_ERROR_MAIL_SENDING_USER"), $this->debugType);