function __construct($db_index = NULL, $installation_data = NULL) { $this->_core =& Vevui::get(); if ($installation_data && array_key_exists('missing', $installation_data)) { $this->_core->missing_component(get_class($this), $installation_data['missing']); } $config = $this->_core->e->db; if (NULL === $db_index) { $db_config_key = $config->default_schema; $db_config_value = $config->databases->{$db_config_key}; } else { $db_config_key = $db_index; $db_config_value = $config->databases->{$db_index}; } if (array_key_exists($db_config_key, self::$_drivers)) { $this->_drv =& self::$_drivers[$db_config_key]['drv']; } else { $drv = $db_config_value->drv; if (!self::$_sqldrv_loaded) { require SYS_PATH . '/core/sqldrv.php'; self::$_sqldrv_loaded = TRUE; } $drv_class = 'Drv_' . $drv; if (!class_exists($drv_class)) { require SYS_PATH . '/core/drvs/' . $drv . '.php'; } $data = Vevui::get_installation_data(); $data = array_key_exists('drv', $data) && array_key_exists($drv, $data['drv']) ? $data['drv'][$drv] : NULL; $this->_drv = new $drv_class($db_config_value, $data); self::$_drivers[$db_config_key]['drv'] =& $this->_drv; self::$_drivers[$db_config_key]['functions'] = $this->_drv->register_functions(); } $this->_config_key = $db_config_key; }
function __construct($installation_data = NULL) { $this->_core =& Vevui::get(); if ($installation_data && array_key_exists('missing', $installation_data)) { $this->_core->missing_component(get_class($this), $installation_data['missing']); } }
function __get($model_name) { $data = Vevui::get_installation_data(); $data = isset($data['m'][$model_name]) ? $data['m'][$model_name] : NULL; require APP_MODELS_PATH . '/' . $model_name . '.php'; return $this->{$model_name} = new $model_name($data); }
function __construct() { $config_file_path = CACHE_PATH . '/config.php'; $core =& Vevui::get(); $core->disable_errors(); if (file_exists($config_file_path)) { @(include $config_file_path); } $core->enable_errors(); if (isset($config) && self::VERSION === $config->_vevui->version && ENVIRONMENT === $config->_vevui->environment) { $config_ok = TRUE; } else { $config_ok = FALSE; $config = new stdClass(); } // Skip checking for modifications. if (!$config_ok || $config->app->config_ttl && $config->_vevui->timestamp + $config->app->config_ttl < time()) { $config_mtime = $config_ok ? $config->_vevui->timestamp : FALSE; $files = @scandir(APP_CONFIG_PATH); $modified = FALSE; $yaml_files = array(); foreach ($files as $file) { if (0 !== strcasecmp(substr($file, -5), '.yaml')) { continue; } $name = strtolower(substr($file, 0, -5)); $yaml_files[$name] = TRUE; if (FALSE === $config_mtime || $config_mtime < @filemtime(APP_CONFIG_PATH . '/' . $file) || !property_exists($config, $name)) { $config->{$name} = $core->l->yaml->load(APP_CONFIG_PATH . '/' . $file, 'haanga' != $name); } } // Delete old entries that no longer exist as files. foreach ($config as $key => $value) { if ('_vevui' != $key && !array_key_exists($key, $yaml_files)) { unset($config->{$key}); } } $this->_merge_config($config, $core->l->yaml->load(APP_CONFIG_PATH . '/envs/' . ENVIRONMENT . '.yaml')); if ($config->app->cache) { $config->_vevui = new stdClass(); $config->_vevui->version = self::VERSION; $config->_vevui->timestamp = time(); $config->_vevui->environment = ENVIRONMENT; // Save config atomically. If not possible, we still work but very slow! $tempname = tempnam(CACHE_PATH, '_config.php.' . microtime(TRUE)); $content = '<?php $config = unserialize(\'' . str_replace('\'', '\\\'', serialize($config)) . "');\n" . '// Generated by Vevui ' . VEVUI_VERSION . ' on ' . date('c'); $core->disable_errors(); @file_put_contents($tempname, $content); @rename($tempname, $config_file_path); $core->enable_errors(); } } unset($config->_vevui); // Assign config to local fields. foreach ($config as $key => $value) { $this->{$key} = $value; } }
function __construct($installation_data = NULL) { $this->_core =& Vevui::get(); if ($installation_data && array_key_exists('missing', $installation_data)) { $this->_core->missing_component(get_class($this), $installation_data['missing']); } $config = $this->e->app; $this->_debug = $config->debug; $this->_profiling = $config->profiling; if (lcg_value() < $this->_profiling) { } }
function __get($library_name) { $data = Vevui::get_installation_data(); if ($this->_user_libraries) { $folder = APP_LIBRARIES_PATH; $data = isset($data['ul'][$library_name]) ? $data['ul'][$library_name] : NULL; } else { $folder = SYS_PATH . '/libraries'; $data = isset($data['l'][$library_name]) ? $data['l'][$library_name] : NULL; } require $folder . '/' . $library_name . '.php'; return $this->{$library_name} = new $library_name($data); }
function __construct($db_index = NULL) { parent::__construct(); $this->_core =& Vevui::get(); $config = $this->_core->e->db; if (NULL === $db_index) { $db_config_value = $config->databases->{$config->default_schema}; } else { $db_config_value = $config->databases->{$db_index}; } // Only MySQL at the moment. mysql:dbname=testdb;host= $dsn = $db_config_value->drv . ':dbname=' . $db_config_value->db . ';host=' . $db_config_value->host; self::$_pdo = new PDO($dsn, $db_config_value->user, $db_config_value->pass, array(PDO::MYSQL_ATTR_INIT_COMMAND => 'SET NAMES \'UTF8\'')); $this->_conn = $this->createDefaultDBConnection(self::$_pdo, $db_config_value->db); }
function __construct($db_config, $installation_data = NULL) { parent::__construct($db_config, $installation_data); try { $this->_connection = new Mongo('mongodb://' . $db_config->host); $this->_db_name = $db_config->db; $this->_db = $this->_connection->{$this->_db_name}; $this->_collections = array($this->_db_name => array()); if (property_exists($db_config, 'user')) { $this->_db->authenticate($db_config->user, $db_config->pass); } } catch (MongoException $e) { $this->_raise_error($e->getCode(), $e->getMessage(), $e->getFile(), $e->getLine()); return; } $core =& Vevui::get(); $this->_in_debug = $core->e->app->debug; }
function __construct() { parent::__construct(); $this->_core =& Vevui::get(); }
limitations under the License. *************************************************************************/ /*********************************************************** Vevui configuration options **********************************************************/ /* Path where the sys folder is located. */ $sys_path = '../sys'; /* Path where the app folder is located. */ $app_path = '../app'; /* Environment to use. */ $environment = 'dev'; /*********************************************************** DON'T EDIT BELOW THIS LINE (UNLESS YOU ARE A DEVELOPER ;) **********************************************************/ define('ROOT_PATH', __DIR__ . '/..'); define('SYS_PATH', __DIR__ . '/' . $sys_path); define('APP_PATH', __DIR__ . '/' . $app_path); define('CACHE_PATH', __DIR__ . '/../cache'); define('APP_CONTROLLERS_PATH', APP_PATH . '/c'); define('APP_CONFIG_PATH', APP_PATH . '/e'); define('APP_HELPERS_PATH', APP_PATH . '/h'); define('APP_LIBRARIES_PATH', APP_PATH . '/l'); define('APP_MODELS_PATH', APP_PATH . '/m'); define('APP_ERROR_TEMPLATES_PATH', APP_PATH . '/o'); define('APP_VIEWS_PATH', APP_PATH . '/v'); define('APP_EXTENSIONS_PATH', APP_PATH . '/x'); define('ENVIRONMENT', $environment); require SYS_PATH . '/core/coreloader.php'; $core =& Vevui::get(); $core->route(); /* End of file pub/index.php */
public function route() { $app = $this->e->app; $this->_uri = urldecode($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']); // Strip /index.php if exists. $pos = strpos($this->_uri, '/index.php'); if (0 === $pos) { $this->_uri = substr($this->_uri, strlen('/index.php')); } // Check if query string is activated if ($app->query_string) { if (FALSE !== ($query_pos = strpos($this->_uri, '?'))) { $query_string = substr($this->_uri, $query_pos + 1); $this->_uri = substr($this->_uri, 0, $query_pos); // Check if query string character set is valid if (!preg_match('/^[=&' . $app->url_chars . ']+$/i', $query_string)) { $this->not_found(); } } } // Apply URI Routing rules if (property_exists($app, 'routes')) { foreach ($app->routes as $pattern => $redir) { $count = 0; $this->_uri = preg_replace('/' . str_replace('/', '\\/', $pattern) . '/', $redir, $this->_uri, 1, $count); if ($count) { break; } } } // Check if URI character set is valid if (!preg_match('/^[\\/' . $app->url_chars . ']+$/i', $this->_uri)) { $this->not_found(); } $uri_segs = explode('/', $this->_uri); $uri_segs_count = count($uri_segs); $this->_request_class = $app->default_controller; $this->_request_method = 'index'; $request_params = array(); if ('' !== $uri_segs[1]) { $this->_request_class = strtolower($uri_segs[1]); } if (2 < $uri_segs_count) { if ('' !== $uri_segs[2]) { $this->_request_method = $uri_segs[2]; } $request_params = array_slice($uri_segs, 3); } // Call controller/method $filepath = APP_CONTROLLERS_PATH . '/' . $this->_request_class . '.php'; require SYS_PATH . '/core/baselog.php'; require SYS_PATH . '/core/log.php'; require SYS_PATH . '/core/ctrl.php'; if (!file_exists($filepath)) { $this->not_found(); } require $filepath; $data = Vevui::get_installation_data(); $data = array_key_exists('c', $data) && array_key_exists($this->_request_class, $data['c']) ? $data['c'][$this->_request_class] : NULL; $this->_request_ctrl = new $this->_request_class($data); if (!is_subclass_of($this->_request_ctrl, 'Ctrl') || !strncmp($this->_request_method, '_', 1)) { $this->not_found(); } ob_start(); call_user_func_array(array($this->_request_ctrl, $this->_request_method), $request_params); ob_flush(); }