Esempio n. 1
 public function requestLabel($track)
     $hlp = Mage::helper('udropship');
     $v = $this->getVendor();
     $shipment = $track->getShipment();
     $order = $shipment->getOrder();
     if (!$order->getShippingMethod()) {
         return $this;
     $address = $order->getShippingAddress();
     $customer = $hlp->getOrderCustomer($order);
     $reference = $track->getReference() ? $track->getReference() : $order->getIncrementId();
     $endiciaData = array();
     foreach (array('endicia_stealth', 'endicia_label_type', 'endicia_mail_class', 'endicia_mailpiece_shape', 'endicia_delivery_confirmation', 'endicia_signature_confirmation', 'endicia_return_receipt', 'endicia_electronic_return_receipt', 'endicia_insured_mail', 'endicia_restricted_delivery', 'endicia_cod') as $endiciaKey) {
         $endiciaData[$endiciaKey] = $track->hasData($endiciaKey) ? $track->getData($endiciaKey) : $v->getData($endiciaKey);
     $endiciaData = new Varien_Object($endiciaData);
     if ($shippingMethod = $shipment->getUdropshipMethod()) {
         $arr = explode('_', $shippingMethod);
         $methodCode = $arr[1];
     } else {
         $ship = explode('_', $order->getShippingMethod(), 2);
         $methodCode = $v->getShippingMethodCode($ship[1]);
     if ($track->getUseMethodCode()) {
         $methodCode = $track->getUseMethodCode();
     $mappedMC = $this->mapMethodToMailclass($methodCode);
     //$usps = Mage::getSingleton('shipping/config')->getCarrierInstance('usps');
     $mailClass = $track->getEndiciaMailClass() ? $track->getEndiciaMailClass() : ($mappedMC ? $mappedMC : $endiciaData->getEndiciaMailClass());
     $skus = array();
     foreach ($shipment->getAllItems() as $item) {
         $skus[] = $item->getSku();
     $weight = $track->getWeight();
     if (!$weight) {
         $weight = 0;
         foreach ($shipment->getAllItems() as $item) {
             $weight += $item->getWeight() * $item->getQty();
     $weight = max($weight, 1 / 16);
     $value = $track->getValue();
     if (!$value) {
         $value = 0;
         foreach ($shipment->getAllItems() as $item) {
             $value += ($item->getBasePrice() ? $item->getBasePrice() : $item->getPrice()) * $item->getQty();
     $length = $track->getLength() ? $track->getLength() : $v->getDefaultPkgLength();
     $width = $track->getWidth() ? $track->getWidth() : $v->getDefaultPkgWidth();
     $height = $track->getHeight() ? $track->getHeight() : $v->getDefaultPkgHeight();
     $labelRotate = $v->getPdfLabelRotate() ? 'Rotate' . $v->getPdfLabelRotate() : 'None';
     $labelType = $endiciaData->getEndiciaLabelType();
     if ($v->getCountryId() != $address->getCountryId()) {
         $labelType = 'International';
         $labelRotate = 'Rotate270';
     if (preg_match('#^([0-9]{5})-([0-9]{4})$#', $address->getPostcode(), $m)) {
         $toPostalCode = $m[1];
         $toZip4 = $m[2];
     } else {
         $toPostalCode = $address->getPostcode();
         $toZip4 = '';
     if (preg_match('#^([0-9]{5})-([0-9]{4})$#', $v->getZip(), $m)) {
         $fromPostalCode = $m[1];
         $fromZip4 = $m[2];
     } else {
         $fromPostalCode = $v->getZip();
         $fromZip4 = '';
     $data = array('RequesterID' => $v->getEndiciaRequesterId(), 'AccountID' => $v->getEndiciaAccountId(), 'PassPhrase' => $v->getEndiciaPassPhrase(), 'MailClass' => $mailClass, 'DateAdvance' => 0, 'WeightOz' => ceil($weight * 16), 'CostCenter' => 0, 'Value' => $value, 'InsuredValue' => $value, 'MailpieceShape' => $endiciaData->getEndiciaMailpieceShape(), 'MailpieceDimensions' => array('Length' => $length, 'Width' => $width, 'Height' => $height), 'Services' => array('DeliveryConfirmation' => $endiciaData->getEndiciaDeliveryConfirmation() && $labelType != 'International' ? 'ON' : 'OFF', 'SignatureConfirmation' => $endiciaData->getEndiciaSignatureConfirmation() ? 'ON' : 'OFF', 'ReturnReceipt' => $endiciaData->getEndiciaReturnReceipt() ? 'ON' : 'OFF', 'ElectronicReturnReceipt' => $endiciaData->getEndiciaElectronicReturnReceipt() ? 'ON' : 'OFF', 'COD' => $endiciaData->getEndiciaCod() ? 'ON' : 'OFF', 'RestrictedDelivery' => $endiciaData->getEndiciaRestrictedDelivery() ? 'ON' : 'OFF', 'InsuredMail' => $endiciaData->getEndiciaInsuredMail()), 'Description' => $reference, 'PartnerCustomerID' => $customer->getIncrementId() ? $customer->getIncrementId() : 'Guest', 'PartnerTransactionID' => $order->getIncrementId(), 'ToName' => $address->getName(), 'ToCompany' => $address->getCompany(), 'ToAddress1' => $address->getStreet(1), 'ToAddress2' => $address->getStreet(2), 'ToAddress3' => $address->getStreet(3), 'ToAddress4' => $address->getStreet(4), 'ToCity' => $address->getCity(), 'ToState' => $address->getRegionCode(), 'ToPostalCode' => $toPostalCode, 'ToZIP4' => $toZip4, 'ToCountry' => $hlp->getCountryName($address->getCountryId()), 'ToPhone' => $address->getTelephone() ? preg_replace('#[^0-9]#', '', $address->getTelephone()) : '8005551212', 'FromName' => $v->getVendorName(), 'ReturnAddress1' => $v->getStreet(1), 'ReturnAddress2' => $v->getStreet(2), 'ReturnAddress3' => $v->getStreet(3), 'ReturnAddress4' => $v->getStreet(4), 'FromCity' => $v->getCity(), 'FromState' => $v->getRegionCode(), 'FromPostalCode' => $fromPostalCode, 'FromZIP4' => $fromZip4, 'OriginCountry' => $hlp->getCountryName($v->getCountryId()), 'FromPhone' => preg_replace('#[^0-9]#', '', $v->getTelephone()), 'Test' => $v->getEndiciaTestMode() ? 'YES' : 'NO', 'LabelType' => $labelType, 'ImageRotation' => $labelRotate, 'ResponseOptions' => array('PostagePrice' => 'TRUE'), 'RubberStamp1' => 'Order # ' . $order->getIncrementId(), 'RubberStamp2' => $order->getIncrementId() != $reference ? 'Ref. ' . $reference : '', 'CustomsFormType' => $v->getEndiciaCustomsFormType(), 'CustomsQuantity1' => 0, 'CustomsValue1' => 0, 'CustomsWeight1' => 0, 'CustomsQuantity2' => 0, 'CustomsValue2' => 0, 'CustomsWeight2' => 0, 'CustomsQuantity3' => 0, 'CustomsValue3' => 0, 'CustomsWeight3' => 0, 'CustomsQuantity4' => 0, 'CustomsValue4' => 0, 'CustomsWeight4' => 0, 'CustomsQuantity5' => 0, 'CustomsValue5' => 0, 'CustomsWeight5' => 0);
     switch ($v->getLabelType()) {
         case 'PDF':
             $data['ImageFormat'] = 'PNG';
             $data['LabelSize'] = '4x6';
         case 'EPL':
             $data['ImageFormat'] = 'EPL2';
             $data['LabelSize'] = '4x6';
             $data['LabelRotate'] = 'Rotate180';
             EPL2 and ZPLII are supported for:
             - Default label type for domestic mail classes.
             - International label type when used with
                 - Priority Mail International Flat Rate Envelope
                 - Small Flat Rate Box
                 - First Class Mail International
             Mage::throwException('Invalid vendor label type');
     $client = $this->getSoapClient($v);
     $result = $client->GetPostageLabel(array('LabelRequest' => $data));
     Mage::helper('udropship')->dump('REQUEST', 'endicia_label');
     Mage::helper('udropship')->dump($client->__getLastRequestHeaders(), 'endicia_label');
     Mage::helper('udropship')->dump($client->__getLastRequest(), 'endicia_label');
     Mage::helper('udropship')->dump('RESPONSE', 'endicia_label');
     Mage::helper('udropship')->dump($client->__getLastResponseHeaders(), 'endicia_label');
     Mage::helper('udropship')->dump($client->__getLastResponse(), 'endicia_label');
     if (!$result || empty($result->LabelRequestResponse)) {
         Mage::throwException('Invalid API response');
     $xml = $result->LabelRequestResponse;
     if ((int) $xml->Status != 0) {
     if (empty($xml->Base64LabelImage) && empty($xml->Label->Image)) {
         Mage::throwException('Unable to retrieve the label.');
     $labelImages = array();
     $fees = $xml->PostagePrice->Fees;
     $extra = array('batch' => $this->getBatch()->getId(), 'ref' => $reference, 'date' => strtoupper(date('M d Y')), 'actwt' => $weight, 'trkid' => $xml->TrackingNumber, 'cur' => 'USD', 'wunit' => 'LBS', 'pkg' => 1, 'method' => $xml->PostagePrice->Postage->MailService, 'orderid' => $order->getIncrementId(), 'value' => $value, 'hndlfee' => $v->getHandlingFee(), 'items' => join("\n", array_slice(explode("\n", wordwrap(join(', ', $skus), 48, "\n", true)), 0, 6)), 'svc' => $xml->PostagePrice->Postage->TotalAmount, 'svcpub' => $xml->FinalPostage, 'svcopt' => $fees->TotalAmount, 'svccom' => $fees->CertificateOfMailing, 'svccm' => $fees->CertifiedMail, 'svccod' => $fees->CollectOnDelivery, 'svcdc' => $fees->DeliveryConfirmation, 'svcerr' => $fees->ElectronicReturnReceipt, 'svcim' => $fees->InsuredMail, 'svcrm' => $fees->RegisteredMail, 'svcrd' => $fees->RestrictedDelivery, 'svcrr' => $fees->ReturnReceipt, 'svcrrm' => $fees->ReturnReceiptForMerchandise, 'svcsc' => $fees->SignatureConfirmation, 'svcsh' => $fees->SpecialHandling);
     $extra['svctot'] = $extra['svcpub'] + $extra['hndlfee'];
     if (!empty($xml->Base64LabelImage)) {
         $labelImages[] = $this->processImage($v->getLabelType(), $xml->Base64LabelImage, $extra);
     } elseif (!empty($xml->Label->Image->_)) {
         $labelImages[] = $this->processImage($v->getLabelType(), $xml->Label->Image->_, $extra);
     } else {
         foreach ($xml->Label->Image as $image) {
             if (!empty($image->_)) {
                 $labelImages[] = $this->processImage($v->getLabelType(), $image->_, $extra);
             } else {
                 $labelImages[] = $this->processImage($v->getLabelType(), $image, $extra);
     $labelModel = Mage::helper('udropship')->getLabelTypeInstance($v->getLabelType());
     $labelModel->setVendor($v)->updateTrack($track, $labelImages);
     if ($v->getLabelType() == 'PDF' && $labelType == 'International') {
         // for customs forms - renders on the whole page
         $track->setLabelRenderOptions(serialize(array('r' => 90, 'l' => 0.5, 't' => 0.5, 'w' => 10, 'h' => 6.875)));
     $balanceThreshold = $v->getEndiciaBalanceThreshold();
     $recreditAmount = $v->getEndiciaRecreditAmount();
     if ($balanceThreshold && $recreditAmount && $xml->PostageBalance <= $balanceThreshold) {
         try {
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             Mage::log('Unable to recredit Endicia account: ' . $e->getMessage());
     return $this;