Esempio n. 1
function vt530_registerVTEntityDeltaApi()
    $db = PearDatabase::getInstance();
    $em = new VTEventsManager($db);
    $em->registerHandler('vtiger.entity.beforesave', 'data/VTEntityDelta.php', 'VTEntityDelta');
    $em->registerHandler('vtiger.entity.aftersave', 'data/VTEntityDelta.php', 'VTEntityDelta');
function registerEvent($event)
    global $adb;
    $em = new VTEventsManager($adb);
    $em->registerHandler($event, 'build/HelperScripts/coreBOSEventsExample.php', 'coreBOSEventsExample');
    echo "<h4>Event {$event} registered.</h4>";
 function applyChange()
     if ($this->hasError()) {
     if ($this->isApplied()) {
         $this->sendMsg('Changeset ' . get_class($this) . ' already applied!');
     } else {
         global $adb;
         if (vtlib_isModuleActive("Timecontrol") && !vtlib_isModuleActive("Task")) {
             $result = $adb->pquery("SELECT eventhandler_id FROM vtiger_eventhandlers WHERE handler_path = 'modules/Timecontrol/convertTZListView.php'", array());
             if ($adb->num_rows($result) == 0) {
                 $result = $adb->pquery("SELECT eventhandler_id FROM vtiger_eventhandlers WHERE handler_path = 'modules/Task/convertTZListView.php'", array());
                 if ($adb->num_rows($result) == 1) {
                     $handler_id = $adb->query_result($result, 0, 'eventhandler_id');
                     $this->ExecuteQuery("UPDATE vtiger_eventhandlers SET handler_path = 'modules/Timecontrol/convertTZListView.php', handler_class = 'convertTZListViewOnTimecontrol' WHERE eventhandler_id = ?", array($handler_id));
                 } else {
                     $em = new VTEventsManager($adb);
                     $em->registerHandler('corebos.filter.listview.render', 'modules/Timecontrol/convertTZListView.php', 'convertTZListViewOnTimecontrol');
         } elseif (vtlib_isModuleActive("Timecontrol") && vtlib_isModuleActive("Task")) {
             $result = $adb->pquery("SELECT eventhandler_id FROM vtiger_eventhandlers WHERE handler_path = 'modules/Timecontrol/convertTZListView.php'", array());
             if ($adb->num_rows($result) == 0) {
                 $em = new VTEventsManager($adb);
                 $em->registerHandler('corebos.filter.listview.render', 'modules/Timecontrol/convertTZListView.php', 'convertTZListViewOnTimecontrol');
         $this->sendMsg('Changeset ' . get_class($this) . ' applied!');
 public function process(Vtiger_Request $request)
     $adb = \PearDatabase::getInstance();
     switch ($request->get('option')) {
         case 'recreateUserPrivilegs':
             $sql = 'SELECT id FROM vtiger_users WHERE status = "Active"';
             $result = $adb->query($sql);
             require_once 'modules/Users/CreateUserPrivilegeFile.php';
             while ($row = $adb->fetchByAssoc($result)) {
                 ini_set('display_errors', 1);
                 global $root_directory;
                 require_once $root_directory . 'user_privileges/user_privileges_' . $row['id'] . '.php';
                 require_once $root_directory . 'user_privileges/sharing_privileges_' . $row['id'] . '.php';
         case 'enableModComments':
             $commentsModuleModel = Vtiger_Module_Model::getInstance('ModComments');
             if ($commentsModuleModel && $commentsModuleModel->isActive()) {
                 $relatedToFieldResult = $adb->pquery('SELECT fieldid FROM vtiger_field WHERE fieldname = ? AND tabid = ?', array('related_to', $commentsModuleModel->getId()));
                 $fieldId = $adb->query_result($relatedToFieldResult, 0, 'fieldid');
                 $sql = 'SELECT * FROM vtiger_tab WHERE (isentitytype = 1  AND presence = 0) OR name = "Events"';
                 $result = $adb->query($sql);
                 while ($row = $adb->fetchByAssoc($result)) {
                     $sql = 'SELECT fieldid FROM vtiger_fieldmodulerel WHERE fieldid = ? AND module = "ModComments" AND relmodule = ?';
                     $check = $adb->pquery($sql, array($fieldId, $row['name']));
                     if ($adb->num_rows($check) == 0) {
                         $sql = 'INSERT INTO vtiger_fieldmodulerel SET fieldid = ?, module = "ModComments", relmodule = ?';
                         $adb->pquery($sql, array($fieldId, $row['name']));
         case 'initFilterSortOrder':
             \SwVtTools\DbCheck::checkColumn('vtiger_customview', 'order_col', 'VARCHAR(255)');
             \SwVtTools\DbCheck::checkColumn('vtiger_customview', 'order_dir', 'VARCHAR(4)');
             \SwVtTools\DbCheck::checkColumn('vtiger_customview', 'order_numeric_check', 'TINYINT');
             \SwVtTools\DbCheck::checkColumn('vtiger_customview', 'order_numeric', 'VARCHAR(10)');
             $adb = PearDatabase::getInstance();
             $em = new VTEventsManager($adb);
             // Registering event for Recurring Invoices
             $em->registerHandler('vtiger.filter.process.customview.editajax.view.before', 'modules/SwVtTools/EventHandler.php', 'SwVtToolsEventHandler', "");
             $em->registerHandler('vtiger.process.customview.editajax.view.finish', 'modules/SwVtTools/EventHandler.php', 'SwVtToolsEventHandler', "");
             $em->registerHandler('', 'modules/SwVtTools/EventHandler.php', 'SwVtToolsEventHandler', "");
             $em->registerHandler('vtiger.filter.listview.orderby', 'modules/SwVtTools/EventHandler.php', 'SwVtToolsEventHandler', "");
 function applyChange()
     global $adb;
     if ($this->hasError()) {
     if ($this->isApplied()) {
         $this->sendMsg('Changeset ' . get_class($this) . ' already applied!');
     } else {
         $em = new VTEventsManager($adb);
         $em->registerHandler('vtiger.entity.aftersave', 'modules/PBXManager/PBXManagerHandler.php', 'PBXManagerAfterSaveCreateActivity');
         $this->sendMsg('Changeset ' . get_class($this) . ' applied!');
     * Invoked when special actions are performed on the module.
     * @param String Module name
     * @param String Event Type
    function vtlib_handler($moduleName, $eventType)
        require_once 'include/utils/utils.php';
        global $adb;
        if ($eventType == 'module.postinstall') {
            $fieldid = $adb->getUniqueID('vtiger_settings_field');
            $blockid = getSettingsBlockId('LBL_MODULE_MANAGER');
            $seq_res = $adb->query("SELECT max(sequence) AS max_seq FROM vtiger_settings_field");
            $seq = 1;
            if ($adb->num_rows($seq_res) > 0) {
                $cur_seq = $adb->query_result($seq_res, 0, 'max_seq');
                if ($cur_seq != null) {
                    $seq = $cur_seq + 1;
            $adb->pquery('INSERT INTO vtiger_settings_field(fieldid, blockid, name, iconpath, description, linkto, sequence) 
				VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?)', array($fieldid, $blockid, 'LBL_FIELDFORMULAS', 'modules/FieldFormulas/resources/FieldFormulas.png', 'LBL_FIELDFORMULAS_DESCRIPTION', 'index.php?module=FieldFormulas&action=index&parenttab=Settings', $seq));
            $tabid = getTabid('FieldFormulas');
            if (isset($tabid) && $tabid != '') {
                $adb->pquery('DELETE FROM vtiger_profile2tab WHERE tabid = ?', array($tabid));
            // Mark the module as Standard module
            $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_tab SET customized=0 WHERE name=?', array($moduleName));
        } else {
            if ($eventType == 'module.disabled') {
                $em = new VTEventsManager($adb);
            } else {
                if ($eventType == 'module.enabled') {
                    $em = new VTEventsManager($adb);
                } else {
                    if ($eventType == 'module.preuninstall') {
                        // TODO Handle actions when this module is about to be deleted.
                    } else {
                        if ($eventType == 'module.preupdate') {
                            // TODO Handle actions before this module is updated.
                        } else {
                            if ($eventType == 'module.postupdate') {
                                // TODO Handle actions after this module is updated.
Esempio n. 7
     * Invoked when special actions are performed on the module.
     * @param String Module name
     * @param String Event Type
    function vtlib_handler($moduleName, $eventType)
        global $adb, $currentModule;
        $modtrackerModule = Vtiger_Module::getInstance($currentModule);
        $otherModuleNames = $this->getModTrackerEnabledModules();
        if ($eventType == 'module.postinstall') {
            $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_tab SET customized=0 WHERE name=?', array($moduleName));
            $fieldid = $adb->getUniqueID('vtiger_settings_field');
            $blockid = getSettingsBlockId('LBL_OTHER_SETTINGS');
            $seq_res = $adb->pquery("SELECT max(sequence) AS max_seq FROM vtiger_settings_field WHERE blockid = ?", array($blockid));
            if ($adb->num_rows($seq_res) > 0) {
                $cur_seq = $adb->query_result($seq_res, 0, 'max_seq');
                if ($cur_seq != null) {
                    $seq = $cur_seq + 1;
            $adb->pquery('INSERT INTO vtiger_settings_field(fieldid, blockid, name, iconpath, description, linkto, sequence)
				VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?)', array($fieldid, $blockid, 'ModTracker', 'set-IcoLoginHistory.gif', 'LBL_MODTRACKER_DESCRIPTION', 'index.php?module=ModTracker&action=BasicSettings&parenttab=Settings&formodule=ModTracker', $seq));
        } else {
            if ($eventType == 'module.disabled') {
                $em = new VTEventsManager($adb);
                // De-register Common Javascript
                $modtrackerModule->deleteLink('HEADERSCRIPT', 'ModTrackerCommon_JS');
            } else {
                if ($eventType == 'module.enabled') {
                    $em = new VTEventsManager($adb);
                    // Register Common Javascript
                    $modtrackerModule->addLink('HEADERSCRIPT', 'ModTrackerCommon_JS', 'modules/ModTracker/ModTrackerCommon.js');
                } else {
                    if ($eventType == 'module.preuninstall') {
                        // TODO Handle actions when this module is about to be deleted.
                    } else {
                        if ($eventType == 'module.preupdate') {
                            // TODO Handle actions before this module is updated.
                        } else {
                            if ($eventType == 'module.postupdate') {
                                // TODO Handle actions after this module is updated.
Esempio n. 8
 function process(Vtiger_Request $request)
     $db = PearDatabase::getInstance();
     $em = new VTEventsManager($db);
     $em->triggerEvent('user.logout.before', []);
     // to overcome session id reuse.
     //Track the logout History
     $moduleName = $request->getModule();
     $moduleModel = Users_Module_Model::getInstance($moduleName);
     header('Location: index.php');
Esempio n. 9
 public function addHandler($addHandler = [])
     $log = vglobal('log');
     $adb = PearDatabase::getInstance();
     $log->debug('Entering ' . __CLASS__ . '::' . __METHOD__ . ' method ...');
     if ($addHandler) {
         $em = new VTEventsManager($adb);
         foreach ($addHandler as $handler) {
             $result = $adb->pquery('SELECT * FROM `vtiger_eventhandlers` WHERE event_name = ? AND handler_class = ?;', [$handler[0], $handler[2]]);
             if ($result->rowCount() == 0) {
                 $em->registerHandler($handler[0], $handler[1], $handler[2], $handler[3], $handler[5]);
     $log->debug('Exiting ' . __CLASS__ . '::' . __METHOD__ . ' method ...');
Esempio n. 10

require_once 'include/utils/utils.php';
require 'include/events/';
$em = new VTEventsManager($adb);
$em->registerHandler("vtiger.entity.beforesave", "modules/Contacts/ContactosHandler.php", "ContactosHandler", "ModuleName in ['Contacts']");
echo 'Custom Handler Registered !';
Esempio n. 11
 * Function to related two records of different entity types
function relateEntities($focus, $sourceModule, $sourceRecordId, $destinationModule, $destinationRecordIds)
    $adb = PearDatabase::getInstance();
    $log = vglobal('log');
    $log->debug("Entering relateEntities method ({$sourceModule}, {$sourceRecordId}, {$destinationModule}, {$destinationRecordIds})");
    require_once 'include/events/';
    $em = new VTEventsManager($adb);
    if (!is_array($destinationRecordIds)) {
        $destinationRecordIds = [$destinationRecordIds];
    $data = [];
    $data['CRMEntity'] = $focus;
    $data['entityData'] = VTEntityData::fromEntityId($adb, $sourceRecordId);
    $data['sourceModule'] = $sourceModule;
    $data['sourceRecordId'] = $sourceRecordId;
    $data['destinationModule'] = $destinationModule;
    foreach ($destinationRecordIds as $destinationRecordId) {
        $data['destinationRecordId'] = $destinationRecordId;
        $em->triggerEvent('', $data);
        $focus->save_related_module($sourceModule, $sourceRecordId, $destinationModule, $destinationRecordId);
        $focus->trackLinkedInfo($sourceModule, $sourceRecordId, $destinationModule, $destinationRecordId);
         $wfs = new VTWorkflowManager($adb);
         $workflows = $wfs->getWorkflowsForModule($sourceModule, VTWorkflowManager::$ON_RELATED);
         $entityCache = new VTEntityCache(Users_Record_Model::getCurrentUserModel());
         $entityData = VTEntityData::fromCRMEntity($focus);
         $entityData->eventType = VTWorkflowManager::$ON_RELATED;
         $entityData->relatedInfo = [
         'destId' => $destinationRecordId,
         'destModule' => $destinationModule,
         foreach ($workflows as $id => $workflow) {
         if ($workflow->evaluate($entityCache, $entityData->getId())) {
        $em->triggerEvent('', $data);
    $log->debug("Exiting relateEntities method ...");
//Avoid premature deletion of activity related records
$relatedToQuery = "SELECT fieldid FROM vtiger_field WHERE tabid=? AND fieldname=?";
$calendarInstance = Vtiger_Module::getInstance('Calendar');
$tabId = $calendarInstance->id;
$result = $adb->pquery($relatedToQuery, array($tabId, 'parent_id'));
$fieldId = $adb->query_result($result, 0, 'fieldid');
$insertQuery = "DELETE FROM vtiger_fieldmodulerel where fieldid=?";
$adb->pquery($insertQuery, array($fieldId));
//For contacts the fieldname is contact_id
$contactsRelatedToQuery = "SELECT fieldid FROM vtiger_field WHERE tabid=? AND fieldname=?";
$contactsResult = $adb->pquery($contactsRelatedToQuery, array($tabId, 'contact_id'));
$contactsFieldId = $adb->query_result($contactsResult, 0, 'fieldid');
$insertQuery = "DELETE FROM vtiger_fieldmodulerel where fieldid=?";
$adb->pquery($insertQuery, array($contactsFieldId));
$module = Vtiger_Module::getInstance('PBXManager');
$ev = new VTEventsManager($adb);
if ($module) {
    ExecuteQuery("DELETE FROM vtiger_def_org_share WHERE tabid=?", array($module->id));
ExecuteQuery("delete from vtiger_asterisk");
ExecuteQuery("DROP TABLE vtiger_pbxmanager");
ExecuteQuery("DROP TABLE vtiger_pbxmanager_phonelookup");
ExecuteQuery("DELETE FROM vtiger_links WHERE linktype=? AND linklabel=? AND linkurl=?", array('HEADERSCRIPT', 'Incoming Calls', 'modules/PBXManager/resources/PBXManagerJS.js'));
ExecuteQuery("DELETE FROM vtiger_relatedlists WHERE name=? and label=?", array('get_dependents_list', "PBXManager"));
ExecuteQuery('DELETE FROM vtiger_settings_blocks WHERE label=?', array('LBL_INTEGRATION'));
Esempio n. 13
 public function createRecords()
     $adb = PearDatabase::getInstance();
     $moduleName = $this->module;
     $focus = CRMEntity::getInstance($moduleName);
     $moduleHandler = vtws_getModuleHandlerFromName($moduleName, $this->user);
     $moduleMeta = $moduleHandler->getMeta();
     $moduleObjectId = $moduleMeta->getEntityId();
     $moduleFields = $moduleMeta->getModuleFields();
     $entityData = array();
     $tableName = Import_Utils_Helper::getDbTableName($this->user);
     $sql = 'SELECT * FROM ' . $tableName . ' WHERE status = ' . Import_Data_Action::$IMPORT_RECORD_NONE;
     if ($this->batchImport) {
         $configReader = new Import_Config_Model();
         $importBatchLimit = $configReader->get('importBatchLimit');
         $sql .= ' LIMIT ' . $importBatchLimit;
     $result = $adb->query($sql);
     $numberOfRecords = $adb->num_rows($result);
     if ($numberOfRecords <= 0) {
     $fieldMapping = $this->fieldMapping;
     $fieldColumnMapping = $moduleMeta->getFieldColumnMapping();
     for ($i = 0; $i < $numberOfRecords; ++$i) {
         $row = $adb->raw_query_result_rowdata($result, $i);
         $rowId = $row['id'];
         $entityInfo = null;
         $fieldData = array();
         foreach ($fieldMapping as $fieldName => $index) {
             $fieldData[$fieldName] = $row[$fieldName];
         $mergeType = $this->mergeType;
         $createRecord = false;
         if (method_exists($focus, 'importRecord')) {
             $entityInfo = $focus->importRecord($this, $fieldData);
         } else {
             if (!empty($mergeType) && $mergeType != Import_Utils_Helper::$AUTO_MERGE_NONE) {
                 $queryGenerator = new QueryGenerator($moduleName, $this->user);
                 $customView = new CustomView($moduleName);
                 $viewId = $customView->getViewIdByName('All', $moduleName);
                 if (!empty($viewId)) {
                 } else {
                 $fieldsList = array('id');
                 $mergeFields = $this->mergeFields;
                 if ($queryGenerator->getWhereFields() && $mergeFields) {
                 foreach ($mergeFields as $index => $mergeField) {
                     if ($index != 0) {
                     $comparisonValue = $fieldData[$mergeField];
                     $fieldInstance = $moduleFields[$mergeField];
                     if ($fieldInstance->getFieldDataType() == 'owner') {
                         $userId = getUserId_Ol($comparisonValue);
                         $comparisonValue = getUserFullName($userId);
                     if ($fieldInstance->getFieldDataType() == 'reference') {
                         if (strpos($comparisonValue, '::::') > 0) {
                             $referenceFileValueComponents = explode('::::', $comparisonValue);
                         } else {
                             $referenceFileValueComponents = explode(':::', $comparisonValue);
                         if (count($referenceFileValueComponents) > 1) {
                             $comparisonValue = trim($referenceFileValueComponents[1]);
                     $queryGenerator->addCondition($mergeField, $comparisonValue, 'e', '', '', '', true);
                 $query = $queryGenerator->getQuery();
                 $duplicatesResult = $adb->query($query);
                 $noOfDuplicates = $adb->num_rows($duplicatesResult);
                 if ($noOfDuplicates > 0) {
                     if ($mergeType == Import_Utils_Helper::$AUTO_MERGE_IGNORE) {
                         $entityInfo['status'] = self::$IMPORT_RECORD_SKIPPED;
                     } elseif ($mergeType == Import_Utils_Helper::$AUTO_MERGE_OVERWRITE || $mergeType == Import_Utils_Helper::$AUTO_MERGE_MERGEFIELDS) {
                         for ($index = 0; $index < $noOfDuplicates - 1; ++$index) {
                             $duplicateRecordId = $adb->query_result($duplicatesResult, $index, $fieldColumnMapping['id']);
                             $entityId = vtws_getId($moduleObjectId, $duplicateRecordId);
                             vtws_delete($entityId, $this->user);
                         $baseRecordId = $adb->query_result($duplicatesResult, $noOfDuplicates - 1, $fieldColumnMapping['id']);
                         $baseEntityId = vtws_getId($moduleObjectId, $baseRecordId);
                         if ($mergeType == Import_Utils_Helper::$AUTO_MERGE_OVERWRITE) {
                             $fieldData = $this->transformForImport($fieldData, $moduleMeta);
                             $fieldData['id'] = $baseEntityId;
                             $entityInfo = vtws_update($fieldData, $this->user);
                             $entityInfo['status'] = self::$IMPORT_RECORD_UPDATED;
                         if ($mergeType == Import_Utils_Helper::$AUTO_MERGE_MERGEFIELDS) {
                             $filteredFieldData = array();
                             foreach ($fieldData as $fieldName => $fieldValue) {
                                 // empty will give false for value = 0
                                 if (!empty($fieldValue) || $fieldValue != "") {
                                     $filteredFieldData[$fieldName] = $fieldValue;
                             // Custom handling for default values & mandatory fields
                             // need to be taken care than normal import as we merge
                             // existing record values with newer values.
                             $fillDefault = false;
                             $mandatoryValueChecks = false;
                             $existingFieldValues = vtws_retrieve($baseEntityId, $this->user);
                             $defaultFieldValues = $this->getDefaultFieldValues($moduleMeta);
                             foreach ($existingFieldValues as $fieldName => $fieldValue) {
                                 if (empty($fieldValue) && empty($filteredFieldData[$fieldName]) && !empty($defaultFieldValues[$fieldName])) {
                                     $filteredFieldData[$fieldName] = $defaultFieldValues[$fieldName];
                             $filteredFieldData = $this->transformForImport($filteredFieldData, $moduleMeta, $fillDefault, $mandatoryValueChecks);
                             $filteredFieldData['id'] = $baseEntityId;
                             $entityInfo = vtws_revise($filteredFieldData, $this->user);
                             $entityInfo['status'] = self::$IMPORT_RECORD_MERGED;
                             $fieldData = $filteredFieldData;
                     } else {
                         $createRecord = true;
                 } else {
                     $createRecord = true;
             } else {
                 $createRecord = true;
             if ($createRecord) {
                 $fieldData = $this->transformForImport($fieldData, $moduleMeta);
                 if ($fieldData == null) {
                     $entityInfo = null;
                 } else {
                     try {
                         $entityInfo = vtws_create($moduleName, $fieldData, $this->user);
                     } catch (Exception $e) {
         if ($entityInfo == null) {
             $entityInfo = array('id' => null, 'status' => self::$IMPORT_RECORD_FAILED);
         } else {
             if ($createRecord) {
                 $entityInfo['status'] = self::$IMPORT_RECORD_CREATED;
         if ($createRecord || $mergeType == Import_Utils_Helper::$AUTO_MERGE_MERGEFIELDS || $mergeType == Import_Utils_Helper::$AUTO_MERGE_OVERWRITE) {
             $entityIdComponents = vtws_getIdComponents($entityInfo['id']);
             $recordId = $entityIdComponents[1];
             $entityfields = getEntityFieldNames($this->module);
             switch ($this->module) {
                 case 'HelpDesk':
                     $entityfields['fieldname'] = array('ticket_title');
                 case 'Documents':
                     $entityfields['fieldname'] = array('notes_title');
                 case 'Documents':
                     $entityfields['fieldname'] = array('notes_title');
             $label = '';
             if (is_array($entityfields['fieldname'])) {
                 foreach ($entityfields['fieldname'] as $field) {
                     $label .= $fieldData[$field] . " ";
             } else {
                 $label = $fieldData[$entityfields['fieldname']];
             $label = trim($label);
             $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_crmentity SET label=? WHERE crmid=?', array($label, $recordId));
         $this->importedRecordInfo[$rowId] = $entityInfo;
         $this->updateImportStatus($rowId, $entityInfo);
     if ($this->entityData) {
         $entity = new VTEventsManager($adb);
         $entity->triggerEvent('', $this->entityData);
     $this->entityData = null;
     $result = null;
     return true;
 /** Function to restore a deleted record of specified module with given crmid
  * @param $module -- module name:: Type varchar
  * @param $entity_ids -- list of crmids :: Array
 function restore($module, $id)
     global $current_user, $adb;
     $this->db->println("TRANS restore starts {$module}");
     $date_var = date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
     $query = 'UPDATE vtiger_crmentity SET deleted=0,modifiedtime=?,modifiedby=? WHERE crmid = ?';
     $this->db->pquery($query, array($this->db->formatDate($date_var, true), $current_user->id, $id), true, "Error restoring records :");
     //Restore related entities/records
     $this->restoreRelatedRecords($module, $id);
     //Event triggering code
     require_once "include/events/";
     global $adb;
     $em = new VTEventsManager($adb);
     // Initialize Event trigger cache
     $this->id = $id;
     $entityData = VTEntityData::fromCRMEntity($this);
     //Event triggering code
     $em->triggerEvent("vtiger.entity.afterrestore", $entityData);
     //Event triggering code ends
     $this->db->println("TRANS restore ends");
Esempio n. 15
 function applyChange()
     global $adb;
     if ($this->hasError()) {
     if ($this->isApplied()) {
         $this->sendMsg('Changeset ' . get_class($this) . ' already applied!');
     } else {
         global $adb;
         $em = new VTEventsManager($adb);
         $em->registerHandler('vtiger.entity.aftersave', 'modules/Emails/evcbrcHandler.php', 'evcbrcHandler');
         $modPrj = Vtiger_Module::getInstance('Project');
         $modPrjTsk = Vtiger_Module::getInstance('ProjectTask');
         $modPot = Vtiger_Module::getInstance('Potentials');
         $modHD = Vtiger_Module::getInstance('HelpDesk');
         $modEmail = Vtiger_Module::getInstance('Emails');
         $modPrj->setRelatedList($modEmail, 'Emails', array('add'), 'get_emails');
         $modPrjTsk->setRelatedList($modEmail, 'Emails', array('add'), 'get_emails');
         $modPot->setRelatedList($modEmail, 'Emails', array('add'), 'get_emails');
         $modHD->setRelatedList($modEmail, 'Emails', array('add'), 'get_emails');
         $block = VTiger_Block::getInstance('LBL_PROJECT_INFORMATION', $modPrj);
         $field = Vtiger_Field::getInstance('email', $modPrj);
         if ($field) {
             $this->ExecuteQuery('update vtiger_field set presence=2 where fieldid=' . $field->id);
         } else {
             $field = new Vtiger_Field();
             $field->name = 'email';
             $field->uitype = 13;
             $field->label = 'Email';
             $field->columntype = 'VARCHAR(150)';
             $field->typeofdata = 'E~O';
             $field->displaytype = 2;
         $block = VTiger_Block::getInstance('LBL_PROJECT_TASK_INFORMATION', $modPrjTsk);
         $field = Vtiger_Field::getInstance('email', $modPrjTsk);
         if ($field) {
             $this->ExecuteQuery('update vtiger_field set presence=2 where fieldid=' . $field->id);
         } else {
             $field = new Vtiger_Field();
             $field->name = 'email';
             $field->uitype = 13;
             $field->label = 'Email';
             $field->columntype = 'VARCHAR(150)';
             $field->typeofdata = 'E~O';
             $field->displaytype = 2;
         $block = VTiger_Block::getInstance('LBL_OPPORTUNITY_INFORMATION', $modPot);
         $field = Vtiger_Field::getInstance('email', $modPot);
         if ($field) {
             $this->ExecuteQuery('update vtiger_field set presence=2 where fieldid=' . $field->id);
         } else {
             $field = new Vtiger_Field();
             $field->name = 'email';
             $field->uitype = 13;
             $field->label = 'Email';
             $field->columntype = 'VARCHAR(150)';
             $field->typeofdata = 'E~O';
             $field->displaytype = 2;
         $block = VTiger_Block::getInstance('LBL_TICKET_INFORMATION', $modHD);
         $field = Vtiger_Field::getInstance('email', $modHD);
         if ($field) {
             $this->ExecuteQuery('update vtiger_field set presence=2 where fieldid=' . $field->id);
         } else {
             $field = new Vtiger_Field();
             $field->name = 'email';
             $field->uitype = 13;
             $field->label = 'Email';
             $field->columntype = 'VARCHAR(150)';
             $field->typeofdata = 'E~O';
             $field->displaytype = 2;
         $this->sendMsg('Changeset ' . get_class($this) . ' applied!');
Esempio n. 16
 public function triggerAfterSaveEventHandlers()
     $adb = PearDatabase::getInstance();
     require_once "include/events/";
     //In Bulk mode stop triggering events
     if (!self::isBulkSaveMode()) {
         $em = new VTEventsManager($adb);
         // Initialize Event trigger cache
         $entityData = VTEntityData::fromCRMEntity($this);
     //Event triggering code ends
     if ($em) {
         //Event triggering code
         $em->triggerEvent("vtiger.entity.aftersave", $entityData);
         $em->triggerEvent("", $entityData);
Esempio n. 17
    public function databaseData()
        global $log, $adb;
        $log->debug("Entering YetiForceUpdate::databaseData() method ...");
        $adb->query("UPDATE vtiger_eventhandlers_seq SET `id` = (SELECT MAX(eventhandler_id) FROM `vtiger_eventhandlers`);");
        $result = $adb->pquery("SELECT * FROM `vtiger_eventhandlers` WHERE event_name = ? AND handler_class = ?;", array('', 'HelpDeskHandler'));
        if ($adb->num_rows($result) == 0) {
            $addHandler = array();
            $addHandler[] = array('', 'modules/HelpDesk/handlers/HelpDeskHandler.php', 'HelpDeskHandler', '', '1', '[]');
            $em = new VTEventsManager($adb);
            foreach ($addHandler as $handler) {
                $em->registerHandler($handler[0], $handler[1], $handler[2], $handler[3], $handler[5]);
        $template[] = array('Notify Owner On Ticket Change', 'HelpDesk', 'PLL_RECORD');
        $template[] = array('Notify Account On Ticket Change', 'HelpDesk', 'PLL_RECORD');
        $template[] = array('Notify Contact On Ticket Closed', 'HelpDesk', 'PLL_RECORD');
        $template[] = array('Notify Account On Ticket Closed', 'HelpDesk', 'PLL_RECORD');
        $template[] = array('Notify Contact On Ticket Create', 'HelpDesk', 'PLL_RECORD');
        $template[] = array('Notify Account On Ticket Create', 'HelpDesk', 'PLL_RECORD');
        $template[] = array('Notify Contact On Ticket Change', 'HelpDesk', 'PLL_RECORD');
        $template[] = array('Notify Owner On Ticket Closed', 'HelpDesk', 'PLL_RECORD');
        $template[] = array('Notify Owner On Ticket Create', 'HelpDesk', 'PLL_RECORD');
        $template[] = array('Customer Portal Login Details', 'Contacts', 'PLL_RECORD');
        $template[] = array('Send invitations', 'Events', 'PLL_RECORD');
        $template[] = array('Send Notification Email to Record Owner', 'Calendar', 'PLL_RECORD');
        $template[] = array('Activity Reminder Notification', 'Calendar', 'PLL_RECORD');
        $template[] = array('Activity Reminder Notification', 'Events', 'PLL_RECORD');
        $template[] = array('Test mail about the mail server configuration.', 'Users', 'PLL_RECORD');
        $template[] = array('ForgotPassword', 'Users', 'PLL_RECORD');
        $template[] = array('Customer Portal - ForgotPassword', 'Contacts', 'PLL_RECORD');
        $template[] = array('New comment added to ticket from portal', 'ModComments', 'PLL_RECORD');
        $template[] = array('New comment added to ticket', 'ModComments', 'PLL_RECORD');
        $template[] = array('Security risk has been detected - Brute Force', 'Contacts', 'PLL_MODULE');
        $template[] = array('Backup has been made', 'Contacts', 'PLL_MODULE');
        $result = $adb->query("SHOW COLUMNS FROM `vtiger_ossmailtemplates` LIKE 'ossmailtemplates_type';");
        if ($adb->num_rows($result) == 1) {
            foreach ($template as $temp) {
                $adb->pquery("UPDATE `vtiger_ossmailtemplates` set ossmailtemplates_type = ? WHERE `name` = ? AND oss_module_list = ? ", array($temp[2], $temp[0], $temp[1]));
        $result = $adb->pquery("SELECT * FROM `vtiger_relatedlists` WHERE tabid = ? AND related_tabid = ? AND name = ? AND label = ?;", array(getTabid('OSSMailTemplates'), getTabid('Documents'), 'get_attachments', 'Documents'));
        if ($adb->num_rows($result) == 0) {
            $moduleInstance = Vtiger_Module::getInstance('Documents');
            $target_Module = Vtiger_Module::getInstance('OSSMailTemplates');
            $target_Module->setRelatedList($moduleInstance, 'Documents', array('add,select'), 'get_attachments');
        $result = $adb->pquery("SELECT * FROM `vtiger_relatedlists` WHERE tabid = ? AND related_tabid = ? AND name = ? AND label = ?;", array(getTabid('HelpDesk'), getTabid('Contacts'), 'get_related_list', 'Contacts'));
        if ($adb->num_rows($result) == 0) {
            $moduleInstance = Vtiger_Module::getInstance('Contacts');
            $target_Module = Vtiger_Module::getInstance('HelpDesk');
            $target_Module->setRelatedList($moduleInstance, 'Contacts', array('SELECT'), 'get_related_list');
        $adb->pquery("UPDATE `vtiger_field` set displaytype = ? WHERE `columnname` = ?;", array(2, 'was_read'));
        $adb->pquery("UPDATE `vtiger_field` set uitype = ? WHERE `columnname` = ? AND tablename = ?;", array(15, 'industry', 'vtiger_leaddetails'));
        $adb->pquery("UPDATE `vtiger_calendar_default_activitytypes` set active = ? ;", array(1));
        $adb->pquery("UPDATE `com_vtiger_workflows` SET `type` = ? WHERE `summary` = ? AND module_name = ? ;", array('[]', 'Ticket Creation: Send Email to Record Contact', 'HelpDesk'));
        $result = $adb->pquery("SELECT workflow_id FROM `com_vtiger_workflows` WHERE summary = ? AND module_name =? ", array('Send Customer Login Details', 'Contacts'));
        if ($adb->num_rows($result) == 1) {
            $workflow_id = $adb->query_result_raw($result, 0, 'workflow_id');
            $workflowTaskAdd = array(128, 53, 'Mark portal users password as sent.', 'O:18:"VTEntityMethodTask":7:{s:18:"executeImmediately";b:1;s:10:"workflowId";s:2:"53";s:7:"summary";s:35:"Mark portal users password as sent.";s:6:"active";b:0;s:7:"trigger";N;s:10:"methodName";s:16:"MarkPasswordSent";s:2:"id";i:128;}');
            $result = $adb->pquery("SELECT * FROM `com_vtiger_workflowtasks` WHERE summary = ? AND workflow_id =? ", array($workflowTaskAdd[2], $workflow_id));
            if ($adb->num_rows($result) == 0) {
                $taskManager = new VTTaskManager($adb);
                $task = $taskManager->unserializeTask($workflowTaskAdd[3]);
                $task->id = '';
                $task->workflowId = $workflow_id;
        $adb->pquery('UPDATE com_vtiger_workflows SET defaultworkflow = "0" WHERE `summary` = ? AND module_name = ?;', array('Ticket Creation: Send Email to Record Contact', 'HelpDesk'));
        $result = $adb->pquery('SELECT * FROM com_vtiger_workflows WHERE `summary` = ? AND module_name = ?;', array('Ticket Creation: Send Email to Record Contact', 'HelpDesk'));
        for ($i = 0; $i < $adb->num_rows($result); $i++) {
            $recordId = $adb->query_result($result, $i, 'workflow_id');
            $adb->pquery("DELETE FROM com_vtiger_workflowtasks WHERE workflow_id IN\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t(SELECT workflow_id FROM com_vtiger_workflows WHERE workflow_id=? AND (defaultworkflow IS NULL OR defaultworkflow != 1))", array($recordId));
            $adb->pquery("DELETE FROM com_vtiger_workflows WHERE workflow_id=? AND (defaultworkflow IS NULL OR defaultworkflow != 1)", array($recordId));
        $result = $adb->pquery('SELECT * FROM com_vtiger_workflowtasks WHERE `summary` IN (?,?);', array('Notify Contact On Ticket Closed', 'Notify Contact On Ticket Change'));
        for ($i = 0; $i < $adb->num_rows($result); $i++) {
            $recordId = $adb->query_result($result, $i, 'task_id');
            $adb->pquery("delete from com_vtiger_workflowtasks where task_id=?", array($recordId));
        $task_entity_method[] = array('HelpDesk', 'HeldDeskChangeNotifyContacts', 'modules/HelpDesk/workflows/HelpDeskWorkflow.php', 'HeldDeskChangeNotifyContacts');
        $task_entity_method[] = array('HelpDesk', 'HeldDeskClosedNotifyContacts', 'modules/HelpDesk/workflows/HelpDeskWorkflow.php', 'HeldDeskClosedNotifyContacts');
        $emm = new VTEntityMethodManager($adb);
        foreach ($task_entity_method as $method) {
            $result = $adb->pquery("SELECT * FROM `com_vtiger_workflowtasks_entitymethod` WHERE method_name = ? ", array($method[1]));
            if ($adb->num_rows($result) == 0) {
                $emm->addEntityMethod($method[0], $method[1], $method[2], $method[3]);
        $adb->pquery('UPDATE com_vtiger_workflows SET test = ? WHERE `summary` = ? AND module_name = ?;', array('[{"fieldname":"ticketstatus","operation":"has changed","value":null,"valuetype":"rawtext","joincondition":"and","groupjoin":"and","groupid":"0"},{"fieldname":"ticketstatus","operation":"is","value":"Closed","valuetype":"rawtext","joincondition":"","groupjoin":"and","groupid":"0"}]', 'Ticket Closed: Send Email to Record Contact', 'HelpDesk'));
        $adb->pquery('UPDATE com_vtiger_workflows SET test = ? WHERE `summary` = ? AND module_name = ?;', array('[{"fieldname":"ticketstatus","operation":"has changed","value":null,"valuetype":"rawtext","joincondition":"and","groupjoin":"and","groupid":"0"},{"fieldname":"ticketstatus","operation":"is not","value":"Closed","valuetype":"rawtext","joincondition":"","groupjoin":"and","groupid":"0"}]', 'Ticket change: Send Email to Record Contact', 'HelpDesk'));
        $result = $adb->pquery("SELECT workflow_id FROM `com_vtiger_workflows` WHERE summary = ? AND module_name =? ", array('Ticket change: Send Email to Record Contact', 'HelpDesk'));
        if ($adb->num_rows($result) == 1) {
            $workflow_id = $adb->query_result_raw($result, 0, 'workflow_id');
            $workflowTaskAdd = array(133, 26, 'Notify Contact On Ticket Change', 'O:18:"VTEntityMethodTask":7:{s:18:"executeImmediately";b:1;s:10:"workflowId";s:2:"26";s:7:"summary";s:31:"Notify Contact On Ticket Change";s:6:"active";b:0;s:7:"trigger";N;s:10:"methodName";s:28:"HeldDeskChangeNotifyContacts";s:2:"id";i:133;}');
            $result = $adb->pquery("SELECT * FROM `com_vtiger_workflowtasks` WHERE summary = ? AND workflow_id =? ", array($workflowTaskAdd[2], $workflow_id));
            if ($adb->num_rows($result) == 0) {
                $taskManager = new VTTaskManager($adb);
                $task = $taskManager->unserializeTask($workflowTaskAdd[3]);
                $task->id = '';
                $task->workflowId = $workflow_id;
        $result = $adb->pquery("SELECT workflow_id FROM `com_vtiger_workflows` WHERE summary = ? AND module_name =? ", array('Ticket Closed: Send Email to Record Contact', 'HelpDesk'));
        if ($adb->num_rows($result) == 1) {
            $workflow_id = $adb->query_result_raw($result, 0, 'workflow_id');
            $workflowTaskAdd = array(134, 29, 'Notify contacts about closing of ticket.', 'O:18:"VTEntityMethodTask":7:{s:18:"executeImmediately";b:1;s:10:"workflowId";s:2:"29";s:7:"summary";s:40:"Notify contacts about closing of ticket.";s:6:"active";b:0;s:7:"trigger";N;s:10:"methodName";s:28:"HeldDeskClosedNotifyContacts";s:2:"id";i:134;}');
            $result = $adb->pquery("SELECT * FROM `com_vtiger_workflowtasks` WHERE summary = ? AND workflow_id =? ", array($workflowTaskAdd[2], $workflow_id));
            if ($adb->num_rows($result) == 0) {
                $taskManager = new VTTaskManager($adb);
                $task = $taskManager->unserializeTask($workflowTaskAdd[3]);
                $task->id = '';
                $task->workflowId = $workflow_id;
        $result = $adb->pquery("SELECT * FROM `yetiforce_mail_config` WHERE name = ? ", array('showMailAccounts'));
        if ($adb->num_rows($result) == 0) {
            $adb->query("insert  into `yetiforce_mail_config`(`type`,`name`,`value`) values ('mailIcon','showMailAccounts','false');");
        $result = $adb->pquery("SELECT * FROM `yetiforce_mail_config` WHERE name = ? ", array('showNumberUnreadEmails'));
        if ($adb->num_rows($result) == 0) {
            $adb->query("insert  into `yetiforce_mail_config`(`type`,`name`,`value`) values ('mailIcon','showNumberUnreadEmails','false');");
        $result = $adb->pquery("SELECT * FROM `yetiforce_mail_config` WHERE name = ? ", array('showMailIcon'));
        if ($adb->num_rows($result) == 0) {
            $adb->query("insert  into `yetiforce_mail_config`(`type`,`name`,`value`) values ('mailIcon','showMailIcon','true');");
        $result = $adb->pquery("SELECT * FROM `yetiforce_mail_config` WHERE name = ? ", array('timeCheckingMail'));
        if ($adb->num_rows($result) == 0) {
            $result = $adb->pquery("SELECT * FROM `vtiger_ossmailscanner_config` WHERE conf_type = ? AND `parameter` = ? ;", array('email_list', 'time_checking_mail'));
            $value = $adb->query_result($result, 0, 'value');
            if (!$value) {
                $value = 30;
            $adb->pquery("insert  into `yetiforce_mail_config`(`type`,`name`,`value`) values ('mailIcon','timeCheckingMail',?);", array($value));
        $result = $adb->pquery("SELECT * FROM `yetiforce_mail_config` WHERE name = ? ", array('autologinActive'));
        if ($adb->num_rows($result) == 0) {
            $result = $adb->pquery("SELECT * FROM `vtiger_ossmailscanner_config` WHERE conf_type = ? AND `parameter` = ? ;", array('email_list', 'autologon'));
            $value = $adb->query_result($result, 0, 'value');
            if (!$value) {
                $value = 'false';
            $adb->pquery("insert  into `yetiforce_mail_config`(`type`,`name`,`value`) values ('autologin','autologinActive',?);", array('false'));
        $result = $adb->pquery('SELECT * FROM `yetiforce_mail_config` WHERE type = ? AND name = ?;', array('signature', 'signature'));
        if ($adb->num_rows($result) == 0) {
            $adb->query("insert  into `yetiforce_mail_config`(`type`,`name`,`value`) values ('signature','signature','');");
        $result = $adb->pquery('SELECT * FROM `yetiforce_mail_config` WHERE type = ? AND name = ?;', array('signature', 'addSignature'));
        if ($adb->num_rows($result) == 0) {
            $adb->query("insert  into `yetiforce_mail_config`(`type`,`name`,`value`) values ('signature','addSignature','false');");
        $adb->pquery("DELETE FROM vtiger_ossmailscanner_config WHERE conf_type = ? AND `parameter` = ? ;", array('email_list', 'autologon'));
        $adb->pquery("DELETE FROM vtiger_ossmailscanner_config WHERE conf_type = ? AND `parameter` = ? ;", array('email_list', 'time_checking_mail'));
        $adb->pquery("UPDATE `com_vtiger_workflows` SET `test` = ? WHERE `summary` = ? ;", array('[{"fieldname":"ticketstatus","operation":"has changed","value":null,"valuetype":"rawtext","joincondition":"and","groupjoin":"and","groupid":"0"},{"fieldname":"ticketstatus","operation":"is not","value":"Closed","valuetype":"rawtext","joincondition":"and","groupjoin":"and","groupid":"0"},{"fieldname":"(assigned_user_id : (Users) emailoptout)","operation":"is","value":"1","valuetype":"rawtext","joincondition":"","groupjoin":"and","groupid":"0"}]', 'Ticket change: Send Email to Record Owner'));
        $adb->pquery("UPDATE `com_vtiger_workflows` SET `test` = ? WHERE `summary` = ? ;", array('[{"fieldname":"ticketstatus","operation":"has changed","value":null,"valuetype":"rawtext","joincondition":"and","groupjoin":"and","groupid":"0"},{"fieldname":"ticketstatus","operation":"is","value":"Closed","valuetype":"rawtext","joincondition":"and","groupjoin":"and","groupid":"0"},{"fieldname":"(assigned_user_id : (Users) emailoptout)","operation":"is","value":"1","valuetype":"rawtext","joincondition":"","groupjoin":"and","groupid":"0"}]', 'Ticket Closed: Send Email to Record Owner'));
        $result = $adb->pquery("SELECT * FROM `com_vtiger_workflowtasks` WHERE summary = ? ", array('Update Closed Time'));
        if ($adb->num_rows($result) == 1) {
            $task_id = $adb->query_result($result, 0, 'task_id');
            $taskRecordModel = Settings_Workflows_TaskRecord_Model::getInstance($task_id);
            $taskObject = $taskRecordModel->getTaskObject();
            $taskObject->active = false;
        $adb->pquery('UPDATE `vtiger_field` SET uitype = ? WHERE tabid = ? AND columnname = ? ;', array(19, getTabid('Emails'), 'description'));
        $adb->pquery('UPDATE `vtiger_field` SET quickcreatesequence = ? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ?  AND tabid =?;', [3, 'vtiger_activity', 'date_start', getTabid('Calendar')]);
        $adb->pquery('UPDATE `vtiger_field` SET quickcreatesequence = ? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ?  AND tabid =?;', [10, 'vtiger_activity', 'date_start', getTabid('Events')]);
        $adb->pquery('UPDATE `vtiger_field` SET quickcreatesequence = ? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ? AND tabid =?;', [4, 'vtiger_activity', 'due_date', getTabid('Calendar')]);
        $adb->pquery('UPDATE `vtiger_field` SET quickcreatesequence = ? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ? AND tabid =?;', [11, 'vtiger_activity', 'due_date', getTabid('Events')]);
        $adb->pquery('UPDATE `vtiger_field` SET quickcreatesequence = ? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ? ;', [1, 'vtiger_contactdetails', 'firstname']);
        $adb->pquery('UPDATE `vtiger_field` SET quickcreatesequence = ? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ? ;', [5, 'vtiger_contactdetails', 'parentid']);
        $adb->pquery('UPDATE `vtiger_field` SET quickcreatesequence = ? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ? ;', [3, 'vtiger_contactdetails', 'email']);
        $adb->pquery('UPDATE `vtiger_field` SET quickcreatesequence = ? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ? ;', [6, 'vtiger_contactdetails', 'smownerid']);
        $result = $adb->pquery("SELECT * FROM `vtiger_support_processes`;");
        if ($adb->num_rows($result) == 0) {
            $adb->query("insert  into `vtiger_support_processes`(`id`,`ticket_status_indicate_closing`) values (1,'');");
        $result = $adb->pquery('SELECT quickcreatesequence FROM `vtiger_field` WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ? AND tabid =?;', array('vtiger_seactivityrel', 'crmid', getTabid('Calendar')));
        $result2 = $adb->pquery('SELECT quickcreatesequence FROM `vtiger_field` WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ? AND tabid =?;', array('vtiger_seactivityrel', 'crmid', getTabid('Events')));
        if ($adb->num_rows($result) == 1) {
            $quickcreatesequence = $adb->query_result($result, 0, 'quickcreatesequence');
            $adb->pquery('UPDATE `vtiger_field` SET columnname=?,tablename=?,fieldname=?,fieldlabel=?, quickcreate=? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ? ;', ['process', 'vtiger_activity', 'process', 'Process', '1', 'vtiger_seactivityrel', 'crmid']);
            $adb->pquery('UPDATE `vtiger_field` SET columnname=?,tablename=?,fieldname=?,fieldlabel=?, quickcreate=?, uitype=?, quickcreatesequence=?, summaryfield=? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ? AND tabid = ?;', ['link', 'vtiger_activity', 'link', 'Relation', '2', '67', $quickcreatesequence, '1', 'vtiger_cntactivityrel', 'contactid', getTabid('Calendar')]);
            $quickcreatesequence = $adb->query_result($result2, 0, 'quickcreatesequence');
            $adb->pquery('UPDATE `vtiger_field` SET columnname=?,tablename=?,fieldname=?,fieldlabel=?, quickcreate=?, uitype=?, quickcreatesequence=?, summaryfield=? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ? AND tabid = ?;', ['link', 'vtiger_activity', 'link', 'Relation', '2', '67', $quickcreatesequence, '1', 'vtiger_cntactivityrel', 'contactid', getTabid('Events')]);
        $result = $adb->pquery("SELECT * FROM `vtiger_realization_process`;");
        if ($adb->num_rows($result) == 0) {
            $adb->pquery("INSERT INTO vtiger_realization_process(module_id, status_indicate_closing) VALUES(?,?)", array(getTabid('Project'), ''));
        $adb->pquery("DELETE FROM vtiger_settings_field WHERE name = ?;", array('LBL_CONVERSION_TO_ACCOUNT'));
        $adb->pquery('UPDATE `vtiger_settings_field` SET `name` = ?, `description` = ?, `linkto` = ? WHERE `name` = ? AND `description` = ? ;', ['LBL_MENU_BUILDER', 'LBL_MENU_BUILDER_DESCRIPTION', 'index.php?module=Menu&view=Index&parent=Settings', 'Menu Manager', 'LBL_MENU_DESC']);
        $result = $adb->query("SELECT * FROM `yetiforce_auth`;");
        if ($adb->num_rows($result) == 0) {
            $adb->query("insert  into `yetiforce_auth`(`type`,`param`,`value`) values ('ldap','active','false');");
            $adb->query("insert  into `yetiforce_auth`(`type`,`param`,`value`) values ('ldap','server','testlab.local');");
            $adb->query("insert  into `yetiforce_auth`(`type`,`param`,`value`) values ('ldap','port','389');");
            $adb->pquery("insert  into `yetiforce_auth`(`type`,`param`,`value`) values (?,?,?);", ['ldap', 'users', NULL]);
        $result = $adb->pquery("SELECT * FROM `yetiforce_auth` WHERE `param` = ?;", ['domain']);
        if ($adb->num_rows($result) == 0) {
            $adb->pquery("insert  into `yetiforce_auth`(`type`,`param`,`value`) values (?,?,?);", ['ldap', 'domain', NULL]);
        $result = $adb->pquery("SELECT * FROM `yetiforce_menu`;");
        if ($adb->num_rows($result) == 0) {
            $menu[] = array(44, 0, 0, 2, 1, NULL, 'MEN_VIRTUAL_DESK', 0, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, "");
            $menu[] = array(45, 0, 44, 0, 0, getTabid('Home'), NULL, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, "");
            $menu[] = array(46, 0, 44, 0, 1, getTabid('Calendar'), NULL, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, "");
            $menu[] = array(47, 0, 0, 2, 2, NULL, 'MEN_LEADS', 0, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, "");
            $menu[] = array(48, 0, 47, 0, 0, getTabid('Leads'), NULL, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, "");
            $menu[] = array(49, 0, 47, 0, 1, getTabid('Contacts'), NULL, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, "");
            $menu[] = array(50, 0, 47, 0, 2, getTabid('Vendors'), NULL, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, "");
            $menu[] = array(51, 0, 47, 0, 3, getTabid('Accounts'), NULL, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, "");
            $menu[] = array(52, 0, 0, 2, 3, NULL, 'MEN_SALES', 0, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, "");
            $menu[] = array(54, 0, 52, 0, 0, getTabid('Campaigns'), NULL, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, "");
            $menu[] = array(55, 0, 52, 0, 1, getTabid('Potentials'), NULL, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, "");
            $menu[] = array(56, 0, 52, 0, 2, getTabid('QuotesEnquires'), NULL, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, "");
            $menu[] = array(57, 0, 52, 0, 3, getTabid('RequirementCards'), NULL, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, "");
            $menu[] = array(58, 0, 52, 0, 4, getTabid('Calculations'), NULL, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, "");
            $menu[] = array(59, 0, 52, 0, 5, getTabid('Quotes'), NULL, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, "");
            $menu[] = array(60, 0, 52, 0, 6, getTabid('SalesOrder'), NULL, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, "");
            $menu[] = array(61, 0, 52, 0, 7, getTabid('PurchaseOrder'), NULL, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, "");
            $menu[] = array(62, 0, 52, 0, 8, getTabid('PriceBooks'), NULL, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, "");
            $menu[] = array(63, 0, 0, 2, 5, NULL, 'MEN_SUPPORT', 0, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, "");
            $menu[] = array(64, 0, 63, 0, 0, getTabid('HelpDesk'), NULL, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, "");
            $menu[] = array(65, 0, 63, 0, 1, getTabid('ServiceContracts'), NULL, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, "");
            $menu[] = array(66, 0, 63, 0, 2, getTabid('Faq'), NULL, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, "");
            $menu[] = array(67, 0, 0, 2, 4, NULL, 'MEN_PROJECTS', 0, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, "");
            $menu[] = array(68, 0, 67, 0, 0, getTabid('Project'), NULL, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, "");
            $menu[] = array(69, 0, 67, 0, 1, getTabid('ProjectMilestone'), NULL, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, "");
            $menu[] = array(70, 0, 67, 0, 2, getTabid('ProjectTask'), NULL, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, "");
            $menu[] = array(71, 0, 0, 2, 6, NULL, 'MEN_BOOKKEEPING', 0, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, "");
            $menu[] = array(72, 0, 71, 0, 3, getTabid('PaymentsIn'), NULL, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, "");
            $menu[] = array(73, 0, 71, 0, 2, getTabid('PaymentsOut'), NULL, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, "");
            $menu[] = array(74, 0, 71, 0, 1, getTabid('Invoice'), NULL, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, "");
            $menu[] = array(75, 0, 71, 0, 0, getTabid('OSSCosts'), NULL, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, "");
            $menu[] = array(76, 0, 0, 2, 7, NULL, 'MEN_HUMAN_RESOURCES', 0, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, "");
            $menu[] = array(77, 0, 76, 0, 0, getTabid('OSSEmployees'), NULL, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, "");
            $menu[] = array(78, 0, 76, 0, 1, getTabid('OSSTimeControl'), NULL, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, "");
            $menu[] = array(79, 0, 76, 0, 2, getTabid('HolidaysEntitlement'), NULL, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, "");
            $menu[] = array(80, 0, 0, 2, 8, NULL, 'MEN_SECRETARY', 0, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, "");
            $menu[] = array(81, 0, 80, 0, 0, getTabid('LettersIn'), NULL, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, "");
            $menu[] = array(82, 0, 80, 0, 1, getTabid('LettersOut'), NULL, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, "");
            $menu[] = array(83, 0, 80, 0, 2, getTabid('Reservations'), NULL, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, "");
            $menu[] = array(84, 0, 0, 2, 9, NULL, 'MEN_DATABESES', 0, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, "");
            $menu[] = array(85, 0, 84, 2, 0, NULL, 'MEN_PRODUCTBASE', 0, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, "");
            $menu[] = array(86, 0, 84, 0, 1, getTabid('Products'), NULL, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, "");
            $menu[] = array(87, 0, 84, 0, 2, getTabid('OutsourcedProducts'), NULL, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, "");
            $menu[] = array(88, 0, 84, 0, 3, getTabid('Assets'), NULL, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, "");
            $menu[] = array(89, 0, 84, 3, 4, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, "");
            $menu[] = array(90, 0, 84, 2, 5, NULL, 'MEN_SERVICESBASE', 0, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, "");
            $menu[] = array(91, 0, 84, 0, 6, getTabid('Services'), NULL, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, "");
            $menu[] = array(92, 0, 84, 0, 7, getTabid('OSSOutsourcedServices'), NULL, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, "");
            $menu[] = array(93, 0, 84, 0, 8, getTabid('OSSSoldServices'), NULL, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, "");
            $menu[] = array(94, 0, 84, 3, 9, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, "");
            $menu[] = array(95, 0, 84, 2, 10, NULL, 'MEN_LISTS', 0, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, "");
            $menu[] = array(96, 0, 84, 0, 11, getTabid('OSSMailView'), NULL, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, "");
            $menu[] = array(97, 0, 84, 0, 12, getTabid('SMSNotifier'), NULL, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, "");
            $menu[] = array(98, 0, 84, 0, 13, getTabid('PBXManager'), NULL, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, "");
            $menu[] = array(99, 0, 84, 0, 14, getTabid('OSSMailTemplates'), NULL, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, "");
            $menu[] = array(100, 0, 84, 0, 15, getTabid('Documents'), NULL, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, "");
            $menu[] = array(102, 0, 84, 0, 16, getTabid('OSSPdf'), NULL, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, "");
            $menu[] = array(106, 0, 84, 0, 18, getTabid('CallHistory'), NULL, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, "");
            $menu[] = array(107, 0, 84, 3, 19, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, "");
            $menu[] = array(108, 0, 84, 0, 21, getTabid('NewOrders'), NULL, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, "");
            $menu[] = array(109, 0, 84, 0, 17, getTabid('OSSPasswords'), NULL, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, "");
            $menu[] = array(110, 0, 0, 2, 10, NULL, 'MEN_TEAMWORK', 0, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, "");
            $menu[] = array(111, 0, 110, 0, 0, getTabid('Ideas'), NULL, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, "");
            $menu[] = array(112, 0, 0, 6, 0, getTabid('Home'), NULL, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, "");
            $menu[] = array(113, 0, 44, 0, 2, getTabid('OSSMail'), NULL, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, "");
            $menu[] = array(114, 0, 84, 0, 20, getTabid('Reports'), NULL, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, "");
            foreach ($menu as $m) {
                $adb->pquery("insert  into `yetiforce_menu`(`id`,`role`,`parentid`,`type`,`sequence`,`module`,`label`,`newwindow`,`dataurl`,`showicon`,`icon`,`sizeicon`,`hotkey`) values (" . generateQuestionMarks($m) . ");", array($m));
        $result = $adb->pquery("SELECT * FROM `vtiger_links` WHERE linktype = ? AND linklabel = ? AND tabid = ? ;", ['DASHBOARDWIDGET', 'Calendar', getTabid('Home')]);
        if ($adb->num_rows($result) == 0) {
            $instanceModule = Vtiger_Module::getInstance('Home');
            $instanceModule->addLink('DASHBOARDWIDGET', 'Calendar', 'index.php?module=Home&view=ShowWidget&name=Calendar');
        $adb->query('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS vtiger_converttoaccount_settings;');
        $adb->query('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS vtiger_marketing_processes;');
        $adb->query('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS vtiger_proc_marketing;');
        $adb->query('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS vtiger_salesprocesses_settings;');
        $adb->pquery('DELETE FROM vtiger_settings_field WHERE name = ?;', array('LBL_MDULES_COLOR_EDITOR'));
        $adb->query("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `yetiforce_proc_marketing` (\n  `type` varchar(30) DEFAULT NULL,\n  `param` varchar(30) DEFAULT NULL,\n  `value` varchar(200) DEFAULT NULL,\n  KEY `type` (`type`,`param`)\n) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;");
        $adb->query("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `yetiforce_proc_sales` (\n  `type` varchar(30) DEFAULT NULL,\n  `param` varchar(30) DEFAULT NULL,\n  `value` varchar(200) DEFAULT NULL,\n  KEY `type` (`type`,`param`)\n) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;");
        $result = $adb->pquery("SELECT * FROM `yetiforce_proc_marketing` WHERE type = ? AND param = ?;", ['conversion', 'change_owner']);
        if ($adb->num_rows($result) == 0) {
            $adb->query("insert  into `yetiforce_proc_marketing`(`type`,`param`,`value`) values ('conversion','change_owner','false');");
            $adb->query("insert  into `yetiforce_proc_marketing`(`type`,`param`,`value`) values ('lead','groups','');");
            $adb->query("insert  into `yetiforce_proc_marketing`(`type`,`param`,`value`) values ('lead','status','');");
            $adb->query("insert  into `yetiforce_proc_marketing`(`type`,`param`,`value`) values ('lead','currentuser_status','false');");
        $result = $adb->pquery("SELECT * FROM `yetiforce_proc_sales` WHERE type = ? AND param = ?;", ['popup', 'limit_product_service']);
        if ($adb->num_rows($result) == 0) {
            $adb->query("insert  into `yetiforce_proc_sales`(`type`,`param`,`value`) values ('popup','limit_product_service','false');");
            $adb->query("insert  into `yetiforce_proc_sales`(`type`,`param`,`value`) values ('popup','update_shared_permissions','false');");
        $result = $adb->pquery("SELECT * FROM `yetiforce_proc_sales` WHERE type = ? AND param = ?;", ['calculation', 'calculationsstatus']);
        if ($adb->num_rows($result) == 0) {
            $adb->query("insert  into `yetiforce_proc_sales`(`type`,`param`,`value`) values ('calculation','calculationsstatus','');");
            $adb->query("insert  into `yetiforce_proc_sales`(`type`,`param`,`value`) values ('potential','salesstage','');");
            $adb->query("insert  into `yetiforce_proc_sales`(`type`,`param`,`value`) values ('asset','assetstatus','');");
            $adb->query("insert  into `yetiforce_proc_sales`(`type`,`param`,`value`) values ('potential','add_potential','false');");
        $adb->pquery('UPDATE `vtiger_settings_field` SET linkto = ? WHERE name = ?;', ['index.php?module=SalesProcesses&view=Index&parent=Settings', 'LBL_SALES_PROCESSES']);
        $result = $adb->pquery("SELECT * FROM `vtiger_eventhandlers` WHERE event_name = ? AND handler_class = ?;", ['', 'Vtiger_SharingPrivileges_Handler']);
        if ($adb->num_rows($result) == 0) {
            $em = new VTEventsManager($adb);
            $em->registerHandler('', 'modules/Vtiger/handlers/SharingPrivileges.php', 'Vtiger_SharingPrivileges_Handler');
        $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_field SET quickcreatesequence = ? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ? ;', [2, 'vtiger_projecttask', 'projectid']);
        $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_field SET quickcreatesequence = ? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ? ;', [4, 'vtiger_projecttask', 'startdate']);
        $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_field SET quickcreatesequence = ? WHERE tabid = ? AND columnname = ? ;', [6, getTabid('ProjectTask'), 'smownerid']);
        $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_field SET quickcreatesequence = ? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ? ;', [7, 'vtiger_projecttask', 'projecttaskstatus']);
        $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_field SET quickcreatesequence = ? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ? ;', [2, 'vtiger_projecttask', 'projectmilestoneid']);
        $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_field SET quickcreatesequence = ? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ? ;', [6, 'vtiger_projecttask', 'targetenddate']);
        $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_field SET quickcreatesequence = ? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ? ;', [1, 'vtiger_requirementcards', 'subject']);
        $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_field SET quickcreatesequence = ? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ? ;', [4, 'vtiger_requirementcards', 'requirementcards_status']);
        $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_field SET quickcreatesequence = ? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ? ;', [3, 'vtiger_requirementcards', 'potentialid']);
        $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_field SET quickcreatesequence = ? WHERE tabid = ? AND columnname = ? ;', [2, getTabid('RequirementCards'), 'smownerid']);
        $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_field SET quickcreatesequence = ? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ? ;', [5, 'vtiger_requirementcards', 'quotesenquiresid']);
        $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_field SET quickcreatesequence = ? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ? ;', [9, 'vtiger_leadaddress', 'phone']);
        $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_field SET quickcreatesequence = ? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ? ;', [4, 'vtiger_leaddetails', 'lastname']);
        $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_field SET quickcreatesequence = ? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ? ;', [1, 'vtiger_leaddetails', 'company']);
        $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_field SET quickcreatesequence = ? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ? ;', [8, 'vtiger_leaddetails', 'email']);
        $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_field SET quickcreatesequence = ? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ? ;', [3, 'vtiger_leaddetails', 'leadstatus']);
        $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_field SET quickcreatesequence = ? WHERE tabid = ? AND columnname = ? ;', [2, getTabid('Leads'), 'smownerid']);
        $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_field SET quickcreatesequence = ? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ? ;', [7, 'vtiger_leaddetails', 'vat_id']);
        $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_field SET quickcreatesequence = ? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ? ;', [5, 'vtiger_leaddetails', 'leads_relation']);
        $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_field SET quickcreatesequence = ? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ? ;', [6, 'vtiger_leaddetails', 'legal_form']);
        $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_field SET quickcreatesequence = ? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ? ;', [3, 'vtiger_reservations', 'reservations_status']);
        $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_field SET quickcreatesequence = ? WHERE tabid = ? AND columnname = ? ;', [4, getTabid('Reservations'), 'smownerid']);
        $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_field SET quickcreatesequence = ? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ? ;', [6, 'vtiger_reservations', 'date_start']);
        $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_field SET quickcreatesequence = ? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ? ;', [5, 'vtiger_reservations', 'time_start']);
        $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_field SET quickcreatesequence = ? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ? ;', [7, 'vtiger_reservations', 'time_end']);
        $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_field SET quickcreatesequence = ? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ? ;', [8, 'vtiger_reservations', 'due_date']);
        $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_field SET quickcreatesequence = ? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ? ;', [2, 'vtiger_reservations', 'type']);
        $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_field SET quickcreatesequence = ? WHERE tabid = ? AND columnname = ? ;', [9, getTabid('Reservations'), 'description']);
        $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_field SET quickcreatesequence = ? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ? ;', [1, 'vtiger_osspdf', 'title']);
        $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_field SET quickcreatesequence = ? WHERE tabid = ? AND columnname = ? ;', [2, getTabid('OSSPdf'), 'smownerid']);
        $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_field SET quickcreatesequence = ? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ? ;', [10, 'vtiger_osspdf', 'osspdf_pdf_format']);
        $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_field SET quickcreatesequence = ? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ? ;', [11, 'vtiger_osspdf', 'osspdf_pdf_orientation']);
        $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_field SET quickcreatesequence = ? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ? ;', [8, 'vtiger_osspdf', 'osspdf_enable_footer']);
        $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_field SET quickcreatesequence = ? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ? ;', [3, 'vtiger_osspdf', 'osspdf_enable_header']);
        $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_field SET quickcreatesequence = ? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ? ;', [5, 'vtiger_osspdf', 'height_header']);
        $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_field SET quickcreatesequence = ? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ? ;', [9, 'vtiger_osspdf', 'height_footer']);
        $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_field SET quickcreatesequence = ? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ? ;', [4, 'vtiger_osspdf', 'selected']);
        $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_field SET quickcreatesequence = ? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ? ;', [7, 'vtiger_osspdf', 'osspdf_view']);
        $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_field SET quickcreatesequence = ? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ? ;', [6, 'vtiger_osspdf', 'moduleid']);
        $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_field SET quickcreatesequence = ? WHERE tabid = ? AND columnname = ? ;', [6, getTabid('Contacts'), 'smownerid']);
        $result = $adb->pquery("SELECT * FROM `vtiger_eventhandlers` WHERE handler_class = ?;", array('ProjectTaskHandler'));
        if ($adb->num_rows($result) == 0) {
            $em = new VTEventsManager($adb);
            $em->registerHandler('', 'modules/ProjectTask/handlers/ProjectTaskHandler.php', 'ProjectTaskHandler');
            $em->registerHandler('vtiger.entity.afterdelete', 'modules/ProjectTask/handlers/ProjectTaskHandler.php', 'ProjectTaskHandler');
            $em->registerHandler('vtiger.entity.afterrestore', 'modules/ProjectTask/handlers/ProjectTaskHandler.php', 'ProjectTaskHandler');
        $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_relatedlists SET label = ? WHERE label = ?;', ['Activities', 'Upcoming Activities']);
        $adb->pquery('DELETE FROM vtiger_relatedlists WHERE `tabid` IN (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?) AND `label` = ?;', [getTabid('Accounts'), getTabid('Leads'), getTabid('Contacts'), getTabid('Potentials'), getTabid('HelpDesk'), getTabid('Campaigns'), getTabid('ServiceContracts'), getTabid('Project'), 'Activity History']);
        $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_field SET quickcreatesequence = ? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ? ;', [4, 'vtiger_potential', 'related_to']);
        $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_field SET quickcreatesequence = ? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ? ;', [5, 'vtiger_potential', 'closingdate']);
        $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_field SET quickcreatesequence = ? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ? ;', [3, 'vtiger_potential', 'sales_stage']);
        $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_field SET quickcreatesequence = ? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ? AND tabid = ? ;', [2, 'vtiger_crmentity', 'smownerid', 2]);
        $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_field SET quickcreatesequence = ? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ?;', [7, 'vtiger_osssoldservices', 'ssservicesstatus']);
        $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_field SET quickcreatesequence = ? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ?;', [9, 'vtiger_osssoldservices', 'pscategory']);
        $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_field SET quickcreatesequence = ? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ?;', [5, 'vtiger_osssoldservices', 'datesold']);
        $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_field SET quickcreatesequence = ? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ? AND tabid = ? ;', [2, 'vtiger_crmentity', 'smownerid', getTabid('OSSSoldServices')]);
        $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_field SET quickcreatesequence = ? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ?;', [3, 'vtiger_osssoldservices', 'invoiceid']);
        $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_field SET quickcreatesequence = ? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ?;', [6, 'vtiger_osssoldservices', 'parent_id']);
        $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_field SET quickcreatesequence = ? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ?;', [4, 'vtiger_osssoldservices', 'serviceid']);
        $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_field SET quickcreatesequence = ? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ?;', [3, 'vtiger_paymentsin', 'paymentsname']);
        $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_field SET quickcreatesequence = ? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ? AND tabid = ? ;', [2, 'vtiger_crmentity', 'smownerid', getTabid('PaymentsIn')]);
        $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_field SET quickcreatesequence = ? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ?;', [8, 'vtiger_paymentsin', 'paymentsin_status']);
        $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_field SET quickcreatesequence = ? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ?;', [7, 'vtiger_paymentsin', 'relatedid']);
        $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_field SET quickcreatesequence = ? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ?;', [6, 'vtiger_paymentsin', 'salesid']);
        $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_field SET quickcreatesequence = ? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ?;', [1, 'vtiger_paymentsin', 'paymentsvalue']);
        $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_field SET quickcreatesequence = ? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ?;', [5, 'vtiger_paymentsin', 'paymentstitle']);
        $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_field SET quickcreatesequence = ? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ?;', [4, 'vtiger_paymentsin', 'bank_account']);
        $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_field SET quickcreatesequence = ? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ?;', [1, 'vtiger_lettersin', 'title']);
        $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_field SET quickcreatesequence = ? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ? AND tabid = ? ;', [2, 'vtiger_crmentity', 'smownerid', getTabid('LettersIn')]);
        $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_field SET quickcreatesequence = ? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ?;', [1, 'vtiger_lettersout', 'title']);
        $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_field SET quickcreatesequence = ? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ? AND tabid = ? ;', [2, 'vtiger_crmentity', 'smownerid', getTabid('LettersOut')]);
        $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_field SET quickcreatesequence = ? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ?;', [1, 'vtiger_quotesenquires', 'subject']);
        $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_field SET quickcreatesequence = ? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ?;', [4, 'vtiger_quotesenquires', 'potentialid']);
        $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_field SET quickcreatesequence = ? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ? AND tabid = ? ;', [2, 'vtiger_crmentity', 'smownerid', getTabid('QuotesEnquires')]);
        $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_field SET quickcreatesequence = ? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ?;', [3, 'vtiger_quotesenquires', 'quotesenquires_stage']);
        $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_field SET quickcreatesequence = ? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ?;', [5, 'vtiger_account', 'phone']);
        $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_field SET quickcreatesequence = ? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ?;', [4, 'vtiger_account', 'website']);
        $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_field SET quickcreatesequence = ? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ? AND tabid = ? ;', [2, 'vtiger_crmentity', 'smownerid', getTabid('Accounts')]);
        $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_field SET quickcreatesequence = ? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ?;', [3, 'vtiger_vendor', 'phone']);
        $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_field SET quickcreatesequence = ? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ?;', [4, 'vtiger_vendor', 'email']);
        $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_field SET quickcreatesequence = ? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ? AND tabid = ? ;', [2, 'vtiger_crmentity', 'smownerid', getTabid('Vendors')]);
        $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_field SET quickcreatesequence = ? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ?;', [2, 'vtiger_osstimecontrol', 'osstimecontrol_status']);
        $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_field SET quickcreatesequence = ? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ?;', [6, 'vtiger_osstimecontrol', 'date_start']);
        $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_field SET quickcreatesequence = ? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ?;', [5, 'vtiger_osstimecontrol', 'time_start']);
        $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_field SET quickcreatesequence = ? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ?;', [7, 'vtiger_osstimecontrol', 'time_end']);
        $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_field SET quickcreatesequence = ? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ?;', [8, 'vtiger_osstimecontrol', 'due_date']);
        $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_field SET quickcreatesequence = ? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ?;', [3, 'vtiger_osstimecontrol', 'timecontrol_type']);
        $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_field SET sequence = ? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ?;', [3, 'vtiger_ossemployees', 'private_phone']);
        $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_field SET sequence = ? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ?;', [2, 'vtiger_ossemployees', 'business_mail']);
        $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_field SET quickcreatesequence = ? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ? AND tabid = ? ;', [9, 'vtiger_crmentity', 'description', getTabid('OSSTimeControl')]);
        $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_field SET quickcreatesequence = ? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ?;', [2, 'vtiger_holidaysentitlement', 'holidaysentitlement_year']);
        $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_field SET quickcreatesequence = ?, quickcreate = ?, masseditable = ? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ?;', [3, 2, 2, 'vtiger_holidaysentitlement', 'days']);
        $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_field SET quickcreatesequence = ? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ?;', [1, 'vtiger_holidaysentitlement', 'ossemployeesid']);
        $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_field SET quickcreatesequence = ? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ? AND tabid = ? ;', [4, 'vtiger_crmentity', 'smownerid', getTabid('HolidaysEntitlement')]);
        $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_field SET quickcreatesequence = ? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ?;', [3, 'vtiger_account', 'legal_form']);
        $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_field SET sequence = ? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ?;', [5, 'vtiger_leaddetails', 'industry']);
        $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_field SET sequence = ? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ?;', [8, 'vtiger_leaddetails', 'subindustry']);
        $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_field SET sequence = ? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ? AND tabid = ? ;', [9, 'vtiger_crmentity', 'was_read', getTabid('Leads')]);
        $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_field SET sequence = ? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ?;', [10, 'vtiger_leaddetails', 'leads_relation']);
        $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_field SET quickcreatesequence = ? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ? AND tabid = ? ;', [8, 'vtiger_crmentity', 'smownerid', getTabid('Calendar')]);
        $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_field SET quickcreatesequence = ? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ? AND tabid = ? ;', [5, 'vtiger_activity', 'due_date', getTabid('Calendar')]);
        $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_field SET quickcreatesequence = ?, quickcreate = ? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ? AND tabid = ? ;', [6, 2, 'vtiger_activity', 'process', getTabid('Calendar')]);
        $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_field SET quickcreatesequence = ? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ? AND tabid = ? ;', [4, 'vtiger_activity', 'link', getTabid('Calendar')]);
        $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_field SET quickcreatesequence = ? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ? AND tabid = ? ;', [1, 'vtiger_activity', 'subject', getTabid('Events')]);
        $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_field SET quickcreatesequence = ? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ? AND tabid = ? ;', [9, 'vtiger_crmentity', 'smownerid', getTabid('Events')]);
        $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_field SET quickcreatesequence = ? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ? AND tabid = ? ;', [3, 'vtiger_activity', 'date_start', getTabid('Events')]);
        $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_field SET quickcreatesequence = ? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ? AND tabid = ? ;', [5, 'vtiger_activity', 'due_date', getTabid('Events')]);
        $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_field SET quickcreatesequence = ?, quickcreate = ? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ? AND tabid = ? ;', [6, 2, 'vtiger_activity', 'process', getTabid('Events')]);
        $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_field SET quickcreatesequence = ? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ? AND tabid = ? ;', [4, 'vtiger_activity', 'eventstatus', getTabid('Events')]);
        $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_field SET quickcreatesequence = ? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ? AND tabid = ? ;', [2, 'vtiger_activity', 'activitytype', getTabid('Events')]);
        $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_field SET quickcreatesequence = ? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ? AND tabid = ? ;', [8, 'vtiger_activity', 'link', getTabid('Events')]);
        $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_field SET quickcreatesequence = ? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ? AND tabid = ? ;', [7, 'vtiger_activity', 'allday', getTabid('Events')]);
        $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_homestuff SET `visible` = ? WHERE `stufftype` = ? ;', [1, 'Tag Cloud']);
        $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_field SET typeofdata = ? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ?;', ['D~M', 'vtiger_projectmilestone', 'projectmilestonedate']);
        $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_field SET quickcreatesequence = ? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ? AND tabid = ? ;', [2, 'vtiger_notes', 'filename', getTabid('Documents')]);
        $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_field SET quickcreatesequence = ? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ? AND tabid = ? ;', [5, 'vtiger_crmentity', 'smownerid', getTabid('Documents')]);
        $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_field SET quickcreatesequence = ? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ? AND tabid = ? ;', [4, 'vtiger_notes', 'filelocationtype', getTabid('Documents')]);
        $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_field SET quickcreatesequence = ? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ? AND tabid = ? ;', [3, 'vtiger_notes', 'folderid', getTabid('Documents')]);
        $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_field SET quickcreatesequence = ? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ? AND tabid = ? ;', [1, 'vtiger_modcomments', 'commentcontent', getTabid('ModComments')]);
        $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_field SET quickcreatesequence = ? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ? AND tabid = ? ;', [2, 'vtiger_crmentity', 'smownerid', getTabid('ModComments')]);
        $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_field SET quickcreatesequence = ? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ? AND tabid = ? ;', [3, 'vtiger_modcomments', 'related_to', getTabid('ModComments')]);
        $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_field SET quickcreatesequence = ? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ? AND tabid = ? ;', [7, 'vtiger_projecttask', 'projectid', getTabid('ProjectTask')]);
        $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_field SET quickcreatesequence = ? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ? AND tabid = ? ;', [8, 'vtiger_crmentity', 'smownerid', getTabid('ProjectTask')]);
        $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_field SET quickcreatesequence = ? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ? AND tabid = ? ;', [5, 'vtiger_projecttask', 'startdate', getTabid('ProjectTask')]);
        $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_field SET quickcreatesequence = ? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ? AND tabid = ? ;', [4, 'vtiger_projecttask', 'projecttaskstatus', getTabid('ProjectTask')]);
        $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_field SET quickcreatesequence = ? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ? AND tabid = ? ;', [1, 'vtiger_osspasswords', 'passwordname', getTabid('OSSPasswords')]);
        $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_field SET quickcreatesequence = ? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ? AND tabid = ? ;', [4, 'vtiger_osspasswords', 'username', getTabid('OSSPasswords')]);
        $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_field SET quickcreatesequence = ? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ? AND tabid = ? ;', [5, 'vtiger_osspasswords', 'password', getTabid('OSSPasswords')]);
        $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_field SET quickcreatesequence = ? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ? AND tabid = ? ;', [2, 'vtiger_osspasswords', 'link_adres', getTabid('OSSPasswords')]);
        $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_field SET quickcreatesequence = ? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ? AND tabid = ? ;', [3, 'vtiger_crmentity', 'smownerid', getTabid('OSSPasswords')]);
        $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_field SET quickcreatesequence = ? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ? AND tabid = ? ;', [4, 'vtiger_ossemployees', 'employee_status', getTabid('OSSEmployees')]);
        $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_field SET quickcreatesequence = ? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ? AND tabid = ? ;', [3, 'vtiger_crmentity', 'smownerid', getTabid('OSSEmployees')]);
        $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_field SET quickcreatesequence = ? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ? AND tabid = ? ;', [2, 'vtiger_ossemployees', 'last_name', getTabid('OSSEmployees')]);
        $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_field SET quickcreatesequence = ? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ? AND tabid = ? ;', [17, 'vtiger_ossemployees', 'pesel', getTabid('OSSEmployees')]);
        $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_field SET quickcreatesequence = ? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ? AND tabid = ? ;', [18, 'vtiger_ossemployees', 'id_card', getTabid('OSSEmployees')]);
        $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_field SET quickcreatesequence = ? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ? AND tabid = ? ;', [5, 'vtiger_ossemployees', 'employee_education', getTabid('OSSEmployees')]);
        $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_field SET quickcreatesequence = ? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ? AND tabid = ? ;', [6, 'vtiger_ossemployees', 'birth_date', getTabid('OSSEmployees')]);
        $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_field SET quickcreatesequence = ? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ? AND tabid = ? ;', [19, 'vtiger_ossemployees', 'business_phone', getTabid('OSSEmployees')]);
        $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_field SET quickcreatesequence = ? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ? AND tabid = ? ;', [16, 'vtiger_ossemployees', 'private_phone', getTabid('OSSEmployees')]);
        $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_field SET quickcreatesequence = ? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ? AND tabid = ? ;', [21, 'vtiger_ossemployees', 'business_mail', getTabid('OSSEmployees')]);
        $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_field SET quickcreatesequence = ? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ? AND tabid = ? ;', [20, 'vtiger_ossemployees', 'private_mail', getTabid('OSSEmployees')]);
        $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_field SET quickcreatesequence = ? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ? AND tabid = ? ;', [22, 'vtiger_ossemployees', 'street', getTabid('OSSEmployees')]);
        $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_field SET quickcreatesequence = ? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ? AND tabid = ? ;', [13, 'vtiger_ossemployees', 'code', getTabid('OSSEmployees')]);
        $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_field SET quickcreatesequence = ? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ? AND tabid = ? ;', [9, 'vtiger_ossemployees', 'city', getTabid('OSSEmployees')]);
        $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_field SET quickcreatesequence = ? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ? AND tabid = ? ;', [8, 'vtiger_ossemployees', 'state', getTabid('OSSEmployees')]);
        $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_field SET quickcreatesequence = ? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ? AND tabid = ? ;', [10, 'vtiger_ossemployees', 'country', getTabid('OSSEmployees')]);
        $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_field SET quickcreatesequence = ? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ? AND tabid = ? ;', [11, 'vtiger_ossemployees', 'ship_street', getTabid('OSSEmployees')]);
        $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_field SET quickcreatesequence = ? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ? AND tabid = ? ;', [15, 'vtiger_ossemployees', 'ship_code', getTabid('OSSEmployees')]);
        $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_field SET quickcreatesequence = ? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ? AND tabid = ? ;', [12, 'vtiger_ossemployees', 'ship_city', getTabid('OSSEmployees')]);
        $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_field SET quickcreatesequence = ? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ? AND tabid = ? ;', [14, 'vtiger_ossemployees', 'ship_state', getTabid('OSSEmployees')]);
        $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_field SET quickcreatesequence = ? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ? AND tabid = ? ;', [7, 'vtiger_ossemployees', 'ship_country', getTabid('OSSEmployees')]);
        $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_field SET defaultvalue = ?, summaryfield = ? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ?;', ['PLL_WAITING_FOR_VERIFICATION', 1, 'vtiger_calculations', 'calculationsstatus']);
        $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_field SET summaryfield = ? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ?;', ['1', 'vtiger_calculations', 'name']);
        $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_field SET summaryfield = ? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ?;', ['1', 'vtiger_calculations', 'relatedid']);
        $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_field SET summaryfield = ? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ?;', ['1', 'vtiger_calculations', 'potentialid']);
        $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_field SET summaryfield = ? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ?;', ['1', 'vtiger_calculations', 'requirementcardsid']);
        $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_field SET summaryfield = ?, displaytype = ? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ?;', ['1', 1, 'vtiger_calculations', 'quotesenquiresid']);
        $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_field SET quickcreatesequence = ? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ?;', [3, 'vtiger_projecttask', 'estimated_work_time']);
        $widgets[] = array(53, 'Calculations', 'Summary', NULL, 1, 0, NULL, '[]');
        $widgets[] = array(54, 'Calculations', 'RelatedModule', '', 2, 1, NULL, '{"limit":"5","relatedmodule":"8","columns":"3","action":"1","filter":"-"}');
        foreach ($widgets as $widget) {
            if (self::checkModuleExists($widget[1])) {
                $result = $adb->pquery('SELECT * FROM vtiger_widgets WHERE tabid = ? AND `type` = ?', array(getTabid($widget[1]), $widget[2]));
                if (!$adb->num_rows($result)) {
                    $sql = "INSERT INTO vtiger_widgets (tabid, type, label, wcol, sequence, nomargin, data) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?);";
                    $adb->pquery($sql, array(getTabid($widget[1]), $widget[2], $widget[3], $widget[4], $widget[5], $widget[6], $widget[7]));
        $result = $adb->pquery("SELECT * FROM `vtiger_links` WHERE linktype = ? AND linklabel = ? AND tabid = ? ;", ['DASHBOARDWIDGET', 'Calculations', getTabid('Home')]);
        if ($adb->num_rows($result) == 0) {
            $instanceModule = Vtiger_Module::getInstance('Home');
            $instanceModule->addLink('DASHBOARDWIDGET', 'Calculations', 'index.php?module=Calculations&view=ShowWidget&name=Calculations');
        $result = $adb->pquery("SELECT * FROM `vtiger_links` WHERE linktype = ? AND linklabel = ? AND tabid = ? ;", ['DASHBOARDWIDGET', 'PotentialsList', getTabid('Home')]);
        if ($adb->num_rows($result) == 0) {
            $instanceModule = Vtiger_Module::getInstance('Home');
            $instanceModule->addLink('DASHBOARDWIDGET', 'PotentialsList', 'index.php?module=Potentials&view=ShowWidget&name=PotentialsList');
        // copy values from_portal in HelpDesk
        $result = $adb->query("SHOW COLUMNS FROM `vtiger_troubletickets` LIKE 'from_portal';");
        if ($adb->num_rows($result) == 0) {
            $adb->query("ALTER TABLE `vtiger_troubletickets` ADD COLUMN `from_portal` varchar(3) NULL after `ordertime` ;");
            $adb->query('UPDATE vtiger_troubletickets LEFT JOIN vtiger_ticketcf ON vtiger_troubletickets.ticketid = vtiger_ticketcf.ticketid SET vtiger_troubletickets.from_portal=vtiger_ticketcf.from_portal;');
            $adb->pquery('UPDATE `vtiger_field` SET tablename=? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ? AND tabid = ?;', ['vtiger_troubletickets', 'vtiger_ticketcf', 'from_portal', getTabid('HelpDesk')]);
            $adb->pquery('alter table vtiger_ticketcf drop column from_portal');
        $result = $adb->pquery("SELECT * FROM `vtiger_calendar_config` WHERE `type` = ? AND `name` = ? ;", ['info', 'notworkingdays']);
        if ($adb->num_rows($result) == 0) {
            $adb->query("insert  into `vtiger_calendar_config`(`type`,`name`,`label`,`value`) values ('info','notworkingdays ','LBL_NOTWORKING_DAYS',NULL);");
        $result = $adb->pquery("SELECT * FROM `vtiger_links` WHERE linklabel = ? AND linkicon = ? ; ", array('LBL_SHOW_ACCOUNT_HIERARCHY', 'icon-align-justify'));
        if ($adb->num_rows($result) == 0) {
            //$mods = Vtiger_Module::getInstance( "Accounts" );
            // $mods->deleteLink('DETAILVIEWBASIC', 'LBL_SHOW_ACCOUNT_HIERARCHY', 'index.php?module=Accounts&action=AccountHierarchy&accountid=$RECORD$');
            $adb->pquery("UPDATE `vtiger_links` SET `linkicon` = ? WHERE `linklabel`= ? ;", array('icon-align-justify', 'LBL_SHOW_ACCOUNT_HIERARCHY'));
            $adb->pquery("UPDATE `vtiger_links` SET `linkicon` = ? WHERE `linklabel`= ? ;", array('icon-file', 'LBL_ADD_NOTE'));
            $adb->pquery("UPDATE `vtiger_links` SET `linkicon` = 'icon-file'  WHERE `linklabel` = ?;", array('Add Note'));
            $adb->pquery("UPDATE `vtiger_links` SET `linkicon` = 'icon-tasks' WHERE `linklabel` = ?;", array('Add Project Task'));
            $adb->pquery("UPDATE `vtiger_links` SET `linkicon` = 'icon-user' WHERE `linklabel` = ?;", array('LBL_SHOW_EMPLOYEES_HIERARCHY'));
        $result = $adb->query("SELECT * FROM `vtiger_backup_settings`;");
        if ($adb->num_rows($result) == 0) {
            $adb->query("insert  into `vtiger_backup_settings`(`type`,`param`,`value`) values ('folder','storage_folder','false');");
            $adb->query("insert  into `vtiger_backup_settings`(`type`,`param`,`value`) values ('folder','storage_folder','false');");
        // change related list
        $update[] = array('tabid' => getTabid('OSSMailView'), 'related_tabid' => getTabid('Accounts'), 'change' => array('name' => 'get_accounts_mail'));
        $update[] = array('tabid' => getTabid('OSSMailView'), 'related_tabid' => getTabid('Contacts'), 'change' => array('name' => 'get_contacts_mail'));
        $update[] = array('tabid' => getTabid('OSSMailView'), 'related_tabid' => getTabid('Leads'), 'change' => array('name' => 'get_leads_mail'));
        $update[] = array('tabid' => getTabid('OSSMailView'), 'related_tabid' => getTabid('Potentials'), 'change' => array('name' => 'get_potentials_mail'));
        $update[] = array('tabid' => getTabid('OSSMailView'), 'related_tabid' => getTabid('HelpDesk'), 'change' => array('name' => 'get_helpdesk_mail'));
        $update[] = array('tabid' => getTabid('OSSMailView'), 'related_tabid' => getTabid('Project'), 'change' => array('name' => 'get_project_mail'));
        $update[] = array('tabid' => getTabid('OSSMailView'), 'related_tabid' => getTabid('ServiceContracts'), 'change' => array('name' => 'get_servicecontracts_mail'));
        $update[] = array('tabid' => getTabid('OSSMailView'), 'related_tabid' => getTabid('Campaigns'), 'change' => array('name' => 'get_campaigns_mail'));
        $update[] = array('tabid' => getTabid('Contacts'), 'related_tabid' => getTabid('OSSMailView'), 'change' => array('name' => 'get_emails'));
        $update[] = array('tabid' => getTabid('Leads'), 'related_tabid' => getTabid('OSSMailView'), 'change' => array('name' => 'get_emails'));
        $update[] = array('tabid' => getTabid('Accounts'), 'related_tabid' => getTabid('OSSMailView'), 'change' => array('name' => 'get_emails'));
        $update[] = array('tabid' => getTabid('Vendors'), 'related_tabid' => getTabid('OSSMailView'), 'change' => array('name' => 'get_emails'));
        $update[] = array('tabid' => getTabid('ServiceContracts'), 'related_tabid' => getTabid('OSSMailView'), 'change' => array('name' => 'get_emails', 'actions' => ''));
        $update[] = array('tabid' => getTabid('HelpDesk'), 'related_tabid' => getTabid('OSSMailView'), 'change' => array('name' => 'get_emails', 'actions' => ''));
        $update[] = array('tabid' => getTabid('Potentials'), 'related_tabid' => getTabid('OSSMailView'), 'change' => array('name' => 'get_emails', 'actions' => ''));
        $update[] = array('tabid' => getTabid('Campaigns'), 'related_tabid' => getTabid('OSSMailView'), 'change' => array('name' => 'get_emails', 'actions' => ''));
        $update[] = array('tabid' => getTabid('Project'), 'related_tabid' => getTabid('OSSMailView'), 'change' => array('name' => 'get_emails', 'actions' => ''));
        foreach ($update as $presents) {
            $sql1 = 'UPDATE `vtiger_relatedlists` SET ';
            foreach ($presents['change'] as $column => $value) {
                $sql = $sql1 . $column . ' = ? ';
                $sql .= 'WHERE `tabid` = ? AND `related_tabid` = ? ;';
                $adb->pquery($sql, array($value, $presents['tabid'], $presents['related_tabid']), true);
        $result = $adb->pquery("SELECT * FROM `vtiger_relatedlists` WHERE tabid = ? AND related_tabid = ? AND name = ? AND label = ?;", array(getTabid('OSSMailView'), getTabid('Vendors'), 'get_vendor_mail', 'Vendors'));
        if ($adb->num_rows($result) == 0) {
            $moduleInstance = Vtiger_Module::getInstance('Vendors');
            $target_Module = Vtiger_Module::getInstance('OSSMailView');
            $target_Module->setRelatedList($moduleInstance, 'Vendors', array('ADD,SELECT'), 'get_vendor_mail');
        //mailview relation
        $module = 'OSSMailView';
        $sql = 'SELECT * FROM vtiger_crmentityrel WHERE module = ? OR relmodule = ?';
        $result1 = $adb->pquery($sql, [$module, $module]);
        for ($i = 0; $i < $adb->num_rows($result1); $i++) {
            $row = $adb->raw_query_result_rowdata($result1, $i);
            $id = $row['module'] == $module ? $row['relcrmid'] : $row['crmid'];
            $mailID = $row['module'] != $module ? $row['relcrmid'] : $row['crmid'];
            $sql = 'SELECT createdtime FROM vtiger_crmentity WHERE crmid = ?';
            $result2 = $adb->pquery($sql, [$mailID]);
            if ($adb->num_rows($result2) > 0) {
                $createdtime = $adb->query_result($result2, 0, 'createdtime');
                $adb->pquery('INSERT INTO vtiger_ossmailview_relation VALUES(?,?,?,?)', [$mailID, $id, $createdtime, 0]);
                $adb->pquery('DELETE FROM vtiger_crmentityrel WHERE crmid = ? AND relcrmid = ?; ', [$row['crmid'], $row['relcrmid']]);
        $adb->pquery('UPDATE `vtiger_ossmailview` LEFT JOIN `vtiger_crmentity` ON `vtiger_ossmailview`.`ossmailviewid` = `vtiger_crmentity`.`crmid`
		SET `vtiger_ossmailview`.`date` = vtiger_crmentity.`modifiedtime` WHERE `vtiger_ossmailview`.`date` IS NULL OR `vtiger_ossmailview`.`date` = ?', ['0000-00-00 00:00:00']);
        $result = $adb->pquery('SELECT * FROM `roundcube_system` WHERE name = ?;', array('roundcube-version'));
        if ($adb->num_rows($result) == 1) {
            $adb->pquery('UPDATE `roundcube_system` SET `value` = ? WHERE `name` = ?;', ['2015030800', 'roundcube-version']);
        } else {
            $adb->pquery('INSERT INTO `roundcube_system`(`name`,`value`) values (?,?);', ['2015030800', 'roundcube-version']);
        $result = $adb->pquery("SELECT * FROM `vtiger_relatedlists` WHERE tabid = ? AND related_tabid = ? AND name = ? AND label = ?;", array(getTabid('Project'), getTabid('Contacts'), 'get_related_list', 'Contacts'));
        if ($adb->num_rows($result) == 0) {
            $moduleInstance = Vtiger_Module::getInstance('Contacts');
            $target_Module = Vtiger_Module::getInstance('Project');
            $target_Module->setRelatedList($moduleInstance, 'Contacts', array('ADD,SELECT'), 'get_related_list');
        $result = $adb->pquery("SELECT * FROM `vtiger_relatedlists` WHERE tabid = ? AND related_tabid = ? AND name = ? AND label = ?;", array(getTabid('Contacts'), getTabid('Project'), 'get_related_list', 'Project'));
        if ($adb->num_rows($result) == 0) {
            $moduleInstance = Vtiger_Module::getInstance('Project');
            $target_Module = Vtiger_Module::getInstance('Contacts');
            $target_Module->setRelatedList($moduleInstance, 'Project', array('ADD,SELECT'), 'get_related_list');
        $result = $adb->pquery("SELECT * FROM `vtiger_relatedlists` WHERE tabid = ? AND related_tabid = ? AND name = ? AND label = ?;", array(getTabid('Quotes'), getTabid('Contacts'), 'get_related_list', 'Contacts'));
        if ($adb->num_rows($result) == 0) {
            $moduleInstance = Vtiger_Module::getInstance('Contacts');
            $target_Module = Vtiger_Module::getInstance('Quotes');
            $target_Module->setRelatedList($moduleInstance, 'Contacts', array('ADD,SELECT'), 'get_related_list');
        $result = $adb->pquery("SELECT * FROM `vtiger_relatedlists` WHERE tabid = ? AND related_tabid = ? AND name = ? AND label = ?;", array(getTabid('Contacts'), getTabid('Quotes'), 'get_related_list', 'Quotes'));
        if ($adb->num_rows($result) == 0) {
            $moduleInstance = Vtiger_Module::getInstance('Quotes');
            $target_Module = Vtiger_Module::getInstance('Contacts');
            $target_Module->setRelatedList($moduleInstance, 'Quotes', array('ADD,SELECT'), 'get_related_list');
        $result = $adb->pquery("SELECT * FROM `vtiger_relatedlists` WHERE tabid = ? AND related_tabid = ? AND name = ? AND label = ?;", array(getTabid('Calculations'), getTabid('Contacts'), 'get_related_list', 'Contacts'));
        if ($adb->num_rows($result) == 0) {
            $moduleInstance = Vtiger_Module::getInstance('Contacts');
            $target_Module = Vtiger_Module::getInstance('Calculations');
            $target_Module->setRelatedList($moduleInstance, 'Contacts', array('ADD,SELECT'), 'get_related_list');
        $result = $adb->pquery("SELECT * FROM `vtiger_relatedlists` WHERE tabid = ? AND related_tabid = ? AND name = ? AND label = ?;", array(getTabid('Contacts'), getTabid('Calculations'), 'get_related_list', 'Calculations'));
        if ($adb->num_rows($result) == 0) {
            $moduleInstance = Vtiger_Module::getInstance('Calculations');
            $target_Module = Vtiger_Module::getInstance('Contacts');
            $target_Module->setRelatedList($moduleInstance, 'Calculations', array('ADD,SELECT'), 'get_related_list');
        $result = $adb->pquery("SELECT * FROM `vtiger_relatedlists` WHERE tabid = ? AND related_tabid = ? AND name = ? AND label = ?;", array(getTabid('QuotesEnquires'), getTabid('Contacts'), 'get_related_list', 'Contacts'));
        if ($adb->num_rows($result) == 0) {
            $moduleInstance = Vtiger_Module::getInstance('Contacts');
            $target_Module = Vtiger_Module::getInstance('QuotesEnquires');
            $target_Module->setRelatedList($moduleInstance, 'Contacts', array('ADD,SELECT'), 'get_related_list');
        $result = $adb->pquery("SELECT * FROM `vtiger_relatedlists` WHERE tabid = ? AND related_tabid = ? AND name = ? AND label = ?;", array(getTabid('Contacts'), getTabid('QuotesEnquires'), 'get_related_list', 'QuotesEnquires'));
        if ($adb->num_rows($result) == 0) {
            $moduleInstance = Vtiger_Module::getInstance('QuotesEnquires');
            $target_Module = Vtiger_Module::getInstance('Contacts');
            $target_Module->setRelatedList($moduleInstance, 'QuotesEnquires', array('ADD,SELECT'), 'get_related_list');
        $result = $adb->pquery("SELECT * FROM `vtiger_relatedlists` WHERE tabid = ? AND related_tabid = ? AND name = ? AND label = ?;", array(getTabid('SalesOrder'), getTabid('Contacts'), 'get_related_list', 'Contacts'));
        if ($adb->num_rows($result) == 0) {
            $moduleInstance = Vtiger_Module::getInstance('Contacts');
            $target_Module = Vtiger_Module::getInstance('SalesOrder');
            $target_Module->setRelatedList($moduleInstance, 'Contacts', array('ADD,SELECT'), 'get_related_list');
        $result = $adb->pquery("SELECT * FROM `vtiger_relatedlists` WHERE tabid = ? AND related_tabid = ? AND name = ? AND label = ?;", array(getTabid('Contacts'), getTabid('SalesOrder'), 'get_related_list', 'SalesOrder'));
        if ($adb->num_rows($result) == 0) {
            $moduleInstance = Vtiger_Module::getInstance('SalesOrder');
            $target_Module = Vtiger_Module::getInstance('Contacts');
            $target_Module->setRelatedList($moduleInstance, 'SalesOrder', array('ADD,SELECT'), 'get_related_list');
        $result = $adb->pquery("SELECT * FROM `vtiger_relatedlists` WHERE tabid = ? AND related_tabid = ? AND name = ? AND label = ?;", array(getTabid('PurchaseOrder'), getTabid('Contacts'), 'get_related_list', 'Contacts'));
        if ($adb->num_rows($result) == 0) {
            $moduleInstance = Vtiger_Module::getInstance('Contacts');
            $target_Module = Vtiger_Module::getInstance('PurchaseOrder');
            $target_Module->setRelatedList($moduleInstance, 'Contacts', array('ADD,SELECT'), 'get_related_list');
        $result = $adb->pquery("SELECT * FROM `vtiger_relatedlists` WHERE tabid = ? AND related_tabid = ? AND name = ? AND label = ?;", array(getTabid('Contacts'), getTabid('PurchaseOrder'), 'get_related_list', 'PurchaseOrder'));
        if ($adb->num_rows($result) == 0) {
            $moduleInstance = Vtiger_Module::getInstance('PurchaseOrder');
            $target_Module = Vtiger_Module::getInstance('Contacts');
            $target_Module->setRelatedList($moduleInstance, 'PurchaseOrder', array('ADD,SELECT'), 'get_related_list');
        $result = $adb->pquery("SELECT * FROM `vtiger_relatedlists` WHERE tabid = ? AND related_tabid = ? AND name = ? AND label = ?;", array(getTabid('Invoice'), getTabid('Contacts'), 'get_related_list', 'Contacts'));
        if ($adb->num_rows($result) == 0) {
            $moduleInstance = Vtiger_Module::getInstance('Contacts');
            $target_Module = Vtiger_Module::getInstance('Invoice');
            $target_Module->setRelatedList($moduleInstance, 'Contacts', array('ADD,SELECT'), 'get_related_list');
        $result = $adb->pquery("SELECT * FROM `vtiger_relatedlists` WHERE tabid = ? AND related_tabid = ? AND name = ? AND label = ?;", array(getTabid('Contacts'), getTabid('Invoice'), 'get_related_list', 'Invoice'));
        if ($adb->num_rows($result) == 0) {
            $moduleInstance = Vtiger_Module::getInstance('Invoice');
            $target_Module = Vtiger_Module::getInstance('Contacts');
            $target_Module->setRelatedList($moduleInstance, 'Invoice', array('ADD,SELECT'), 'get_related_list');
        $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_field SET typeofdata = ? WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname = ?;', ['D~M', 'vtiger_calculations', 'date']);
        $result = $adb->pquery("SELECT * FROM `vtiger_dataaccess` WHERE module_name = ? AND `summary` = ?;", ['Events', 'Adding time period to status change']);
        if ($adb->num_rows($result) == 0) {
            $adb->pquery('insert  into `vtiger_dataaccess`(`module_name`,`summary`,`data`) values (?,?,?)', ['Events', 'Adding time period to status change', 'a:1:{i:0;a:3:{s:2:"an";s:25:"Vtiger!!show_quick_create";s:7:"modules";s:14:"OSSTimeControl";s:2:"cf";b:1;}}']);
            $recordId = $adb->getLastInsertID();
            $adb->pquery('insert  into `vtiger_dataaccess_cnd`(`dataaccessid`,`fieldname`,`comparator`,`val`,`required`,`field_type`) values (?,?,?,?,?,?);', [$recordId, 'eventstatus', 'has changed', 'Held', 1, 'picklist']);
        $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_links SET linkurl = ? WHERE linklabel = ?;', ['index.php?module=OSSTimeControl&view=ShowWidget&name=TimeControl', 'Employees Time Control']);
        $adb->pquery('DELETE FROM `vtiger_ws_entity` WHERE `name` = ? LIMIT 1;', ['OSSDocumentControl']);
        $adb->pquery("UPDATE vtiger_widgets SET data = ?  WHERE type = 'RelatedModule' AND label = 'ProjectTask';", ['{"limit":"5","relatedmodule":"' . getTabid('ProjectTask') . '","columns":"3","action":"1","filter":"-","checkbox_selected":"","checkbox":"-"}']);
        $adb->pquery("UPDATE vtiger_widgets SET data = ? WHERE type = 'RelatedModule' AND label = 'ProjectMilestone';", ['{"limit":"5","relatedmodule":"' . getTabid('ProjectMilestone') . '","columns":"3","action":"1","filter":"-","checkbox_selected":"","checkbox":"-"}']);
        $adb->query("UPDATE vtiger_widgets SET label = 'Documents' WHERE type = 'RelatedModule' AND tabid = '" . getTabid('Calculations') . "';");
        $log->debug("Exiting YetiForceUpdate::databaseData() method ...");

require_once 'include/utils/utils.php';
require 'include/events/';
$em = new VTEventsManager($adb);
$em->registerHandler("vtiger.entity.aftersave", "modules/RegistroDeVentas/RegistroDeVentasHandler.php", "RegistroDeVentasHandler");
echo 'Custom Handler Registered !';
Esempio n. 19
 public function remove($pickListFieldName, $valueToDeleteId, $replaceValueId, $moduleName)
     $db = PearDatabase::getInstance();
     if (!is_array($valueToDeleteId)) {
         $valueToDeleteId = array($valueToDeleteId);
     $primaryKey = Vtiger_Util_Helper::getPickListId($pickListFieldName);
     $pickListValues = array();
     $valuesOfDeleteIds = "SELECT {$pickListFieldName} FROM " . $this->getPickListTableName($pickListFieldName) . " WHERE {$primaryKey} IN (" . generateQuestionMarks($valueToDeleteId) . ")";
     $pickListValuesResult = $db->pquery($valuesOfDeleteIds, array($valueToDeleteId));
     $num_rows = $db->num_rows($pickListValuesResult);
     for ($i = 0; $i < $num_rows; $i++) {
         $pickListValues[] = decode_html($db->query_result($pickListValuesResult, $i, $pickListFieldName));
     $replaceValueQuery = $db->pquery("SELECT {$pickListFieldName} FROM " . $this->getPickListTableName($pickListFieldName) . " WHERE {$primaryKey} IN (" . generateQuestionMarks($replaceValueId) . ")", array($replaceValueId));
     $replaceValue = decode_html($db->query_result($replaceValueQuery, 0, $pickListFieldName));
     //As older look utf8 characters are pushed as html-entities,and in new utf8 characters are pushed to database
     //so we are checking for both the values
     $encodedValueToDelete = array();
     foreach ($pickListValues as $key => $value) {
         $encodedValueToDelete[$key] = Vtiger_Util_Helper::toSafeHTML($value);
     $mergedValuesToDelete = array_merge($pickListValues, $encodedValueToDelete);
     $fieldModel = Settings_Picklist_Field_Model::getInstance($pickListFieldName, $this);
     //if role based then we need to delete all the values in role based picklist
     if ($fieldModel->isRoleBased()) {
         $picklistValueIdToDelete = array();
         $query = 'SELECT picklist_valueid FROM ' . $this->getPickListTableName($pickListFieldName) . ' WHERE ' . $primaryKey . ' IN (' . generateQuestionMarks($valueToDeleteId) . ')';
         $result = $db->pquery($query, $valueToDeleteId);
         $num_rows = $db->num_rows($result);
         for ($i = 0; $i < $num_rows; $i++) {
             $picklistValueIdToDelete[] = $db->query_result($result, $i, 'picklist_valueid');
         $query = 'DELETE FROM vtiger_role2picklist WHERE picklistvalueid IN (' . generateQuestionMarks($picklistValueIdToDelete) . ')';
         $db->pquery($query, $picklistValueIdToDelete);
     $query = 'DELETE FROM ' . $this->getPickListTableName($pickListFieldName) . ' WHERE ' . $primaryKey . ' IN (' . generateQuestionMarks($valueToDeleteId) . ')';
     $db->pquery($query, $valueToDeleteId);
     $tabId = getTabId($moduleName);
     $query = 'DELETE FROM vtiger_picklist_dependency WHERE sourcevalue IN (' . generateQuestionMarks($pickListValues) . ')' . ' AND sourcefield=?';
     $params = array();
     array_push($params, $pickListValues);
     array_push($params, $pickListFieldName);
     $db->pquery($query, $params);
     $query = 'SELECT tablename,columnname FROM vtiger_field WHERE fieldname=? AND presence in (0,2)';
     $result = $db->pquery($query, array($pickListFieldName));
     $num_row = $db->num_rows($result);
     for ($i = 0; $i < $num_row; $i++) {
         $row = $db->query_result_rowdata($result, $i);
         $tableName = $row['tablename'];
         $columnName = $row['columnname'];
         $query = 'UPDATE ' . $tableName . ' SET ' . $columnName . '=? WHERE ' . $columnName . ' IN (' . generateQuestionMarks($pickListValues) . ')';
         $params = array($replaceValue);
         array_push($params, $pickListValues);
         $db->pquery($query, $params);
     $query = 'UPDATE vtiger_field SET defaultvalue=? WHERE defaultvalue IN (' . generateQuestionMarks($pickListValues) . ') AND columnname=?';
     $params = array($replaceValue);
     array_push($params, $pickListValues);
     array_push($params, $columnName);
     $db->pquery($query, $params);
     $em = new VTEventsManager($db);
     $data = array();
     $data['fieldname'] = $pickListFieldName;
     $data['valuetodelete'] = $pickListValues;
     $data['replacevalue'] = $replaceValue;
     $data['module'] = $moduleName;
     $em->triggerEvent('vtiger.picklist.afterdelete', $data);
     return true;
																	(SELECT workflow_id FROM com_vtiger_workflows WHERE module_name IN (?, ?))
																	AND task LIKE ?', array('Calendar', 'Events', '%$(contact_id : (Contacts) lastname) $(contact_id : (Contacts) firstname)%'));
$numOfRows = $adb->num_rows($result);
for ($i = 0; $i < $numOfRows; $i++) {
    $tm = new VTTaskManager($adb);
    $task = $tm->retrieveTask($adb->query_result($result, $i, 'task_id'));
    $emailTask = new VTEmailTask();
    $properties = get_object_vars($task);
    foreach ($properties as $propertyName => $propertyValue) {
        $propertyValue = str_replace('$date_start  $time_start ( $(general : (__VtigerMeta__) usertimezone) ) ', '$date_start', $propertyValue);
        $propertyValue = str_replace('$due_date  $time_end ( $(general : (__VtigerMeta__) usertimezone) )', '$due_date', $propertyValue);
        $propertyValue = str_replace('$due_date ( $(general : (__VtigerMeta__) usertimezone) )', '$due_date', $propertyValue);
        $propertyValue = str_replace('$(contact_id : (Contacts) lastname) $(contact_id : (Contacts) firstname)', '$contact_id', $propertyValue);
        $emailTask->{$propertyName} = $propertyValue;
$result = $adb->pquery('SELECT 1 FROM vtiger_currencies WHERE currency_name = ?', array('Ugandan Shilling'));
if (!$adb->num_rows($result)) {
    Migration_Index_View::ExecuteQuery('INSERT INTO vtiger_currencies (currencyid, currency_name, currency_code, currency_symbol) VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?)', array($adb->getUniqueID('vtiger_currencies'), 'Ugandan Shilling', 'UGX', 'Sh'));
$em = new VTEventsManager($adb);
$em->registerHandler('vtiger.picklist.afterrename', 'modules/Settings/Picklist/handlers/PickListHandler.php', 'PickListHandler');
$em->registerHandler('vtiger.picklist.afterdelete', 'modules/Settings/Picklist/handlers/PickListHandler.php', 'PickListHandler');
Migration_Index_View::ExecuteQuery('ALTER TABLE vtiger_inventoryproductrel MODIFY comment varchar(500)', array());
$module = Vtiger_Module::getInstance('Accounts');
$module->addLink('DETAILVIEWSIDEBARWIDGET', 'Google Map', 'module=Google&view=Map&mode=showMap&viewtype=detail', '', '', '');
// Changes as on 2013.11.29
Migration_Index_View::ExecuteQuery('DELETE FROM vtiger_settings_field WHERE name=?', array('LBL_BACKUP_SERVER_SETTINGS'));
// Changes ends as on 2013.11.29
Migration_Index_View::ExecuteQuery("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS vtiger_faqcf ( \r\n                                faqid int(19), \r\n                                PRIMARY KEY (faqid), \r\n                                CONSTRAINT fk_1_vtiger_faqcf FOREIGN KEY (faqid) REFERENCES vtiger_faq(id) ON DELETE CASCADE \r\n                ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8", array());
Esempio n. 21
 function transformOwnerShipAndDelete($userId, $transformToUserId)
     $adb = PearDatabase::getInstance();
     $em = new VTEventsManager($adb);
     // Initialize Event trigger cache
     $entityData = VTEntityData::fromUserId($adb, $userId);
     //set transform user id
     $entityData->set('transformtouserid', $transformToUserId);
     $em->triggerEvent("vtiger.entity.beforedelete", $entityData);
     vtws_transferOwnership($userId, $transformToUserId);
     //delete from user vtiger_table;
     $sql = "delete from vtiger_users where id=?";
     $adb->pquery($sql, array($userId));
     //Delete user extension in asterisk.
     $sql = "delete from vtiger_asteriskextensions where userid=?";
     $adb->pquery($sql, array($userId));
Esempio n. 22
function vtws_convertlead($entityvalues, $user)
    $adb = PearDatabase::getInstance();
    $log = vglobal('log');
    $log->debug('Start ' . __CLASS__ . ':' . __FUNCTION__);
    if (empty($entityvalues['assignedTo'])) {
        $entityvalues['assignedTo'] = vtws_getWebserviceEntityId('Users', $user->id);
    if (empty($entityvalues['transferRelatedRecordsTo'])) {
        $entityvalues['transferRelatedRecordsTo'] = 'Accounts';
    $leadObject = VtigerWebserviceObject::fromName($adb, 'Leads');
    $handlerPath = $leadObject->getHandlerPath();
    $handlerClass = $leadObject->getHandlerClass();
    require_once $handlerPath;
    $leadHandler = new $handlerClass($leadObject, $user, $adb, $log);
    $leadInfo = vtws_retrieve($entityvalues['leadId'], $user);
    $sql = "select converted from vtiger_leaddetails where converted = 1 and leadid=?";
    $leadIdComponents = vtws_getIdComponents($entityvalues['leadId']);
    $result = $adb->pquery($sql, array($leadIdComponents[1]));
    if ($result === false) {
        $log->error('Error converting a lead: ' . vtws_getWebserviceTranslatedString('LBL_' . WebServiceErrorCode::$DATABASEQUERYERROR));
        throw new WebServiceException(WebServiceErrorCode::$DATABASEQUERYERROR, vtws_getWebserviceTranslatedString('LBL_' . WebServiceErrorCode::$DATABASEQUERYERROR));
    $rowCount = $adb->num_rows($result);
    if ($rowCount > 0) {
        $log->error('Error converting a lead: Lead is already converted');
        throw new WebServiceException(WebServiceErrorCode::$LEAD_ALREADY_CONVERTED, "Lead is already converted");
    require_once "include/events/";
    $em = new VTEventsManager($adb);
    // Initialize Event trigger cache
    $entityData = VTEntityData::fromEntityId($adb, $leadIdComponents[1]);
    $em->triggerEvent('entity.convertlead.before', [$entityvalues, $user, $leadInfo]);
    $entityIds = [];
    $availableModules = ['Accounts', 'Contacts', 'Potentials'];
    if (!($entityvalues['entities']['Accounts']['create'] || $entityvalues['entities']['Contacts']['create'])) {
        return null;
    foreach ($availableModules as $entityName) {
        if ($entityvalues['entities'][$entityName]['create']) {
            $entityvalue = $entityvalues['entities'][$entityName];
            $entityObject = VtigerWebserviceObject::fromName($adb, $entityvalue['name']);
            $handlerPath = $entityObject->getHandlerPath();
            $handlerClass = $entityObject->getHandlerClass();
            require_once $handlerPath;
            $entityHandler = new $handlerClass($entityObject, $user, $adb, $log);
            $entityObjectValues = array();
            $entityObjectValues['assigned_user_id'] = $entityvalues['assignedTo'];
            $entityObjectValues = vtws_populateConvertLeadEntities($entityvalue, $entityObjectValues, $entityHandler, $leadHandler, $leadInfo);
            //update potential related to property
            if ($entityvalue['name'] == 'Potentials') {
                if (!empty($entityIds['Accounts'])) {
                    $entityObjectValues['related_to'] = $entityIds['Accounts'];
                if (!empty($entityIds['Contacts'])) {
                    $entityObjectValues['contact_id'] = $entityIds['Contacts'];
            //update the contacts relation
            if ($entityvalue['name'] == 'Contacts') {
                if (!empty($entityIds['Accounts'])) {
                    $entityObjectValues['parent_id'] = $entityIds['Accounts'];
            try {
                $create = true;
                if ($entityvalue['name'] == 'Accounts' && $entityvalue['convert_to_id'] && is_int($entityvalue['convert_to_id'])) {
                    $entityIds[$entityName] = vtws_getWebserviceEntityId('Accounts', $entityvalue['convert_to_id']);
                    $create = false;
                if ($create) {
                    $entityRecord = vtws_create($entityvalue['name'], $entityObjectValues, $user);
                    $entityIds[$entityName] = $entityRecord['id'];
            } catch (Exception $e) {
                $log->error('Error converting a lead: ' . $e->getMessage());
                throw new WebServiceException(WebServiceErrorCode::$UNKNOWNOPERATION, $e->getMessage() . ' : ' . $entityvalue['name']);
    try {
        $accountIdComponents = vtws_getIdComponents($entityIds['Accounts']);
        $accountId = $accountIdComponents[1];
        $contactIdComponents = vtws_getIdComponents($entityIds['Contacts']);
        $contactId = $contactIdComponents[1];
        if (!empty($accountId) && !empty($contactId) && !empty($entityIds['Potentials'])) {
            $potentialIdComponents = vtws_getIdComponents($entityIds['Potentials']);
            $potentialId = $potentialIdComponents[1];
            $sql = "insert into vtiger_contpotentialrel values(?,?)";
            $result = $adb->pquery($sql, array($contactId, $potentialIdComponents[1]));
            if ($result === false) {
                throw new WebServiceException(WebServiceErrorCode::$FAILED_TO_CREATE_RELATION, "Failed to related Contact with the Potential");
        $transfered = vtws_convertLeadTransferHandler($leadIdComponents, $entityIds, $entityvalues);
        $relatedIdComponents = vtws_getIdComponents($entityIds[$entityvalues['transferRelatedRecordsTo']]);
        vtws_getRelatedActivities($leadIdComponents[1], $accountId, $contactId, $relatedIdComponents[1]);
        vtws_updateConvertLeadStatus($entityIds, $entityvalues['leadId'], $user);
        if ($em) {
            $em->triggerEvent('entity.convertlead.after', [$entityvalues, $user, $leadInfo, $entityIds]);
    } catch (Exception $e) {
        $log->error('Error converting a lead: ' . $e->getMessage());
        foreach ($entityIds as $entity => $id) {
            vtws_delete($id, $user);
        return null;
    $log->debug('End ' . __CLASS__ . ':' . __FUNCTION__);
    return $entityIds;
Esempio n. 23
  * Trigger event based on CRM Record
  * @param String Name of the Event to trigger
  * @param Integer CRM record id on which event needs to be triggered.
 static function trigger($eventname, $crmid)
     if (!self::hasSupport()) {
     $adb = PearDatabase::getInstance();
     $checkres = $adb->pquery("SELECT setype, crmid, deleted FROM vtiger_crmentity WHERE crmid=?", array($crmid));
     if ($adb->num_rows($checkres)) {
         $result = $adb->fetch_array($checkres, 0);
         if ($result['deleted'] == '0') {
             $module = $result['setype'];
             $moduleInstance = CRMEntity::getInstance($module);
             $moduleInstance->retrieve_entity_info($result['crmid'], $module);
             $moduleInstance->id = $result['crmid'];
             $current_user = vglobal('current_user');
             if (!$current_user) {
                 $current_user = new Users();
                 $current_user->id = $moduleInstance->column_fields['assigned_user_id'];
             // Trigger the event
             $em = new VTEventsManager($adb);
             $em->triggerEvent($eventname, VTEntityData::fromCRMEntity($moduleInstance));
Esempio n. 24
 * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
 * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
 * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
 * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
 * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
 * All Rights Reserved.
//5.0.4 to 5.1.0 RC database changes
//we have to use the current object (stored in PatchApply.php) to execute the queries
$adb = $_SESSION['adodb_current_object'];
$conn = $_SESSION['adodb_current_object'];
$migrationlog->debug("\n\nDB Changes from 5.0.4 to 5.1.0 RC -------- Starts \n\n");
require_once 'include/events/';
$em = new VTEventsManager($adb);
/* For the event api */
ExecuteQuery("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS vtiger_eventhandlers (eventhandler_id int, event_name varchar(100), handler_path varchar(400), handler_class varchar(100), cond text, is_active boolean, primary key(eventhandler_id)) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;");
ExecuteQuery("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS vtiger_eventhandler_module(eventhandler_module_id int, module_name VARCHAR(100), handler_class VARCHAR(100), PRIMARY KEY(eventhandler_module_id)) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;");
/* Added new column actions to vtiger_relatedlists which tracks the type of actions allowed for that related list */
if (!in_array('actions', $adb->getColumnNames('vtiger_relatedlists'))) {
    ExecuteQuery("alter table vtiger_relatedlists add column actions VARCHAR(50) default ''");
$accounts_tab_id = getTabid('Accounts');
$contacts_tab_id = getTabid('Contacts');
$notes_tab_id = getTabid('Documents');
$products_tab_id = getTabid('Products');
$leads_tab_id = getTabid('Leads');
$campaigns_tab_id = getTabid('Campaigns');
$potentials_tab_id = getTabid('Potentials');
$emails_tab_id = getTabid('Emails');
Esempio n. 25
/** Function to delete the specified group
 * @param $groupId -- Group Id :: Type integer
 * @param $transferId --  Id of the group/user to which record ownership is to be transferred:: Type integer
 * @param $transferType -- It can have only two values namely 'Groups' or 'Users'. This determines whether the owneship is to be transferred to a group or user :: Type varchar
function deleteGroup($groupId, $transferId)
    global $log;
    $log->debug("Entering deleteGroup(" . $groupId . ") method ...");
    global $adb;
    $em = new VTEventsManager($adb);
    // Initialize Event trigger cache
    $entityData = array();
    $entityData['groupid'] = $groupId;
    $entityData['transferToId'] = $transferId;
    $em->triggerEvent("vtiger.entity.beforegroupdelete", $entityData);
    tranferGroupOwnership($groupId, $transferId);
    $query = "delete from vtiger_groups where groupid=?";
    $adb->pquery($query, array($groupId));
    $log->debug("Exiting deleteGroup method ...");
Esempio n. 26
function registerEvents($adb)
    require_once 'include/events/';
    $em = new VTEventsManager($adb);
    // Registering event for Recurring Invoices
    $em->registerHandler('vtiger.entity.aftersave', 'modules/SalesOrder/RecurringInvoiceHandler.php', 'RecurringInvoiceHandler');
    //Registering Entity Delta handler for before save and after save events of the record to track the field value changes
    $em->registerHandler('vtiger.entity.beforesave', 'data/VTEntityDelta.php', 'VTEntityDelta');
    $em->registerHandler('vtiger.entity.aftersave', 'data/VTEntityDelta.php', 'VTEntityDelta');
    // Workflow manager
    $dependentEventHandlers = array('VTEntityDelta');
    $dependentEventHandlersJson = Zend_Json::encode($dependentEventHandlers);
    $em->registerHandler('vtiger.entity.aftersave', 'modules/com_vtiger_workflow/', 'VTWorkflowEventHandler', '', $dependentEventHandlersJson);
    //Registering events for On modify
    $em->registerHandler('vtiger.entity.afterrestore', 'modules/com_vtiger_workflow/', 'VTWorkflowEventHandler');
    // Registering event for HelpDesk - To reset from_portal value
    $em->registerHandler('', 'modules/HelpDesk/HelpDeskHandler.php', 'HelpDeskHandler');

require_once 'include/utils/utils.php';
require 'include/events/';
$em = new VTEventsManager($adb);
$em->registerHandler("vtiger.entity.aftersave", "modules/Boletos/BoletosHandler.php", "BoletosHandler");
echo 'Custom Handler Registered !';
Esempio n. 28
 $adb->pquery('INSERT INTO vtiger_actionmapping 
                          (actionid, actionname, securitycheck) VALUES(?,?,?)', array($actionId, 'ReceiveIncomingCalls', 0));
 //To add actionname as MakeOutgoingCalls
 $maxActionIdresult = $adb->pquery('SELECT max(actionid+1) AS actionid FROM vtiger_actionmapping', array());
 if ($adb->num_rows($maxActionIdresult)) {
     $actionId = $adb->query_result($maxActionIdresult, 0, 'actionid');
 $adb->pquery('INSERT INTO vtiger_actionmapping 
                          (actionid, actionname, securitycheck) VALUES(?,?,?)', array($actionId, 'MakeOutgoingCalls', 0));
 echo '<br>Added PBXManager action mapping<br>';
 //Add lookup events
 $adb = PearDatabase::getInstance();
 $EventManager = new VTEventsManager($adb);
 $createEvent = 'vtiger.entity.aftersave';
 $deleteEVent = 'vtiger.entity.afterdelete';
 $restoreEvent = 'vtiger.entity.afterrestore';
 $batchSaveEvent = '';
 $batchDeleteEvent = 'vtiger.batchevent.delete';
 $handler_path = 'modules/PBXManager/PBXManagerHandler.php';
 $className = 'PBXManagerHandler';
 $batchEventClassName = 'PBXManagerBatchHandler';
 $EventManager->registerHandler($createEvent, $handler_path, $className, '', '["VTEntityDelta"]');
 $EventManager->registerHandler($deleteEVent, $handler_path, $className);
 $EventManager->registerHandler($restoreEvent, $handler_path, $className);
 $EventManager->registerHandler($batchSaveEvent, $handler_path, $batchEventClassName);
 $EventManager->registerHandler($batchDeleteEvent, $handler_path, $batchEventClassName);
 echo 'Added PBXManager lookup events';
 //Existing Asterisk extension block removed from vtiger_users if exist
Esempio n. 29
  * Invoked when special actions are performed on the module.
  * @param String Module name
  * @param String Event Type (module.postinstall, module.disabled, module.enabled, module.preuninstall)
 function vtlib_handler($moduleName, $eventType)
     require_once 'include/utils/utils.php';
     global $adb;
     if ($eventType == 'module.postinstall') {
         require_once 'vtlib/Vtiger/Module.php';
         $this->setModuleSeqNumber('configure', $modulename, 'srvcto-', '0000001');
         $moduleInstance = Vtiger_Module::getInstance($moduleName);
         $accModuleInstance = Vtiger_Module::getInstance('Accounts');
         $accModuleInstance->setRelatedList($moduleInstance, 'Service Contracts', array('add'), 'get_dependents_list');
         $conModuleInstance = Vtiger_Module::getInstance('Contacts');
         $conModuleInstance->setRelatedList($moduleInstance, 'Service Contracts', array('add'), 'get_dependents_list');
         $helpDeskInstance = Vtiger_Module::getInstance("HelpDesk");
         $helpDeskInstance->setRelatedList($moduleInstance, "Service Contracts", array('ADD', 'SELECT'));
         // Initialize module sequence for the module
         $adb->pquery("INSERT into vtiger_modentity_num values(?,?,?,?,?,?)", array($adb->getUniqueId("vtiger_modentity_num"), $moduleName, 'SERCON', 1, 1, 1));
         // Make the picklist value 'Complete' for status as non-editable
         $adb->query("UPDATE vtiger_contract_status SET presence=0 WHERE contract_status='Complete'");
         // Mark the module as Standard module
         $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_tab SET customized=0 WHERE name=?', array($moduleName));
     } else {
         if ($eventType == 'module.disabled') {
             $em = new VTEventsManager($adb);
         } else {
             if ($eventType == 'module.enabled') {
                 $em = new VTEventsManager($adb);
             } else {
                 if ($eventType == 'module.preuninstall') {
                     // TODO Handle actions when this module is about to be deleted.
                 } else {
                     if ($eventType == 'module.preupdate') {
                         // TODO Handle actions before this module is updated.
                     } else {
                         if ($eventType == 'module.postupdate') {
                             // TODO Handle actions after this module is updated.
Esempio n. 30
 function registerWsappWorkflowhandler()
     $db = PearDatabase::getInstance();
     $em = new VTEventsManager($db);
     $dependentEventHandlers = array('VTEntityDelta');
     $dependentEventHandlersJson = Zend_Json::encode($dependentEventHandlers);
     $em->registerHandler('vtiger.entity.aftersave', 'modules/WSAPP/WorkFlowHandlers/WSAPPAssignToTracker.php', 'WSAPPAssignToTracker', '', $dependentEventHandlersJson);