function check_if_recording_is_finished() { $json = array('error' => false, 'message' => ''); $audio_file_id = $this->input->post('id'); if (strlen($audio_file_id) == 0) { $json['error'] = true; $json['message'] = "Missing 'id' parameter."; } else { $newAudioFile = VBX_Audio_File::get($audio_file_id); if ($newAudioFile == null) { trigger_error("We were given an id for an audio_file, but we can't find the record.\t That's odd. And, by odd I really mean it should *never* happen."); } else { if (strlen($newAudioFile->url) > 0) { $json['finished'] = true; $json['url'] = $newAudioFile->url; // We return the label so that this upload can be added the library UI without // refreshing the page. $json['label'] = $newAudioFile->label; } else { $json['finished'] = false; } } } $data = array(); $data['json'] = $json; $this->response_type = 'json'; $this->respond('', null, $data); }