Esempio n. 1
 protected function update_sort_order()
     if (!($ids = \Util_Array::cast_values(explode(',', \Input::post('ids')), 'int', true))) {
         throw new \HttpInvalidInputException('Invalid input data.');
     return \Site_Model::update_sort_order($ids, \News\Model_NewsCategory::forge());
 public function handleRquest()
     if (!$this->checkSignature()) {
         return false;
     /////////验证  开通开发者请求
     if ($_GET['echostr']) {
         return $_GET['echostr'];
     $postStr = $GLOBALS["HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA"];
     //获取raw post数据
     if (!$postStr) {
         $result = ' ';
     } else {
         $this->postData = $postStr;
         $postObj = simplexml_load_string($postStr, 'SimpleXMLElement', LIBXML_NOCDATA);
         $postArray = Util_Array::ObjectToArray($postObj);
         $this->postArray = $postArray;
         $msgType = $postArray['MsgType'];
         $result = $this->handler->handleRquest($msgType, $postArray);
     if (!$result) {
         return self::DEFAULT_OUTPUT;
     $result = self::formatResult($result);
     return $result;
Esempio n. 3
 private function getAllowedFileTypes()
     $config = Zend_Registry::get('Zend_Config');
     if (!isset($config->publish->filetypes->allowed)) {
         return null;
     $allowed = explode(',', $config->publish->filetypes->allowed);
     return $allowed;
Esempio n. 4
 public static function setUpBeforeClass()
     $query = Model_TimelineCache::query();
     self::$total_count = $query->count();
     $total_list = $query->get();
     $total_first_obj = \Util_Array::get_first($total_list);
     self::$total_first_id = $total_first_obj->id;
     $total_last_obj = \Util_Array::get_last($total_list);
     self::$total_last_id = $total_last_obj->id;
Esempio n. 5
 public static function GetShorTen($url, $one = true, $source = '5786724301')
     $uTpl = '';
     $link = sprintf($uTpl, $source, urlencode($url));
     $ret = Util_HttpRequest::Get($link);
     if ($ret) {
         $ret = json_decode($ret, true);
     $urls = array_get($ret, 'urls');
     return $one ? Util_Array::GetFristItem($urls) : $urls;
Esempio n. 6
 static function GetObject($tablename, $id, $pkname = "id")
     $single = !is_array($id);
     settype($id, 'array');
     $k = array();
     foreach ($id as $oid) {
         $k[] = self::GetObjectKey($tablename, $oid, $pkname);
     $r = Util_Array::AssColumn(self::Get($k), $pkname);
     return $single ? array_pop($r) : $r;
Esempio n. 7
 public function createSign($method, $mqsHeaders, $date, $path)
     $contentType = $this->contentType;
     $xMqsHeadersString = '';
     $mqsHeaders = Util_Array::Sort($mqsHeaders);
     foreach ($mqsHeaders as $key => $value) {
         $xMqsHeadersString .= "{$key}:{$value}\n";
     $str2Sign = "{$method}\n\n{$contentType}\n{$date}\n{$xMqsHeadersString}{$path}";
     $sig = base64_encode(hash_hmac('sha1', $str2Sign, $this->accessKey, true));
     return "MNS " . $this->accessID . ":" . $sig;
Esempio n. 8
 public static function get_model_field($table, $column, $label = '', $delete_rules = array())
     $model = Site_Model::get_model_name($table);
     $obj = $model::forge();
     $props = $obj::get_property($column, $delete_rules);
     if (!$props || empty($props['form'])) {
         throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Second parameter is invalid.');
     if (!$label) {
         $label = !empty($props['label']) ? $props['label'] : '';
     return array('label' => $label, 'attributes' => $props['form'], 'rules' => !empty($props['validation']) ? Util_Array::convert_for_callback($props['validation']) : array());
Esempio n. 9
  * Detail action.
  * @access  public
  * @params  integer
  * @return  Response
 public function action_detail($id = null)
     $id = (int) $id;
     $site_image = \Model_SiteImage::check_authority($id);
     $data = array('site_image' => $site_image);
     // 前後の id の取得
     $ids = \Model_SiteImage::get_col_array('id', array('order_by' => array('id' => 'desc')));
     list($data['before_id'], $data['after_id']) = \Util_Array::get_neighborings($id, $ids);
     $this->set_title_and_breadcrumbs(term('site.image', 'site.detail'), array('admin/content' => term('site.content', ''), 'admin/content/image' => term('site.image', '')));
     $this->template->layout = 'wide';
     $this->template->subtitle = \View::forge('content/image/_parts/detail_subtitle', array('site_image' => $site_image));
     $this->template->post_footer = \View::forge('_parts/load_masonry');
     $this->template->content = \View::forge('content/image/detail', $data);
Esempio n. 10
 public static function get_notice_target_member_ids($member_id_to, $member_id_from, $foreign_table, $foreign_id, $type_key)
     $notice_member_ids = \Util_Orm::conv_col2array(\Notice\Model_MemberWatchContent::get4foreign_data($foreign_table, $foreign_id), 'member_id');
     if ($member_id_to && !in_array($member_id_to, $notice_member_ids)) {
         $notice_member_ids[] = $member_id_to;
     $notice_member_ids = \Util_Array::unset_item($member_id_from, $notice_member_ids);
     if ($type_key == 'comment_like') {
         $type_key = 'like';
     if (!in_array($type_key, array('comment', 'like'))) {
         return $notice_member_ids;
     $config_key = \Notice\Form_MemberConfig::get_name($type_key);
     return \Site_Member::get_member_ids4config_value($config_key, 1, $notice_member_ids);
Esempio n. 11
 public function setTableInfo($key_array)
     if (!Util_Array::IsArrayValue($key_array)) {
         return false;
     $th_array = array();
     $td_array = array();
     foreach ($key_array as $index => $one) {
         if (is_numeric($index)) {
             $index = $one;
         $th_array[$index] = $one;
         $td_array[$index] = $index;
     $this->th_array = $th_array;
     $this->td_array = $td_array;
Esempio n. 12
 public function getHtml()
     $html = "";
     $showPage = $this->getShowPage();
     if (Util_Array::IsArrayValue($showPage)) {
         $url = $this->getUrl();
         foreach ($showPage as $pageInfo) {
             $currentUrl = $url . "&page_no={$pageInfo['page_no']}";
             $class = '';
             if ($pageInfo['current']) {
                 $html .= "<button class='btn btn-success'>{$pageInfo['title']}</button>";
             } else {
                 $html .= "<a href='{$currentUrl}'><button class='btn btn-default'>{$pageInfo['title']}</button></a>";
     $html = "<div style=''>{$html}</div>";
     return $html;
Esempio n. 13
 private function execute(\Orm\Model $obj)
     // 親記事削除時
     if (empty($this->_conditions['type'])) {
         // delete member_watch_content
         self::delete_member_watch_content($obj, $this->_conditions);
     $notices = \Site_Model::get4relation('\\Notice\\Model_Notice', $this->_conditions, $obj);
     foreach ($notices as $notice) {
         // 親記事削除時
         if (empty($this->_conditions['type'])) {
         } else {
             // delete notice_member_from
             if (self::delete_notice_member_from($notice->id, $obj->member_id)) {
                 $parent_content_member_id = \Site_Model::get_value4table_and_id($notice->foreign_table, $notice->foreign_id, 'member_id');
                 if (!\Notice\Model_NoticeMemberFrom::get_count4notice_id($notice->id, $parent_content_member_id)) {
     // 親記事削除時
     if (empty($this->_conditions['type'])) {
         $foreign_table = \Util_Array::get_first_key($this->_conditions['foreign_table']);
         $foreign_id = $obj->id;
         $notices = \Notice\Model_Notice::get4parent_data($foreign_table, $foreign_id);
         foreach ($notices as $notice) {
     } else {
         $type = \Util_Array::get_first_key($this->_conditions['type']);
         // comment 削除時
         if ($type == \Notice\Site_Util::get_notice_type('comment')) {
             $foreign_table = \Util_Array::get_first_key($this->_conditions['foreign_table']) . '_comment';
             $foreign_id = $obj->id;
             $notices = \Notice\Model_Notice::get4foreign_data($foreign_table, $foreign_id);
             foreach ($notices as $notice) {
Esempio n. 14
  * @dataProvider insert_provider
 public function test_insert($public_flag, $timeline_public_flag_expected)
     // timeline view cache 作成
     if (self::$is_check_timeline_view_cache) {
         $timeline_view_cache_before = \Timeline\Site_Util::make_view_cache4foreign_table_and_foreign_id('album', $album->id, \Config::get('timeline.types.album_image'));
     // insert
     self::$upload_file_path = self::setup_upload_file();
     list($album_image, $file) = Model_AlbumImage::save_with_relations(self::$album->id, self::$member, $public_flag, self::$upload_file_path, 'album_image');
     // 返り値の確認
     // 件数
     $this->assertEquals(self::$total_count + 1, \Util_Orm::get_count_all('\\Album\\Model_AlbumImage'));
     // 公開範囲
     $this->assertEquals($public_flag, $album_image->public_flag);
     // timeline 関連
     if (is_enabled('timeline')) {
         // 件数
         $this->assertEquals(self::$timeline_count, \Util_Orm::get_count_all('\\Timeline\\Model_Timeline'));
         $this->assertEquals(self::$timeline_cache_count, \Util_Orm::get_count_all('\\Timeline\\Model_TimelineCache'));
         // timelines
         $timelines = \Timeline\Model_Timeline::get4foreign_table_and_foreign_ids('album', self::$album->id, \Config::get('timeline.types.album_image'));
         $this->assertCount(1, $timelines);
         $timeline = array_shift($timelines);
         // timeline_child_data
         $timeline_child_datas = \Timeline\Model_TimelineChildData::get4timeline_id($timeline->id);
         $this->assertCount(self::$add_count, $timeline_child_datas);
         $timeline_child_data = \Util_Array::get_last($timeline_child_datas);
         $this->assertEquals('album_image', $timeline_child_data->foreign_table);
         $this->assertEquals($album_image->id, $timeline_child_data->foreign_id);
         $this->assertEquals($timeline_public_flag_expected, $timeline->public_flag);
         $this->assertContains($timeline->sort_datetime, \Util_Date::get_datetime_list($album_image->created_at));
         $this->assertTrue(\Util_Date::check_is_future($timeline->sort_datetime, self::$album->created_at));
         // timeline view cache check
         if (self::$is_check_timeline_view_cache) {
Esempio n. 15
 public static function get_file_tmps_uploaded($member_id = null, $check_selected = false, $type = 'img', $check_file_exists = true, $is_delete_not_exists_file = false)
     $file_tmps = array();
     $post_key = $type == 'img' ? 'image_tmp' : 'file_tmp';
     if (!($file_tmps_posted = Input::post($post_key))) {
         if ($check_selected) {
             throw new HttpInvalidInputException('File not selected.');
         return array();
     if (!($file_tmp_ids = Util_Array::cast_values(array_keys($file_tmps_posted), 'int', true))) {
         throw new HttpInvalidInputException('Invalid input data.');
     if (!($file_tmps = Model_FileTmp::get4ids($file_tmp_ids))) {
         throw new FuelException('ファイルが選択されていません。');
     foreach ($file_tmps as $key => $file_tmp) {
         if ($member_id && $file_tmp->member_id != $member_id) {
             throw new HttpForbiddenException();
         if ($file_tmps_posted[$file_tmp->id] != $file_tmp->name) {
             throw new HttpInvalidInputException('Invalid input data.');
         $file_tmps_description_posted = Input::post($post_key . '_description');
         if (isset($file_tmps_description_posted[$file_tmp->id])) {
             $file_tmps[$key]->description = trim($file_tmps_description_posted[$file_tmp->id]);
         $file_tmp_path = Site_Upload::get_uploaded_file_path($file_tmp->name, 'raw', 'img', true);
         if (conf('upload.storageType') == 'normal' && !file_exists($file_tmp_path)) {
             if ($check_file_exists) {
                 throw new HttpInvalidInputException('File not exists.');
             if ($is_delete_not_exists_file) {
     return $file_tmps;
Esempio n. 16
 private function execute($obj)
     list($foreign_table, $foreign_id, $member_id_to, $member_id_from, $type_key) = self::get_variables($obj);
     if (self::check_already_executed($foreign_table, $foreign_id, $member_id_to, $member_id_from, $type_key)) {
     if (!\Model_Member::check_is_active($member_id_to)) {
         $member_id_to = null;
     // watch content
     if ($member_id_to && $member_id_from != $member_id_to) {
         \Notice\Site_Util::regiser_watch_content($member_id_from, $foreign_table, $foreign_id, $type_key);
     // get mention targets
     $mentioned_member_ids = array();
     if (conf('mention.isEnabled', 'notice') && \Notice\Site_Util::check_mention_target($foreign_table, $type_key)) {
         $body_porp = !empty($this->_update_properties['body_prop_name']) ? $this->_update_properties['body_prop_name'] : 'body';
         $mentioned_member_ids = \Notice\Site_Model::get_mentioned_member_ids4body($obj->{$body_porp});
         $mentioned_member_ids = \Util_Array::delete_in_array($mentioned_member_ids, array($member_id_from));
         // 自分宛の mention は無効
     // get notice targets
     $notice_member_ids = \Notice\Site_Util::get_notice_target_member_ids($member_id_to, $member_id_from, $foreign_table, $foreign_id, $type_key);
     // 重複通知防止
     $notice_member_ids = \Util_Array::delete_in_array($notice_member_ids, $mentioned_member_ids);
     if (!$notice_member_ids && !$mentioned_member_ids) {
     // notice 実行
     if ($notice_member_ids) {
         \Notice\Site_Model::execut_notice($foreign_table, $foreign_id, $type_key, $member_id_from, $notice_member_ids);
     // mention 実行
     if ($mentioned_member_ids) {
         $mention_type_key = $type_key == 'comment' ? 'comment_mention' : 'parent_mention';
         \Notice\Site_Model::execut_notice($foreign_table, $foreign_id, $mention_type_key, $member_id_from, $mentioned_member_ids);
Esempio n. 17
 public function get_file_objects_from_related_model($model_objs, $image_names_posted = array())
     $files = array();
     if (!$model_objs) {
         return $files;
     $key = Util_Array::get_first_key($model_objs);
     $table = $model_objs[$key]->table();
     $need_member_id_tables = array('album_image');
     if (in_array($table, $need_member_id_tables) && !$this->options['member_id']) {
         throw new \FuelException('Need member_id.');
     $file_cate = $model_objs[$key]->get_image_prefix();
     $cache_size = conf('upload.types.img.types.' . $file_cate . '.sizes.thumbnail');
     foreach ($model_objs as $model_obj) {
         $file_name = $this->remove_filename_prefix($model_obj->file_name);
         if (!($file = $this->get_file_object($file_name))) {
         $file_obj = Model_File::get4name($model_obj->file_name);
         $file->is_tmp = false;
         $file->name_prefix = $this->options['filename_prefix'];
         $file->id = (int) $model_obj->id;
         $file->original_name = $file_obj->original_filename;
         $file->thumbnail_uri = Site_Upload::get_uploaded_file_path($model_obj->file_name, $cache_size, 'img', false, true);
         $file->description = $model_obj->name;
         if (isset($image_names_posted[$model_obj->id]) && strlen($image_names_posted[$model_obj->id])) {
             $file->description = $image_names_posted[$model_obj->id];
         if (!empty($this->options['accept_sizes'])) {
             $file->accept_sizes = $this->options['accept_sizes'];
         $files[] = $file;
     return $files;
Esempio n. 18
 public function fetchListByUriId($uri_id)
     $rows = $this->medoo()->select('mock', '*', ['uri_id' => $uri_id]);
     $rows = \Util_Array::column($rows, null, 'id');
     return $rows;
Esempio n. 19

$feed_options = array('link' => Uri::create($link_uri), 'caption' => strim(!empty($caption) ? $caption : FBD_SITE_DESCRIPTION, conf('service.facebook.shareDialog.caption.trimWidth'), null, false, true), 'name' => strim($name, conf(''), null, false, true));
if (!empty($description)) {
    $feed_options['description'] = strim($description, conf('service.facebook.shareDialog.description.trimWidth'), null, false, true);
if (!empty($images)) {
    $image = Util_Array::get_last($images);
    if (empty($img_size_key)) {
        $img_size_key = 'thumbnail';
    $feed_options['picture'] = Uri::create(img_uri($image->get_image(), $img_size_key));
echo btn('service.facebook.do_share', '#', 'js-facebook_feed', true, 'xs', 'primary', array('class' => 'mr10', 'data-options' => json_encode($feed_options)), null, null, null, false);
<span id="fb-root"></span>

Esempio n. 20
    $is_detail = false;
    $attr['data-list_id'] = $timeline_cache_id;
    $attr['data-comment_count'] = $comment_count;
    $attr['data-like_count'] = $like_count;
$access_from_member_relation = null;
if (\Timeline\Site_Util::check_type_to_get_access_from($type)) {
    $access_from_member_relation = \Site_Member::get_access_from_member_relation($member_id, $self_member_id);
$member = Model_Member::check_authority($member_id);
if (isset($liked_timeline_ids)) {
    echo Form::hidden('liked_timeline_ids', json_encode($liked_timeline_ids), array('id' => 'liked_timeline_ids'));
<div <?php 
echo Util_Array::conv_array2attr_string($attr);
	<div class="row member_contents">
		<div class="col-xs-1"><?php 
echo member_image($member);
		<div class="col-xs-11">
			<div class="member_info">
				<b class="fullname"><?php 
echo member_name($member, true, true);
			<div class="main">
Esempio n. 21
 public static function BuildXML($data, $parentTag)
     if (!Util_Array::IsArrayValue($data)) {
         return $data;
     $xml = '';
     foreach ($data as $index => $one) {
         if (is_array($one)) {
             if ($one['attribute']) {
                 $attribute = '';
                 foreach ($one['attribute'] as $akey => $aval) {
                     $attribute .= " {$akey}=\"{$aval}\"";
             $value = strval($one['value']);
             $xml .= "<{$index}{$attribute}>{$value}</{$index}>";
         } else {
             $xml .= "<{$index}>{$one}</{$index}>";
     $xml = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" ?><{$parentTag}> {$xml} </{$parentTag}>";
     return $xml;
     * Loops through the roles to check for one that is allowed for the method.
     * @param string $method, same as what Zend_Acl referers to as 'privilege' but 'method' used for REST context
     * @return boolean
    public function isAllowed($privilege, array $roleResourceId = null, array $resourceId = null)
        // for regular resources the $roleResourceId can be specified and
        // it is used for the resource as well. For permission type resources
        // $roleResourceId should be passed as null and will be determined
        if (null !== $roleResourceId && null === $resourceId) {
            $resourceId = $roleResourceId;

        $user = $this->getAclContextUser();
        if (null === $user) {
            $roleSet = $this->getRoles();
        } else {
            $roleResourceGeneral = $this->getRoleResourceId();

            // first get the possible roles this user has with the resource
            if (null === $resourceId) {
                $sql = 'SELECT role FROM resource_role'
                    . ' WHERE user_id = :userId'
                    . ' AND resource = :roleResourceGeneral'
                    . ' AND resource_id IS NULL'
                    . '';
                $query = $this->_getDbHandler()->query($sql);
                    ':userId' => $user->id,
                    ':roleResourceGeneral' => $roleResourceGeneral,
            } else {
                if (null === $roleResourceId) {
                    $sql = 'SELECT role FROM resource_role'
                        . ' WHERE user_id = :userId'
                        . ' AND ('
                        . '     resource = :roleResourceGeneral'
                        . '     AND id = :resourceId'
                        . ' )'
                        . '';
                    $query = $this->_getDbHandler()->query($sql);
                        ':userId' => $user->id,
                        ':roleResourceGeneral' => $roleResourceGeneral,
                        ':resourceId' => $resourceId['id'],
                } else {
                    // include roles from specific case
                    $roleResourceSpecific = $this->getSpecificRoleResourceId($roleResourceId);

                    $sql = 'SELECT role FROM resource_role'
                        . ' WHERE user_id = :userId'
                        . ' AND ('
                        . '     resource = :roleResourceGeneral'
                        . '     AND ('
                        . '         resource_id IS NULL'
                        . '         OR resource_id = :roleResourceSpecific'
                        . '     )'
                        . ' )'
                        . '';
                    $query = $this->_getDbHandler()->query($sql);
                        ':userId' => $user->id,
                        ':roleResourceGeneral' => $roleResourceGeneral,
                        ':roleResourceSpecific' => $roleResourceSpecific,
            $rowSet = $query->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
            $roleSet = Util_Array::arrayFromKeyValuesOfSet('role', $rowSet);

        // make sure 'default' role is in there
        if (!in_array('default', $roleSet)) {
            $roleSet[] = 'default';

        $resourceGeneral = $this->getResourceId();

        if (null !== $resourceId && null !== $roleResourceId) {
            $resourceSpecific = $this->getSpecificResourceId($resourceId);

            // first check if against this specific resource things are
            // allowed or denied
            $roleVarKeyLookup = array();
            foreach ($roleSet as $index => $role) {
                $roleVarKeyLookup[':role_' . $index] = $role;

            $sql = 'SELECT, p.permission, p.privilege, p.resource, p.role'
                . ' FROM permission AS p'
                . ' WHERE p.role IN (' . implode(', ', array_keys($roleVarKeyLookup)) . ')'
                . ' AND p.resource = :resourceGeneral'
                . ' AND p.resource_id = :resourceSpecific'
                . ' AND p.privilege = :privilege'
                . ' ORDER BY p.permission ASC'
                . '';
            $query = $this->_getDbHandler()->prepare($sql);
                    ':resourceGeneral' => $resourceGeneral,
                    ':resourceSpecific' => $resourceSpecific,
                    ':privilege' => $privilege,
            $row = $query->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);

            if (false !== $row) {
                // able to say that this specific resource is either allowed or denied
                return $row['permission'] == 'allow';

        // specific resource check wasn't definitive, check the general resource

        // add the default role
        $allowed = false;
        foreach ($roleSet as $role) {
            // check if a role is accepted
            if ($this->getAcl()->isAllowed($role, $resourceGeneral, $privilege)) {
                // if any role is found that allows, the whole thing allows
                return true;

        // no allows found in the general resource, so permission is denied
        return false;
Esempio n. 23
 public function getCorpToken($corpId)
     $api = sprintf('/service/get_corp_token?suite_access_token=%s', $this->suiteAccessToken);
     $corpId = $corpId ? $corpId : $this->corpId;
     $data = array();
     $data['suite_id'] = $this->suiteId;
     $data['auth_corpid'] = $corpId;
     $data['permanent_code'] = $this->permanentCode;
     $data = Util_Array::JsonEncode($data);
     return $this->output($this->httpClient->post($api, $data));
Esempio n. 24
    if ($is_display_textarea) {
        echo Form::textarea(sprintf($prefix . '_description[%d]', $file->id), isset($file->description) ? $file->description : '', array('rows' => 2, 'placeholder' => '写真の説明', 'class' => 'form-control', 'id' => sprintf($prefix . '_description_%d', $file->id)));
    echo Form::hidden(sprintf($prefix . '[%d]', $file->id), $file->name_prefix . $file->name, array('class' => $prefix));
    // select insert image size
    if (!empty($insert_target) && !empty($file->accept_sizes)) {
        echo field_select(null, $value = null, Util_Array::set_key_from_value($file->accept_sizes), array('id' => 'select_size_' . $file->id));
    // insert image tag button.
    if (!empty($insert_target)) {
        $data = array('class' => 'js-insert_img', 'id' => 'img_insert_btn_' . $file->id, 'data-id' => $file->id, 'data-body' => $insert_target, 'data-file_name' => $file->name, 'data-file_name_prefix' => $file->name_prefix);
        echo btn('form.insert_picture', '#', '', true, 'sm', null, $data, null, 'button', null, false);
		</div><!-- caption -->
	</div><!-- thumbnail -->
Esempio n. 25
        $dropdown_btn_group_attr = array('id' => 'btn_dropdown_' . $album_image->id, 'class' => array('dropdown', 'boxBtn'));
        $get_uri = sprintf('album/image/api/menu/%d.html', $album_image->id);
        $dropdown_btn_attr = array('class' => 'js-dropdown_content_menu', 'data-uri' => sprintf('album/image/api/menu/%d.html', $album_image->id), 'data-member_id' => $album_image->album->member_id, 'data-menu' => '#menu_' . $album_image->id, 'data-loaded' => 0);
        $menus = array(array('icon_term' => 'site.show_detail', 'href' => 'album/image/' . $album_image->id));
        echo btn_dropdown('noterm.dropdown', $menus, false, 'xs', null, true, $dropdown_btn_group_attr, $dropdown_btn_attr, false);
		</div><!-- imgBox -->

        if (empty($is_simple_view) && $comments) {
            $comment_list_attr = array('class' => 'comment_list list_album_image_comment', 'id' => 'comment_list_' . $album_image->id);
		<div <?php 
            echo Util_Array::conv_array2attr_string($comment_list_attr);
            $data = array('parent' => !empty($album) ? $album : $album_image->album, 'list' => $comments, 'next_id' => $comment_next_id, 'uri_for_all_comments' => sprintf('album/image/%d?limit=all#comments', $album_image->id), 'delete_uri' => 'album/image/comment/api/delete.json', 'trim_width' => Config::get('album.articles.comment.trim_width'), 'counter_selector' => '#comment_count_' . $album_image->id, 'list_more_box_attrs' => array('id' => 'listMoreBox_comment_' . $album_image->id, 'data-uri' => sprintf('album/image/comment/api/list/%s.json', $album_image->id), 'data-list' => '#comment_list_' . $album_image->id), 'is_hide_reply_link' => true, 'like_api_uri_prefix' => 'album/image/comment', 'liked_ids' => conf('like.isEnabled') && \Auth::check() && $comments ? \Site_Model::get_liked_ids('album_image_comment', $u->id, $comments) : array());
            echo render('_parts/comment/list', $data);
	</div><!-- image_item -->
</div><!-- image_list -->
Esempio n. 26

$block_attrs_default = array('class' => array('modal', 'fade'), 'tabindex' => '-1', 'role' => 'dialog', 'aria-hidden' => 'true');
$block_attrs = Util_Array::conv_arrays2str(array_merge_recursive($block_attrs_default, isset($block_attrs) ? $block_attrs : array()));
if (!isset($is_display_footer_close_btn)) {
    $is_display_footer_close_btn = false;
<!-- Modal -->
<div <?php 
echo Util_Array::conv_array2attr_string($block_attrs);
	<div class="modal-dialog<?php 
if (!empty($size)) {
    echo $size;
		<div class="modal-content">
if (!empty($is_display_header_close_btn) || !empty($title) || !empty($header_subinfo)) {
			<div class="modal-header clearfix">
    if (!empty($is_display_header_close_btn)) {
				<button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="modal" aria-hidden="true">&times;</button>
Esempio n. 27
if (!empty($label)) {
    $label_class = 'col-sm-' . $offset_size;
    $label_class .= ' control-label';
    $offset = '';
} else {
    $offset = $offset_size ? 'col-sm-offset-' . $offset_size : '';
$col = 'col-sm-' . (12 - $offset_size);
if ($optional_link) {
    $link_attr_default = array('class' => array('btn', 'btn-default', 'btn-sm', 'pull-right'));
    if (!isset($optional_link['attr'])) {
        $optional_link['attr'] = array();
    $link_attr = array_merge_recursive($link_attr_default, $optional_link['attr']);
    $optional_link_attr = Util_Array::conv_arrays2str($link_attr);
<div class="form-group">
if (!empty($label)) {
    echo Form::label($label, null, array('class' => $label_class));
	<div class="form-text <?php 
echo $col;
if ($offset) {
		<?php echo icon('group', 'fa fa-', 'i', array('class' => 'icon')); ?>
		<span class="badge">99</span>
	<button class="btn btn-default navbar-inverse" type="button">
		<?php echo icon('comments', 'fa fa-', 'i', array('class' => 'icon')); ?>
		<span class="badge">99</span>
if (is_enabled('notice')) {
    $notice_btn_attr = array('class' => 'btn btn-default navbar-inverse js-modal', 'type' => 'button', 'data-uri' => 'notice/api/list.json', 'data-get_data' => array('limit' => Config::get('notice.modalArticles.limit')), 'data-target' => '#modal_notice_navbar', 'data-tmpl' => '#notices-template', 'data-is_list' => 1, 'id' => 'btn_notice_navbar');
    if (!empty($notification_counts['notice'])) {
        $notice_btn_attr['class'] .= ' notified';
	<button <?php 
    echo Util_Array::conv_array2attr_string($notice_btn_attr);
    echo icon('info-circle', 'fa fa-', 'i', array('class' => 'icon'));
    if (!empty($notification_counts['notice'])) {
		<span class="badge" id="badge_notice"><?php 
        echo $notification_counts['notice'];
Esempio n. 29
 public function fetchList()
     $rows = $this->medoo()->select('uri', ['id', 'uri']);
     $rows = \Util_Array::column($rows, null, 'id');
     return $rows;
Esempio n. 30

if (empty($size)) {
    $size = 'sm';
$default_attrs = array('class' => array('btn', 'btn-default', 'js-update_toggle', 'btn-' . $size), 'id' => 'btn_follow_' . $member_id_to, 'data-uri' => sprintf('member/relation/api/update/%d/follow.json', $member_id_to));
if (!isset($attrs)) {
    $attrs = array();
$attrs = array_merge_recursive($default_attrs, $attrs);
if (empty($name)) {
    $name = $default_attrs['id'];
if (Model_MemberRelation::check_relation('follow', $member_id_from, $member_id_to)) {
    $label = '<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-ok"></span> ' . term('followed');
    $attrs['class'][] = 'btn-primary';
} else {
    $label = term('do_follow');
    $attrs['class'][] = 'btn-default';
$attrs = Util_Array::conv_arrays2str($attrs);
echo Form::button($name, $label, $attrs);