public static function read_key($key) { $quote = self::read(['*'], TRUE, ["`key` = ?", $key]); $quote['items'] = QuoteItem::read_items($quote['id']); $annual_fee = 0; foreach ($quote['items'] as $item) { $annual_fee += $item['annual_fee']; } $quote['first_fee'] = $annual_fee; $quote['annual_fee'] = $annual_fee; if (!is_null($quote['discount'])) { $quote['first_fee'] -= $quote['discount']; } $quote['expiration'] = Util2::future_date(substr($quote['created'], 0, 10), 60); return $quote; }
private function sizeFromCtrlByte($ctrlByte, $offset) { $size = $ctrlByte & 0x1f; $bytesToRead = $size < 29 ? 0 : $size - 28; $bytes = Util2::read($this->fileStream, $offset, $bytesToRead); $decoded = $this->decodeUint($bytes); if ($size == 29) { $size = 29 + $decoded; } elseif ($size == 30) { $size = 285 + $decoded; } elseif ($size > 30) { $size = ($decoded & 0xfffffff >> 32 - 8 * $bytesToRead) + 65821; } return array($size, $offset + $bytesToRead); }
private function get_days_left_text() { $daysleft = Util2::days_left(gmdate('Y-m-d'), $this->data['CertExpirationDate']); if ($daysleft <= 0) { return 'expired'; } $s = $daysleft . ' day'; if ($daysleft != 1) { $s .= 's'; } $s .= ' left'; return $s; }
public function download($params = []) { //echo '<pre>'; print_r($params); echo '</pre>'; exit; $setups_map = ['NET' => ['setup-4.0.msi' => 'WinWrap-NET4.0-setup.msi'], 'WPF' => ['setup-4.0-wpf.msi' => 'WinWrap-WPF4.0-setup.msi'], 'AZW' => ['setup-4.0-azw.msi' => 'WinWrap-AZW4.0-setup.msi'], 'COM' => ['setup32.msi' => 'WinWrap-COM32-setup.msi', 'setup64.msi' => 'WinWrap-COM64-setup.msi']]; $all = []; foreach ($setups_map as $setup_map) { $all += $setup_map; } //$setups_map['ALL'] = $all; // disable for now (1/8/15) // select the platform's setup_map $platform = $params['platform']; $setup_map = $setups_map[$platform]; if (!isset($setup_map)) { error_404(); } // select the evaluator $key = $params['key']; $evaluator = Evaluator::read_by_key($key); //Render::json($evaluator); exit; // debug $error = false; if (!isset($evaluator['id'])) { $error = 'Invalid evaluator key.'; } else { if (Util2::expired($evaluator['agreement_date'], 60, $evaluator['expiration_date'])) { $error = 'Evaluation period has expired.'; } } if ($error) { Render::html(Doc::by_name('message')['content'], ['title' => 'Download Request Failed', 'message' => $error]); return; } // create evaluator cerificate $readme = Template::render_doc_by_name('evaluate-readme'); $certificate = new Certificate(); $certificate->set_by_evaluator($evaluator, true); // add download record $version = file_get_contents(EVALDIR . 'version.txt'); $model = ['evaluator_id' => $evaluator['id'], 'ip' => $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], 'platform' => $platform != 'ALL' ? $platform : implode(',', array_keys($setups_map)), 'version' => $version]; $download = EvaluatorDownload::create($model); // create signed certificate $html = $certificate->sign(); //Render::text($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . SUBDIR . "\r\n" . $html); exit; // create a temporary file $path = tempnam("tmp", "zip"); $zipname = 'WinWrap-Basic-Evaluation-' . $platform; $zip = new ZipArchive(); $okay = $zip->open($path, ZipArchive::CREATE | ZipArchive::OVERWRITE); $okay |= $zip->addEmptyDir($zipname); $okay |= $zip->addFromString($zipname . '/readme.htm', $readme); $okay |= $zip->addFromString($zipname . '/Evaluation.htm', $html); $okay |= $zip->addFromString($zipname . '/version.txt', $version); foreach ($setup_map as $setup => $name) { $okay |= $zip->addFile(EVALDIR . $setup, $zipname . '/' . $name); } $okay |= $zip->close(); if (!$okay) { Render::text("ZipArchive failed."); return; } //$contents = file_get_contents($path); //file_put_contents(TEMPDIR . '', $contents); // send zip file if (true) { header('Cache-Control: max-age=288000'); header('Content-Description: File Transfer'); header('Content-Type: application/zip'); //header("Content-Type: application/force-download"); header('Content-Length: ' . filesize($path)); header('Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary'); header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="' . $zipname . '.zip"'); ob_end_flush(); readfile($path); } unlink($path); // set download date $update = ['download_date' => gmdate('Y-m-d')]; EvaluatorDownload::update($update, $download['id']); // done exit; }
<div class="container white"> <div class="content left"> <table class="data"> <thead> <th>Date</th> <th>Expires</th> <th>Company</th> <th>Contact/Email/Key</th> <th>Items</th> <th>Views</th> </thead> <tbody> <?php $quotes = Quote::read(['*'], FALSE, ['created > CURRENT_DATE - INTERVAL 2 MONTH'], 'created DESC'); foreach ($quotes as $quote) { $expiration = Util2::future_date(substr($quote['created'], 0, 10), 60); $items = QuoteItem::read_items($quote['id']); $views = QuoteView::read_views($quote['id']); $item_details = []; foreach ($items as $item) { $item_details[] = $item['quantity'] . ' ' . $item['part']; } $view_details = []; foreach ($views as $view) { $view_details[] = $view['created'] . ' ' . $view['ip']; } echo '<tr>'; echo '<td>' . htmlspecialchars($quote['created']) . '</td>'; echo '<td>' . htmlspecialchars($expiration) . '</td>'; echo '<td>' . htmlspecialchars($quote['company']) . '</td>'; echo '<td>' . htmlspecialchars($quote['technical_name']) . '<br/>';