Esempio n. 1
function add_note($conn, $type)
    $validate = array('asset_id' => array('validation' => 'OSS_HEX', 'e_message' => 'illegal:' . _('Asset ID')), 'txt' => array('validation' => 'OSS_TEXT, OSS_PUNC_EXT', 'e_message' => 'illegal:' . _('Note text')));
    $validation_errors = validate_form_fields('POST', $validate);
    if (is_array($validation_errors) && !empty($validation_errors)) {
        Av_exception::throw_error(Av_exception::USER_ERROR, _('Error! Note could not be added'));
    $asset_id = POST('asset_id');
    $txt = POST('txt');
    // Check Asset Type
    $asset_types = array('asset' => 'asset_host', 'network' => 'asset_net', 'group' => 'asset_group', 'net_group' => 'net_group');
    // Note type
    $type_tr = array('group' => 'host_group', 'network' => 'net', 'asset' => 'host', 'net_group' => 'net_group');
    $class_name = $asset_types[$type];
    $asset_type = $type_tr[$type];
    // Check Asset Permission
    if (method_exists($class_name, 'is_allowed') && !$class_name::is_allowed($conn, $asset_id)) {
        $error = sprintf(_('Error! %s is not allowed'), ucwords($type));
        Av_exception::throw_error(Av_exception::USER_ERROR, $error);
    $note_id = Notes::insert($conn, $asset_type, gmdate('Y-m-d H:i:s'), $asset_id, $txt);
    if (intval($note_id) > 0) {
        $tz = Util::get_timezone();
        $data['msg'] = _('Note added successfully');
        $data['id'] = $note_id;
        $data['note'] = $txt;
        $data['date'] = gmdate('Y-m-d H:i:s', Util::get_utc_unixtime(gmdate('Y-m-d H:i:s')) + 3600 * $tz);
        $data['user'] = Session::get_session_user();
        $data['editable'] = 1;
    } else {
        Av_exception::throw_error(Av_exception::USER_ERROR, _('Error! Note could not be added'));
    return $data;
function calc_events_trend($conn)
    $tz = Util::get_timezone();
    $timetz = gmdate("U") + 3600 * $tz - 3600;
    $values = SIEM_trend($conn);
    $data = array();
    $label = array();
    for ($i = 0; $i < 60; $i++) {
        $h = gmdate("i", $timetz + 60 * $i);
        $h = preg_replace("/^0/", '', $h);
        $data[] = $values[$h] != "" ? $values[$h] : 0;
        $label[] = gmdate("Y-m-d  H:i", $timetz + 60 * $i);
    return array($label, $data);
Esempio n. 3
* License:
* Copyright (c) 2003-2006
* Copyright (c) 2007-2013 AlienVault
* All rights reserved.
* This package is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; version 2 dated June, 1991.
* You may not use, modify or distribute this program under any other version
* of the GNU General Public License.
* This package is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this package; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston,
* MA  02110-1301  USA
* On Debian GNU/Linux systems, the complete text of the GNU General
* Public License can be found in `/usr/share/common-licenses/GPL-2'.
* Otherwise you can read it here:
function normalize_date($from_date, $to_date)
    // Format correction
    $from_date = preg_replace("/(\\d\\d)\\/(\\d\\d)\\/(\\d\\d\\d\\d)/", "\\3-\\2-\\1", $from_date);
    $to_date = preg_replace("/(\\d\\d)\\/(\\d\\d)\\/(\\d\\d\\d\\d)/", "\\3-\\2-\\1", $to_date);
    // Timezone correction
    $tz = Util::get_timezone();
    if ($tz != 0) {
        $from_date = gmdate("Y-m-d H:i:s", Util::get_utc_unixtime("{$from_date} 00:00:00") + -3600 * $tz);
        $to_date = gmdate("Y-m-d H:i:s", Util::get_utc_unixtime("{$to_date} 23:59:59") + -3600 * $tz);
    if (!preg_match("/\\d+\\:\\d+:\\d+/", $from_date)) {
        $from_date .= " 00:00:00";
    if (!preg_match("/\\d+\\:\\d+:\\d+/", $to_date)) {
        $to_date .= " 23:59:59";
    return array($from_date, $to_date);
Esempio n. 4
function SIEM_trend($conn)
    require_once '../../dashboard/sections/widgets/data/sensor_filter.php';
    $tz = Util::get_timezone();
    $tzc = Util::get_tzc($tz);
    $data = array();
    $fringe = gmdate('U') - 86400;
    $fringe = gmdate('Y-m-d H:00:00', $fringe);
    $ctx_where = Session::get_ctx_where() != '' ? " AND ctx IN (" . Session::get_ctx_where() . ")" : "";
    list($join, $where) = make_asset_filter('event');
    $sql = "SELECT sum(cnt) as num_events, convert_tz(timestamp,'+00:00','{$tzc}') as hour\n\t\t\t\tFROM alienvault_siem.ac_acid_event acid_event {$join}\n\t\t\t\tWHERE 1=1 {$where} {$ctx_where} AND timestamp >= '{$fringe}' \n\t\t\t\tGROUP BY hour\n\t\t\t\tORDER BY timestamp ASC";
    $rg = $conn->Execute($sql);
    if (!$rg) {
        print $conn->ErrorMsg();
    } else {
        while (!$rg->EOF) {
            $data[$rg->fields['hour']] = $rg->fields['num_events'];
    return $data;
Esempio n. 5
function DisplayProcessing()
    global $self;
    global $ListNOption;
    global $TopNOption;
    global $OutputFormatOption;
    global $IPStatOption;
    global $IPStatOrder;
    global $LimitScale;
    require_once 'av_init.php';
    $geoloc = new Geolocation("/usr/share/geoip/GeoLiteCity.dat");
    $db_aux = new ossim_db();
    $conn_aux = $db_aux->connect();
    $aux_ri_interfaces = Remote_interface::get_list($conn_aux, "WHERE status = 1");
    $ri_list = $aux_ri_interfaces[0];
    $ri_total = $aux_ri_interfaces[1];
    $ri_data = array();
    if ($ri_total > 0) {
        foreach ($ri_list as $r_interface) {
            $ri_data[] = array("name" => $r_interface->get_name(), "id" => "web_interfaces", "target" => "_blank", "url" => $r_interface->get_ip());
    $type = $detail_opts['type'] == "flows" ? 0 : ($detail_opts['type'] == "packets" ? 1 : 2);
    if ($ri_total >= 0) {
        echo '<a name="processing"></a>';
    $detail_opts = $_SESSION['detail_opts'];
    $process_form = $_SESSION['process_form'];
    <table style='width:100%;margin-top:15px;margin-bottom:5px;border:none'><tr>
    <td class='nobborder'><b><?php 
    echo _("Netflow Processing");
    <td class='noborder nfsen_menu'>
        <a href='javascript:lastsessions()'><?php 
    echo _("List last 500 sessions");
</a> |
        &nbsp;<a href='javascript:launch("2","<?php 
    echo $type;
    echo _("Top 10 Src IPs");
</a> |
        &nbsp;<a href='javascript:launch("3","<?php 
    echo $type;
    echo _("Top 10 Dst IPs");
</a> |
        &nbsp;<a href='javascript:launch("5","<?php 
    echo $type;
    echo _("Top 10 Src Port");
</a> |
        &nbsp;<a href='javascript:launch("6","<?php 
    echo $type;
    echo _("Top 10 Dst Port");
</a> |
        &nbsp;<a href='javascript:launch("13","<?php 
    echo $type;
    echo _("Top 10 Proto");

<form action="<?php 
    echo $self;
" onSubmit="return ValidateProcessForm()" id="FlowProcessingForm" method="POST" laction="<?php 
    echo $self;
    if (preg_match("/^\\d+\$/", $_SESSION['tend'])) {
    <input type="hidden" name="tend" value="<?php 
        echo intval($_SESSION['tend']);
" />
    if (preg_match("/^\\d+\$/", $_SESSION['tleft'])) {
    <input type="hidden" name="tleft" value="<?php 
        echo intval($_SESSION['tleft']);
" />
    if (preg_match("/^\\d+\$/", $_SESSION['tright'])) {
    <input type="hidden" name="tright" value="<?php 
        echo intval($_SESSION['tright']);
" />
    if ($_SESSION["detail_opts"]["cursor_mode"] != "") {
    <input type="hidden" name="cursor_mode" value="<?php 
        echo Util::htmlentities($_SESSION["detail_opts"]["cursor_mode"]);
" />
    if ($_SESSION["detail_opts"]["wsize"] != "") {
    <input type="hidden" name="wsize" value="<?php 
        echo Util::htmlentities($_SESSION["detail_opts"]["wsize"]);
" />
    if ($_SESSION["detail_opts"]["logscale"] != "") {
    <input type="hidden" name="logscale" value="<?php 
        echo Util::htmlentities($_SESSION["detail_opts"]["logscale"]);
" />
    if ($_SESSION["detail_opts"]["linegraph"] != "") {
    <input type="hidden" name="linegraph" value="<?php 
        echo Util::htmlentities($_SESSION["detail_opts"]["linegraph"]);
" />
<input type="hidden" name="login" value="<?php 
    echo Util::htmlentities($_SESSION["_remote_login"]);
" />
<table class='nfsen_filters'>
		<th class="thold"><?php 
    echo _("Source");
		<th class="thold"><?php 
    echo _("Filter");
		<th class="thold"><?php 
    echo _("Options");

		<td style='vertical-align:top'>
			<select name="srcselector[]" id='SourceSelector' size="6" style="width: 100%" multiple='multiple'>
    foreach ($process_form['srcselector'] as $selected_channel) {
        $_tmp[$selected_channel] = 1;
    $i = 0;
    foreach ($_SESSION['profileinfo']['channel'] as $channel) {
        $channel_name = $channel['name'];
        $checked = array_key_exists($channel['id'], $_tmp) ? 'selected' : '';
        echo "<OPTION value='" . Util::htmlentities($channel['id']) . "' {$checked}>{$channel_name}</OPTION>\n";
			<div style='margin: 5px auto'>
				<input class="small av_b_secondary" type="button" name="JSbutton2" value="All Sources" onClick="SelectAllSources()"/>
		<td style="vertical-align:top;">
			<textarea name="filter" id="filter" multiline="true" wrap="phisical" rows="6" cols="50" maxlength="10240"><?php 
    if (is_array($process_form)) {
        $display_filter = array_key_exists('editfilter', $process_form) ? $process_form['editfilter'] : $process_form['filter'];
    } else {
        $display_filter = array();
    if (count($display_filter) < 1 && GET('ip') != "" && GET('ip2') != "") {
        $display_filter[0] = "(src ip " . GET('ip') . " and dst ip " . GET('ip2') . ") or (src ip " . GET('ip2') . " and dst ip " . GET('ip') . ")";
    } elseif (count($display_filter) < 1 && GET('ip') != "") {
        $display_filter[0] = "src ip " . GET('ip') . " or dst ip " . GET('ip');
    } elseif (preg_match("/(\\d+\\.\\d+\\.\\d+\\.\\d+)/", $display_filter[0]) && GET('ip') != "" && GET('ip2') != "") {
        $ip1 = GET('ip');
        $ip2 = GET('ip2');
        $filter = "(src ip {$ip1} and dst ip {$ip2}) or (src ip {$ip2} and dst ip {$ip1})";
        $display_filter[0] = preg_replace("/\\(src ip \\d+\\.\\d+\\.\\d+\\.\\d+ and dst ip \\d+\\.\\d+\\.\\d+\\.\\d+\\) or \\(src ip \\d+\\.\\d+\\.\\d+\\.\\d+ and dst ip \\d+\\.\\d+\\.\\d+\\.\\d+\\)/", $filter, $display_filter[0]);
        $display_filter[0] = preg_replace("/src ip \\d+\\.\\d+\\.\\d+\\.\\d+ or dst ip \\d+\\.\\d+\\.\\d+\\.\\d+/", $filter, $display_filter[0]);
    } elseif (preg_match("/(\\d+\\.\\d+\\.\\d+\\.\\d+)/", $display_filter[0]) && GET('ip') != "") {
        $filter = "src ip " . GET('ip') . " or dst ip " . GET('ip');
        $display_filter[0] = preg_replace("/\\(src ip \\d+\\.\\d+\\.\\d+\\.\\d+ and dst ip \\d+\\.\\d+\\.\\d+\\.\\d+\\) or \\(src ip \\d+\\.\\d+\\.\\d+\\.\\d+ and dst ip \\d+\\.\\d+\\.\\d+\\.\\d+\\)/", $filter, $display_filter[0]);
        $display_filter[0] = preg_replace("/src ip \\d+\\.\\d+\\.\\d+\\.\\d+ or dst ip \\d+\\.\\d+\\.\\d+\\.\\d+/", $filter, $display_filter[0]);
    foreach ($display_filter as $line) {
        print str_replace("&amp;", "&", Util::htmlentities(stripslashes($line))) . "\n";
    $deletefilter_display_style = is_array($process_form) && array_key_exists('editfilter', $process_form) ? '' : 'style="display:none;"';
			<input type="image" name="filter_delete" id="filter_delete" title="<?php 
    echo _("Delete filter");
" align="right"
				onClick="HandleFilter(3)" value="" src="icons/trash.png" <?php 
    echo $deletefilter_display_style;
			<!-- <input type="image" name="filter_save" id="filter_save" title="Save filter" align="right"
				value="" src="icons/save.png"> -->
			<input type="hidden" name="filter_name" id="filter_name" value="none">
			<div style='margin: 5px auto'>
				<span id="filter_span">and</span>
				<select name="DefaultFilter" id="DefaultFilter" onChange="HandleFilter(0)" size="1">
    print "<option value='-1' label='none'>&lt;none&gt;</option>\n";
    foreach ($_SESSION['DefaultFilters'] as $name) {
        $checked = $process_form['DefaultFilter'] == $name ? 'selected' : '';
        print "<option value='" . Util::htmlentities($name) . "' {$checked}>" . Util::htmlentities($name) . "</option>\n";
    $editfilter_display_style = 'style="display:none;"';
    foreach ($_SESSION['DefaultFilters'] as $name) {
        if ($process_form['DefaultFilter'] == $name) {
            $editfilter_display_style = '';
				<input type="image" name="filter_save" id="filter_save" title="<?php 
    echo _("Save filter");
					onClick="HandleFilter(2)" value="" src="icons/save.png" border="0" align="absmiddle"> 		
				<input type="image" name="filter_edit" id="filter_edit" title="Edit filter" <?php 
    echo $editfilter_display_style;
					onClick="HandleFilter(1)" value="" src="icons/edit.png">
			<script language="Javascript" type="text/javascript">
				var DefaultFilters = new Array();
    foreach ($_SESSION['DefaultFilters'] as $name) {
        print "DefaultFilters.push('" . Util::htmlentities($name) . "');\n";
    if (array_key_exists('editfilter', $process_form)) {
        print "edit_filter = '" . Util::htmlentities($process_form['DefaultFilter']) . "';\n";
		<!-- Options start here -->
		<td style='padding: 0px;vertical-align:top;border:none;'>
			<table border="0" id="ProcessOptionTable" style="font-size:14px;font-weight:bold;width:100%;border:none">
					<td class='TDnfprocLabel' style='white-space:nowrap'>
    $i = 0;
    foreach (array('List Flows', 'Stat TopN') as $s) {
        $checked = $process_form['modeselect'] == $i ? 'checked' : '';
        print "<input type='radio' onClick='SwitchOptionTable({$i})' name='modeselect' id='modeselect{$i}' value='{$i}' {$checked}>{$s}&nbsp;";
    $list_display_style = $process_form['modeselect'] == 0 ? '' : 'style="display:none;"';
    $stat_display_style = $process_form['modeselect'] == 0 ? 'style="display:none;"' : '';
    $formatselect_display_opts = $process_form['modeselect'] == 1 && $process_form['stattype'] != 0 ? 'style="display:none;"' : '';
				   <td class='TDnfprocControl' >
						<table class='noborder' style='margin: auto;'>
								<td class='nobborder'><input class="small av_b_secondary" type="button" name="JSbutton1" value="<?php 
    echo _("Clear Form");
" onClick="ResetProcessingForm()"/></td>
								<td class='nobborder'><input class="small" type="submit" name="process" value="<?php 
    echo _("Process");
" id="process_button" onClick="clean_remote_data();form_ok=true;" size="1"/></td>
    if (count($RemoteInterfacesData) > 0 && !isset($_POST['login'])) {
									<td class='nobborder'><input type="button" name="remote_process" value="<?php 
        echo _("Remote Process");
" id="remote_process_button" onclick="$('#rinterfaces').toggle()"/>
										<div id='container_rmp' style='position:relative;'>
											<div id="rinterfaces" style="position:absolute; top:0; right:0;display:none; margin:1px 0px 0px 2px; text-align:right;">
        foreach ($RemoteInterfacesData as $data) {
            $short_name = strlen($data['name']) > 12 ? substr($data['name'], 0, 12) . "..." : $data['name'];
													<input type="button" onclick="remote_interface('<?php 
            echo $data["url"];
')" style="width:180px; font-size: 11px;" title="<?php 
            echo $data["name"] . " [" . $data["url"] . "]";
" value="<?php 
            echo $short_name . " [" . $data["url"] . "]";
"/><br />
				<tr id="listNRow" <?php 
    echo $list_display_style;
					<td class='TDnfprocLabel'><?php 
    echo _("Limit to");
					<td class='TDnfprocControl'>
						<select name="listN" id="listN" style="margin-left:1" size="1">
    for ($i = 0; $i < count($ListNOption); $i++) {
        $checked = $process_form['listN'] == $i ? 'selected' : '';
        print "<OPTION value='{$i}' {$checked}>" . $ListNOption[$i] . "</OPTION>\n";
    echo _("Flows");
				<tr id="topNRow" <?php 
    echo $stat_display_style;
					<td class='TDnfprocLabel'><?php 
    echo _("Top");
					<td class='TDnfprocControl'> 
						<select name="topN" id="TopN" size="1">
    for ($i = 0; $i < count($TopNOption); $i++) {
        $checked = $process_form['topN'] == $i ? 'selected' : '';
        print "<OPTION value='{$i}' {$checked}>" . $TopNOption[$i] . "</OPTION>\n";
				<tr id="stattypeRow" <?php 
    echo $stat_display_style;
					<td class="TDnfprocLabel"><?php 
    echo _("Stat");
					<td class="TDnfprocControl">
						<select name="stattype" id="StatTypeSelector" onChange="ShowHideOptions()" size="1">
    for ($i = 0; $i < count($IPStatOption); $i++) {
        $checked = $process_form['stattype'] == $i ? 'selected' : '';
        print "<OPTION value='{$i}' {$checked}>" . $IPStatOption[$i] . "</OPTION>\n";
						order by&nbsp;
						<select name='statorder' id="statorder" size='1'>
    for ($i = 0; $i < count($IPStatOrder); $i++) {
        $checked = $process_form['statorder'] == $i ? 'selected' : '';
        print "<OPTION value='{$i}' {$checked}>" . $IPStatOrder[$i] . "</OPTION>\n";
				<tr id="AggregateRow" <?php 
    echo $formatselect_display_opts;
					<td class='TDnfprocLabel'><?php 
    echo _("Aggregate");
					<td class='TDnfprocControl'>
						<input type="checkbox" name="aggr_bidir" id="aggr_bidir" value="checked" onClick="ToggleAggregate();"
							style="margin-left:1" <?php 
    echo Util::htmlentities($process_form['aggr_bidir']);
    echo _("bi-directional");
						<input type="checkbox" name="aggr_proto" id="aggr_proto" value="checked" 
							style="margin-left:1" <?php 
    echo Util::htmlentities($process_form['aggr_proto']);
    echo _("proto");
						<input type="checkbox" name="aggr_srcport" id="aggr_srcport" value="checked" 
							style="margin-left:1" <?php 
    echo Util::htmlentities($process_form['aggr_srcport']);
    echo _("srcPort");
						<input type="checkbox" name="aggr_srcip" id="aggr_srcip" value="checked" 
							style="margin-left:1" <?php 
    echo Util::htmlentities($process_form['aggr_srcip']);
						<select name="aggr_srcselect" id="aggr_srcselect" onChange="NetbitEntry('src')" size="1">
    $i = 0;
    foreach (array('srcIP', 'srcIPv4/', 'srcIPv6/') as $s) {
        $checked = $process_form['aggr_srcselect'] == $i ? 'selected' : '';
        print "<option value='{$i}' {$checked}>{$s}</option>\n";
    $_style = $process_form['aggr_srcselect'] == 0 ? 'style="display:none"' : '';
						<input size="3" type="text" name="aggr_srcnetbits" id="aggr_srcnetbits" 
    echo Util::htmlentities($process_form['aggr_srcnetbits']);
" <?php 
    echo $_style;
						<input type="checkbox" name="aggr_dstport" id="aggr_dstport" value="checked" 
							style="margin-left:1" <?php 
    echo Util::htmlentities($process_form['aggr_dstport']);
    echo _("dstPort");
						<input type="checkbox" name="aggr_dstip" id="aggr_dstip" value="checked" 
							style="margin-left:1" <?php 
    echo Util::htmlentities($process_form['aggr_dstip']);
						<select name="aggr_dstselect" id="aggr_dstselect" onChange="NetbitEntry('dst')" size="1">
    $i = 0;
    foreach (array('dstIP', 'dstIPv4/', 'dstIPv6/') as $s) {
        $checked = $process_form['aggr_dstselect'] == $i ? 'selected' : '';
        print "<option value='{$i}' {$checked}>{$s}</option>\n";
    $_style = $process_form['aggr_dstselect'] == 0 ? 'style="display:none"' : '';
						<input size="3" type="text" name="aggr_dstnetbits" id="aggr_dstnetbits" 
    echo Util::htmlentities($process_form['aggr_dstnetbits']);
" <?php 
    echo $_style;
				<tr id="timesortedRow" <?php 
    echo $list_display_style;
					<td class='TDnfprocLabel'><?php 
    echo _("Sort");
					<td class='TDnfprocControl'>
						<input type="checkbox" name="timesorted" id="timesorted" value="checked" 
							style="margin-left:1" <?php 
    echo Util::htmlentities($process_form['timesorted']);
    echo _("start time of flows");
				<tr id="limitoutputRow" <?php 
    echo $stat_display_style;
					<td class='TDnfprocLabel'><?php 
    echo _("Limit");
					<td class='TDnfprocControl'>
						<input type="checkbox" name="limitoutput" id="limitoutput" value="checked" style="margin-left:1" 
							size="1" <?php 
    echo Util::htmlentities($process_form['limitoutput']);
						<select name="limitwhat" id="limitwhat" size="1">
    $i = 0;
    foreach (array(gettext("Packets"), gettext("Traffic")) as $s) {
        $checked = $process_form['limitwhat'] == $i ? 'selected' : '';
        print "<option value='{$i}' {$checked}>{$s}</option>\n";
						<select name="limithow" id="limithow" size="1">
    $i = 0;
    foreach (array('&gt;', '&lt;') as $s) {
        $checked = $process_form['limithow'] == $i ? 'selected' : '';
        print "<option value='{$i}' {$checked}>{$s}</option>\n";
						<input type="text" name="limitsize" id="limitsize" value="<?php 
    echo Util::htmlentities($process_form['limitsize']);
						<select name="limitscale" id="limitscale" size="1" style="margin-left:1">
    $i = 0;
    foreach ($LimitScale as $s) {
        $checked = $process_form['limitscale'] == $i ? 'selected' : '';
        print "<option value='{$i}' {$checked}>{$s}</option>\n";

				<tr id="outputRow">
					<td class='TDnfprocLabel'><?php 
    echo _("Output");
					<td class='TDnfprocControl'>
						<span id="FormatSelect" <?php 
    echo $formatselect_display_opts;
						<select name="output" id="output" onChange="CustomOutputFormat()"  style="margin-left:1" size="1">
    foreach ($_SESSION['formatlist'] as $key => $value) {
        $checked = $process_form['output'] == $key ? 'selected' : '';
        print "<OPTION value='" . Util::htmlentities($key) . "' {$checked}>" . Util::htmlentities($key) . "</OPTION>\n";
    $fmt = $_SESSION['formatlist'][$process_form['output']];
    if ($process_form['output'] == $fmt) {
        // built in format
        $space_display_style = '';
        $edit_display_style = 'style="display:none"';
    } else {
        $space_display_style = 'style="display:none"';
        $edit_display_style = '';
						<script language="Javascript" type="text/javascript">
							var fmts = new Hash();
    foreach ($_SESSION['formatlist'] as $key => $value) {
        print "fmts.setItem('" . Util::htmlentities($key) . "', '" . Util::htmlentities($value) . "');\n";
						<img src="icons/space.png" border="0" alt='space' id='space' <?php 
    echo $space_display_style;
						<a href="#null" onClick="EditCustomFormat()"
    echo _("Edit format");
" ><IMG SRC="icons/edit.png" name="fmt_doedit" id="fmt_doedit" border="0" 
    echo $edit_display_style;
 alt="Edit format"></a>
						<input type="checkbox" name="IPv6_long" id="IPv6_long" style="margin-left:1" value="checked" <?php 
    echo Util::htmlentities($process_form['IPv6_long']);
						&nbsp;/ <?php 
    echo _("IPv6 long");
    $fmt_edit_display_style = $process_form['output'] == 'custom ...' ? '' : 'style="display:none"';
						<span id="fmt_edit" <?php 
    echo $fmt_edit_display_style;
    echo _("Enter custom output format");
						<input size="30" type="text" name="customfmt" id="customfmt" 
    echo Util::htmlentities($process_form['customfmt']);
" >
						<input type="image" name="fmt_save" id="fmt_save" title="<?php 
    echo _("Save format");
							value="" src="icons/save.png">
						<input type="image" name="fmt_delete" id="fmt_delete" title="<?php 
    echo _("Delete format");
							value="" src="icons/trash.png" <?php 
    echo $edit_display_style;
	<td align="right" style="border:none">
		<input type="button" name="JSbutton1" value="<?php 
    echo _("Clear Form");
" onClick="ResetProcessingForm()">
		<input type="submit" name="process" value="<?php 
    echo _("process");
" id="process_button" onClick="form_ok=true;" size="1">

<div id="lookupbox">
	<div id="lookupbar" align="right" style="background-color:olivedrab"><img src="icons/close.png"
		onmouseover="'pointer';" onClick="hidelookup()" title="Close lookup box"></div>
	<iframe id="cframe" src="" frameborder="0" scrolling="auto" width="100%" height="166"></iframe>

    if (!array_key_exists('run', $_SESSION)) {
    print "<div class='flowlist'>\n";
    $run = $_SESSION['run'];
    if ($run != null) {
        $filter = $process_form['filter'];
        if ($process_form['DefaultFilter'] != -1) {
            $cmd_opts['and_filter'] = $process_form['DefaultFilter'];
        $cmd_opts['type'] = ($_SESSION['profileinfo']['type'] & 4) > 0 ? 'shadow' : 'real';
        $cmd_opts['profile'] = $_SESSION['profileswitch'];
        $cmd_opts['srcselector'] = implode(':', $process_form['srcselector']);
        #print "<pre>\n";
        $patterns = array();
        $replacements = array();
        $patterns[0] = '/(\\s*)([^\\s]+)/';
        $replacements[0] = "\$1<a href='#null' onClick='lookup(\"\$2\", this, event)' title='lookup \$2'>\$2</a>";
        // gets HAP4NfSens plugin id. returns -1 if HAP4NfSen is not installed.
        function getHAP4NfSenId()
            $plugins = GetPlugins();
            for ($i = 0; $i < count($plugins); $i++) {
                $plugin = $plugins[$i];
                if ($plugin == "HAP4NfSen") {
                    return $i;
            return -1;
        $cmd_opts['args'] = "-T {$run}";
        $cmd_opts['filter'] = $filter;
        $titcol = get_tit_col($run);
        $cmd_out = nfsend_query("run-nfdump", $cmd_opts);
        if (!is_array($cmd_out)) {
        } else {
            $conf = $GLOBALS["CONF"];
            $solera = $conf->get_conf("solera_enable", FALSE) ? true : false;
            $db = new ossim_db();
            $conn = $db->connect();
            $sensors = $hosts = $ossim_servers = array();
            $tz = Util::get_timezone();
            list($hosts, $host_ids) = Asset_host::get_basic_list($conn, array(), TRUE);
            $entities = Session::get_all_entities($conn);
            $_sensors = Av_sensor::get_basic_list($conn);
            foreach ($_sensors as $s_id => $s) {
                $sensors[$s['ip']] = $s['name'];
            /*$hap4nfsen_id = getHAP4NfSenId();
                    	        if ($hap4nfsen_id >= 0) {
            					// ICMP "port" filter are no currently supported by the HAP4NfSen plugin
            					function isChecked(&$form, $name) { // helper function used to find out, if an option is checked
            						return $form[$name]=="checked";
            					$ip_and_port_columns = preg_match('/(flow records)/i', $IPStatOption[$process_form['stattype']]) &&
            						((isChecked($process_form,'aggr_srcip') && isChecked($process_form,'aggr_srcport')) ||
            						(isChecked($process_form,'aggr_dstip') && isChecked($process_form,'aggr_dstport')));
            					$ip_contains_port =  $_SESSION["process_form"]["modeselect"]=='0' || !preg_match('/[ip|flow_records]/i', $IPStatOption[$process_form['stattype']]) ||
            								(preg_match('/(flow records)/i', $IPStatOption[$process_form['stattype']]) && !( // no boxes checked
            								isChecked($process_form,'aggr_srcip') || isChecked($process_form,'aggr_srcport') ||
            								isChecked($process_form,'aggr_dstip') || isChecked($process_form,'aggr_dstport')));
                    	                        $_SESSION["plugin"][$hap4nfsen_id]["cmd_opts"] = $cmd_opts;
            					$hap_pic = "<img src=\"plugins/HAP4NfSen/graphviz.png\" valign=\"middle\" border=\"0\" alt=\"HAP\" />";
            					$default_pattern = array_pop($patterns);
            					$default_replacement = array_pop($replacements);
            					if ($ip_contains_port) { // matches cases like ip:port
            						$max_prot_length = 5; // max. port length = 5 chars(highest port number = 65535)
            						for ($i=$max_prot_length;$i>=1;$i--) {
            							$diff = ($max_prot_length-$i); // difference between actual and max port length
            							$ip_port_pattern_icmp = "/(\s*)([^\s|^:]+)(:)(0\s{4}|\d\.\d\s{2}|\d{2}\.\d\|\d\.\d{2}\s|\d{2}\.\d{2})/";
            							$ip_port_pattern_normal = "/(\s*)([^\s|^:]+)(:)([\d|\.]{{$i}})(\s{{$diff}})/";
            							$spaces = '';
            							for ($k=0;$k<$diff;$k++) {$spaces = $spaces . ' ';} // spaces required to align hap viewer icons
                                                            	array_push($patterns, $ip_port_pattern_icmp);
            							array_push($replacements,  $default_replacement .
            								"$3$4 <a href=\"nfsen.php?tab=5&sub_tab=" . $hap4nfsen_id . "&ip=$2&mode=new\" title='HAP graphlet for $2'>$hap_pic</a> ");
            							array_push($patterns, $ip_port_pattern_normal);
                                                            	array_push($replacements,  $default_replacement .
            								"$3$4$spaces <a href=\"nfsen.php?tab=5&sub_tab=" . $hap4nfsen_id . "&ip=$2&port=$4&mode=new\" title='HAP graphlet for $2 on port $4'>$hap_pic</a> ");
            						array_push($patterns, '/(\sIP\sAddr:Port)/i');
                                                    	array_push($replacements, "$1  $hap_pic");
            					} else {
            						if ($ip_and_port_columns) { // matches cases when both ip and port are available but are located in separate columns
            							// ICMP verion
            							$ip_and_port_pattern = "/(\s*)([^\s]+)(\s+)(0|\d\.\d)/";
            							$ip_and_port_replacement = "$1$2$3$4 " .
            								"<a href=\"nfsen.php?tab=5&sub_tab=" . $hap4nfsen_id . "&ip=$2&mode=new\" title='HAP graphlet for $2'>$hap_pic</a>";
            							array_push($patterns, $ip_and_port_pattern);
            							array_push($replacements, $ip_and_port_replacement);
            							// non-ICMP version with port filter
                                                                    $ip_and_port_pattern = "/(\s*)([^\s]+)(\s*)([\d|.]+)/";
                                                                    $ip_and_port_replacement = "$1$2$3$4 " .
                                                                            "<a href=\"nfsen.php?tab=5&sub_tab=" . $hap4nfsen_id . "&ip=$2&port=$4&mode=new\" title='HAP graphlet for $2 on port $4'>$hap_pic</a>";
                                                                    array_push($patterns, $ip_and_port_pattern);
                                                                    array_push($replacements, $ip_and_port_replacement);
            							array_push($patterns, '/(\s\s(Src\sIP\sAddr\s*Src\sPt|Dst\sIP\sAddr\s*Dst\sPt))/i');
                                                                    array_push($replacements, "$1 $hap_pic");
            						} else { // matches all other cases
            							array_push($patterns, $default_pattern);
                                                    		array_push($replacements,  $default_replacement . 
            								" <a href=\"nfsen.php?tab=5&sub_tab=" . $hap4nfsen_id . "&ip=$2&mode=new\" title='HAP graphlet for $2'>$hap_pic</a>");
            							array_push($patterns, '/(\s(|\s(Src|Dst))\sIP\sAddr)/i');
                                                            	array_push($replacements, "$1 $hap_pic");
            				if ( array_key_exists('arg', $cmd_out) ) {
            					print "** nfdump " . $cmd_out['arg'] . "\n";
            				if ( array_key_exists('filter', $cmd_out) ) {
            					print "nfdump filter:\n";
            					foreach ( $cmd_out['filter'] as $line ) {
            						print "$line\n";
            				foreach ( $cmd_out['nfdump'] as $line ) {
            					print preg_replace($patterns, $replacements, $line) . "\n";
            # parse command line
            #2009-12-09 17:08:17.596    40.262 TCP    -> .AP.SF   0       70   180978        1    35960   2585     1
            $list = preg_match("/\\-o extended/", $cmd_out['arg']) ? 1 : 0;
            $regex = $list ? "/(\\d\\d\\d\\d\\-.*?\\s.*?)\\s+(.*?)\\s+(.*?)\\s+(.*?)\\s+->\\s+(.*?)\\s+(.*?)\\s+(.*?)\\s+(.*?)\\s+(.*?\\s*[KMG]?)\\s+(.*?)\\s+(.*?)\\s+(.*?)\\s+(.*)/" : "/(\\d\\d\\d\\d\\-.*?\\s.*?)\\s+(.*?)\\s+(.*?)\\s+(.*?)\\s+(.*?)\\s+(.*?)\\s+(.*?\\s*[KMGT]?)\\s+(.*?)\\s+(.*?)\\s+(.*)/";
            echo '<div class="nfsen_list_title">' . _('Flows Info') . '</div>';
            echo "<table class='table_list'>";
            $geotools = false;
            if ($list && file_exists("../kml/GoogleEarth.php")) {
                $geotools = true;
                $geoips = array();
                $geotools_src = " <a href='' onclick='\"../kml/TourConfig.php?type=ip_src&ip=&flows=1\",\"Flows sources - Goggle Earth API\",\"width=1024,height=700,scrollbars=NO,toolbar=1\");return false'><img align='absmiddle' src='../pixmaps/google_earth_icon.png' border='0'></a>&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href='' onclick='\"../kml/IPGoogleMap.php?type=ip_src&ip=&flows=1\",\"Flows sources - Goggle Maps API\",\"width=1024,height=700,scrollbars=NO,toolbar=1\");return false'><img align='absmiddle' src='../pixmaps/google_maps_icon.png' border='0'></a>";
                $geotools_dst = " <a href='' onclick='\"../kml/TourConfig.php?type=ip_dst&ip=&flows=1\",\"Flows destinations - Goggle Earth API\",\"width=1024,height=700,scrollbars=NO,toolbar=1\");return false'><img align='absmiddle' src='../pixmaps/google_earth_icon.png' border='0'></a>&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href='' onclick='\"../kml/IPGoogleMap.php?type=ip_dst&ip=&flows=1\",\"Flows destinations - Goggle Maps API\",\"width=1024,height=700,scrollbars=NO,toolbar=1\");return false'><img align='absmiddle' src='../pixmaps/google_maps_icon.png' border='0'></a>";
            echo $list ? "\n                \n                <tr>\n                    <th>" . _("Date flow start") . "<br><span style='font-size:8px'>" . Util::timezone($tz) . "</style></th>\n                    <th>" . _("Duration") . "</th>\n                    <th>" . _("Proto") . "</th>\n                    <th>" . _("Src IP Addr:Port") . "{$geotools_src}</th>\n                    <th>" . _("Dst IP Addr:Port") . "{$geotools_dst}</th>\n                    <th>" . _("Flags") . "</th>\n                    <th>" . _("Tos") . "</th>\n                    <th>" . _("Packets") . "</th>\n                    <th>" . _("Bytes") . "</th>\n                    <th>" . _("pps") . "</th>\n                    <th>" . _("bps") . "</th>\n                    <th>" . _("Bpp") . "</th>\n                    <th>" . _("Flows") . "</th>\n                \t" . ($solera ? "<th></th>" : "") . "\n                    </tr>" : "<tr>\n                    <th>" . _("Date flow seen") . "<br><span style='font-size:8px'>" . Util::timezone($tz) . "</style></th>\n                    <th>" . _("Duration") . "</th>\n                    <th>" . _("Proto") . "</th>\n                    <th>" . $titcol . "</th>\n                    <th>" . _("Flows") . "(%)</th>\n                    <th>" . _("Packets") . "(%)</th>\n                    <th>" . _("Bytes") . "(%)</th>\n                    <th>" . _("pps") . "</th>\n                    <th>" . _("bps") . "</th>\n                    <th>" . _("Bpp") . "</th>\n                \t" . ($solera ? "<th></th>" : "") . "\n                    </tr>";
            $status = $errors = array();
            $rep = new Reputation();
            foreach ($cmd_out['nfdump'] as $k => $line) {
                #capture status
                if (preg_match("/^(Summary|Time window|Total flows processed|Sys)\\:/", $line, $found)) {
                    $status[$found[1]] = str_replace($found[1] . ":", "", $line);
                # capture errors
                if (preg_match("/ error /i", $line, $found)) {
                    if (preg_match("/stat\\(\\) error/i", $line)) {
                        $errors[] = _('The netflow information you are trying to access either has not been processed yet or does not exist. Please check your date filters.');
                        Av_exception::write_log(Av_exception::USER_ERROR, $line);
                    } else {
                        $errors[] = $line;
                # print results
                $line = preg_replace("/\\(\\s(\\d)/", "(\\1", $line);
                // Patch for ( 0.3)
                $line = preg_replace("/(\\d)\\s*([KMGT])/", "\\1\\2", $line);
                // Patch for 1.2 M(99.6)
                $line = preg_replace("/(\\d+)(TCP|UDP|ICMP|IGMP)\\s/", "\\1 \\2 ", $line);
                // Patch for 9.003TCP
                $start = $end = $proto = "";
                $ips = $ports = array();
                if (preg_match($regex, preg_replace('/\\s*/', ' ', $line), $found)) {
                    echo "<tr class='tr_flow_data'>\n";
                    foreach ($found as $ki => $field) {
                        if ($ki > 0) {
                            $wrap = $ki == 1 ? "nowrap" : "";
                            $field = Util::htmlentities(preg_replace("/(\\:\\d+)\\.0\$/", "\\1", $field));
                            if (preg_match("/(\\d+\\.\\d+\\.\\d+\\.\\d+)(.*)/", $field, $fnd)) {
                                # match ip (resolve and geolocalize)
                                $ip = $fnd[1];
                                $port = $fnd[2];
                                list($name, $ctx, $host_id) = GetDataFromSingleIp($ip, $hosts);
                                if ($name == "" && $sensors[$ip] != "") {
                                    $name = $sensors[$ip];
                                $output = Asset_host::get_extended_name($conn, $geoloc, $ip, $ctx, $host_id, '');
                                $homelan = $output['is_internal'] || $name != "" && $name != $ip;
                                $icon = $output['html_icon'];
                                # reputation info
                                if (!is_array($_SESSION["_repinfo_ips"][$ip])) {
                                    $_SESSION["_repinfo_ips"][$ip] = $rep->get_data_by_ip($ip);
                                $rep_icon = Reputation::getrepimg($_SESSION["_repinfo_ips"][$ip][0], $_SESSION["_repinfo_ips"][$ip][1], $_SESSION["_repinfo_ips"][$ip][2], $ip);
                                $rep_bgcolor = Reputation::getrepbgcolor($_SESSION["_repinfo_ips"][$ip][0]);
                                $style_aux = $homelan ? 'style="font-weight:bold"' : '';
                                $bold_aux1 = $homelan ? '<b>' : '';
                                $bold_aux2 = $homelan ? '<b>' : '';
                                $field = '<div id="' . $ip . ';' . Util::htmlentities($name) . ';' . $host_id . '" id2="' . $ip . ';' . $ip . '" ctx="' . $ctx . '" class="HostReportMenu">' . $icon . ' <a ' . $style_aux . ' href="javascript:;">' . Util::htmlentities($name) . '</a>' . $bold_aux1 . $port . $bold_aux2 . ' ' . $rep_icon . '</div>';
                                $wrap = "nowrap style='{$rep_bgcolor}'";
                                $ips[] = $ip;
                                if ($geotools) {
                                    if ($ki == 4) {
                                    } elseif ($ki == 5) {
                                $ports[] = str_replace(":", "", $port);
                            if (preg_match("/(\\d+-\\d+-\\d+ \\d+:\\d+:\\d+)(.*)/", $field, $fnd)) {
                                # match date
                                $start = $end = $fnd[1];
                                $time = strtotime($fnd[1]);
                                $field = Util::htmlentities(gmdate("Y-m-d H:i:s", $time + 3600 * $tz) . "." . $fnd[2]);
                            if (preg_match("/(TCP|UDP|ICMP|RAW)/", $field, $fnd)) {
                                # match date
                                $proto = strtolower($fnd[1]);
                            print "<td {$wrap}>{$field}</td>";
                    // solera deepsee integration
                    if ($solera) {
                        echo "<td><a href=\"javascript:;\" onclick=\"solera_deepsee('" . Util::htmlentities($start) . "','" . Util::htmlentities($end) . "','" . Util::htmlentities($ips[0]) . "','" . Util::htmlentities($ports[0]) . "','" . Util::htmlentities($ips[1]) . "','" . Util::htmlentities($ports[1]) . "','" . Util::htmlentities($proto) . "')\"><img src='/ossim/pixmaps/solera.png' border='0' align='absmiddle'></a></td>";
                    echo "</tr>\n";
            echo "</table>";
            if ($geotools) {
                foreach ($geoips as $type => $list) {
                    $ipsfile = fopen("/var/tmp/flowips_" . Session::get_session_user() . ".{$type}", "w");
                    foreach ($list as $ip => $val) {
                        fputs($ipsfile, "{$ip}\n");
            #Summary: total flows: 20, total bytes: 7701, total packets: 133, avg bps: 60, avg pps: 0, avg bpp: 57
            #Time window: 2009-12-10 08:21:30 - 2009-12-10 08:38:26
            #Total flows processed: 21, Records skipped: 0, Bytes read: 1128
            #Sys: 0.000s flows/second: 0.0        Wall: 0.000s flows/second: 152173.9
            if (count($status) > 0) {
                echo "<table class='transparent' style='margin-bottom:5px;width:100%'>";
                foreach ($status as $key => $line) {
                    $line = preg_replace("/(Wall)\\:/", "<span class='th_summary'>\\1</span>", $line);
                    $line = preg_replace("/\\,\\s+(.*?)\\:/", " <span class='th_summary'>\\1</span>", $line);
                    echo "<tr>\n                                    <td class='nobborder' style='padding: 4px;'>\n                                        <span class='th_summary'>{$key}</span>\n                                        {$line}\n                                    </td>\n                                  </tr>";
                echo "</table>";
            # stat() error '/home/dk/nfsen/profiles-data/live/device2/2009/12/10/nfcapd.200912100920': File not found!
            if (count($errors) > 0) {
                foreach ($errors as $line) {
                    echo "<div class='details_error'>" . _("ERROR FOUND: ") . "{$line}</div>";
        #print "</pre>\n";
    print "</div>\n";
Esempio n. 6
function main_page($viewall, $sortby, $sortdir)
    global $uroles, $username, $dbconn, $hosts;
    global $arruser, $user;
    $tz = Util::get_timezone();
    if ($sortby == "") {
        $sortby = "id";
    if ($sortdir == "") {
        $sortdir = "DESC";
    /*    if ( $uroles['admin'] ) {
            if($viewall == 1) {
                echo "&nbsp;<a href='manage_jobs.php'>View My Schedules</a>&nbsp;|&nbsp;";
            } else {
                echo "&nbsp;<a href='manage_jobs.php?viewall=1'>View All Schedules</a>&nbsp;|&nbsp;";
        } else {
            $viewall = "1";
    //echo "<a href='sched.php?op=reoccuring'>New Schedule</a>&nbsp;|<br><br>";
    $sql_order = "order by {$sortby} {$sortdir}";
    //    if($viewall == 1) {
    //       $url_sortby="<a href=\"manage_jobs.php?viewall=1&sortby=";
    //    } else {
    //       $url_sortby="<a href=\"manage_jobs.php?sortby=";
    //    }
    echo "<center>";
    status($arruser, $user);
    echo "<br>";
    echo "<form>";
    echo "<input type=\"button\" onclick=\"document.location.href='sched.php?smethod=schedule&hosts_alive=1&scan_locally=1'\" value=\"" . _("New Scan Job") . "\" class=\"button\">";
    echo "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;";
    echo "<input type=\"button\" onclick=\"document.location.href='sched.php?smethod=inmediately&hosts_alive=1&scan_locally=1'\" value=\"" . _("Run Scan Now") . "\" class=\"button\">";
    echo "</form>";
    echo "</center>";
    echo "<br>";
    $schedulejobs = _("Scheduled Jobs");
    echo <<<EOT
   <table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0" width="90%"><tr><td class="headerpr" style="border:0;">{$schedulejobs}</td></tr></table>
   <table cellspacing="2" width="90%" summary="Job Schedules" 
        border=0 cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
    if ($sortdir == "ASC") {
        $sortdir = "DESC";
    } else {
        $sortdir = "ASC";
    $arr = array(_("Name"), _("Schedule Type"), _("Time"), _("Next Scan"), _("Status"));
    // modified by hsh to return all scan schedules
    if (in_array("admin", $arruser)) {
        $query = "SELECT as profile, t1.meth_TARGET,,, t1.schedule_type, t1.meth_VSET, t1.meth_TIMEOUT, t1.username, t1.enabled, t1.next_CHECK,\n              FROM vuln_job_schedule t1 LEFT JOIN vuln_nessus_settings t2 ON ";
    } else {
        $query = "SELECT as profile, t1.meth_TARGET,,, t1.schedule_type, t1.meth_VSET, t1.meth_TIMEOUT, t1.username, t1.enabled, t1.next_CHECK,\n              FROM vuln_job_schedule t1 LEFT JOIN vuln_nessus_settings t2 ON WHERE username in ('{$user}') ";
    //    if($viewall == 1) { // list all schedules
    //    } else { // view only logged in users schedules
    //       $query .= "where username='******' ";
    //    }
    $query .= $sql_order;
    $result = $dbconn->execute($query);
    if ($result->EOF) {
        echo "<tr><td height='20' class='nobborder' style='text-align:center;'>" . _("No Scheduled Jobs") . "</td></tr>";
    if (!$result->EOF) {
        echo "<tr>";
        foreach ($arr as $value) {
            echo "<th><a href=\"manage_jobs.php?sortby={$value}&sortdir={$sortdir}\">{$value}</a></th>";
        echo "<th>" . _("Action") . "</th></tr>";
    while (!$result->EOF) {
        list($profile, $targets, $schedid, $schedname, $schedtype, $sid, $timeout, $user, $schedstatus, $nextscan, $servers) = $result->fields;
        $tz = intval($tz);
        $nextscan = gmdate("Y-m-d H:i:s", Util::get_utc_unixtime($dbconn, $nextscan) + 3600 * $tz);
        preg_match("/\\d+\\-\\d+\\-\\d+\\s(\\d+:\\d+:\\d+)/", $nextscan, $found);
        $time = $found[1];
        switch ($schedtype) {
            case "N":
                $stt = _("Once (Now)");
            case "O":
                $stt = _("Once");
            case "D":
                $stt = _("Daily");
            case "W":
                $stt = _("Weekly");
            case "M":
                $stt = _("Monthly");
            case "Q":
                $stt = _("Quarterly");
            case "H":
                $stt = _("On Hold");
            case "NW":
                $stt = _("N<sup>th</sup> weekday of the month");
                $stt = "&nbsp;";
        switch ($schedstatus) {
            case "1":
                $itext = _("Disable Scheduled Job");
                $isrc = "images/stop2.png";
                $ilink = "manage_jobs.php?disp=setstatus&schedid={$schedid}&enabled=0";
                $itext = _("Enable Scheduled Job");
                $isrc = "images/play.png";
                $ilink = "manage_jobs.php?disp=setstatus&schedid={$schedid}&enabled=1";
        if ($schedstatus) {
            $txt_enabled = "<td><a href=\"{$ilink}\"><font color=\"green\">" . _("Enabled") . "</font></a></td>";
        } else {
            $txt_enabled = "<td><a href=\"{$ilink}\"><font color=\"red\">" . _("Disabled") . "</font></a></td>";
        if (preg_match('/^\\d+$/', $user)) {
            list($entities_all, $num_entities) = Acl::get_entities($dbconn, $user);
            $user = $entities_all[$user]['name'];
        echo <<<EOT
        if ($profile == "") {
            $profile = _("Default");
        echo "<td><a style=\"text-decoration:none;\" href=\"javascript:;\" txt=\"<b>" . _("Owner") . ":</b> {$user}<br><b>" . _("Server") . ":</b> {$servers}<br /><b>" . _("Scheduled Job ID") . ":</b> {$schedid}<br><b>" . _("Profile") . ":</b> {$profile}<br><b>" . _("Targets") . ":</b><br>" . tooltip_hosts($targets, $hosts) . "\" class=\"scriptinfo\">{$schedname}</a></td>";
        echo $stt;
        echo $time;
        echo $nextscan;
        echo <<<EOT
    <td style="padding-top:2px;"><a href="{$ilink}"><img alt="{$itext}" src="{$isrc}" border=0 title="{$itext}"></a>&nbsp;
        echo "<a href='sched.php?disp=edit_sched&sched_id={$schedid}&amp;hmenu=Vulnerabilities&amp;smenu=Jobs'><img src='images/pencil.png' title='" . gettext("Edit Scheduled") . "'></a>&nbsp;";
        echo "<a href='manage_jobs.php?disp=delete&amp;schedid={$schedid}' onclick='return confirmDelete();'><img src='images/delete.gif' title='" . gettext("Delete Scheduled") . "'></a></td>";
        echo <<<EOT
    echo <<<EOT
    echo "<br>";
    if ($_GET['page'] != "") {
        $page = $_GET['page'];
    } else {
        $page = 1;
    $pagesize = 10;
    if ($username == "admin") {
        $query = "SELECT count(id) as num FROM vuln_jobs";
    } else {
        $query = "SELECT count(id) as num FROM vuln_jobs where username='******'";
    $result = $dbconn->Execute($query);
    $jobCount = $result->fields["num"];
    $num_pages = ceil($jobCount / $pagesize);
    //echo "num_pages:[".$num_pages."]";
    //echo "jobCount:[".$jobCount."]";
    //echo "page:[".$page."]";
    all_jobs(0, 10, "R");
    // only running jobs
<br />
    $out = all_jobs(($page - 1) * $pagesize, $pagesize);
<table width="90%" align="center" class="transparent">
    <tr><td style="text-align:center;padding-top:5px;" class="nobborder">
        <a href="javascript:;" onclick="$('#legend').toggle();$('#message_show').toggle();$('#message_hide').toggle();" colspan="2"><img src="../pixmaps/arrow_green.gif" align="absmiddle" border="0">
            <span id="message_show"><?php 
    echo _("Show legend");
            <span id="message_hide" style="display:none"><?php 
    echo _("Hide legend");
        <td class="nobborder" valign="top" style="padding-top:5px;">
    if ($out != 0 && $num_pages != 1) {
        if ($page == 1 && $page == $num_pages) {
            echo '<center><< ' . _("First") . ' <' . _(" Previous") . '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;[' . $page . ' ' . _("of") . ' ' . $num_pages . ']&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;' . _("Next") . ' >&nbsp;' . _("Last") . ' >></center>';
        } elseif ($page == 1) {
            echo '<center><< ' . _("First") . ' < ' . _("Previous") . '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;[' . $page . ' ' . _("of") . ' ' . $num_pages . ']&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="manage_jobs.php?page=' . ($page + 1) . '">' . _("Next") . ' ></a>&nbsp;<a href="manage_jobs.php?page=' . $num_pages . '">' . _("Last") . ' >></a></center>';
        } elseif ($page == $num_pages) {
            echo '<center><a href="manage_jobs.php?page=1"><< ' . _("First") . '</a>&nbsp;<a href="manage_jobs.php?page=' . ($page - 1) . '">< ' . _("Previous") . '</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;[' . $page . ' ' . _("of") . ' ' . $num_pages . ']&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;' . _("Next") . '>&nbsp;' . _("Last") . ' >></center>';
        } else {
            echo '<center><a href="manage_jobs.php?page=1"><< ' . _("First") . '</a>&nbsp;<a href="manage_jobs.php?page=' . ($page - 1) . '">< ' . _("Previous") . '</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;[' . $page . ' ' . _("of") . ' ' . $num_pages . ']&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="manage_jobs.php?page=' . ($page + 1) . '">' . _("Next") . ' ></a>&nbsp;<a href="manage_jobs.php?page=' . $num_pages . '">' . _("Last") . ' >></a></center>';
        //echo "<br>";
        <td width="110" class="nobborder">
            <table width="100%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="3" id="legend" style="display:none;">
                    <th colspan="2" style="padding-right: 3px;">
                        <div style="float: left; width: 60%; text-align: right;padding-top:3px;"><b><?php 
    echo _("Legend");
                        <div style="float: right; width: 18%; padding-top: 2px; padding-bottom: 2px; text-align: right;"><a style="cursor: pointer; text-align: right;" onclick="$('#legend').toggle();$('#message_show').toggle();$('#message_hide').toggle();"><img src="../pixmaps/cross-circle-frame.png" alt="Close" title="Close" align="absmiddle" border="0"></a></div>
                    <td bgcolor="#EFFFF7" style="border:1px solid #999999" width="25%"></td><td class="nobborder"  width="75%" style="text-align:left;padding-left:7px;"><?php 
    echo _("Completed");
                    <td bgcolor="#EFE1E0" style="border:1px solid #999999" width="25%"></td><td class="nobborder"  width="75%" style="text-align:left;padding-left:7px;"><?php 
    echo _("Failed");
                    <td bgcolor="#D1E7EF" style="border:1px solid #999999" width="25%"></td><td class="nobborder"  width="75%" style="text-align:left;padding-left:7px;"><?php 
    echo _("Running");
                    <td bgcolor="#DFF7FF" style="border:1px solid #999999" width="25%"></td><td class="nobborder"  width="75%" style="text-align:left;padding-left:7px;"><?php 
    echo _("Scheduled");
                    <td bgcolor="#FFFFDF" style="border:1px solid #999999" width="25%"></td><td class="nobborder"  width="75%" style="text-align:left;padding-left:7px;"><?php 
    echo _("Timeout");
        <td class="nobborder">&nbsp;
Esempio n. 7
function main_page($viewall, $sortby, $sortdir)
    global $uroles, $username, $dbconn, $hosts;
    global $arruser, $user;
    $tz = Util::get_timezone();
    if ($sortby == "") {
        $sortby = "id";
    if ($sortdir == "") {
        $sortdir = "DESC";
    $sql_order = "order by {$sortby} {$sortdir}";
    if (Session::menu_perms("environment-menu", "EventsVulnerabilitiesScan")) {
		<div style="width:50%; position: relative; height: 5px; float:left">
			<div style="width:100%; position: absolute; top: -41px;left:0px;">
    			<div style="float:left; height:28px; margin:5px 5px 0px 0px;">
    				<a class="button" href="<?php 
        echo Menu::get_menu_url(AV_MAIN_PATH . '/vulnmeter/sched.php?smethod=schedule&hosts_alive=1&scan_locally=1', 'environment', 'vulnerabilities', 'scan_jobs');
        echo _("New Scan Job");
    			<div style="float:left;height:28px;margin:5px 5px 0px -2px;">
    				<a class="greybox button av_b_secondary" href="import_nbe.php" title="<?php 
        echo _("Import nbe file");
        echo _("Import nbe file");
    if (intval($_GET['page']) != 0) {
        $page = intval($_GET['page']);
    } else {
        $page = 1;
    $pagesize = 10;
    if ($username == "admin") {
        $query = "SELECT count(id) as num FROM vuln_jobs";
    } else {
        $query = "SELECT count(id) as num FROM vuln_jobs where username='******'";
    $result = $dbconn->Execute($query);
    $jobCount = $result->fields["num"];
    $num_pages = ceil($jobCount / $pagesize);
    //echo "num_pages:[".$num_pages."]";
    //echo "jobCount:[".$jobCount."]";
    //echo "page:[".$page."]";
    if (Vulnerabilities::scanner_type() == "omp") {
        // We can display scan status with OMP protocol
        echo Vulnerabilities::get_omp_running_scans($dbconn);
    } else {
        // Nessus
        all_jobs(0, 10, "R");

    $schedulejobs = _("Scheduled Jobs");
    echo <<<EOT

   <table style='margin-top:20px;' class='w100 transparent'><tr><td class='sec_title'>{$schedulejobs}</td></tr></table>
   <table summary="Job Schedules" class='w100 table_list'>
    if ($sortdir == "ASC") {
        $sortdir = "DESC";
    } else {
        $sortdir = "ASC";
    $arr = array("name" => "Name", "schedule_type" => "Schedule Type", "time" => "Time", "next_CHECK" => "Next Scan", "enabled" => "Status");
    // modified by hsh to return all scan schedules
    if (empty($arruser)) {
        $query = "SELECT as profile, t1.meth_TARGET,,, t1.schedule_type, t1.meth_VSET, t1.meth_TIMEOUT, t1.username, t1.enabled, t1.next_CHECK,\n              FROM vuln_job_schedule t1 LEFT JOIN vuln_nessus_settings t2 ON ";
    } else {
        $query = "SELECT as profile, t1.meth_TARGET,,, t1.schedule_type, t1.meth_VSET, t1.meth_TIMEOUT, t1.username, t1.enabled, t1.next_CHECK,\n              FROM vuln_job_schedule t1 LEFT JOIN vuln_nessus_settings t2 ON WHERE username in ({$user}) ";
    $query .= $sql_order;
    $result = $dbconn->execute($query);
    if ($result->EOF) {
        echo "<tr><td class='empty_results' height='20' style='text-align:center;'>" . _("No Scheduled Jobs") . "</td></tr>";
    if (!$result->EOF) {
        echo "<tr>";
        foreach ($arr as $order_by => $value) {
            echo "<th><a href=\"manage_jobs.php?sortby={$order_by}&sortdir={$sortdir}\">" . _($value) . "</a></th>";
        if (Session::menu_perms("environment-menu", "EventsVulnerabilitiesScan")) {
            echo "<th>" . _("Action") . "</th></tr>";
    $colors = array("#FFFFFF", "#EEEEEE");
    $color = 0;
    while (!$result->EOF) {
        list($profile, $targets, $schedid, $schedname, $schedtype, $sid, $timeout, $user, $schedstatus, $nextscan, $servers) = $result->fields;
        $name = Av_sensor::get_name_by_id($dbconn, $servers);
        $servers = $name != '' ? $name : "unknown";
        $targets_to_resolve = explode("\n", $targets);
        $ttargets = array();
        foreach ($targets_to_resolve as $id_ip) {
            if (preg_match("/^([a-f\\d]{32})#\\d+\\.\\d+\\.\\d+\\.\\d+\\/\\d{1,2}/i", $id_ip, $found) && Asset_net::is_in_db($dbconn, $found[1])) {
                $ttargets[] = preg_replace("/^([a-f\\d]{32})#/i", "", $id_ip) . " (" . Asset_net::get_name_by_id($dbconn, $found[1]) . ")";
            } else {
                if (preg_match("/^([a-f\\d]{32})#\\d+\\.\\d+\\.\\d+\\.\\d+/i", $id_ip, $found) && Asset_host::is_in_db($dbconn, $found[1])) {
                    $ttargets[] = preg_replace("/^([a-f\\d]{32})#/i", "", $id_ip) . " (" . Asset_host::get_name_by_id($dbconn, $found[1]) . ")";
                } else {
                    $ttargets[] = preg_replace("/[a-f\\d]{32}/i", "", $id_ip);
        $targets = implode("<BR/>", $ttargets);
        $tz = intval($tz);
        $nextscan = gmdate("Y-m-d H:i:s", Util::get_utc_unixtime($nextscan) + 3600 * $tz);
        preg_match("/\\d+\\-\\d+\\-\\d+\\s(\\d+:\\d+:\\d+)/", $nextscan, $found);
        $time = $found[1];
        switch ($schedtype) {
            case "N":
                $stt = _("Once (Now)");
            case "O":
                $stt = _("Once");
            case "D":
                $stt = _("Daily");
            case "W":
                $stt = _("Weekly");
            case "M":
                $stt = _("Monthly");
            case "Q":
                $stt = _("Quarterly");
            case "H":
                $stt = _("On Hold");
            case "NW":
                $stt = _("N<sup>th</sup> weekday of the month");
                $stt = "&nbsp;";
        switch ($schedstatus) {
            case "1":
                $itext = _("Disable Scheduled Job");
                $isrc = "images/stop_task.png";
                $ilink = "manage_jobs.php?disp=setstatus&schedid={$schedid}&enabled=0";
                $itext = _("Enable Scheduled Job");
                $isrc = "images/play_task.png";
                $ilink = "manage_jobs.php?disp=setstatus&schedid={$schedid}&enabled=1";
        if (!Session::menu_perms("environment-menu", "EventsVulnerabilitiesScan")) {
            $ilink = "javascript:return false;";
        if ($schedstatus) {
            $txt_enabled = "<td><a href=\"{$ilink}\"><font color=\"green\">" . _("Enabled") . "</font></a></td>";
        } else {
            $txt_enabled = "<td><a href=\"{$ilink}\"><font color=\"red\">" . _("Disabled") . "</font></a></td>";
        require_once 'classes/';
        if (valid_hex32($user)) {
            $user = Session::get_entity_name($dbconn, $user);
        echo "<tr bgcolor=\"" . $colors[$color % 2] . "\">";
        if ($profile == "") {
            $profile = _("Default");
        echo "<td><span class=\"tip\" title=\"<b>" . _("Owner") . ":</b> {$user}<br><b>" . _("Server") . ":</b> {$servers}<br /><b>" . _("Scheduled Job ID") . ":</b> {$schedid}<br><b>" . _("Profile") . ":</b> {$profile}<br><b>" . _("Targets") . ":</b><br>" . $targets . "\">{$schedname}</span></td>";
        echo $stt;
        echo $time;
        echo $nextscan;
        echo <<<EOT
    <td style="padding-top:2px;"><a href="{$ilink}"><img alt="{$itext}" src="{$isrc}" border=0 title="{$itext}"></a>&nbsp;
        if (Session::menu_perms("environment-menu", "EventsVulnerabilitiesScan")) {
            echo "<a href='" . Menu::get_menu_url(AV_MAIN_PATH . '/vulnmeter/sched.php?disp=edit_sched&sched_id=' . $schedid, 'environment', 'vulnerabilities', 'scan_jobs') . "'><img src='images/pencil.png' title='" . _("Edit Scheduled") . "'></a>&nbsp;";
            echo "<a href='manage_jobs.php?disp=delete&amp;schedid={$schedid}' onclick='return confirmDelete();'><img src='images/delete.gif' title='" . gettext("Delete Scheduled") . "'></a>";
        echo "</td>";
        echo <<<EOT
    echo <<<EOT
<br />
    $out = all_jobs(($page - 1) * $pagesize, $pagesize);
<table width="100%" align="center" class="transparent" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
        <td class="nobborder" valign="top" style="padding-top:5px;">
            <div class="fright">
    if ($out != 0 && $num_pages != 1) {
        $page_url = "manage_jobs.php";
        if ($page == 1 && $page == $num_pages) {
            echo '<a href="" class="link_paginate_disabled" onclick="return false">< ' . _("PREVIOUS") . '</a>';
            echo '<a class="lmargin link_paginate_disabled" href="" onclick="return false">' . _("NEXT") . ' ></a>';
        } elseif ($page == 1) {
            echo '<a href="" class="link_paginate_disabled" onclick="return false">< ' . _("PREVIOUS") . '</a>';
            echo '<a class="lmargin" href="' . $page_url . '?page=' . ($page + 1) . '">' . _("NEXT") . ' ></a>&nbsp;';
        } elseif ($page == $num_pages) {
            echo '<a href="' . $page_url . '?page=' . ($page - 1) . '">< ' . _("PREVIOUS") . '</a>';
            echo '<a class="lmargin link_paginate_disabled" href="" onclick="return false">' . _("NEXT") . ' ></a>';
        } else {
            echo '<a href="' . $page_url . '?page=' . ($page - 1) . '">< ' . _("PREVIOUS") . '</a><a class="lmargin" href="' . $page_url . '?page=' . ($page + 1) . '">' . _("NEXT") . ' ></a>';
Esempio n. 8
function SIEM_trends_hids($agent_ip)
    include_once '../panel/sensor_filter.php';
    require_once 'classes/';
    require_once 'classes/';
    require_once '';
    $tz = Util::get_timezone();
    $tzc = Util::get_tzc($tz);
    $data = array();
    $plugins = $plugins_sql = "";
    $db = new ossim_db();
    $dbconn = $db->connect();
    $sensor_where = make_sensor_filter($dbconn);
    // Ossec filter
    $oss_p_id_name = Plugin::get_id_and_name($dbconn, "WHERE name LIKE 'ossec%'");
    $plugins = implode(",", array_flip($oss_p_id_name));
    $plugins_sql = "AND acid_event.plugin_id in ({$plugins})";
    // Agent ip filter
    $agent_where = make_sid_filter($dbconn, $agent_ip);
    if ($agent_where == "") {
        $agent_where = "0";
    $sqlgraph = "SELECT COUNT(acid_event.sid) as num_events, day(convert_tz(timestamp,'+00:00','{$tzc}')) as intervalo, monthname(convert_tz(timestamp,'+00:00','{$tzc}')) as suf FROM snort.acid_event LEFT JOIN ossim.plugin ON WHERE sid in ({$agent_where}) AND timestamp BETWEEN '" . gmdate("Y-m-d 00:00:00", gmdate("U") - 604800) . "' AND '" . gmdate("Y-m-d 23:59:59") . "' {$plugins_sql} {$sensor_where} GROUP BY suf,intervalo ORDER BY suf,intervalo";
    //print $sqlgraph;
    if (!($rg =& $dbconn->Execute($sqlgraph))) {
        return false;
    } else {
        while (!$rg->EOF) {
            $hours = $rg->fields["intervalo"] . " " . substr($rg->fields["suf"], 0, 3);
            $data[$hours] = $rg->fields["num_events"];
    return $data;
Esempio n. 9
function GetTimeProfile2($start_date, $end_date, $time_sep, $join, $where)
    global $db, $cnt, $label_lst, $value_lst, $value_POST_lst, $debug_mode;
    // Timezone
    $tz = Util::get_timezone();
    $tzc = Util::get_tzc($tz);
    $precision = $time_sep[0];
    // group by date_format(timestamp, "%Y%m%d %H")
    switch ($precision) {
        case "hour":
            $format = "%Y%m%d %H";
        case "day":
            $format = "%Y%m%d";
        case "month":
            $format = "%Y%m";
    if ($where != "") {
        $sql = "select date_format(convert_tz(timestamp,'+00:00','{$tzc}'), \"{$format}\") as date, count(convert_tz(timestamp,'+00:00','{$tzc}')) as count from acid_event {$join} {$where} group by date";
    } else {
        $sql = "select date_format(convert_tz(timestamp,'+00:00','{$tzc}'), \"{$format}\") as date, count(convert_tz(timestamp,'+00:00','{$tzc}')) as count from acid_event where timestamp between \"{$start_date}\" and \"{$end_date}\" + interval 1 day group by date";
    if ($debug_mode > 0) {
        echo $sql;
    $result = $db->baseExecute($sql);
    while ($myrow = $result->baseFetchRow()) {
        $date_str = $myrow["date"];
        $count = $myrow["count"];
        $i_year = substr($date_str, 0, 4);
        $i_month = "";
        $i_day = "";
        $i_hour = "";
        switch ($precision) {
            case "hour":
                $i_month = substr($date_str, 4, 2);
                $i_day = substr($date_str, 6, 2);
                $i_hour = substr($date_str, 9, 2);
                StoreAlertNum2($count, $i_month . "/" . $i_day . "/" . $i_year . " " . $i_hour . ":00:00 - " . $i_hour . ":59:59", $time_sep, $i_year, $i_month, $i_day, $i_hour);
            case "day":
                $i_month = substr($date_str, 4, 2);
                $i_day = substr($date_str, 6, 2);
                StoreAlertNum2($count, $i_month . "/" . $i_day . "/" . $i_year, $time_sep, $i_year, $i_month, $i_day, $i_hour);
            case "month":
                $i_month = substr($date_str, 4, 2);
                StoreAlertNum2($count, $i_month . "/" . $i_year, $time_sep, $i_year, $i_month, $i_day, $i_hour);
                $format = "%Y%m";
Esempio n. 10
    				    <td class="ne"><?php 
    echo _("Number of IPs in the database");
    				    <td class="grb">&nbsp;<?php 
    echo Util::number_format_locale($total, 0);
    				    <td class="ne"><?php 
    echo _("Latest update");
    				    <td class="grb">&nbsp;<?php 
    echo gmdate("Y-m-d H:i:s", filemtime($reputation->rep_file) + 3600 * Util::get_timezone());
			<div class='otx_p_middle'>
				<div class='otx_p_title'><?php 
    echo _("Malicious IPs by Activity");
				<div id="chart" style="width:400px; height:220px"></div>
			<div class='otx_p_right'>
Esempio n. 11


// Not found
if (count($countries) == 0)
    echo "<tr><td><table class='transparent' style='width:100%'><tr><td colspan='5' style='padding:6px'><b>"._("No external IP addresses were found in the SIEM events")."</b></td></tr></table></td></tr>\n";
// Results
echo '<br/><TABLE class="table_list">';
echo      '<tr><th style="text-align:left" width="25%">Country</th>
               <th width="15%">' . gettext("Events") . "&nbsp;# <span class='idminfo' txt='".Util::timezone(Util::get_timezone())."'>(*)</span>". '</th>
               <th width="10%">' . gettext("Unique Src. #") . '</th>
               <th width="10%">' . gettext("Unique Dst. #") . '</th>
$max_cnt = 1;
$i = 0;
foreach ($countries as $country=>$num) { 
	if ($max_cnt == 1 && $num > 0) $max_cnt = $num;
	$data = $country_acc[$country];
	if ($data['srcnum']+$data['dstnum'] == 0) $entry_width = 0;
    else $entry_width = round($data['events'] / $max_cnt * 100);
	if ($data['code']=="") $data['code']="unknown";
		<td style="padding:7px;text-align:left"><?=$data['flag']." ".$country?></td>
Esempio n. 12
function submit_scan($op, $sched_id, $sname, $notify_email, $schedule_type, $ROYEAR, $ROMONTH, $ROday, $time_hour, $time_min, $dayofweek, $dayofmonth, $timeout, $SVRid, $sid, $tarSel, $ip_list, $ip_exceptions_list, $ip_start, $ip_end, $named_list, $cidr, $subnet, $system, $cred_type, $credid, $acc, $domain, $accpass, $acctype, $passtype, $passstore, $wpolicies, $wfpolicies, $upolicies, $custadd_type, $cust_plugins, $is_enabled, $hosts_alive, $scan_locally, $nthweekday, $semail, $not_resolve)
    global $wdaysMap, $daysMap, $allowscan, $uroles, $username, $schedOptions, $adminmail, $mailfrom, $dbk, $dbconn;
    require_once "classes/";
    $tz = Util::get_timezone();
    if (empty($ROYEAR)) {
        $ROYEAR = gmdate("Y");
    if (empty($ROMONTH)) {
        $ROMONTH = gmdate("m");
    if (empty($ROday)) {
        $ROday = gmdate("d");
    list($_y, $_m, $_d, $_h, $_u, $_s, $_time) = Util::get_utc_from_date($dbconn, "{$ROYEAR}-{$ROMONTH}-{$ROday} {$time_hour}:{$time_min}:00", $tz);
    $ROYEAR = $_y;
    $ROMONTH = $_m;
    $ROday = $_d;
    $time_hour = $_h;
    $time_min = $_u;
    if ($not_resolve == "1") {
        $resolve_names = 0;
    } else {
        $resolve_names = 1;
    $notify_email = str_replace(";", ",", $notify_email);
    $requested_run = "";
    $jobType = "M";
    $recurring = False;
    $targets = array();
    $time_value = "";
    $profile_desc = getProfileName($sid);
    $target_list = "";
    $need_authorized = "";
    $request = "";
    $plugs_list = "NULL";
    $fk_name = "NULL";
    $target_list = "NULL";
    $tmp_target_list = "";
    $jobs_names = array();
    $sjobs_names = array();
    //$I3crID = getCredentialId ( $cred_type, $passstore, $credid, $acc, $domain, $accpass, $acctype, $passtype );
    $I3crID = "";
    if ($hosts_alive == "1") {
        // option: Only scan hosts that are alive
        $I3crID = "1";
    } else {
        $I3crID = "0";
    if ($custadd_type == "") {
        $custadd_type = "N";
    if ($custadd_type != "N" && $cust_plugins != "") {
        $plugs_list = "";
        $vals = preg_split("/\\s+|\r\n|,|;/", $cust_plugins);
        foreach ($vals as $v) {
            $v = trim($v);
            if (strlen($v) > 0) {
                $plugs_list .= $v . "\n";
        $plugs_list = "'" . $plugs_list . "'";
    /*     echo <<<EOT
         <h3>Job Details:</h3>
         <tr><th align="right">Job Name</th><td>$sname</td></tr>
         <tr><th align="right">Notify</th><td>$notify_email</td></tr>
         <tr><th align="right">Timeout</th><td>$timeout</td></tr>
         <tr><th align="right">Profile</th><td>$profile_desc</td></tr>
         <tr><th align="right">Schedule Info</th><td>&nbsp;</td></tr>
    //$arrTime = localtime((int)gmdate('U'), true);
    $arrTime = explode(":", gmdate('Y:m:d:w:H:i:s'));
    $year = $arrTime[0];
    $mon = $arrTime[1];
    $mday = $arrTime[2];
    $wday = $arrTime[3];
    $hour = $arrTime[4];
    $min = $arrTime[5];
    $sec = $arrTime[6];
    $timenow = $hour . $min . $sec;
    if ($time_hour) {
        $hour = $time_hour;
    if ($time_min) {
        $min = $time_min;
    #echo "hour=$hour<br>";
    #$hour = $hour - $tz_offset;
    #echo "offset=$tz_offset<br>hour=$hour<br>";
    #if ( $hour < "0" ) { echo "change 1<br>"; $hour = $hour + 24; }
    #if ( $hour >= "24" ) { echo "change 2<br>"; $hour = $hour - 24; }
    #echo "hour_changed=$hour<br>";
    $run_wday = $wdaysMap[$dayofweek];
    #echo "run_day=$run_wday<br>dayofweek=$dayofweek<br>";
    $run_time = sprintf("%02d%02d%02d", $time_hour, $time_min, "00");
    $run_mday = $dayofmonth;
    $time_value = "{$time_hour}:{$time_min}:00";
    //echo "schedule_type: ".$schedule_type;
    //echo "$run_time : $timenow\n"; exit();
    $ndays = array("Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday");
    switch ($schedule_type) {
        case "N":
            $requested_run = gmdate("YmdHis");
            $sched_message = "No reccurring Jobs Necessary";
        case "O":
            $requested_run = sprintf("%04d%02d%02d%06d", $ROYEAR, $ROMONTH, $ROday, $run_time);
            $sched_message = "No reccurring Jobs Necessary";
            $recurring = True;
            $reccur_type = "Run Once";
        case "D":
            if ($run_time > $timenow) {
                $next_day = $year . $mon . $mday;
            } else {
                $next_day = gmdate("Ymd", strtotime("+1 day GMT", gmdate("U")));
            // next day
            $requested_run = sprintf("%08d%06d", $next_day, $run_time);
            $recurring = True;
            $sched_message = "Schedule Reccurring";
            $reccur_type = "Daily";
        case "W":
            if ($run_wday == $wday && $run_time > $timenow) {
                $next_day = $year . $mon . $mday;
            } else {
                $next_day = gmdate("Ymd", strtotime("next " . $ndays[$run_wday] . " GMT", gmdate("U")));
            // next week
            $requested_run = sprintf("%08d%06d", $next_day, $run_time);
            $recurring = True;
            $sched_message = "Schedule Reccurring";
            $reccur_type = "Weekly";
        case "M":
            if ($run_mday > $mday || $run_mday == $mday && $run_time > $timenow) {
                $next_day = $year . $mon . ($run_mday < 10 ? "0" : "") . $run_mday;
                // this month
                #echo "date selected is in the future<br>";
            } else {
                $next_day = sprintf("%06d%02d", gmdate("Ym", strtotime("next month GMT", gmdate("U"))), $run_mday);
                #$next_day = gmdate("Ymd", mktime(0, 0, 0, date("m")+1, $run_mday, date("y"))); // next month
                #echo "date selected is in the past<br>";
            #echo "run_mday=$run_mday mday=$mday rtime=$run_time now=$timenow next_day=$next_day<br>";
            $requested_run = sprintf("%08d%06d", $next_day, $run_time);
            $recurring = True;
            $sched_message = "Schedule Reccurring";
            $reccur_type = "Montly";
        case "NW":
            $dayweektonum = array("Mo" => 1, "Tu" => 2, "We" => 3, "Th" => 4, "Fr" => 5, "Sa" => 6, "Su" => 7);
            $next_day = nthweekdaymonth($year, gmdate("n"), 1, $dayweektonum[$dayofweek], $nthweekday);
            $requested_run = sprintf("%08d%06d", $next_day, $run_time);
            $dayofmonth = $nthweekday;
            $recurring = True;
            $sched_message = "Schedule Reccurring";
            $reccur_type = "Nth weekday of the month";
    //if ( $schedule_type != "N" ){
    //$requested_run  = switchTime_TimeZone( $requested_run, "server" );
    /*     echo <<<EOT
         <tr><th align="right">Type</th><td>$schedOptions[$schedule_type]</td></tr>
         <tr><th align="right">First Occurrence</th><td>$requested_run</td></tr>
         <tr><th align="right">Recurring</th><td>$sched_message</td></tr>
         <tr><th align="right">&nbsp;</th><td></td></tr>
         <tr><th colspan="2">Target Selection</th></tr>
    switch ($tarSel) {
        case "1":
            $vals = preg_split("/\\s+|\r\n|;/", $ip_list);
            foreach ($vals as $v) {
                $v = trim($v);
                if (strlen($v) > 0) {
                    array_push($targets, $v);
        case "2":
            #IP RANGE
            if ($ip_start || $ip_end) {
                if ($ip_start && $ip_end) {
                    $targets = range2List($ip_start, $ip_end);
                } else {
                    //     echo "<tr><td colspan=2>incomplete target list</td></tr>";
        case "3":
            #NAMED TARGET
            $vals = preg_split("/\\s+|\n|,|;/", $named_list);
            foreach ($vals as $v) {
                $v = trim($v);
                if (strlen($v) > 0) {
                    $ip = gethostbyname($v);
                    if (strlen($ip) > 0) {
                        array_push($targets, $ip);
                    } else {
                        //     echo "<tr><td colspan=2>$v&nbsp;&nbsp;Name could not be resolved</td></tr>";
        case "4":
            array_push($targets, $cidr);
        case "5":
            if ($uroles['auditAll'] && $subnet == "ALL") {
                array_push($targets, "all_live_subnets");
            } else {
                array_push($targets, $subnet);
            $fk_name = "'" . $subnet . "'";
        case "6":
            #$query = "SELECT isso_email, admin_sys, admin_dba, admin_network from vuln_systems WHERE acronym='$system'";
            #$result = $dbconn->Execute($query);
            #list( $isso_poc, $poc_sa, $poc_dba, $poc_network ) = $result->fields;
            $all_pocs = $isso_poc;
            if ($all_pocs != "" && $poc_sa != "") {
                $all_pocs .= ", {$poc_sa}";
            if ($all_pocs != "" && $poc_dba != "") {
                $all_pocs .= ", {$poc_dba}";
            if ($all_pocs != "" && $poc_network != "") {
                $all_pocs .= ", {$poc_network}";
            $notify_email = $all_pocs;
            $fk_name = "'" . $system . "'";
            #INPUT FILE
    if ($tarSel < "4") {
        foreach ($targets as $hostip) {
            if (!$allowscan && !inrange($hostip, $dbconn)) {
                $need_authorized .= $hostip . "\n";
            $tmp_target_list .= $hostip . "\n";
            //echo "<tr><td colspan=2>$hostip</td></tr>";
        if ($need_authorized != "") {
            //echo "<tr><th colspan=2><font color=red>NOT IN APPROVED ZONE</font></th></tr>";
            $html_needs_auth = str_replace("\n", "<br>", $need_authorized);
            //echo "<tr><td colspan=2>$html_needs_auth</td></tr>";
    } elseif ($tarSel == "4") {
        $tmp_target_list = $cidr;
        //echo "<tr><td colspan=2>$cidr</td></tr>";
    } elseif ($tarSel == "6") {
        $jobType = "S";
        if ($recurring == True) {
        } else {
            /*$query = "SELECT hostip from vuln_systems t1
                         LEFT JOIN vuln_system_hosts t2 on t2.sysID =
                         WHERE t1.acronym='$system'";
                      $result = $dbconn->Execute($query);
                      while ( !$result->EOF ) {
                         list($hostip) = $result->fields;
                         if ( strlen($hostip)>0) {
                            $tmp_target_list .= "$hostip\n";
                            array_push($targets, $hostip );
        //       echo "<tr><td colspan=2>$system</td></tr>";
    } else {
        $jobType = "C";
        $tmp_target_list = $subnet;
        //       echo "<tr><td colspan=2>$subnet</td></tr>";
    if (!($tarSel == "6" && $recurring == True) && count($targets) == 0) {
        //      echo "<p><center><font color=red>Missing Host Selection or BAD LIST:$targets[0]<br><br></font>"
        //         ."[ <a href=\"javascript:history.go(-1)\">Go Back</a> ]</center></p>";
        //logAccess( "USER $username Fubared: Missing Host Selection or BAD LIST:$targets[0]" );
        require_once "footer.php";
    } elseif (!$sname) {
        //      echo "<p><center><font color=red>Missing or BAD SNAME:[$sname]<br><br></font>"
        //         ."[ <a href=\"javascript:history.go(-1)\">Go Back</a> ]</center></p>";
        //logAccess( "USER $username Fubared something on job name [$sname]" );
        require_once "footer.php";
    if ($subnet == "" or $subnet == "0") {
        $subnet = "Null";
    } else {
        $subnet = "'{$subnet}'";
    if ($SVRid == "" or $SVRid == "Null") {
        $SVRid = "Null";
    } else {
        $SVRid = "'{$SVRid}'";
    if ($tmp_target_list != "") {
        $target_list = "'" . $tmp_target_list . "'";
    $arrChecks = array("w" => $wpolicies, "f" => $wfpolicies, "u" => $upolicies);
    $arrAudits = array('w', 'f', 'u');
    foreach ($arrChecks as $check => $policydata) {
        $i = 1;
        $audit_data = "";
        if ($policydata) {
            if ($i <= 5) {
                foreach ($policydata as $policy) {
                    $audit_data .= "{$policy}\n";
        if ($audit_data != "") {
            $arrAudits[$check] = "'{$audit_data}'";
        } else {
            $arrAudits[$check] = "NULL";
    $insert_time = gmdate("YmdHis");
    //   if ( $need_authorized != "" || !($uroles['nessus']) ) {
    //      $jobType="R";  #REQUEST JOB
    //      #DO not wrap $subnet / $SVRid with ticks '' as 'Null' is not Null
    //      $query = "INSERT INTO vuln_jobs ( name, fk_name, username, job_TYPE, meth_SCHED, meth_TARGET, meth_CRED,
    //          meth_VSET, meth_CUSTOM, meth_CPLUGINS, meth_Wcheck, meth_Wfile, meth_Ucheck, meth_TIMEOUT, scan_ASSIGNED, scan_SUBMIT,
    //          scan_next, scan_PRIORITY, status, notify ) VALUES ( '$sname', $fk_name, '$username', '$jobType', '$schedule_type', $target_list, $I3crID,
    //          '$sid', '$custadd_type', $plugs_list, $arrAudits[w], $arrAudits[f], $arrAudits[u], '$timeout', $SVRid, '$insert_time',
    //          '$requested_run', '3' , 'H', '$notify_email' )";
    //      $request = "for Approval";
    //      $subject = "Scan request [$sname]";
    //      $message = "HELLO SOC TEAM, \tThe following User [ $username ] has requested a scan against:\n"
    //         ." $target_list\n\nPlease Promptly Accept/Reject the request!"
    //         ."Thank You\n\nThe SOC TEAM!\n";
    // mail($adminmail, $subject, $message, "From: $mailfrom\nX-Mailer: PHP/" . phpversion());
    //   echo "needs authorization<br>";
    //logAccess( "USER $username Submitted Scan Request [$sname]" );
    // } else {
    require_once "classes/";
    require_once "classes/";
    require_once "classes/";
    require_once "classes/";
    require_once "classes/";
    //Check Permissions
    $allowed = array();
    $notallowed = array();
    $ftargets = explode("\\r\\n", $target_list);
    foreach ($ftargets as $ftarget) {
        $ftarget = preg_replace("/\r|\n|\t|\\s|\\'/", "", $ftarget);
        $unresolved = !preg_match("/\\d+\\.\\d+\\.\\d+\\.\\d+/", $ftarget) && $not_resolve ? true : false;
        if (preg_match("/\\//", $ftarget) && Session::netAllowed($dbconn, Net::get_name_by_ip($dbconn, $ftarget))) {
            //, $username
            $allowed[] = $ftarget;
        } else {
            if (Session::hostAllowed($dbconn, $ftarget) || $unresolved) {
                // , $username
                $allowed[] = $ftarget;
            } else {
                $notallowed[] = $ftarget;
    if (count($allowed) > 0) {
        $forced_server = "";
        $all_sensors = array();
        $sensor_list = Sensor::get_all($dbconn, "", false);
        foreach ($sensor_list as $s) {
            $all_sensors[$s->get_ip()] = $s->get_name();
        // force scanner
        if ($SVRid != "Null") {
            $query = "SELECT hostname FROM vuln_nessus_servers WHERE id={$SVRid}";
            $result = $dbconn->execute($query);
            list($forced_server) = $result->fields;
        } elseif ($not_resolve) {
            $result = $dbconn->Execute("SELECT name,hostname FROM vuln_nessus_servers WHERE enabled=1");
            while (!$result->EOF) {
                list($name, $hostname) = $result->fields;
                if (Session::sensorAllowed($hostname)) {
                    $all_sensors[$hostname] = $name;
        // remote nmap
        $rscan = new RemoteScan("", "");
        if ($rscan->available_scan()) {
            $reports = $rscan->get_scans();
            $ids = is_array($reports) ? array_keys($reports) : array();
        } else {
            $ids = array();
        //if ($forced_server!="") $ids = array_merge(array($forced_server),$ids);
        //$tsjobs = explode("\\r\\n", $target_list);
        $sgr = array();
        $unables = array();
        $tsjobs = $allowed;
        foreach ($tsjobs as $tjobs) {
            $tjobs = preg_replace("/\r|\n|\t|\\s|\\'/", "", $tjobs);
            $unresolved = !preg_match("/\\d+\\.\\d+\\.\\d+\\.\\d+/", $tjobs) && $not_resolve ? true : false;
            if (preg_match("/\\//", $tjobs)) {
                $sensor = Net_sensor_reference::get_list_array($dbconn, $tjobs);
            } else {
                $sensor = Host_sensor_reference::get_list_array($dbconn, $tjobs);
            if ($forced_server != "") {
                $sensor = array_merge(array($forced_server), $sensor);
            if ($unresolved || Session::am_i_admin() && count($sensor) == 0 && $forced_server == "") {
                if ($unresolved) {
                    foreach ($all_sensors as $sip => $unused) {
                        $sensor[] = $sip;
                } else {
                    $local_ip = `grep framework_ip /etc/ossim/ossim_setup.conf | cut -f 2 -d "="`;
                    $local_ip = trim($local_ip);
                    $results = $dbconn->Execute("SELECT name FROM vuln_nessus_servers WHERE hostname like '{$local_ip}'");
                    if ($results->fields["name"] != "") {
                        $sensor[] = $local_ip;
            // reorder sensors with load
            if ($forced_server != "") {
                $sensor = Sensor::reorder_sensors($dbconn, $sensor);
            // select best sensor with available nmap and vulnmeter
            $selected = array();
            foreach ($sensor as $sen) {
                $properties = Sensor::get_properties($dbconn, $sen);
                $withnmap = in_array($all_sensors[$sen], $ids) || !$hosts_alive || $unresolved;
                //echo "$sen:".$all_sensors[$sen].":$withnmap || $scan_locally:".$properties["has_vuln_scanner"]." || $SVRid:$forced_server<br>\n";
                if ((Session::sensorAllowed($sen) || $forced_server != "") && ($withnmap || $scan_locally) && ($properties["has_vuln_scanner"] || $forced_server != "")) {
                    //$selected = ($SVRid!="Null" && $all_sensors[$sen]!="") ? $all_sensors[$sen] : $sen;
                    //echo "sel:$selected<br>\n";
                    $selected[] = $forced_server != "" ? $forced_server : $sen;
            if (count($selected) > 0) {
                $sgr[implode(",", array_unique($selected))][] = $tjobs;
            } else {
                $unables[] = $tjobs;
        $query = array();
        /*    if($tz!=0) {
                  list ($y,$m,$d,$h,$u,$s,$time) = Util::get_utc_from_date($dbconn, $requested_run, $tz);
                  $requested_run = $y.$m.$d.$h.$u.$s;
        if ($op == "editrecurring" && $sched_id > 0) {
            $query[] = "DELETE FROM vuln_job_schedule WHERE id='{$sched_id}'";
            $i = 1;
            foreach ($sgr as $notify_sensor => $targets) {
                $target_list = implode("\n", $targets);
                $target_list .= "\n" . implode("\n", $ip_exceptions_list);
                $query[] = "INSERT INTO vuln_job_schedule ( name, username, fk_name, job_TYPE, schedule_type, day_of_week, day_of_month, \n                            time, email, meth_TARGET, meth_CRED, meth_VSET, meth_CUSTOM, meth_CPLUGINS, meth_Wcheck, meth_Wfile, \n                            meth_Ucheck, meth_TIMEOUT, scan_ASSIGNED, next_CHECK, createdate, enabled, resolve_names ) VALUES ( '{$sname}', '{$username}', '" . Session::get_session_user() . "', '{$jobType}',\n                            '{$schedule_type}', '{$dayofweek}', '{$dayofmonth}', '{$time_value}', '{$notify_sensor}', '{$target_list}',\n                            {$I3crID}, '{$sid}', '{$custadd_type}', {$plugs_list}, {$arrAudits['w']}, {$semail}, '{$scan_locally}',\n                            '{$timeout}', {$SVRid}, '{$requested_run}', '{$insert_time}', '1', '{$resolve_names}' ) ";
                $sjobs_names[] = $sname . $i;
        } elseif ($recurring) {
            $i = 1;
            foreach ($sgr as $notify_sensor => $targets) {
                $target_list = implode("\n", $targets);
                $target_list .= "\n" . implode("\n", $ip_exceptions_list);
                $query[] = "INSERT INTO vuln_job_schedule ( name, username, fk_name, job_TYPE, schedule_type, day_of_week, day_of_month, \n                                time, email, meth_TARGET, meth_CRED, meth_VSET, meth_CUSTOM, meth_CPLUGINS, meth_Wcheck, meth_Wfile, \n                                meth_Ucheck, meth_TIMEOUT, scan_ASSIGNED, next_CHECK, createdate, enabled, resolve_names ) VALUES ( '{$sname}', '{$username}', '" . Session::get_session_user() . "', '{$jobType}',\n                                '{$schedule_type}', '{$dayofweek}', '{$dayofmonth}', '{$time_value}', '{$notify_sensor}', '{$target_list}',\n                                {$I3crID}, '{$sid}', '{$custadd_type}', {$plugs_list}, {$arrAudits['w']}, {$semail}, '{$scan_locally}',\n                                '{$timeout}', {$SVRid}, '{$requested_run}', '{$insert_time}', '1', '{$resolve_names}' ) ";
                $sjobs_names[] = $sname . $i;
        } else {
            $i = 1;
            foreach ($sgr as $notify_sensor => $targets) {
                $target_list = implode("\n", $targets);
                $target_list .= "\n" . implode("\n", $ip_exceptions_list);
                $query[] = "INSERT INTO vuln_jobs ( name, username, fk_name, job_TYPE, meth_SCHED, meth_TARGET,  meth_CRED,\n                        meth_VSET, meth_CUSTOM, meth_CPLUGINS, meth_Wcheck, meth_Wfile, meth_Ucheck, meth_TIMEOUT, scan_ASSIGNED,\n                        scan_SUBMIT, scan_next, scan_PRIORITY, status, notify, authorized, author_uname, resolve_names ) VALUES ( '{$sname}',\n                        '{$username}', '" . Session::get_session_user() . "', '{$jobType}', '{$schedule_type}', '{$target_list}', {$I3crID}, '{$sid}', '{$custadd_type}', {$plugs_list},\n                        {$arrAudits['w']}, {$semail}, {$arrAudits['u']}, '{$timeout}', {$SVRid}, '{$insert_time}', '{$requested_run}', '3',\n                        'S', '{$notify_sensor}', '{$scan_locally}', 'ACL', '{$resolve_names}' ) ";
                $jobs_names[] = $sname . $i;
        $query_insert_time = gen_strtotime($insert_time, "");
        foreach ($query as $sql) {
            $error_updating = false;
            $error_inserting = false;
            $sql = str_replace(", ',", ", '',", str_replace("''", "'", $sql));
            if ($dbconn->execute($sql) === false) {
                echo _("Error creating scan job") . ": " . $dbconn->ErrorMsg();
                if ($op == "editrecurring") {
                    $error_updating = true;
                } else {
                    $error_creating = true;
            } else {
                if ($op == "editrecurring" && !$error_updating) {
                    echo "<br><center>" . _("Successfully Updated Recurring Job") . "</center>";
                    if (count($notallowed) == 0 && count($unables) == 0) {
<script type="text/javascript">
                    //logAccess( "Updated Recurring Job [ $jid ]" );
                } elseif (!$error_creating) {
                    echo "<br><center>" . _("Successfully Submitted Job") . " {$request}</center>";
                    //logAccess( "Submitted Job [ $jid ] $request" );
                    foreach ($jobs_names as $job_name) {
                        $infolog = array($job_name);
                        Log_action::log(66, $infolog);
                    foreach ($sjobs_names as $job_name) {
                        $infolog = array($job_name);
                        Log_action::log(67, $infolog);
                    if (count($notallowed) == 0 && count($unables) == 0) {
<script type="text/javascript">
                } else {
                    echo "<br><center>" . _("Failed Job Creation") . "</center>";
                    //logAccess( "Failed Job Creation" );
                    if (count($notallowed) == 0 && count($unables) == 0) {
<script type="text/javascript">
    //end count($alowed)>0
    if (count($notallowed) > 0 || count($unables) > 0) {
        echo "<center>";
        echo "<table class=\"noborder\" width=\"400\" style=\"background-color:transparent;\">";
        echo "<tr><td class=\"nobborder\" style=\"text-align:left;\"><b>" . _("Errors Found") . ":</b></td></tr>";
        if (count($notallowed) > 0) {
            if (!preg_match("/^\\d+\$/", $username)) {
                echo "<tr><td class=\"nobborder\" style=\"text-align:left;\">" . _("User") . " <b>{$username}</b> " . _("is not allowed for the following targets") . ":</td></tr>";
            } else {
                $entity_query = "SELECT name FROM acl_entities WHERE id={$username}";
                $result = $dbconn->execute($entity_query);
                list($username) = $result->fields;
                echo "<tr><td class=\"nobborder\" style=\"text-align:left;\">" . _("Entiy") . " <b>{$username}</b> " . _("is not allowed for the following targets") . ":</td></tr>";
            foreach ($notallowed as $target) {
                echo "<tr><td class=\"nobborder\" style=\"text-align:left;padding-left:5px;\">- <b>{$target}</b></tr>";
            echo "<tr height=\"30\"><td class=\"nobborder\">&nbsp;</td></tr>";
        if (count($unables) > 0) {
            echo "<tr><td class=\"nobborder\" style=\"text-align:left;\">" . _("No remote vulnerability scanners available for the following targets") . ":</td></tr>";
            foreach ($unables as $target) {
                echo "<tr><td class=\"nobborder\" style=\"text-align:left;padding-left:5px;\">- <b>{$target}</b></tr>";
            echo "<tr height=\"30\"><td class=\"nobborder\">&nbsp;</td></tr>";
        echo "<tr><td class=\"nobborder\" style=\"text-align:center;\">";
        echo "<form action=\"sched.php\" method=\"post\">";
              <input type="hidden" name="sname" value="<?php 
        echo $sname;
        $SVRid = str_replace("'", "", $SVRid);
              <input type="hidden" name="SVRid" value="<?php 
        echo $SVRid;
              <input type="hidden" name="sid" value="<?php 
        echo $sid;
              <input type="hidden" name="timeout" value="<?php 
        echo $timeout;
              <input type="hidden" name="schedule_type" value="<?php 
        echo $schedule_type;
              <input type="hidden" name="ROYEAR" value="<?php 
        echo $ROYEAR;
              <input type="hidden" name="ROMONTH" value="<?php 
        echo $ROMONTH;
              <input type="hidden" name="ROday" value="<?php 
        echo $ROday;
              <input type="hidden" name="time_hour" value="<?php 
        echo $time_hour;
              <input type="hidden" name="time_min" value="<?php 
        echo $time_min;
              <input type="hidden" name="dayofweek" value="<?php 
        echo $dayofweek;
              <input type="hidden" name="nthweekday" value="<?php 
        echo $nthweekday;
              <input type="hidden" name="dayofmonth" value="<?php 
        echo $dayofmonth;
              <input type="hidden" name="ip_list" value="<?php 
        echo str_replace("\\r\\n", ";;", $ip_list);
        if (is_numeric($username)) {
                <input type="hidden" name="entity" value="<?php 
            echo $username;
        } else {
                <input type="hidden" name="user" value="<?php 
            echo $username;
              <input type="hidden" name="hosts_alive" value="<?php 
        echo $hosts_alive;
              <input type="hidden" name="scan_locally" value="<?php 
        echo $scan_locally;
              <input type="hidden" name="semail" value="<?php 
        echo $semail;
              <input type="hidden" name="not_resolve" value="<?php 
        echo $not_resolve;
        echo "<input type=\"submit\" value=\"" . _("Back") . "\" class=\"button\"/> &nbsp; ";
        echo "<input value=\"" . _("Continue") . "\" class=\"button\" type=\"button\" onclick=\"document.location.href='manage_jobs.php?hmenu=Vulnerabilities&smenu=Jobs'\"></form>";
        echo "</td></tr>";
        echo "</table>";
        echo "</center>";
    echo "</b></center>";
Esempio n. 13
function submit_scan($vuln_op, $sched_id, $sname, $notify_email, $schedule_type, $ROYEAR, $ROMONTH, $ROday, $time_hour, $time_min, $dayofweek, $dayofmonth, $timeout, $SVRid, $sid, $tarSel, $ip_list, $ip_exceptions_list, $ip_start, $ip_end, $named_list, $cidr, $subnet, $system, $cred_type, $credid, $acc, $domain, $accpass, $acctype, $passtype, $passstore, $wpolicies, $wfpolicies, $upolicies, $custadd_type, $cust_plugins, $is_enabled, $hosts_alive, $scan_locally, $nthweekday, $semail, $not_resolve, $time_interval, $biyear, $bimonth, $biday, $ssh_credential = "", $smb_credential = "")
    global $wdaysMap, $daysMap, $allowscan, $uroles, $username, $schedOptions, $adminmail, $mailfrom, $dbk, $dbconn;
    // credentials
    $credentials = $ssh_credential . "|" . $smb_credential;
    $btime_hour = $time_hour;
    // save local time
    $btime_min = $time_min;
    $bbiyear = $biyear;
    $bbimonth = $bimonth;
    $bbiday = $biday;
    $tz = Util::get_timezone();
    if ($schedule_type == "O") {
        // date and time for run once
        if (empty($ROYEAR)) {
            $ROYEAR = gmdate("Y");
        if (empty($ROMONTH)) {
            $ROMONTH = gmdate("m");
        if (empty($ROday)) {
            $ROday = gmdate("d");
        list($_y, $_m, $_d, $_h, $_u, $_s, $_time) = Util::get_utc_from_date($dbconn, "{$ROYEAR}-{$ROMONTH}-{$ROday} {$time_hour}:{$time_min}:00", $tz);
        $ROYEAR = $_y;
        $ROMONTH = $_m;
        $ROday = $_d;
        $time_hour = $_h;
        $time_min = $_u;
    } else {
        if ($schedule_type == "D" || $schedule_type == "W" || $schedule_type == "M" || $schedule_type == "NW") {
            // date and time for Daily, Day of Week, Day of month, Nth weekday of month
            list($b_y, $b_m, $b_d, $b_h, $b_u, $b_s, $b_time) = Util::get_utc_from_date($dbconn, "{$biyear}-{$bimonth}-{$biday} {$time_hour}:{$time_min}:00", $tz);
            $biyear = $b_y;
            $bimonth = $b_m;
            $biday = $b_d;
            $time_hour = $b_h;
            $time_min = $b_u;
    if ($not_resolve == "1") {
        $resolve_names = 0;
    } else {
        $resolve_names = 1;
    $notify_email = str_replace(";", ",", $notify_email);
    $requested_run = "";
    $jobType = "M";
    $recurring = False;
    $targets = array();
    $time_value = "";
    $profile_desc = getProfileName($sid);
    $target_list = "";
    $need_authorized = "";
    $request = "";
    $plugs_list = "NULL";
    $fk_name = "NULL";
    $target_list = "NULL";
    $tmp_target_list = "";
    $jobs_names = array();
    $sjobs_names = array();
    $I3crID = "";
    if ($hosts_alive == "1") {
        // option: Only scan hosts that are alive
        $I3crID = "1";
    } else {
        $I3crID = "0";
    // if ( $custadd_type == "" ) { $custadd_type = "N"; }
    // if ( $custadd_type != "N" && $cust_plugins != "" ) {
    // $plugs_list="";
    // $vals=preg_split( "/\s+|\r\n|,|;/", $cust_plugins );
    // foreach($vals as $v) {
    // $v=trim($v);
    // if ( strlen($v)>0 ) {
    // $plugs_list .= $v . "\n";
    // }
    // }
    // $plugs_list = "'".$plugs_list."'";
    // }
    if ($schedule_type != "N") {
        // current datetime in UTC
        $arrTime = explode(":", gmdate('Y:m:d:w:H:i:s'));
        $year = $arrTime[0];
        $mon = $arrTime[1];
        $mday = $arrTime[2];
        $wday = $arrTime[3];
        $hour = $arrTime[4];
        $min = $arrTime[5];
        $sec = $arrTime[6];
        $timenow = $hour . $min . $sec;
        $run_wday = $wdaysMap[$dayofweek];
        $run_time = sprintf("%02d%02d%02d", $time_hour, $time_min, "00");
        $run_mday = $dayofmonth;
        $time_value = "{$time_hour}:{$time_min}:00";
        $ndays = array("Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday");
        $begin_in_seconds = mktime($bihour, $bimin, 0, $bimonth, $biday, $biyear);
        // selected datetime by user in UTC
        $current_in_seconds = mktime($hour, $min, 0, $mon, $mday, $year);
        // current datetime in UTC
        if (strlen($bimonth) == 1) {
            $bimonth = "0" . $bimonth;
        if (strlen($biday) == 1) {
            $biday = "0" . $biday;
    switch ($schedule_type) {
        case "N":
            $requested_run = gmdate("YmdHis");
            $sched_message = "No reccurring Jobs Necessary";
        case "O":
            $requested_run = sprintf("%04d%02d%02d%06d", $ROYEAR, $ROMONTH, $ROday, $run_time);
            //error_log("O-> $requested_run\n" ,3,"/tmp/sched.log");
            $sched_message = "No reccurring Jobs Necessary";
            $recurring = True;
            $reccur_type = "Run Once";
        case "D":
            if ($begin_in_seconds > $current_in_seconds) {
                $next_day = $biyear . $bimonth . $biday;
                // selected date by user
            } else {
                if ($run_time > $timenow) {
                    $next_day = $year . $mon . $mday;
                } else {
                    $next_day = gmdate("Ymd", strtotime("+1 day GMT", gmdate("U")));
                // next day
            $requested_run = sprintf("%08d%06d", $next_day, $run_time);
            //error_log("D-> $requested_run\n" ,3,"/tmp/sched.log");
            $recurring = True;
            $sched_message = "Schedule Reccurring";
            $reccur_type = "Daily";
        case "W":
            if ($begin_in_seconds > $current_in_seconds) {
                // if it is a future date
                $wday = date("w", mktime(0, 0, 0, $bimonth, $biday, $biyear));
                // make week day for begin day
                if ($run_wday == $wday) {
                    $next_day = $biyear . $bimonth . $biday;
                    // selected date by user
                } else {
                    $next_day = gmdate("Ymd", strtotime("next " . $ndays[$run_wday] . " GMT", mktime(0, 0, 0, $bimonth, $biday, $biyear)));
            } else {
                if ($run_wday == $wday && $run_time > $timenow || $run_wday > $wday) {
                    $next_day = $year . $mon . $mday;
                } else {
                    $next_day = gmdate("Ymd", strtotime("next " . $ndays[$run_wday] . " GMT", gmdate("U")));
                // next week
            preg_match("/(\\d{4})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})/", $next_day, $found);
            list($b_y, $b_m, $b_d, $b_h, $b_u, $b_s, $b_time) = Util::get_utc_from_date($dbconn, $found[1] . "-" . $found[2] . "-" . $found[3] . " {$btime_hour}:{$btime_min}:00", $tz);
            $requested_run = sprintf("%04d%02d%02d%02d%02d%02d", $b_y, $b_m, $b_d, $b_h, $b_u, "00");
            //error_log("W-> $requested_run\n" ,3,"/tmp/sched.log");
            $recurring = True;
            $sched_message = "Schedule Reccurring";
            $reccur_type = "Weekly";
        case "M":
            if ($begin_in_seconds > $current_in_seconds) {
                // if it is a future date
                if ($run_mday >= $biday) {
                    $next_day = $biyear . $bimonth . ($run_mday < 10 ? "0" : "") . $run_mday;
                    // this month
                } else {
                    $next_day = sprintf("%06d%02d", gmdate("Ym", strtotime("next month GMT", mktime(0, 0, 0, $bimonth, $biday, $biyear))), $run_mday);
            } else {
                if ($run_mday > $mday || $run_mday == $mday && $run_time > $timenow) {
                    $next_day = $year . $mon . ($run_mday < 10 ? "0" : "") . $run_mday;
                    // this month
                } else {
                    $next_day = sprintf("%06d%02d", gmdate("Ym", strtotime("next month GMT", gmdate("U"))), $run_mday);
            preg_match("/(\\d{4})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})/", $next_day, $found);
            list($b_y, $b_m, $b_d, $b_h, $b_u, $b_s, $b_time) = Util::get_utc_from_date($dbconn, $found[1] . "-" . $found[2] . "-" . $found[3] . " {$btime_hour}:{$btime_min}:00", $tz);
            $requested_run = sprintf("%04d%02d%02d%02d%02d%02d", $b_y, $b_m, $b_d, $b_h, $b_u, "00");
            //error_log("M-> $requested_run $begin_in_seconds $current_in_seconds\n" ,3,"/tmp/sched.log");
            $recurring = True;
            $sched_message = "Schedule Reccurring";
            $reccur_type = "Montly";
        case "NW":
            if ($begin_in_seconds > $current_in_seconds) {
                // if it is a future date
                $array_time = array('month' => $bbimonth, 'day' => $bbiday, 'year' => $bbiyear);
                $requested_run = weekday_month(strtolower($daysMap[$dayofweek]), $nthweekday, $btime_hour, $btime_min, $array_time);
            } else {
                $requested_run = weekday_month(strtolower($daysMap[$dayofweek]), $nthweekday, $btime_hour, $btime_min);
            preg_match("/(\\d{4})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})/", $requested_run, $found);
            list($b_y, $b_m, $b_d, $b_h, $b_u, $b_s, $b_time) = Util::get_utc_from_date($dbconn, $found[1] . "-" . $found[2] . "-" . $found[3] . " " . $found[4] . ":" . $found[5] . ":00", $tz);
            $requested_run = sprintf("%04d%02d%02d%02d%02d%02d", $b_y, $b_m, $b_d, $b_h, $b_u, "00");
            //error_log("NW-> $requested_run\n" ,3,"/tmp/sched.log");
            $dayofmonth = $nthweekday;
            $recurring = True;
            $sched_message = "Schedule Reccurring";
            $reccur_type = "Nth weekday of the month";
    $insert_time = gmdate("YmdHis");
    if (!empty($_SESSION["_vuln_targets"]) && count($_SESSION["_vuln_targets"]) > 0) {
        $arr_ctx = array();
        $sgr = array();
        foreach ($_SESSION["_vuln_targets"] as $target_selected => $server_id) {
            $sgr[$server_id][] = $target_selected;
            if (preg_match("/^\\d{1,3}\\.\\d{1,3}\\.\\d{1,3}\\.\\d{1,3}\\/\\d{1,2}\$/i", $target_selected)) {
                $related_ctxs = array_values(Asset_net::get_id_by_ips($dbconn, $target_selected));
                if (is_array($related_ctxs) && count($related_ctxs) > 0) {
                    $arr_ctx[$target_selected] = key(array_shift($related_ctxs));
            } else {
                if (preg_match("/^\\d{1,3}\\.\\d{1,3}\\.\\d{1,3}\\.\\d{1,3}\$/i", $target_selected)) {
                    $related_ctxs = array_values(Asset_host::get_id_by_ips($dbconn, $target_selected));
                    if (is_array($related_ctxs) && count($related_ctxs) > 0) {
                        $arr_ctx[$target_selected] = key(array_shift($related_ctxs));
                        // to assign a ctx for a IP
                } else {
                    if (valid_hostname($target_selected) || valid_fqdns($target_selected)) {
                        $filters = array('where' => "hostname like '{$target_selected}' OR fqdns like '{$target_selected}'");
                        $_hosts_data = Asset_host::get_basic_list($dbconn, $filters);
                        $host_list = $_hosts_data[1];
                        if (count($host_list) > 0) {
                            $first_host = array_shift($host_list);
                            $hips = explode(",", $first_host['ips']);
                            foreach ($hips as $hip) {
                                $hip = trim($hip);
                                $arr_ctx[$hip] = $first_host['ctx'];
        // clean scan targets
        $query = array();
        $IP_ctx = array();
        foreach ($arr_ctx as $aip => $actx) {
            $IP_ctx[] = $actx . "#" . $aip;
        if ($vuln_op == "editrecurring" && $sched_id > 0) {
            $query[] = "DELETE FROM vuln_job_schedule WHERE id='{$sched_id}'";
            $i = 1;
            foreach ($sgr as $notify_sensor => $targets) {
                $target_list = implode("\n", $targets);
                $target_list .= "\n" . implode("\n", $ip_exceptions_list);
                $query[] = "INSERT INTO vuln_job_schedule ( name, username, fk_name, job_TYPE, schedule_type, day_of_week, day_of_month, \n                            time, email, meth_TARGET, meth_CRED, meth_VSET, meth_CUSTOM, meth_CPLUGINS, meth_Wfile, \n                            meth_Ucheck, meth_TIMEOUT, next_CHECK, createdate, enabled, resolve_names, time_interval, IP_ctx, credentials) VALUES ( '{$sname}', '{$username}', '" . Session::get_session_user() . "', '{$jobType}',\n                            '{$schedule_type}', '{$dayofweek}', '{$dayofmonth}', '{$time_value}', '{$notify_sensor}', '{$target_list}',\n                            {$I3crID}, '{$sid}', '{$custadd_type}', {$plugs_list}, {$semail}, '{$scan_locally}',\n                            '{$timeout}', '{$requested_run}', '{$insert_time}', '1', '{$resolve_names}' ,'{$time_interval}', '" . implode("\n", $IP_ctx) . "', '{$credentials}') ";
                $sjobs_names[] = $sname . $i;
        } elseif ($recurring) {
            $i = 1;
            foreach ($sgr as $notify_sensor => $targets) {
                $target_list = implode("\n", $targets);
                $target_list .= "\n" . implode("\n", $ip_exceptions_list);
                $query[] = "INSERT INTO vuln_job_schedule ( name, username, fk_name, job_TYPE, schedule_type, day_of_week, day_of_month, \n                                time, email, meth_TARGET, meth_CRED, meth_VSET, meth_CUSTOM, meth_CPLUGINS, meth_Wfile, \n                                meth_Ucheck, meth_TIMEOUT, scan_ASSIGNED, next_CHECK, createdate, enabled, resolve_names, time_interval, IP_ctx, credentials) VALUES ( '{$sname}', '{$username}', '" . Session::get_session_user() . "', '{$jobType}',\n                                '{$schedule_type}', '{$dayofweek}', '{$dayofmonth}', '{$time_value}', '{$notify_sensor}', '{$target_list}',\n                                {$I3crID}, '{$sid}', '{$custadd_type}', {$plugs_list}, {$semail}, '{$scan_locally}',\n                                '{$timeout}', '{$SVRid}', '{$requested_run}', '{$insert_time}', '1', '{$resolve_names}' , '{$time_interval}', '" . implode("\n", $IP_ctx) . "', '{$credentials}') ";
                $sjobs_names[] = $sname . $i;
        } else {
            $i = 1;
            foreach ($sgr as $notify_sensor => $targets) {
                $target_list = implode("\n", $targets);
                $target_list .= "\n" . implode("\n", $ip_exceptions_list);
                $query[] = "INSERT INTO vuln_jobs ( name, username, fk_name, job_TYPE, meth_SCHED, meth_TARGET,  meth_CRED,\n                        meth_VSET, meth_CUSTOM, meth_CPLUGINS, meth_Wfile, meth_TIMEOUT, scan_ASSIGNED,\n                        scan_SUBMIT, scan_next, scan_PRIORITY, status, notify, authorized, author_uname, resolve_names, credentials ) VALUES ( '{$sname}',\n                        '{$username}', '" . Session::get_session_user() . "', '{$jobType}', '{$schedule_type}', '{$target_list}', {$I3crID}, '{$sid}', '{$custadd_type}', {$plugs_list},\n                         {$semail}, '{$timeout}', '{$SVRid}', '{$insert_time}', '{$requested_run}', '3',\n                        'S', '{$notify_sensor}', '{$scan_locally}', '" . implode("\n", $IP_ctx) . "', '{$resolve_names}' , '{$credentials}') ";
                // echo "$query1";
                // die();
                $jobs_names[] = $sname . $i;
        $query_insert_time = gen_strtotime($insert_time, "");
        foreach ($query as $sql) {
            $error_updating = false;
            $error_inserting = false;
            if ($dbconn->execute($sql) === false) {
                echo _("Error creating scan job") . ": " . $dbconn->ErrorMsg();
                if ($vuln_op == "editrecurring") {
                    $error_updating = true;
                } else {
                    $error_creating = true;
            } else {
                $config_nt = array('content' => "", 'options' => array('type' => "nf_success", 'cancel_button' => false), 'style' => 'width: 40%; margin: 20px auto; text-align: center;');
                if ($vuln_op == "editrecurring" && !$error_updating) {
                    $config_nt["content"] = _("Successfully Updated Recurring Job");
                    $nt = new Notification('nt_1', $config_nt);
                } elseif (!$error_creating) {
                    $config_nt["content"] = _("Successfully Submitted Job");
                    $nt = new Notification('nt_1', $config_nt);
                    //logAccess( "Submitted Job [ $jid ] $request" );
                    foreach ($jobs_names as $job_name) {
                        $infolog = array($job_name);
                        Log_action::log(66, $infolog);
                    foreach ($sjobs_names as $job_name) {
                        $infolog = array($job_name);
                        Log_action::log(67, $infolog);
                } else {
                    echo "<br><center>" . _("Failed Job Creation") . "</center>";
                <script type="text/javascript">
                echo Menu::get_menu_url(AV_MAIN_PATH . '/vulnmeter/manage_jobs.php', 'environment', 'vulnerabilities', 'scan_jobs');
    // count($_SESSION["_vuln_targets"])>0
    echo "</b></center>";
Esempio n. 14
function reportsummary()
    global $user, $border, $report_id, $scantime, $scantype, $fp, $nfp, $output, $filterip, $query_risk, $dbconn, $pluginid;
    global $treport, $sid, $ipl;
    $tz = Util::get_timezone();
    $htmlsummary = "";
    if ($treport == "latest" || $ipl != "") {
        $query = "SELECT, t1.username,,, t2.description, t4.hostname as host_name \n            FROM vuln_nessus_latest_reports t1\n            LEFT JOIN vuln_nessus_settings t2 on\n            LEFT JOIN host t4 ON t4.ip=inet_ntoa(t1.report_id)\n            WHERE " . ($ipl != "all" ? "t1.report_id in ({$report_id}) and " : "") . "t1.sid in ({$sid}) AND t1.username in ('{$user}')\n            order by t1.scantime DESC";
    } else {
        $query = "SELECT, t1.username,,, t2.description \n                    FROM vuln_jobs t1\n                    LEFT JOIN vuln_nessus_settings t2 on\n                    WHERE t1.report_id in ({$report_id}) AND t1.username in('{$user}')\n                    order by t1.SCAN_END DESC";
    $result = $dbconn->execute($query);
    if ($treport == "latest" || $ipl != "") {
        //list( $id_profile, $query_uid, $job_name, $profile_name, $profile_desc, $host_name ) =$result->fields;
        $lprofiles = array();
        $tmp_profiles = array();
        while (list($id_profile, $query_uid, $job_name, $profile_name, $profile_desc, $host_name) = $result->fields) {
            if ($host_name != "" && $host_name != long2ip($report_id)) {
                $phost_name = "{$host_name} (" . long2ip($report_id) . ")";
            } else {
                $phost_name = long2ip($report_id);
            $lprofiles[] = "{$profile_name} - {$profile_desc}";
            $tmp_profiles[] = $id_profile;
        $profiles = implode("<br>", $lprofiles);
        $id_profile = implode(", ", $tmp_profiles);
    } else {
        list($id_profile, $query_uid, $job_name, $profile_name, $profile_desc) = $result->fields;
        if ($job_name == "") {
            // imported report
            $query_imported_report = "SELECT name FROM vuln_nessus_reports WHERE scantime='{$scantime}'";
            $result_imported_report = $dbconn->execute($query_imported_report);
            $job_name = $result_imported_report->fields["name"];
    if ($tz == 0) {
        $localtime = gen_strtotime($scantime, "");
    } else {
        $localtime = gmdate("Y-m-d H:i:s", Util::get_utc_unixtime($dbconn, $scantime) + 3600 * $tz);
    $htmlsummary .= "<table border=\"5\" width=\"900\"><tr><th class=\"noborder\" valign=\"top\" style=\"text-align:left;font-size:12px;\" nowrap>\n         \n         <b>" . _("Scan time") . ":</b></th><td class=\"noborder\" style=\"text-align:left;padding-left:10px;\">" . $localtime . "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>";
    //Generated date
    $gendate = date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
    $htmlsummary .= "<th class=\"noborder\" valign=\"top\" style=\"text-align:left;font-size:12px;\" nowrap>\n         <b>" . _("Generated") . ":</b></th><td class=\"noborder\" style=\"text-align:left;padding-left:10px;\">{$gendate}</td></tr>";
    if ($ipl != "all") {
        if ($treport == "latest" || $ipl != "") {
            $htmlsummary .= "<tr><th class=\"noborder\" valign=\"top\" style=\"text-align:left;font-size:12px;\" nowrap>\n                <b>" . (count($lprofiles) > 1 ? _("Profiles") : _("Profile")) . ":</b></th><td class=\"noborder\" style=\"text-align:left;padding-left:10px;\">";
            $htmlsummary .= "{$profiles}&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>\n                <th class=\"noborder\" valign=\"top\" style=\"text-align:left;font-size:12px;\" nowrap>\n                <b>" . ($treport == "latest" || $ipl != "" ? _("Host - IP") : _("Job Name")) . ":</b></th><td class=\"noborder\" valign=\"top\" style=\"text-align:left;padding-left:10px;\">" . ($treport == "latest" || $ipl != "" ? "{$phost_name}" : "{$job_name}") . "</td></tr>";
        } else {
            $htmlsummary .= "<tr><th class=\"noborder\" valign=\"top\" style=\"text-align:left;font-size:12px;\" nowrap>\n                <b>" . _("Profile") . ":</b></th><td class=\"noborder\" style=\"text-align:left;padding-left:10px;\">";
            $htmlsummary .= "{$profile_name} - {$profile_desc}&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>\n                <th class=\"noborder\" valign=\"top\" style=\"text-align:left;font-size:12px;\" nowrap>\n                <b>" . _("Job Name") . ":</b></th><td class=\"noborder\" style=\"text-align:left;padding-left:10px;\">{$job_name}</td></tr>";
    $htmlsummary .= "</table>";
    if($pluginid!="") {
            $dbconn->execute("UPDATE vuln_nessus_settings_plugins SET enabled='N' WHERE sid in ($id_profile) and id='$pluginid'");
        else {
            $dbconn->execute("UPDATE vuln_nessus_settings_plugins SET enabled='Y' WHERE sid in ($id_profile) and id='$pluginid'");
    return "<center>" . $htmlsummary . "</center>";
Esempio n. 15
    if ($matches[2] != $matches[3]) {
        $where = $matches[1] . " AND timestamp BETWEEN('" . $matches[2] . "') AND ('" . $matches[3] . "') " . $matches[4];
    } else {
        $where = $matches[1] . " AND timestamp >= '" . $matches[2] . "' " . $matches[4];

$qs->SetActionSQL($from . $where);
$qs->RunAction($submit, PAGE_STAT_UADDR, $db);
$et->Mark("Alert Action");
/* Setup the Query Results Table */
$qro = new QueryResultsOutput("base_stat_otx.php?caller=" . $caller);

$qro->AddTitle(_('OTX Pulse'));
$events_title = _("Events"). "&nbsp;# <span class='idminfo' txt='".Util::timezone(Util::get_timezone())."'>(*)</span>";
$qro->AddTitle("<span id='total_title'>$events_title</span>", "occur_a", " ", " ORDER BY num_events ASC, num_iocs ASC", "occur_d", " ", " ORDER BY num_events DESC, num_iocs DESC");
$qro->AddTitle(_("Indicators&nbsp;#") , "ioc_a", " ", " ORDER BY num_iocs ASC", "ioc_d", " ", " ORDER BY num_iocs DESC");
$qro->AddTitle(' ');

$sort_sql = $qro->GetSortSQL($qs->GetCurrentSort() , $qs->GetCurrentCannedQuerySort());

$sql = "SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS hex(otx_data.pulse_id) as pulse, COUNT(distinct otx_data.event_id) as num_events, COUNT(distinct otx_data.ioc_hash) as num_iocs ". $sort_sql[0] . $from . $where . " GROUP BY pulse_id " . $sort_sql[1];

// use accumulate tables only with timestamp criteria
if (file_exists('/tmp/debug_siem'))
    error_log("STATS OTX:$sql\n", 3, "/tmp/siem");

/* Run the Query again for the actual data (with the LIMIT) */
Esempio n. 16
$qs->RunAction($submit, PAGE_STAT_UADDR, $db);
$et->Mark("Alert Action");
/* Run the query to determine the number of rows (No LIMIT)*/
//$cnt_sql = "SELECT count(DISTINCT $addr_type_name) " . $from . $where;
$et->Mark("Counting Result size");
/* Setup the Query Results Table */
$qro = new QueryResultsOutput("base_stat_uaddr.php?caller=" . $caller . "&amp;addr_type=" . $addr_type);
$qro->AddTitle(" ");
$qro->AddTitle($results_title, "addr_a", " ", " ORDER BY {$addr_type_name} ASC", "addr_d", " ", " ORDER BY {$addr_type_name} DESC");
if ($resolve_IP == 1) {
$qro->AddTitle(Session::show_entities() ? gettext("Context") : gettext("Sensor"));
$qro->AddTitle(gettext("Events") . "&nbsp;# <span class='idminfo' txt='" . Util::timezone(Util::get_timezone()) . "'>(*)</span>", "occur_a", " ", " ORDER BY num_events ASC", "occur_d", " ", " ORDER BY num_events DESC");
$qro->AddTitle(gettext("Unique&nbsp;Events"), "sig_a", " ", " ORDER BY num_sig ASC", "sig_d", " ", " ORDER BY num_sig DESC");
if ($addr_type == DEST_IP) {
    $displaytitle = gettext("Displaying unique destination addresses %d-%d of <b>%s</b> matching your selection.");
    $qro->AddTitle(gettext("Unique Src. Contacted."), "saddr_a", " ", " ORDER BY num_sip ASC", "saddr_d", " ", " ORDER BY num_sip DESC");
} else {
    $displaytitle = gettext("Displaying unique source addresses %d-%d of <b>%s</b> matching your selection.");
    $qro->AddTitle(gettext("Unique Dst. Contacted"), "daddr_a", "  ", " ORDER BY num_dip ASC", "daddr_d", " ", " ORDER BY num_dip DESC");
if (file_exists("../kml/GoogleEarth.php")) {
    $qro->AddTitle(gettext("Geo Tools") . " <a href='' onclick='\"../kml/TourConfig.php?type={$addr_type_name}&ip={$currentIP}\",\"IP {$currentIP} " . ($addr_type == 2 ? _("sources") : _("destinations")) . " - Goggle Earth API\",\"width=1024,height=700,scrollbars=NO,toolbar=1\");return false'><img title='" . _("Geolocation Tour") . "' align='absmiddle' src='../pixmaps/google_earth_icon.png' border='0'></a>&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href='' onclick='\"../kml/IPGoogleMap.php?type={$addr_type_name}&ip={$currentIP}\",\"IP {$currentIP} " . ($addr_type == 2 ? _("sources") : _("destinations")) . " - Goggle Maps API\",\"width=1024,height=700,scrollbars=NO,toolbar=1\");return false'><img title='" . _("Geolocation Map") . "' align='absmiddle' src='../pixmaps/google_maps_icon.png' border='0'></a>", "geotools");
if (!Session::am_i_admin()) {
    $displaytitle = preg_replace("/\\. <b>.*/", ".", $displaytitle);
$sort_sql = $qro->GetSortSQL($qs->GetCurrentSort(), $qs->GetCurrentCannedQuerySort());
Esempio n. 17
        echo $from_str;
        $perc[$current_server] = 100;
// Order only if remote fetch
if ($from_remote) {
<script type="text/javascript">$("#loading").hide();</script><?php 
$time2 = microtime(true);
$totaltime = round($time2 - $time1, 2);
$tz = GET("tzone") != "" ? $tzone : Util::get_timezone();
$txtzone = Util::timezone($tz);
<div id="processcontent" style="display:none">
if (has_results($num_lines)) {
<table width="100%" class="noborder" style="background-color:transparent;">
		<td width="20%" class="nobborder" nowrap><img src="../pixmaps/arrow_green.gif" align="absmiddle"><?php 
    print _("Time Range") . ": <b>{$start_query} <-> {$end_query}</b> {$txtzone}";
		<td class="center nobborder">
    if ($from_remote) {
Esempio n. 18
                <div id='r_desc'><?php 
    echo $release_info['description'];
    <div id='c_latest_update'>
if (!empty($res_si['last_update']) && $res_si['last_update'] != 'unknown') {
    $last_update = gmdate('Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime($res_si['last_update'] . ' GMT') + 3600 * Util::get_timezone());
    echo "<span class='bold'>" . _('Latest System Update') . ": <span style='color:#4F8A10'>" . $last_update . "</span></span>";
} else {
    echo "<span class='bold'>" . _('Latest System Update') . ": <span style='color:#00529B'> -- </span></span>";

    <div id='c_info_pkg'>
        <table class='t_info_pkg table_data' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0'>
if (is_array($packages_info) && !empty($packages_info)) {
Esempio n. 19
function build_legend($days)
    if ($days < 1) {
        return array();
    $tz = Util::get_timezone();
    $legend = array();
    for ($i = $days - 1; $i >= 0; $i--) {
        $legend[] = gmdate('Y-m-d', time() + 3600 * $tz - 86400 * $i);
    return $legend;
Esempio n. 20
if (!empty($allowed_users) && is_array($allowed_users)) {
    foreach ($allowed_users as $user) {
        if ($user->get_id() == $my_session) {
            $me = "style='font-weight: bold;'";
            $action = "<img class='info_logout dis_logout' src='../pixmaps/menu/logout.gif' alt='" . $user->get_login() . "' title='" . $user->get_login() . "'/>";
        } else {
            $action = "<a onclick=\"logout('" . $user->get_id() . "');\">\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t             <img class='info_logout' src='../pixmaps/menu/logout.gif' alt='" . _('Logout') . " " . $user->get_login() . "' title='" . _('Logout') . " " . $user->get_login() . "'/>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t           </a>";
            $me = NULL;
        $_country_aux = $geoloc->get_country_by_host($conn, $user->get_ip());
        $s_country = strtolower($_country_aux[0]);
        $s_country_name = $_country_aux[1];
        $geo_code = get_country($s_country);
        $flag = !empty($geo_code) ? "<img src='" . $geo_code . "' border='0' align='top'/>" : '';
        $logon_date = gmdate('Y-m-d H:i:s', Util::get_utc_unixtime($user->get_logon_date()) + 3600 * Util::get_timezone());
        $activity_date = Util::get_utc_unixtime($user->get_activity());
        $background = Session_activity::is_expired($activity_date) ? 'background:#FFD8D6;' : '';
        $expired = Session_activity::is_expired($activity_date) ? "<span style='color:red'>(" . _('Expired') . ")</span>" : "";
        $agent = explode('###', $user->get_agent());
        if ($agent[1] == 'av report scheduler') {
            $agent = array('AV Report Scheduler', 'wget');
        $host = @array_shift(Asset_host::get_name_by_ip($conn, $user->get_ip()));
        $host = $host == '' ? $user->get_ip() : $host;
        echo "  <tr id='" . $user->get_id() . "'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<td class='ops_user' {$me}><img class='user_icon' src='" . get_user_icon($user->get_login(), $pro) . "' alt='" . _('User icon') . "' title='" . _('User icon') . "' align='absmiddle'/> " . $user->get_login() . "</td>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<td class='ops_ip'>" . $user->get_ip() . "</td>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<td class='ops_host'>" . $host . $flag . "</td>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<td class='ops_agent'><a title='" . htmlentities($agent[1]) . "' class='info_agent'>" . htmlentities($agent[0]) . "</a></td>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<td class='ops_id'>" . $user->get_id() . " {$expired}</td>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<td class='ops_logon'>" . $logon_date . "</td>\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<td class='ops_activity'>" . _(TimeAgo($activity_date, gmdate('U'))) . "</td>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<td class='ops_actions'>{$action}</td>\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t</tr>";
Esempio n. 21
 function GetUTC()
     /* convert to UTC time for sql */
     require_once "classes/";
     $tz = Util::get_timezone();
     $utc_criteria = $this->criteria;
     for ($i = 0; $i < $this->criteria_cnt; $i++) {
         if ($this->criteria[$i][4] != " " && $this->criteria[$i][4] != "") {
             $y = $this->criteria[$i][4];
             $m = $this->criteria[$i][2] != " " && $this->criteria[$i][2] != "" ? $this->criteria[$i][2] : "01";
             $d = $this->criteria[$i][3] != " " && $this->criteria[$i][3] != "" ? $this->criteria[$i][3] : "01";
             $h = $this->criteria[$i][5] != " " && $this->criteria[$i][5] != "" ? $this->criteria[$i][5] : "00";
             $u = $this->criteria[$i][6] != " " && $this->criteria[$i][6] != "" ? $this->criteria[$i][6] : "00";
             $s = $this->criteria[$i][7] != " " && $this->criteria[$i][7] != "" ? $this->criteria[$i][7] : "00";
             ///$time = gmmktime($h,$u,$s,$m,$d,$y)+(3600*$tz);
             //echo "$y-$m-$d $h:$u:$s =";
             list($y, $m, $d, $h, $u, $s, $time) = Util::get_utc_from_date($this->db, "{$y}-{$m}-{$d} {$h}:{$u}:{$s}", $tz);
             //echo "$y-$m-$d $h:$u:$s == $time\n<br>";
             $utc_criteria[$i][4] = $y;
             $utc_criteria[$i][2] = $m;
             $utc_criteria[$i][3] = $d;
             $utc_criteria[$i][5] = $h;
             $utc_criteria[$i][6] = $u;
             $utc_criteria[$i][7] = $s;
     return $utc_criteria;
Esempio n. 22
function list_reports($type, $value, $sortby, $sortdir, $widget_mode)
    global $allres, $roffset, $pageSize, $dbconn;
    global $user, $arruser;
    $filteredView = FALSE;
    $selRadio = array("", "", "", "");
    $query_onlyuser = "";
    $url_filter = "";
    if (!empty($arruser)) {
        $query_onlyuser = "******";
    if (!empty($sortby)) {
        $or_sortby = $sortby;
    } else {
        $or_sortby = "";
    if (!empty($sortdir)) {
        $or_sortdir = $sortdir;
    } else {
        $or_sortdir = "";
    if ($sortby == "jobname") {
        $sortby = "";
    } else {
        if ($sortby == "profile") {
            $sortby = "";
    if ($sortby == "") {
        $sortby = "scantime";
    if ($sortdir == "" && !preg_match("/(ASC|DESC)\$/i", $sortby)) {
        $sortdir = "DESC";
    $queryw = "";
    $queryl = "";
    $leftjoin = "";
    if ($type == "net") {
        $leftjoin = "LEFT JOIN vuln_nessus_results t5 ON t5.report_id=t1.report_id";
    $querys = "SELECT distinct t1.sid as sid, t1.report_id, as jobname, t4.scan_submit, t4.meth_target, t1.scantime,\n     t1.username, t1.scantype, t1.report_key, t1.report_type as report_type, as profile, as jobid, t4.meth_SCHED, as report_name\n     FROM vuln_nessus_reports t1\n     LEFT JOIN vuln_jobs t2 ON t1.report_id=t2.report_id\n     LEFT JOIN vuln_nessus_settings t3 ON\n     LEFT JOIN vuln_jobs t4 on t1.report_id = t4.report_id {$leftjoin}\n     WHERE t1.deleted = '0' AND t1.scantime IS NOT NULL ";
    //Set up the SQL query based on the search form input (if any)
    switch ($type) {
        case "scantime":
            $selRadio[0] = "CHECKED";
            $utc_data = Util::get_utc_from_date($dbconn, $value, Util::get_timezone());
            $q = $utc_data[6];
            $q = str_replace("-", "", $q);
            $q = str_replace(":", "", $q);
            $q = str_replace(" ", "", $q);
            $queryw = " AND t1.scantime LIKE '%{$q}%' {$query_onlyuser} order by {$sortby} {$sortdir}";
            $queryl = " limit {$roffset},{$pageSize}";
            $stext = "<b>" . _("Search for Date/Time") . "</b> = '*{$value}*'";
            $url_filter = "&type={$type}&value={$value}";
        case "jobname":
            $selRadio[1] = "CHECKED";
            $q = strtolower($value);
            $queryw = " AND LIKE '%{$q}%' {$query_onlyuser} order by {$sortby} {$sortdir}";
            $queryl = " limit {$roffset},{$pageSize}";
            $stext = "<b>" . _("Search for Job Name") . "</b> = '*" . html_entity_decode($q) . "*'";
            $url_filter = "&type={$type}&value={$value}";
        case "fk_name":
            $selRadio[2] = "CHECKED";
            $q = strtolower($value);
            $queryw = " AND t1.fk_name LIKE '%{$q}%' {$query_onlyuser} order by {$sortby} {$sortdir}";
            $queryl = " limit {$roffset},{$pageSize}";
            $stext = _("Search for Subnet/CIDR") . " = '*{$q}*'";
            $url_filter = "&type={$type}&value={$value}";
        case "username":
            $selRadio[3] = "CHECKED";
            $q = strtolower($value);
            $queryw = " AND t1.username LIKE '%{$q}%' {$query_onlyuser} order by {$sortby} {$sortdir}";
            $queryl = " limit {$roffset},{$pageSize}";
            $stext = "<b>" . _("Search for user") . "</b> = '*{$q}*'";
            $url_filter = "&type={$type}&value={$value}";
        case "net":
            $selRadio[4] = "CHECKED";
            if (!preg_match("/\\//", $value)) {
                $q = $value;
            } else {
                $tokens = explode("/", $value);
                $bytes = explode(".", $tokens[0]);
                if ($tokens[1] == "24") {
                    $q = $bytes[0] . "." . $bytes[1] . "." . $bytes[2] . ".";
                } else {
                    if ($tokens[1] == "16") {
                        $q = $bytes[0] . "." . $bytes[1] . ".";
                    } else {
                        if ($tokens[1] == "8") {
                            $q = $bytes[0] . ".";
                        } else {
                            if ((int) $tokens[1] > 24) {
                                $q = $bytes[0] . "." . $bytes[1] . "." . $bytes[2] . "." . $bytes[3];
            $queryw = " AND (t4.meth_TARGET LIKE '%{$q}%' OR t5.hostIP LIKE '%{$q}%') {$query_onlyuser} order by {$sortby} {$sortdir}";
            $queryl = " limit {$roffset},{$pageSize}";
            if (!preg_match("/\\//", $value)) {
                $stext = "<b>" . _("Search for Host") . "</b> = '*" . html_entity_decode($q) . "*'";
            } else {
                $stext = "<b>" . _("Search for Subnet/CIDR") . "</b> = '*{$q}*'";
            $url_filter = "&type={$type}&value={$value}";
            $selRadio[1] = "CHECKED";
            $viewAll = FALSE;
            $queryw = "{$query_onlyuser} order by {$sortby} {$sortdir}";
            $queryl = " limit {$roffset},{$pageSize}";
            $stext = "";
    $reportCount = 0;
    if (!$filteredView) {
        $queryc = "SELECT count(t1.report_id)\n                    FROM vuln_nessus_reports t1 LEFT JOIN vuln_jobs t2 on t1.report_id = t2.report_id\n                    LEFT JOIN vuln_nessus_settings t3 ON\n                    WHERE t1.deleted = '0'";
        $reportCount = $dbconn->GetOne($queryc . $queryw);
        $previous = $roffset - $pageSize;
        if ($previous < 0) {
            $previous = 0;
        $last = intval($reportCount / $pageSize) * $pageSize;
        if ($last < 0) {
            $last = 0;
        $next = $roffset + $pageSize;
        $pageEnd = $roffset + $pageSize;
        $value = html_entity_decode($value);
        $w_val = intval($widget_mode);
        //echo "<center><table cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" border=\"0\" width=\"100%\"><tr><td class=\"headerpr\" style=\"border:0;\">"._("Reports")."</td></tr></table></center>";
        // output the search form
        echo "<table cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0' class='w100 transparent'>";
        echo "<tr><td class='sec_title'>" . _("Scan Reports Details") . "</td></tr>";
        echo "<tr><td style='padding-top:12px;' class='transparent'>";
        echo '
<form name="hostSearch" action="index.php" method="GET">
<input type="hidden" name="widget_mode" value="' . $w_val . '">
<input type="text" length="25" name="rvalue" id="rvalue" value="' . Util::htmlentities($value) . '">';
        echo "\n<input type=\"radio\" name=\"type\" value=\"scantime\" {$selRadio['0']}>" . _("Date") . "/" . _("Time") . "\n<input type=\"radio\" name=\"type\" value=\"jobname\" {$selRadio['1']}>" . _("Job Name") . "\n<input type=\"radio\" name=\"type\" value=\"net\" {$selRadio['4']}>" . _("Host") . "/" . _("Net") . "\n";
        echo <<<EOT
<input type="hidden" name="sortby" value="{$sortby}">
<input type="hidden" name="allres" value="{$allres}">
<input type="hidden" name="op" value="search">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
        echo "<input type=\"submit\" name=\"submit\" value=\"" . _("Find") . "\" id=\"reports_find_button\" class=\"av_b_secondary small\">";
        echo <<<EOT
    } else {
        // get the search result count
        $queryc = "SELECT count( report_id ) FROM vuln_nessus_reports WHERE t1.deleted = '0' ";
        $scount = $dbconn->GetOne($queryc . $queryw);
        echo "<p>{$scount} report";
        if ($scount != 1) {
            echo "s";
        } else {
        echo " " . _("found matching search criteria") . " | ";
        echo " <a href='index.php' alt='" . _("View All Reports") . "'>" . _("View All Reports") . "</a></p>";
    echo "<p>";
    echo $stext;
    echo "</p>";
    echo "</td></tr></table>";
    // get the hosts to display
    $result = $dbconn->GetArray($querys . $queryw . $queryl);
    if ($result === false) {
        $errMsg[] = _("Error getting results") . ": " . $dbconn->ErrorMsg();
        dispSQLError($errMsg, $error);
    } else {
        $tdata = array();
        foreach ($result as $data) {
            $data['vSerious'] = 0;
            $data['vHigh'] = 0;
            $data['vMed'] = 0;
            $data['vLow'] = 0;
            $data['vInfo'] = 0;
            $vulns_in_report = false;
            // query for reports for each IP
            $perms_where = Asset_host::get_perms_where('host.', TRUE);
            if (!empty($perms_where)) {
                $query_risk = "SELECT count(lr.risk) as count, lr.risk, lr.hostIP, lr.ctx\n                            FROM vuln_nessus_results lr, host, host_ip hi\n                            WHERE AND inet6_ntoa(hi.ip)=lr.hostIP {$perms_where} AND report_id in (?) AND falsepositive='N'\n                            GROUP BY lr.risk, lr.hostIP, lr.ctx";
            } else {
                $query_risk = "SELECT count(lr.risk) as count, lr.risk, lr.hostIP, lr.ctx\n                            FROM vuln_nessus_results lr\n                            WHERE report_id in (?) AND falsepositive='N'\n                            GROUP BY lr.risk, lr.hostIP, lr.ctx";
            $result_risk = $dbconn->Execute($query_risk, array($data['report_id']));
            while (!$result_risk->EOF) {
                $vulns_in_report = TRUE;
                if ($result_risk->fields["risk"] == 7) {
                    $data['vInfo'] += $result_risk->fields['count'];
                } else {
                    if ($result_risk->fields["risk"] == 6) {
                        $data['vLow'] += $result_risk->fields['count'];
                    } else {
                        if ($result_risk->fields["risk"] == 3) {
                            $data['vMed'] += $result_risk->fields['count'];
                        } else {
                            if ($result_risk->fields["risk"] == 2) {
                                $data['vHigh'] += $result_risk->fields['count'];
                            } else {
                                if ($result_risk->fields["risk"] == 1) {
                                    $data['vSerious'] += $result_risk->fields['count'];
            $data['clink'] = "respdfc.php?scantime=" . $data['scantime'] . "&scantype=" . $data['scantype'] . "&key=" . $data['report_key'] . $more;
            $data['plink'] = "respdf.php?scantime=" . $data['scantime'] . "&scantype=" . $data['scantype'] . "&key=" . $data['report_key'] . $more;
            $data['hlink'] = "reshtml.php?disp=html&amp;output=full&scantime=" . $data['scantime'] . "&scantype=" . $data['scantype'] . $more;
            $data['rerun'] = "sched.php?action=rerun_scan&job_id=" . $data['jobid'] . $more;
            $data['xlink'] = "rescsv.php?scantime=" . $data['scantime'] . "&scantype=" . $data['scantype'] . "&key=" . $data['report_key'] . $more;
            $data['xbase'] = "restextsummary.php?scantime=" . $data['scantime'] . "&scantype=" . $data['scantype'] . $more . "&key=" . $data['report_key'];
            $list = array();
            if ($data["report_type"] == "I") {
                $perms_where = Asset_host::get_perms_where('host.', TRUE);
                $dbconn->execute("CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE tmph (id binary(16) NOT NULL,ip varchar(64) NOT NULL,ctx binary(16) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY ( id, ip ));");
                $dbconn->execute("REPLACE INTO tmph SELECT id, inet6_ntoa(ip), ctx FROM host, host_ip WHERE {$perms_where};");
                $result_import = $dbconn->execute("SELECT DISTINCT hostIP, HEX(vuln_nessus_results.ctx) as ctx, hex(id) as host_id FROM vuln_nessus_results LEFT JOIN tmph ON tmph.ctx=vuln_nessus_results.ctx AND hostIP=tmph.ip WHERE report_id = " . $data['report_id']);
                while (!$result_import->EOF) {
                    if (valid_hex32($result_import->fields["host_id"])) {
                        $list[] = $result_import->fields["host_id"] . "#" . $result_import->fields["hostIP"];
                    } else {
                        $list[] = $result_import->fields["hostIP"];
                $dbconn->execute("DROP TABLE tmph;");
            } else {
                $list = explode("\n", trim($data['meth_target']));
            if (count($list) == 1) {
                $list[0] = trim($list[0]);
                $asset = resolve_asset($dbconn, $list[0], true);
                $data['target'] = "<span class='tip' title='" . clean_id($list[0]) . "'>" . $asset . "</span>";
            } elseif (count($list) == 2) {
                $list[0] = trim($list[0]);
                $asset = resolve_asset($dbconn, $list[0], true);
                $list[0] = "<span class='tip' title='" . clean_id($list[0]) . "'>" . $asset . "</span>";
                $list[1] = trim($list[1]);
                $asset = resolve_asset($dbconn, $list[1], true);
                $list[1] = "<span class='tip' title='" . clean_id($list[1]) . "'>" . $asset . "</span>";
                $data['target'] = $list[0] . ', ' . $list[1];
            } else {
                $list[0] = trim($list[0]);
                $asset = resolve_asset($dbconn, $list[0], true);
                $list[0] = "<span class='tip' title='" . clean_id($list[0]) . "'>" . $asset . "</span>";
                $list[count($list) - 1] = trim($list[count($list) - 1]);
                $asset = resolve_asset($dbconn, $list[count($list) - 1], true);
                $list[count($list) - 1] = "<span class='tip' title='" . clean_id($list[count($list) - 1]) . "'>" . $asset . "</span>";
                $data['target'] = $list[0] . " ... " . $list[count($list) - 1];
            if ($data["report_type"] == "I") {
                $data["jobname"] = $data["report_name"];
            if ($data['vSerious'] == 0 && $data['vHigh'] == 0 && $data['vMed'] == 0 && $data['vLow'] == 0 && $data['vInfo'] == 0 && $vulns_in_report) {
                $data['vSerious'] = "-";
                $data['vHigh'] = "-";
                $data['vMed'] = "-";
                $data['vLow'] = "-";
                $data['vInfo'] = "-";
            $data['target'] = preg_replace("/[0-9a-f]{32}#/i", "", $data['target']);
            $tdata[] = $data;
        if ($sortdir == "ASC") {
            $sortdir = "DESC";
        } else {
            $sortdir = "ASC";
        $url = $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'] . "?offset=0&sortby=%var%&sortdir={$sortdir}" . $url_filter;
        $fieldMapLinks = array();
        $fieldMapLinks = array(gettext("HTML Results") => array('url' => '%param%', 'param' => 'hlink', 'target' => 'main', 'icon' => 'images/html.png'), gettext("PDF Results") => array('url' => '%param%', 'param' => 'plink', 'target' => '_blank', 'icon' => 'images/pdf.png'), gettext("EXCEL Results") => array('url' => '%param%', 'param' => 'xlink', 'target' => '_blank', 'icon' => 'images/page_white_excel.png'));
        $fieldMap = array("Date/Time" => array('var' => 'scantime', 'link' => $url), "Job Name" => array('var' => 'jobname', 'link' => $url), "Targets" => array('var' => 'target', 'link' => $url), "Profile" => array('var' => 'profile', 'link' => $url), "Serious" => array('var' => 'vSerious', 'link' => $url), "High" => array('var' => 'vHigh', 'link' => $url), "Medium" => array('var' => 'vMed', 'link' => $url), "Low" => array('var' => 'vLow', 'link' => $url), "Info" => array('var' => 'vInfo', 'link' => $url), "Links" => $fieldMapLinks);
        if (count($tdata) > 0) {
            drawTable($fieldMap, $tdata, "Hosts", get_hosts($dbconn));
        } else {
        <table class="table_list">
            <tr><td class="nobborder" style="text-align:center;padding: 8px 0px 0px 0px;"><strong><?php 
            echo _("No reports found");
    // draw the pager again, if viewing all hosts
    if ($last != 0) {
        <div class="fright tmargin">
        if ($next > $pageSize) {
		        <a href="index.php?sreport=1&<?php 
            echo "sortdir={$or_sortdir}&roffset={$previous}&sortby={$or_sortby}{$url_filter}";
" class="pager">< <?php 
            echo _("PREVIOUS");
        } else {
		        <a class='link_paginate_disabled' href="" onclick='return false'>< <?php 
            echo _("PREVIOUS");
        if ($next <= $last) {
                <a class='lmargin' href="index.php?sreport=1&<?php 
            echo "sortdir={$or_sortdir}&roffset={$next}&sortby={$or_sortby}{$url_filter}";
">  <?php 
            echo _("NEXT");
        } else {
                <a class='link_paginate_disabled lmargin' href="" onclick='return false'><?php 
            echo _("NEXT");
    } else {
        echo "<p>&nbsp;</p>";
Esempio n. 23
if (!empty($allowed_users)) {
    foreach ($allowed_users as $user) {
        if ($user->get_id() == $my_session) {
            $me = "style='font-weight: bold;'";
            $action = "<img class='dis_logout' src='../pixmaps/menu/logout.gif' alt='" . $user->get_login() . "' title='" . $user->get_login() . "'/>";
        } else {
            $action = "<a onclick=\"logout('" . $user->get_id() . "');\"><img src='../pixmaps/menu/logout.gif' alt='" . _("Logout") . " " . $user->get_login() . "' title='" . _("Forced logout") . " " . $user->get_login() . "'/></a>";
            $me = null;
        $gi = geoip_open("/usr/share/geoip/GeoIP.dat", GEOIP_STANDARD);
        $s_country = strtolower(geoip_country_code_by_addr($gi, $user->get_ip()));
        $s_country_name = geoip_country_name_by_addr($gi, $user->get_ip());
        $geo_code = get_country($s_country, $s_country_name);
        $flag = !empty($geo_code) ? "<img src='" . $geo_code . "' border='0' align='top'/>" : "";
        $logon_date = gmdate("Y-m-d H:i:s", Util::get_utc_unixtime($dbconn, $user->get_logon_date()) + 3600 * Util::get_timezone());
        $activity_date = Util::get_utc_unixtime($dbconn, $user->get_activity());
        $style = Session_activity::is_expired($activity_date) ? "background:#EFE1E0;" : "background:#EFFFF7;";
        $expired = Session_activity::is_expired($activity_date) ? "<span style='color:red'>(" . _("Expired") . ")</span>" : "";
        $agent = explode("###", $user->get_agent());
        if ($agent[1] == "av report scheduler") {
            $agent = array("AV Report Scheduler", "wget");
        echo "  <tr style='{$style}' id='" . $user->get_id() . "'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<td class='ops_user' {$me}><img class='user_icon' src='" . get_user_icon($user->get_login(), $pro) . "' alt='" . _("User icon") . "' title='" . _("User icon") . "' align='absmiddle'/> " . $user->get_login() . "</td>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<td class='ops_ip'>" . $user->get_ip() . "</td>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<td class='ops_host'>" . Host::ip2hostname($dbconn, $user->get_ip()) . $flag . "</td>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<td class='ops_agent'><a txt='" . htmlentities($agent[1]) . "' class='info_agent'>" . htmlentities($agent[0]) . "</a></td>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<td class='ops_id'>" . $user->get_id() . " {$expired}</td>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<td class='ops_logon'>" . $logon_date . "</td>\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<td class='ops_activity'>" . _(TimeAgo($activity_date, gmdate("U"))) . "</td>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<td class='ops_actions'>{$action}</td>\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t</tr>";
} else {
    echo "<tr><td colspan='8' id='no_sessions' class='nobborder'><div class='ossim_info'>" . _("No active sessions") . "</td></tr>";
Esempio n. 24
function range_graphic($trdata)
    require_once "classes/";
    $tz = Util::get_timezone();
    $timerange = $trdata[2];
    switch ($timerange) {
        case "today":
            $desde = strtotime(gmdate("Y-m-d 00:00:00") . " GMT");
            $suf = "h";
            $jump = 3600;
            $noprint = 2;
            $interval = "G";
            $key = "G";
            $hasta = gmdate("U") + 3600 * $tz;
            // time to generate dates with timezone correction
        case "day":
            $desde = gmdate("U") + 3600 * $tz - 24 * 3600;
            $suf = "";
            $jump = 3600;
            $noprint = 3;
            $interval = "G\\h jM";
            $key = "G j";
            $hasta = gmdate("U") + 3600 * $tz;
        case "day2":
            $desde = gmdate("U") + 3600 * $tz - 48 * 3600;
            $suf = "";
            $jump = 3600;
            $noprint = 6;
            $interval = "G\\h jM";
            $key = "G j";
            $hasta = gmdate("U") + 3600 * $tz;
        case "week":
            $desde = gmdate("U") + 3600 * $tz - 7 * 24 * 3600;
            $suf = "";
            $jump = 86400;
            $noprint = 1;
            $interval = "j M";
            $key = "j F";
            $hasta = gmdate("U") + 3600 * $tz;
        case "weeks":
            $desde = gmdate("U") + 3600 * $tz - 2 * 7 * 24 * 3600;
            $suf = "";
            $jump = 86400;
            $noprint = 3;
            $interval = "j M";
            $key = "j F";
            $hasta = gmdate("U") + 3600 * $tz;
        case "month":
            $desde = gmdate("U") + 3600 * $tz - 31 * 24 * 3600;
            $suf = "";
            $jump = 86400;
            $noprint = 3;
            $interval = "j M";
            $key = "j F";
            $hasta = gmdate("U") + 3600 * $tz;
        case "range":
            $desde = $trdata[0];
            $hasta = $trdata[1];
            // time_range calc
            $diff = $hasta - $desde;
            if ($diff > 2678400) {
                // more than 1 month
                $suf = "";
                $jump = 0;
                $noprint = 2;
                $interval = "M-Y";
                $key = "F Y";
            } elseif ($diff > 1296000) {
                // more than 7 days
                $suf = "";
                $jump = 86400;
                $noprint = 3;
                $interval = "j M";
                $key = "j F";
            } elseif ($diff > 604800) {
                // more than 7 days
                $suf = "";
                $jump = 86400;
                $noprint = 2;
                $interval = "j M";
                $key = "j F";
            } elseif ($diff >= 86400) {
                // more than 1 day
                $suf = "";
                $jump = 86400;
                $noprint = 1;
                $interval = "j M";
                $key = "j F";
            } elseif ($diff < 86400) {
                $suf = "h";
                $jump = 3600;
                $noprint = 2;
                $interval = "G";
                $key = "G";
            } else {
                $suf = "";
                $jump = 3600;
                $noprint = 3;
                $interval = "G\\h jM";
                $key = "G j";
            $desde = gmdate("U") + 3600 * $tz - 365 * 24 * 3600;
            $suf = "";
            $jump = 0;
            $noprint = 2;
            $interval = "M-Y";
            $key = "F Y";
            $hasta = gmdate("U") + 3600 * $tz + 28 * 24 * 3600;
    $x = $y = $ticks = $labels = array();
    $d = $desde;
    $xx = 0;
    while ($d <= $hasta) {
        $now = trim(gmdate($key, $d) . " " . $suf);
        $x["{$now}"] = $ticks["{$now}"] = $xx++;
        $y["{$now}"] = 0;
        // default value 0
        $labels["{$now}"] = $xx % $noprint == 0 ? gmdate($interval, $d) . $suf : "";
        if ($jump == 0) {
            $d += date("t", $d) * 86400;
        } else {
            $d += $jump;
        // next date
    return array($x, $y, $ticks, $labels);
Esempio n. 25
function reportsummary()
    global $user, $border, $report_id, $scantime, $scantype, $fp, $nfp, $output, $filterip, $query_risk, $dbconn, $pluginid;
    global $treport, $sid, $ipl;
    $tz = Util::get_timezone();
    $htmlsummary = '';
    $user_filter = $user != '' ? "AND t1.username in ({$user})" : "";
    $query = "SELECT, t1.username, as job_name, as profile_name, t2.description \n                    FROM vuln_jobs t1\n                    LEFT JOIN vuln_nessus_settings t2 on\n                    WHERE t1.report_id in ({$report_id}) {$user_filter}\n                    order by t1.SCAN_END DESC";
    $result = $dbconn->execute($query);
    $id_profile = $result->fields['id'];
    $query_uid = $result->fields['username'];
    $job_name = $result->fields['jobname'];
    $profile_name = $result->fields['profile_name'];
    $profile_desc = $result->fields['description'];
    if ($job_name == '') {
        // imported report
        $query_imported_report = "SELECT name FROM vuln_nessus_reports WHERE scantime='{$scantime}'";
        $result_imported_report = $dbconn->execute($query_imported_report);
        $job_name = $result_imported_report->fields["name"];
    if ($tz == 0) {
        $localtime = gen_strtotime($scantime, "");
    } else {
        $localtime = gmdate("Y-m-d H:i:s", Util::get_utc_unixtime($scantime) + 3600 * $tz);
    $htmlsummary .= "<table border=\"5\" width=\"900\" style=\"margin: 9px 0px 0px 0px;\"><tr><th class=\"noborder\" valign=\"top\" style=\"text-align:left;font-size:12px;\" nowrap>\n         \n         <b>" . _("Scan time") . ":</b></th><td class=\"noborder\" style=\"text-align:left;padding-left:9px;\">" . $localtime . "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>";
    //Generated date
    $gendate = gmdate("Y-m-d H:i:s", gmdate("U") + 3600 * $tz);
    $htmlsummary .= "<th class=\"noborder\" valign=\"top\" style=\"text-align:left;font-size:12px;\" nowrap>\n         <b>" . _("Generated") . ":</b></th><td class=\"noborder\" style=\"text-align:left;padding-left:10px;\">{$gendate}</td></tr>";
    $htmlsummary .= "<tr><th class=\"noborder\" valign=\"top\" style=\"text-align:left;font-size:12px;\" nowrap>\n                <b>" . _("Profile") . ":</b></th><td class=\"noborder\" style=\"text-align:left;padding-left:10px;\">";
    $htmlsummary .= "{$profile_name} - {$profile_desc}&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>\n                <th class=\"noborder\" valign=\"top\" style=\"text-align:left;font-size:12px;\" nowrap>\n                <b>" . _("Job Name") . ":</b></th><td class=\"noborder\" style=\"text-align:left;padding-left:10px;\">{$job_name}</td></tr>";
    $htmlsummary .= "</table>";
    return "<center>" . $htmlsummary . "</center>";
Esempio n. 26
* On Debian GNU/Linux systems, the complete text of the GNU General
* Public License can be found in `/usr/share/common-licenses/GPL-2'.
* Otherwise you can read it here:
require_once 'av_init.php';
require_once '';
require_once 'general.php';
Session::logcheck("analysis-menu", "EventsForensics");
$it_security = "";
$address = "";
$tlfn = "";
$tz = Util::get_timezone();
$date = gmdate("Y-m-d H:i:s", gmdate("U") + 3600 * $tz);
$maintitle = $report_data['report_name'];
$db = new ossim_db();
$conn = $db->connect();
$t_params = array();
$t_params[] = $user;
$t_query = "SELECT dataV1, dataV2 \r\n\t\t  FROM datawarehouse.report_data \r\n\t\t  WHERE id_report_data_type=35 and user=?";
$t_rs = $conn->Execute($t_query, $t_params);
if (!$t_rs) {
    $filter = '';
} else {
    $filter = '
	<table class="w100" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
Esempio n. 27
    $status = new System_status();
    list($message_list, $total) = $status->get_status_messages($filters, $pagination);
} catch (Exception $e) {
    $response['sEcho'] = $sec;
    $response['iTotalRecords'] = 0;
    $response['iTotalDisplayRecords'] = 0;
    $response['error'] = $e->getMessage();
    $response['aaData'] = array();
    echo json_encode($response);
$data = array();
foreach ($message_list as $message) {
    $res = array();
    $res['DT_RowId'] = $message['message_id'] . '_' . $message['component_id'];
    $res['viewed'] = $message['viewed'];
    $res['ctime'] = gmdate("Y-m-d H:i:s", strtotime($message['creation_time']));
    $date = gmdate("Y-m-d H:i:s", strtotime(preg_replace('/GMT/', '', $message['creation_time'])) + 3600 * Util::get_timezone());
    $res[] = $date;
    $res[] = $message['level'];
    $res[] = $message['component_type'];
    $res[] = $message['component_name'];
    $res[] = $message['component_ip'];
    $res[] = $message['description'];
    $data[] = $res;
$response['sEcho'] = $sec;
$response['iTotalRecords'] = $total;
$response['iTotalDisplayRecords'] = $total;
$response['aaData'] = $data;
echo json_encode($response);