/** * Validates data submitted in the add form. If the validation fails, * displays the add page. Otherwise, creates a new order, saves it and * its products to the database and clears the 'cart' session variable. * Redirects to the front page. */ public static function add() { $params = $_POST; date_default_timezone_set('Europe/Helsinki'); $attributes = array('user_id' => $params['user_id'], 'first_name' => $params['first_name'], 'last_name' => $params['last_name'], 'phone_number' => $params['phone_number'], 'street_address' => $params['street_address'], 'postal_code' => $params['postal_code'], 'city' => $params['city'], 'delivery_method' => $params['delivery_method']); $validator = self::order_validator($attributes); if ($validator->validate()) { $order = new Orders(array('user_id' => $attributes['user_id'], 'order_time' => date('d-m-Y H:i:s'), 'actual_delivery_time' => null, 'delivery_address' => $attributes['street_address'] . ', ' . $attributes['postal_code'] . ' ' . $attributes['city'], 'delivery_method' => $attributes['delivery_method'], 'total_price' => $_SESSION['cart']['price'], 'status' => 'Jonossa')); if (!$params['user_id']) { $user = array('user_id' => null, 'first_name' => $params['first_name'], 'last_name' => $params['last_name'], 'phone_number' => $params['phone_number']); $order->user_id = null; $order->user_info = json_encode($user); } else { $order->user_info = json_encode(Users::findOne($_SESSION['user'])); } if ($order->delivery_method == 'Nouto') { $order->agreed_delivery_time = date('d-m-Y H:i:s', strtotime('+15 minutes', strtotime($order->order_time))); } else { $order->agreed_delivery_time = date('d-m-Y H:i:s', strtotime('+60 minutes', strtotime($order->order_time))); } $order_id = $order->save(); self::set_order_products($order_id, $_SESSION['cart']['items']); $_SESSION['cart'] = null; Redirect::to('/', array('message' => 'Tilauksesi on lähetetty, kiitos!')); } else { View::make('order/add.html', array('errors' => $validator->errors(), 'user' => $attributes)); } }
public static function get_user_logged_in() { if (isset($_SESSION['user'])) { $user_id = $_SESSION['user']; return Users::findOne($user_id); } return; }
public static function isUserSimple($id) { if (Users::findOne(['id' => $id, 'activate' => '1', 'role' => 1])) { return true; } else { return false; } }
public static function isUserMaestro($id) { if (Users::findOne(['id' => $id, 'activate' => '1', 'role' => 'maestro'])) { return true; } else { return false; } }
/** * getUser * Get user info from db or save fb data to db * * @param array $fb_user returned by FB request * * @return object **/ function getUser($fb_user) { // check user exists in DB $user = Users::findOne($fb_user['id']); if (!$user) { // save user info $user = Users::create(); $user->id = $fb_user['id']; $user->name = $fb_user['name']; $user->email = $fb_user['email']; $user->save(); } return $user; }
/** * Delete project * * @param void * @return null */ function delete() { if (logged_user()->isGuest()) { flash_error(lang('no access permissions')); ajx_current("empty"); return; } $pid = get_id(); $u = Users::findOne(array("conditions" => "personal_project_id = {$pid}")); if ($u) { //flash_error("id: $pid, u: ".$u->getId()); ajx_current("empty"); flash_error(lang('cannot delete personal project')); return; //$this->redirectTo('administration', 'projects'); } $project = Projects::findById(get_id()); if (!$project instanceof Project) { flash_error(lang('project dnx')); ajx_current("empty"); return; //$this->redirectTo('administration', 'projects'); } // if if (!$project->canDelete(logged_user())) { flash_error(lang('no access permissions')); ajx_current("empty"); return; //$this->redirectToReferer(get_url('administration', 'projects')); } // if if (!array_var($_GET, 'confirm')) { tpl_assign('project', $project); $this->setTemplate('pre_delete'); return; } ajx_current("empty"); try { $id = $project->getId(); $name = $project->getName(); DB::beginWork(); $project->delete(); CompanyWebsite::instance()->setProject(null); ApplicationLogs::createLog($project, null, ApplicationLogs::ACTION_DELETE); DB::commit(); flash_success(lang('success delete project', $project->getName())); evt_add("workspace deleted", array("id" => $id, "name" => $name)); ajx_current("start"); } catch (Exception $e) { DB::rollback(); flash_error($e->getMessage()); ajx_current("empty"); } // try //$this->redirectTo('administration', 'projects'); }
echo(lang('no access permissions')); ?><br><a href="<?php echo ROOT_URL?>/index.php?c=access&a=index" target="_top">Go back to Feng Office</a><?php return; } $id = get_id(); if ($id>0){ $account = MailAccounts::findById($id); } else{ $email_address = array_var($_GET, 'email'); $user_name = array_var($_GET, 'username'); if (isset ($email_address) && isset ($user_name)){ $user_conditions = array("conditions" => array("`username`='".$user_name."'")); $user = Users::findOne($user_conditions); if (!isset ($user)){ echo(lang('cant find user')); ?><br><a href="<?php echo ROOT_URL?>/index.php?c=access&a=index" target="_top">Go back to Feng Office</a><?php return; } $account_conditions = array("conditions" => array("`email_addr`='".$email_address."' AND `user_id`='".$user->getId()."'")); $account = MailAccounts::findOne($account_conditions); if (!isset ($account)){ echo(lang('cant find account')); ?><br><a href="<?php echo ROOT_URL?>/index.php?c=access&a=index" target="_top">Go back to Feng Office</a><?php return; } }
/** * Call back function for user link * * @param mixed $matches * @return */ function replace_user_link_callback($matches) { if (count($matches) < 2) { return null; } // if if (!logged_user()->isMemberOfOwnerCompany()) { $object = Users::findOne(array('conditions' => array('`id` = ? ', $matches[1]))); } else { $object = Users::findOne(array('conditions' => array('`id` = ? ', $matches[1]))); } // if if (!$object instanceof User) { return '<del>' . lang('invalid reference') . '</del>'; } else { return '<a href="' . $object->getCardUrl() . '">' . $object->getObjectName() . '</a>'; } // if }
public static function isUserSubcomision($id) { if (Users::findOne(['dni' => $id, 'privilegio' => 2])) { return true; } else { return false; } }
function do_share() { $share_data = array_var($_POST, 'share_data'); if (is_array($share_data)) { $obj = get_object_by_manager_and_id(array_var($share_data, 'object_id'), array_var($share_data, 'object_manager')); $emails = array_var($_POST, 'emails'); $companies = array_var($_POST, 'companiesId'); if (!is_array($emails) || !count($emails)) { flash_error(lang('must specify recipients')); ajx_current("empty"); return; } $people = array(); foreach ($emails as $k => $email) { // Retrieve users to notify $lt_pos = strpos_utf($email, '<'); if ($lt_pos !== FALSE) { // only email address $email = substr_utf($email, $lt_pos + 1); $email = str_replace('>', '', $email); } if (trim($email) != '') { $user = Users::findOne(array('conditions' => "`email` = '" . $email . "'")); if (!$user instanceof User) { // User not exists -> create one with minimum permissions try { DB::beginWork(); $user = $this->createMinimumUser($email, $companies[$k]); DB::commit(); } catch (Exception $e) { DB::rollback(); } } if ($user instanceof User) { $people[] = $user; $canWrite = array_var($share_data, 'allow_edit'); if ($canWrite && !$obj->canEdit($user) || !$obj->canView($user)) { $this->setObjUserPermission($user, $obj, $canWrite); } $this->saveSharedObject($obj, $user); } } } Notifier::shareObject($obj, $people); flash_success(lang("success sharing object")); ajx_current("back"); } }
/** * Retrieves the currently authenticated user from the * database and displays the form for editing their information. */ public static function edit_form() { $user = Users::findOne($_SESSION['user']); View::make('user/edit.html', array('user' => $user)); }
/** * Finds user by username * * @param string $username * @return static|null */ public static function findByUsername($username) { $users = new Users(); return $users->findOne(['email' => $username]); }