if (isset($_GET['msg'])) {
    $message = $_GET['msg'];
//delete product review
if ($_GET['delete_permanent'] == 'Y') {
    $feedback_id = $_REQUEST['feedback_id'];
    $message = Userdashboard::updateProductFeedbackStatus($feedback_id);
    $url = "list_product_feedbacks.php?msg=" . $message;
//get currency
$currency_attributes = displayCurrencyType();
//get all product reviews
$product_feedbacks = Userdashboard::listProductFeedbacks($userid);
$totalrows = count($product_feedbacks);
//get pagination results
$limit = getPaginationLimit();
if ($limit == 0) {
    $limit = 10;
$page = isset($_GET['page']) ? trim($_GET['page']) : 1;
if (empty($page)) {
    $page = 1;
$sql = " SELECT p.product_name ,f.*, u.user_name,u.email FROM " . $tableprefix . "Review f\n\t\tINNER JOIN " . $tableprefix . "users u ON f.nUserId = u.user_id\n                INNER JOIN " . $tableprefix . "products p ON p.product_id = f.nProdId\n                WHERE f.nUserId  = {$userid}\n                AND f.vActive = '1' AND f.deleted = 0\n                ORDER BY f.vDateAdded DESC   ";
$product_feedbacks_records = Userdashboard::getPaginationResult($sql, $limit, $page);
/*display the active template*/
$active_template = displayTemplate();
include "includes/htmltop.php";