Esempio n. 1
 public function addUser($user_id)
     // First, load current users for event
     // Return if user already in event
     if (isset($this->_users[$user_id])) {
         return $this;
     // Next, check that the requested user actually exists
     if (!UserLoader::exists($user_id)) {
         throw new \Exception("The specified user_id ({$user_id}) does not exist.");
     // Ok, add to the list of users
     $this->_users[$user_id] = UserLoader::fetch($user_id);
     return $this;
Esempio n. 2
 public function getUsers()
     //Get connected and load the group_user table
     $db = static::connection();
     $link_table = static::getTable('group_user')->name;
     $sqlVars[":id"] = $this->_id;
     $query = "\n            SELECT user_id FROM `{$link_table}`\n            WHERE group_id = :id";
     $stmt = $db->prepare($query);
     //Get the array of users in this group
     $users_array = [];
     while ($user_id = $stmt->fetch(\PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {
         $users_array[] = UserLoader::fetch($user_id['user_id']);
     return $users_array;
Esempio n. 3
  * Processes the request to delete an existing user.
  * Deletes the specified user, removing associations with any groups and any user-specific authorization rules.
  * Before doing so, checks that:
  * 1. You are not trying to delete the master account;
  * 2. You have permission to delete user user accounts.
  * This route requires authentication (and should generally be limited to admins or the root user).
  * Request type: POST
  * @param int $user_id the id of the user to delete.     
 public function deleteUser($user_id)
     $post = $this->_app->request->post();
     // Get the target user
     $target_user = UserLoader::fetch($user_id);
     // Get the alert message stream
     $ms = $this->_app->alerts;
     // Check authorization
     if (!$this->_app->user->checkAccess('delete_account', ['user' => $target_user])) {
         $ms->addMessageTranslated("danger", "ACCESS_DENIED");
     // Check that we are not disabling the master account
     if ($target_user->id == $this->_app->config('user_id_master')) {
         $ms->addMessageTranslated("danger", "ACCOUNT_DELETE_MASTER");
     $ms->addMessageTranslated("success", "ACCOUNT_DELETION_SUCCESSFUL", ["user_name" => $target_user->user_name]);
Esempio n. 4
 public function resendActivation()
     $data = $this->_app->request->post();
     // Load the request schema
     $requestSchema = new \Fortress\RequestSchema($this->_app->config('schema.path') . "/forms/resend-activation.json");
     // Get the alert message stream
     $ms = $this->_app->alerts;
     // Set up Fortress to validate the request
     $rf = new \Fortress\HTTPRequestFortress($ms, $requestSchema, $data);
     // Validate
     if (!$rf->validate()) {
     // Check that the username exists
     if (!UserLoader::exists($data['user_name'], 'user_name')) {
         $ms->addMessageTranslated("danger", "ACCOUNT_INVALID_USERNAME");
     // Load the user, by username
     $user = UserLoader::fetch($data['user_name'], 'user_name');
     // Check that the specified email is correct
     if ($user->email != $data['email']) {
         $ms->addMessageTranslated("danger", "ACCOUNT_USER_OR_EMAIL_INVALID");
     // Check if user's account is already active
     if ($user->active == "1") {
         $ms->addMessageTranslated("danger", "ACCOUNT_ALREADY_ACTIVE");
     // Check the time since the last activation request
     $current_time = new \DateTime("now");
     $last_request_time = new \DateTime($user->last_activation_request);
     $time_since_last_request = $current_time->getTimestamp() - $last_request_time->getTimestamp();
     // If an activation request has been sent too recently, they must wait
     if ($time_since_last_request < $this->_app->site->resend_activation_threshold || $time_since_last_request < 0) {
         $ms->addMessageTranslated("danger", "ACCOUNT_LINK_ALREADY_SENT", ["resend_activation_threshold" => $this->_app->site->resend_activation_threshold]);
         // "Too many requests" code (
     // We're good to go - create a new activation token and send the email
     $user->activation_token = UserLoader::generateActivationToken();
     $user->last_activation_request = date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
     $user->lost_password_timestamp = date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
     // Email the user
     $mail = new \PHPMailer();
     $mail->From = $this->_app->site->admin_email;
     $mail->FromName = $this->_app->site->site_title;
     // Add a recipient
     $mail->addReplyTo($this->_app->site->admin_email, $this->_app->site->site_title);
     $mail->Subject = $this->_app->site->site_title . " - activate your account";
     $mail->Body = $this->_app->view()->render("common/mail/resend-activation.html", ["user" => $user, "activation_token" => $user->activation_token]);
     // Set email format to HTML
     if (!$mail->send()) {
         $ms->addMessageTranslated("danger", "MAIL_ERROR");
         error_log('Mailer Error: ' . $mail->ErrorInfo);
     $ms->addMessageTranslated("success", "ACCOUNT_NEW_ACTIVATION_SENT");
  * Processes a request to resend the activation email for a new user account.
  * Processes the request from the resend activation email form, checking that:
  * 1. The provided username is associated with an existing user account;
  * 2. The provided email matches the user account;
  * 3. The user account is not already active;
  * 4. A request to resend the activation link wasn't already processed in the last X seconds (specified in site settings)
  * 5. The submitted data is valid.
  * This route is "public access".
  * Request type: POST
  * @todo Again, just like with password reset - do we really need to get the user's user_name to do this?
 public function resendActivation()
     $data = $this->_app->request->post();
     // Load the request schema
     $requestSchema = new \Fortress\RequestSchema($this->_app->config('schema.path') . "/forms/resend-activation.json");
     // Get the alert message stream
     $ms = $this->_app->alerts;
     // Set up Fortress to validate the request
     $rf = new \Fortress\HTTPRequestFortress($ms, $requestSchema, $data);
     // Validate
     if (!$rf->validate()) {
     // Check that the username exists
     if (!UserLoader::exists($data['user_name'], 'user_name')) {
         $ms->addMessageTranslated("danger", "ACCOUNT_INVALID_USERNAME");
     // Load the user, by username
     $user = UserLoader::fetch($data['user_name'], 'user_name');
     // Check that the specified email is correct
     if (strtolower($user->email) != strtolower($data['email'])) {
         $ms->addMessageTranslated("danger", "ACCOUNT_USER_OR_EMAIL_INVALID");
     // Check if user's account is already active
     if ($user->flag_verified == "1") {
         $ms->addMessageTranslated("danger", "ACCOUNT_ALREADY_ACTIVE");
     // Get the most recent account verification request time
     $last_verification_request_time = $user->lastEventTime('verification_request');
     $last_verification_request_time = $last_verification_request_time ? $last_verification_request_time : "0000-00-00 00:00:00";
     // Check the time since the last activation request
     $current_time = new \DateTime("now");
     $last_verification_request_datetime = new \DateTime($last_verification_request_time);
     $time_since_last_request = $current_time->getTimestamp() - $last_verification_request_datetime->getTimestamp();
     // If an activation request has been sent too recently, they must wait
     if ($time_since_last_request < $this->_app->site->resend_activation_threshold || $time_since_last_request < 0) {
         $ms->addMessageTranslated("danger", "ACCOUNT_LINK_ALREADY_SENT", ["resend_activation_threshold" => $this->_app->site->resend_activation_threshold]);
         // "Too many requests" code (
     // We're good to go - create a new verification request and send the email
     // Email the user
     $twig = $this->_app->view()->getEnvironment();
     $template = $twig->loadTemplate("mail/resend-activation.twig");
     $notification = new Notification($template);
     // Automatically sets sender and reply-to
     $notification->addEmailRecipient($user->email, $user->display_name, ["user" => $user, "secret_token" => $user->secret_token]);
     try {
     } catch (\Exception\phpmailerException $e) {
         $ms->addMessageTranslated("danger", "MAIL_ERROR");
         error_log('Mailer Error: ' . $e->errorMessage());
     $ms->addMessageTranslated("success", "ACCOUNT_NEW_ACTIVATION_SENT");