Esempio n. 1

// This script updates the soundex value of all users in the database.
// May be used after changing the algorithm for finding similar users.
require_once 'adodb/';
include_once 'libuseful/SqlQuery.class.php5';
include_once 'services/sql_query.class.php';
include_once 'services/userdb.class.php';
include_once 'functions/';
include_once 'objects/user.class.php';
$db =& ADONewConnection(cfg("db_dbn")) or die("FreechForum::FreechForum(): Error: Can't connect." . " Please check username, password and hostname.");
function print_user($user, $userdb)
    echo "USER: "******" = " . $user->get_soundexed_name() . "<br>";
$userdb = new UserDB($db);
$userdb->foreach_user_from_query(NULL, -1, -1, 'print_user', $userdb);
echo "DONE.";