Esempio n. 1
 public function registerUser($username, $password, $email)
      * Perform validation and create all required entries for new user in database
      * Input: $password is in plaintext
      * Ouput: ["result" => true, "userid" => {userid}, "passhash" => {passhash}] if successful
      *        ["result" => false, "error" => {error message}] if not successful
     // Perform check that username/email is not already taken
     // and password is valid (not empty)
     $userDAO = new UserDAO();
     if ($userDAO->checkUsernameExists($username)) {
         return ["result" => false, "error" => "Username is already in use."];
     if ($userDAO->checkEmailExists($email)) {
         return ["result" => false, "error" => "Email is already in use."];
     if (empty($password)) {
         return ["result" => false, "error" => "Password should be non-empty"];
     $password_encrypted = password_hash($password, PASSWORD_DEFAULT);
     //return newly-created userID (null if unsuccessful)
     $userid = $userDAO->addUser($username, $password_encrypted, $email);
     //initialize empty row in userdata, userprefs, and userrecords table
     $userdataSuccess = $userDAO->initializeUserData($userid);
     $userprefsSuccess = $userDAO->initializeUserPrefs($userid);
     $userrecordsSuccess = $userDAO->initializeUserRecords($userid);
     //add email to MailChimp list
     $MailChimp = initialize_mailchimp();
     mailchimp_subscribe($_POST['email'], $MailChimp);
     //check if user added successfully
     $add_member = !is_null($userid) && $userdataSuccess && $userprefsSuccess && $userrecordsSuccess;
     if ($add_member) {
         return ["result" => true, "userid" => $userid, "passhash" => $password_encrypted];
     } else {
         return ["result" => false, "error" => "Database error: Could not successfully create user"];