Esempio n. 1
  * Adds Task for updating user email
  * @param User $user
  * @return bool
 public function onConfirmEmailComplete(\User $oUser)
     /* Get and run the task */
     $oUserHelper = $this->getUserHelper();
     $task = $oUserHelper->getUpdateUserTask();
     $task->call('updateUserEmail', $oUser->getId(), $oUser->getEmail());
     return true;
Esempio n. 2
 public function editUser(User $user)
     $STH = $this->DBH->prepare("UPDATE Users SET login=:login, email=:email, password=:password WHERE id=:id");
     $STH->bindValue(":login", $user->getLogin());
     $STH->bindValue(":email", $user->getEmail());
     $STH->bindValue(":password", $user->getPassword());
     $STH->bindValue(":id", $user->getID());
 public function login($POST)
     $db = new DB();
     $user = new User();
     if ($user->getEmail() == "") {
         $response["status"] = 1;
         $response["msg"] = "กรุณากรอก Email";
     } else {
         if ($user->getPassword() == "") {
             $response["status"] = 2;
             $response["msg"] = "กรุณากรอก Password";
         } else {
             $array = array("email" => array("type" => $user->getDataType("email"), "value" => $user->getEmail()), array("type" => $user->getDataType("password"), "value" => $user->getPassword()));
             $sql = "SELECT * FROM users WHERE email = ? AND password = ?";
             $data = $db->query($sql, $array);
             if (count($data) > 0) {
                 $response["status"] = 0;
                 $response["msg"] = "Success";
             } else {
                 $response["status"] = -1;
                 $response["msg"] = "ไม่พบ Email/Password นี้ในระบบ";
     echo json_encode($response);
Esempio n. 4
 public function testEmail()
     $emailTest = "*****@*****.**";
     $this->assertEquals($emailTest, $this->user->getEmail());
Esempio n. 5
  * @inheritdoc
 public function getEmail()
     $knownEmail = $this->user->getEmail();
     if (!empty($knownEmail)) {
         return $knownEmail;
     return $this->email;
Esempio n. 6
  * @param string $email
  * @return bool
 private function setEmail($email)
     if ($this->user->getEmail() !== $email) {
         return true;
     return false;
 public function createResetToken(User $user)
     ResultHelper::whenEmpty($user->getEmail(), AppLabelUtil::$ERROR_USER_NO_EMAIL, HttpStatusCode::internalServerError());
     $tokenHash = Hash::create("sha256", mcrypt_create_iv(64, MCRYPT_DEV_URANDOM), HASH_GENERAL_KEY);
     $this->mailService->setMailHeading(array($user->getEmail() => $user->getFirstName() . " " . $user->getLastName()));
     $this->mailService->setBody("Instellen van uw wachtwoord", "Beste gebruiker, gelieve de volgende link te gebruiken om uw wachtwoord in te stellen: " . URL . "#/reset/token/" . $tokenHash);
     $resetToken = $this->resetTokenFactory->createResetToken($user->getId(), $tokenHash);
 public function testUpdate()
     $this->user->setUsername("Jorge Fernandez");
     $this->user->setRoles(['ROLE_MANAGER', 'ROLE_ADMIN', 'ROLE_SUPER_ADMIN']);
     $persistedUser = $this->userRepository->findOneBy(["email" => $this->user->getEmail()]);
     $this->assertEquals($this->user, $persistedUser);
     $this->assertEquals($this->user->getRoles(), $persistedUser->getRoles());
 function set2(User $user)
     //Update de todos los campos menos el id, el id se usara como el where para el update numero de filas modificadas
     $parametrosSet = array();
     $parametrosSet['email'] = $user->getEmail();
     $parametrosSet['clave'] = $user->getClave();
     $parametrosSet['alias'] = $user->getAlias();
     $parametrosSet['fechaAlta'] = $user->getFechaAlta();
     $parametrosSet['activo'] = $user->getActivo();
     $parametrosWhere = array();
     $parametrosWhere["email"] = $user->getEmail();
     return $this->bd->update($this->tabla, $parametrosSet, $parametrosWhere);
Esempio n. 10
function email_notify($check,$check_result,$subscription) {
 global $status_array;
 $user = new User($subscription->getUserId());
 echo 'email plugin!';
 $email = new fEmail();
 // This sets up fSMTP to connect to the gmail SMTP server
 // with a 5 second timeout. Gmail requires a secure connection.
 $smtp = new fSMTP('', 465, TRUE, 5);
 $smtp->authenticate('*****@*****.**', 'example');
 $email->addRecipient($user->getEmail(), $user->getUsername());
 // Set who the email is from
 // Set the subject include UTF-8 curly quotes
 $email->setSubject('Tattle : Alert for ' . $check->prepareName());
 // Set the body to include a string containing UTF-8
 $state = $status_array[$check_result->getStatus()];
 $email->setHTMLBody("<p>$state Alert for {$check->prepareName()} </p><p>The check returned {$check_result->prepareValue()}</p><p>Warning Threshold is : ". $check->getWarn() . "</p><p>Error Threshold is : ". $check->getError() . '</p><p>View Alert Details : <a href="' . $fURL::getDomain() . '/' . CheckResult::makeURL('list',$check_result) . '">'.$check->prepareName()."</a></p>");
$state Alert for {$check->prepareName()}
The check returned {$check_result->prepareValue()}
Warning Threshold is : ". $check->getWarn() . "
Error Threshold is : ". $check->getError() . "
 try {  
   $message_id = $email->send($smtp);
 } catch ( fConnectivityException $e) { 
   fCore::debug("email send failed",FALSE);

Esempio n. 11
  * Store User authentication data in session
  * Also regenerates session id to prevent session fixation
  * @param User $user
 public function signIn(User $user)
     $userArray = ['id' => $user->getId(), 'email' => $user->getEmail(), 'role' => $user->getRole()];
     $_SESSION['User'] = serialize($userArray);
Esempio n. 12
  * Checks a User object for a blacklisted email address
  * @param User $user
  * @return bool True on valid email
 public function checkUser(User $user)
     $blacklists = $this->getBlacklists();
     $whitelists = $this->getWhitelists();
     // The email to check
     $email = $user->getEmail();
     if (!count($blacklists)) {
         // Nothing to check
         return true;
     // Check for whitelisted email addresses
     if (is_array($whitelists)) {
         wfDebugLog('SpamBlacklist', "Excluding whitelisted email addresses from " . count($whitelists) . " regexes: " . implode(', ', $whitelists) . "\n");
         foreach ($whitelists as $regex) {
             if (preg_match($regex, $email)) {
                 // Whitelisted email
                 return true;
     # Do the match
     wfDebugLog('SpamBlacklist', "Checking e-mail address against " . count($blacklists) . " regexes: " . implode(', ', $blacklists) . "\n");
     foreach ($blacklists as $regex) {
         if (preg_match($regex, $email)) {
             return false;
     return true;
     * Generate the generic "this page has been changed" e-mail text.
    protected function composeCommonMailtext()
        global $wgPasswordSender, $wgPasswordSenderName, $wgNoReplyAddress;
        global $wgEnotifFromEditor, $wgEnotifRevealEditorAddress;
        global $wgEnotifUseRealName, $wgRequest;
        $this->composed_common = true;
        if ($this->editor->isAnon()) {
            $pageEditor = wfMsgForContent('enotif_anon_editor', $this->editor->getName());
        } else {
            $pageEditor = $wgEnotifUseRealName ? $this->editor->getRealName() : $this->editor->getName();
        // build the subject
        $this->subject = wfMessage('moodbar-enotif-subject')->params($pageEditor)->escaped();
        // build the body
        $targetUserName = $this->targetUser->getName();
        $links = $this->buildEmailLink();
        //text version, no need to escape since client will interpret it as plain text
        $textBody = wfMessage('moodbar-enotif-body')->params($targetUserName, $links['feedbackPageUrl'], $links['editorTalkPageUrl'], $this->response, $links['targetUserTalkPageUrl'], $pageEditor)->text();
        //html version, this is a little bit ugly as we have to make wiki link clickable in emails
        $action = $wgRequest->getVal('action');
        $wgRequest->setVal('action', 'render');
        $htmlBody = wfMsgExt('moodbar-enotif-body', array('parse'), $targetUserName, $links['feedbackPageUrl'], $links['editorTalkPageUrl'], '<div style="margin-left:20px; margin-right:20px;">"' . $this->response . '"</div>', $links['targetUserTalkPageUrl'], $pageEditor);
        $wgRequest->setVal('action', $action);
        // assemble the email body
        $this->body = <<<HTML
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit


Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit


        # Reveal the page editor's address as REPLY-TO address only if
        # the user has not opted-out and the option is enabled at the
        # global configuration level.
        $adminAddress = new MailAddress($wgPasswordSender, $wgPasswordSenderName);
        if ($wgEnotifRevealEditorAddress && $this->editor->getEmail() != '' && $this->editor->getOption('enotifrevealaddr')) {
            $editorAddress = new MailAddress($this->editor);
            if ($wgEnotifFromEditor) {
                $this->from = $editorAddress;
            } else {
                $this->from = $adminAddress;
                $this->replyto = $editorAddress;
        } else {
            $this->from = $adminAddress;
            $this->replyto = new MailAddress($wgNoReplyAddress);
Esempio n. 14
 public function testGetEmail()
     if ($this->User->getEmail() != '*****@*****.**') {
Esempio n. 15
function email_plugin_notify_master($check, $check_result, $subscription, $alt_email = false)
    global $status_array;
    $user = new User($subscription->getUserId());
    $email = new fEmail();
    // This sets up fSMTP to connect to the gmail SMTP server
    // with a 5 second timeout. Gmail requires a secure connection.
    $smtp = new fSMTP(sys_var('smtp_server'), sys_var('smtp_port'), sys_var('require_ssl') === 'true' ? TRUE : FALSE, 5);
    if (sys_var('require_auth') === 'true') {
        $smtp->authenticate(sys_var('smtp_user'), sys_var('smtp_pass'));
    if ($alt_email) {
        $email_address = usr_var('alt_email', $user->getUserId());
    } else {
        $email_address = $user->getEmail();
    $email->addRecipient($email_address, $user->getUsername());
    // Set who the email is from
    $email->setFromEmail(sys_var('email_from'), sys_var('email_from_display'));
    $state = $status_array[$check_result->getStatus()];
    // Set the subject include UTF-8 curly quotes
    if ($state == 'OK') {
        $email->setSubject(str_replace('{check_name}', $check->prepareName(), sys_var('email_end_alert_subject')));
    } else {
        $email->setSubject(str_replace('{check_name}', $check->prepareName(), sys_var('email_subject')));
    // Set the body to include a string containing UTF-8
    $check_type = '';
    if ($check->getType() == 'threshold') {
        $check_type = ' Threshold';
    } elseif ($check->getType() == 'predictive') {
        $check_type = ' Standard Deviation';
    $state_email_injection = $state . " Alert ";
    if ($state == 'OK') {
        $state_email_injection = "Everything's back to normal ";
    // Remind : ('0' => 'OK', '1'   => 'Error', '2' => 'Warning');
    $state_int = $check_result->getStatus();
    if ($state_int == 0) {
        $color = "green";
    } else {
        if ($state_int == 2) {
            $color = "orange";
        } else {
            $color = "red";
    $html_body = "<p style='color:" . $color . ";'>" . $state_email_injection . "for {$check->prepareName()} </p>" . "<p>The check returned {$check_result->getValue()}</p>" . "<p>Warning" . $check_type . " is : " . $check->getWarn() . "</p>" . "<p>Error" . $check_type . " is : " . $check->getError() . "</p>" . "<p>View Alert Details : <a href='" . $GLOBALS['TATTLE_DOMAIN'] . '/' . CheckResult::makeURL('list', $check_result) . "'>" . $check->prepareName() . "</a></p>";
    $email->setBody("\n  {$state} Alert for {$check->prepareName()}\nThe check returned {$check_result->getValue()}\nWarning" . $check_type . " is : " . $check->getWarn() . "\nError" . $check_type . " is : " . $check->getError() . "\n           ");
    try {
        $message_id = $email->send($smtp);
    } catch (fConnectivityException $e) {
        fCore::debug($e, FALSE);
        fCore::debug("email send failed", FALSE);
Esempio n. 16
 public function present(User $user)
     $name = $this->presentName($user->getName());
     $email = $this->presentEmail($user->getEmail());
     $password = $this->presentPassword($user->getPassword());
     return join('', ['Your name is: ', $name, PHP_EOL, 'Your email is: ', $email, PHP_EOL, 'Your password is: ', $password, PHP_EOL]);
Esempio n. 17
function email_plugin_notify($check,$check_result,$subscription,$alt_email=false) {
  global $status_array;
  $user = new User($subscription->getUserId());
  $email = new fEmail();
  // This sets up fSMTP to connect to the gmail SMTP server
  // with a 5 second timeout. Gmail requires a secure connection.
  $smtp = new fSMTP(sys_var('smtp_server'), sys_var('smtp_port'), TRUE, 5);
  $smtp->authenticate(sys_var('smtp_user'), sys_var('smtp_pass'));
  if ($alt_email) {
    $email_address = usr_var('alt_email',$user->getUserId());
  } else {
    $email_address = $user->getEmail(); 
  $email->addRecipient($email_address, $user->getUsername());
  // Set who the email is from
  $email->setFromEmail(sys_var('email_from'), sys_var('email_from_display'));
  // Set the subject include UTF-8 curly quotes
  $email->setSubject(str_replace('{check_name}', $check->prepareName(), sys_var('email_subject')));
  // Set the body to include a string containing UTF-8
  $state = $status_array[$check_result->getStatus()];
  $email->setHTMLBody("<p>$state Alert for {$check->prepareName()} </p><p>The check returned {$check_result->prepareValue()}</p><p>Warning Threshold is : ". $check->getWarn() . "</p><p>Error Threshold is : ". $check->getError() . '</p><p>View Alert Details : <a href="' . fURL::getDomain() . '/' . CheckResult::makeURL('list',$check_result) . '">'.$check->prepareName()."</a></p>");
  $state Alert for {$check->prepareName()}
The check returned {$check_result->prepareValue()}
Warning Threshold is : ". $check->getWarn() . "
Error Threshold is : ". $check->getError() . "
  try {  
    $message_id = $email->send($smtp);
  } catch ( fConnectivityException $e) { 
    fCore::debug("email send failed",FALSE);
 public function initTable()
     $adminConf = getConfigFile();
     $query = $this->db->prepare("INSERT INTO user(UserName,Mdp,DateInscription,email,Tel) VALUES (:username , :mdp , NOW() , :email , :tel);\n                 INSERT INTO user_droit(id_Droits, id_User, Date) VALUES (1,1,NOW());");
     $admin = new User(array("UserName" => $adminConf['pseudo'], "Mdp" => "admin", "email" => $adminConf['mail'], "tel" => $adminConf['tel']));
     $query->execute(array(":username" => $admin->getUserName(), ":mdp" => $admin->getMdp(), ":email" => $admin->getEmail(), ":tel" => $admin->getTel()));
Esempio n. 19
 public static function validate(User $User)
     $errors = array();
     if (!trim($User->getEmail())) {
         $errors[] = new Error('email', 'email address cannot be empty.');
     return $errors;
  * Generate, store, and return a new e-mail confirmation code.
  * A hash (unsalted since it's used as a key) is stored.
  * @param User $user
  * @param string $expiration
  * @return string
 public static function getConfirmationToken($user, &$expiration)
     global $wgConfirmAccountRejectAge;
     $expires = time() + $wgConfirmAccountRejectAge;
     $expiration = wfTimestamp(TS_MW, $expires);
     $token = $user->generateToken($user->getName() . $user->getEmail() . $expires);
     return $token;
 public function createUser(User $user)
     $sql = '
         INSERT INTO users_tb(id,email, user_password)
             VALUES (:id,:email,:user_password)';
     $params = array(':id' => $user->getId(), ':email' => $user->getEmail(), ':user_password' => $user->getPassword());
     return $this->execute($sql, $user, $params);
  * Send welcome message
  * @param void
  * @return null
 function send_welcome_message()
     if ($this->active_user->isNew()) {
     // if
     if (!$this->active_user->canSendWelcomeMessage($this->logged_user)) {
     // if
     $this->skip_layout = $this->request->isAsyncCall();
     $welcome_message_data = $this->request->post('welcome_message');
     if (!is_array($welcome_message_data)) {
         $welcome_message_data = array('message' => UserConfigOptions::getValue('welcome_message', $this->active_user));
     // if
     $this->smarty->assign('welcome_message_data', $welcome_message_data);
     if ($this->request->isSubmitted()) {
         $welcome_message = trim(array_var($welcome_message_data, 'message'));
         if ($welcome_message) {
             UserConfigOptions::setValue('welcome_message', $welcome_message, $this->active_user);
         } else {
             UserConfigOptions::removeValue('welcome_message', $this->active_user);
         // if
         $password = make_password(11);
         $save = $this->active_user->save();
         if ($save && !is_error($save)) {
             $welcome_message_sent = ApplicationMailer::send(array($this->active_user), 'system/new_user', array('created_by_id' => $this->logged_user->getId(), 'created_by_name' => $this->logged_user->getDisplayName(), 'created_by_url' => $this->logged_user->getViewUrl(), 'email' => $this->active_user->getEmail(), 'password' => $password, 'login_url' => assemble_url('login'), 'welcome_body' => $welcome_message ? nl2br(clean($welcome_message)) : ''));
             if ($welcome_message_sent) {
                 $message = lang('Welcome message has been sent to :name', array('name' => $this->active_user->getDisplayName()));
             } else {
                 $message = lang('Failed to send welcome message to :name. Please try again later', array('name' => $this->active_user->getDisplayName()));
             // if
             if ($this->request->isAsyncCall()) {
             } else {
             // if
         } else {
             if ($this->request->isAsyncCall()) {
             } else {
             // if
         // if
     // if
Esempio n. 23
function getBiographicalFeature(User $user, $feature)
    switch ($feature) {
        case "name":
            $feat_str = $user->getName("%f %l");
        case "group":
            $feat_str = $user->getGroup();
        case "role":
            $feat_str = $user->getRole();
        case "photo":
            $official_photo = UserPhoto::get($user->getID(), UserPhoto::OFFICIAL);
            $feat_str = $official_photo->getFilename();
        case "organisation":
            $organisation = $user->getOrganisation();
            $feat_str = $organisation->getTitle();
        case "email":
            $feat_str = $user->getEmail();
        case "email_alt":
            $feat_str = $user->getEmailAlternate();
        case "address":
            $address = $user->getAddress();
            $postcode = $user->getPostalCode();
            $city = $user->getCity();
            $province = $user->getProvince();
            $prov_name = $province->getName();
            $country = $user->getCountry();
            $country_name = $country->getName();
            $feat_str = html_encode($address) . "<br />" . html_encode($city);
            if ($prov_name) {
                $feat_str .= ", " . html_encode($prov_name);
            $feat_str .= "<br />";
            $feat_str .= html_encode($country_name);
            if ($postcode) {
                $feat_str .= ", " . html_encode($postcode);
        case "phone":
            $feat_str = $user->getTelephone();
        case "fax":
            $feat_str = $user->getFax();
    return $feat_str;
Esempio n. 24
  * AbortNewAccount hook
  * @param User $user
 public static function abortNewAccount($user, &$message)
     global $wgUser;
     $blacklisted = EmailBlacklist::singleton()->userCannot($user->getEmail(), $wgUser);
     if ($blacklisted instanceof EmailBlacklistEntry) {
         $message = wfMessage($blacklisted->getErrorMessage())->parse();
         return false;
     return true;
 private function sendUserResetCode(User $user)
     $fullname = $user->getFullname();
     $email = $user->getEmail();
     $code = $user->getVerificationCode();
     $message = "Dear   {$fullname}, <br> " . "\t The account verification code requested by you as be sent , please if this is you continue with the process. " . "<br>Account email : {$email}<br><br> " . "<br>Reset code : {$code}<br><br>" . "Copy and paste the reset code on the field provided in your application screen ";
     // send the code to the user throw email or text message
     $mailer = new TrySendEmail($message, ADMINISTRATOR_EMAIL, $email, $fullname);
     return $mailer->update();
Esempio n. 26
 public function __construct()
     $this->view = ViewManager::getInstance();
     // get the current user and put it to the view
     if (session_status() == PHP_SESSION_NONE) {
     //inicializa la variable
     $this->friendDAO = new FriendDAO();
     if (isset($_SESSION["currentuser"])) {
         //En la sesion de currentuser se encuentra todo el usuario
         //ya que al hacer el login se introdujo todo el usuario en la sesion
         $this->currentUser = $_SESSION["currentuser"];
         $this->view->setVariable("currentusername", $this->currentUser);
         //consigue el numero total de solicitudes de amistad
         $numSolicitudes = $this->friendDAO->getNumSolicitudes($this->currentUser->getEmail());
         //Carga el num solicitudes en la vista
         $this->view->setVariable("numSolicitudes", $numSolicitudes);
 public function checkEmail($email)
     if (filter_var($email, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL) === true) {
         $userEmail = User::getEmail();
         if ($userEmail !== $email) {
             $email = true;
         } else {
             return false;
Esempio n. 28
 public function updateUser(User $user)
     $existingUser = $this->getUserById($user->getId());
     if ($user->getRole()->getId() != $existingUser->getRole()->getId() && $this->isRootUser($existingUser)) {
         throw new AemosRestException(AppLabelUtil::$ERROR_USER_IS_ROOT, HttpStatusCode::badRequest());
     ResultHelper::whenEmpty($user->getUsername(), AppLabelUtil::$ERROR_USER_INCOMPLETE, HttpStatusCode::badRequest());
     ResultHelper::whenEmpty($user->getEmail(), AppLabelUtil::$ERROR_USER_INCOMPLETE, HttpStatusCode::badRequest());
     ResultHelper::whenEmpty($user->getRole(), AppLabelUtil::$ERROR_USER_INCOMPLETE, HttpStatusCode::badRequest());
Esempio n. 29
 public function addUser(User $User)
     $userid = $User->getUserid();
     $userpass = $User->getUserpassword();
     $email = $User->getEmail();
     $telnum = $User->getTelno();
     $firstname = $User->getFirstname();
     $lastname = $User->getLastname();
     $previlege = $User->getPrivilege();
     $add = mysql_query("insert into user (`UserId`, `UserPassword`, `emaill`, `TelNum`, `FirstName`, `LastName`, `Privilege_id`) values ('{$userid}','{$userpass}','{$email}','{$telnum}','{$firstname}','{$lastname}','{$previlege}')");
Esempio n. 30
 public function findUserByEmail(User $user)
     $result = array();
     $email = $user->getEmail();
     $sql = 'SELECT id FROM users_tb WHERE ' . 'email = "' . $email . '";';
     foreach ($this->query($sql) as $row) {
         $user = new User();
         UserMapper::map($user, $row);
     return $user->getId();