Esempio n. 1
$params = array("description" => "The title of the slide, will be shown in the slides list.", "class" => "medium");
$slideSettings->addTextBox("title", "Slide", "Slide Title", $params);
$params = array("description" => "The state of the slide. The unpublished slide will be excluded from the slider.");
$slideSettings->addSelect("state", array("published" => "Published", "unpublished" => "Unpublished"), "State", "published", $params);
//select item template
$templates = new ShowBizTemplate();
$arrTemplates = $templates->getArrShortAssoc(GlobalsShowBiz::TEMPLATE_TYPE_ITEM, true);
$params = array("description" => "The template that set the look of the item (if not selected it will be taken from the slider global template)");
$slideSettings->addSelect("template_id", $arrTemplates, "Item Template", "", $params);
//enable link
$slideSettings->addSelect_boolean("enable_link", "Enable Link", false, "Enable", "Disable");
$slideSettings->startBulkControl("enable_link", UniteSettingsBiz::CONTROL_TYPE_SHOW, "true");
$params = array("description" => "A link on the whole slide pic");
$slideSettings->addTextBox("link", "", "Slide Link", $params);
$params = array("description" => "", "width" => 300, "height" => 200);
$slideSettings->addImage("slide_image", "", "Slide Image", $params);
$params = array("description" => "");
$slideSettings->addEditor("slide_text", "", "Slide Text", $params);
$params = array("description" => "Overwrite the global excerpt words limit option for this slide", "class" => "small");
$slideSettings->addTextBox("showbiz_excerpt_limit", "", "Excerpt Words Limit", $params);
$params = array("description" => "The youtube ID, example: 9bZkp7q19f0", "class" => "medium");
$slideSettings->addTextBox("youtube_id", "", "Youtube ID", $params);
Esempio n. 2

//set "slider_main" settings
$sliderMainSettings = new UniteSettingsAdvancedBiz();
$sliderMainSettings->addTextBox("title", "", "Slider Title", array("description" => "The title of the slider. Example: Slider1", "required" => "true"));
$sliderMainSettings->addTextBox("alias", "", "Slider Alias", array("description" => "The alias that will be used for embedding the slider. Example: slider1", "required" => "true"));
$sliderMainSettings->addTextBox("shortcode", "", "Slider Short Code", array("readonly" => true, "class" => "code"));
//source type
$arrSourceTypes = array("posts" => "Posts", "specific_posts" => "Specific Posts", "gallery" => "Gallery");
if (UniteFunctionsWooCommerceBiz::isWooCommerceExists()) {
    $arrSourceTypes["woocommerce"] = "WooCommerce";
$sliderMainSettings->addRadio("source_type", $arrSourceTypes, "Source Type", "posts");
//post categories list
$sliderMainSettings->startBulkControl("source_type", UniteSettingsBiz::CONTROL_TYPE_SHOW, "posts");
//post types
$arrPostTypes = UniteFunctionsWPBiz::getPostTypesAssoc();
$arrParams = array("args" => "multiple size='5'");
$sliderMainSettings->addSelect("post_types", $arrPostTypes, "Post Types", "post", $arrParams);
//post categories
$arrParams = array("args" => "multiple size='7'");
$sliderMainSettings->addSelect("post_category", array(), "Post Categories", "", $arrParams);
//sort by
$arrSortBy = UniteFunctionsWPBiz::getArrSortBy();
$sliderMainSettings->addSelect("post_sortby", $arrSortBy, "Sort Posts By", ShowBizSlider::DEFAULT_POST_SORTBY);
//sort direction
$arrSortDir = UniteFunctionsWPBiz::getArrSortDirection();
$sliderMainSettings->addRadio("posts_sort_direction", $arrSortDir, "Sort Direction", ShowBizSlider::DEFAULT_POST_SORTDIR);
//max posts for slider
$arrParams = array("class" => "small", "unit" => "posts");