  * init gallery by it's folder
 public function initByFolder($folderName)
     $pathGallery = GlobalsUG::$pathGalleries . $folderName . "/";
     if (is_dir($pathGallery) == false) {
         UniteFunctionsUG::throwError("Gallery {$folderName} not exists in gallery folder");
     $this->pathGallery = $pathGallery;
     $filepathConfig = $pathGallery . "config.xml";
     if (file_exists($filepathConfig) == false) {
         UniteFunctionsUG::throwError("{$folderName} gallery config file not exists. ");
     $this->folderName = $folderName;
     $this->filepathXmlFile = $filepathConfig;
  * get settings defaults by thumbs panel position
 public static function getDefautlsByPosition($pos)
     $pos = strtolower($pos);
     if ($pos == "") {
         $pos = "bottom";
     switch ($pos) {
         case "top":
             return self::getDefaultsTop();
         case "bottom":
             return self::getDefaultsBottom();
         case "left":
             return self::getDefautsLeft();
         case "right":
             return self::getDefaultsRight();
             UniteFunctionsUG::throwError("Wrong position: {$pos}");
  * create thumbs from image by url
  * the image must be relative path to the platform base
 public function createThumbs($urlImage, $thumbWidth = null)
     if ($thumbWidth === null) {
         $thumbWidth = GlobalsUG::THUMB_WIDTH;
     $urlImage = HelperUG::URLtoRelative($urlImage);
     $info = HelperUG::getImageDetails($urlImage);
     //check thumbs path
     $pathThumbs = $info["path_thumbs"];
     if (!is_dir($pathThumbs)) {
     if (!is_dir($pathThumbs)) {
         UniteFunctionsUG::throwError("Can't make thumb folder: {$pathThumbs}. Please check php and folder permissions");
     $filepathImage = $info["filepath"];
     $filenameThumb = $this->imageView->makeThumb($filepathImage, $pathThumbs, $thumbWidth);
     $urlThumb = "";
     if (!empty($filenameThumb)) {
         $urlThumbs = $info["url_dir_thumbs"];
         $urlThumb = $urlThumbs . $filenameThumb;
     return $urlThumb;
  * build javascript param
 protected function buildJsParam($paramName, $validate = null, $type = null)
     if (array_key_exists($paramName, $this->arrJsParamsAssoc)) {
         UniteFunctionsUG::throwError("Unable to biuld js param: <b>{$paramName}</b> already exists");
     $output = array("name" => $paramName, "validate" => $validate, "type" => $type);
     $this->arrJsParamsAssoc[$paramName] = true;
     return $output;
  * validate that the current gallery inited
 private static function validateInited()
     if (empty(GlobalsUGGallery::$objGalleryType)) {
         UniteFunctionsUG::throwError("Gallery type not inited!");
  * Update Plugin
 public static function updatePlugin()
     try {
         //verify nonce:
         $nonce = UniteFunctionsUG::getPostVariable("nonce");
         $isVerified = wp_verify_nonce($nonce, "unitegallery_actions");
         if ($isVerified == false) {
             UniteFunctionsUG::throwError("Security error");
         $linkBack = HelperUG::getGalleriesView();
         $htmlLinkBack = UniteFunctionsUG::getHtmlLink($linkBack, "Go Back");
         //check if zip exists
         $zip = new UniteZipUG();
         if (function_exists("unzip_file") == false) {
             if (UniteZipUG::isZipExists() == false) {
                 UniteFunctionsUG::throwError("The ZipArchive php extension not exists, can't extract the update file. Please turn it on in php ini.");
         dmp("Update in progress...");
         $arrFiles = UniteFunctionsUG::getVal($_FILES, "update_file");
         if (empty($arrFiles)) {
             UniteFunctionsUG::throwError("Update file don't found.");
         $filename = UniteFunctionsUG::getVal($arrFiles, "name");
         if (empty($filename)) {
             UniteFunctionsIG::throwError("Update filename not found.");
         $fileType = UniteFunctionsUG::getVal($arrFiles, "type");
         $fileType = strtolower($fileType);
         $arrMimeTypes = array();
         $arrMimeTypes[] = "application/zip";
         $arrMimeTypes[] = "application/x-zip";
         $arrMimeTypes[] = "application/x-zip-compressed";
         $arrMimeTypes[] = "application/octet-stream";
         $arrMimeTypes[] = "application/x-compress";
         $arrMimeTypes[] = "application/x-compressed";
         $arrMimeTypes[] = "multipart/x-zip";
         if (in_array($fileType, $arrMimeTypes) == false) {
             UniteFunctionsUG::throwError("The file uploaded is not zip.");
         $filepathTemp = UniteFunctionsUG::getVal($arrFiles, "tmp_name");
         if (file_exists($filepathTemp) == false) {
             UniteFunctionsUG::throwError("Can't find the uploaded file.");
         //crate temp folder
         $pathTemp = GlobalsUG::$pathPlugin . "temp/";
         //create the update folder
         $pathUpdate = $pathTemp . "update_extract/";
         if (!is_dir($pathUpdate)) {
             UniteFunctionsUG::throwError("Could not create temp extract path");
         //remove all files in the update folder
         $arrNotDeleted = UniteFunctionsUG::deleteDir($pathUpdate, false);
         if (!empty($arrNotDeleted)) {
             $strNotDeleted = print_r($arrNotDeleted, true);
             UniteFunctionsUG::throwError("Could not delete those files from the update folder: {$strNotDeleted}");
         //copy the zip file.
         $filepathZip = $pathUpdate . $filename;
         $success = move_uploaded_file($filepathTemp, $filepathZip);
         if ($success == false) {
             UniteFunctionsUG::throwError("Can't move the uploaded file here: " . $filepathZip . ".");
         //extract files:
         if (function_exists("unzip_file") == true) {
             $response = unzip_file($filepathZip, $pathUpdate);
         } else {
             $zip->extract($filepathZip, $pathUpdate);
         //check for internal zip in case that cocecanyon original zip was uploaded
         self::updatePlugin_checkUnpackInnerZip($pathUpdate, $filename);
         //get extracted folder
         $arrFolders = UniteFunctionsUG::getDirList($pathUpdate);
         if (empty($arrFolders)) {
             UniteFunctionsUG::throwError("The update folder is not extracted");
         //get product folder
         $productFolder = null;
         if (count($arrFolders) == 1) {
             $productFolder = $arrFolders[0];
         } else {
             foreach ($arrFolders as $folder) {
                 if ($folder != "documentation") {
                     $productFolder = $folder;
         if (empty($productFolder)) {
             UniteFunctionsUG::throwError("Wrong product folder.");
         $pathUpdateProduct = $pathUpdate . $productFolder . "/";
         //check some file in folder to validate it's the real one:
         $checkFilepath = $pathUpdateProduct . "unitegallery.php";
         if (file_exists($checkFilepath) == false) {
             UniteFunctionsUG::throwError("Wrong update extracted folder. The file: " . $checkFilepath . " not found.");
         //copy the plugin without the captions file.
         $pathOriginalPlugin = GlobalsUG::$pathPlugin;
         $arrBlackList = array();
         UniteFunctionsUG::copyDir($pathUpdateProduct, $pathOriginalPlugin, "", $arrBlackList);
         //delete the update
         //change folder to original (if updated to full version)
         if ($productFolder == "unitegallery") {
             $pathRename = str_replace("unite-gallery-lite", "unitegallery", $pathOriginalPlugin);
             if ($pathRename != $pathOriginalPlugin) {
                 $success = @rename($pathOriginalPlugin, $pathRename);
                 if ($success == true) {
                     //activate plugin
                     $pluginFile = $pathRename . "unitegallery.php";
                     if (file_exists($pluginFile)) {
                         $activateSuccess = UniteFunctionsWPUG::activatePlugin($pluginFile);
                         if ($activateSuccess == false) {
                             $linkBack = admin_url("plugins.php");
                         //link to plugin activate
         dmp("Updated Successfully, redirecting...");
         echo "<script>location.href='{$linkBack}'</script>";
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         //remove all files in the update folder
         $message = $e->getMessage();
         $message .= " <br> Please update the plugin manually via the ftp";
         echo "<div style='color:#B80A0A;font-size:18px;'><b>Update Error: </b> {$message}</div><br>";
         echo $htmlLinkBack;
  * export gallery settings to downloadable file
 public function exportSettings()
     $galleryID = $this->id;
     $record = $this->db->fetchSingle(GlobalsUG::$table_galleries, "id={$galleryID}");
     UniteFunctionsUG::validateNotEmpty($record, "Gallery Record");
     $strRecord = serialize($record);
     $filename = "unitegallery_" . $record["alias"] . ".txt";
     UniteFunctionsUG::downloadFileFromContent($strRecord, $filename);
     //the download content should exit
     UniteFunctionsUG::throwError("Something wrong witht the export, please try again");
  * get additional item insert data from media items
 private function getAddDataFromMedia($data, $arrInsert)
     $params = array();
     $contentID = "";
     $type = UniteFunctionsUG::getVal($data, "type");
     $content = UniteFunctionsUG::getVal($data, "description");
     switch ($type) {
         case self::TYPE_YOUTUBE:
         case self::TYPE_VIMEO:
         case self::TYPE_WISTIA:
             $contentID = UniteFunctionsUG::getVal($data, "videoid");
         case self::TYPE_HTML5VIDEO:
             $params["video_mp4"] = UniteFunctionsUG::getVal($data, "urlVideo_mp4");
             $params["video_webm"] = UniteFunctionsUG::getVal($data, "urlVideo_webm");
             $params["video_ogv"] = UniteFunctionsUG::getVal($data, "urlVideo_ogv");
             UniteFunctionsUG::throwError("Wrong media type: " . $type);
     $arrInsert["contentid"] = trim($contentID);
     $arrInsert["content"] = trim($content);
     if (!empty($params)) {
         $arrInsert["params"] = $params;
     return $arrInsert;
Esempio n. 9
  * throw error
 private function throwError($message, $code = -1)
     UniteFunctionsUG::throwError($message, $code);
  * call gallery action, include gallery framework first
 public static function onGalleryAjaxAction($typeName, $action, $data, $galleryID)
     if (empty($data)) {
         $data = array();
     self::initGalleryFramework($typeName, $galleryID);
     $filepathAjax = GlobalsUGGallery::$pathBase . "ajax_actions.php";
     UniteFunctionsUG::validateFilepath($filepathAjax, "Ajax request error: ");
     require $filepathAjax;
     UniteFunctionsUG::throwError("No ajax response from gallery: <b>{$typeName} </b> to action <b>{$action}</b>");
  * output some gallery by alias
  * mixed - alias or id
  * outputType - can be alias or ID
  * arrItems - alternative items
 public static function outputGallery($mixed, $catID = null, $outputType = "alias", $arrItems = null)
     try {
         if ($mixed instanceof UniteGalleryGallery) {
             $objGallery = $mixed;
         } else {
             //init the gallery enviropment
             $objGallery = new UniteGalleryGallery();
             if ($outputType == "alias") {
             } else {
         $galleryID = $objGallery->getID();
         $objType = $objGallery->getObjType();
         GlobalsUGGallery::init($objType, $objGallery, $galleryID);
         $filepathOutput = GlobalsUGGallery::$pathBase . "client_output.php";
         //require the gallery includes
         $filepathIncludes = GlobalsUGGallery::$pathBase . "includes.php";
         if (file_exists($filepathIncludes)) {
             require_once $filepathIncludes;
         $arrOptions = array();
         $arrOptions["categoryid"] = "";
         if ($catID && is_numeric($catID) && $catID > 0) {
             $arrOptions["categoryid"] = $catID;
         if ($arrItems !== null) {
             $arrOptions["items"] = $arrItems;
         //run the output
         require $filepathOutput;
         if (!isset($uniteGalleryOutput)) {
             UniteFunctionsUG::throwError("uniteGalleryOutput variable not found");
         return $uniteGalleryOutput;
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         $message = "<b>Unite Gallery Error:</b><br><br> " . $e->getMessage();
         $operations = new UGOperations();
  * update setting array by name
 public function updateArrSettingByName($name, $setting)
     foreach ($this->arrSettings as $key => $settingExisting) {
         $settingName = UniteFunctionsUG::getVal($settingExisting, "name");
         if ($settingName == $name) {
             $this->arrSettings[$key] = $setting;
             return false;
     UniteFunctionsUG::throwError("Setting with name: {$name} don't exists");
     * draw settings function
     * @param $drawForm draw the form yes / no
    public function draw($formID = null, $drawForm = false)
        if (empty($formID)) {
            UniteFunctionsUG::throwError("The form ID can't be empty. you must provide it");
        $this->formID = $formID;
				<div class="settings_wrapper unite_settings_wide">
        if ($drawForm == true) {
				<form name="<?php 
            echo $formID;
" id="<?php 
            echo $formID;
        } else {
  * import gallery settings from upload file
 public function importGallerySettingsFromUploadFile($galleryID)
     $gallery = $this->getGalleryByID($galleryID);
     $arrFile = UniteFunctionsUG::getVal($_FILES, "export_file");
     try {
         $linkBack = HelperUG::getAdvancedView($galleryID);
         $htmlLinkBack = UniteFunctionsUG::getHtmlLink($linkBack, "Go Back");
         if (empty($arrFile)) {
             UniteFunctionsUG::throwError("Import file not found");
         //get content
         $filepath = UniteFunctionsUG::getVal($arrFile, "tmp_name");
         $content = file_get_contents($filepath);
         //remove temp path
         if (empty($content)) {
             UniteFunctionsUG::throwError("No content found");
         $arrContent = @unserialize($content);
         if (empty($arrContent)) {
             UniteFunctionsUG::throwError("No content format");
         //redirect back to settings
         dmp("gallery settings imported, redirecting...");
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         $message = $e->getMessage();
         echo "<div style='color:#B80A0A;font-size:18px;'><b>Import Settings Error: </b> {$message}</div><br>";
         echo $htmlLinkBack;
  * get cats and taxanomies data from the category id's
 public static function getCatAndTaxData($catIDs)
     if (is_string($catIDs)) {
         $catIDs = trim($catIDs);
         if (empty($catIDs)) {
             return array("tax" => "", "cats" => "");
         $catIDs = explode(",", $catIDs);
     $strCats = "";
     $arrTax = array();
     foreach ($catIDs as $cat) {
         if (strpos($cat, "option_disabled") === 0) {
         $pos = strrpos($cat, "_");
         if ($pos === false) {
             UniteFunctionsUG::throwError("The category is in wrong format");
         $taxName = substr($cat, 0, $pos);
         $catID = substr($cat, $pos + 1, strlen($cat) - $pos - 1);
         $arrTax[$taxName] = $taxName;
         if (!empty($strCats)) {
             $strCats .= ",";
         $strCats .= $catID;
     $strTax = "";
     foreach ($arrTax as $taxName) {
         if (!empty($strTax)) {
             $strTax .= ",";
         $strTax .= $taxName;
     $output = array("tax" => $strTax, "cats" => $strCats);
     return $output;
     * draw settings function
    public function draw($formID = null)
        if (empty($formID)) {
            UniteFunctionsUG::throwError("You must provide formID to side settings.");
        $this->formID = $formID;
        if (!empty($formID)) {
				<form name="<?php 
            echo $formID;
" id="<?php 
            echo $formID;
        } else {
        if ($this->isAccordion == true) {
  * copy / move items to some category 
  * @param $data
 public function copyMoveItemsFromData($data)
     $targetCatID = UniteFunctionsUG::getVal($data, "targetCatID");
     $selectedCatID = UniteFunctionsUG::getVal($data, "selectedCatID");
     $arrItemIDs = UniteFunctionsUG::getVal($data, "arrItemIDs");
     UniteFunctionsUG::validateNotEmpty($targetCatID, "category id");
     UniteFunctionsUG::validateNotEmpty($arrItemIDs, "item id's");
     $operation = UniteFunctionsUG::getVal($data, "operation");
     switch ($operation) {
         case "copy":
             $this->copyItems($arrItemIDs, $targetCatID);
         case "move":
             $this->moveItems($arrItemIDs, $targetCatID);
             UniteFunctionsUG::throwError("Wrong operation: {$operation}");
     $repsonse = $this->getCatsAndItemsHtml($selectedCatID);
     return $repsonse;
Esempio n. 18

 * @package Unite Gallery
 * @author UniteCMS.net / Valiano
 * @copyright (C) 2012 Unite CMS, All Rights Reserved. 
 * @license GNU/GPLv3 http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html
 * */
defined('_JEXEC') or die('Restricted access');
if (!isset($headerTitle)) {
    UniteFunctionsUG::throwError("header template error: \$headerTitle variable not defined");
		<div class="unite_header_wrapper">
			<div class="title_line">
				<div class="title_line_text">
echo GlobalsUG::PLUGIN_TITLE . " - " . $headerTitle;
			<div class="unite-clear"></div>
		<div class="vert_sap10"></div>
     * put the gallery
    public function putGallery($galleryID, $arrOptions = array(), $initType = "id")
        try {
            $objCategories = new UniteGalleryCategories();
            $enableCatTabs = $this->getParam('enable_category_tabs', self::FORCE_BOOLEAN);
            //custom items pass
            if (is_array($arrOptions) && array_key_exists("items", $arrOptions)) {
                $arrItems = $arrOptions["items"];
                $enableCatTabs = false;
            } else {
                //set gallery category
                $optCatID = UniteFunctionsUG::getVal($arrOptions, "categoryid");
                if (!empty($optCatID) && $objCategories->isCatExists($optCatID)) {
                    $categoryID = $optCatID;
                } else {
                    if ($enableCatTabs == true) {
                        $categoryID = $this->getParam("tabs_init_catid");
                        if ($categoryID == "first") {
                            //get first category from tabs
                            $strCatIDs = $this->getParam("categorytabs_ids");
                            $arrIDs = explode(",", $strCatIDs);
                            if (!empty($arrIDs)) {
                                $categoryID = $arrIDs[0];
                        if (empty($categoryID) || is_numeric($categoryID) == false) {
                            $categoryID = $this->getParam("category");
                    } else {
                        $categoryID = $this->getParam("category");
                if (empty($categoryID)) {
                    UniteFunctionsUG::throwError(__("No items category selected", UNITEGALLERY_TEXTDOMAIN));
                $items = new UniteGalleryItems();
                $arrItems = $items->getCatItems($categoryID);
            if (empty($arrItems)) {
                UniteFunctionsUG::throwError("No gallery items found", UNITEGALLERY_TEXTDOMAIN);
            //set wrapper style
            //size validation
            $this->getParam("gallery_width", self::FORCE_SIZE);
            if ($this->isTilesType == false) {
                $this->getParam("gallery_height", self::VALIDATE_NUMERIC);
            $fullWidth = $this->getParam("full_width", self::FORCE_BOOLEAN);
            if ($fullWidth == true) {
                $this->arrParams["gallery_width"] = "100%";
            $wrapperStyle = $this->getPositionString();
            //set position
            $htmlTabs = "";
            if ($enableCatTabs == true) {
                $htmlTabs = $this->getCategoryTabsHtml($this->galleryHtmlID, $objCategories);
                $this->arrParams["gallery_initial_catid"] = $categoryID;
            //get output related variables
            $addStyles = $this->getAdditionalStyles();
            $position = $this->getParam("position");
            $isRtlWrapper = $position == "right";
            if ($isRtlWrapper == true) {
                $rtlWrapperStyle = $wrapperStyle;
                if (!empty($rtlWrapperStyle)) {
                    $rtlWrapperStyle = " style='{$rtlWrapperStyle}'";
                $wrapperStyle = "";
                //move the wrapper style to rtl wrapper
            if (!empty($wrapperStyle)) {
                $wrapperStyle = " style='{$wrapperStyle}'";
            global $uniteGalleryVersion;
            $output = "\n\t\t\t\t\t\n\n\t\t\t\t\t<!-- START UNITE GALLERY LITE {$uniteGalleryVersion} -->\n\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t";
            if (!empty($addStyles)) {
                $output = $this->putInlineStyle($addStyles, $output);
            if ($this->putJsToBody == true) {
                $output .= $this->putJsIncludesToBody();
            if ($enableCatTabs == true) {
                $output .= $htmlTabs;
            //add rtl prefix to get the gallery to right if needed
            if ($isRtlWrapper == true) {
                $output .= self::LINE_PREFIX1 . "<div class='ug-rtl'{$rtlWrapperStyle}>";
            $output .= self::LINE_PREFIX1 . "<div id='{$this->galleryHtmlID}' class='unite-gallery'{$wrapperStyle}>";
            $output .= self::LINE_PREFIX2 . $this->putItems($arrItems);
            $output .= self::LINE_PREFIX1 . "</div>";
            if ($isRtlWrapper == true) {
                $output .= self::LINE_PREFIX1 . "</div>";
            $output .= self::BR;
            $output = $this->putGalleryScripts($output);
            $output .= self::BR;
            $output .= self::LINE_PREFIX1 . "<!-- END UNITEGALLERY LITE-->";
            $compressOutput = $this->getParam("compress_output", self::FORCE_BOOLEAN);
            if ($compressOutput == true) {
                $output = str_replace("\r", "", $output);
                $output = str_replace("\n", "", $output);
                $output = trim($output);
            return $output;
        } catch (Exception $e) {
            $prefix = __("Unite Gallery Error", UNITEGALLERY_TEXTDOMAIN);
            $output = $this->getErrorMessage($e, $prefix);
            return $output;
  * do "trim" operation on all array items.
 public static function trimArrayItems($arr)
     if (gettype($arr) != "array") {
         UniteFunctionsUG::throwError("trimArrayItems error: The type must be array");
     foreach ($arr as $key => $item) {
         $arr[$key] = trim($item);
     return $arr;
  * update order from data
 public function updateOrderFromData($data)
     $arrCatIDs = UniteFunctionsUG::getVal($data, "cat_order");
     if (is_array($arrCatIDs) == false) {
         UniteFunctionsUG::throwError("Wrong categories array");