/** * Get the singleton instance of this class */ public static function getInstance() { if (!is_object(self::$instance)) { self::$instance = new UniqueIDGenerator(); } return self::$instance; }
/** * Tears down the fixture, for example, close a network connection. * This method is called after a test is executed. * * @access protected */ protected function tearDown() { $this->assertTrue(mysql_query("TRUNCATE TABLE `hs_hr_employee_workshift`", $this->connection)); $this->assertTrue(mysql_query("TRUNCATE TABLE `hs_hr_workshift`", $this->connection)); $this->assertTrue(mysql_query("TRUNCATE TABLE `hs_hr_employee`", $this->connection)); UniqueIDGenerator::getInstance()->resetIDs(); }
/** * Tears down the fixture, removed database entries created during test. * * @access protected */ protected function tearDown() { $this->_deleteTables(); // Insert default geninfo, and compstructtree values $this->_runQuery("INSERT INTO `hs_hr_geninfo` VALUES ('001','','')"); $this->_runQuery("INSERT INTO `hs_hr_compstructtree`(`title`, `description`, `loc_code`, `lft`, `rgt`, `id`, `parnt`, `dept_id`) VALUES ('', 'Parent Company', null , 1, 2, 1, 0, null)"); UniqueIDGenerator::getInstance()->resetIDs(); }
/** * Tears down the fixture, for example, closes a network connection. * This method is called after a test is executed. * * @access protected */ protected function tearDown() { $this->assertTrue(mysql_query("TRUNCATE `hs_hr_config`;", $this->connection), mysql_error()); foreach ($this->oldValues as $row) { $query = "INSERT INTO `hs_hr_config` VALUES ('" . implode("', '", $row) . "')"; $this->assertTrue(mysql_query($query)); } UniqueIDGenerator::getInstance()->resetIDs(); }
/** * Sets up the fixture, for example, open a network connection. * This method is called before a test is executed. * * @access protected */ protected function setUp() { $this->classHoliday = new Holidays(); $conf = new Conf(); $this->connection = mysql_connect($conf->dbhost . ":" . $conf->dbport, $conf->dbuser, $conf->dbpass); mysql_select_db($conf->dbname); mysql_query("TRUNCATE TABLE `hs_hr_holidays`", $this->connection); mysql_query("INSERT INTO `hs_hr_holidays` (`holiday_id`, `description`, `date`, `recurring`, `length`) VALUES (10, 'Independence', '" . date('Y') . "-07-04', " . Holidays::HOLIDAYS_RECURRING . ", 8)"); mysql_query("INSERT INTO `hs_hr_holidays` (`holiday_id`, `description`, `date`, `recurring`, `length`) VALUES (11, 'Poya', '" . date('Y') . "-01-04', " . Holidays::HOLIDAYS_NOT_RECURRING . ", 4)"); UniqueIDGenerator::getInstance()->initTable(); }
/** * Sets up the fixture, for example, open a network connection. * This method is called before a test is executed. * * @access protected */ protected function setUp() { $this->classLeaveType = new LeaveType(); $conf = new Conf(); $this->connection = mysql_connect($conf->dbhost . ":" . $conf->dbport, $conf->dbuser, $conf->dbpass); mysql_select_db($conf->dbname); mysql_query("TRUNCATE TABLE `hs_hr_leavetype`"); mysql_query("INSERT INTO `hs_hr_leavetype` VALUES ('LTY011', 'Medical', 1)"); mysql_query("INSERT INTO `hs_hr_leavetype` VALUES ('LTY012', 'Medicals', 1)"); mysql_query("INSERT INTO `hs_hr_leavetype` VALUES ('LTY013', 'Medicalx', 1)"); UniqueIDGenerator::getInstance()->initTable(); }
/** * Sets up the fixture, for example, open a network connection. * This method is called before a test is executed. * * @access protected */ protected function setUp() { $this->classHoliday = new Holidays(); $conf = new Conf(); $this->connection = mysql_connect($conf->dbhost . ":" . $conf->dbport, $conf->dbuser, $conf->dbpass); mysql_select_db($conf->dbname); mysql_query("TRUNCATE TABLE `hs_hr_holidays`", $this->connection); mysql_query("INSERT INTO `hs_hr_holidays` (`holiday_id`, `description`, `date`, `recurring`, `length`) VALUES (10, 'Independence', '" . date('Y') . "-07-04', " . Holidays::HOLIDAYS_RECURRING . ", 8)"); mysql_query("INSERT INTO `hs_hr_holidays` (`holiday_id`, `description`, `date`, `recurring`, `length`) VALUES (11, 'Poya', '" . date('Y') . "-01-04', " . Holidays::HOLIDAYS_NOT_RECURRING . ", 4)"); UniqueIDGenerator::getInstance()->initTable(); mysql_query("INSERT INTO `hs_hr_employee`(emp_number, employee_id, emp_lastname, emp_firstname, emp_middle_name, emp_nick_name) " . "VALUES (18, NULL, 'Nadeeth', 'H', 'Lansakara', 'rc')"); mysql_query("INSERT INTO `hs_hr_leavetype` VALUES ('LTY010', 'Medical', 1)"); mysql_query("INSERT INTO `hs_hr_leave_requests` (`leave_request_id`, `leave_type_id`, `leave_type_name`, `date_applied`, `employee_id`) VALUES (11, 'LTY010', 'Medical', '" . date('Y-m-d', time() + 3600 * 24) . "', '18')"); mysql_query("INSERT INTO `hs_hr_leave` (`leave_id`, `employee_id`, `leave_type_id`, `leave_date`, `leave_length_hours`, `leave_length_days`, `leave_status`, `leave_comments`, `leave_request_id`) VALUES (10, '18', 'LTY010', '" . date('Y-m-d', time() - 3600 * 24 * 2) . "', 4, 0.5, 3, '', 11)"); mysql_query("INSERT INTO `hs_hr_leave` (`leave_id`, `employee_id`, `leave_type_id`, `leave_date`, `leave_length_hours`, `leave_length_days`, `leave_status`, `leave_comments`, `leave_request_id`) VALUES (11, '18', 'LTY010', '" . date('Y-m-d', time() - 3600 * 24 * 1) . "', 8, 1, 5, '', 11)"); mysql_query("INSERT INTO `hs_hr_leave` (`leave_id`, `employee_id`, `leave_type_id`, `leave_date`, `leave_length_hours`, `leave_length_days`, `leave_status`, `leave_comments`, `leave_request_id`) VALUES (12, '18', 'LTY010', '" . date('Y-m-d', time() + 3600 * 24 * 2) . "', 8, 1, 2, '', 11)"); mysql_query("INSERT INTO `hs_hr_leave` (`leave_id`, `employee_id`, `leave_type_id`, `leave_date`, `leave_length_hours`, `leave_length_days`, `leave_status`, `leave_comments`, `leave_request_id`) VALUES (13, '18', 'LTY010', '" . date('Y-m-d', time() + 3600 * 24 * 3) . "', 8, 1, 5, '', 11)"); }
/** * Initialize unique ID's */ public static function initUniqueIDs() { self::connectDB(); if (!mysql_select_db($_SESSION['dbInfo']['dbName'])) { $_SESSION['error'] = 'Unable to connect to Database!'; error_log(date("r") . " Initializing unique id's. Error - Unable to connect to Database\n", 3, "installer/log.txt"); return false; } /* Initialize the hs_hr_unique_id table */ try { UniqueIDGenerator::getInstance()->initTable(); } catch (IDGeneratorException $e) { $errMsg = $e->getMessage() . ". Trace = " . $e->getTraceAsString(); $_SESSION['error'] = $errMsg; error_log(date("r") . " Initializing hs_hr_unique_id table failed with: {$errMsg}\n", 3, "log.txt"); return false; } return true; }
/** * Saves the given JobSpec objects in the databas * * @param array $specs Array of JobSpec objects to save. */ private function _createJobSpecs($specs) { foreach ($specs as $spec) { $sql = sprintf("INSERT INTO hs_hr_job_spec(jobspec_id, jobspec_name, jobspec_desc, jobspec_duties) " . "VALUES(%d, '%s', '%s', '%s')", $spec->getId(), $spec->getName(), $spec->getDesc(), $spec->getDuties()); $this->assertTrue(mysql_query($sql), mysql_error()); } UniqueIDGenerator::getInstance()->initTable(); }
/** * Add new CustomExport object to database */ private function _insert() { $fields[0] = self::DB_FIELDS_ID; $fields[1] = self::DB_FIELDS_NAME; $fields[2] = self::DB_FIELDS_FIELDS; $fields[3] = self::DB_FIELDS_HEADINGS; $this->id = UniqueIDGenerator::getInstance()->getNextID(self::TABLE_NAME, self::DB_FIELDS_ID); $values[0] = $this->id; $values[1] = "'{$this->name}'"; $values[2] = "'" . implode(",", $this->assignedFields) . "'"; $values[3] = empty($this->headings) ? "''" : "'" . implode(",", $this->headings) . "'"; $sqlBuilder = new SQLQBuilder(); $sqlBuilder->table_name = self::TABLE_NAME; $sqlBuilder->flg_insert = 'true'; $sqlBuilder->arr_insert = $values; $sqlBuilder->arr_insertfield = $fields; $sql = $sqlBuilder->addNewRecordFeature2(); $conn = new DMLFunctions(); $result = $conn->executeQuery($sql); if (!$result || mysql_affected_rows() != 1) { throw new CustomExportException("Insert failed. {$sql}", CustomExportException::DB_EXCEPTION); } }
/** * Add the Leave Type * */ public function addLeaveType() { $this->leaveTypeId = UniqueIDGenerator::getInstance()->getNextID('hs_hr_leavetype', 'leave_type_id', 'LTY'); $arrRecordsList[0] = "'" . $this->getLeaveTypeId() . "'"; $arrRecordsList[1] = "'" . $this->getLeaveTypeName() . "'"; $arrRecordsList[2] = $this->availableStatusFlag; $sqlBuilder = new SQLQBuilder(); $arrTable = "`hs_hr_leavetype`"; $query = $sqlBuilder->simpleInsert($arrTable, $arrRecordsList); $dbConnection = new DMLFunctions(); $result = $dbConnection->executeQuery($query); return $result; }
<?php define('ROOT_PATH', dirname(__FILE__) . '/..'); require_once ROOT_PATH . '/installer/utils/DMLFunctions.php'; require_once ROOT_PATH . '/installer/utils/UniqueIDGenerator.php'; echo "Running UniqueIDGenerator\n"; $conn = new DMLFunctions(); UniqueIDGenerator::getInstance()->initTable(); echo "Finished fixing ID's\n";
/** * Create job application event with the passed parameters * * @param int $id * @param int $applicationId * @param String $createdTime * @param String $createdBy * @param int $ownerId * @param String $eventTime * @param int $eventType * @param int $eventStatus * @param String $notes */ private function _createEvent($id, $applicationId, $createdTime, $createdBy, $ownerId, $eventTime, $eventType, $eventStatus, $notes) { $sql = sprintf("INSERT INTO `hs_hr_job_application_events`(`id`,`application_id`,`created_time`," . "`created_by`, `owner`, `event_time`, `event_type`, `status`, `notes`) " . "VALUES (%d, %d, '%s', '%s', %d, '%s', %d, %d, '%s')", $id, $applicationId, $createdTime, $createdBy, $ownerId, $eventTime, $eventType, $eventStatus, $notes); $this->assertTrue(mysql_query($sql), mysql_error()); UniqueIDGenerator::getInstance()->initTable(); }
function addJobTitles() { $tableName = 'HS_HR_JOB_TITLE'; $this->jobId = UniqueIDGenerator::getInstance()->getNextID($tableName, 'JOBTIT_CODE', 'JOB'); $arrRecordsList[0] = "'" . $this->getJobId() . "'"; $arrRecordsList[1] = "'" . $this->getJobName() . "'"; $arrRecordsList[2] = "'" . $this->getJobDesc() . "'"; $arrRecordsList[3] = "'" . $this->getJobComm() . "'"; $arrRecordsList[4] = "'" . $this->getJobSalGrd() . "'"; $arrRecordsList[5] = isset($this->jobSpecId) ? $this->jobSpecId : 'null'; $arrFieldList[0] = 'JOBTIT_CODE'; $arrFieldList[1] = 'JOBTIT_NAME'; $arrFieldList[2] = 'JOBTIT_DESC'; $arrFieldList[3] = 'JOBTIT_COMM'; $arrFieldList[4] = 'SAL_GRD_CODE'; $arrFieldList[5] = self::DB_FIELD_JOBSPEC_ID; $sql_builder = new SQLQBuilder(); $sql_builder->table_name = $tableName; $sql_builder->flg_insert = 'true'; $sql_builder->arr_insert = $arrRecordsList; $sql_builder->arr_insertfield = $arrFieldList; $sqlQString = $sql_builder->addNewRecordFeature2(); $dbConnection = new DMLFunctions(); $message2 = $dbConnection->executeQuery($sqlQString); $jobTitleEmpStat = new JobTitEmpStat(); $jobTitleEmpStat->setEmpStatId(EmploymentStatus::EMPLOYMENT_STATUS_ID_TERMINATED); $jobTitleEmpStat->setJobTitId($this->getJobId()); $jobTitleEmpStat->addJobTitEmpStat(); return $message2; }
function addUserGroups() { $this->userGroupID = UniqueIDGenerator::getInstance()->getNextID($this->tableName, 'userg_id', 'USG'); $arrFieldList[0] = "'" . $this->getUserGroupID() . "'"; $arrFieldList[1] = "'" . $this->getUserGroupName() . "'"; $arrFieldList[2] = "'" . $this->getUserGroupRepDef() . "'"; $arrRecordsList[0] = 'userg_id'; $arrRecordsList[1] = 'userg_name'; $arrRecordsList[2] = 'userg_repdef'; $this->sql_builder->table_name = $this->tableName; $this->sql_builder->flg_insert = 'true'; $this->sql_builder->arr_insertfield = $arrRecordsList; $this->sql_builder->arr_insert = $arrFieldList; $sqlQString = $this->sql_builder->addNewRecordFeature2(); $message2 = $this->dbConnection->executeQuery($sqlQString); //Calling the addData() function return $message2; }
/** * Tears down the fixture, removed database entries created during test. * * @access protected */ protected function tearDown() { $this->_deleteTables(); UniqueIDGenerator::getInstance()->resetIDs(); }
function addSalaryGrades() { $tableName = 'HS_PR_SALARY_GRADE'; $this->salgrdId = UniqueIDGenerator::getInstance()->getNextID($tableName, 'SAL_GRD_CODE', 'SAL'); $arrFieldList[0] = "'" . $this->getSalGrdId() . "'"; $arrFieldList[1] = "'" . $this->getSalGrdDesc() . "'"; $sql_builder = new SQLQBuilder(); $sql_builder->table_name = $tableName; $sql_builder->flg_insert = 'true'; $sql_builder->arr_insert = $arrFieldList; $sqlQString = $sql_builder->addNewRecordFeature1(); $dbConnection = new DMLFunctions(); $message = $dbConnection->executeQuery($sqlQString); //Calling the addData() function if ($message) { return $message; } else { $errCode = mysql_errno(); switch ($errCode) { case 1062: $e = new SalaryGradesException('Pay Grades cannot have duplicate names', SalaryGradesException::DUPLICATE_SALARY_GRADE); break; default: $e = new SalaryGradesException('Unknown error in when adding Pay Grades', SalaryGradesException::UNKNOWN_EXCEPTION); break; } throw $e; } }
public function testListUnPaidHspRequests() { $expected[] = array(11, 10, 11, date('Y-m-d', time() - 3600 * 24), 'Test provider 1', 'Tester 1', 'Just testing 1', '100', 'TestX 1', '12345GD', '1231, Test Grove, Test City 1', 'Test 1', null, null, 0); $paymentRequests = HspPaymentRequest::listUnPaidHspRequests(); $this->assertNotNull($paymentRequests); for ($i = 0; $i < count($paymentRequests); $i++) { $this->assertNotNull($paymentRequests[$i]); $this->assertEquals($expected[$i][0], $paymentRequests[$i]->getId()); $this->assertEquals($expected[$i][1], $paymentRequests[$i]->getHspId()); $this->assertEquals($expected[$i][2], $paymentRequests[$i]->getEmployeeId()); $this->assertEquals($expected[$i][3], $paymentRequests[$i]->getDateIncurred()); $this->assertEquals($expected[$i][4], $paymentRequests[$i]->getProviderName()); $this->assertEquals($expected[$i][5], $paymentRequests[$i]->getPersonIncurringExpense()); $this->assertEquals($expected[$i][6], $paymentRequests[$i]->getExpenseDescription()); $this->assertEquals($expected[$i][7], $paymentRequests[$i]->getExpenseAmount()); $this->assertEquals($expected[$i][8], $paymentRequests[$i]->getPaymentMadeTo()); $this->assertEquals($expected[$i][9], $paymentRequests[$i]->getThirdPartyAccountNumber()); $this->assertEquals($expected[$i][10], $paymentRequests[$i]->getMailAddress()); $this->assertEquals($expected[$i][11], $paymentRequests[$i]->getComments()); $this->assertEquals($expected[$i][12], $paymentRequests[$i]->getDatePaid()); $this->assertEquals($expected[$i][13], $paymentRequests[$i]->getCheckNumber()); $this->assertEquals($expected[$i][14], $paymentRequests[$i]->getStatus()); } $this->assertTrue(mysql_query("DELETE FROM `hs_hr_hsp_payment_request` WHERE `id` IN (11);", $this->connection), mysql_error()); UniqueIDGenerator::getInstance()->resetIDs(); $paymentRequests = HspPaymentRequest::listUnPaidHspRequests(); $this->assertNull($paymentRequests); }
/** * Insert new object to database */ private function _insert() { $this->id = UniqueIDGenerator::getInstance()->getNextID(self::TABLE_NAME, self::DB_FIELD_ID); if (empty($this->appliedDateTime)) { $this->appliedDateTime = date(LocaleUtil::STANDARD_TIMESTAMP_FORMAT); } $sqlBuilder = new SQLQBuilder(); $sqlBuilder->table_name = self::TABLE_NAME; $sqlBuilder->flg_insert = 'true'; $sqlBuilder->arr_insert = $this->_getFieldValuesAsArray(); $sqlBuilder->arr_insertfield = $this->dbFields; $sql = $sqlBuilder->addNewRecordFeature2(); $conn = new DMLFunctions(); $result = $conn->executeQuery($sql); if (!$result || mysql_affected_rows() != 1) { throw new JobApplicationException("Insert failed. ", JobApplicationException::DB_ERROR); } return $this->id; }
/** * Add a new timesheet * * Status will be overwritten */ public function addTimesheet() { $newId = UniqueIDGenerator::getInstance()->getNextID(self::TIMESHEET_DB_TABLE_TIMESHEET, self::TIMESHEET_DB_FIELD_TIMESHEET_ID); $this->setTimesheetId($newId); if ($this->getStartDate() == '' || $this->getEndDate() == '') { $this->_getNewDates(); } $this->setStatus(self::TIMESHEET_STATUS_NOT_SUBMITTED); $sql_builder = new SQLQBuilder(); $insertTable = self::TIMESHEET_DB_TABLE_TIMESHEET; $insertFields[0] = "`" . self::TIMESHEET_DB_FIELD_TIMESHEET_ID . "`"; $insertFields[1] = "`" . self::TIMESHEET_DB_FIELD_EMPLOYEE_ID . "`"; $insertFields[2] = "`" . self::TIMESHEET_DB_FIELD_TIMESHEET_PERIOD_ID . "`"; $insertFields[3] = "`" . self::TIMESHEET_DB_FIELD_START_DATE . "`"; $insertFields[4] = "`" . self::TIMESHEET_DB_FIELD_END_DATE . "`"; $insertFields[5] = "`" . self::TIMESHEET_DB_FIELD_STATUS . "`"; $insertValues[0] = $this->getTimesheetId(); $insertValues[1] = $this->getEmployeeId(); $insertValues[2] = $this->getTimesheetPeriodId(); $insertValues[3] = "'" . $this->getStartDate() . "'"; $insertValues[4] = "'" . $this->getEndDate() . "'"; $insertValues[5] = $this->getStatus(); $insertValues = $sql_builder->quoteCorrect($insertValues); $query = $sql_builder->simpleInsert($insertTable, $insertValues, $insertFields); $dbConnection = new DMLFunctions(); $result = $dbConnection->executeQuery($query); if ($result && mysql_affected_rows() > 0) { return true; } return false; }
/** * Add new project * * Deleted will be overwritten to NOT_DELETED */ public function addProject() { if ($this->_isDuplicateName()) { throw new ProjectsException("Duplicate name", 1); } $this->projectID = UniqueIDGenerator::getInstance()->getNextID(self::TABLE_NAME, self::PROJECT_DB_FIELD_PROJECT_ID); $arrRecord[0] = "'" . $this->getProjectId() . "'"; $arrRecord[1] = "'" . $this->getCustomerId() . "'"; $arrRecord[2] = "'" . $this->getProjectName() . "'"; $arrRecord[3] = "'" . $this->getProjectDescription() . "'"; $arrRecord[4] = self::PROJECT_NOT_DELETED; $tableName = self::TABLE_NAME; $sql_builder = new SQLQBuilder(); $sql_builder->table_name = $tableName; $sql_builder->flg_insert = 'true'; $sql_builder->arr_insert = $arrRecord; $sqlQString = $sql_builder->addNewRecordFeature1(); $dbConnection = new DMLFunctions(); $message2 = $dbConnection->executeQuery($sqlQString); //Calling the addData() function if ($message2 && mysql_affected_rows() > 0) { return true; } return false; }
/** * Saves the given JobApplication objects in the database * * @param array $applications Array of JobApplication objects to save. */ private function _createJobApplications($applications) { foreach ($applications as $application) { $sql = sprintf("INSERT INTO hs_hr_job_application(application_id, vacancy_id, firstname, middlename, " . "lastname, street1, street2, city, country_code, province, zip, " . "phone, mobile, email, qualifications) " . "VALUES(%d, %d, '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s')", $application->getId(), $application->getVacancyId(), $application->getFirstName(), $application->getMiddleName(), $application->getLastName(), $application->getStreet1(), $application->getStreet2(), $application->getCity(), $application->getCountry(), $application->getProvince(), $application->getZip(), $application->getPhone(), $application->getMobile(), $application->getEmail(), $application->getQualifications()); $this->assertTrue(mysql_query($sql), mysql_error()); } UniqueIDGenerator::getInstance()->initTable(); }
private function _insert() { $fields[0] = self::DB_FIELD_ACTIVITY_ID; $fields[1] = self::DB_FIELD_NAME; $fields[2] = self::DB_FIELD_PROJECT_ID; $fields[3] = self::DB_FIELD_DELETED; $this->id = UniqueIDGenerator::getInstance()->getNextID(self::TABLE_NAME, self::DB_FIELD_ACTIVITY_ID); $values[0] = $this->id; $values[1] = "'{$this->name}'"; $values[2] = "'{$this->projectId}'"; $values[3] = "'" . intval($this->deleted) . "'"; $sqlBuilder = new SQLQBuilder(); $sqlBuilder->table_name = self::TABLE_NAME; $sqlBuilder->flg_insert = 'true'; $sqlBuilder->arr_insert = $values; $sqlBuilder->arr_insertfield = $fields; $sql = $sqlBuilder->addNewRecordFeature2(); $conn = new DMLFunctions(); $result = $conn->executeQuery($sql); if (!$result || mysql_affected_rows() != 1) { throw new ProjectActivityException("Insert failed. "); } }
function addEmpStat() { $tableName = 'HS_HR_EMPSTAT'; $this->empStatId = UniqueIDGenerator::getInstance()->getNextID($tableName, 'ESTAT_CODE', 'EST'); $arrFieldList[0] = "'" . $this->getEmpStatId() . "'"; $arrFieldList[1] = "'" . $this->getEmpStatName() . "'"; $sql_builder = new SQLQBuilder(); $sql_builder->table_name = $tableName; $sql_builder->flg_insert = 'true'; $sql_builder->arr_insert = $arrFieldList; $sqlQString = $sql_builder->addNewRecordFeature1(); $dbConnection = new DMLFunctions(); $message2 = $dbConnection->executeQuery($sqlQString); //Calling the addData() function return $message2; }
function addEmpMain() { $tableName = 'HS_HR_EMPLOYEE'; $this->empId = UniqueIDGenerator::getInstance()->getNextID($tableName, 'EMP_NUMBER'); $arrRecordsList[0] = "'" . $this->getEmpId() . "'"; $arrRecordsList[1] = "'" . $this->getEmpLastName() . "'"; $arrRecordsList[2] = "'" . $this->getEmpFirstName() . "'"; $arrRecordsList[3] = "'" . $this->getEmpNickName() . "'"; $arrRecordsList[4] = "'" . $this->getEmpMiddleName() . "'"; $arrRecordsList[5] = "'" . $this->getEmployeeId() . "'"; $arrFieldList[0] = 'EMP_NUMBER'; $arrFieldList[1] = 'EMP_LASTNAME'; $arrFieldList[2] = 'EMP_FIRSTNAME'; $arrFieldList[3] = 'EMP_NICK_NAME'; $arrFieldList[4] = 'EMP_MIDDLE_NAME'; $arrFieldList[5] = 'EMPLOYEE_ID'; $sql_builder = new SQLQBuilder(); $sql_builder->table_name = $tableName; $sql_builder->flg_insert = 'true'; $sql_builder->arr_insert = $arrRecordsList; $sql_builder->arr_insertfield = $arrFieldList; $sqlQString = $sql_builder->addNewRecordFeature2(); //echo $sqlQString; $dbConnection = new DMLFunctions(); $message2 = $dbConnection->executeQuery($sqlQString); //Calling the addData() function return $message2; }
function addEducation() { $tableName = 'hs_hr_education'; $this->eduId = UniqueIDGenerator::getInstance()->getNextID($tableName, 'edu_code', 'EDU'); $arrFieldList[0] = "'" . $this->getEduId() . "'"; $arrFieldList[1] = "'" . $this->getEduUni() . "'"; $arrFieldList[2] = "'" . $this->getEduDeg() . "'"; $sql_builder = new SQLQBuilder(); $sql_builder->table_name = $tableName; $sql_builder->flg_insert = 'true'; $sql_builder->arr_insert = $arrFieldList; $sqlQString = $sql_builder->addNewRecordFeature1(); $dbConnection = new DMLFunctions(); $message2 = $dbConnection->executeQuery($sqlQString); //Calling the addData() function return $message2; echo $message2; }
function addMembershipInfo() { if ($this->_isDuplicateName()) { throw new MembershipInfoException("Duplicate name", 1); } $tableName = 'hs_hr_membership'; $this->membershipId = UniqueIDGenerator::getInstance()->getNextID($tableName, 'membship_code', 'MME'); $arrFieldList[0] = "'" . $this->getMembershipInfoId() . "'"; $arrFieldList[1] = "'" . $this->getMembershipTypeId() . "'"; $arrFieldList[2] = "'" . $this->getMembershipInfoDesc() . "'"; $sql_builder = new SQLQBuilder(); $sql_builder->table_name = $tableName; $sql_builder->flg_insert = 'true'; $sql_builder->arr_insert = $arrFieldList; $sqlQString = $sql_builder->addNewRecordFeature1(); $dbConnection = new DMLFunctions(); $message2 = $dbConnection->executeQuery($sqlQString); //Calling the addData() function return $message2; }
/** * Saves the given Project Activity objects in the databas * * @param ProjectActivity $activities ProjectActivity objects to save. */ private function _createActivites($activities) { foreach ($activities as $activity) { $sql = sprintf("INSERT INTO ohrm_project_activity(activity_id, project_id, name, is_deleted) " . "VALUES(%d, %d, '%s', %d)", $activity->getId(), $activity->getProjectId(), $activity->getName(), $activity->isDeleted() ? 1 : 0); mysql_query($sql); UniqueIDGenerator::getInstance()->initTable(); } }
/** * Add new time event * * Time event id will be over written * * @throws TimeEventException Overlapping time period 2 */ public function addTimeEvent() { if ($this->getStartTime() != null && $this->getEmployeeId() != null) { $this->_checkStartTimeInTimeEvent(); } $this->_isOverlapping(); $newId = UniqueIDGenerator::getInstance()->getNextID(self::TIME_EVENT_DB_TABLE_TIME_EVENT, self::TIME_EVENT_DB_FIELD_TIME_EVENT_ID); $this->setTimeEventId($newId); $insertTable = "`" . self::TIME_EVENT_DB_TABLE_TIME_EVENT . "`"; $insertFields[0] = "`" . self::TIME_EVENT_DB_FIELD_TIME_EVENT_ID . "`"; $insertFields[1] = "`" . self::TIME_EVENT_DB_FIELD_PROJECT_ID . "`"; $insertFields[2] = "`" . self::TIME_EVENT_DB_FIELD_ACTIVITY_ID . "`"; $insertFields[3] = "`" . self::TIME_EVENT_DB_FIELD_EMPLOYEE_ID . "`"; $insertFields[4] = "`" . self::TIME_EVENT_DB_FIELD_TIMESHEET_ID . "`"; $insertValues[0] = $this->getTimeEventId(); $insertValues[1] = $this->getProjectId(); $insertValues[2] = $this->getActivityId(); $insertValues[3] = $this->getEmployeeId(); $insertValues[4] = $this->getTimesheetId(); if ($this->getStartTime() != null) { $insertFields[] = "`" . self::TIME_EVENT_DB_FIELD_START_TIME . "`"; $insertValues[] = "'" . $this->getStartTime() . "'"; } if ($this->getEndTime() != null) { $insertFields[] = "`" . self::TIME_EVENT_DB_FIELD_END_TIME . "`"; $insertValues[] = "'" . $this->getEndTime() . "'"; } if ($this->getReportedDate() != null) { $insertFields[] = "`" . self::TIME_EVENT_DB_FIELD_REPORTED_DATE . "`"; $insertValues[] = "'" . $this->getReportedDate() . "'"; } if ($this->getDuration() != null) { $insertFields[] = "`" . self::TIME_EVENT_DB_FIELD_DURATION . "`"; $insertValues[] = $this->getDuration(); } if ($this->getDescription() != null) { $insertFields[] = "`" . self::TIME_EVENT_DB_FIELD_DESCRIPTION . "`"; $insertValues[] = "'" . $this->getDescription() . "'"; } $sqlBuilder = new SQLQBuilder(); $query = $sqlBuilder->simpleInsert($insertTable, $insertValues, $insertFields); $dbConnection = new DMLFunctions(); $result = $dbConnection->executeQuery($query); if ($result) { if (mysql_affected_rows() > 0) { return true; } } return false; }
private function _insert() { $fields[0] = self::DB_FIELD_WORKSHIFT_ID; $fields[1] = self::DB_FIELD_NAME; $fields[2] = self::DB_FIELD_HOURS; $this->workshiftId = UniqueIDGenerator::getInstance()->getNextID(self::WORKSHIFT_TABLE, self::DB_FIELD_WORKSHIFT_ID); $values[0] = $this->workshiftId; $values[1] = "'{$this->name}'"; $values[2] = "'{$this->hoursPerDay}'"; $sqlBuilder = new SQLQBuilder(); $sqlBuilder->table_name = self::WORKSHIFT_TABLE; $sqlBuilder->flg_insert = 'true'; $sqlBuilder->arr_insert = $values; $sqlBuilder->arr_insertfield = $fields; $sql = $sqlBuilder->addNewRecordFeature2(); $dbConnection = new DMLFunctions(); $result = $dbConnection->executeQuery($sql); if (!$result) { throw new WorkshiftException("Workshift not inserted", WorkshiftException::ERROR_IN_DB_QUERY); } if (mysql_affected_rows() != 1) { throw new WorkshiftException("Workshift not inserted", WorkshiftException::INVALID_ROW_COUNT); } return mysql_affected_rows(); }