Esempio n. 1
 public function __construct($id = false)
     $this->name = "form_category";
     $this->enctype = "multipart/form-data";
     $this->action = URL::current();
     $this->sections = SectionDB::getAll();
     if (!$id) {
         $this->text("title", "Название:", FormProcessor::getSessionData("title"));
         $this->textarea("meta_desc", "Описание:", FormProcessor::getSessionData("meta_desc"));
         $this->textarea("meta_key", "Ключевые слова:", FormProcessor::getSessionData("meta_key"));
         $this->text("alias", "ЧПУ ссылка", FormProcessor::getSessionData("alias"));
         $this->checkbox("show", "Показывать:", "1");
         $this->submit("insert_category", "Сохранить");
     } else {
         $this->hidden("id", $id);
         $obj = new CategoryDB();
         $this->text("title", "Название:", $obj->title);
         $this->textarea("meta_desc", "Описание:", $obj->meta_desc);
         $this->textarea("meta_key", "Ключевые слова:", $obj->meta_key);
         $link = URL::get("category", "", array("id" => $id), true, "", false);
         $alias = SefDB::getAliasOnLink($link);
         $this->text("alias", "ЧПУ ссылка", $alias);
         $this->checkbox("show", "Показывать:", "1", "", (int) $obj->show);
         $this->submit("update_category", "Сохранить");
         $this->section_id = $obj->section_id;
Esempio n. 2
  * Add the Live Help page to the admin menu
  * @param array $menus The main admin menu
  * @return array The altered admin menu
 function filter_adminhandler_post_loadplugins_main_menu($menus)
     if (User::identify()->can('LiveHelp')) {
         $menus['livehelp'] = array('url' => URL::get('admin', 'page=livehelp'), 'title' => _t('Live Help'), 'text' => _t('Live Help'), 'selected' => false);
     return $menus;
  * Build a selection input of paginated paths to be used for pagination.
  * @param string The RewriteRule name used to build the links.
  * @param array Various settings used by the method and the RewriteRule.
  * @return string Collection of paginated URLs built by the RewriteRule.
 function theme_page_dropdown($theme, $rr_name = NULL, $settings = array())
     $output = "";
     $current = $theme->page;
     $items_per_page = isset($theme->posts->get_param_cache['limit']) ? $theme->posts->get_param_cache['limit'] : Options::get('pagination');
     $total = Utils::archive_pages($theme->posts->count_all(), $items_per_page);
     // Make sure the current page is valid
     if ($current > $total) {
         $current = $total;
     } else {
         if ($current < 1) {
             $current = 1;
     $output = '<select onchange="location.href=options[selectedIndex].value">';
     for ($page = 1; $page < $total; ++$page) {
         $settings['page'] = $page;
         $caption = $page == $current ? $current : $page;
         // Build the path using the supplied $settings and the found RewriteRules arguments.
         $url = URL::get($rr_name, $settings, false, false, false);
         // Build the select option.
         $output .= '<option value="' . $url . '"' . ($page == $current ? ' selected="selected"' : '') . '>' . $caption . '</option>' . "\n";
     $output .= "</select>";
     return $output;
Esempio n. 4
 private function postAdminHandling($view_id, $gallery_id)
     $this->link_update = URL::get("update", "admin", array("view" => "imggallery", "view_id" => $view_id, "gallery_id" => $gallery_id, "img_id" => $this->id));
     $this->link_delete = URL::get("delete", "admin", array("view" => "imggallery", "view_id" => $view_id, "gallery_id" => $gallery_id, "img_id" => $this->id));
     $this->img = Config::DIR_IMG_IMGGALLERY . $this->img;
     return true;
    function action_admin_header()
        $url = URL::get('auth_ajax', 'context=extendedlog');
        $script = <<<SCRIPT
\tvar initi = itemManage.initItems;
\titemManage.initItems = function(){
\t\t\$('.page-logs .manage .item .less,.page-logs .manage .item .message.minor').hide();
\t\t\$('.page-logs .manage .item .more').show().css({clear: 'both', marginLeft: '40px', fontWeight: 'bold', width: '100%'});
\t\t\$('.page-logs .manage .item').click(function(){
\t\t\t\$(this).after('<div class="extendedlog"><div class="textarea" style="white-space:pre;font-family:consolas,courier new,monospace;border:1px solid #999;padding:20px;margin:20px 0px;height:100px;overflow-y:auto;">Loading...</div></div>');
\t\t\t\$('.extendedlog .textarea').resizeable();
\t\t\t\t\tlog_id: \$('.checkbox input', \$(this)).attr('id').match(/\\[([0-9]+)\\]/)[1]
\t\t\t\t\t\$('.extendedlog .textarea').html(result)
        Stack::add('admin_header_javascript', $script, 'extendedlog', array('jquery', 'admin'));
     * Respond to the URL that was created
     * Determine the post that was supposed to be displayed, and show it in raw
     * @params array $handlervars An array of values passed in from the URL requested
    function action_plugin_act_plaintext($handlervars)
        $activetheme = Themes::create();
        $user_filters = array('fetch_fn' => 'get_row', 'limit' => 1);
        $page_key = array_search('page', $activetheme->valid_filters);
        $user_filters = Plugins::filter('template_user_filters', $user_filters);
        $user_filters = array_intersect_key($user_filters, array_flip($activetheme->valid_filters));
        $where_filters = Controller::get_handler()->handler_vars->filter_keys($activetheme->valid_filters);
        $where_filters = $where_filters->merge($user_filters);
        $where_filters = Plugins::filter('template_where_filters', $where_filters);
        $post = Posts::get($where_filters);
        $current_url = URL::get();
        $created_at = $post->pubdate->get();
        header('Content-type: text/plain; charset=utf-8');
        echo <<<HERE
# {$post->title}

  By {$post->author->displayname}
	 * Ouputs the default menu in the template footer, and runs the 'habmin_bar' plugin filter.
	 * You can add menu items via the filter. See the 'filter_habminbar' method for
	 * an example.
	public function action_template_footer()
		if ( User::identify()->loggedin ) {
			$bar = '<div id="habminbar"><div>';
			$bar.= '<div id="habminbar-name"><a href="' . Options::get('base_url') . '">' . Options::get('title') . '</a></div>';
			$bar.= '<ul>';

			$menu = array();
			$menu['dashboard']= array( 'Dashboard', URL::get( 'admin', 'page=dashboard' ), "view the admin dashboard" );
			$menu['write']= array( 'Write', URL::get( 'admin', 'page=publish' ), "create a new entry" );
			$menu['option']= array( 'Options', URL::get( 'admin', 'page=options' ), "configure site options" );
			$menu['comment']= array( 'Moderate', URL::get( 'admin', 'page=comments' ),"moderate comments" );
			$menu['user']= array( 'Users', URL::get( 'admin', 'page=users' ), "administer users" );
			$menu['plugin']= array( 'Plugins', URL::get( 'admin', 'page=plugins' ), "activate and configure plugins" );
			$menu['theme']= array( 'Themes', URL::get( 'admin', 'page=themes' ), "select a theme" );

			$menu = Plugins::filter( 'habminbar', $menu );

			$menu['logout']= array( 'Logout', URL::get( 'user', 'page=logout' ), "logout" );

			foreach ( $menu as $name => $item ) {
				list( $label, $url, $tooltip )= array_pad( $item, 3, "" );
				$bar.= "\n\t<li><a href=\"$url\" class=\"$name\"" .
				( ( $tooltip ) ? " title=\"$tooltip\"" : "" ) .">$label</a></li>";
			$bar.= '</ul><br style="clear:both;" /></div></div>';

			echo $bar;
Esempio n. 8
 public function act($action)
     if ($action == 'atom_feed') {
         if (!isset($this->handler_vars['index'])) {
             $this->handler_vars['index'] = 1;
         $url = URL::get('atom_feed', $this->handler_vars, false);
     } else {
         if ($action == 'display_entry') {
             if (isset($this->handler_vars['slug'])) {
                 $post = Post::get(array('slug' => $this->handler_vars['slug']));
                 // don't assume that a slug means a valid post
                 if ($post !== false) {
                     $url = URL::get('display_entry', $post, false);
                 } else {
                     $url = URL::get('display_404', $this->handler_vars->getArrayCopy(), false);
             } else {
                 $post = Post::get($this->handler_vars->getArrayCopy());
                 if ($post !== false) {
                     $url = $post->permalink;
                 } else {
                     $url = URL::get('display_404', $this->handler_vars->getArrayCopy(), false);
         } else {
             $url = URL::get($action, $this->handler_vars->getArrayCopy(), false);
     header('Location: ' . $url, true, 301);
Esempio n. 9
 public function theme_monthly_archives_links_list($theme, $full_names = TRUE, $show_counts = TRUE, $type = 'entry', $status = 'published')
     $results = Posts::get(array('content_type' => $type, 'status' => $status, 'month_cts' => 1));
     $archives[] = '';
     foreach ($results as $result) {
         // add leading zeros
         $result->month = str_pad($result->month, 2, 0, STR_PAD_LEFT);
         // what format do we want to show the month in?
         if ($full_names) {
             $display_month = HabariDateTime::date_create()->set_date($result->year, $result->month, 1)->get('F');
         } else {
             $display_month = HabariDateTime::date_create()->set_date($result->year, $result->month, 1)->get('M');
         // do we want to show the count of posts?
         if ($show_counts) {
             $count = ' (' . $result->ct . ')';
         } else {
             $count = '';
         $archives[] = '<li>';
         $archives[] = '<a href="' . URL::get('display_entries_by_date', array('year' => $result->year, 'month' => $result->month)) . '" title="View entries in ' . $display_month . '/' . $result->year . '">' . $display_month . ' ' . $result->year . ' ' . $count . '</a>';
         $archives[] = '</li>';
     $archives[] = '';
     return implode("\n", $archives);
Esempio n. 10
  * Handles the submission of the import form, importing data from a WordPress database.
  * This function should probably be broken into an importer class, since it is WordPress-specific.
 public function post_import()
     if (!isset($_POST['importer'])) {
         Utils::redirect(URL::get('admin', 'page=import'));
Esempio n. 11
 function __construct()
     $this->fPass = new Models_Forgotpass();
     if (URL::getQueryParametr('logout')) {
     if (User::isAuth()) {
     if (isset($_POST['registration'])) {
         // Если данные введены верно.
         if (!$this->unValidForm()) {
             $message = '<span class="succes-reg">Вы успешно зарегистрировались! Для активации пользователя Вам необходимо перейти по ссылке высланной на Ваш электронный адрес <strong>' . $this->userData['email'] . '</strong></span>';
             $form = false;
             // Рассылаем письма со ссылкой для подтверждения регистрации.
         } else {
             $error = $this->error;
             $form = true;
     } else {
         // Если пользователь не авторизован.
         if (!User::isAuth() && (isset($_POST['email']) || isset($_POST['pass']))) {
             if (!User::auth(URL::get('email'), URL::get('pass'))) {
                 $error = '<span class="msgError">' . 'Неправильная пара email-пароль! Авторизоваться не удалось.' . '</span>';
             } else {
     $data = array('meta_title' => 'Авторизация', 'msgError' => $error, 'message' => $message, 'meta_keywords' => !empty($model->currentCategory['meta_keywords']) ? $model->currentCategory['meta_keywords'] : "Авторизация,вход, войти в личный кабинет", 'meta_desc' => !empty($model->currentCategory['meta_desc']) ? $model->currentCategory['meta_desc'] : "Авторизуйтесь на сайте и вы получите дополнительные возможности, недоступные для обычных пользователей.");
     $this->data = $data;
Esempio n. 12
 public function __construct($view, $param)
     $this->name = "form_viewgallery";
     $this->enctype = "multipart/form-data";
     $this->action = URL::current();
     $viewgallery_obj = new ViewgalleryDB();
     $this->hornav = new Hornav();
     $this->hornav->addData("Админпанель", URL::get("menu", "admin"));
     $this->hornav->addData("Галерея", URL::get("viewgallery", "admin"));
     $this->hornav->addData($viewgallery_obj->title, URL::get("listgallery", "admin", array("view_id" => $param["view_id"])));
     if (!$param["gallery_id"]) {
         $this->text("title", "Название:", FormProcessor::getSessionData("title"));
         $this->file("img", "Картинка:");
         $this->textarea("meta_desc", "Описание:", FormProcessor::getSessionData("meta_desc"));
         $this->textarea("meta_key", "Ключевые слова:", FormProcessor::getSessionData("meta_key"));
         $this->submit("insert_listgallery", "Сохранить");
     } else {
         $this->hidden("id", $param["gallery_id"]);
         $gallery_obj = new GalleryDB();
         $this->text("title", "Название:", $gallery_obj->title);
         $this->file("img", "Картинка:");
         $this->textarea("meta_desc", "Описание:", $gallery_obj->meta_desc);
         $this->textarea("meta_key", "Ключевые слова:", $gallery_obj->meta_key);
         $this->submit("update_listgallery", "Сохранить");
 public function action_form_publish($form, $post)
     $selector = $form->append('wrapper', 'type_selector');
     $selector->class = 'container';
     // Utils::debug( 'bob' );
     if (Controller::get_var('to_type') != NULL && $post->content_type != Controller::get_var('to_type')) {
         /* set type */
         $post->content_type = Post::type(Controller::get_var('to_type'));
         Utils::redirect(URL::get('admin', 'page=publish&id=' . $post->id));
         // Refresh view
     foreach (Post::list_active_post_types() as $type) {
         if ($type != 0) {
             if ($post->id == 0) {
                 $url = URL::get('admin', 'page=publish&content_type=' . Post::type_name($type));
             } else {
                 $url = URL::get('admin', 'page=publish&to_type=' . Post::type_name($type) . '&id=' . $post->id);
             $html = '<a href="' . $url . '"';
             if (Post::type_name($type) == $post->content_type || $type == $post->content_type) {
                 $html .= ' class="active"';
             $html .= '>' . Post::type_name($type) . '</a>';
             $selector->append('static', 'type_selector_' . $type, $html);
     $selector->move_before($selector, $form);
     return $form;
Esempio n. 14
 private function postAdminHandling()
     $this->link_update = URL::get("update", "admin", array("view" => "collective", "view_id" => $this->id));
     $this->link_delete = URL::get("delete", "admin", array("view" => "collective", "view_id" => $this->id));
     $this->img = Config::DIR_IMG_COLLECTIVE . $this->img;
     return true;
  * Produce the content for the latest drafts block
  * @param Block $block The block object
  * @param Theme $theme The theme that the block will be output with
 public function action_block_content_draft_posts($block, $theme)
     $block->recent_posts = Posts::get(array('status' => 'draft', 'limit' => 8, 'user_id' => User::identify()->id));
     if (User::identify()->can('manage_entries')) {
         $block->link = URL::get('admin', array('page' => 'posts', 'status' => Post::status('draft'), 'user_id' => User::identify()->id));
Esempio n. 16
  * Add additional template variables to the template output.
  *  You can assign additional output values in the template here, instead of
  *  having the PHP execute directly in the template.  The advantage is that
  *  you would easily be able to switch between template types (RawPHP/Smarty)
  *  without having to port code from one to the other.
  *  You could use this area to provide "recent comments" data to the template,
  *  for instance.
  *  Note that the variables added here should possibly *always* be added,
  *  especially 'user'.
  *  Also, this function gets executed *after* regular data is assigned to the
  *  template.  So the values here, unless checked, will overwrite any existing
  *  values.
 public function add_template_vars()
     if (!$this->template_engine->assigned('pages')) {
         $this->assign('pages', Posts::get(array('content_type' => 'page', 'status' => Post::status('published'), 'nolimit' => 1)));
     if (!$this->template_engine->assigned('user')) {
         $this->assign('user', User::identify());
     if (!$this->template_engine->assigned('tags')) {
         $this->assign('tags', Tags::get());
     if (!$this->template_engine->assigned('page')) {
         $this->assign('page', isset($page) ? $page : 1);
     if (!$this->template_engine->assigned('feed_alternate')) {
         $matched_rule = URL::get_matched_rule();
         switch ($matched_rule->name) {
             case 'display_entry':
             case 'display_page':
                 $feed_alternate = URL::get('atom_entry', array('slug' => Controller::get_var('slug')));
             case 'display_entries_by_tag':
                 $feed_alternate = URL::get('atom_feed_tag', array('tag' => Controller::get_var('tag')));
             case 'display_home':
                 $feed_alternate = URL::get('atom_feed', array('index' => '1'));
         $this->assign('feed_alternate', $feed_alternate);
     // Specify pages you want in your navigation here
     $this->assign('nav_pages', Posts::get(array('content_type' => 'page', 'status' => 'published', 'nolimit' => 1)));
Esempio n. 17
 function on_submit()
     if (User::have_permit(ADMIN_ITEM)) {
         $relate_ids = URL::get("relate_ids");
         $ids = '';
         $item_arr = array();
         if ($relate_ids != '') {
             $arr = explode(',', $relate_ids);
             foreach ($arr as $id) {
                 $item_arr[] = $id;
         DB::query("DELETE FROM item_relate WHERE item_id = " . Item::$item['id'] . " OR relate_id = " . Item::$item['id']);
         if ($item_arr) {
             $ids = implode(',', $item_arr);
             $re = DB::query("SELECT id FROM item WHERE id IN({$ids})");
             $sql_insert = '';
             if ($re) {
                 while ($product = mysql_fetch_assoc($re)) {
                     $sql_insert .= ($sql_insert != '' ? "," : "") . "(" . Item::$item['id'] . ",{$product['id']}), ({$product['id']}," . Item::$item['id'] . ")";
             if ($sql_insert != '') {
                 $sql_insert = "INSERT INTO item_relate (item_id, relate_id) VALUES {$sql_insert}";
Esempio n. 18
  * Add additional template variables to the template output.
  *  You can assign additional output values in the template here, instead of 
  *  having the PHP execute directly in the template.  The advantage is that 
  *  you would easily be able to switch between template types (RawPHP/Smarty)
  *  without having to port code from one to the other.
  *  You could use this area to provide "recent comments" data to the template,
  *  for instance.	  	 	 
  *  Note that the variables added here should possibly *always* be added, 
  *  especially 'user'.
  *  Also, this function gets executed *after* regular data is assigned to the
  *  template.  So the values here, unless checked, will overwrite any existing 
  *  values.	 	 	 
 public function add_template_vars()
     $this->add_template('formcontrol_text', dirname(__FILE__) . '/forms/formcontrol_text.php', true);
     $this->add_template('formcontrol_textarea', dirname(__FILE__) . '/forms/formcontrol_textarea.php', true);
     if (!$this->template_engine->assigned('pages')) {
         $this->assign('pages', Posts::get(array('content_type' => 'page', 'status' => Post::status('published'), 'nolimit' => 1)));
     if (!$this->template_engine->assigned('user')) {
         $this->assign('user', User::identify());
     if (!$this->template_engine->assigned('page')) {
         $this->assign('page', isset($page) ? $page : 1);
     if (!$this->template_engine->assigned('feed_alternate')) {
         $matched_rule = URL::get_matched_rule();
         switch ($matched_rule->name) {
             case 'display_entry':
             case 'display_page':
                 $feed_alternate = URL::get('entry', array('slug' => Controller::get_var('slug')));
             case 'display_entries_by_tag':
                 $feed_alternate = URL::get('tag_collection', array('tag' => Controller::get_var('tag')));
             case 'index_page':
                 $feed_alternate = URL::get('collection', array('index' => '1'));
         $this->assign('feed_alternate', $feed_alternate);
Esempio n. 19
 public function __construct($id = false)
     $this->name = "form_section";
     $this->enctype = "multipart/form-data";
     $this->action = URL::current();
     if (!$id) {
         $this->text("title", "Название:", FormProcessor::getSessionData("title"));
         $this->textarea("meta_desc", "Описание:", FormProcessor::getSessionData("meta_desc"));
         $this->textarea("meta_key", "Ключевые слова:", FormProcessor::getSessionData("meta_key"));
         $this->textarea("full_text", "Длинное описание:", FormProcessor::getSessionData("full_text"));
         $this->text("alias", "ЧПУ ссылка", FormProcessor::getSessionData("alias"));
         $this->submit("insert_section", "Сохранить");
     } else {
         $this->hidden("id", $id);
         $obj = new SectionDB();
         $this->text("title", "Название:", $obj->title);
         $this->textarea("meta_desc", "Описание:", $obj->meta_desc);
         $this->textarea("meta_key", "Ключевые слова:", $obj->meta_key);
         $this->textarea("full_text", "Длинное описание:", $obj->full_text);
         $link = URL::get("section", "", array("id" => $id), true, "", false);
         $alias = SefDB::getAliasOnLink($link);
         $this->text("alias", "ЧПУ ссылка", $alias);
         $this->submit("update_section", "Сохранить");
Esempio n. 20
    public function action_comment_insert_after($comment)
        // we should only execute on comments, not pingbacks
        // and don't bother if the comment is know to be spam
        if ($comment->type != Comment::COMMENT || $comment->status == Comment::STATUS_SPAM) {
        $post = Post::get(array('id' => $comment->post_id));
        $author = User::get_by_id($post->user_id);
        $status = $comment->status == Comment::STATUS_UNAPPROVED ? ' UNAPPROVED' : ' approved';
        $title = sprintf(_t('[%1$s] New%3$s comment on: %2$s'), Options::get('title'), $post->title, $status);
        $message = <<<MESSAGE
The following comment was added to the post "%1\$s".

Author: %3\$s <%4\$s>
URL: %5\$s


Moderate comments: %7\$s
        $message = _t($message);
        $message = sprintf($message, $post->title, $post->permalink, $comment->name, $comment->email, $comment->url, $comment->content, URL::get('admin', 'page=comments'));
        $headers = array('MIME-Version: 1.0', 'Content-type: text/plain; charset=utf-8', 'Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit', 'From: ' . $this->mh_utf8($comment->name) . ' <' . $comment->email . '>');
        mail($author->email, $this->mh_utf8($title), $message, implode("\r\n", $headers));
Esempio n. 21
 public function __construct($view, $param)
     $this->name = "form_viewgallery";
     $this->enctype = "multipart/form-data";
     $this->action = URL::current();
     $viewgallery_obj = new ViewgalleryDB();
     $gallery_obj = new GalleryDB();
     $this->hornav = new Hornav();
     $this->hornav->addData("Админпанель", URL::get("menu", "admin"));
     $this->hornav->addData("Галерея", URL::get("viewgallery", "admin"));
     $this->hornav->addData($viewgallery_obj->title, URL::get("listgallery", "admin", array("view_id" => $param["view_id"])));
     $this->hornav->addData($gallery_obj->title, URL::get("listimg", "admin", array("view_id" => $param["view_id"], "gallery_id" => $param["gallery_id"])));
     if (!$param["img_id"]) {
         $this->file("img", "Картинка:");
         $this->submit("insert_imggallery", "Сохранить");
     } else {
         $this->hidden("id", $param["img_id"]);
         $gallery_obj = new GalleryDB();
         $this->file("img", "Картинка:");
         $this->submit("update_imggallery", "Сохранить");
 public function amcd()
     $json = array('methods' => array('username-password-form' => array('connect' => array('method' => 'POST', 'path' => URL::get('auth', array('page' => 'login')), 'params' => array('username' => 'habari_username', 'password' => 'habari_password')), 'disconnect' => array('method' => 'POST', 'path' => URL::get('auth', array('page' => 'logout'))), 'changepassword' => array('method' => 'POST', 'path' => URL::get('auth', array('page' => 'logout'))), 'sessionstatus' => array('method' => 'GET', 'path' => URL::get('auth', array('page' => 'login'))), 'accountstatus' => array('method' => 'GET', 'path' => URL::get('auth', array('page' => 'login'))))));
     /* Clean the output buffer, so we can output from the header/scratch. */
     header('Content-Type: application/json');
     echo json_encode($json);
 public function action_init_theme()
     Stack::add('template_stylesheet', array(URL::get_from_filesystem(__FILE__) . '/magicarchives.css', 'screen'), 'magicarchives');
     Stack::add('template_header_javascript', Site::get_url('scripts') . '/jquery.js', 'jquery');
     Stack::add('template_header_javascript', URL::get_from_filesystem(__FILE__) . '/magicarchives.js', 'magicarchives', array('jquery', 'ajax_manager'));
     Stack::add('template_header_javascript', URL::get_from_filesystem(__FILE__) . '/ajax_manager.js', 'ajax_manager', 'jquery');
     Stack::add('template_header_javascript', 'magicArchives.endpoint=\'' . URL::get('ajax', array('context' => 'archive_posts')) . '\'', 'magicurl', 'magicarchives');
Esempio n. 24
 private function postAdminHandling()
     $this->link_update = URL::get("update", "admin", array("view" => "viewgallery", "view_id" => $this->id));
     $this->link_delete = URL::get("delete", "admin", array("view" => "viewgallery", "view_id" => $this->id));
     $this->link_list = URL::get("listgallery", "admin", array("view_id" => $this->id));
     $this->img = Config::DIR_IMG_VIEWGALLERY . $this->img;
     return true;
Esempio n. 25
 protected function postInit()
     $this->link = URL::get("article", "", array("id" => $this->article_id), false, Config::ADDRESS);
     //ссылка на статью
     $this->link = URL::addID($this->link, "comment_" . $this->id);
     //ссылка на коментарий
     return true;
 public function post_to_endpoints(Post $post)
     $feeds = array(URL::get('atom_feed'));
     foreach (Options::get('pubsubhubbub__endpoints') as $endpoint) {
         $p = new Publisher($endpoint);
 public function filter_get_blocks($blocks, $area, $scope_id, $theme)
     foreach ($blocks as $key => $block) {
         $block->_scope_id = $scope_id;
         $blocks[$key]->_ajax_url = URL::get('ajax', array('context' => 'block', '_b' => $block->id));
     return $blocks;
 protected function postInit()
     if (!is_null($this->img)) {
         $this->img = Config::DIR_IMG_ARTICLES . $this->img;
     $this->link = URL::get("section", "", array("id" => $this->id));
     return true;
Esempio n. 29
 function __construct()
     $model = new Models_Order();
     MG::addInformer(array('count' => $model->getNewOrdersCount(), 'class' => 'message-wrap', 'classIcon' => 'product-small-icon', 'isPlugin' => false, 'section' => 'orders', 'priority' => 80));
     if ('1' == User::getThis()->role) {
         MG::addInformer(array('count' => '', 'class' => 'message-wrap', 'classIcon' => 'statistic-icon', 'isPlugin' => false, 'section' => 'statistics', 'priority' => 10));
     if (URL::get('csv')) {
         $model = new Models_Catalog();
     if (URL::get('examplecsv')) {
         $model = new Models_Catalog();
     if (URL::get('examplecsvupdate')) {
         $model = new Models_Catalog();
     if (URL::get('yml')) {
         if (LIBXML_VERSION && extension_loaded('xmlwriter')) {
             $model = new YML();
             if (URL::get('filename')) {
                 if (!$model->downloadYml(URL::get('filename'))) {
                     $response = array('data' => array(), 'status' => 'error', 'msg' => 'Отсутствует запрашиваемый файл');
                     echo json_encode($response);
             } else {
         } else {
             $response = array('data' => array(), 'status' => 'error', 'msg' => 'Отсутствует необходимое PHP расширение: xmlwriter');
             echo json_encode($response);
     if (URL::get('csvuser')) {
     if ($orderId = URL::get('getOrderPdf')) {
         $model = new Models_Order();
     if ($orderId = URL::get('getExportCSV')) {
         $model = new Models_Order();
     $this->data = array('staticMenu' => MG::getSetting('staticMenu'), 'themeBackground' => MG::getSetting('themeBackground'), 'themeColor' => MG::getSetting('themeColor'), 'languageLocale' => MG::getSetting('languageLocale'), 'informerPanel' => MG::createInformerPanel());
     $this->pluginsList = PM::getPluginsInfo();
     $this->lang = MG::get('lang');
     if (!($checkLibs = MG::libExists())) {
         $j878723423f5c3ba26da = "base64_decode";
         $kdd9391e7490 = "str_rot13";
         $this->newVersion = $newVer['lastVersion'];
         $this->fakeKey = MG::getSetting('trialVersion') ? MG::getSetting('trialVersion') : '';
Esempio n. 30
  * Add the Pingback header on single post/page requests
  * Not to the entire site.  Clever.
 public function action_add_template_vars()
     $action = Controller::get_action();
     if ($action == 'display_post') {
         header('X-Pingback: ' . URL::get('xmlrpc'));
     } else {
         header('X-action: ' . $action);