Esempio n. 1
 protected function setUp()
     $this->testingFramework = new Tx_Oelib_TestingFramework('tx_oelib');
     $this->dataMapper = Tx_Oelib_MapperRegistry::get('Tx_Oelib_Tests_Unit_Fixtures_TestingMapper');
     $uid = $this->createTestRecord();
     $this->subject = $this->dataMapper->find($uid);
Esempio n. 2
  * @test
 public function getIsoAlpha2ZoneCodeReturnsIsoAlpha2ZoneCodeOfNorthRhineWestphalia()
     /** @var tx_oelib_Mapper_FederalState $mapper */
     $mapper = Tx_Oelib_MapperRegistry::get('tx_oelib_Mapper_FederalState');
     /** @var Tx_Oelib_Model_FederalState $model */
     $model = $mapper->find(88);
     self::assertSame('NW', $model->getIsoAlpha2ZoneCode());
Esempio n. 3
  * Sets the currency of the price to render based on the currency's ISO
  * alpha 3 code, e.g. "EUR" for Euro, "USD" for US dollars.
  * @param string $isoAlpha3Code
  *        the ISO alpha 3 code of the currency to set, must not be empty
  * @return void
 public function setCurrencyFromIsoAlpha3Code($isoAlpha3Code)
     try {
         /** @var tx_oelib_Mapper_Currency $mapper */
         $mapper = Tx_Oelib_MapperRegistry::get('tx_oelib_Mapper_Currency');
         $this->currency = $mapper->findByIsoAlpha3Code($isoAlpha3Code);
     } catch (Exception $exception) {
         $this->currency = NULL;
Esempio n. 4
  * @test
 public function getUserGroupsGetsRelatedGroupsAsList()
     $groupMapper = Tx_Oelib_MapperRegistry::get('tx_oelib_Mapper_FrontEndUserGroup');
     $group1 = $groupMapper->getNewGhost();
     $group2 = $groupMapper->getNewGhost();
     $groupUids = $group1->getUid() . ',' . $group2->getUid();
     $uid = $this->testingFramework->createFrontEndUser($groupUids);
     /** @var Tx_Oelib_Model_FrontEndUser $user */
     $user = $this->subject->find($uid);
     self::assertSame($groupUids, $user->getUserGroups()->getUids());
Esempio n. 5
  * Sets the data of a place model based on the data given in $formData.
  * @param tx_seminars_Model_Place $place the place model to set the data
  * @param string $prefix the prefix of the form fields in $formData
  * @param array[] $formData the form data to use for setting the place data
  * @return void
 private static function setPlaceData(tx_seminars_Model_Place $place, $prefix, array $formData)
     $countryUid = (int) $formData[$prefix . 'country'];
     if ($countryUid > 0) {
         try {
             /** @var tx_oelib_Mapper_Country $mapper */
             $mapper = Tx_Oelib_MapperRegistry::get('tx_oelib_Mapper_Country');
             /** @var Tx_Oelib_Model_Country $country */
             $country = $mapper->find($countryUid);
         } catch (Exception $exception) {
             $country = NULL;
     } else {
         $country = NULL;
     $place->setTitle(trim(strip_tags($formData[$prefix . 'title'])));
     $place->setAddress(trim(strip_tags($formData[$prefix . 'address'])));
     $place->setZip(trim(strip_tags($formData[$prefix . 'zip'])));
     $place->setCity(trim(strip_tags($formData[$prefix . 'city'])));
     $place->setHomepage(trim(strip_tags($formData[$prefix . 'homepage'])));
     $place->setDirections(trim($formData[$prefix . 'directions']));
     $place->setNotes(trim(strip_tags($formData[$prefix . 'notes'])));
Esempio n. 6
  * @test
 public function hasCountryWithCountryReturnsTrue()
     /** @var tx_oelib_Mapper_Country $mapper */
     $mapper = Tx_Oelib_MapperRegistry::get('tx_oelib_Mapper_Country');
     /** @var Tx_Oelib_Model_Country $country */
     $country = $mapper->find(54);
Esempio n. 7
 protected function setUp()
     $this->testingFramework = new Tx_Oelib_TestingFramework('tx_oelib');
     $this->subject = Tx_Oelib_MapperRegistry::get('tx_oelib_Mapper_BackEndUserGroup');
Esempio n. 8
  * @test
 public function getDecimalDigitsForKuwaitiDinarReturnsThree()
     /** @var Tx_Oelib_Model_Currency $subject */
     $subject = Tx_Oelib_MapperRegistry::get('tx_oelib_Mapper_Currency')->find(81);
     self::assertSame(3, $subject->getDecimalDigits());
Esempio n. 9
  * @test
 public function findAllByRelationIgnoresIgnoreList()
     $model = $this->subject->find($this->testingFramework->createRecord('tx_oelib_test'));
     $mapper = Tx_Oelib_MapperRegistry::get('tx_oelib_Tests_Unit_Fixtures_TestingChildMapper');
     $relatedModel = $mapper->find($this->testingFramework->createRecord('tx_oelib_testchild', array('parent' => $model->getUid())));
     $ignoredRelatedModel = $mapper->find($this->testingFramework->createRecord('tx_oelib_testchild', array('parent' => $model->getUid())));
     $ignoreList = new Tx_Oelib_List();
     $result = Tx_Oelib_MapperRegistry::get('tx_oelib_Tests_Unit_Fixtures_TestingChildMapper')->findAllByRelation($model, 'parent', $ignoreList);
     self::assertSame(1, $result->count());
     self::assertSame($relatedModel, $result->first());
Esempio n. 10
  * @test
 public function processEventEditorActionsForInvalidActionWithPublishedEventAndAccessGrantedNotCallsHideEventOrUnhideEvent()
     /** @var tx_seminars_FrontEnd_EventEditor|PHPUnit_Framework_MockObject_MockObject $eventEditor */
     $eventEditor = $this->getMock('tx_seminars_FrontEnd_EventEditor', array('hasAccessMessage'), array(), '', FALSE);
     /** @var tx_seminars_Model_Event $event */
     $event = Tx_Oelib_MapperRegistry::get('tx_seminars_Mapper_Event')->getLoadedTestingModel(array());
     /** @var tx_seminars_FrontEnd_DefaultController|PHPUnit_Framework_MockObject_MockObject $fixture */
     $fixture = $this->getMock($this->createAccessibleProxyClass(), array('createEventEditorInstance', 'hideEvent', 'unhideEvent'));
     $fixture->piVars['seminar'] = $event->getUid();
     $fixture->piVars['action'] = 'foo';
Esempio n. 11
  * Deletes all one-to-many related models of this model.
  * @param Tx_Oelib_Model $model
  *        the model for which to delete the related models
  * @return void
 private function deleteOneToManyRelations(Tx_Oelib_Model $model)
     $data = $model->getData();
     foreach ($this->relations as $key => $mapperName) {
         if ($this->isOneToManyRelationConfigured($key)) {
             $relatedModels = $data[$key];
             if (!is_object($relatedModels)) {
             $mapper = Tx_Oelib_MapperRegistry::get($mapperName);
             /** @var Tx_Oelib_Model $relatedModel */
             foreach ($relatedModels as $relatedModel) {
Esempio n. 12
  * Fakes that a front-end user has logged in.
  * If a front-end user currently is logged in, he/she will be logged out
  * first.
  * Note: To set the logged-in users group data properly, the front-end user
  *       and his groups must actually exist in the database.
  * @param int $userId UID of the FE user, must not necessarily exist in the database, must be > 0
  * @return void
  * @throws InvalidArgumentException
  * @throws BadMethodCallException if no front end has been created
 public function loginFrontEndUser($userId)
     if ((int) $userId <= 0) {
         throw new InvalidArgumentException('The user ID must be > 0.', 1331490798);
     if (!$this->hasFakeFrontEnd()) {
         throw new BadMethodCallException('Please create a front end before calling loginFrontEndUser.', 1331490812);
     if ($this->isLoggedIn()) {
     /** @var tx_oelib_Mapper_FrontEndUser $mapper */
     $mapper = Tx_Oelib_MapperRegistry::get('tx_oelib_Mapper_FrontEndUser');
     // loads the model from database if it is a ghost
     $dataToSet = $mapper->find($userId)->getData();
     $dataToSet['uid'] = $userId;
     if (isset($dataToSet['usergroup'])) {
         /** @var Tx_Oelib_List $userGroups */
         $userGroups = $dataToSet['usergroup'];
         $dataToSet['usergroup'] = $userGroups->getUids();
     // Instead of passing the actual user data to createUserSession, we
     // pass an empty array to improve performance (e.g. no session record
     // will be written to the database).
     $frontEnd = $this->getFrontEndController();
     $frontEnd->fe_user->createUserSession(array('uid' => $userId, 'disableIPlock' => TRUE));
     $frontEnd->fe_user->user = $dataToSet;
     $frontEnd->loginUser = TRUE;
Esempio n. 13
 protected function setUp()
     $this->testingFramework = new Tx_Oelib_TestingFramework('tx_oelib');
     $this->subject = Tx_Oelib_MapperRegistry::get('Tx_Oelib_Tests_Unit_Fixtures_TestingMapper');
Esempio n. 14
  * @test
 public function getAllGroupsForGroupWithSubgroupCycleReturnsBothGroups()
     $group1 = Tx_Oelib_MapperRegistry::get('tx_oelib_Mapper_BackEndUserGroup')->getNewGhost();
     $group2 = Tx_Oelib_MapperRegistry::get('tx_oelib_Mapper_BackEndUserGroup')->getNewGhost();
     $subgroups1 = new Tx_Oelib_List();
     $group1->setData(array('subgroup' => $subgroups1));
     $subgroups2 = new Tx_Oelib_List();
     $group2->setData(array('subgroup' => $subgroups2));
     $groups = new Tx_Oelib_List();
     $this->subject->setData(array('usergroup' => $groups));
     self::assertSame(2, $this->subject->getAllGroups()->count());
Esempio n. 15
  * @test
 public function loginFrontEndUserMappedAsGhostAndInDatabaseSetsGroupDataOfUser()
     $feUserGroupUid = $this->subject->createFrontEndUserGroup(array('title' => 'foo'));
     /** @var tx_oelib_Mapper_FrontEndUser $mapper */
     $mapper = Tx_Oelib_MapperRegistry::get('tx_oelib_Mapper_FrontEndUser');
     /** @var tx_oelib_Model_FrontEndUser $user */
     $user = $mapper->find($this->subject->createFrontEndUser($feUserGroupUid));
     self::assertSame(array($feUserGroupUid => 'foo'), $this->getFrontEndController()->fe_user->groupData['title']);
Esempio n. 16
  * Gets the currently logged-in back-end user.
  * @param string $mapperName
  *        the name of the mapper to use for getting the back-end user model, must not be empty
  * @return Tx_Oelib_Model_BackEndUser the logged-in back-end user, will be NULL if no user is logged in
 public function getLoggedInUser($mapperName = 'tx_oelib_Mapper_BackEndUser')
     if ($mapperName === '') {
         throw new InvalidArgumentException('$mapperName must not be empty.', 1331318483);
     if (!$this->isLoggedIn()) {
         return NULL;
     if ($this->loggedInUser) {
         return $this->loggedInUser;
     /** @var tx_oelib_Mapper_BackEndUser $mapper */
     $mapper = Tx_Oelib_MapperRegistry::get($mapperName);
     /** @var Tx_Oelib_Model_BackEndUser $user */
     $user = $mapper->find($this->getBackEndUserAuthentication()->user['uid']);
     return $user;
Esempio n. 17
  * @test
 public function userGroupRelationIsUserGroupList()
     /** @var Tx_Oelib_Model_BackEndUserGroup $group */
     $group = Tx_Oelib_MapperRegistry::get('tx_oelib_Mapper_BackEndUserGroup')->getNewGhost();
     $groupUid = $group->getUid();
     $userUid = $this->subject->getLoadedTestingModel(array('usergroup' => $groupUid))->getUid();
     /** @var Tx_Oelib_Model_BackEndUser $user */
     $user = $this->subject->find($userUid);
     self::assertInstanceOf('Tx_Oelib_Model_BackEndUserGroup', $user->getGroups()->first());
Esempio n. 18
  * Returns the country of this user as Tx_Oelib_Model_Country.
  * Note: This function uses the "country code" field, not the free-text country field.
  * @return Tx_Oelib_Model_Country the country of this user, will be NULL if no valid country has been set
 public function getCountry()
     $countryCode = $this->getAsString('static_info_country');
     if ($countryCode === '') {
         return NULL;
     try {
         /** @var tx_oelib_Mapper_Country $countryMapper */
         $countryMapper = Tx_Oelib_MapperRegistry::get('tx_oelib_Mapper_Country');
         /** @var Tx_Oelib_Model_Country $country */
         $country = $countryMapper->findByIsoAlpha3Code($countryCode);
     } catch (tx_oelib_Exception_NotFound $exception) {
         $country = NULL;
     return $country;
Esempio n. 19
  * @test
  * @expectedException BadMethodCallException
 public function setThrowsExceptionIfTheMapperTypeAlreadyIsRegistered()
     $mapper = new tx_oelib_Tests_Unit_Fixtures_TestingMapper();
     Tx_Oelib_MapperRegistry::set('Tx_Oelib_Tests_Unit_Fixtures_TestingMapper', $mapper);
Esempio n. 20
  * Returns the event for this registration form.
  * @return tx_seminars_Model_Event
 public function getEvent()
     /** @var $eventMapper tx_seminars_Mapper_Event */
     $eventMapper = Tx_Oelib_MapperRegistry::get('tx_seminars_Mapper_Event');
     /** @var tx_seminars_Model_Event $event */
     $event = $eventMapper->find($this->getSeminar()->getUid());
     return $event;
Esempio n. 21
  * @test
 public function getLoggedInUserWithLoadedModelOfUserNotInDatabaseReturnsThatInstance()
     $user = Tx_Oelib_MapperRegistry::get('tx_oelib_Mapper_FrontEndUser')->getNewGhost();
     self::assertSame($user, $this->subject->getLoggedInUser());
Esempio n. 22
  * @test
 public function setLoggedInUserForUserGivenAndAlreadyStoredLoggedInUserOverridesTheOldUserWithTheNewOne()
     /** @var tx_oelib_Model_BackEndUser $oldBackEndUser */
     $oldBackEndUser = Tx_Oelib_MapperRegistry::get('tx_oelib_Mapper_BackEndUser')->getNewGhost();
     /** @var tx_oelib_Model_BackEndUser $newBackEndUser */
     $newBackEndUser = Tx_Oelib_MapperRegistry::get('tx_oelib_Mapper_BackEndUser')->getNewGhost();
     self::assertSame($newBackEndUser, $this->subject->getLoggedInUser());
Esempio n. 23
  * Gets the currently logged-in front-end user.
  * @param string $mapperName the name of the mapper to use for getting the front-end user model, must not be empty
  * @return Tx_Oelib_Model_FrontEndUser the logged-in front-end user, will
  *                                     be NULL if no user is logged in or
  *                                     if there is no front end
 public function getLoggedInUser($mapperName = 'tx_oelib_Mapper_FrontEndUser')
     if ($mapperName === '') {
         throw new InvalidArgumentException('$mapperName must not be empty.', 1331488730);
     if (!$this->isLoggedIn()) {
         return NULL;
     if ($this->loggedInUser !== NULL) {
         $user = $this->loggedInUser;
     } else {
         /** @var Tx_Oelib_Mapper_FrontEndUser $mapper */
         $mapper = Tx_Oelib_MapperRegistry::get($mapperName);
         /** @var Tx_Oelib_Model_FrontEndUser $user */
         $user = $mapper->find($this->getFrontEndController()->fe_user->user['uid']);
     return $user;
Esempio n. 24
  * Creates a hidden copy of $event and saves it.
  * @param tx_seminars_Model_Event $event the event copy
  * @return void
 protected function copyEvent(tx_seminars_Model_Event $event)
     $copy = clone $event;
     $copy->setRegistrations(new Tx_Oelib_List());
     /** @var tx_seminars_Mapper_Event $mapper */
     $mapper = Tx_Oelib_MapperRegistry::get('tx_seminars_Mapper_Event');
Esempio n. 25
  * @test
 public function getIsoAlpha3CodeReturnsIsoAlpha3CodeOfUnitedKingdomOfGreatBritain()
     /** @var Tx_Oelib_Model_Country $subject */
     $subject = Tx_Oelib_MapperRegistry::get('tx_oelib_Mapper_Country')->find(74);
     self::assertSame('GBR', $subject->getIsoAlpha3Code());