  * @throws RuntimeException
  * @param string $className
  * @param string $propertyName
  * @return string
 public function getTargetEntity($className, $propertyName)
     $propertyMetaData = $this->reflectionService->getClassSchema($className)->getProperty($propertyName);
     if (!empty($propertyMetaData['elementType'])) {
         $type = $propertyMetaData['elementType'];
     } elseif (!empty($propertyMetaData['type'])) {
         $type = $propertyMetaData['type'];
     } else {
         throw new \RuntimeException("Cannot guess target entity from {$className}#{$propertyName} using Extbase metadata.");
     return $type;
Esempio n. 2
  * Creates the remote api based on the module/plugin configuration using the extbase
  * reflection features.
  * @param string $routeUrl
  * @param string $namespace
  * @return array
 protected function createApi($routeUrl, $namespace)
     $api = array();
     $api['url'] = $routeUrl;
     $api['type'] = 'remoting';
     $api['namespace'] = $namespace;
     $api['actions'] = array();
     if (empty($this->frameworkConfiguration['controllerConfiguration'])) {
         # @todo improve me! Hack for fetching API of newsletter the hard way!
         # It looks $this->frameworkConfiguration['controllerConfiguration'] is empty as of TYPO3 6.1. Bug or feature?
         $this->frameworkConfiguration['controllerConfiguration'] = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['EXTCONF']['extbase']['extensions']['Newsletter']['modules']['web_NewsletterTxNewsletterM1']['controllers'];
     foreach ($this->frameworkConfiguration['controllerConfiguration'] as $controllerName => $allowedControllerActions) {
         $unstrippedControllerName = $controllerName . 'Controller';
         $controllerObjectName = 'Tx_' . $this->frameworkConfiguration['extensionName'] . '_Controller_' . $unstrippedControllerName;
         $controllerActions = array();
         foreach ($allowedControllerActions['actions'] as $actionName) {
             $unstrippedActionName = $actionName . 'Action';
             try {
                 $actionParameters = $this->reflectionService->getMethodParameters($controllerObjectName, $unstrippedActionName);
                 $controllerActions[] = array('len' => count($actionParameters), 'name' => $unstrippedActionName);
             } catch (ReflectionException $re) {
                 if ($unstrippedActionName !== 'extObjAction') {
                     \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\GeneralUtility::sysLog('You have a not existing action (' . $controllerObjectName . '::' . $unstrippedActionName . ') in your module/plugin configuration. This action will not be available for Ext.Direct remote execution.', 'Newsletter', 1);
         $api['actions'][$unstrippedControllerName] = $controllerActions;
     return $api;
Esempio n. 3
  * Copy a singe object based on field annotations about how to copy the object
  * @param Tx_Extbase_DomainObject_DomainObjectInterface $object The object to be copied
  * @return Tx_Extbase_DomainObject_DomainObjectInterface $copy
  * @api
 public function copy($object)
     $className = get_class($object);
     $copy = $this->objectManager->get($className);
     $properties = $this->reflectionService->getClassPropertyNames($className);
     foreach ($properties as $propertyName) {
         $tags = $this->reflectionService->getPropertyTagsValues($className, $propertyName);
         $getter = 'get' . ucfirst($propertyName);
         $setter = 'set' . ucfirst($propertyName);
         $copyMethod = $tags['copy'][0];
         $copiedValue = NULL;
         if ($copyMethod !== NULL && $copyMethod !== 'ignore') {
             $originalValue = $object->{$getter}();
             if ($copyMethod == 'reference') {
                 $copiedValue = $this->copyAsReference($originalValue);
             } elseif ($copyMethod == 'clone') {
                 $copiedValue = $this->copyAsClone($originalValue);
             if ($copiedValue != NULL) {
     return $copy;
  * Initializes the Reflection Service
  * @return void
 protected function initializeReflection()
     self::$reflectionService = t3lib_div::makeInstance('Tx_Extbase_Reflection_Service');
     if (!self::$reflectionService->isInitialized()) {
  * Builds a data map by adding column maps for all the configured columns in the $TCA.
  * It also resolves the type of values the column is holding and the typo of relation the column
  * represents.
  * @param string $className The class name you want to fetch the Data Map for
  * @return Tx_Extbase_Persistence_Mapper_DataMap The data map
 public function buildDataMap($className)
     if (!class_exists($className)) {
         throw new Tx_Extbase_Persistence_Exception_InvalidClass('Could not find class definition for name "' . $className . '". This could be caused by a mis-spelling of the class name in the class definition.');
     $recordType = NULL;
     $subclasses = array();
     $tableName = strtolower($className);
     $columnMapping = array();
     $extbaseFrameworkConfiguration = Tx_Extbase_Dispatcher::getExtbaseFrameworkConfiguration();
     $classSettings = $extbaseFrameworkConfiguration['persistence']['classes'][$className];
     if ($classSettings !== NULL) {
         if (isset($classSettings['subclasses']) && is_array($classSettings['subclasses'])) {
             $subclasses = $classSettings['subclasses'];
         if (isset($classSettings['mapping']['recordType']) && strlen($classSettings['mapping']['recordType']) > 0) {
             $recordType = $classSettings['mapping']['recordType'];
         if (isset($classSettings['mapping']['tableName']) && strlen($classSettings['mapping']['tableName']) > 0) {
             $tableName = $classSettings['mapping']['tableName'];
         $classHierachy = array_merge(array($className), class_parents($className));
         foreach ($classHierachy as $currentClassName) {
             if (in_array($currentClassName, array('Tx_Extbase_DomainObject_AbstractEntity', 'Tx_Extbase_DomainObject_AbstractValueObject'))) {
             $currentTableName = strtolower($currentClassName);
             $currentClassSettings = $extbaseFrameworkConfiguration['persistence']['classes'][$currentClassName];
             if ($currentClassSettings !== NULL) {
                 if (isset($currentClassSettings['mapping']['columns']) && is_array($currentClassSettings['mapping']['columns'])) {
                     $columnMapping = t3lib_div::array_merge_recursive_overrule($columnMapping, $currentClassSettings['mapping']['columns'], 0, FALSE);
                     // FALSE means: do not include empty values form 2nd array
     $dataMap = t3lib_div::makeInstance('Tx_Extbase_Persistence_Mapper_DataMap', $className, $tableName, $recordType, $subclasses);
     $dataMap = $this->addMetaDataColumnNames($dataMap, $tableName);
     // $classPropertyNames = $this->reflectionService->getClassPropertyNames($className);
     $tcaColumnsDefinition = $this->getColumnsDefinition($tableName);
     $tcaColumnsDefinition = t3lib_div::array_merge_recursive_overrule($tcaColumnsDefinition, $columnMapping);
     // TODO Is this is too powerful?
     foreach ($tcaColumnsDefinition as $columnName => $columnDefinition) {
         if (isset($columnDefinition['mapOnProperty'])) {
             $propertyName = $columnDefinition['mapOnProperty'];
         } else {
             $propertyName = Tx_Extbase_Utility_Extension::convertUnderscoredToLowerCamelCase($columnName);
         // if (in_array($propertyName, $classPropertyNames)) { // TODO Enable check for property existance
         $columnMap = new Tx_Extbase_Persistence_Mapper_ColumnMap($columnName, $propertyName);
         $propertyMetaData = $this->reflectionService->getClassSchema($className)->getProperty($propertyName);
         $columnMap = $this->setRelations($columnMap, $columnDefinition['config'], $propertyMetaData);
         // }
     // debug($dataMap);
     return $dataMap;
Esempio n. 6
  * Returns an array of annotations for $propertyName on $object
  * @param mixed $object
  * @param string $propertyName
  * @return array
  * @api
 public function getAnnotationsByProperty($object, $propertyName)
     if (is_object($object)) {
         $className = get_class($object);
     } else {
         $className = $object;
     return $this->reflectionService->getPropertyTagsValues($className, $propertyName);
Esempio n. 7
  * Returns the type of a child object.
  * @param string $parentClassName The class name of the object this proxy is part of
  * @param string $propertyName The name of the proxied property in it's parent
  * @return string The class name of the child object
 public function getType($parentClassName, $propertyName)
     $propertyMetaData = $this->reflectionService->getClassSchema($parentClassName)->getProperty($propertyName);
     if (!empty($propertyMetaData['elementType'])) {
         $type = $propertyMetaData['elementType'];
     } elseif (!empty($propertyMetaData['type'])) {
         $type = $propertyMetaData['type'];
     } else {
         throw new Tx_Extbase_Persistence_Exception_UnexpectedTypeException('Could not determine the child object type.', 1251315967);
     return $type;
  * Ext Direct does not provide named arguments by now, so we have
  * to map them by reflecting on the action parameters.
  * @return array The mapped arguments
  * @author Robert Lemke <*****@*****.**>
  * @author Christopher Hlubek <*****@*****.**>
 public function getArguments()
     if ($this->data === array()) {
         return array();
     $arguments = array();
     if (!$this->request->isFormPost()) {
         $parameters = $this->reflectionService->getMethodParameters($this->getControllerObjectName(), $this->getControllerActionName() . 'Action');
         // TODO Add checks for parameters
         foreach ($parameters as $name => $options) {
             $parameterIndex = $options['position'];
             if (isset($this->data[$parameterIndex])) {
                 $arguments[$name] = $this->convertObjectToArray($this->data[$parameterIndex]);
     } else {
         // TODO Reuse setArgumentsFromRawRequestData from Web/RequestBuilder
     return $arguments;
Esempio n. 9
  * Remove related objects
  * @param Tx_Extbase_DomainObject_DomainObjectInterface $object The object to scanned for related objects
  * @return void
 protected function removeRelatedObjects(Tx_Extbase_DomainObject_DomainObjectInterface $object)
     $className = get_class($object);
     $dataMap = $this->dataMapper->getDataMap($className);
     $classSchema = $this->reflectionService->getClassSchema($className);
     $properties = $object->_getProperties();
     foreach ($properties as $propertyName => $propertyValue) {
         $columnMap = $dataMap->getColumnMap($propertyName);
         $propertyMetaData = $classSchema->getProperty($propertyName);
         if ($propertyMetaData['cascade'] === 'remove') {
             if ($columnMap->getTypeOfRelation() === Tx_Extbase_Persistence_Mapper_ColumnMap::RELATION_HAS_MANY) {
                 foreach ($propertyValue as $containedObject) {
             } elseif ($propertyValue instanceof Tx_Extbase_DomainObject_DomainObjectInterface) {
  * Register method arguments for "render" by analysing the doc comment above.
  * @return void
  * @author Sebastian Kurfürst <*****@*****.**>
  * @author Bastian Waidelich <*****@*****.**>
 private function registerRenderMethodArguments()
     $methodParameters = $this->reflectionService->getMethodParameters(get_class($this), 'render');
     if (count($methodParameters) === 0) {
     if (Tx_Fluid_Fluid::$debugMode) {
         $methodTags = $this->reflectionService->getMethodTagsValues(get_class($this), 'render');
         $paramAnnotations = array();
         if (isset($methodTags['param'])) {
             $paramAnnotations = $methodTags['param'];
     $i = 0;
     foreach ($methodParameters as $parameterName => $parameterInfo) {
         $dataType = NULL;
         if (isset($parameterInfo['type'])) {
             $dataType = $parameterInfo['type'];
         } elseif ($parameterInfo['array']) {
             $dataType = 'array';
         if ($dataType === NULL) {
             throw new Tx_Fluid_Core_Parser_Exception('could not determine type of argument "' . $parameterName . '" of the render-method in ViewHelper "' . get_class($this) . '". Either the methods docComment is invalid or some PHP optimizer strips off comments.', 1242292003);
         $description = '';
         if (Tx_Fluid_Fluid::$debugMode && isset($paramAnnotations[$i])) {
             $explodedAnnotation = explode(' ', $paramAnnotations[$i]);
             $description = implode(' ', $explodedAnnotation);
         $defaultValue = NULL;
         if (isset($parameterInfo['defaultValue'])) {
             $defaultValue = $parameterInfo['defaultValue'];
         $this->argumentDefinitions[$parameterName] = new Tx_Fluid_Core_ViewHelper_ArgumentDefinition($parameterName, $dataType, $description, $parameterInfo['optional'] === FALSE, $defaultValue, TRUE);
  * Checks the request hash (HMAC), if arguments have been touched by the property mapper.
  * In case the @dontverifyrequesthash-Annotation has been set, this suppresses the exception.
  * @return void
  * @throws Tx_Extbase_MVC_Exception_InvalidOrNoRequestHash In case request hash checking failed
  * @author Sebastian Kurfürst <*****@*****.**>
 protected function checkRequestHash()
     if (!$this->request instanceof Tx_Extbase_MVC_Web_Request) {
     // We only want to check it for now for web requests.
     if ($this->request->isHmacVerified()) {
     // all good
     $verificationNeeded = FALSE;
     foreach ($this->arguments as $argument) {
         if ($argument->getOrigin() == Tx_Extbase_MVC_Controller_Argument::ORIGIN_NEWLY_CREATED || $argument->getOrigin() == Tx_Extbase_MVC_Controller_Argument::ORIGIN_PERSISTENCE_AND_MODIFIED) {
             $verificationNeeded = TRUE;
     if ($verificationNeeded) {
         $methodTagsValues = $this->reflectionService->getMethodTagsValues(get_class($this), $this->actionMethodName);
         if (!isset($methodTagsValues['dontverifyrequesthash'])) {
             throw new Tx_Extbase_MVC_Exception_InvalidOrNoRequestHash('Request hash (HMAC) checking failed. The parameter __hmac was invalid or not set, and objects were modified.', 1255082824);
  * Builds a base validator conjunction for the given data type.
  * The base validation rules are those which were declared directly in a class (typically
  * a model) through some @validate annotations on properties.
  * Additionally, if a custom validator was defined for the class in question, it will be added
  * to the end of the conjunction. A custom validator is found if it follows the naming convention
  * "Replace '\Model\' by '\Validator\' and append "Validator".
  * Example: $dataType is F3\Foo\Domain\Model\Quux, then the Validator will be found if it has the
  * name F3\Foo\Domain\Validator\QuuxValidator
  * @param string $dataType The data type to build the validation conjunction for. Needs to be the fully qualified object name.
  * @return Tx_Extbase_Validation_Validator_ConjunctionValidator The validator conjunction or NULL
 protected function buildBaseValidatorConjunction($dataType)
     $validatorConjunction = $this->objectManager->get('Tx_Extbase_Validation_Validator_ConjunctionValidator');
     // Model based validator
     if (strstr($dataType, '_') !== FALSE && class_exists($dataType)) {
         $validatorCount = 0;
         $objectValidator = $this->createValidator('GenericObject');
         foreach ($this->reflectionService->getClassPropertyNames($dataType) as $classPropertyName) {
             $classPropertyTagsValues = $this->reflectionService->getPropertyTagsValues($dataType, $classPropertyName);
             if (!isset($classPropertyTagsValues['validate'])) {
             foreach ($classPropertyTagsValues['validate'] as $validateValue) {
                 $parsedAnnotation = $this->parseValidatorAnnotation($validateValue);
                 foreach ($parsedAnnotation['validators'] as $validatorConfiguration) {
                     $newValidator = $this->createValidator($validatorConfiguration['validatorName'], $validatorConfiguration['validatorOptions']);
                     if ($newValidator === NULL) {
                         throw new Tx_Extbase_Validation_Exception_NoSuchValidator('Invalid validate annotation in ' . $dataType . '::' . $classPropertyName . ': Could not resolve class name for  validator "' . $validatorConfiguration['validatorName'] . '".', 1241098027);
                     $objectValidator->addPropertyValidator($classPropertyName, $newValidator);
         if ($validatorCount > 0) {
     // Custom validator for the class
     $possibleValidatorClassName = str_replace('_Model_', '_Validator_', $dataType) . 'Validator';
     $customValidator = $this->createValidator($possibleValidatorClassName);
     if ($customValidator !== NULL) {
     return $validatorConjunction;
  * @test
  * @author Sebastian Kurfürst <*****@*****.**>
 public function prepareArgumentsRegistersAnnotationBasedArgumentsWithoutDescriptionIfDebugModeIsDisabled()
     $this->markTestIncomplete("Works differently in v4.");
     Tx_Fluid_Fluid::$debugMode = FALSE;
     $availableClassNames = array('Tx_Fluid_Core_Fixtures_TestViewHelper');
     $reflectionService = new Tx_Extbase_Reflection_Service();
     $reflectionService->setStatusCache($this->getMock('Tx_Fluid_Cache_Frontend_StringFrontend', array(), array(), '', FALSE));
     $reflectionService->setDataCache($this->getMock('Tx_Fluid_Cache_Frontend_VariableFrontend', array(), array(), '', FALSE));
     // $reflectionService->initialize($availableClassNames);
     $viewHelper = new Tx_Fluid_Core_Fixtures_TestViewHelper();
     $expected = array('param1' => new Tx_Fluid_Core_ViewHelper_ArgumentDefinition('param1', 'integer', '', TRUE, null, TRUE), 'param2' => new Tx_Fluid_Core_ViewHelper_ArgumentDefinition('param2', 'array', '', TRUE, null, TRUE), 'param3' => new Tx_Fluid_Core_ViewHelper_ArgumentDefinition('param3', 'string', '', FALSE, 'default', TRUE));
     $this->assertEquals($expected, $viewHelper->prepareArguments(), 'Annotation based arguments were not registered.');
Esempio n. 14
  * Maps the given properties to the target object WITHOUT VALIDATING THE RESULT.
  * If the properties could be set, this method returns TRUE, otherwise FALSE.
  * Returning TRUE does not mean that the target object is valid and secure!
  * Only use this method if you're sure that you don't need validation!
  * @param array $propertyNames Names of the properties to map.
  * @param mixed $source Source containing the properties to map to the target object. Must either be an array, ArrayObject or any other object.
  * @param object $target The target object
  * @param array $optionalPropertyNames Names of optional properties. If a property is specified here and it doesn't exist in the source, no error is issued.
  * @return boolean TRUE if the properties could be mapped, otherwise FALSE
  * @see mapAndValidate()
  * @api
 public function map(array $propertyNames, $source, $target, $optionalPropertyNames = array())
     if (!is_object($source) && !is_array($source)) {
         throw new Tx_Extbase_Property_Exception_InvalidSource('The source object must be a valid object or array, ' . gettype($target) . ' given.', 1187807099);
     if (is_string($target) && strpos($target, '_') !== FALSE) {
         return $this->transformToObject($source, $target, '--none--');
     if (!is_object($target) && !is_array($target)) {
         throw new Tx_Extbase_Property_Exception_InvalidTarget('The target object must be a valid object or array, ' . gettype($target) . ' given.', 1187807099);
     $this->mappingResults = new Tx_Extbase_Property_MappingResults();
     if (is_object($target)) {
         $targetClassSchema = $this->reflectionService->getClassSchema(get_class($target));
     } else {
         $targetClassSchema = NULL;
     foreach ($propertyNames as $propertyName) {
         $propertyValue = NULL;
         if (is_array($source) || $source instanceof ArrayAccess) {
             if (isset($source[$propertyName])) {
                 $propertyValue = $source[$propertyName];
         } else {
             $propertyValue = Tx_Extbase_Reflection_ObjectAccess::getProperty($source, $propertyName);
         if ($propertyValue === NULL && !in_array($propertyName, $optionalPropertyNames)) {
             $this->mappingResults->addError(new Tx_Extbase_Error_Error("Required property '{$propertyName}' does not exist.", 1236785359), $propertyName);
         } else {
             if ($targetClassSchema !== NULL && $targetClassSchema->hasProperty($propertyName)) {
                 $propertyMetaData = $targetClassSchema->getProperty($propertyName);
                 if (in_array($propertyMetaData['type'], array('array', 'ArrayObject', 'Tx_Extbase_Persistence_ObjectStorage')) && (strpos($propertyMetaData['elementType'], '_') !== FALSE || $propertyValue === '')) {
                     $objects = array();
                     if (is_array($propertyValue)) {
                         foreach ($propertyValue as $value) {
                             $objects[] = $this->transformToObject($value, $propertyMetaData['elementType'], $propertyName);
                     // make sure we hand out what is expected
                     if ($propertyMetaData['type'] === 'ArrayObject') {
                         $propertyValue = new ArrayObject($objects);
                     } elseif ($propertyMetaData['type'] === 'Tx_Extbase_Persistence_ObjectStorage') {
                         $propertyValue = new Tx_Extbase_Persistence_ObjectStorage();
                         foreach ($objects as $object) {
                     } else {
                         $propertyValue = $objects;
                 } elseif ($propertyMetaData['type'] === 'DateTime' || strpos($propertyMetaData['type'], '_') !== FALSE) {
                     $propertyValue = $this->transformToObject($propertyValue, $propertyMetaData['type'], $propertyName);
                     if ($propertyValue === NULL) {
             } elseif ($targetClassSchema !== NULL) {
                 $this->mappingResults->addError(new Tx_Extbase_Error_Error("Property '{$propertyName}' does not exist in target class schema.", 1251813614), $propertyName);
             if (is_array($target)) {
                 $target[$propertyName] = $propertyValue;
             } elseif (Tx_Extbase_Reflection_ObjectAccess::setProperty($target, $propertyName, $propertyValue) === FALSE) {
                 $this->mappingResults->addError(new Tx_Extbase_Error_Error("Property '{$propertyName}' could not be set.", 1236783102), $propertyName);
     return !$this->mappingResults->hasErrors();
Esempio n. 15
  * Returns the string object class name of $property on $instanceOrClassName - or NULL if target $property is not of type object.
  * @param mixed $instanceOrClassName
  * @param string $propertyName
  * @return string|NULL
 protected function assertTargetInstanceClassName($instanceOrClassName, $propertyName)
     $className = TRUE === is_object($instanceOrClassName) ? get_class($instanceOrClassName) : $instanceOrClassName;
     $type = $this->reflectionService->getPropertyTagValues($className, $propertyName, 'var');
     $bracketPosition = strpos($type, '<');
     if (FALSE !== $bracketPosition) {
         $type = substr($type, $bracketPosition + 1);
         $type = substr($type, 0, -1);
     $squareBracketPosition = strpos($type, '[');
     if (FALSE !== $squareBracketPosition) {
         $type = substr($type, 0, $squareBracketPosition);
     return class_exists($type) ? $type : NULL;
Esempio n. 16
  * @test
 public function getMethodParameters()
     $service = new Tx_Extbase_Reflection_Service();
     $parameters = $service->getMethodParameters('Tx_Extbase_Tests_Unit_Reflection_ServiceTest', 'fixtureMethodForMethodTagsValues');
     $this->assertEquals(array('foo' => array('position' => 0, 'byReference' => FALSE, 'array' => TRUE, 'optional' => FALSE, 'allowsNull' => FALSE, 'class' => NULL, 'type' => 'array')), $parameters);
Esempio n. 17
  * Sets the data type of this argument's value
  * @param string $dataType The data type. Can be either a built-in type such as "Text" or "Integer" or a fully qualified object name
  * @return Tx_Extbase_MVC_Controller_Argument $this
  * @api
 public function setDataType($dataType)
     $this->dataType = $dataType;
     $this->dataTypeClassSchema = $this->reflectionService->getClassSchema($dataType);
     return $this;
Esempio n. 18
  * Resets global singletons for the next plugin
  * @return void
 protected function resetSingletons()