function process_json_file_timeline($filepath, $dbh) { global $tweets_processed, $tweets_failed, $tweets_success, $valid_timeline, $empty_timeline, $invalid_timeline, $populated_timeline, $total_timeline, $all_tweet_ids, $all_users, $bin_name; $tweetQueue = new TweetQueue(); $total_timeline++; ini_set('auto_detect_line_endings', true); $handle = @fopen($filepath, "r"); if ($handle) { while (($buffer = fgets($handle, 40960)) !== false) { $tweet = json_decode($buffer, true); //var_export($tweet); print "\n\n"; $buffer = ""; $t = new Tweet(); $t->fromJSON($tweet); if (!$t->isInBin($bin_name)) { $tweetQueue->push($t, $bin_name); if ($tweetQueue->length() > 100) { $tweetQueue->insertDB(); } $all_users[] = $t->from_user_id; $all_tweet_ids[] = $t->id; $tweets_processed++; } print "."; } if (!feof($handle)) { echo "Error: unexpected fgets() fail\n"; } fclose($handle); } if ($tweetQueue->length() > 0) { $tweetQueue->insertDB(); } }
/** * Returns an array of Tweet objects that are populated from a Twitter JSON file. * * @param string $filename * @return array|false */ public function getTweetsInJsonFile($filename) { $tweets = []; if (!file_exists($filename) || file_exists($filename) && !is_readable($filename)) { return false; } $jsonString = file_get_contents($filename); if ($jsonString === false) { return false; } // the twitter format includes extra JS code, but we just want the JSON array $pattern = '/\\[.*\\]/s'; $matchError = preg_match($pattern, $jsonString, $matches); // $matchError can be zero or false if not found or there was a failure if (!$matchError) { return false; } $jsonArrayString = $matches[0]; $jsonTweets = json_decode($jsonArrayString); foreach ($jsonTweets as $tweet) { $t = new Tweet(); $t->loadFromJsonObject($tweet); $tweets[] = $t; } return $tweets; }
private function process_data($data) { foreach ($data->results as $tweet) { $tweet = new Tweet($tweet->id_str); $tweet->save(); $this->tids[] = $tweet->tid; } }
public function parseTimeline($timeline) { foreach ($timeline as $tweet) { $item = new Tweet(); $item->setId($tweet->id)->setTitle($tweet->text)->setDescription($tweet->text)->setPubDate($tweet->created_at)->setPlace($tweet->place)->setUsername($tweet->user->screen_name)->setUserId($tweet->user->id); $this->addTweet($item); } }
function search($idlist) { global $twitter_keys, $current_key, $all_users, $all_tweet_ids, $bin_name, $dbh, $tweetQueue; $keyinfo = getRESTKey(0); $current_key = $keyinfo['key']; $ratefree = $keyinfo['remaining']; print "current key {$current_key} ratefree {$ratefree}\n"; $tmhOAuth = new tmhOAuth(array('consumer_key' => $twitter_keys[$current_key]['twitter_consumer_key'], 'consumer_secret' => $twitter_keys[$current_key]['twitter_consumer_secret'], 'token' => $twitter_keys[$current_key]['twitter_user_token'], 'secret' => $twitter_keys[$current_key]['twitter_user_secret'])); // by hundred for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($idlist); $i += 100) { if ($ratefree <= 0 || $ratefree % 10 == 0) { $keyinfo = getRESTKey($current_key); $current_key = $keyinfo['key']; $ratefree = $keyinfo['remaining']; $tmhOAuth = new tmhOAuth(array('consumer_key' => $twitter_keys[$current_key]['twitter_consumer_key'], 'consumer_secret' => $twitter_keys[$current_key]['twitter_consumer_secret'], 'token' => $twitter_keys[$current_key]['twitter_user_token'], 'secret' => $twitter_keys[$current_key]['twitter_user_secret'])); } $q = $idlist[$i]; $n = $i + 1; while ($n < $i + 100) { if (!isset($idlist[$n])) { break; } $q .= "," . $idlist[$n]; $n++; } $params = array('id' => $q); $code = $tmhOAuth->user_request(array('method' => 'GET', 'url' => $tmhOAuth->url('1.1/statuses/lookup'), 'params' => $params)); $ratefree--; if ($tmhOAuth->response['code'] == 200) { $data = json_decode($tmhOAuth->response['response'], true); if (is_array($data) && empty($data)) { // all tweets in set are deleted continue; } $tweets = $data; $tweet_ids = array(); foreach ($tweets as $tweet) { $t = new Tweet(); $t->fromJSON($tweet); if (!$t->isInBin($bin_name)) { $all_users[] = $t->from_user_id; $all_tweet_ids[] = $t->id; $tweet_ids[] = $t->id; $tweetQueue->push($t, $bin_name); } print "."; } sleep(1); } else { echo "Failure with code " . $tmhOAuth->response['response']['code'] . "\n"; var_dump($tmhOAuth->response['response']['info']); var_dump($tmhOAuth->response['response']['error']); var_dump($tmhOAuth->response['response']['errno']); die; } $tweetQueue->insertDB(); } }
/** * Get relevant properly sized data for using the Twitter API. * * @param Tweet $tweet * * @return array */ protected function getPostData(Tweet $tweet) { $message = $tweet->getMessage(); $message->rewind(); $status = $message->getContents(); if (0 === $tweet->getMediaId()) { return ['status' => substr($status, 0, 140)]; } return ['status' => substr($status, 0, 110), 'media_ids' => $tweet->getMediaId()]; }
function search($keywords, $max_id = null) { global $twitter_keys, $current_key, $ratefree, $bin_name, $dbh, $tweetQueue; $ratefree--; if ($ratefree < 1 || $ratefree % 10 == 0) { $keyinfo = getRESTKey($current_key, 'search', 'tweets'); $current_key = $keyinfo['key']; $ratefree = $keyinfo['remaining']; } $tmhOAuth = new tmhOAuth(array('consumer_key' => $twitter_keys[$current_key]['twitter_consumer_key'], 'consumer_secret' => $twitter_keys[$current_key]['twitter_consumer_secret'], 'token' => $twitter_keys[$current_key]['twitter_user_token'], 'secret' => $twitter_keys[$current_key]['twitter_user_secret'])); $params = array('q' => $keywords, 'count' => 100); if (isset($max_id)) { $params['max_id'] = $max_id; } $code = $tmhOAuth->user_request(array('method' => 'GET', 'url' => $tmhOAuth->url('1.1/search/tweets'), 'params' => $params)); if ($tmhOAuth->response['code'] == 200) { $data = json_decode($tmhOAuth->response['response'], true); $tweets = $data['statuses']; $tweet_ids = array(); foreach ($tweets as $tweet) { $t = new Tweet(); $t->fromJSON($tweet); $tweet_ids[] = $t->id; if (!$t->isInBin($bin_name)) { $tweetQueue->push($t, $bin_name); if ($tweetQueue->length() > 100) { $tweetQueue->insertDB(); } print "."; } } if (!empty($tweet_ids)) { print "\n"; if (count($tweet_ids) <= 1) { print "no more tweets found\n\n"; return false; } $max_id = min($tweet_ids); print "max id: " . $max_id . "\n"; } else { print "0 tweets found\n\n"; return false; } sleep(1); search($keywords, $max_id); } else { echo $tmhOAuth->response['response'] . "\n"; if ($tmhOAuth->response['response']['errors']['code'] == 130) { // over capacity sleep(1); search($keywords, $max_id); } } }
public function load($id) { $result=HypertableConnection::query("SELECT * FROM tweet ". "WHERE ROW='$id'"); if (!$result or !count($result->cells)) return null; $tweet=new Tweet(); $tweet->setId($id); $tweet->setTimestamp($result->cells[0]->key->timestamp); $tweet->setMessage($result->cells[0]->value); return $tweet; }
/** * Turn the array of results to an object array of Tweets. * * @param array $data Array of tweet results * * @return array An array of Tweets */ protected function classify($data) { if (!isset($data) || empty($data)) { return; } $tweets = []; foreach ($data as $tweet) { $tweet_obj = new Tweet(); $tweets[] = $tweet_obj->set_data($tweet); } return $tweets; }
public function store(Request $request) { $type = $request->get('type'); $tweet = Tweet::find($id); if (!$tweet) { $tweet = new Tweet(); $tweet[$type] = 1; } $tweet->id = $request->get('id'); $tweet->text = $request->get('text'); $tweet->increment($type); $tweet->save(); return $request->all(); }
public function showTweet($tweet_id) { if (Request::ajax()) { $tweet = Tweet::where('tweet_id', '=', $tweet_id)->destroy(); return Response::json(true); } }
public static function data() { // Haetaan kaikki twiitit tietokannasta $tweets = Tweet::all(); // Renderöidään views kansiossa sijaitseva tiedosto tietokannat.html muuttujan $tweets datalla View::make('data.html', array('tweets' => $tweets)); }
public function get_posts() { $url = add_query_arg(array('screen_name' => self::$username, 'exclude_replies' => 'true'), self::$endpoint); $response = wp_remote_get($url, array('headers' => array('Authorization' => 'Bearer ' . self::$bearer_token))); $r = json_decode(wp_remote_retrieve_body($response)); if ($r) { foreach ($r as $raw_tweet) { $tweet = new Tweet($raw_tweet); $social_post = $tweet->generate_socialpost(); if (!$social_post->exists()) { $social_post->save(); } else { } } } }
function process_json_file_timeline($filepath, $dbh) { global $tweets_processed, $tweets_failed, $tweets_success, $valid_timeline, $empty_timeline, $invalid_timeline, $populated_timeline, $total_timeline, $all_tweet_ids, $all_users, $bin_name; $tweetQueue = new TweetQueue(); $total_timeline++; $filestr = file_get_contents($filepath); // sylvester stores multiple json exports in the same file, // in order to decode it we will need to split it into its respective individual exports $jsons = explode("}][{", $filestr); print count($jsons) . " jsons found\n"; foreach ($jsons as $json) { if (substr($json, 0, 2) != "[{") { $json = "[{" . $json; } if (substr($json, -2) != "}]") { $json = $json . "}]"; } $timeline = json_decode($json); if (is_array($timeline)) { $valid_timeline++; if (!empty($timeline)) { $populated_timeline++; } else { $empty_timeline++; } } else { $invalid_timeline++; } foreach ($timeline as $tweet) { $t = new Tweet(); $t->fromJSON($tweet); if (!$t->isInBin($bin_name)) { $tweetQueue->push($t, $bin_name); if ($tweetQueue->length() > 100) { $tweetQueue->insertDB(); } $all_users[] = $t->user->id; $all_tweet_ids[] = $t->id; $tweets_processed++; } } } if ($tweetQueue->length() > 0) { $tweetQueue->insertDB(); } }
public static function addFavoris($req_twitter, $name_id) { foreach ($req_twitter as $key => $value) { Tweet::create(array('name_id' => $name_id->id, 'id_str' => $value->id, 'screen_name' => $value->user->screen_name, 'name' => $value->user->name, 'profile_image_url' => $value->user->profile_image_url, 'text' => $value->text, 'date_tweet' => $value->created_at)); $max_id = $value->id; } return $max_id; }
public function loadTweets() { $conn = $this->connection; $sqlQuery = "SELECT user_id,, text FROM tweets INNER JOIN users ON tweets.user_id = ORDER BY tweets.created_at DESC"; $result = $conn->query($sqlQuery); if ($result->num_rows > 0) { while (list($userId, $tweetId, $text) = $result->fetch_array(MYSQLI_NUM)) { $tweet = new Tweet($conn); $tweet->setUserId($userId); $tweet->setText($text); $tweet->setId($tweetId); $this->arrayWithTweets[] = $tweet; } return true; } else { return false; } }
public function reply($id) { try { $tweet = new Tweet($id); $comment = new TweetComment(); $comment->setTweetId($tweet->getId()); $comment->setProfileId(UserHelper::getProfileId()); $comment->setContent(trim(fRequest::get('tweet-comment'))); if (strlen($comment->getContent()) < 1) { throw new fValidationException('回复长度不能少于1个字符'); } if (strlen($comment->getContent()) > 140) { throw new fValidationException('回复长度不能超过140个字符'); } $comment->store(); } catch (fException $e) { // TODO } fURL::redirect(SITE_BASE . '/profile/' . $tweet->getProfileId() . '#tweet/' . $tweet->getId()); }
public static function createFromJSON($json) { $tweets = json_decode($json, true); if (!is_array($tweets) || !isset($tweets['results'])) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('Unable to decode JSON response'); } $tweetCollection = array(); foreach ($tweets['results'] as $tweetArray) { $tweetCollection[] = Tweet::createFromArray($tweetArray); } return new self($tweetCollection); }
function do_update_if_needed($twitster) { if (time_for_refresh()) { if (file_exists(UPDATE_PID_FILE)) { twitlog("Time for an update, but one is already in progress. Skipping."); } else { twitlog("It is time to refresh the cache, beginning now."); $tweets = Tweet::find(); $since = is_array($tweets) && $tweets[0] ? $tweets[0]->id : false; $twitster->refresh($since); } } }
public function show($id = null) { $account = $this->load_account($id); $this->assign('account', $account); $page = 1; if ($this->GetData('page')) { $page = $this->GetData('page'); } $id = mysql_real_escape_string($account->id); $tweets = Tweet::paginate(" = '{$id}'", "tweets.publish_at DESC, DESC", $page, 20); $this->assign('tweets', $tweets); $this->title = "Twitter Account :: {$account->name}"; $this->render('twitter_account/show.tpl'); }
function soap_returned_msg($test_xml_string) { $test_xml_string = cleanString($test_xml_string); if (!simplexml_load_string($test_xml_string)) { echo json_encode(array("error")); } else { file_put_contents("LOG/usage_" . $_SESSION['user_email'] . ".txt", date("F j, Y, g:i a") . " " . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] . "\r\n", FILE_APPEND | LOCK_EX); $xml = simplexml_load_string($test_xml_string); $arrayTweets = array(); foreach ($xml->children() as $tnum) { if ($tnum['tweetID'] != "") { $tweet = new Tweet(); $tweet->initializeMembers($tnum); array_push($arrayTweets, $tweet); } } echo json_encode($arrayTweets); //free variable to avoid memory leak foreach ($arrayTweets as $t) { unset($t); } unset($arrayTweets); } }
public function save() { \ORM::get_db()->beginTransaction(); if ($this->is_new()) { Tweet::reset_in_reply_to_status_id(); } TweetDate::register($this->date()); parent::save(); if (is_array($this->_medias)) { foreach ($this->_medias as $media) { $media->tweet_id = $this->id; $media->save(); } } \ORM::get_db()->commit(); }
/** * test grabbing a Favorite by profile id **/ public function testGetValidFavoriteByProfileId() { // count the number of rows and save it for later $numRows = $this->getConnection()->getRowCount("favorite"); // create a new Favorite and insert to into mySQL $favorite = new Favorite($this->tweet->getTweetId(), $this->profile->getProfileId(), $this->VALID_FAVORITEDATE); $favorite->insert($this->getPDO()); // grab the data from mySQL and enforce the fields match our expectations $results = Favorite::getFavoriteByProfileId($this->getPDO(), $this->profile->getProfileId()); $this->assertEquals($numRows + 1, $this->getConnection()->getRowCount("favorite")); $this->assertCount(1, $results); $this->assertContainsOnlyInstancesOf("Favorite", $results); // grab the result from the array and validate it $pdoFavorite = $results[0]; $this->assertEquals($pdoFavorite->getTweetId(), $this->tweet->getTweetId()); $this->assertEquals($pdoFavorite->getProfileId(), $this->profile->getProfileId()); $this->assertEquals($pdoFavorite->getFavoriteDate(), $this->VALID_FAVORITEDATE); }
public function run($request) { // output echo "<br />\n<br />\nPurging...<br />\n<br />\n"; flush(); ob_flush(); foreach (Tweet::get() as $page) { echo "Deleting " . $page->Title . "\n"; $page->delete(); } foreach (Versioned::get_by_stage('Tweet', 'Stage') as $page) { echo "Deleting From Stage: " . $page->Title . "\n"; $page->deleteFromStage('Stage'); } foreach (Versioned::get_by_stage('Tweet', 'Live') as $page) { echo "Deleting From Live: " . $page->Title . "\n"; $page->deleteFromStage('Live'); } }
public function run($request) { // eol $eol = php_sapi_name() == 'cli' ? "\n" : "<br>\n"; // output echo $eol . $eol . 'Purging...' . $eol . $eol; flush(); @ob_flush(); foreach (Tweet::get() as $page) { echo "Deleting " . $page->Title . $eol; $page->delete(); } foreach (Versioned::get_by_stage('Tweet', 'Stage') as $page) { echo "Deleting From Stage: " . $page->Title . $eol; $page->deleteFromStage('Stage'); } foreach (Versioned::get_by_stage('Tweet', 'Live') as $page) { echo "Deleting From Live: " . $page->Title . $eol; $page->deleteFromStage('Live'); } }
public function healthcheck() { // Check we have data from Mandrill $data = json_decode($this->PostData('mandrill_events')); if (!$data) { echo 'OK - No Data'; die; } // We need to check if we've sent an alert in the past // 8 hours, if not, send another one. $content = "Exchange Alert: Delivery Delay"; $cutoff = time() - 3600 * 8; $lastTweet = Tweet::find("tweets.message = '{$content}'", "publish_at DESC"); if ($lastTweet && $lastTweet->publish_at > $cutoff) { echo 'OK - Alert Already Sent'; die; } $account = TwitterAccount::find_by_code('site'); $account->add_tweet($content); echo 'OK - Alert Sent'; die; }
function process_json_file_timeline($filepath, $dbh) { print $filepath . "\n"; global $tweets_processed, $tweets_failed, $tweets_success, $all_tweet_ids, $all_users, $bin_name; $tweetQueue = new TweetQueue(); ini_set('auto_detect_line_endings', true); $handle = @fopen($filepath, "r"); if ($handle) { while (($buffer = fgets($handle, 40960)) !== false) { $buffer = trim($buffer); if (empty($buffer)) { continue; } $tweet = json_decode($buffer); $buffer = ""; $t = Tweet::fromGnip($tweet); if ($t === false) { continue; } if (!$t->isInBin($bin_name)) { $all_users[] = $t->from_user_id; $all_tweet_ids[] = $t->id; $tweetQueue->push($t, $bin_name); if ($tweetQueue->length() > 100) { $tweetQueue->insertDB(); } $tweets_processed++; } print "."; } if (!feof($handle)) { echo "Error: unexpected fgets() fail\n"; } fclose($handle); } if ($tweetQueue->length() > 0) { $tweetQueue->insertDB(); } }
public function update() { $pseudos = Name::all(); $name = Input::get('pseudo'); $db_name = Name::where('screen_name', '=', $name)->first(); if (isset($db_name->screen_name) && strtolower($name) == strtolower($db_name->screen_name)) { // Le pseudo existe déjà dans la BDD, on affiche directement $twitter = Tweet::where('name_id', '=', $db_name->id)->paginate(20); return View::make('twitter', compact('twitter', 'pseudos'))->with(['name' => $name]); } else { $author = Twitter::getUserTimeline(array('screen_name' => $name, 'count' => 1)); if (isset($author->errors)) { $erreur = 'Il n\'existe pas d\'utilisateur au nom de ' . $name; return View::make('twitter')->with(['name' => $name, 'erreur' => $erreur]); } else { // Le pseudo n'existe pas dans la base de donnée, on créé une entrée et on récupère ses tweets favoris TwitterFav::createUser($author); $name_id = Name::where('screen_name', '=', $author[0]->user->screen_name)->first(); $req_twitter = Twitter::getFavorites(array('screen_name' => $name, 'count' => 200, 'format' => 'object')); if (isset($req_twitter->errors)) { echo 'Trop de requetes, veuillez patienter.'; exit; } while ($req_twitter != 0) { // On ajoute les tweets favoris en BDD $max_id = TwitterFav::addFavoris($req_twitter, $name_id); $req_twitter = Twitter::getFavorites(array('max_id' => $max_id, 'screen_name' => $name, 'count' => 200, 'format' => 'object')); if (isset($req_twitter->errors)) { echo 'Trop de requetes, veuillez patienter.'; exit; } sleep(10); } $twitter = Tweet::where('name_id', '=', $name_id->id)->paginate(25); $pseudos = Name::all(); return View::make('twitter', compact('twitter', 'pseudos'))->with(['name' => $name]); } } }
protected function tweet_register($all_regist = false) { if (!$this->is_twitter_connect()) { return false; } try { $params = array(); if ($all_regist) { $tweets = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < 15; $i++) { // 3000件までしか担保されてないため、200 * 15 = 3000 で無限ループ防止 $tweets_buf = $this->get_tweets($params); if (empty($tweets_buf)) { break; } $params['max_id'] = end($tweets_buf)->id; reset($tweets_buf); $tweets = array_merge($tweets, Tweet::build_tweets($tweets_buf)); } } else { $since_id = Tweet::registered_max_tweet_id(); if (isset($since_id) && $since_id > 0) { $params['since_id'] = $since_id; } $tweets = Tweet::build_tweets($this->get_tweets($params)); } return array_map(function ($tweet) { if ($tweet->is_reply()) { return null; } // リプライツイートは無視する return $tweet->save(); }, $tweets); } catch (Exception $e) { // HACK: エラー処理 trigger_error('Tweet 取得ミスった'); } }
<?php // Define path constant $path = str_replace('\\', '/', __DIR__); $path_fragments = explode('/', $path); $dir_name = $path_fragments[count($path_fragments) - 1]; define('ABC_SOCIAL_DIR', $dir_name); // attach the social extensions to the config and page classes SiteConfig::add_extension('SocialMediaConfig'); Page::add_extension('SocialMediaPageExtension'); // attach common behaviours to the social updates FBUpdate::add_extension('SocialUpdatePageExtension'); Tweet::add_extension('SocialUpdatePageExtension'); InstagramUpdate::add_extension('SocialUpdatePageExtension'); // add the embed functionality if (!Config::inst()->get('SocialGlobalConf', 'disable_wysiwyg_embed')) { ShortcodeParser::get('default')->register('social_embed', array('SocialMediaPageExtension', 'SocialEmbedParser')); HtmlEditorConfig::get('cms')->enablePlugins(array('social_embed' => '../../../' . ABC_SOCIAL_DIR . '/js/editor-plugin.js')); HtmlEditorConfig::get('cms')->addButtonsToLine(2, 'social_embed'); } // allow script tags // maybe we could try using requirements and stripping the script tags // HtmlEditorConfig::get('cms') // ->setOption( // 'extended_valid_elements', // 'img[class|src|alt|title|hspace|vspace|width|height|align|onmouseover|onmouseout|name|usemap|data*],' . // 'iframe[src|name|width|height|align|frameborder|marginwidth|marginheight|scrolling],' . // 'object[width|height|data|type],' . // 'param[name|value],' . // 'map[class|name|id],' . // 'area[shape|coords|href|target|alt],ol[class|start],' .