Esempio n. 1
  * Sends the message to the configured network
  * @param string $pPostBody
  * @return mixed
 protected function send($pPostBody)
     $lToken = $this->getAuthToken();
     $lKey = sfConfig::get("app_" . $this->classToIdentifier() . "_oauth_token");
     $lSecret = sfConfig::get("app_" . $this->classToIdentifier() . "_oauth_secret");
     $lPostApi = sfConfig::get("app_" . $this->classToIdentifier() . "_post_api");
     $lPostApi = str_replace("{base-hostname}", $this->onlineIdentity->getName() . "", $lPostApi);
     $oauth = new TumblrOAuth($lKey, $lSecret, $lToken->getTokenKey(), $lToken->getTokenSecret());
     return $oauth->post($lPostApi, $pPostBody);
 // Any API call that requires OAuth authentiation will need the info we have now - (Consumer Key,
 // Consumer Secret, Access Token, and Access Token secret).
 // You should store the Access Token and Secret in a database, or if you must, a Cookie in the user's browser.
 // Never expose your Consumer Secret.  It should stay on your server, avoid storing it in code viewable to the user.
 // I'll make the /user/info API call to get some baisc information about the user
 // Start a new instance of TumblrOAuth, overwriting the old one.
 // This time it will need our Access Token and Secret instead of our Request Token and Secret
 $tum_oauth = new TumblrOAuth($consumer_key, $consumer_secret, $access_token['oauth_token'], $access_token['oauth_token_secret']);
 // Make an API call with the TumblrOAuth instance.  There's also a post and delete method too.
 //$userinfo = $tum_oauth->get('');
 // You don't actuall have to pass a full URL,  TukmblrOAuth will complete the URL for you.
 // This will also work: $userinfo = $tum_oauth->get('user/info');
 // POST
 $url = "{$blogname}";
 $params = array("type" => "photo", "state" => "queue", "publish_on" => $pubdate, "source" => file_get_contents($pubimage), "data" => array(file_get_contents($pubimage)), "link" => $publink, "tags" => $tags, "caption" => $pubcaption);
 $post = $tum_oauth->post($url, $params);
 // Check for an error.
 if (201 == $tum_oauth->http_code) {
     $postid = (double) $post->response->id;
     echo "<br /><hr>{$pubcaption}<hr><br />\n\t<br />Sucessfully posted to <b>{$blogname}</b> queue! <a href=\"{$blogname}/queue\" target=\"_blank\">View queue</a> or <a href=\"connect.php\">Submit another post</a>";
 } else {
     die("Unable to post to tumblr. <a href=\"connect.php\">Try reconnecting...</a>");
 // find primary blog.  Display its name.
 //$screen_name = $userinfo->response->user->name;
 //for ($fln=0; $fln<count($userinfo->response->user->blogs); $fln=$fln+1) {
 //        if ($userinfo->response->user->blogs[$fln]->primary==true) {
 //                echo("Your primary blog's name: " .($userinfo->response->user->blogs[$fln]->title));
 //                break;
 //        }
Esempio n. 3
 function nxs_doPublishToTR($postID, $options)
     $ntCd = 'TR';
     $ntCdL = 'tr';
     $ntNm = 'Tumblr';
     //if (isset($options['timeToRun'])) wp_unschedule_event( $options['timeToRun'], 'nxs_doPublishToTR',  array($postID, $options));
     $blogTitle = htmlspecialchars_decode(get_bloginfo('name'), ENT_QUOTES);
     if ($blogTitle == '') {
         $blogTitle = home_url();
     $ii = $options['ii'];
     if (!isset($options['pType'])) {
         $options['pType'] = 'im';
     if ($options['pType'] == 'sh') {
         sleep(rand(1, 10));
     $logNT = '<span style="color:#014A76">Tumblr</span> - ' . $options['nName'];
     $snap_ap = get_post_meta($postID, 'snap' . $ntCd, true);
     $snap_ap = maybe_unserialize($snap_ap);
     if ($options['pType'] != 'aj' && is_array($snap_ap) && (nxs_chArrVar($snap_ap[$ii], 'isPosted', '1') || nxs_chArrVar($snap_ap[$ii], 'isPrePosted', '1'))) {
         $snap_isAutoPosted = get_post_meta($postID, 'snap_isAutoPosted', true);
         if ($snap_isAutoPosted != '2') {
             nxs_addToLogN('W', 'Notice', $logNT, '-=Duplicate=- Post ID:' . $postID, 'Already posted. No reason for posting duplicate' . ' |' . $options['pType']);
     //## Format
     if ($postID == '0') {
         echo "Testing ... <br/><br/>";
         $msg = 'Test Post from ' . $blogTitle;
         $msgT = 'Test Post from ' . $blogTitle;
         $options['trPostType'] == 'T';
     } else {
         $post = get_post($postID);
         if (!$post) {
         $trMsgFormat = $options['trMsgFormat'];
         $msg = nsFormatMessage($trMsgFormat, $postID);
         $trMsgTFormat = $options['trMsgTFormat'];
         $msgT = nsFormatMessage($trMsgTFormat, $postID);
         nxs_metaMarkAsPosted($postID, $ntCd, $options['ii'], array('isPrePosted' => '1'));
     //prr($options); die();
     //## Post
     require_once 'apis/trOAuth.php';
     $consumer_key = $options['trConsKey'];
     $consumer_secret = $options['trConsSec'];
     $tum_oauth = new TumblrOAuth($consumer_key, $consumer_secret, $options['trAccessTocken']['oauth_token'], $options['trAccessTocken']['oauth_token_secret']);
     $trURL = trim(str_ireplace('http://', '', $options['trURL']));
     if (substr($trURL, -1) == '/') {
         $trURL = substr($trURL, 0, -1);
     $tggs = array();
     if ($options['trInclTags'] == '1') {
         $t = wp_get_post_tags($postID);
         $tggs = array();
         foreach ($t as $tagA) {
             $tggs[] = $tagA->name;
         $tags = implode(',', $tggs);
     if ($options['trInclCats'] == '1') {
         $t = wp_get_post_categories($postID);
         foreach ($t as $c) {
             $cat = get_category($c);
             $tggs[] = $cat->name;
         $tags = implode(',', $tggs);
     $postDate = ($post->post_date_gmt != '0000-00-00 00:00:00' ? $post->post_date_gmt : gmdate("Y-m-d H:i:s", strtotime($post->post_date))) . " GMT";
     //## Adds date to Tumblr post. Thanks to Kenneth Lecky
     $extInfo = ' | PostID: ' . $postID . " - " . $post->post_title . ' |' . $options['pType'];
     $postArr = array('tags' => $tags, 'date' => $postDate);
     if ($options['trPostType'] == 'V') {
         $vids = nsFindVidsInPost($post);
         if (count($vids) > 0) {
             $ytUrl = $vids[0];
         if (trim($ytUrl) == '') {
             $options['trPostType'] = 'T';
     if ($options['trPostType'] == 'U') {
         $aud = nsFindAudioInPost($post);
         if (count($aud) > 0) {
             $aUrl = $aud[0];
         if (trim($aUrl) == '') {
             $options['trPostType'] = 'T';
     if ($options['trPostType'] == 'I') {
         $imgURL = nxs_getPostImage($postID, 'large', $options['trDefImg']);
         if (trim($imgURL) == '') {
             $options['trPostType'] = 'T';
     if ($options['trPostType'] == 'I') {
         $postArr['type'] = 'photo';
         $postArr['caption'] = $msg;
         $postArr['source'] = $imgURL;
         if (!isset($options['cImgURL']) || $options['cImgURL'] == '' || $options['cImgURL'] == 'R') {
             $postArr['link'] = get_permalink($postID);
         } elseif ($options['cImgURL'] == 'S') {
             $postArr['link'] = get_permalink($postID);
             $postArr['link'] = nxs_mkShortURL($postArr['link']);
     } elseif ($options['trPostType'] == 'U') {
         $postArr['type'] = 'audio';
         $postArr['caption'] = $msg;
         $postArr['external_url'] = $aUrl;
     } elseif ($options['trPostType'] == 'V') {
         $postArr['type'] = 'video';
         $postArr['caption'] = $msg;
         $embedTxt = '<iframe width="560" height="315" src="' . $ytUrl . '" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>';
         $postArr['embed'] = $embedTxt;
     } else {
         $postArr['title'] = $msgT;
         $postArr['type'] = 'text';
         $postArr['source'] = get_permalink($postID);
         $postArr['body'] = $msg;
     $postinfo = $tum_oauth->post("" . $trURL . "/post", $postArr);
     // prr($postinfo);  prr($postArr);
     $code = $postinfo->meta->status;
     // echo "XX".print_r($code);  prr($postinfo); // prr($msg); prr($postinfo); echo $code."VVVV"; die("|====");
     if ($code == 201) {
         if ($postID == '0') {
             nxs_addToLogN('S', 'Test', $logNT, 'OK - TEST Message Posted ');
             echo 'OK - Message Posted, please see your Tumblr  Page. <br/> Result:';
         } else {
             nxs_addToLogN('S', 'Posted', $logNT, 'OK - Message Posted ', $extInfo);
             nxs_metaMarkAsPosted($postID, 'TR', $options['ii'], array('isPosted' => '1', 'pgID' => $postinfo->response->id, 'pDate' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s')));
     } else {
         nxs_addToLogN('E', 'Error', $logNT, '-=ERROR=- ' . print_r($postinfo, true), $extInfo);
         if ($postID == '0') {
         $code .= " - " . $postinfo->meta->msg . $postinfo->errmsg;
     return $code;
Esempio n. 4
/* statuses/mentions */
tumblroauth_row('statuses/mentions', $connection->get('statuses/mentions'), $connection->http_code);
/* statuses/retweeted_by_me */
tumblroauth_row('statuses/retweeted_by_me', $connection->get('statuses/retweeted_by_me'), $connection->http_code);
/* statuses/retweeted_to_me */
tumblroauth_row('statuses/retweeted_to_me', $connection->get('statuses/retweeted_to_me'), $connection->http_code);
/* statuses/retweets_of_me */
tumblroauth_row('statuses/retweets_of_me', $connection->get('statuses/retweets_of_me'), $connection->http_code);
 * Post Methods.
tumblroauth_header('Status Methods');
/* statuses/update */
$parameters = array('status' => date(DATE_RFC822));
$status = $connection->post('statuses/update', $parameters);
tumblroauth_row('statuses/update', $status, $connection->http_code, $parameters);
/* statuses/show */
$method = "statuses/show/{$status->id}";
tumblroauth_row($method, $connection->get($method), $connection->http_code);
/* statuses/destroy */
$method = "statuses/destroy/{$status->id}";
tumblroauth_row($method, $connection->delete($method), $connection->http_code);
/* statuses/retweet */
$method = 'statuses/retweet/6242973112';
tumblroauth_row($method, $connection->post($method), $connection->http_code);
/* statuses/retweets */
$method = 'statuses/retweets/6242973112';
tumblroauth_row($method, $connection->get($method), $connection->http_code);
 * User Methods.
Esempio n. 5
 function doPostToNT($options, $message)
     $badOut = array('pgID' => '', 'isPosted' => 0, 'pDate' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'), 'Error' => '');
     //## Check settings
     if (!is_array($options)) {
         $badOut['Error'] = 'No Options';
         return $badOut;
     if (!isset($options['trConsKey']) || trim($options['trConsSec']) == '' || empty($options['trAccessTocken'])) {
         $badOut['Error'] = 'Not Configured';
         return $badOut;
     if (!isset($options['postType']) && isset($options['trPostType'])) {
         $options['postType'] = $options['trPostType'];
     //## Compatibility with v <3.2
     if (empty($options['imgSize'])) {
         $options['imgSize'] = '';
     if (empty($message['postDate'])) {
         $message['postDate'] = '';
     if (empty($options['trMsgTFormat'])) {
         $options['trMsgTFormat'] = '%TITLE%';
     //## Format
     if (!empty($message['pText'])) {
         $msg = $message['pText'];
     } else {
         $msg = nxs_doFormatMsg($options['trMsgFormat'], $message);
     if (!empty($message['pTitle'])) {
         $msgT = $message['pTitle'];
     } else {
         $msgT = nxs_doFormatMsg($options['trMsgTFormat'], $message);
     //## Post
     $options['trURL'] = trim(str_ireplace('http://', '', $options['trURL']));
     if (substr($options['trURL'], -1) == '/') {
         $options['trURL'] = substr($options['trURL'], 0, -1);
     require_once 'apis/trOAuth.php';
     $consumer_key = $options['trConsKey'];
     $consumer_secret = $options['trConsSec'];
     $tum_oauth = new TumblrOAuth($consumer_key, $consumer_secret, $options['trAccessTocken']['oauth_token'], $options['trAccessTocken']['oauth_token_secret']);
     $postArr = array('tags' => $message['tags'], 'date' => $message['postDate']);
     if ($options['fillSrcURL'] == '1') {
         $postArr['source_url'] = $message['url'];
     if (isset($message['imageURL'])) {
         $imgURL = trim(nxs_getImgfrOpt($message['imageURL'], $options['imgSize']));
     } else {
         $imgURL = '';
     // postType
     if ($options['postType'] == 'I') {
         $postArr['type'] = 'photo';
         $postArr['caption'] = $msg;
         $postArr['source'] = $imgURL;
         if (!isset($options['cImgURL']) || $options['cImgURL'] == '' || $options['cImgURL'] == 'R') {
             $postArr['link'] = $message['url'];
         } elseif ($options['cImgURL'] == 'S') {
             $postArr['link'] = $message['url'];
             $postArr['link'] = nxs_mkShortURL($postArr['link']);
     } elseif ($options['postType'] == 'U') {
         $postArr['type'] = 'audio';
         $postArr['caption'] = $msg;
         $postArr['external_url'] = $aUrl;
     } elseif ($options['postType'] == 'V') {
         $postArr['type'] = 'video';
         $postArr['caption'] = $msg;
         $embedTxt = '<iframe width="560" height="315" src="' . $message['videoURL'] . '" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>';
         $postArr['embed'] = $embedTxt;
     } else {
         $postArr['title'] = $msgT;
         $postArr['type'] = 'text';
         $postArr['source'] = $message['url'];
         $postArr['body'] = $msg;
     $postinfo = $tum_oauth->post("" . $options['trURL'] . "/post", $postArr);
     // prr("".$options['trURL']."/post");  prr($postinfo);  prr($postArr);
     $code = $postinfo->meta->status;
     // echo "XX".print_r($code);  prr($postinfo); // prr($msg); prr($postinfo); echo $code."VVVV"; die("|====");
     if ($code == 201) {
         return array('postID' => $postinfo->response->id, 'isPosted' => 1, 'postURL' => 'http://' . $options['trURL'] . "/post/" . $postinfo->response->id, 'pDate' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'));
     } else {
         $badOut['Error'] .= $code . " - " . $postinfo->meta->msg . (isset($postinfo->errmsg) ? $postinfo->errmsg : '') . " | " . print_r($postinfo, true);
     return $badOut;
Esempio n. 6
function tumblr_send(&$a, &$b)
    if ($b['deleted'] || $b['private'] || $b['created'] !== $b['edited']) {
    if (!strstr($b['postopts'], 'tumblr')) {
    if ($b['parent'] != $b['id']) {
    $oauth_token = get_pconfig($b['uid'], "tumblr", "oauth_token");
    $oauth_token_secret = get_pconfig($b['uid'], "tumblr", "oauth_token_secret");
    $page = get_pconfig($b['uid'], "tumblr", "page");
    $tmbl_blog = 'blog/' . $page . '/post';
    if ($oauth_token && $oauth_token_secret && $tmbl_blog) {
        require_once 'include/bbcode.php';
        $tag_arr = array();
        $tags = '';
        $x = preg_match_all('/\\#\\[(.*?)\\](.*?)\\[/', $b['tag'], $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER);
        if ($x) {
            foreach ($matches as $mtch) {
                $tag_arr[] = $mtch[2];
        if (count($tag_arr)) {
            $tags = implode(',', $tag_arr);
        $title = trim($b['title']);
        require_once 'include/plaintext.php';
        $siteinfo = get_attached_data($b["body"]);
        $params = array('state' => 'published', 'tags' => $tags, 'tweet' => 'off', 'format' => 'html');
        if (!isset($siteinfo["type"])) {
            $siteinfo["type"] = "";
        if ($title == "" and isset($siteinfo["title"])) {
            $title = $siteinfo["title"];
        if (isset($siteinfo["text"])) {
            $body = $siteinfo["text"];
        } else {
            $body = bb_remove_share_information($b["body"]);
        switch ($siteinfo["type"]) {
            case "photo":
                $params['type'] = "photo";
                $params['caption'] = bbcode($body, false, false, 4);
                if (isset($siteinfo["url"])) {
                    $params['link'] = $siteinfo["url"];
                $params['source'] = $siteinfo["image"];
            case "link":
                $params['type'] = "link";
                $params['title'] = $title;
                $params['url'] = $siteinfo["url"];
                $params['description'] = bbcode($body, false, false, 4);
            case "audio":
                $params['type'] = "audio";
                $params['external_url'] = $siteinfo["url"];
                $params['caption'] = bbcode($body, false, false, 4);
            case "video":
                $params['type'] = "video";
                $params['embed'] = $siteinfo["url"];
                $params['caption'] = bbcode($body, false, false, 4);
                $params['type'] = "text";
                $params['title'] = $title;
                $params['body'] = bbcode($b['body'], false, false, 4);
        if (isset($params['caption']) and trim($title) != "") {
            $params['caption'] = '<h1>' . $title . "</h1>" . "<p>" . $params['caption'] . "</p>";
        if (trim($params['caption']) == "") {
            $params['caption'] = bbcode("[quote]" . $siteinfo["description"] . "[/quote]", false, false, 4);
        $consumer_key = get_config('tumblr', 'consumer_key');
        $consumer_secret = get_config('tumblr', 'consumer_secret');
        $tum_oauth = new TumblrOAuth($consumer_key, $consumer_secret, $oauth_token, $oauth_token_secret);
        // Make an API call with the TumblrOAuth instance.
        $x = $tum_oauth->post($tmbl_blog, $params);
        $ret_code = $tum_oauth->http_code;
        if ($ret_code == 201) {
            logger('tumblr_send: success');
        } elseif ($ret_code == 403) {
            logger('tumblr_send: authentication failure');
        } else {
            logger('tumblr_send: general error: ' . print_r($x, true));
Esempio n. 7
        $post_title = $node->title;
        $post_title = str_replace("%20", " ", $post_title);
        $content = $node->children("");
        $post_body = (string) $content->encoded;
        $post_body = str_replace("", " ", $post_body);
        $wp = $node->children("");
        $date = $node->pubDate;
        echo $post_title . $date . "<br \\>";
        $private = 0;
        if ($wp->status != "publish" && $wp->status != "inherit") {
            if (!$publishDraftAsPrivate) {
            $private = 1;
        if ($wp->post_type == "attachment") {
        $postContent = array('type' => 'text', 'title' => $post_title, 'body' => $post_body, 'date' => $date);
        $postUrl = '' . $tumblrName . '/post';
        $goPost = $tum_oauth->post($postUrl, $postContent);
        //check for error
        if (201 == $tum_oauth->http_code) {
            // good to go
        } else {
            die('unable to post');
    //end of while we have posts to see
Esempio n. 8
 * User has successfully authenticated with Tumblr. Access tokens saved to session and DB.
/* Load required lib files. */
require_once 'tumblroauth/tumblroauth.php';
require_once 'config.php';
/* If access tokens are not available redirect to connect page. */
if (empty($_SESSION['access_token']) || empty($_SESSION['access_token']['oauth_token']) || empty($_SESSION['access_token']['oauth_token_secret'])) {
    header('Location: ./clearsessions.php');
/* Get user access tokens out of the session. */
$access_token = $_SESSION['access_token'];
/* Create a TumblrOauth object with consumer/user tokens. */
$connection = new TumblrOAuth(CONSUMER_KEY, CONSUMER_SECRET, $access_token['oauth_token'], $access_token['oauth_token_secret']);
/* Find User Info */
$user_info = $connection->post('user/info');
$content = $user_info;
/* Some example calls */
/* Find Primary Blog Hostname */
foreach($user_info->response->user->blogs as $blog){
	if($blog->primary === true){
$hostname = parse_url($blog->url,PHP_URL_HOST);
// $connection->get("blog/$hostname/info"); /* Not Yet Working */
// $connection->post("blog/$hostname/post", array('type' => 'text', 'body' => 'Testing TumblrOAuth - ' . date(DATE_RFC822)));
// $connection->post("user/follow", array('url' => ''));
// $connection->post("user/unfollow", array('url' => ''));