function hs_authenticate_tumblr() { $consumerKey = "WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW"; // Put your consumer key here. $consumerSecret = "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX"; // Put your consumer secret here. $client = new Tumblr\API\Client($consumerKey, $consumerSecret); $requestHandler = $client->getRequestHandler(); $requestHandler->setBaseUrl(""); // If we are visiting the first time if (!$_GET["oauth_verifier"]) { // Grab the oauth token. $resp = $requestHandler->request("POST", "oauth/request_token", array()); $out = $result = $resp->body; $data = array(); parse_str($out, $data); // Tell the user where to go. echo '<a href="' . $data["oauth_token"] . '"> GO </a>'; $_SESSION["t"] = $data["oauth_token"]; $_SESSION["s"] = $data["oauth_token_secret"]; } else { $verifier = $_GET["oauth_verifier"]; // Use the stored tokens. $client->setToken($_SESSION["t"], $_SESSION["s"]); // To grab the access tokens. $resp = $requestHandler->request("POST", "oauth/access_token", array("oauth_verifier" => $verifier)); $out = $result = $resp->body; $data = array(); parse_str($out, $data); // And print out our new keys we got back. $token = $data["oauth_token"]; $secret = $data["oauth_token_secret"]; echo "token: " . $token . "<br/>secret: " . $secret; $client = new Tumblr\API\Client($consumerKey, $consumerSecret, $token, $secret); $info = $client->getUserInfo(); echo "<br/><br/>congrats " . $info->user->name . "!"; } }
function CreateLinkPost() { $config = (include "/config.php"); $client = new Tumblr\API\Client($config['tumblr_consumer_key'], $config['tumblr_consumer_secret']); $client->setToken($_SESSION['tumblr_token'], $_SESSION['tumblr_secret']); if (!isset($_POST['url']) || $_POST['url'] == "") { return "Missing required param: url"; exit; } if (!isset($_POST['blogName']) || $_POST['blogName'] == "") { return "Missing required param: blogName"; exit; } $blogName = $_POST['blogName']; $data = array("type" => "link", "url" => $_POST['url']); if (isset($_POST['description']) && $_POST['description'] != "") { $data['description'] = FilterText($_POST['description']); } if (isset($_POST['thumbnail']) && $_POST['thumbnail'] != "") { $data['thumbnail'] = $_POST['thumbnail']; } if (isset($_POST['author']) && $_POST['author'] != "") { $data['author'] = FilterText($_POST['author']); } try { $client->createPost($blogName, $data); } catch (Exception $ex) { return "That blog does not exist"; } return "success"; }
function sb_social_tumblr($account, $limit = 10) { $client = new Tumblr\API\Client(TUMBLR_API_KEY); $data = $client->getBlogPosts($account, array("limit" => $limit, "filter" => "text")); $output = array(); foreach ($data->posts as $status) { $content = ""; $image = ""; switch ($status->type) { case "text": $content = "<a href=\"{$status->post_url}\">{$status->summary}</a> "; break; case "link": $content = "<a href=\"{$status->url}\">{$status->title}</a> — {$status->description}"; break; case "photo": $content = $status->summary; $image = $status->photos[0]->alt_sizes[3]->url; break; case "video": $content = $status->summary; $image = $status->thumbnail_url; break; } $output[] = array("source" => "tumblr", "permalink" => $status->post_url, "timestamp" => strtotime($status->date), "content" => $content, "image" => $image); } return $output; }
function GetUserBlogs() { $config = (include "/config.php"); $client = new Tumblr\API\Client($config['tumblr_consumer_key'], $config['tumblr_consumer_secret']); $client->setToken($_SESSION['tumblr_token'], $_SESSION['tumblr_secret']); $r = array(); foreach ($client->getUserInfo()->user->blogs as $blog) { array_push($r, $blog->name); } return $r; }
public function testRequestPost() { $client = new Tumblr\API\Client(API_KEY); $rh = $client->getRequestHandler(); $rh->client = $this->guzzle; $rh->setBaseUrl('/'); // Test with one file $options = array('data' => 'fake data'); $rh->request('POST', 'meh', $options); // Test with array of files $options = array('data' => array('foo', 'bar')); $rh->request('POST', 'meh', $options); }
function HandleResponse() { $config = (include "/config.php"); $client = new Tumblr\API\Client($config['tumblr_consumer_key'], $config['tumblr_consumer_secret']); $requestHandler = $client->getRequestHandler(); $requestHandler->setBaseUrl(''); $client->setToken($_SESSION['tumblr_temp_token'], $_SESSION['tumblr_temp_secret']); // exchange the verifier for the keys $verifier = $_GET['oauth_verifier']; // exchange the verifier for the keys $resp = $requestHandler->request('POST', 'oauth/access_token', array('oauth_verifier' => $verifier)); $out = $result = $resp->body; $data = array(); parse_str($out, $data); // and print out our new keys $token = $data['oauth_token']; $secret = $data['oauth_token_secret']; $_SESSION['tumblr_token'] = $token; $_SESSION['tumblr_secret'] = $secret; echo "<script>window.close();</script>"; die; }
function getBlogData($marketName) { //create client $consumerKey = "Add your Key"; $consumerSecret = "Add Secret key"; $blogName = ''; $client = new Tumblr\API\Client($consumerKey, $consumerSecret); $response = $client->getBlogPosts($blogName, array('tag' => $marketName)); // get posts $posts = $response->posts; $blogs = $response->blog; global $dataId; $x = 0; foreach ($posts as $post) { if (isset($post->title)) { if (isset($post->body)) { $dataArray[] = array('imageSrc' => getImgSrc($post->body, "<img", "/>"), 'title' => $post->title, 'tags' => convertTagsIntoString(array_map('strval', $post->tags)), 'description' => trimblanklines(trimblankspaces(shortenedDescription(getDescription($post->body, "</p>", $dataId), 250))), 'postId' => $post->id); } } $x++; } return $dataArray; }
<?php require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php'; require __DIR__ . '/constants.php'; require __DIR__ . '/functions.php'; $storage = file_get_contents(__DIR__ . '/storage.txt'); $storage = unserialize($storage); $client = new Tumblr\API\Client(CONSUMER_KEY, CONSUMER_SECRET, TOKEN, SECRET); $response = $client->getDashboardPosts(array('limit' => 1)); $post = $response->posts[0]; $lastPostId = $post->id; if ($post->type == 'photo' && $post->followed == 1) { if ($storage['last_post_id'] != $lastPostId) { deleteThumb($storage['last_post_id']); saveThumb($post); $storage['last_post_id'] = $lastPostId; echo json_encode(['blog_name' => $post->blog_name, 'image' => getThumbPath($lastPostId)]); } else { echo "FALSE"; } } else { echo "FALSE"; } file_put_contents(__DIR__ . '/storage.txt', serialize($storage));
/** * Get posts for a given blog * * @param integer $limit number of results to return, max DEFAULT_LIMIT * @param integer $offset number of beginning position for retrieval * @param string $type the type of post to retrieve, or blank for all * @param array $options associative array of API options * * @return \StdClass containing json decoded API results */ public function TumblrPostsList($limit = self::DEFAULT_LIMIT, $offset = 0, $type = "", $options = array()) { $config = SiteConfig::current_site_config(); if (!$this->checkConfig($config)) { return new ArrayList(); } else { $cache_key = __FUNCTION__ . '_' . md5($limit . $offset . $type . implode($options)); $cache = SS_Cache::factory('tumblr_api_cache'); if (!($results = unserialize($cache->load($cache_key)))) { $results = new ArrayList(); if (!empty($type) && defined('self::POST_TYPE_' . strtoupper($type))) { $options[self::OPTION_TYPE] = $type; } if (is_numeric($limit) && $limit > 0 && $limit <= self::DEFAULT_LIMIT) { $options[self::OPTION_LIMIT] = $limit; } if (is_numeric($offset) && $offset > 0) { $options[self::OPTION_OFFSET] = $offset; } $client = new Tumblr\API\Client($config->TumblrConsumerKey, $config->TumblrConsumerSecret); try { $response = $client->getBlogPosts($config->TumblrBlogName, $options); foreach ($response->posts as $post) { $results->push(self::recursive_conversion_iterator($post)); } } catch (RequestException $e) { // *** maybe we should do something? } $cache->save(serialize($results), $cache_key); } } return $results; }
public function likes() { $display = ''; // Authenticate via OAuth $client = new \Tumblr\API\Client(env('BH_TUMBLR_CONSUMER_KEY'), env('BH_TUMBLR_CONSUMER_SECRET'), env('BH_TUMBLR_TOKEN'), env('BH_TUMBLR_TOKEN_SECRET')); $continue = TRUE; $offset = 0; while ($continue) { // Make the request $reply = $client->getBlogPosts('bobhumphreyphotography', array('offset' => $offset, 'reblog_info' => true, 'notes_info' => true)); $posts = $reply->posts; if (count($posts)) { foreach ($posts as $post) { $note_count = 0; $note_count_last10 = 0; $note_count_last30 = 0; if (property_exists($post, 'notes')) { $notes = $post->notes; foreach ($notes as $note) { $timestamp = $note->timestamp; $noteTime = Carbon::createFromTimestamp($timestamp); $daysAgo = $noteTime->diffInDays(); $note_count++; if ($daysAgo <= 10) { $note_count_last10++; } if ($daysAgo <= 30) { $note_count_last30++; } } } $post_url = $post->post_url; $photo = DB::table('photo')->where('url', $post_url)->first(); if ($photo) { DB::table('photo')->where('url', $post_url)->update(['notes' => $note_count, 'notes_last30' => $note_count_last30, 'notes_last10' => $note_count_last10]); } //$notes_count = count($notes); //\Debugbar::info($photo->url); \Debugbar::info($note_count . '--' . $note_count_last30 . '--' . $note_count_last10); } $offset = $offset + 20; } else { $continue = FALSE; } } //\Debugbar::info($posts); return view('photos.likes'); }