Esempio n. 1
  * TuiyoControllerProtocol::returnResponse()
  * Returns a response from the recent request
  * @return void
 private function returnResponse($status = 200, $body = '', $format = 'json')
     $doc =& TuiyoAPI::get("document");
     $docType =& $doc->getDOCTYPE();
     $view =& $this->getView("protocol", empty($docType) || $docType == "html" ? $format : $docType);
     /** Response Formulator **/
Esempio n. 2
  * TuiyoViewWidgets::display()
  * @param mixed $tpl
  * @return void
 function display($tpl = null)
     $doc = TuiyoAPI::get("document");
     $livestyle = TUIYO_STYLEDIR;
     $doc->addCSS(TUIYO_LIVE_PATH . '/client/default/css/widgets.css');
     $doc->addJS(TUIYO_LIVE_PATH . '/client/default/script/widgets.js');
     $doc->addJS(TUIYO_JS . '/includes/jqueryui/ui.core.js');
     $doc->addJS(TUIYO_JS . '/includes/jqueryui/ui.draggable.js');
     $doc->addJS(TUIYO_JS . '/includes/jqueryui/ui.sortable.js');
     $this->assignRef('livestyle', $livestyle);
Esempio n. 3
  * TuiyoViewGroups::display()
  * Displays a user Feed
  * @return void
 public function showFeed()
     global $mainframe, $API;
     static $rendered = false;
     if ($rendered) {
         return true;
     $groupID = JRequest::getInt('gid');
     $auth = $API->get("authentication");
     $tUser = TuiyoAPI::get('user', null);
     $gModel = TuiyoLoader::model("groups", true);
     $tModel = TuiyoLoader::model("timeline", true);
     $gData = $gModel->getGroup($groupID);
     if (empty($groupID) || !$gData || $gData->isMember < 1) {
         JError::raiseError(TUIYO_NOT_FOUND, _('The group feed either does not exists or you do not have the necessary permissions'));
         return false;
     $tData = $tModel->getGroupTimeline($gData->groupID, $tUser->id);
     $document =& JFactory::getDocument();
     $params =& $mainframe->getParams();
     $feedEmail = @$mainframe->getCfg('feed_email') ? $mainframe->getCfg('feed_email') : 'author';
     $siteEmail = $mainframe->getCfg('mailfrom');
     $document->title = $gData->gName;
     $document->description = sprintf(_("Updates from %s / group"), $gData->gName);
     $document->link = JRoute::_(TUIYO_INDEX . '&amp;view=groups&amp;do=getFeed&amp;format=feed&amp;gid=' . $gData->{$groupID});
     foreach ($tData as $stream) {
         // load individual item creator class
         $item = new JFeedItem();
         // strip html from feed item title
         $title = $this->escape("@{$stream->username} {$stream->datetime}: {$stream->title} {$stream->bodytext} ");
         $title = html_entity_decode($title);
         // url link to article
         $link = JRoute::_(TUIYO_INDEX . '&amp;view=profile&amp;do=viewStatus&user='******'feed');
     $rendered = true;
Esempio n. 4
  * TuiyoViewTuiyo::categoryManager
  * Default function to display the category manager
  * @param mixed $tpl
  * @return html
 public function categoryManager($tpl = null)
     $TMPL = $GLOBALS["API"]->get("document");
     $MODEL = TuiyoLoader::model("categories", true);
     $USER = TuiyoAPI::get("user");
     $ACL = JFactory::getACL();
     //Get the Categories
     $gtree = $ACL->get_group_children_tree(null, 'USERS', false);
     $aroGrps = JHTML::_('select.genericlist', $gtree, 'gid', 'class="TuiyoFormDropDown"', 'value', 'text', $USER->joomla->get('gid'));
     $tmplVars = array("styleDir" => $livestyle, "livePath" => TUIYO_LIVE_PATH, "iconPath" => TUIYO_LIVE_PATH . '/client/default/', "user" => JFactory::getUser(), "nodes" => $MODEL->getCategories(), "arogrps" => $aroGrps);
     $tmplPath = JPATH_COMPONENT_ADMINISTRATOR . DS . "views" . DS . "tuiyo" . DS . "tmpl";
     $tmplData = $TMPL->parseTmpl("categories", $tmplPath, $tmplVars);
     return $tmplData;
Esempio n. 5
  * @param mixed $data
  * @return
 function showChatBox($tpl = null)
     $document = TuiyoAPI::get('document', null);
     $user = TuiyoAPI::get('user', null);
     $plugModel = TuiyoLoader::model("applications", true);
     //echo "show chat box"; die;
     $plugins = $plugModel->getAllSystemPlugins("services", false);
     $tmplPath = TUIYO_VIEWS . DS . "profile" . DS . "tmpl";
     $tmplVars = array("styleDir" => TUIYO_STYLEDIR, "user" => $user, "sharewith" => array("p00" => "@everyone"), "plugins" => $plugins, "canPost" => !$user->joomla->get('guest') ? 1 : 0);
     $activity = $document->parseTmpl("activity", $tmplPath, $tmplVars);
     $this->assignRef("activity", $activity);
Esempio n. 6
 public function saveArticle()
     // Check for request forgeries
     JRequest::checkToken() or jexit('Invalid Token');
     $auth = TuiyoAPI::get("authentication");
     $user = TuiyoAPI::get("user");
     $data = JRequest::get("post", JREQUEST_ALLOWRAW);
     $aModel = TuiyoLoader::model("articles", true);
     $msg = _('The article has been saved successfully');
     if (!$aModel->editSaveArticle($user, $data)) {
         $msg = $aModel->getError();
     //Redirect on success;
     $referer = JRoute::_(TUIYO_INDEX . '&view=articles');
     $this->setRedirect($referer, $msg);
Esempio n. 7
  * (non-PHPdoc)
  * @see components/com_tuiyo/controllers/TuiyoControllerServices::add()
 public function add()
     // Check for request forgeries
     JRequest::checkToken("request") or jexit('Invalid Token');
     $auth = TuiyoAPI::get('authentication');
     //Must be loggedIN
     $user = TuiyoAPI::get('user');
     $post =& Jrequest::get("post");
     $model =& $this->getModel("fireeagle");
     $view =& $this->getView("fireeagle", "json");
     $resp = array("code" => 505, "error" => _("could not add service"), "data" => null, "extra" => null);
     if ($model->addService($post, $user->id)) {
         $resp = array("code" => TUIYO_OK, "error" => null);
     return $view->encode($resp);
Esempio n. 8
 public function onAfterTimelineLoad($args = null)
     $aModel = TuiyoLoader::model("applications", true);
     $aUser = TuiyoAPI::get("user", null);
     $aDocument = TuiyoAPI::get("document", null);
     $aXMLParser = new JSimpleXML();
     //Get the parameters of a single user application/service
     $aParams = $aModel->getSingleUserPlugin($aUser->id, "feed");
     //get the feedURl
     $feedURL = $aParams->get("feedURL", null);
     //$feedData   = TuiyoAPI::getURL( $feedURL );
     //$tempfilename ="YmdHis")."feed.xml";
     //$tempFeed 	  = fopen($tempfilename, 'w') ;
     //fwrite($tempFeed , trim($feedData));
     //echo $tempfilename;
     //$feedXML 	= @$aXMLParser->loadFile($tempfilename);
Esempio n. 9
 public function addCategory($data)
     $catCreator = TuiyoAPI::get("user", null);
     $catTree = TuiyoLoader::table("categories", true);
     $catTree->title = trim($data['cattitle']);
     $catTree->parent = (int) $data['catpid'];
     $catTree->slug = trim($data['catslug']);
     $catTree->creator = (int) $catCreator->id;
     $catTree->description = trim($data['catdescription']);
     $catTree->dateadded = date('Y-m-d H:is');
     $catTree->status = (int) $data['catstatus'];
     //print_r( $catTree );
     if (!$catTree->store()) {
         JError::raiseError(TUIYO_SERVER_ERROR, $catTree->getError());
         return false;
     //Restructure the Tree;
     return true;
Esempio n. 10
  * TuiyoViewWelcome::display()
  * @param mixed $tpl
  * @return void
 public function display($tpl = null)
     global $mainframe;
     $docu = $GLOBALS['API']->get('document', null);
     $bc =& $mainframe->getPathway();
     $rModel = TuiyoLoader::model("resources", true);
     $plugModel = TuiyoLoader::model("applications", true);
     $gModel = TuiyoLoader::model("groups", true);
     $aModel = TuiyoLoader::model("articles", true);
     $docu->addCSS(TUIYO_LIVE_PATH . '/client/default/css/welcomepage.css');
     $docu->addJS(TUIYO_LIVE_PATH . '/client/default/script/welcomepage.js');
     $bc->addItem(_('Welcome Lobby'), TUIYO_INDEX . '&view=welcome');
     $tdoc = $docu;
     $user = TuiyoAPI::get("user");
     $onlineMembers = $rModel->getOnlineUsers();
     $newestMembers = $rModel->getNewestUsers();
     $popularGroups = $gModel->getPopularGroups();
     $allarticles = $aModel->getArticlesStream();
     //@TODO replace with getAllSystemPlugins
     $plugins = $plugModel->getAllSystemPlugins("services", false);
     $tmplPath = TUIYO_VIEWS . DS . "profile" . DS . "tmpl";
     $tmplVars = array("styleDir" => TUIYO_STYLEDIR, "user" => $user, "sharewith" => array("p00" => "@everyone"), "plugins" => $plugins, "canPost" => !$user->joomla->get('guest') ? 1 : 0);
     $activity = $tdoc->parseTmpl("activity", $tmplPath, $tmplVars);
     //Check for the existence of a gravatar
     $sysCfg = TuiyoParameter::load("global");
     $this->assignRef("settings", $sysCfg);
     $this->assignRef("allarticles", $allarticles);
     $this->assignRef("activity", $activity);
     $this->assignRef("onlinefriends", $onlineMembers);
     $this->assignRef("newestmembers", $newestMembers);
     $this->assignRef("populargroups", $popularGroups);
Esempio n. 11
  * TuiyoControllerGroups::saveEdit()
  * Updates a group Settings
  * @param mixed $postData
  * @param mixed $userID
  * @return
 private function saveEdit($postData, $userID)
     $group = JRequest::getInt('groupID', null);
     $user = TuiyoAPI::get('user', $userID);
     $referer = JRequest::getVar("HTTP_REFERER", TUIYO_INDEX, 'server');
     $model = $this->getModel('groups');
     $gData = $model->getGroup($group);
     //If is already a member
     if (!$gData || $gData->isMember < 1 || $gData->isAdmin < 1 || empty($gData->groupID) || $gData->groupID < 1) {
         $msg = _("You do not have the valid permission to delete this group");
         $msgtype = "error";
         return $this->setRedirect($explore, $msg, $msgtype);
     $stored = $model->storeGroup($postData, $user->id, false);
     $msg = sprintf(_("The %s group has now been updated"), $gData->gName);
     $msgtype = "notice";
     $this->setRedirect($referer, $msg, $msgtype);
Esempio n. 12
  * TuiyoTableGroups::getGroupMembers()
  * Gets all Members from widthing a group
  * @param mixed $groupID
  * @param integer $limitstart
  * @param mixed $limit
  * @return void
 private function getGroupMembers($groupID, $creatorID, $limitstart = 0, $limit = NULL)
     $dbo = $this->_db;
     $dbo->setQuery("SELECT m.* FROM #__tuiyo_groups_members AS m " . "\nWHERE m.groupID =" . $dbo->quote((int) $groupID), $limitstart, $limit);
     $rows = $dbo->loadObjectList();
     $members = array();
     $user = JFactory::getUser(NULL);
     // );
     $this->isMember = 0;
     $this->creator = NULL;
     foreach ((array) $rows as $member) {
         $mUser = TuiyoAPI::get("user", $member->userID);
         $member->data = array("userID" => $mUser->id, "avatar" => TuiyoUser::getUserAvatar($mUser->id), "username" => $mUser->username, "name" => $mUser->name, "email" => $mUser->email);
         $member->isAdmin = $mUser->id != $creatorID ? 0 : 1;
         if ($creatorID === $mUser->id) {
             $this->creator = $member->data;
         if ($mUser->id === $user->id) {
             $this->isMember = 1;
             $this->gMemberID = $member->memberID;
         $members[] = $member;
     return $members;
Esempio n. 13
  * Gets a complete Form, for all elements passed
  * TuiyoForm::getForm()
  * @param mixed $formId
  * @return void
 public function outPutForm($formId = NULL, $front = FALSE, $submit = TRUE)
     $token =& JUtility::getToken();
     $user = TuiyoAPI::get("user", null);
     //Add The form Button
     array_push($this->elements, $this->hidden("option", array("type" => "hidden", "name" => "option", "value" => "com_tuiyo")), $this->hidden($token, array("type" => "hidden", "name" => $token, "value" => "1")), $this->hidden("option", array("type" => "hidden", "name" => "option", "value" => "com_tuiyo")), $this->hidden("do", array("type" => "hidden", "name" => "do", "value" => "saveParams")), $this->hidden("userid", array("type" => "hidden", "name" => "userid", "value" => "" . $user->id . "")), $this->hidden("context", array("type" => "hidden", "name" => "context", "value" => "systemTools")));
     //Will you like to add a submit Button?
     if ($submit) {
         array_push($this->elements, $this->button("submit", array("type" => "submit", "innerHTML" => "Save Configuration Data")));
     //Are we on the frontpate
     if ($front) {
         array_push($this->elements, $this->hidden("view", array("type" => "hidden", "name" => "view", "value" => "profile")));
     //Add form Tags and elements
     $form = array("tagName" => "form", "action" => "index.php", "method" => !empty($this->formMethod) ? "post" : $this->formMethod, "id" => !empty($formId) ? $formId : $this->formId, "name" => !empty($formId) ? $formId : $this->formId, "class" => "tuiyoTable TuiyoForm", "childNodes" => (array) $this->elements);
     //print_R( $this->elements );
     return $form;
Esempio n. 14
  * TuiyoModelWidgets::getAllWidgets()
  * Gets all available widgets on this system
  * @return
 public function getAllWidgets()
     $user = TuiyoAPI::get("user", null);
     $appModel = TuiyoLoader::model("applications", true);
     $sysPlugins = $appModel->getAllUserPlugins($user->id, "services", false);
     $widgetData = array();
     $widgetFiles = array();
     foreach ($sysPlugins as $plugin) {
         //If the plugin has a widget file;
         $widgetFile = TUIYO_PLUGINS . DS . $plugin . DS . 'widget.xml';
         if (file_exists($widgetFile)) {
             $widgetFiles[] = $widgetFile;
     foreach ($widgetFiles as $xmlFile) {
         $wdg = array();
         $xml = TuiyoAPI::get("xml", $xmlFile);
         $root = $xml->file->document;
         $wdg["version"] = $root->attributes("version");
         $wdg["file"] = JURI::root() . str_replace(array(DS), array("/"), $xmlFile);
         $wdg["file"] = str_replace(JPATH_ROOT, "", $wdg["file"]);
         foreach ((array) $root->widgetdata[0]->children() as $data) {
             $dataName = $data->attributes("name");
             $dataValue = $data->attributes("content");
             if (empty($dataName) || is_array($dataName)) {
             if (empty($dataValue) || is_array($dataValue)) {
             $wdg[$dataName] = $dataValue;
         $widgetData[] = $wdg;
     return (array) $widgetData;
Esempio n. 15
  * TuiyoControllerResources::getUserNamesLike()
  * Method for providing autocomplete list by UserName
  * @return void
 public function getUserNamesLike()
     //Must be logged In
     $auth = TuiyoAPI::get('authentication');
     $server = JRequest::get("server");
     $userID = JRequest::getInt("userID");
     $salt = JRequest::getString("suggestSalt");
     $method = strtolower($server['REQUEST_METHOD']);
     //Get the view;
     /** we are dealing with only get data***/
     if ($method !== 'post') {
         JError::raiseError(TUIYO_BAD_REQUEST, _("Invalid request. Method accepts only POST request"));
     $model =& $this->getModel("resources");
     $view =& $this->getView("profile", "json");
     //2. prepare a standard response Array
     $resp = array("code" => TUIYO_OK, "error" => null, "data" => null, "extra" => null);
     $document =& $GLOBALS['API']->get("document");
     $thisUser =& $GLOBALS['API']->get("user", null);
     //3. JSON or nothing!
     if ($document->getDOCTYPE() !== "json") {
         $resp["code"] = TUIYO_BAD_REQUEST;
         $resp["error"] = _("Invalid Request format. JSON only");
         return false;
     $resp["data"] = $model->getUsersLike((string) $salt, $thisUser->id, 10);
     return $view->encode($resp);
Esempio n. 16
  * TuiyoModelProfile::buildSocialBookForm()
  * Builds social form
  * @return void
 public function buildSocialBookForm($submitFormButton)
     $user = TuiyoAPI::get("user");
     $params = TuiyoAPI::get("params", "");
     $form = $params->getSocialBook($user->id, "", true, $submitFormButton);
     return $form;
Esempio n. 17
  * TuiyoParams::getSocialBook()
  * Gets social Book Form
  * @param mixed $formID
  * @param bool $frontPage
  * @param bool $showSubmit
  * @return
 public function getSocialBook($userID, $formID = NULL, $frontPage = TRUE, $showSubmit = TRUE)
     $sfTable = TuiyoLoader::table("fields", true);
     $sfEls = $sfTable->listAll();
     /** Load Social Data ***/
     $this->loadParams("", $userID);
     /** Build the form ****/
     $form = TuiyoAPI::get("form", "");
     foreach ((array) $sfEls as $element) {
         //Smart Description
         $description = $element->required > 0 ? _("This field IS required, ") : _("This field IS Not required,");
         $description .= $element->indexed > 0 ? _("This field IS searchable, ") : _("This field IS NOT searchable,");
         $description .= $element->visible > 0 ? _("This field IS visible on profile. ") : _("This field IS NOT visible on profile. ");
         $description .= !empty($element->descr) && !is_array($element->descr) ? $element->descr : null;
         $defaultValue = $this->get($element->name, $element->defaultvalue);
         //switch element type
         switch ($element->type) {
             case "text":
             case "password":
                 $args = array("name" => $element->name, "label" => $element->title, "description" => $description, "value" => !empty($defaultValue) && !is_array($defaultValue) ? $defaultValue : null);
                 $form->add($element->type, $args["name"], $args);
             case "textarea":
                 $args = array("name" => $element->name, "label" => $element->title, "description" => $description, "innerHTML" => !empty($defaultValue) && !is_array($defaultValue) ? $defaultValue : null);
                 $form->add("textarea", $args["name"], $args);
             case "radiogroup":
             case "droplist":
             case "select":
                 $args = array("name" => $element->name, "label" => $element->title, "value" => !empty($defaultValue) && !is_array($defaultValue) ? $defaultValue : null, "options" => array(), "description" => $description);
                 //get Obtions
                 $childOptions = array();
                 foreach ($childOptions as $child) {
                     $optionValue = $child->attributes("value");
                     $optionName = $child->data();
                     $args["options"][$optionName] = $optionValue;
                 $form->add($element->type, $args["name"], $args);
     //hidden fields
     $form->add("hidden", "paramKey", array("type" => "hidden", "name" => "paramKey", "value" => ""));
     return $form->outPutForm($formID, $frontPage, $showSubmit);
Esempio n. 18
  * TuiyoActivity::parseActivityStory()
  * Builds an activity story with template data
  * @param object $story
  * @return object
 public function parseActivityStory($story)
     //Whose activity?
     $thisUser = TuiyoAPI::get("user", (int) $story->thisUserID);
     $thatUser = TuiyoAPI::get("user", (int) $story->thatUserID);
     //Check that we have the object ready
     if (!is_object($thisUser) || empty($thisUser)) {
         $thisUser = TuiyoAPI::get("user", null);
     if (!is_object($thatUser) || empty($thatUser)) {
         $thatUser = TuiyoAPI::get("user", null);
     $validVars = array("{*thisUserID*}", "{*thatUserID*}", "{*thisUser*}", "{*thatUser*}", "{*thisGSP1a*}", "{*thisGSP2b*}", "{*thisGSP1c*}", "{*thisGSP2d*}", "{*thatGSP1e*}", "{*thatGSP2f*}", "{*thatGSP1g*}", "{*thatGSP2h*}");
     $thisProfileLink = JRoute::_(TUIYO_INDEX . '&view=profile&do=view&user='******'&view=profile&do=view&user='******'@' . $thisUser->username : null, !empty($thatUser) ? '@' . $thatUser->username : null, (int) $thisUser->get("sex", 1) > 0 ? "his" : "her", (int) $thisUser->get("sex", 1) > 0 ? "he" : "she", (int) $thisUser->get("sex", 1) > 0 ? "His" : "Her", (int) $thisUser->get("sex", 1) > 0 ? "He" : "She", (int) $thatUser->get("sex", 1) > 0 ? "his" : "her", (int) $thatUser->get("sex", 1) > 0 ? "he" : "she", (int) $thatUser->get("sex", 1) > 0 ? "His" : "Her", (int) $thatUser->get("sex", 1) > 0 ? "He" : "She");
     $story->bodytext = str_replace($validVars, $validVarsData, $story->bodytext);
     $story->body = str_replace($validVars, $validVarsData, $story->body);
     $story->title = str_replace($validVars, $validVarsData, $story->title);
     $story->source = sprintf(_("via %s"), strtolower($story->source));
     //Parse Resources
     if (!empty($story->resources)) {
         $resources = json_decode($story->resources);
         $attachment = '<div class="itemResources">';
         $count = 0;
         $actionurl = !empty($story->url) ? $story->url : '#';
         foreach ($resources as $r) {
             if ($count >= 6) {
             switch ($r->type) {
                 case "image":
                     $actionurl = substr($r->furl, 1);
                     $attachment .= '<a href="' . $actionurl . '" rel="facebox"><img class="rImg" src="' . $r->url . '" width="70" /></a>';
                 case "embedable":
                     $attachment .= '<a href="#" rel="embedPlaceHolder"><img class="rImg" src="' . $r->url . '" width="150" /></a>';
         $story->body = $attachment . "</div>" . $story->body;
     return (object) $story;
Esempio n. 19
  * TuiyoModelTimeline::setStatusComment()
  * @param mixed $userID
  * @param mixed $postData
  * @param mixed $options
  * @return void
 public function setStatusComment($userID, $postData, $options = array())
     $commenter = TuiyoApi::get("user", null);
     $table = TuiyoLoader::table("timeline");
     $statusText = strval($postData['commentbody']);
     //get out all mentions in the update string
     preg_match_all('#@([\\d\\w]+)#', $statusText, $mentions);
     preg_match_all('/#([\\d\\w]+)/', $statusText, $hashTags);
     $table->tags = sizeof($hashTags[1]) > 0 ? json_encode($hashTags[1]) : null;
     $table->mentions = sizeof($mentions[1]) > 0 ? json_encode($mentions[1]) : null;
     $table->userID = (int) $userID;
     $table->template = null;
     $table->datetime = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
     $table->data = $statusText;
     $table->type = "comment";
     $table->source = isset($postData['source']) ? $postData['source'] : "web";
     $table->source = strval($table->source);
     $table->inreplyto = isset($postData['inreplyto']) ? (int) $postData['inreplyto'] : JError::raiseError(403, _("Invalid activity ID"));
     if (!$table->store()) {
         trigger_error($table->getError(), E_USER_ERROR);
         return false;
     //Send Notifications to All users participating in this discussion
     $getParticipants = $table->getAllCommenters($table->inreplyto);
     $firstAuthors = array();
     //Notify Authors
     foreach ($getParticipants["author"] as $author) {
         $firstAuthors[] = $author;
         if ($userID != $author) {
             $userTo = TuiyoAPI::get("user", $author);
             $actionLink = JRoute::_(TUIYO_INDEX . "&view=profile&do=viewStatus&user={$userTo->username}&id={$table->inreplyto}");
             $emailTitle = sprintf(_("%s commented on your wall post"), "@" . $commenter->username);
             $emailBody = "";
             //str_replace( $tSearch , $tVars , $notifyParams->get( "connectionRequestEmailBody" , null ) );
             //echo $notifyEmail ;
             TuiyoNotify::_($userTo->id, $emailTitle, $actionLink, _("View Status"));
             TuiyoNotify::sendMail($userTo->email, $emailTitle, $emailBody);
     //Notify Participants
     foreach ($getParticipants["participant"] as $tookpart) {
         if ($userID != $tookpart) {
             $firstauthor = TuiyoAPI::get("user", (int) $firstAuthors[0]);
             $userTo = TuiyoAPI::get("user", $tookpart);
             $actionLink = JRoute::_(TUIYO_INDEX . "&view=profile&do=viewStatus&user={$firstauthor->username}&id={$table->inreplyto}");
             $emailTitle = sprintf(_("%s commented on %2s wall post"), "@" . $commenter->username, "@" . $firstauthor->username);
             $emailBody = "";
             //str_replace( $tSearch , $tVars , $notifyParams->get( "connectionRequestEmailBody" , null ) );
             //echo $notifyEmail ;
             TuiyoNotify::_($userTo->id, $emailTitle, $actionLink, _("View Status"));
             TuiyoNotify::sendMail($userTo->email, $emailTitle, $emailBody);
     return $table;
Esempio n. 20
  * TuiyoModelPhotos::editAlbum()
  * Create, Modifies or Deletes and Album 
  * @param mixed $userID
  * @param mixed $albumID
  * @param mixed $isNew
  * @return
 public function editAlbum($userID, $albumID = NULL, $isNew = NULL)
     $aTable = TuiyoLoader::table("albums", TRUE);
     $post = JRequest::get("post");
     $albumID = JRequest::getVar("aid", $albumID);
     $user = TuiyoAPI::get("user", (int) $userID);
     //1. Check if this is a new album;
     if (!empty($albumID) || (int) $albumID > 0) {
         $aTable->load((int) $albumID);
         //Check User has permission to edit Album
         if ($aTable->ownerid != (int) $userID) {
             JError::raiseError(TUIYO_SERVER_ERROR, _("You do not  have permission to edit This album"));
             return false;
         //TODO: Check if album is being deleted and delete
     } else {
         //set is New = True;
         $isNew = TRUE;
     //2. Modify the variables
     $aTable->ownerid = (int) $user->id;
     $aTable->name = trim($post['name']);
     $aTable->location = trim($post['location']);
     $aTable->description = trim($post['description']);
     $aTable->published = intval($post['published']);
     $aTable->privacy = intval($post['privacy']);
     $aTable->last_modified = date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
     $aTable->album_type = "profile";
     $aTable->photocount = $aTable->photocount;
     //3 Story Album
     if (!$aTable->store()) {
         JError::raiseError(TUIYO_SERVER_ERROR, $aTable->getError());
         return false;
     if ($isNew) {
         //4b. Publish Activity Story;
         $uActivity = TuiyoAPI::get("activity", null);
         $aLink = JRoute::_(TUIYO_INDEX . '&view=photos&album=' . $aTable->aid);
         $uStoryLine = sprintf(_('%1s created a <a href="%2s">new album</a> titled <span class="subTitle">%3s</span> <i class="subDescr">%4s</i> '), "@" . $user->username, $aLink, $aTable->name, $aTable->description);
         $uActivity->publishOneLineStory($user, $uStoryLine, "photos");
     //Unset a few strings;
     return $aTable;
Esempio n. 21
  * TuiyoModelFriends::deleteInvite()
  * @param mixed $inviteID
  * @return void
 public function deleteInvite($inviteID)
     $iTable = TuiyoLoader::table("invites", TRUE);
     $user = TuiyoAPI::get("user", NULL);
     if (empty($inviteID) || !$iTable->load((int) $inviteID)) {
         JError::raiseError(TUIYO_SERVER_ERROR, _("Could not find the specified Invite"));
         return false;
     //Check Permission
     if ($iTable->userid != $user->id) {
         JError::raiseError(TUIYO_SERVER_ERROR, _("You do not have permission to delete the invite"));
         return false;
     //Delete the invite
     if (!$iTable->delete()) {
         JError::raiseError(TUIYO_SERVER_ERROR, $iTable->getError());
         return false;
     return TRUE;
Esempio n. 22
  * TuiyoViewProfile::display()
  * Displays the default profile page
  * @param mixed $tpl
  * @param mixed $profileID
  * @param mixed $privacy
  * @return void
 public function display($tpl = null, $profileID = NULL, $privacy = NULL)
     $tdoc = TuiyoAPI::get("document");
     $params = TuiyoApi::get("params");
     $model = TuiyoLoader::model("applications", true);
     $gModel = TuiyoLoader::model("groups", true);
     $pModel = TuiyoLoader::model("photos", true);
     $sModel = TuiyoLoader::model("statistics", true);
     $tModel = TuiyoLoader::model("timeline", true);
     $bc = $GLOBALS['mainframe']->getPathway();
     $GLOBALS['mainframe']->setPageTitle(sprintf(_("%s | Profile"), $this->thatuser->name));
     $livestyle = TUIYO_LIVE_PATH . '/client/default/';
     $tPath = TUIYO_VIEWS . DS . "profile" . DS . "tmpl" . DS;
     $tFile = "information";
     $socialApps = $model->getAllUserApplications((int) $this->thatuser->id);
     $tInfoVars = array("user" => $this->thatuser, "contact" => $this->thatuser->getUserContact(), "social" => $this->thatuser->getUserSocialBook(), "privacy" => $this->privacy, "rating" => $this->thatuser->getUserRating(), "styleDir" => $livestyle);
     $information = $tdoc->parseTmpl($tFile, $tPath, $tInfoVars);
     $groups = $gModel->getUserGroups($this->thatuser->id);
     $albums = $pModel->getAlbums($this->thatuser->id, "profile", NULL, TRUE, TRUE);
     $statistics = $sModel->getUserStatistics($this->thatuser->id);
     $laststatus = $tModel->getLastestUserStatus($this->thatuser->id, $this->thisuser->id);
     //Get the HTML
     $sharingWith = array("p00" => "@everyone");
     if ($this->thatuser->id != $this->thisuser->id) {
         $sharingWith = array("p" . $this->thatuser->id => $this->thatuser->name . " (" . $this->thatuser->username . ")");
     $plugins = $model->getAllUserPlugins($this->thatsuser->id, "services", false);
     $tmplPath = TUIYO_VIEWS . DS . "profile" . DS . "tmpl";
     $tmplVars = array("styleDir" => TUIYO_STYLEDIR, "user" => $this->thisuser, "sharewith" => $sharingWith, "plugins" => $plugins, "canPost" => !$this->thisuser->joomla->get('guest') ? 1 : 0);
     $activity = $tdoc->parseTmpl("activity", $tmplPath, $tmplVars);
     $tdoc->addCSS(TUIYO_LIVE_PATH . '/client/default/css/profilepage.css');
     $tdoc->addJS(TUIYO_JS . '/includes/jqueryui/effects.core.js');
     $tdoc->addJS(TUIYO_JS . '/includes/jqueryui/effects.slide.js');
     $tdoc->addJS(TUIYO_JS . '/includes/jqueryui/ui.core.js');
     $tdoc->addJS(TUIYO_JS . '/includes/jqueryui/ui.stars.min.js');
     $tdoc->addJS(TUIYO_LIVE_PATH . '/client/default/script/profile.js');
     $this->assignRef("rating", $tInfoVars["rating"]);
     $this->assignRef('information', $information);
     $this->assignRef('rawinformation', $tInfoVars);
     $this->assignRef('laststatus', $laststatus);
     $this->assignRef('externalapps', $socialApps);
     $this->assignRef('livestyle', $livestyle);
     $this->assignRef("activity", $activity);
     $this->assignRef("groups", $groups);
     $this->assignRef("photoalbums", $albums);
     $this->assignRef("statistics", $statistics);
     $rssLink = JRoute::_(TUIYO_INDEX . '&amp;view=profile&amp;do=getFeed&amp;format=feed&amp;pid=' . $this->thatuser->id);
     $attribs = JArrayHelper::toString(array("type" => "application/rss+xml", "rel" => "alternate", "title" => "RSS 2.0 {$this->thatuser->name} updates", "href" => $rssLink));
     $generatedTag = '<link ' . $attribs . ' />';
     //Trigger after profileDraw Events
Esempio n. 23
  * TuiyoViewProfile::returnI()
  * @param mixed $imageData
  * @return void
 public function returnI($imageData)
     TuiyoAPI::get("image", $imageData);
Esempio n. 24
  * TuiyoPrivacy::canRateUser()
  * Checks if userID can rate profileID
  * @param mixed $profileID
  * @param mixed $userID
  * @param mixed $IP
  * @return true if can rate or false if can't
 public function canRateUser($profileID, $userID = NULL, $IP = NULL)
     //joomla !!
     $user =& TuiyoAPI::get("user", $userID);
     $profile =& TuiyoAPI::get("user", (int) $profileID);
     //**If guest || if same user
     if ($user->joomla->get("guest") || (int) $profile->id === (int) $user->id) {
         return false;
     $IP = is_null($IP) || empty($IP) ? getenv('REMOTE_ADDR') : $IP;
     $IPfile = TUIYO_FILES . DS . "logs" . DS . strval($profile->id) . DS . "rating.log";
     if (!JFile::exists($IPfile)) {
         JFile::write($IPfile, "#Tuiyo Rating log; Profile:" . $profile->id . "\n\n");
         return TRUE;
     $rateLog = TuiyoAPI::parseINI($IPfile);
     $rateLogKey = $user->id . "@" . $IP;
     if (array_key_exists($rateLogKey, $rateLog)) {
         return false;
     //Yes user can vote
     return TRUE;
Esempio n. 25
  * TuiyoModelEvents::addEvent()
  * Creates and stores a new User Event
  * @param mixed $userID
  * @param mixed $postData
  * @return void
 public function addEvent($userID, $postData)
     $eventTable = TuiyoLoader::table('events', true);
     $rsvpTable = TuiyoLoader::table('eventsrsvp', true);
     $auth = TuiyoAPI::get('authentication');
     $doc = TuiyoAPI::get('document');
     //Must be loggged IN
     $eventTable->title = trim($postData['title']);
     if (empty($eventTable->title)) {
         $doc->enqueMessage(_('You did not specify an event title'), 'error');
         return false;
     $eventTable->location = trim($postData['location']);
     $eventTable->street = trim($postData['street']);
     $eventTable->city = trim($postData['city']);
     $eventTable->startdate = date('Y-m-d', strtotime($postData['startdate']));
     $eventTable->enddate = date('Y-m-d', strtotime($postData['enddate']));
     $startYear = date('Y', strtotime($postData['startdate']));
     $startMonth = date('m', strtotime($postData['startdate']));
     $startDay = date('d', strtotime($postData['startdate']));
     $startHour = (int) $postData['startTimeHour'];
     $startMin = (int) $postData['startTimeMin'];
     $startSec = (int) $postData['startTimeSec'];
     $endYear = date('Y', strtotime($postData['enddate']));
     $endMonth = date('m', strtotime($postData['enddate']));
     $endDay = date('d', strtotime($postData['enddate']));
     $endHour = (int) $postData['endTimeHour'];
     $endMin = (int) $postData['endTimeMin'];
     $endSec = (int) $postData['endTimeSec'];
     $startTime = mktime($startHour, $startMin, $startSec, $startMonth, $startDay, $startYear);
     $endTime = mktime($endHour, $endMin, $endSec, $endMonth, $endDay, $endYear);
     if ($endTime < $startTime) {
         $doc->enqueMessage(_('The event end Date/Time cannot be before the start Date/Time'), "error");
         return false;
     $eventTable->starttime = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $startTime);
     $eventTable->endtime = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $endTime);
     $eventTable->description = $postData['description'];
     $eventTable->poster = trim(htmlspecialchars_decode($postData['poster']));
     $eventTable->privacy = (int) $postData['privacy'];
     $eventTable->createdby = (int) $userID;
     if (!$eventTable->store()) {
         $doc->enqueueMessage($eventTable->getError(), "error");
         return false;
     //addHost to Event
     $rsvpTable->eventid = $eventTable->eventid;
     $rsvpTable->role = 'host';
     $rsvpTable->userid = $eventTable->createdby;
     $rsvpTable->approved = 1;
     if (!$rsvpTable->store()) {
         $doc->enqueueMessage(_('An error occured whilst adding you to the event'), "error");
         $doc->enqueueMessage($eventTable->getError(), "error");
         return false;
     return true;
Esempio n. 26
 public function finishBuild()
     global $mainframe;
     $userData = TuiyoAPI::get("user");
     $profile = TuiyoUser::getUserFromRequest();
     $document = JFactory::getDocument();
     $template = JFilterInput::clean($mainframe->getTemplate(), 'cmd');
     $userStyle = TUIYO_STYLES . DS . $userData->id . DS . $template . ".ini";
     if (file_exists($userStyle) && is_file($userStyle) && is_readable($userStyle)) {
         $content = file_get_contents($userStyle);
         $params = new JParameter($content);
         $session = JSession::getInstance('none', array());
         $session->set("TUIYO_STYLE", $params);
     //User Avatar
     $mainframe->addMetaTag("thumb70", $userData->getUserAvatar()->thumb70);
     $mainframe->addMetaTag("thumb35", $userData->getUserAvatar()->thumb35);
Esempio n. 27
  * TuiyoControllerSystemTools::getConfigEl()
  * @return json page
 public function getConfigEl()
     $key = JRequest::getVar("key");
     $view = $this->getView("tuiyo", "json");
     //Response Array
     $resp = array("code" => TUIYO_OK, "data" => null, "element" => 0);
     $params = TuiyoAPI::get("params", $key);
     $resp["element"] = $params->getForm();
     //Return the JSON
Esempio n. 28
  * TuiyoInitiate::_localize()
  * Localizes the system with gettext;
  * @return void
 private function _localize()
     //Initialize gettText
     $localize =& TuiyoAPI::get("localize");
     $language =& JFactory::getLanguage();
     $locale = TUIYO_DEFAULT_LOCALE;
     $domain = 'system';
     $encoding = TUIYO_DEFAULT_ENCODING;
     //print_r( $language->getLocale() );
     //return TRUE;
     $localize->initiate($domain, $locale, $encoding);
     //return TRUE;
Esempio n. 29
  * TuiyoModelGroups::getGroup()
  * Gets a group from the databse
  * @param mixed $groupID
  * @param mixed $userID
  * @return
 public function getGroup($groupID)
     $user = TuiyoAPI::get("user", NULL);
     $gTable = TuiyoLoader::table("groups", true);
     $gData = $gTable->loadSingleGroup((int) $groupID);
     //1. Check that group Exists
     if (!is_object($gData) || !isset($gData->groupID) || $gData->groupID < 1) {
         return false;
     //2. Is user Createor?
     $gData->isAdmin = $gData->creatorID != $user->id ? 0 : 1;
     return $gData;
Esempio n. 30
 public function setMessageFolderCode($folder, $userID = NULL)
     $user = TuiyoAPI::get("user", NULL);
     //Determine if this user is the sender
     $isSender = (int) $this->user_id_from != $user->id ? FALSE : TRUE;
     //If its a new message then folder ID is 10;
     switch ($folder) {
         case "sent":
             $sFid = (string) $this->folder_id;
             if (strlen($sFid) < 2) {
                 $sFid .= "0";
             if ($isSender) {
                 $folder_id = (int) ("1" . $sFid[strlen($sFid) - 1]);
             } else {
                 $folder_id = (int) ($sFid[0] . "1");
         case "read":
             $sFid = (string) $this->folder_id;
             if (strlen($sFid) < 2) {
                 $sFid .= "0";
             if ($isSender) {
                 $folder_id = (int) ("2" . $sFid[strlen($sFid) - 1]);
             } else {
                 $folder_id = (int) ($sFid[0] . "2");
         case "delete":
             $sFid = (string) $this->folder_id;
             if (strlen($sFid) < 2) {
                 $sFid .= "0";
             if ($isSender) {
                 $folder_id = (int) ("3" . $sFid[strlen($sFid) - 1]);
             } else {
                 $folder_id = (int) ($sFid[0] . "3");
         case "new":
             $folder_id = "10";
     $this->folder_id = (int) $folder_id;