Esempio n. 1
# Uncomment below to force Trax into production mode when
# you don't control web/app server and can't set it the proper way
# Sets environment from the Apache Vhost (SetEnv TRAX_ENV production)
# or change the string to manually set it. (development | test | production)
# define('TRAX_ENV', $_SERVER['TRAX_ENV'] ? $_SERVER['TRAX_ENV'] : "production");
# Bootstrap the Trax environment, framework, and default configuration
include_once dirname(__FILE__) . "/boot.php";
# Override the Trax framework default values
# Settings in config/environments/* take precedence those specified here
# Trax::$path_seperator = ":";
# Trax::$url_prefix = "~username";
# Use database or cookie-based (default) sessions. (active_record_store,file_store)
# Trax::$session_store = "active_record_store";
# Where should Trax write session files to? (only if using file_store)
# Trax::$session_save_path = Trax::$tmp_path."/sessions";
# SEO naming of urls such as ecommerce-shopping-cart which will be changed on
# incoming requests to underscores. default is null.
# Trax::$url_word_seperator = "-";
# View file type. (html(default),haml)
# ViewHandlers::register_extension('haml');
# Include the application environment specific config file
# uncomment to load plugins located in vendor/plugins
# Trax::load_plugins(array('myplugin','myotherplugin'));
# Add new inflection rules using the following format
# (all these examples are active by default):
# Inflections::plural('/^(ox)$/i', '\1en');
# Inflections::singular('/^(ox)en/i', '\1');
# Inflections::irregular('person', 'people');
# Inflections::uncountable('fish', 'sheep', ['more words'] ...);
# Include your application configuration below