Esempio n. 1
  * this is the main feature of the view, in the MVC paradigm the controller sends updates to the view, this is 
  * the method which captures the updates.  
  * The uri is essentially the part of the system which we are updating so different output will be negotiated 
  * depending on the value of the uri.  
  * The data are the things which have changed due to the controller. 
  * The message is optional, it is for notes, debug information or with json sending messages back alongside the data
  * @param string $uri 
  * @param array $data 
  * @return void
  * @author Craig Ulliott
 public static function update($uri, $data = NULL)
     // extract the base from the url, we use this to determine the type of output
     $uri_r = explode('/', trim($uri, '/'), 2);
     $base = array_val($uri_r, 0);
     $path = array_val($uri_r, 1);
     // for an error we try and determine the best format to send back the message
     if ($base == 'error') {
         // if the original request came from AJAX
         if (array_val($_SERVER, 'HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH') == 'XMLHttpRequest') {
             // rewrite and use the json handler for this error
             $base = 'json';
             $path = 'fail';
             $data = array_val($data, 'message', 'Unknown Error');
         } else {
             // pass back the appropriate http code for this error
             $code = array_val($data, 'code');
             switch ($code) {
                 case '404':
                     header("HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found");
                 case '500':
                     header("HTTP/1.0 500 Internal Server Error");
                     die('unknown error code "' . $code . '"');
             // use the page handler to display this error
             $base = 'page';
             $path = 'error/' . $code;
     // for an error, we try to determine if we are
     // we handle the update differently depending on the base of the uri
     switch ($base) {
         // these are the different layout files, we are loading a whole page template and passing the result into these layouts
         case 'page':
             // we are preparing a full html page
             $tpl_vars = array();
             // the part of the page being updated from teh controller (aka the page contents)
             $tpl_vars['page_content'] = Template::loadTemplate($path, $data);
             // script and css clien side includes
             $tpl_vars['css_url'] = ENV == 'dev' ? '/css/generate' : STATIC_BASE_URL . 'css/style.css';
             $tpl_vars['js_url'] = ENV == 'dev' ? '/js/generate' : STATIC_BASE_URL . 'js/script.js';
             // todo::
             $tpl_vars['css_url'] = '/css/generate';
             $tpl_vars['js_url'] = '/js/generate';
             // the facebook API key
             $tpl_vars['fb_api_key'] = getConfiguration('facebook', 'api_key');
             // user values
             $tpl_vars['current_uid'] = CURRENT_UID;
             $tpl_vars['current_session_key'] = CURRENT_SESSION_KEY;
             // the parts of the path
             $path_r = explode('/', $path);
             // the active section is the first part of the path
             $active_section = reset($path_r);
             // used to set an active class on the main tab
             $tpl_vars['active'] = $active_section;
             // we build body classes to target css more accurately, one whole class for each parent section
             $body_classes = array();
             while ($path_r) {
                 $body_classes[] = implode('-', $path_r);
             // the current login state
             if (CURRENT_UID) {
                 $body_classes[] = 'logged-in';
             // the current browser (TODO:)
             if (true == false) {
                 $body_classes[] = 'ie-7';
             // the body classes, used to determine the browser and login state
             $tpl_vars['body_class'] = implode(' ', $body_classes);
             // render the full page in either the base or admin layout file
             $output = Template::loadLayout($base, $tpl_vars);
             // complete the translations
             $output = Translator::parse($output);
             // useful headers for debugging
             // output to the browser
             // partial means we are rendering a template (usualy html) but not passing it back into the page template
             // this is usually for partial page updates preformed by javascript
         // partial means we are rendering a template (usualy html) but not passing it back into the page template
         // this is usually for partial page updates preformed by javascript
         case 'partial':
             // render the template and output to the browser
             $output = Template::loadTemplate($path, $data);
             // complete the translations
             $translated_output = Translator::parse($output);
             // useful headers for debugging
             // to hold the output
             $r = array();
             // the rest of the params go into the data key
             $r['page'] = $translated_output;
             // the correct content type
             header('Content-type: application/json');
             // build and send the json back to the browser
             $encoded_output = json_encode($r);
             // json is used by javascript for various AJAX functionality
         // json is used by javascript for various AJAX functionality
         case 'json':
             $r = array();
             switch ($path) {
                 // ouput raw json data
                 case 'data':
                     // the content type
                     header('Content-type: application/json');
                     // build and send the json back to the browser
                     $encoded_output = json_encode($data);
                     // success means we simply set the success key to 1, javascript will capture this
                 // success means we simply set the success key to 1, javascript will capture this
                 case 'success':
                     $r['success'] = 1;
                     // fail means we simply set the success key to 0, javascript will capture this and handle is as a fail
                 // fail means we simply set the success key to 0, javascript will capture this and handle is as a fail
                 case 'fail':
                     $r['success'] = 0;
                     throw new exception($path . ' is not a valid path for json output');
             // the data variable is used for sending back a message
             // it is sent as a blank string if one wasnt provided
             $r['message'] = (string) $data;
             // the correct content type
             header('Content-type: application/json');
             // build and send the json back to the browser
             $encoded_output = json_encode($r);
             // content pass through, with the uri as a content type
         // content pass through, with the uri as a content type
         case 'content':
             // the different content types we accept
             switch ($path) {
                 // common image types
                 case 'image/png':
                 case 'image/gif':
                 case 'image/jpeg':
                     // css and js
                 // css and js
                 case 'text/css':
                 case 'text/javascript':
                 case 'text/html':
                     // data
                 // data
                 case 'text/csv':
                     // the content type
                     header('Content-type: ' . $path);
                     // other useful headers for debugging
                     // send to the browser
                     throw new exception($path . ' is not a known safe content type');
             throw new exception($base . ' is not a valid base for updating this view');