Esempio n. 1
  * @param Array $condition
  * @param Array $params
  * @return bool true for success, false otherwise
 public static function checkCondition($condition, &$params)
     if ($condition['type'] === 'workflow_status') {
         return self::checkWorkflowStatusCondition($condition, $params);
     $model = isset($params['model']) ? $params['model'] : null;
     $operator = isset($condition['operator']) ? $condition['operator'] : '=';
     // $type = isset($condition['type'])? $condition['type'] : null;
     $value = isset($condition['value']) ? $condition['value'] : null;
     // default to a doing basic value comparison
     if (isset($condition['name']) && $condition['type'] === '') {
         if (!isset($params[$condition['name']])) {
             return false;
         return self::evalComparison($params[$condition['name']], $operator, $value);
     switch ($condition['type']) {
         case 'attribute':
             if (!isset($condition['name'], $model)) {
                 return false;
             $attr =& $condition['name'];
             if (null === ($field = $model->getField($attr))) {
                 return false;
             if ($operator === 'changed') {
                 return $model->attributeChanged($attr);
             if ($field->type === 'link') {
                 list($attrVal, $id) = Fields::nameAndId($model->getAttribute($attr));
             } else {
                 $attrVal = $model->getAttribute($attr);
             return self::evalComparison($attrVal, $operator, X2Flow::parseValue($value, $field->type, $params), $field);
         case 'current_user':
             return self::evalComparison(Yii::app()->user->getName(), $operator, X2Flow::parseValue($value, 'assignment', $params));
         case 'month':
             return self::evalComparison((int) date('n'), $operator, $value);
             // jan = 1, dec = 12
         // jan = 1, dec = 12
         case 'day_of_month':
             return self::evalComparison((int) date('j'), $operator, $value);
             // 1 through 31
         // 1 through 31
         case 'day_of_week':
             return self::evalComparison((int) date('N'), $operator, $value);
             // monday = 1, sunday = 7
         // monday = 1, sunday = 7
         case 'time_of_day':
             // - mktime(0,0,0)
             return self::evalComparison(time(), $operator, X2Flow::parseValue($value, 'time', $params));
             // seconds since midnight
             // case 'current_local_time':
         // seconds since midnight
         // case 'current_local_time':
         case 'current_time':
             return self::evalComparison(time(), $operator, X2Flow::parseValue($value, 'dateTime', $params));
         case 'user_active':
             return CActiveRecord::model('Session')->exists('user=:user AND status=1', array(':user' => X2Flow::parseValue($value, 'assignment', $params)));
         case 'on_list':
             if (!isset($model, $value)) {
                 return false;
             $value = X2Flow::parseValue($value, 'link');
             // look up specified list
             if (is_numeric($value)) {
                 $list = CActiveRecord::model('X2List')->findByPk($value);
             } else {
                 $list = CActiveRecord::model('X2List')->findByAttributes(array('name' => $value));
             return $list !== null && $list->hasRecord($model);
         case 'has_tags':
             if (!isset($model, $value)) {
                 return false;
             $tags = X2Flow::parseValue($value, 'tags');
             return $model->hasTags($tags, 'AND');
         case 'workflow_status':
             if (!isset($model, $condition['workflowId'], $condition['stageNumber'])) {
                 return false;
             switch ($operator) {
                 case 'started_workflow':
                     return CActiveRecord::model('Actions')->exists('associationType=:type AND associationId=:modelId AND type="workflow" AND workflowId=:workflow', array(':type' => get_class($model), ':modelId' => $model->id, ':workflow' => $condition['workflowId']));
                 case 'started_stage':
                     return CActiveRecord::model('Actions')->exists('associationType=:type AND associationId=:modelId AND type="workflow" AND workflowId=:workflow AND stageNumber=:stage AND (completeDate IS NULL OR completeDate=0)', array(':type' => get_class($model), ':modelId' => $model->id, ':workflow' => $condition['workflowId'], ':stageNumber' => $condition['stageNumber']));
                 case 'completed_stage':
                     return CActiveRecord::model('Actions')->exists('associationType=:type AND associationId=:modelId AND type="workflow" AND workflowId=:workflow AND stageNumber=:stage AND completeDate > 0', array(':type' => get_class($model), ':modelId' => $model->id, ':workflow' => $condition['workflowId'], ':stageNumber' => $condition['stageNumber']));
                 case 'completed_workflow':
                     $stageCount = CActiveRecord::model('WorkflowStage')->count('workflowId=:id', array(':id' => $condition['workflowId']));
                     $actionCount = CActiveRecord::model('Actions')->count('associationType=:type AND associationId=:modelId AND type="workflow" AND workflowId=:workflow', array(':type' => get_class($model), ':modelId' => $model->id, ':workflow' => $condition['workflowId']));
                     return $actionCount >= $stageCount;
             return false;
         case 'email_open':
             if (isset($params['sentEmails'], $params['sentEmails'][$value])) {
                 $trackEmail = TrackEmail::model()->findByAttributes(array('uniqueId' => $params['sentEmails'][$value]));
                 return $trackEmail && !is_null($trackEmail->opened);
             return false;
     return false;
     // foreach($condition as $key = >$value) {
     // Record attribute (=, <, >, <>, in list, not in list, empty, not empty, contains)
     // Linked record attribute (eg. a contact's account has > 30 employees)
     // Current user
     // Current time (day of week, hours, etc)
     // Current time in record's timezone
     // Is user X logged in
     // Workflow status (in workflow X, started stage Y, completed Y, completed all)
     // }
Esempio n. 2
  * Called when a Contact opens an email sent from Inline Email Form. Inline Email Form
  * appends an image to the email with src pointing to this function. This function
  * creates an action associated with the Contact indicating that the email was opened.
  * @param integer $uid The unique id of the recipient
  * @param string $type 'open', 'click', or 'unsub'
 public function actionEmailOpened($uid, $type)
     // If the request is coming from within the web application, ignore it.
     $referrer = isset($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']) ? $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] : '';
     $baseUrl = Yii::app()->request->getBaseUrl(true);
     $fromApp = strpos($referrer, $baseUrl) === 0;
     if ($type == 'open' && !$fromApp) {
         $track = TrackEmail::model()->findByAttributes(array('uniqueId' => $uid));
     //return a one pixel transparent png
     header('Content-Type: image/png');
Esempio n. 3
  * Called when a Contact opens an email sent from Inline Email Form. Inline Email Form
  * appends an image to the email with src pointing to this function. This function
  * creates an action associated with the Contact indicating that the email was opened.
  * @param integer $uid The unique id of the recipient
  * @param string $type 'open', 'click', or 'unsub'
 public function actionEmailOpened($uid, $type)
     // If the request is coming from within the web application, ignore it.
     $referrer = isset($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']) ? $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] : '';
     $baseUrl = Yii::app()->request->getBaseUrl(true);
     $fromApp = strpos($referrer, $baseUrl) === 0;
     if ($type == 'open' && !$fromApp) {
         $track = TrackEmail::model()->findByAttributes(array('uniqueId' => $uid));
         if ($track && $track->opened == null) {
             $action = $track->action;
             if ($action) {
                 $note = new Actions();
                 switch ($action->type) {
                     case 'email_quote':
                     case 'email_invoice':
                         $subType = str_replace('email_', '', $action->type);
                         $note->type = "emailOpened_{$subType}";
                         $quote = Quote::model()->findByPk($action->associationId);
                         if ($quote instanceof Quote) {
                             $contact = $quote->associatedContactsModel;
                             if ($contact instanceof Contacts) {
                                 $note->associationType = 'contacts';
                                 $note->associationId = $contact->id;
                         $note->type = 'emailOpened';
                         $note->associationType = $action->associationType;
                         $note->associationId = $action->associationId;
                 $now = time();
                 $note->createDate = $now;
                 $note->lastUpdated = $now;
                 $note->completeDate = $now;
                 $note->complete = 'Yes';
                 $note->updatedBy = 'admin';
                 $note->associationName = $action->associationName;
                 $note->visibility = $action->visibility;
                 $note->assignedTo = $action->assignedTo;
                 $note->actionDescription = Yii::t('marketing', 'Contact has opened the email sent on ');
                 $note->actionDescription .= Formatter::formatLongDateTime($action->createDate) . "<br>";
                 $note->actionDescription .= $action->actionDescription;
                 if ($note->save()) {
                     $event = new Events();
                     $event->type = 'email_opened';
                     switch ($action->type) {
                         case 'email_quote':
                             $event->subtype = 'quote';
                         case 'email_invoice':
                             $event->subtype = 'invoice';
                             $event->subtype = 'email';
                     $contact = isset($quote) && $quote instanceof Quote ? $quote->associatedContactsModel : X2Model::model('Contacts')->findByPk($action->associationId);
                     if (isset($contact)) {
                         $event->user = $contact->assignedTo;
                     $event->associationType = 'Contacts';
                     $event->associationId = isset($contact) ? $contact->id : $note->associationId;
                     if ($action->associationType == 'services') {
                         $case = X2Model::model('Services')->findByPk($action->associationId);
                         if (isset($case) && is_numeric($case->contactId)) {
                             $event->associationId = $case->contactId;
                         } elseif (isset($case)) {
                             $event->associationType = 'Services';
                             $event->associationId = $case->id;
                     $track->opened = $now;
     //return a one pixel transparent png
     header('Content-Type: image/png');
Esempio n. 4
  * Save the tracking record for this email, but only if an image was inserted.
  * @param integer $actionId ID of the email-type action corresponding to the record.
 public function trackEmail($actionId)
     if (isset($this->_uniqueId)) {
         $track = new TrackEmail();
         $track->actionId = $actionId;
         $track->uniqueId = $this->uniqueId;
Esempio n. 5
 private function handleServiceFormSubmission($model, $extractedParams)
     if (isset($_POST['Services'])) {
         // web form submitted
         if (isset($_POST['Services']['firstName'])) {
             $firstName = $_POST['Services']['firstName'];
             $fullName = $firstName;
         if (isset($_POST['Services']['lastName'])) {
             $lastName = $_POST['Services']['lastName'];
             if (isset($fullName)) {
                 $fullName .= ' ' . $lastName;
             } else {
                 $fullName = $lastName;
         if (isset($_POST['Services']['email'])) {
             $email = $_POST['Services']['email'];
         if (isset($_POST['Services']['phone'])) {
             $phone = $_POST['Services']['phone'];
         if (isset($_POST['Services']['desription'])) {
             $description = $_POST['Services']['description'];
         // Extra sanitizing
         $p = Fields::getPurifier();
         foreach ($model->attributes as $name => $value) {
             if ($name != $model->primaryKey() && !empty($value)) {
                 $model->{$name} = $p->purify($value);
         if (isset($email) && $email) {
             $contact = Contacts::model()->findByAttributes(array('email' => $email));
         } else {
             $contact = false;
         if ($contact) {
             $model->contactId = $contact->nameId;
         } else {
             $model->contactId = "Unregistered";
         if (isset($fullName) || isset($email)) {
             $model->subject = Yii::t('services', 'Web Form Case entered by {name}', array('{name}' => isset($fullName) ? $fullName : $email));
         } else {
             $model->subject = Yii::t('services', 'Web Form Case');
         $model->origin = 'Web';
         if (!isset($model->impact) || $model->impact == '') {
             $model->impact = Yii::t('services', '3 - Moderate');
         if (!isset($model->status) || $model->status == '') {
             $model->status = Yii::t('services', 'New');
         if (!isset($model->mainIssue) || $model->mainIssue == '') {
             $model->mainIssue = Yii::t('services', 'General Request');
         if (!isset($model->subIssue) || $model->subIssue == '') {
             $model->subIssue = Yii::t('services', 'Other');
         $model->assignedTo = $this->controller->getNextAssignee();
         if (isset($email)) {
             $model->email = CHtml::encode($email);
         $now = time();
         $model->createDate = $now;
         $model->lastUpdated = $now;
         $model->updatedBy = 'admin';
         if (isset($description)) {
             $model->description = CHtml::encode($description);
         if (!$model->hasErrors()) {
             if ($model->save()) {
                 $model->name = $model->id;
                 //use the submitted info to create an action
                 $action = new Actions();
                 $action->actionDescription = Yii::t('contacts', 'Web Form') . "\n\n" . (isset($fullName) ? Yii::t('contacts', 'Name') . ': ' . $fullName . "\n" : '') . (isset($email) ? Yii::t('contacts', 'Email') . ": " . $email . "\n" : '') . (isset($phone) ? Yii::t('contacts', 'Phone') . ": " . $phone . "\n" : '') . (isset($description) ? Yii::t('services', 'Description') . ": " . $description : '');
                 // create action
                 $action->type = 'note';
                 $action->assignedTo = $model->assignedTo;
                 $action->visibility = '1';
                 $action->associationType = 'services';
                 $action->associationId = $model->id;
                 $action->associationName = $model->name;
                 $action->createDate = $now;
                 $action->lastUpdated = $now;
                 $action->completeDate = $now;
                 $action->complete = 'Yes';
                 $action->updatedBy = 'admin';
                 if (isset($email)) {
                     //send email
                     $emailBody = Yii::t('services', 'Hello') . ' ' . $fullName . ",<br><br>";
                     $emailBody .= Yii::t('services', 'Thank you for contacting our Technical Support ' . 'team. This is to verify we have received your request for Case# ' . '{casenumber}. One of our Technical Analysts will contact you shortly.', array('{casenumber}' => $model->id));
                     $emailBody = Yii::app()->settings->serviceCaseEmailMessage;
                     if (isset($firstName)) {
                         $emailBody = preg_replace('/{first}/u', $firstName, $emailBody);
                     if (isset($lastName)) {
                         $emailBody = preg_replace('/{last}/u', $lastName, $emailBody);
                     if (isset($phone)) {
                         $emailBody = preg_replace('/{phone}/u', $phone, $emailBody);
                     if (isset($email)) {
                         $emailBody = preg_replace('/{email}/u', $email, $emailBody);
                     if (isset($description)) {
                         $emailBody = preg_replace('/{description}/u', $description, $emailBody);
                     $emailBody = preg_replace('/{case}/u', $model->id, $emailBody);
                     $emailBody = preg_replace('/\\n|\\r\\n/', "<br>", $emailBody);
                     $uniqueId = md5(uniqid(rand(), true));
                     $emailBody .= '<img src="' . $this->controller->createAbsoluteUrl('/actions/actions/emailOpened', array('uid' => $uniqueId, 'type' => 'open')) . '"/>';
                     $emailSubject = Yii::app()->settings->serviceCaseEmailSubject;
                     if (isset($firstName)) {
                         $emailSubject = preg_replace('/{first}/u', $firstName, $emailSubject);
                     if (isset($lastName)) {
                         $emailSubject = preg_replace('/{last}/u', $lastName, $emailSubject);
                     if (isset($phone)) {
                         $emailSubject = preg_replace('/{phone}/u', $phone, $emailSubject);
                     if (isset($email)) {
                         $emailSubject = preg_replace('/{email}/u', $email, $emailSubject);
                     if (isset($description)) {
                         $emailSubject = preg_replace('/{description}/u', $description, $emailSubject);
                     $emailSubject = preg_replace('/{case}/u', $model->id, $emailSubject);
                     if (Yii::app()->settings->serviceCaseEmailAccount != Credentials::LEGACY_ID) {
                         $from = (int) Yii::app()->settings->serviceCaseEmailAccount;
                     } else {
                         $from = array('name' => Yii::app()->settings->serviceCaseFromEmailName, 'address' => Yii::app()->settings->serviceCaseFromEmailAddress);
                     $useremail = array('to' => array(array(isset($fullName) ? $fullName : '', $email)));
                     $status = $this->controller->sendUserEmail($useremail, $emailSubject, $emailBody, null, $from);
                     if ($status['code'] == 200) {
                         if ($model->assignedTo != 'Anyone') {
                             $profile = X2Model::model('Profile')->findByAttributes(array('username' => $model->assignedTo));
                             if (isset($profile)) {
                                 $useremail['to'] = array(array($profile->fullName, $profile->emailAddress));
                                 $emailSubject = 'Service Case Created';
                                 $emailBody = "A new service case, #" . $model->id . ", has been created in X2Engine. To view the case, click " . "this link: " . $model->getLink();
                                 $status = $this->controller->sendUserEmail($useremail, $emailSubject, $emailBody, null, $from);
                         //email action
                         $action = new Actions();
                         $action->associationType = 'services';
                         $action->associationId = $model->id;
                         $action->associationName = $model->name;
                         $action->visibility = 1;
                         $action->complete = 'Yes';
                         $action->type = 'email';
                         $action->completedBy = 'admin';
                         $action->assignedTo = $model->assignedTo;
                         $action->createDate = time();
                         $action->dueDate = time();
                         $action->completeDate = time();
                         $action->actionDescription = '<b>' . $model->subject . "</b>\n\n" . $emailBody;
                         if ($action->save()) {
                             $track = new TrackEmail();
                             $track->actionId = $action->id;
                             $track->uniqueId = $uniqueId;
                     } else {
                         $errMsg = 'Error: actionWebForm.php: sendUserEmail failed';
                         Yii::log($errMsg, '', 'application.debug');
                 $this->controller->renderPartial('application.components.views.webFormSubmit', array('type' => 'service', 'caseNumber' => $model->id));
                 // success!
     $sanitizedGetParams = self::sanitizeGetParams();
     $this->controller->renderPartial('application.components.views.webForm', array_merge(array('model' => $model, 'type' => 'service'), $sanitizedGetParams));