function getExportUrl()
     $exportTitle = Title::MakeTitle(NS_SPECIAL, 'MvExportSequence/' . $this->seqTitle->getDBkey());
     $export_url = $exportTitle->getFullURL();
     if ($this->oldid != '') {
         $ss = strpos($export_url, '?') === false ? '?' : '&';
         $export_url .= $ss . 'oldid=' . htmlspecialchars($this->oldid);
     return $export_url;
Esempio n. 2
 protected function feedItem($row)
     $title = Title::MakeTitle(intval($row->page_namespace), $row->page_title);
     if ($title) {
         $date = $row->rev_timestamp;
         $comments = $title->getTalkPage()->getFullURL();
         $revision = Revision::newFromRow($row);
         return new FeedItem($title->getPrefixedText(), $this->feedItemDesc($revision), $title->getFullURL(), $date, $this->feedItemAuthor($revision), $comments);
     } else {
         return null;
 function getHTML()
     global $wgOut, $wgTitle, $wgRequest;
     $article =& $this->mv_interface->article;
     $title = Title::MakeTitle(NS_SPECIAL, 'MvExportSequence/' . $article->mTitle->getDBKey());
     $title_url = $title->getFullURL();
     $oldid = $wgRequest->getVal('oldid');
     if (isset($oldid)) {
         //@@ugly hack .. but really this whole sequencer needs a serious rewrite)
         $ss = strpos($title_url, '?') === false ? '?' : '&';
         $title_url .= $ss . 'oldid=' . $oldid;
     //'<playlist id="mv_pl">'.
     //@@todo look at mv_interface context to get what to display in tool box:
     $wgOut->addHTML('' . '<div style="position:absolute;width:320px;height:270px;" id="mv_video_container">' . '<div style="display:none;" id="mv_pl_url">' . $title_url . '</div>' . '</div>' . "\n");
Esempio n. 4
 protected function feedItem($row)
     $title = Title::MakeTitle(intval($row->rc_namespace), $row->rc_title);
     if ($title) {
         $date = $row->rc_timestamp;
         $comments = $title->getTalkPage()->getFullURL();
         return new FeedItem($title->getPrefixedText(), $this->feedItemDesc($row), $title->getFullURL(), $date, $this->feedItemAuthor($row), $comments);
     } else {
         return NULL;
	function get_search_feed(){	
		global $wgSitename, $wgOut;	
		//set up search obj: 
		$sms = new MV_SpecialMediaSearch();
		//setup filters:
		//do the search:
		//get the search page title:
		$msTitle = Title::MakeTitle(NS_SPECIAL, 'MediaSearch');
		$this->feed = new mvRSSFeed(
			$wgSitename . ' - ' .wfMsg('mediasearch'). ' : '. strip_tags($sms->getFilterDesc()), //title 
			strip_tags($sms->getFilterDesc()), //description
			$msTitle->getFullUrl().'?'.$sms->get_httpd_filters_query() //link 
		$MV_Overlay = new MV_Overlay();				
		//for each search result: 		
		foreach ($sms->results as $stream_id => & $stream_set) {			
			$matches = 0;
			$stream_out = $mvTitle = '';			
			foreach ($stream_set as & $srange) {				
				$cat_html = $mvd_out = '';
				foreach ($srange['rows'] as $inx=> & $mvd) {								
					//get Stream title for mvd match: 
					$mvTitle = new MV_Title($mvd->wiki_title);
					$stremTitle = Title::MakeTitle(MV_NS_STREAM, $mvTitle->getStreamName().'/'.$mvTitle->getTimeRequest() );
					$this->feed->outPutItem($stremTitle, $MV_Overlay->getMVDhtml($mvd, $absolute_links=true));
    function getResultsHTML()
        global $mvgIP, $wgOut, $mvgScriptPath, $mvgContLang, $wgUser, $wgParser;
        $sk =& $wgUser->getSkin();
        $o = '';
        if ($this->outputContainer) {
            $o .= '<div id="mv_search_results_container">';
        //for each stream range:
        if (count($this->results) == 0) {
            $o .= '<h2><span class="mw-headline">' . wfMsg('mv_search_no_results') . '</span></h2>';
            if ($this->outputContainer) {
                $o .= '</div>';
            return $o;
        } else {
            if ($this->outputInlineHeader) {
                $o .= '<h2>
						<span class="mw-headline">' . wfMsg('mv_media_matches') . '</span>
                $title = Title::MakeTitle(NS_SPECIAL, 'MediaSearch');
                $o .= $sk->makeKnownLinkObj($title, wfMsg('mv_advaced_search'), $this->get_httpd_filters_query());
        //media pagging:
        $prevnext = mvViewPrevNext($this->offset, $this->limit, SpecialPage::getTitleFor('MediaSearch'), $this->get_httpd_filters_query(), $this->num < $this->limit);
        $o .= "<br /><span id=\"mv_search_pagging\">{$prevnext}</span>\n";
        //add the rss link:
        $sTitle = Title::MakeTitle(NS_SPECIAL, 'MvExportSearch');
        $o .= '<span style="float:right;">';
        $o .= $sk->makeKnownLinkObj($sTitle, '<img border="0" src="' . $mvgScriptPath . '/skins/images/feed-icon-28x28.png">', $this->get_httpd_filters_query());
        $o .= '</span>';
        //add the results bar:
        $o .= $this->getResultsBar();
        foreach ($this->results as $stream_id => &$stream_set) {
            $matches = 0;
            $stream_out = $mvTitle = '';
            foreach ($stream_set as &$srange) {
                $cat_html = $mvd_out = '';
                $range_match = 0;
                foreach ($srange['rows'] as $inx => &$mvd) {
                    $mvTitle = new MV_Title($mvd->wiki_title);
                    //retrieve only the first article:
                    //$title = Title::MakeTitle(MV_NS_MVD, $mvd->wiki_title);
                    //$article = new Article($title);
                    $bgcolor = MV_Overlay::getMvdBgColor($mvd);
                    //output indent if not the first and count more than one
                    if (count($srange['rows']) != 1 && $inx != 0) {
                        $mvd_out .= '&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;';
                    //'<img src="'. $mvgScriptPath . '/skins/images/film.png">'
                    //$mvd_out .= '<div class="mv_rtdesc" title="' . wfMsg('mv_expand_play') . '"  '.
                    //				'> ';
                    $mvd_out .= '<img style="float:left;width:84px;cursor:pointer;border:solid #' . $bgcolor . '" ' . ' onclick="mv_ex(\'' . $mvd->id . '\')" width="80" height="60" src="' . $mvTitle->getStreamImageURL('icon') . '">';
                    $mvd_out .= '</div>';
                    $mvd_out .= '<b>' . $mvTitle->getTimeDesc() . '</b>&nbsp;';
                    $mvd_cnt_links = '';
                    if (isset($mvd->spoken_by)) {
                        $ptitle = Title::MakeTitle(NS_MAIN, $mvd->spoken_by);
                        $mvd_cnt_links .= wfMsg('mv_search_spoken_by') . ': ' . $sk->makeKnownLinkObj($ptitle);
                        $mvd_cnt_links .= '<br>';
                    if ($this->outputSeqLinks == true) {
                        $mvd_cnt_links .= '&nbsp;<a href="javascript:mv_add_to_seq({mvclip:\'' . $mvTitle->getStreamName() . '/' . $mvTitle->getTimeRequest() . '\',' . 'src:\'' . $mvTitle->getWebStreamURL() . '\',' . 'img_url:\'' . $mvTitle->getStreamImageURL() . '\'})">' . '<img style="cursor:pointer;" ' . 'title="' . wfMsg('mv_seq_add_end') . '" ' . 'src="' . $mvgScriptPath . '/skins/mv_embed/images/application_side_expand.png">' . wfMsg('mv_seq_add_end') . '</a>';
                    $mvd_cnt_links .= '<a title="' . wfMsg('mv_expand_play') . '" href="javascript:mv_ex(\'' . $mvd->id . '\')">' . '<img id="mv_img_ex_' . $mvd->id . '"  src="' . $mvgScriptPath . '/skins/images/closed.png">' . '<span id="mv_watch_clip_' . $mvd->id . '">' . wfMsg('mv_watch_clip') . '</span>' . '<span style="display:none;" id="mv_close_clip_' . $mvd->id . '">' . wfMsg('mv_close_clip') . '</span>' . '</a>' . '&nbsp;&nbsp;';
                    //output control links:
                    //make stream title link:
                    $mvStreamTitle = Title::MakeTitle(MV_NS_STREAM, $mvTitle->getNearStreamName());
                    //$mvTitle->getStreamName() .'/'.$mvTitle->getStartTime() .'/'. $mvTitle->getEndTime() );
                    $mvd_cnt_links .= $sk->makeKnownLinkObj($mvStreamTitle, '<img border="1" src="' . $mvgScriptPath . '/skins/images/run_mv_stream.png"> ' . wfMsg('mv_improve_transcript'), '', '', '', '', ' title="' . wfMsg('mv_view_in_stream_interface') . '" ');
                    $mvd_cnt_links .= '<br>';
                    //$title = MakeTitle::()
                    //don't inclue link to wiki page (too confusing)
                    //$mvd_out .='&nbsp;';
                    $mvdTitle = Title::MakeTitle(MV_NS_MVD, $mvd->wiki_title);
                    //$mvd_out .= $sk->makeKnownLinkObj($mvdTitle, '<img border="0" src="' . $mvgScriptPath . '/skins/images/run_mediawiki.png">', '', '', '', '', ' title="' . wfMsg('mv_view_wiki_page') . '" ');
                    $mvd_out .= '<span id="mvr_desc_' . $mvd->id . '">';
                    if (!isset($mvd->toplq)) {
                        $mvd->toplq = false;
                    //output short desc send partial regEx:
                    if (!$mvd->toplq) {
                        $mvd_out .= $this->termHighlight($mvd->text, implode('|', $this->getTerms()));
                    } else {
                        if ($mvdTitle->exists() && !isset($mvd->text)) {
                            //grab the article text:
                            $curRevision = Revision::newFromTitle($mvdTitle);
                            $wikiText = $curRevision->getText();
                        } else {
                            $wikiText =& $mvd->text;
                        //@@todo parse category info if present
                        $cat_html = '';
                        //run via parser to add in Category info:
                        $parserOptions = ParserOptions::newFromUser($wgUser);
                        $title = Title::MakeTitle(MV_NS_MVD, $mvd->wiki_title);
                        $parserOutput = $wgParser->parse($wikiText, $title, $parserOptions);
                        $cats = $parserOutput->getCategories();
                        foreach ($cats as $catkey => $title_str) {
                            $catTitle = Title::MakeTitle(NS_CATEGORY, $catkey);
                            $cat_html .= ' ' . $sk->makeKnownLinkObj($catTitle);
                        //add category pre-text:
                        //if ($cat_html != '')
                        //$mvd_out.= wfMsg('Categories') . ':' . $cat_html;
                        $mvd_out .= $cat_html;
                        $mvd_out .= count($srange['rows']) - 1 == 1 ? wfMsg('mv_match_text_one') : wfMsg('mv_match_text', count($srange['rows']) - 1);
                        //$wgOut->addCategoryLinks( $parserOutput->getCategories() );
                        //$cat_html = $sk->getCategories();
                        //empty out the categories
                        //$wgOut->mCategoryLinks = array();
                    $mvd_out .= '</span>';
                    $mvd_out .= '<br>' . $mvd_cnt_links;
                    $mvd_out .= '<div style="display:block;clear:both;padding-top:4px;padding-bottom:4px;"/>';
                    $mvd_out .= '<div id="mvr_' . $mvd->id . '" style="display:none;background:#' . $bgcolor . ';" ></div>';
                $stream_out .= $mvd_out;
                			$stream_out .= '&nbsp;' . $cat_html . ' In range:' . 
                			seconds2ntp($srange['s']) . ' to ' . seconds2ntp($srange['e']) .
                			wfMsg('mv_match_text', count($srange['rows'])).'<br />' . "\n";
                			$stream_out .= $mvd_out;
                			$stream_out .= $mvd_out;
            $nsary = $mvgContLang->getNamespaces();
            //output stream name and mach count
            /*$o.='<br /><img class="mv_stream_play_button" name="'.$nsary[MV_NS_STREAM].':' .
            			$mvTitle->getStreamName() .
            				'" align="left" src="'.$mvgScriptPath.'/skins/mv_embed/images/vid_play_sm.png">';
            $o .= '<h3>' . $mvTitle->getStreamNameText();
            $o .= $matches == 1 ? wfMsg('mv_match_text_one') : wfMsg('mv_match_text', $matches);
            $o .= '</h3>';
            $o .= '<div id="mv_stream_' . $stream_id . '">' . $stream_out . '</div>';
        if ($this->outputContainer) {
            $o .= '</div>';
        return $o;
 function getTopSearches()
     $dbr = wfGetDB(DB_READ);
     $o = '';
     $options = array();
     /*$result = $dbr->select('mv_search_digest', '`query_key`, COUNT(1) as `hit_count`', "`time` >= '$start_time' ",
     	 array('GROUP BY' => 'query_key', 'ORDER BY `hit_count` ASC',
     	 'LIMIT 0,'.$this->params['num_results']) );*/
     /*$sql="SELECT `mv_search_digest`.`query_key`, COUNT(1) as `hit_count`, `mv_query_key_lookup`.`filters`
     	 FROM `mv_search_digest`
     	 LEFT JOIN `mv_query_key_lookup` ON (`mv_search_digest`.`query_key` = `mv_query_key_lookup`.`query_key`)
     	 WHERE `time` >= '{$this->getStartTime()}' GROUP BY `mv_search_digest`.`query_key`
     	 LIMIT 0, {$this->params[num_results]}";*/
     // $from_tables
     $vars = array($dbr->tableName('mv_search_digest') . '.query_key', 'COUNT(1) as `hit_count`', $dbr->tableName('mv_query_key_lookup') . '.filters');
     $from_tables = $dbr->tableName('mv_search_digest') . ' JOIN' . $dbr->tableName('mv_query_key_lookup') . ' ON ( ' . $dbr->tableName('mv_search_digest') . '.query_key = ' . $dbr->tableName('mv_query_key_lookup') . '.query_key ' . ' ) ';
     $conds = '`time` >= ' . $dbr->addQuotes($this->getStartTime());
     $options['GROUP BY'] = $dbr->tableName('mv_search_digest') . '.query_key';
     $options['ORDER BY'] = '`hit_count`  DESC';
     $options['LIMIT'] = $this->params['num_results'];
     $result = $dbr->select($from_tables, $vars, $conds, __METHOD__, $options);
     if ($dbr->numRows($result) == 0) {
         return '';
     } else {
         // @@todo probably should try to abstract out formating..
         // but will need to wait until we have a few more test cases to do a productive abstraction
         if ($this->params['format'] == 'ul_list') {
             $class_attr = $this->params['class'] != '' ? ' class="' . htmlspecialchars($this->params['class']) . '"' : '';
             $o .= '<ul' . $class_attr . '>';
         $mvms = new MV_SpecialMediaSearch();
         $sTitle = Title::MakeTitle(NS_SPECIAL, 'MediaSearch');
         while ($row = $dbr->fetchObject($result)) {
             $title_desc = htmlspecialchars($row->hit_count) . ' ' . wfMsg('mv_date_' . $this->params['time_range']);
             $o .= '<li><a title="' . $title_desc . '" href="' . $sTitle->escapeLocalURL($mvms->get_httpd_filters_query() . '&tl=1') . '">' . $mvms->getFilterDesc($query_key = true) . '</li>';
         if ($this->params['format'] == 'ul_list') {
             $o .= '</ul>';
     return $o;
Esempio n. 8
 function imageLinks()
     global $wgUser, $wgOut;
     $wgOut->addHTML('<h2 id="filelinks">' . wfMsg('imagelinks') . "</h2>\n");
     $dbr =& wfGetDB(DB_SLAVE);
     $page = $dbr->tableName('page');
     $imagelinks = $dbr->tableName('imagelinks');
     $sql = "SELECT page_namespace,page_title FROM {$imagelinks},{$page} WHERE il_to=" . $dbr->addQuotes($this->mTitle->getDBkey()) . " AND il_from=page_id";
     $sql = $dbr->limitResult($sql, 500, 0);
     $res = $dbr->query($sql, "ImagePage::imageLinks");
     if (0 == $dbr->numRows($res)) {
         $wgOut->addHtml('<p>' . wfMsg("nolinkstoimage") . "</p>\n");
     $wgOut->addHTML('<p>' . wfMsg('linkstoimage') . "</p>\n<ul>");
     $sk = $wgUser->getSkin();
     while ($s = $dbr->fetchObject($res)) {
         $name = Title::MakeTitle($s->page_namespace, $s->page_title);
         $link = $sk->makeKnownLinkObj($name, "");
 function toHTML()
     global $wgLang, $mvDefaultAspectRatio;
     $sk = $this->getSkin();
     $attribs = Sanitizer::mergeAttributes(array('class' => 'gallery', 'cellspacing' => '0', 'cellpadding' => '0'), $this->mAttribs);
     $s = Xml::openElement('table', $attribs);
     if ($this->mCaption) {
         $s .= "\n\t<caption>" . htmlspecialchars($this->mCaption) . "</caption>";
     $params = array('width' => $this->mWidths, 'height' => $this->mHeights);
     $i = 0;
     $this->already_named_resource = array();
     foreach ($this->mImages as $pair) {
         $nt = $pair[0];
         $text = $pair[1];
         # Give extensions a chance to select the file revision for us
         $time = false;
         wfRunHooks('BeforeGalleryFindFile', array(&$this, &$nt, &$time));
         $img = wfFindFile($nt, array('time' => $time));
         if ($nt->getNamespace() == MV_NS_MVD || $nt->getNamespace() == MV_NS_STREAM || $nt->getNamespace() == MV_NS_SEQUENCE) {
             // @@todo fix sequence embed
             // $vpad = floor( ( 1.25*$this->mHeights - $thumb->height ) /2 ) - 2;
             $mvTitle = new MV_Title($nt);
             // remap MVD namespace links into the Stream view (so contextual metadata is present)
             if ($nt->getNamespace() == MV_NS_MVD) {
                 $nt = Title::MakeTitle(MV_NS_STREAM, ucfirst($mvTitle->getStreamName()) . '/' . $mvTitle->getTimeRequest());
             $vidH = round($this->mWidths * $mvDefaultAspectRatio);
             $vidRes = $this->mWidths . 'x' . $vidH;
             // print "img url: " . 	$mvTitle->getStreamImageURL();
             $thumbhtml = "\n\t\t\t" . '<div class="thumb" style="padding: 4px 0; width: ' . htmlspecialchars($this->mWidths + 5) . 'px;">' . '<div style="margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: ' . htmlspecialchars($this->mWidths) . 'px;">' . $sk->makeKnownLinkObj($nt, '<img title="' . htmlspecialchars($mvTitle->getStreamNameText()) . '"' . ' width="160" height="120" src="' . $mvTitle->getStreamImageURL('160x120') . '">') . '</div>' . '</div>' . '<span class="gallerytext" style="float:left">' . $sk->makeKnownLinkObj($nt, $mvTitle->getStreamNameText() . ' ' . $mvTitle->getTimeDesc()) . '</span>' . '</div>';
             $nb = '';
             $textlink = '';
         } else {
             if ($nt->getNamespace() != NS_IMAGE || !$img) {
                 # We're dealing with a non-image, spit out the name and be done with it.
                 $thumbhtml = "\n\t\t\t" . '<div style="height: ' . ($this->mHeights * 1.25 + 2) . 'px;">' . htmlspecialchars($nt->getText()) . '</div>';
             } elseif ($this->mHideBadImages && wfIsBadImage($nt->getDBkey(), $this->getContextTitle())) {
                 # The image is blacklisted, just show it as a text link.
                 $thumbhtml = "\n\t\t\t" . '<div style="height: ' . ($this->mHeights * 1.25 + 2) . 'px;">' . $sk->makeKnownLinkObj($nt, htmlspecialchars($nt->getText())) . '</div>';
             } elseif (!($thumb = $img->transform($params))) {
                 # Error generating thumbnail.
                 $thumbhtml = "\n\t\t\t" . '<div style="height: ' . ($this->mHeights * 1.25 + 2) . 'px;">' . htmlspecialchars($img->getLastError()) . '</div>';
             } else {
                 $vpad = floor((1.25 * $this->mHeights - $thumb->height) / 2) - 2;
                 $thumbhtml = "\n\t\t\t" . '<div class="thumb" style="padding: ' . htmlspecialchars($vpad) . 'px 0; width: ' . htmlspecialchars($this->mWidths + 30) . 'px;">' . '<div style="margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: ' . htmlspecialchars($this->mWidths) . 'px;">' . $thumb->toHtml(array('desc-link' => true)) . '</div></div>';
                 // Call parser transform hook
                 if ($this->mParser && $img->getHandler()) {
                     $img->getHandler()->parserTransformHook($this->mParser, $img);
             if ($this->mShowBytes) {
                 if ($img) {
                     $nb = wfMsgExt('nbytes', array('parsemag', 'escape'), $wgLang->formatNum($img->getSize()));
                 } else {
                     $nb = wfMsgHtml('filemissing');
                 $nb = "{$nb}<br />\n";
             } else {
                 $nb = '';
             $textlink = $this->mShowFilename ? $sk->makeKnownLinkObj($nt, htmlspecialchars($wgLang->truncate($nt->getText(), 20))) . "<br />\n" : '';
         # ATTENTION: The newline after <div class="gallerytext"> is needed to accommodate htmltidy which
         # in version 4.8.6 generated crackpot html in its absence, see:
         # -Ævar
         if ($i % $this->mPerRow == 0) {
             $s .= "\n\t<tr>";
         $s .= "\n\t\t" . '<td><div class="gallerybox" style="width: ' . ($this->mWidths + 10) . 'px;">' . $thumbhtml . "\n\t\t\t" . '<div class="gallerytext">' . "\n" . $textlink . htmlspecialchars($text) . $nb . "\n\t\t\t</div>" . "\n\t\t</div></td>";
         if ($i % $this->mPerRow == $this->mPerRow - 1) {
             $s .= "\n\t</tr>";
     if ($i % $this->mPerRow != 0) {
         $s .= "\n\t</tr>";
     $s .= "\n</table>";
     return $s;
Esempio n. 10
function wfNotifyTwitterOnNAB($aid)
    $t = Title::newfromID($aid);
    if (!$t) {
        // could have been deleted
        return true;
    $r = Revision::newFromTitle($t);
    if (!$r) {
        return true;
    $text = $r->getText();
    if (MyTwitter::hasBadTemplate($text)) {
        return true;
    // find new cats - like kittens!
    $newcats = array();
    preg_match_all("@\\[\\[Category:[^\\]]*\\]\\]@", $text, $matches);
    $newcats = array();
    if (sizeof($matches[0]) > 0) {
        $newcats = $matches[0];
    foreach ($newcats as $cat) {
        // make it a title object
        $cat = str_replace("[[Category:", "", $cat);
        $cat = str_replace("]]", "", $cat);
        $cat = Title::makeTitle(NS_CATEGORY, $cat);
        wfNotifyTwitter($cat, $t);
    $cat = Title::MakeTitle(NS_CATEGORY, "New Article Boost");
    wfNotifyTwitter($cat, $t);
    return true;
Esempio n. 11
 function getMwTitle()
     return Title::MakeTitle(MV_NS_MVD, $this->wiki_title);
 protected function feedItem($row)
     $title = Title::MakeTitle($row->page_namespace, $row->page_title);
     if ($title) {
         $date = $row->pending_since;
         $comments = $title->getTalkPage()->getFullURL();
         $curRev = Revision::newFromTitle($title);
         return new FeedItem($title->getPrefixedText(), FeedUtils::formatDiffRow($title, $row->stable, $curRev->getId(), $row->pending_since, $curRev->getComment()), $title->getFullURL(), $date, $curRev->getUserText(), $comments);
     } else {
         return null;
 function expand_wt($mvd_id)
     global $wgOut, $mvgIP;
     global $mvDefaultSearchVideoPlaybackRes;
     require_once $mvgIP . '/includes/MV_Index.php';
     require_once $mvgIP . '/includes/MV_Title.php';
     require_once $mvgIP . '/includes/MV_MetavidInterface/MV_Overlay.php';
     $mvd = MvIndex::getMVDbyId($mvd_id);
     if (count($mvd) != 0) {
         $mvTitle = new MvTitle($mvd->wiki_title);
         //validate title and load stream ref:
         if ($mvTitle->validRequestTitle()) {
             list($vWidth, $vHeight) = explode('x', $mvDefaultSearchVideoPlaybackRes);
             $embedHTML = '<span style="float:left;width:' . ($vWidth + 20) . 'px">' . $mvTitle->getEmbedVideoHtml($mvd_id, $mvDefaultSearchVideoPlaybackRes) . '</span>';
             $title = Title::MakeTitle(MV_NS_MVD, $mvd->wiki_title);
             $article = new Article($title);
             $MvOverlay = new MV_Overlay();
             $MvOverlay->parse_format_text($article->getContent(), $mvTitle);
             $bgcolor = $MvOverlay->getMvdBgColor($mvd);
             $pageHTML = $wgOut->getHTML();
             //encasulate page html:
             $pageHTML = '<span style="padding-top:10px;float:left;width:450px">' . $pageHTML . '</span>';
             return $embedHTML . $pageHTML . '<div style="clear: both;"/>';
         } else {
             return wfMsg('mvBadMVDtitle');
     } else {
         return wfMsg('mv_error_mvd_not_found');
     //$title = Title::MakeTitle(MV_NS_MVD, $wiki_title);
     //$article = new Article($title);
     //output table with embed left, and content right
     //return $wgOut->parse($article->getContent());
    function getUnifiedResultsHTML($show_sidebar = true)
        global $wgUser, $wgStylePath, $wgRequest, $wgContLang;
        global $mvDefaultClipRange;
        $sk = $wgUser->getSkin();
        $o = '';
        $o .= '<h5 class="search_results_header">' . wfMsg('mv_results_for', $this->getFilterDesc()) . '</h5>';
        $o .= '<div id="resultsArea">
						<ul id="metaResults">';
        if (count($this->results) == 0) {
            $o .= '<h2><span class="mw-headline">' . wfMsg('mv_search_no_results') . '</span></h2>';
            // close
            $o .= '</ul></div>';
            return $o;
        // num of results
        if ($this->numResultsFound) {
            $re = $this->limit + $this->offset > $this->numResultsFound ? $this->numResultsFound : $this->limit + $this->offset;
            $rs = $this->offset == 0 ? 1 : $this->offset;
            $o .= '<li class="results">' . wfMsg('mv_results_found', $rs, $re, number_format($this->numResultsFound)) . '</li>';
        // check order
        $prevnext = '';
        // pagging
        if ($this->numResultsFound > $this->limit) {
            $prevnext = mvViewPrevNext($this->offset, $this->limit, SpecialPage::getTitleFor('MediaSearch'), $this->get_httpd_filters_query(), $this->num < $this->limit);
            $o .= '<li class="prevnext">' . $prevnext . '</li>';
        $br = '<br />';
        $enddash = '';
        $sTitle = Title::MakeTitle(NS_SPECIAL, 'MvExportSearch');
        // force host for script (should be a better way to do this)
        if (!isset($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'])) {
            $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] = '';
        // make miro link:
        $o .= '<li class="subscribe"><a href="' . 'http%3A%2F%2F' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . urlencode($sTitle->getFullUrl($this->get_httpd_filters_query())) . '" ' . 'title="Subscribe with Miro"><img src="' . $wgStylePath . '/mvpcf/images/button_subscribe.png" alt="Miro Video Player" border="0" /></a></li>';
        // make rss link:
        $o .= '<li class="rss">';
        $o .= $sk->makeKnownLinkObj($sTitle, 'RSS', $this->get_httpd_filters_query());
        $o .= '</li>';
        $o .= '<br />';
        foreach (array('relevant', 'recent', 'viewed') as $type) {
            if ($this->order == $type) {
                $o .= $enddash . '<li class="relevant">' . wfMsg('mv_most_' . $type) . '</li>';
            } else {
                $q_req = $this->get_httpd_filters_query();
                if ($wgRequest->getVal('limit') != '' || $wgRequest->getVal('order') != '') {
                    $q_req .= '&' . http_build_query(array('limit' => $this->limit, 'offset' => $this->offset));
                $q_req .= '&order=' . $type;
                $o .= $enddash . '<li class="relevant">' . $sk->makeKnownLinkObj(SpecialPage::getTitleFor('MediaSearch'), wfMsg('mv_most_' . $type), $q_req) . '</li>';
            $br = '';
            $enddash = ' - ';
        $o .= '</ul>';
        // output results:
        // collect categories and people for sidebarbucket
        $sideBarLinkBucket = array('person' => array(), 'category' => array(), 'bill' => array());
        $o .= '	<ul id="results">';
        //setup the MV_index:
        $mvIndex = new MV_Index();
        foreach ($this->results as $inx => &$mvd) {
            $mvTitle = new MV_Title($mvd->wiki_title);
            //get parent meta if requested:
            global $mvGetParentMeta;
            $pmeta_out = '';
            if ($mvGetParentMeta && strtolower($mvTitle->getMvdTypeKey()) == 'ht_en') {
                $pmvd = $mvIndex->getParentAnnotativeLayers($mvTitle);
                if ($pmvd->wiki_title) {
                    $pMvTitle = new MV_Title($pmvd->wiki_title);
                    $pAnnoStreamLink = Title::MakeTitle(MV_NS_STREAM, $pMvTitle->getNearStreamName(0));
                    $clip_desc_txt = 'Segment';
                    if ($pmvd->Speech_by) {
                        $personTitle = Title::newFromText($pmvd->Speech_by);
                        $clip_desc_txt = 'Speech By ' . $personTitle->getText();
                    $pmeta_out .= 'This ' . $sk->makeKnownLinkObj($pAnnoStreamLink, seconds2Description($mvTitle->getSegmentDuration(), true, true)) . ' clip is part of a larger ' . $sk->makeKnownLinkObj($pAnnoStreamLink, seconds2Description($pMvTitle->getSegmentDuration(), true, true)) . ' Speech';
                    if ($pmvd->category) {
                        $pmeta_out .= '<br />Covering: ';
                        $coma = '';
                        foreach ($pmvd->category as $cat_titlekey) {
                            $cTitle = $cTitle = Title::MakeTitle(NS_CATEGORY, $cat_titlekey);
                            $pmeta_out .= $coma . $sk->makeKnownLinkObj($cTitle, $cTitle->getText());
                            $coma = ', ';
                            assoc_array_increment($sideBarLinkBucket, 'category', $cat_titlekey);
                    if ($pmvd->Bill) {
                        $pmeta_out .= '<br />Bill: ';
                        $bTitle = Title::newFromText($pmvd->Bill);
                        $pmeta_out .= $sk->makeKnownLinkObj($bTitle, $bTitle->getText());
                        assoc_array_increment($sideBarLinkBucket, 'bill', $pmvd->Bill);
            $mvd_cnt_links = '';
            if (isset($mvd->spoken_by)) {
                $ptitle = Title::MakeTitle(NS_MAIN, $mvd->spoken_by);
                $mvd_cnt_links .= wfMsg('mv_search_spoken_by') . ': ' . $sk->makeKnownLinkObj($ptitle);
                $mvd_cnt_links .= '<br />';
                assoc_array_increment($sideBarLinkBucket, 'person', $mvd->spoken_by);
            $mvd_cat_links = $mvd_bill_links = '';
            $coma = '';
            if (isset($mvd->categories)) {
                foreach ($mvd->categories as $cat_id => $na) {
                    $cTitle = Title::MakeTitle(NS_CATEGORY, $cat_id);
                    if ($mvd_cat_links == '') {
                        $mvd_cat_links .= wfMsg('mv_search_categories') . ': ';
                    $mvd_cat_links .= $coma . $sk->makeKnownLinkObj($cTitle, $cTitle->getText());
                    $coma = ', ';
                    assoc_array_increment($sideBarLinkBucket, 'category', $cat_id);
            $coma = '';
            if (isset($mvd->bills)) {
                foreach ($mvd->bills as $bill_id => $na) {
                    $bTitle = Title::newFromText($bill_id);
                    if ($mvd_bill_links == '') {
                        $mvd_bill_links .= wfMsg('mv_search_bills') . ': ';
                    $mvd_bill_links .= $coma . $sk->makeKnownLinkObj($bTitle, $bTitle->getText());
                    $coma = ', ';
                    assoc_array_increment($sideBarLinkBucket, 'bill', $bill_id);
            // link directly to the current range:
            //if the clip length is < $mvDefaultClipLength get range:
            global $mvDefaultClipLength;
            if ($mvTitle->getSegmentDuration() < $mvDefaultClipLength) {
                $mvStreamTitle = Title::MakeTitle(MV_NS_STREAM, $mvTitle->getNearStreamName($mvDefaultClipRange));
            } else {
                $mvStreamTitle = Title::MakeTitle(MV_NS_STREAM, $mvTitle->getNearStreamName(0));
            // $mvTitle->getStreamName() .'/'.$mvTitle->getStartTime() .'/'. $mvTitle->getEndTime() );
            $o .= '<li class="result">
					<span class="vid_img" id="mvimg_' . htmlspecialchars($mvd->id) . '">
						' . $sk->makeKnownLinkObj($mvStreamTitle, '<img alt="image for ' . htmlspecialchars($mvTitle->getStreamNameText()) . ' ' . $mvTitle->getTimeDesc() . '" src="' . $mvTitle->getStreamImageURL('small', $req_time = null, $foce_server = '', $direct_link = false) . '"/>') . '
					<div class="result_description">
						<h4>' . $sk->makeKnownLinkObj($mvStreamTitle, $mvTitle->getStreamNameText() . ' :: ' . $mvTitle->getTimeDesc()) . '</h4>
						<p>Matching Phrase:' . $this->termHighlight($mvd->text, implode('|', $this->getTerms()), 1, 100) . ' </p>
						<span class="by">' . $mvd_cnt_links . '</span>
						<span class="by">' . $mvd_cat_links . '</span>
						<span class="by">' . $mvd_bill_links . '</span>
					<div class="result_meta">
						<span class="views">Views: ' . htmlspecialchars($mvd->view_count) . '</span>
						<span class="duration">' . wfMsg('mv_duration_label') . ':' . htmlspecialchars($mvTitle->getSegmentDurationNTP($short_time = true)) . '</span>
						<span class="playinline"><a href="javascript:mv_pl(\'' . htmlspecialchars($mvd->id) . '\')">' . wfMsg('mv_play_inline') . '</a></span>
            if ($pmeta_out != '') {
                $o .= '<div class="parent_meta">' . $pmeta_out . '</div>';
            $o .= '</li>';
        $o .= '</ul>';
        // add in prev-next at bottom too:
        if ($this->numResultsFound > $this->limit) {
            $o .= '<li class="prevnext">' . $prevnext . '</li>';
        $o .= '</div>';
        if (!$show_sidebar) {
            return $o;
        /*search sidebar*/
        $perSectionCount = 3;
        $o .= '<div id="searchSideBar">
					<div id="searchSideBarTop">
						<div class="suggestionsBox" id="searchSideBarInner">';
        // look for people matches max of 3
        $first_block = ' first_block';
        $matches = 0;
        $person_out_ary = array();
        $person_out = MV_SpecialMediaSearch::auto_complete_person($this->unified_term_search, 3, 'person_html', $matches, $person_out_ary);
        if ($person_out != '' || count($sideBarLinkBucket['person']) != 0) {
            // for now don't include({$matches})
            $o .= "<div class=\"block{$first_block}\">\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<h6>" . wfMsg('mv_people_results') . "</h6>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t</div>";
            $o .= '<div class="block wide_block">';
            $o .= $person_out;
            if (isset($sideBarLinkBucket['person'])) {
                $pAry =& $sideBarLinkBucket['person'];
                $i = 0;
                foreach ($pAry as $person_name => $count) {
                    if (in_array($person_name, $person_out_ary)) {
                    if ($i == $perSectionCount) {
                    $o .= MV_SpecialMediaSearch::format_ac_line($person_name, '', '', MV_SpecialMediaSearch::getPersonImageURL($person_name), $format = 'person_html');
            $o .= '</div>';
            $first_block = '';
        // get categories
        $category_out = MV_SpecialMediaSearch::auto_complete_search_categories($this->unified_term_search, 3, 'block_html', $matches);
        if ($category_out != '' || count($sideBarLinkBucket['category']) != 0) {
            $o .= '<div class="block' . htmlspecialchars($first_block) . '\\">
								<h6>' . wfMsg('mv_category_results') . '</h6>
            $o .= '<div class="block wide_block">' . $category_out;
            if (isset($sideBarLinkBucket['category'])) {
                $cAry =& $sideBarLinkBucket['category'];
                $i = 0;
                $catNStxt = $wgContLang->getNsText(NS_CATEGORY);
                foreach ($cAry as $cat_name => $count) {
                    if ($i == $perSectionCount) {
                    $o .= MV_SpecialMediaSearch::format_ac_line($cat_name, '', $catNStxt . ':', 'no_image', $format = 'block_html');
            $o .= '</div>';
            $first_block = '';
        // get bills:
        $bill_out = MV_SpecialMediaSearch::auto_complete_category('Bill', $this->unified_term_search, 3, 'block_html', $matches);
        if ($bill_out != '' || count($sideBarLinkBucket['bill']) != 0) {
            global $wgContLang;
            $o .= '<div class=\\"block ' . htmlspecialchars($first_block) . '">
								<h6>' . wfMsg('mv_bill_results') . '</h6>
            $o .= '<div class="block wide_block">' . $bill_out;
            if ($sideBarLinkBucket['bill']) {
                $bAry =& $sideBarLinkBucket['bill'];
                $i = 0;
                foreach ($bAry as $bill_name => $count) {
                    if ($i == $perSectionCount) {
                    $o .= MV_SpecialMediaSearch::format_ac_line($bill_name, '', '', 'no_image', $format = 'block_html');
            $o .= '</div>';
            $first_block = '';
        // intrest out is just simple title matching (for now)
        $intrest_out = MV_SpecialMediaSearch::auto_complete_category('Interest_Group', $this->unified_term_search, 3, 'block_html', $matches);
        if ($intrest_out != '') {
            $o .= "<div class=\"block{$first_block}\">\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<h6>" . wfMsg('mv_intrest_group_results') . "</h6>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t</div>";
            $o .= '<div class="block wide_block">' . $intrest_out . '</div>';
            $first_block = '';
        $o .= '</div><!--searchSideBarInner-->
        $o .= '<div style="clear:both;"></div>';
        return $o;
Esempio n. 15
  * outputs basic stream paging (this could be done client side)
 function stream_paging_links($return_set = 'both')
     global $wgUser, $mvDefaultStreamViewLength, $mvgScriptPath;
     $sk = $wgUser->getSkin();
     $prev_link = $next_link = '';
     // check if their is prev available:
     $mvTitle = $this->mv_interface->article->mvTitle;
     if ($return_set == 'both' || $return_set == 'prev') {
         if ($mvTitle->getStartTimeSeconds() > 0) {
             $prev_time_start = $mvTitle->getStartTimeSeconds() - $mvDefaultStreamViewLength;
             if ($prev_time_start < 0) {
                 $prev_time_start = 0;
             $prev_time_end = $mvTitle->getEndTimeSeconds() - $mvDefaultStreamViewLength;
             if ($prev_time_end < $mvDefaultStreamViewLength) {
                 $prev_time_end = $mvDefaultStreamViewLength;
             $newTitle = Title::MakeTitle(MV_NS_STREAM, $mvTitle->getStreamName() . '/' . seconds2npt($prev_time_start) . '/' . seconds2npt($prev_time_end));
             $prev_link = $sk->makeKnownLinkObj($newTitle, '<img style="index:5" border="0" src="' . htmlspecialchars($mvgScriptPath) . '/skins/images/results_previous.png">', $this->getStateReq());
     if ($return_set == 'both' || $return_set == 'next') {
         if ($mvTitle->getDuration() != $mvTitle->getEndTimeSeconds()) {
             $next_time_start = $mvTitle->getEndTimeSeconds();
             $next_time_end = $mvTitle->getEndTimeSeconds() + $mvDefaultStreamViewLength;
             if ($next_time_end > $mvTitle->getDuration()) {
                 $next_time_end = $mvTitle->getDuration();
             $newTitle = Title::MakeTitle(MV_NS_STREAM, $mvTitle->getStreamName() . '/' . seconds2npt($next_time_start) . '/' . seconds2npt($next_time_end));
             $next_link = $sk->makeKnownLinkObj($newTitle, '<img style="index:5" border="0" src="' . htmlspecialchars($mvgScriptPath) . '/skins/images/results_next.png">', $this->getStateReq());
     if ($return_set == 'both') {
         return $prev_link . ' ' . $next_link;
     if ($return_set == 'prev') {
         return $prev_link;
     if ($return_set == 'next') {
         return $next_link;
 function getImageSection()
     global $wgUser, $wgTitle;
     $sk = $wgUser->getSkin();
     $s = $this->show_mv_links ? $this->getRssLinks() : '';
     if ($this->showGallery && !$this->gallery->isEmpty()) {
         $title = Title::MakeTitle(NS_SPECIAL, 'MediaSearch');
         $query = 'f[0][t]=' . urlencode('category') . '&f[0][v]=' . $wgTitle->getDBkey();
         $search_link = $sk->makeKnownLinkObj($title, wfMsg('mv_search_category') . ":" . $wgTitle->getText(), $query);
         return "<div id=\"mw-category-media\">\n" . $s . '<h2>' . wfMsg('category-media-header', htmlspecialchars($this->title->getText())) . "</h2>\n" . wfMsgExt('category-media-count', array('parse'), $this->gallery->count()) . wfMsg('mv_cat_search_note', $search_link) . $this->gallery->toHTML() . "\n</div>";
     } else {
         return '';
 function doSeqReplace(&$input, &$argv, &$parser)
     global $wgTitle, $wgUser, $wgRequest, $markerList;
     $sk = $wgUser->getSkin();
     $title = Title::MakeTitle(NS_SPECIAL, 'MvExportSequence/' . $wgTitle->getDBKey());
     $title_url = $title->getFullURL();
     $oldid = $wgRequest->getVal('oldid');
     if (isset($oldid)) {
         //@@ugly hack .. but really this whole sequencer needs a serious rewrite)
         $ss = strpos($title_url, '?') === false ? '?' : '&';
         $title_url .= $ss . 'oldid=' . $oldid;
     $vidtag = '<div id="file" class="fullImageLink"><playlist';
     $vidtag .= ' width="400" height="300" src="' . $title_url . '">';
     $vidtag .= '</playlist></div><hr>';
     $marker = "xx-marker" . count($markerList) . "-xx";
     $markerList[] = $vidtag;
     return $marker;
     * @param integer $namespace (Default NS_MAIN)
     * @param string $from list all pages from this name (default FALSE)
     * @param string $to list all pages to this name (default FALSE)
    function showChunk($namespace = NS_MAIN, $from = false, $to = false)
        global $wgOut, $wgUser, $wgContLang, $wgLang;
        $sk = $wgUser->getSkin();
        $fromList = $this->getNamespaceKeyAndText($namespace, $from);
        $toList = $this->getNamespaceKeyAndText($namespace, $to);
        $namespaces = $wgContLang->getNamespaces();
        $n = 0;
        if (!$fromList || !$toList) {
            $out = wfMsgWikiHtml('allpagesbadtitle');
        } elseif (!in_array($namespace, array_keys($namespaces))) {
            // Show errormessage and reset to NS_MAIN
            $out = wfMsgExt('allpages-bad-ns', array('parseinline'), $namespace);
            $namespace = NS_MAIN;
        } else {
            list($namespace, $fromKey, $from) = $fromList;
            list($namespace2, $toKey, $to) = $toList;
            $dbr = wfGetDB(DB_SLAVE);
            $conds = array('page_namespace' => $namespace, 'page_title >= ' . $dbr->addQuotes($fromKey));
            if ($toKey !== "") {
                $conds[] = 'page_title <= ' . $dbr->addQuotes($toKey);
            $res = $dbr->select('page', array('page_namespace', 'page_title', 'page_is_redirect'), $conds, __METHOD__, array('ORDER BY' => 'page_title', 'LIMIT' => $this->maxPerPage + 1, 'USE INDEX' => 'name_title'));
            if ($res->numRows() > 0) {
                $out = Xml::openElement('table', array('class' => 'mw-allpages-table-chunk'));
                while ($n < $this->maxPerPage && ($s = $res->fetchObject())) {
                    $t = Title::makeTitle($s->page_namespace, $s->page_title);
                    if ($t) {
                        $link = ($s->page_is_redirect ? '<div class="allpagesredirect">' : '') . $sk->linkKnown($t, htmlspecialchars($t->getText())) . ($s->page_is_redirect ? '</div>' : '');
                    } else {
                        $link = '[[' . htmlspecialchars($s->page_title) . ']]';
                    if ($n % 3 == 0) {
                        $out .= '<tr>';
                    $out .= "<td width=\"33%\">{$link}</td>";
                    if ($n % 3 == 0) {
                        $out .= "</tr>\n";
                if ($n % 3 != 0) {
                    $out .= "</tr>\n";
                $out .= Xml::closeElement('table');
            } else {
                $out = '';
        if ($this->including()) {
            $out2 = '';
        } else {
            if ($from == '') {
                // First chunk; no previous link.
                $prevTitle = null;
            } else {
                # Get the last title from previous chunk
                $dbr = wfGetDB(DB_SLAVE);
                $res_prev = $dbr->select('page', 'page_title', array('page_namespace' => $namespace, 'page_title < ' . $dbr->addQuotes($from)), __METHOD__, array('ORDER BY' => 'page_title DESC', 'LIMIT' => $this->maxPerPage, 'OFFSET' => $this->maxPerPage - 1));
                # Get first title of previous complete chunk
                if ($dbr->numrows($res_prev) >= $this->maxPerPage) {
                    $pt = $dbr->fetchObject($res_prev);
                    $prevTitle = Title::makeTitle($namespace, $pt->page_title);
                } else {
                    # The previous chunk is not complete, need to link to the very first title
                    # available in the database
                    $options = array('LIMIT' => 1);
                    if (!$dbr->implicitOrderby()) {
                        $options['ORDER BY'] = 'page_title';
                    $reallyFirstPage_title = $dbr->selectField('page', 'page_title', array('page_namespace' => $namespace), __METHOD__, $options);
                    # Show the previous link if it s not the current requested chunk
                    if ($from != $reallyFirstPage_title) {
                        $prevTitle = Title::makeTitle($namespace, $reallyFirstPage_title);
                    } else {
                        $prevTitle = null;
            $self = $this->getTitle();
            $nsForm = $this->namespaceForm($namespace, $from, $to);
            $out2 = Xml::openElement('table', array('class' => 'mw-allpages-table-form')) . '<tr>
							<td>' . $nsForm . '</td>
							<td class="mw-allpages-nav">' . $sk->link($self, wfMsgHtml('allpages'), array(), array(), 'known');
            # Do we put a previous link ?
            if (isset($prevTitle) && ($pt = $prevTitle->getText())) {
                $query = array('from' => $prevTitle->getText());
                if ($namespace) {
                    $query['namespace'] = $namespace;
                $prevLink = $sk->linkKnown($self, htmlspecialchars(wfMsg('prevpage', $pt)), array(), $query);
                $out2 = $wgLang->pipeList(array($out2, $prevLink));
            if ($n == $this->maxPerPage && ($s = $res->fetchObject())) {
                # $s is the first link of the next chunk
                $t = Title::MakeTitle($namespace, $s->page_title);
                $query = array('from' => $t->getText());
                if ($namespace) {
                    $query['namespace'] = $namespace;
                $nextLink = $sk->linkKnown($self, htmlspecialchars(wfMsg('nextpage', $t->getText())), array(), $query);
                $out2 = $wgLang->pipeList(array($out2, $nextLink));
            $out2 .= "</td></tr></table>";
        $wgOut->addHTML($out2 . $out);
        if (isset($prevLink) or isset($nextLink)) {
            $wgOut->addHTML('<hr /><p class="mw-allpages-nav">');
            if (isset($prevLink)) {
            if (isset($prevLink) && isset($nextLink)) {
                $wgOut->addHTML(wfMsgExt('pipe-separator', 'escapenoentities'));
            if (isset($nextLink)) {
Esempio n. 19
  * Returns an array of titles that have links to the given
  * title (presumably an image). All returned articles will be in the
  * NS_MAIN namespace and will also not be in a excluded category.
 function getLinkedArticles($title)
     global $wgMemc;
     $cachekey = wfMemcKey("ImageHelper_linked", $title->getArticleID());
     $result = $wgMemc->get($cachekey);
     if ($result) {
         return $result;
     $imageTitle = $title->getDBkey();
     $dbr = wfGetDB(DB_SLAVE);
     $page = $dbr->tableName('page');
     $imagelinks = $dbr->tableName('imagelinks');
     $sql = "SELECT page_namespace,page_title,page_id FROM {$imagelinks},{$page} WHERE il_to=" . $dbr->addQuotes($imageTitle) . " AND il_from=page_id";
     $sql = $dbr->limitResult($sql, 500, 0);
     $res = $dbr->query($sql, __METHOD__);
     $articles = array();
     $templates = wfMsgForContent('ih_categories_ignore');
     $templates = split("\n", $templates);
     $templates = str_replace("", "", $templates);
     $templates = array_flip($templates);
     // make the array associative.
     while ($s = $dbr->fetchObject($res)) {
         //check if in main namespace
         if ($s->page_namespace != NS_MAIN) {
         //check if in category exclusion list
         $title = Title::MakeTitle($s->page_namespace, $s->page_title);
         $cats = $title->getParentCategories();
         if (is_array($cats) && sizeof($cats) > 0) {
             $keys = array_keys($cats);
             $found = false;
             for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($keys) && !$found; $i++) {
                 $t = Title::newFromText($keys[$i]);
                 if (isset($templates[urldecode($t->getPartialURL())])) {
                     //this article is in a category we don't want to show
                     $found = true;
             if ($found) {
         if ($s->page_title != $imageTitle) {
             $articles[] = $title;
     $wgMemc->set($cachekey, $articles);
     return $articles;
  * @param integer $namespace (Default NS_MAIN)
  * @param string $from list all pages from this name (default FALSE)
 function showChunk($namespace = NS_MAIN, $from, $including = false)
     global $wgOut, $wgUser, $wgContLang;
     $sk = $wgUser->getSkin();
     $fromList = $this->getNamespaceKeyAndText($namespace, $from);
     $namespaces = $wgContLang->getNamespaces();
     $align = $wgContLang->isRtl() ? 'left' : 'right';
     $n = 0;
     if (!$fromList) {
         $out = wfMsgWikiHtml('allpagesbadtitle');
     } elseif (!in_array($namespace, array_keys($namespaces))) {
         // Show errormessage and reset to NS_MAIN
         $out = wfMsgExt('allpages-bad-ns', array('parseinline'), $namespace);
         $namespace = NS_MAIN;
     } else {
         list($namespace, $fromKey, $from) = $fromList;
         $dbr = wfGetDB(DB_SLAVE);
         $res = $dbr->select('page', array('page_namespace', 'page_title', 'page_is_redirect'), array('page_namespace' => $namespace, 'page_title >= ' . $dbr->addQuotes($fromKey)), __METHOD__, array('ORDER BY' => 'page_title', 'LIMIT' => $this->maxPerPage + 1, 'USE INDEX' => 'name_title'));
         $out = '<table style="background: inherit;" border="0" width="100%">';
         while ($n < $this->maxPerPage && ($s = $dbr->fetchObject($res))) {
             $t = Title::makeTitle($s->page_namespace, $s->page_title);
             if ($t) {
                 $link = ($s->page_is_redirect ? '<div class="allpagesredirect">' : '') . $sk->makeKnownLinkObj($t, htmlspecialchars($t->getText()), false, false) . ($s->page_is_redirect ? '</div>' : '');
             } else {
                 $link = '[[' . htmlspecialchars($s->page_title) . ']]';
             if ($n % 3 == 0) {
                 $out .= '<tr>';
             $out .= "<td width=\"33%\">{$link}</td>";
             if ($n % 3 == 0) {
                 $out .= '</tr>';
         if ($n % 3 != 0) {
             $out .= '</tr>';
         $out .= '</table>';
     if ($including) {
         $out2 = '';
     } else {
         if ($from == '') {
             // First chunk; no previous link.
             $prevTitle = null;
         } else {
             # Get the last title from previous chunk
             $dbr = wfGetDB(DB_SLAVE);
             $res_prev = $dbr->select('page', 'page_title', array('page_namespace' => $namespace, 'page_title < ' . $dbr->addQuotes($from)), __METHOD__, array('ORDER BY' => 'page_title DESC', 'LIMIT' => $this->maxPerPage, 'OFFSET' => $this->maxPerPage - 1));
             # Get first title of previous complete chunk
             if ($dbr->numrows($res_prev) >= $this->maxPerPage) {
                 $pt = $dbr->fetchObject($res_prev);
                 $prevTitle = Title::makeTitle($namespace, $pt->page_title);
             } else {
                 # The previous chunk is not complete, need to link to the very first title
                 # available in the database
                 $options = array('LIMIT' => 1);
                 if (!$dbr->implicitOrderby()) {
                     $options['ORDER BY'] = 'page_title';
                 $reallyFirstPage_title = $dbr->selectField('page', 'page_title', array('page_namespace' => $namespace), __METHOD__, $options);
                 # Show the previous link if it s not the current requested chunk
                 if ($from != $reallyFirstPage_title) {
                     $prevTitle = Title::makeTitle($namespace, $reallyFirstPage_title);
                 } else {
                     $prevTitle = null;
         $nsForm = $this->namespaceForm($namespace, $from);
         $out2 = '<table style="background: inherit;" width="100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">';
         $out2 .= '<tr valign="top"><td>' . $nsForm;
         $out2 .= '</td><td align="' . $align . '" style="font-size: smaller; margin-bottom: 1em;">' . $sk->makeKnownLink($wgContLang->specialPage("Allpages"), wfMsgHtml('allpages'));
         $self = SpecialPage::getTitleFor('Allpages');
         # Do we put a previous link ?
         if (isset($prevTitle) && ($pt = $prevTitle->getText())) {
             $q = 'from=' . $prevTitle->getPartialUrl() . ($namespace ? '&namespace=' . $namespace : '');
             $prevLink = $sk->makeKnownLinkObj($self, wfMsgHTML('prevpage', $pt), $q);
             $out2 .= ' | ' . $prevLink;
         if ($n == $this->maxPerPage && ($s = $dbr->fetchObject($res))) {
             # $s is the first link of the next chunk
             $t = Title::MakeTitle($namespace, $s->page_title);
             $q = 'from=' . $t->getPartialUrl() . ($namespace ? '&namespace=' . $namespace : '');
             $nextLink = $sk->makeKnownLinkObj($self, wfMsgHtml('nextpage', $t->getText()), $q);
             $out2 .= ' | ' . $nextLink;
         $out2 .= "</td></tr></table><hr />";
     $wgOut->addHtml($out2 . $out);
     if (isset($prevLink) or isset($nextLink)) {
         $wgOut->addHtml('<hr /><p style="font-size: smaller; float: ' . $align . '">');
         if (isset($prevLink)) {
         if (isset($prevLink) && isset($nextLink)) {
             $wgOut->addHTML(' | ');
         if (isset($nextLink)) {
/** */
function dumpReplayEntry($row)
    $title = Title::MakeTitle($row->rc_namespace, $row->rc_title);
    switch ($row->rc_type) {
        case RC_EDIT:
        case RC_NEW:
            # Edit
            $dbr =& wfGetDB(DB_MASTER);
            $out = "  <edit>\n";
            $out .= "    <title>" . xmlsafe($title->getPrefixedText()) . "</title>\n";
            # Get previous edit timestamp
            if ($row->rc_last_oldid) {
                $s = $dbr->selectRow('old', array('old_timestamp'), array('old_id' => $row->rc_last_oldid));
                $out .= "    <lastedit>" . wfTimestamp2ISO8601($s->old_timestamp) . "</lastedit>\n";
            } else {
                $out .= "    <newpage/>\n";
            if ($row->rc_this_oldid) {
                $s = $dbr->selectRow('old', array('old_id as id', 'old_timestamp as timestamp', 'old_user as user', 'old_user_text as user_text', 'old_comment as comment', 'old_text as text', 'old_flags as flags'), array('old_id' => $row->rc_this_oldid));
                $out .= revision2xml($s, true, false);
            } else {
                $s = $dbr->selectRow('cur', array('cur_id as id', 'cur_timestamp as timestamp', 'cur_user as user', 'cur_user_text as user_text', 'cur_restrictions as restrictions', 'cur_comment as comment', 'cur_text as text'), array('cur_id' => $row->rc_cur_id));
                $out .= revision2xml($s, true, true);
            $out .= "  </edit>\n";
        case RC_LOG:
            $dbr =& wfGetDB(DB_MASTER);
            $s = $dbr->selectRow('logging', array('log_type', 'log_action', 'log_timestamp', 'log_user', 'log_namespace', 'log_title', 'log_comment'), array('log_timestamp' => $row->rc_timestamp, 'log_user' => $row->rc_user));
            $ts = wfTimestamp2ISO8601($row->rc_timestamp);
            $target = Title::MakeTitle($s->log_namespace, $s->log_title);
            $out = "  <log>\n";
            $out .= "    <type>" . xmlsafe($s->log_type) . "</type>\n";
            $out .= "    <action>" . xmlsafe($s->log_action) . "</action>\n";
            $out .= "    <timestamp>" . $ts . "</timestamp>\n";
            $out .= "    <contributor><username>" . xmlsafe($row->rc_user_text) . "</username></contributor>\n";
            $out .= "    <target>" . xmlsafe($target->getPrefixedText()) . "</target>\n";
            $out .= "    <comment>" . xmlsafe($s->log_comment) . "</comment>\n";
            $out .= "  </log>\n";
        case RC_MOVE:
            $target = Title::MakeTitle($row->rc_moved_to_ns, $row->rc_moved_to_title);
            $out = "  <move>\n";
            $out .= "    <title>" . xmlsafe($title->getPrefixedText()) . "</title>\n";
            $out .= "    <target>" . xmlsafe($target->getPrefixedText()) . "</target>\n";
            if ($row->rc_type == RC_MOVE_OVER_REDIRECT) {
                $out .= "    <override/>\n";
            $ts = wfTimestamp2ISO8601($row->rc_timestamp);
            $out .= "    <id>{$row->rc_cur_id}</id>\n";
            $out .= "    <timestamp>{$ts}</timestamp>\n";
            if ($row->rc_user_text) {
                $u = "<username>" . xmlsafe($row->rc_user_text) . "</username>";
                $u .= "<id>{$row->rc_user}</id>";
            } else {
                $u = "<ip>" . xmlsafe($row->rc_user_text) . "</ip>";
            $out .= "    <contributor>{$u}</contributor>\n";
            $out .= "  </move>\n";
    return $out;
Esempio n. 22
  * Override for custom handling. If the titles/links are ok, just do
  * feedItemDesc()
 function feedResult($row)
     if (!isset($row->title)) {
         return null;
     $title = Title::MakeTitle(intval($row->namespace), $row->title);
     if ($title) {
         $date = isset($row->timestamp) ? $row->timestamp : '';
         $comments = '';
         if ($title) {
             $talkpage = $title->getTalkPage();
             $comments = $talkpage->getFullURL();
         return new FeedItem($title->getPrefixedText(), $this->feedItemDesc($row), $title->getFullURL(), $date, $this->feedItemAuthor($row), $comments);
     } else {
         return null;
Esempio n. 23
 function feedUrl()
     $title = Title::MakeTitle(NS_SPECIAL, $this->getName());
     return $title->getFullURL();
    function outPutItem($wikiTitle, $desc_html = '')
        global $wgOut, $wgUser;
        $sk = $wgUser->getSkin();
        $mvTitle = new MV_Title($wikiTitle);
        $mStreamTitle = Title::makeTitle(MV_NS_STREAM, ucfirst($mvTitle->getStreamName()) . '/' . $mvTitle->getTimeRequest());
        // only output media RSS item if its valid media:
        if (!$mvTitle->doesStreamExist()) {
        // @@todo this should be cached
        $thumb_ref = $mvTitle->getFullStreamImageURL('320x240', null, '', true);
        if ($desc_html == '') {
            $article = new Article($wikiTitle);
            $desc_html = $wgOut->getHTML();
        //get the parent meta if allowed:
        global $mvGetParentMeta;
        $pmvd = false;
        if ($mvGetParentMeta && strtolower($mvTitle->getMvdTypeKey()) == 'ht_en') {
            $pmvd = MV_Index::getParentAnnotativeLayers($mvTitle);
            if ($pmvd->wiki_title) {
                $pMvTitle = new MV_Title($pmvd->wiki_title);
                $pAnnoStreamTitle = Title::MakeTitle(MV_NS_STREAM, $pMvTitle->getNearStreamName(0));
        $desc_xml = '<![CDATA[
			<center class="mv_rss_view_only">
				<a href="' . htmlspecialchars($mStreamTitle->getFullUrl()) . '"><img src="' . $thumb_ref . '" border="0" /></a>
			<br />' . $desc_html . ']]>';
        $stream_url = $mvTitle->getWebStreamURL();
        $talkpage = $wikiTitle->getTalkPage();
        $type_desc = $mvTitle->getMvdTypeKey() ? wfMsg($mvTitle->getMvdTypeKey()) : '';
        $time_desc = $mvTitle->getTimeDesc() ? $mvTitle->getTimeDesc() : '';
        echo mvRSSFeed::xmlEncode($mStreamTitle->getFullUrl());
        echo mvRSSFeed::xmlEncode($mvTitle->getStreamNameText() . ' ' . $time_desc);
        echo $desc_xml;
        global $mvDefaultVideoQualityKey, $mvVidQualityMsgKeyType, $mvDefaultVideoHighQualityKey, $mvDefaultFlashQualityKey;
        //check a few different types in order of prefrence:
        if ($stream_url = $mvTitle->getWebStreamURL($mvDefaultVideoHighQualityKey)) {
            $mk = $mvDefaultVideoHighQualityKey;
        } elseif ($stream_url = $mvTitle->getWebStreamURL($mvDefaultVideoQualityKey)) {
            $mk = $mvDefaultVideoQualityKey;
        } elseif ($stream_url = $mvTitle->getWebStreamURL($mvDefaultFlashQualityKey)) {
            $mk = $mvDefaultFlashQualityKey;
        if ($stream_url) {
            echo '<enclosure name="' . wfMsg($mk) . '" type="video/ogg" ' . 'url="' . mvRSSFeed::xmlEncode($stream_url) . '"/>';

        echo mvRSSFeed::xmlEncode($talkpage->getFullUrl());
        $person = '';
        if ($pmvd && $pmvd->Speech_by) {
            $personTitle = Title::newFromText($pmvd->Speech_by);
<media:person label="<?php 
            echo $personTitle->getText();
" url="<?php 
            echo mvRSSFeed::xmlEncode($personTitle->getFullURL());
" />
        //handle any parent clip tag info:
        if ($pmvd) {
<media:parent_clip url="<?php 
            echo mvRSSFeed::xmlEncode($pAnnoStreamTitle->getFullUrl());
" />
            if ($pmvd->Bill) {
                $bTitle = Title::newFromText($pmvd->Bill);
<media:bill label="<?php 
                echo $bTitle->getText();
" url="<?php 
                echo mvRSSFeed::xmlEncode($bTitle->getFullURL());
" />
            if ($pmvd->category) {
                foreach ($pmvd->category as $cat_titlekey) {
                    $cTitle = $cTitle = Title::MakeTitle(NS_CATEGORY, $cat_titlekey);
<media:category label="<?php 
                    echo $cTitle->getText();
" url="<?php 
                    echo mvRSSFeed::xmlEncode($cTitle->getFullUrl());
" />
        echo mvRSSFeed::xmlEncode($thumb_ref);
" />
        echo mvRSSFeed::xmlEncode($mvTitle->getROEURL());
" />
        global $mvDefaultFlashQualityKey, $mvVidQualityMsgKeyType, $mvDefaultFlashQualityKey;
        //add in media group:
        $vid_types = array($mvDefaultVideoQualityKey, 'mv_ogg_high_quality', $mvDefaultFlashQualityKey);
        foreach ($vid_types as $vid_key) {
            $stream_url = $mvTitle->getWebStreamURL($vid_key);
            if ($stream_url !== false && isset($mvVidQualityMsgKeyType[$vid_key])) {
                echo mvRSSFeed::xmlEncode($vid_key);
                echo mvRSSFeed::xmlEncode($mvVidQualityMsgKeyType[$vid_key]);
                echo htmlentities($stream_url);
Esempio n. 25
 function videoLinks()
     global $wgUser, $wgOut;
     $wgOut->addHTML(Xml::element('h2', array('id' => 'filelinks'), wfMsg('imagelinks')) . "\n");
     $dbr = wfGetDB(DB_SLAVE);
     $page = $dbr->tableName('page');
     $templatelinks = $dbr->tableName('templatelinks');
     $sql = "SELECT page_namespace,page_title FROM {$templatelinks},{$page} WHERE tl_title=" . $dbr->addQuotes($this->mTitle->getDBkey()) . " AND tl_namespace = " . NS_VIDEO . " AND tl_from=page_id";
     $sql = $dbr->limitResult($sql, 500, 0);
     $res = $dbr->query($sql, "VideoPage::videoLinks");
     if (0 == $dbr->numRows($res)) {
         $wgOut->addHtml('<p>' . wfMsg("nolinkstoimage") . "</p>\n");
     $wgOut->addHTML('<p>' . wfMsg('linkstoimage') . "</p>\n<ul>");
     $sk = $wgUser->getSkin();
     while ($s = $dbr->fetchObject($res)) {
         $name = Title::MakeTitle($s->page_namespace, $s->page_title);
         $link = $sk->makeKnownLinkObj($name, "");