Esempio n. 1
  * Method used to get the list of issues in a project, and group
  * them by the assignee.
  * @access  public
  * @param   integer $prj_id The project ID
  * @return  array The list of issues
 function getIssuesByUser($prj_id)
     $stmt = "SELECT\n                    usr_full_name,\n                    iss_id,\n                    iss_summary,\n                    sta_title,\n                    iss_sta_id,\n                    iss_created_date,\n                    sta_color\n                 FROM\n                    (\n                    " . APP_DEFAULT_DB . "." . APP_TABLE_PREFIX . "issue,\n                    " . APP_DEFAULT_DB . "." . APP_TABLE_PREFIX . "issue_user,\n                    " . ETEL_USER_TABLE . "\n                    )\n                 LEFT JOIN\n                    " . APP_DEFAULT_DB . "." . APP_TABLE_PREFIX . "status\n                 ON\n                    iss_sta_id=sta_id\n                 WHERE\n                    iss_prj_id=" . Misc::escapeInteger($prj_id) . " AND\n                    iss_id=isu_iss_id AND\n                    isu_usr_id=usr_id\n                 ORDER BY\n                    usr_full_name";
     $res = $GLOBALS["db_api"]->dbh->getAll($stmt, DB_FETCHMODE_ASSOC);
     if (PEAR::isError($res)) {
         Error_Handler::logError(array($res->getMessage(), $res->getDebugInfo()), __FILE__, __LINE__);
         return "";
     } else {
         $issues = array();
         for ($i = 0; $i < count($res); $i++) {
             $issues[$res[$i]['usr_full_name']][$res[$i]['iss_id']] = array('iss_summary' => $res[$i]['iss_summary'], 'sta_title' => $res[$i]['sta_title'], 'iss_created_date' => Date_API::getFormattedDate($res[$i]['iss_created_date']), 'time_spent' => Misc::getFormattedTime($res[$i]['time_spent']), 'status_color' => $res[$i]['sta_color']);
         return $issues;
Esempio n. 2
  * Method used to get the list of issues to be displayed in the grid layout.
  * @access  public
  * @param   integer $prj_id The current project ID
  * @param   array $options The search parameters
  * @param   integer $current_row The current page number
  * @param   integer $max The maximum number of rows per page
  * @return  array The list of issues to be displayed
 function getListing($prj_id, $options, $current_row = 0, $max = 5, $get_reporter = FALSE)
     if (strtoupper($max) == "ALL") {
         $max = 9999999;
     $start = $current_row * $max;
     // get the current user's role
     $usr_id = Auth::getUserID();
     $role_id = User::getRoleByUser($usr_id, $prj_id);
     // get any custom fields that should be displayed
     $custom_fields = Custom_Field::getFieldsToBeListed($prj_id);
     $stmt = "SELECT\n                    iss_id,\n                    iss_grp_id,\n                    iss_prj_id,\n                    iss_sta_id,\n                    iss_customer_id,\n                    iss_created_date,\n                    iss_updated_date,\n                    iss_last_response_date,\n                    iss_closed_date,\n                    iss_last_customer_action_date,\n                    iss_usr_id,\n                    iss_summary,\n                    pri_title,\n                    prc_title,\n                    sta_title,\n                    sta_color status_color,\n                    sta_id,\n                    iqu_status,\n                    grp_name `group`,\n                    pre_title,\n                    iss_last_public_action_date,\n                    iss_last_public_action_type,\n                    iss_last_internal_action_date,\n                    iss_last_internal_action_type,\n                    " . Issue::getLastActionFields() . ",\n                    IF(iss_last_internal_action_date > iss_last_public_action_date, 'internal', 'public') AS action_type,\n                    iss_private,\n                    CONCAT(en_firstname,' ', en_lastname) as usr_full_name,\n                    iss_percent_complete,\n                    iss_dev_time,\n                    iss_expected_resolution_date\n                 FROM\n                    (\n                    " . APP_DEFAULT_DB . "." . APP_TABLE_PREFIX . "issue,\n                    " . ETEL_USER_TABLE_NOSUB . "";
     // join custom fields if we are searching by custom fields
     if (is_array($options['custom_field']) && count($options['custom_field']) > 0) {
         foreach ($options['custom_field'] as $fld_id => $search_value) {
             if (empty($search_value)) {
             $field = Custom_Field::getDetails($fld_id);
             if ($field['fld_type'] == 'date' && (empty($search_value['Year']) || empty($search_value['Month']) || empty($search_value['Day']))) {
             if ($field['fld_type'] == 'multiple') {
                 $search_value = Misc::escapeInteger($search_value);
                 foreach ($search_value as $cfo_id) {
                     $stmt .= ",\n" . APP_DEFAULT_DB . "." . APP_TABLE_PREFIX . "issue_custom_field as cf" . $fld_id . '_' . $cfo_id . "\n";
             } else {
                 $stmt .= ",\n" . APP_DEFAULT_DB . "." . APP_TABLE_PREFIX . "issue_custom_field as cf" . $fld_id . "\n";
     $stmt .= ")";
     // check for the custom fields we want to sort by
     if (strstr($options['sort_by'], 'custom_field') !== false) {
         $fld_id = str_replace("custom_field_", '', $options['sort_by']);
         $stmt .= "\n LEFT JOIN \n" . APP_DEFAULT_DB . "." . APP_TABLE_PREFIX . "issue_custom_field as cf_sort\n                ON\n                    (cf_sort.icf_iss_id = iss_id AND cf_sort.icf_fld_id = {$fld_id}) \n";
     if (!empty($options["show_authorized_issues"]) || $role_id <= User::getRoleID("Standard User") && Project::getSegregateReporters($prj_id)) {
         $stmt .= "\n                 LEFT JOIN\n                    " . APP_DEFAULT_DB . "." . APP_TABLE_PREFIX . "issue_user_replier\n                 ON\n                    iur_iss_id=iss_id\n                 LEFT JOIN\n                    " . APP_DEFAULT_DB . "." . APP_TABLE_PREFIX . "issue_user\n                 ON\n                    isu_iss_id=iss_id";
     } else {
         if (!empty($options["users"])) {
             $stmt .= "\n                 LEFT JOIN\n                    " . APP_DEFAULT_DB . "." . APP_TABLE_PREFIX . "issue_user\n                 ON\n                    isu_iss_id=iss_id";
     if (!empty($options["show_notification_list_issues"])) {
         $stmt .= "\n                 LEFT JOIN\n                    " . APP_DEFAULT_DB . "." . APP_TABLE_PREFIX . "subscription\n                 ON\n                    sub_iss_id=iss_id";
     $stmt .= "\n                 LEFT JOIN\n                    " . APP_DEFAULT_DB . ".`" . APP_TABLE_PREFIX . "group`\n                 ON\n                    iss_grp_id=grp_id\n                 LEFT JOIN\n                    " . APP_DEFAULT_DB . "." . APP_TABLE_PREFIX . "project_category\n                 ON\n                    iss_prc_id=prc_id\n                 LEFT JOIN\n                    " . APP_DEFAULT_DB . "." . APP_TABLE_PREFIX . "project_release\n                 ON\n                    iss_pre_id = pre_id\n                 LEFT JOIN\n                    " . APP_DEFAULT_DB . "." . APP_TABLE_PREFIX . "status\n                 ON\n                    iss_sta_id=sta_id\n                 LEFT JOIN\n                    " . APP_DEFAULT_DB . "." . APP_TABLE_PREFIX . "project_priority\n                 ON\n                    iss_pri_id=pri_id\n                 LEFT JOIN\n                    " . APP_DEFAULT_DB . "." . APP_TABLE_PREFIX . "issue_quarantine\n                 ON\n                    iss_id=iqu_iss_id AND\n                    (iqu_expiration > '" . Date_API::getCurrentDateGMT() . "' OR iqu_expiration IS NULL)\n                 WHERE\n                    iss_prj_id= " . Misc::escapeInteger($prj_id);
     $stmt .= Issue::buildWhereClause($options);
     //echo $stmt;
     if (strstr($options["sort_by"], 'custom_field') !== false) {
         $sort_by = 'cf_sort.icf_value';
     } else {
         $sort_by = Misc::escapeString($options["sort_by"]);
     $stmt .= "\n                 GROUP BY\n                    iss_id\n                 ORDER BY\n                    " . $sort_by . " " . Misc::escapeString($options["sort_order"]) . ",\n                    iss_id DESC";
     $total_rows = Pager::getTotalRows($stmt);
     if ($max > 100) {
         $max = 100;
     $stmt .= "\n                 LIMIT\n                    " . Misc::escapeInteger($start) . ", " . Misc::escapeInteger($max);
     $res = $GLOBALS["db_api"]->dbh->getAll($stmt, DB_FETCHMODE_ASSOC);
     // echo  $stmt;
     if (PEAR::isError($res)) {
         Error_Handler::logError(array($res->getMessage(), $res->getDebugInfo()), __FILE__, __LINE__);
         return array("list" => "", "info" => "");
     } else {
         if (count($res) > 0) {
             if ($get_reporter) {
             // need to get the customer titles for all of these issues...
             if (Customer::hasCustomerIntegration($prj_id)) {
                 Customer::getCustomerTitlesByIssues($prj_id, $res);
             Issue::getLastStatusChangeDates($prj_id, $res);
         } elseif ($current_row > 0) {
             // if there are no results, and the page is not the first page reset page to one and reload results
             Auth::redirect(APP_RELATIVE_URL . "list.php?pagerRow=0&rows={$max}");
         $groups = Group::getAssocList($prj_id);
         $categories = Category::getAssocList($prj_id);
         $column_headings = Issue::getColumnHeadings($prj_id);
         if (count($custom_fields) > 0) {
             $column_headings = array_merge($column_headings, $custom_fields);
         $csv[] = @implode("\t", $column_headings);
         for ($i = 0; $i < count($res); $i++) {
             $res[$i]["time_spent"] = Misc::getFormattedTime($res[$i]["time_spent"]);
             $res[$i]["iss_expected_resolution_date"] = Date_API::getSimpleDate($res[$i]["iss_expected_resolution_date"], false);
             $fields = array($res[$i]['pri_title'], $res[$i]['iss_id']);
             // hide the group column from the output if no
             // groups are available in the database
             if (count($groups) > 0) {
                 $fields[] = $res[$i]['group'];
             $fields[] = $res[$i]['assigned_users'];
             $fields[] = $res[$i]['time_spent'];
             // hide the category column from the output if no
             // categories are available in the database
             if (count($categories) > 0) {
                 $fields[] = $res[$i]['prc_title'];
             if (Customer::hasCustomerIntegration($prj_id)) {
                 $fields[] = @$res[$i]['customer_title'];
                 // check if current user is acustomer and has a per incident contract.
                 // if so, check if issue is redeemed.
                 if (User::getRoleByUser($usr_id, $prj_id) == User::getRoleID('Customer')) {
                     if (Customer::hasPerIncidentContract($prj_id, Issue::getCustomerID($res[$i]['iss_id'])) && Customer::isRedeemedIncident($prj_id, $res[$i]['iss_id'])) {
                         $res[$i]['redeemed'] = true;
             $fields[] = $res[$i]['sta_title'];
             $fields[] = $res[$i]["status_change_date"];
             $fields[] = $res[$i]["last_action_date"];
             $fields[] = $res[$i]['iss_summary'];
             if (count($custom_fields) > 0) {
                 $res[$i]['custom_field'] = array();
                 $custom_field_values = Custom_Field::getListByIssue($prj_id, $res[$i]['iss_id']);
                 foreach ($custom_field_values as $this_field) {
                     if (!empty($custom_fields[$this_field['fld_id']])) {
                         $res[$i]['custom_field'][$this_field['fld_id']] = $this_field['icf_value'];
                         $fields[] = $this_field['icf_value'];
             $csv[] = @implode("\t", $fields);
         $total_pages = ceil($total_rows / $max);
         $last_page = $total_pages - 1;
         return array("list" => $res, "info" => array("current_page" => $current_row, "start_offset" => $start, "end_offset" => $start + count($res), "total_rows" => $total_rows, "total_pages" => $total_pages, "previous_page" => $current_row == 0 ? "-1" : $current_row - 1, "next_page" => $current_row == $last_page ? "-1" : $current_row + 1, "last_page" => $last_page, "custom_fields" => $custom_fields), "csv" => @implode("\n", $csv));