 if ($_REQUEST["attach2"]) {
     $a2 = $mail->getFile('temp/mail_attachs/' . $_REQUEST["attach2file"]);
     $mail->addAttachment($a2, $_REQUEST["attach2"], $_REQUEST["attach2type"]);
     @unlink('temp/mail_attachs/' . $_REQUEST["attach2file"]);
 if ($_REQUEST["attach3"]) {
     $a3 = $mail->getFile('temp/mail_attachs/' . $_REQUEST["attach3file"]);
     $mail->addAttachment($a3, $_REQUEST["attach3"], $_REQUEST["attach3type"]);
     @unlink('temp/mail_attachs/' . $_REQUEST["attach3file"]);
 $mail->setSMTPParams($current["smtp"], $current["smtpPort"], '', $current["useAuth"], $current["username"], $current["pass"]);
 if (isset($_REQUEST["useHTML"]) && $_REQUEST["useHTML"] == 'on') {
     $mail->setHTML($_REQUEST["body"], strip_tags($_REQUEST["body"]));
 } else {
 $to_array_1 = split('[, ;]', $_REQUEST["to"]);
 $to_array = array();
 foreach ($to_array_1 as $to_1) {
     if (!empty($to_1)) {
         $to_array[] = $to_1;
 $to_array = $contactlib->parse_nicknames($to_array);
 // Get email addresses not in the address book
 $not_contacts = $contactlib->are_contacts($to_array, $user);
 if (count($not_contacts) > 0) {
     $smarty->assign('notcon', 'y');
Esempio n. 2
 if ($_REQUEST['fattId']) {
     $filegallib = TikiLib::lib('filegal');
     $filedata = $filegallib->get_file_info($_REQUEST['fattId']);
     $a4 = file_get_contents($prefs['fgal_use_dir'] . $filedata['path']);
     $mail->addAttachment($a4, $filedata['filename'], $filedata['filetype']);
 if ($_REQUEST['fattId']) {
     $filegallib = TikiLib::lib('filegal');
     $filedata = $filegallib->get_file_info($_REQUEST['fattId']);
     $a4 = file_get_contents($prefs['fgal_use_dir'] . $filedata['path']);
     $mail->addAttachment($a4, $filedata['filename'], $filedata['filetype']);
 //	$mail->setSMTPParams($current['smtp'], $current['smtpPort'], '', $current['useAuth'], $current['username'], $current['pass']);   // commented out as a temporary fix - might need to do more later
 if (isset($_REQUEST['useHTML']) && $_REQUEST['useHTML'] == 'on') {
     $mail->setHTML($_REQUEST['body'], strip_tags($_REQUEST['body']));
 } else {
 $to_array_1 = preg_split('/[, ;]/', $_REQUEST['to']);
 $to_array = array();
 foreach ($to_array_1 as $to_1) {
     if (!empty($to_1)) {
         $to_array[] = $to_1;
 $to_array = $contactlib->parse_nicknames($to_array);
 // Get email addresses not in the address book
 $not_contacts = $contactlib->are_contacts($to_array, $user);
 if (count($not_contacts) > 0) {
     $smarty->assign('notcon', 'y');
Esempio n. 3
                    // Delete token from url
                    $notificationPage = preg_replace('/[\\?&]TOKEN=' . $detailtoken['token'] . '/', '', $notificationPage);
                    // If file Gallery
                    $smarty->assign('filegallery', 'n');
                    if (preg_match("/\\btiki-download_file.php\\b/i", $notificationPage)) {
                        $filegallib = TikiLib::lib('filegal');
                        $smarty->assign('filegallery', 'y');
                        $aParams = (array) json_decode($detailtoken['parameters']);
                        $smarty->assign('fileId', $aParams['fileId']);
                        $aFileInfos = $filegallib->get_file_info($aParams['fileId']);
                        $smarty->assign('filegalleryId', $aFileInfos['galleryId']);
                        $smarty->assign('filename', $aFileInfos['name']);
                    $smarty->assign('email_token', $detailtoken['email']);
                    $txt = $smarty->fetch('mail/user_watch_token.tpl');
                    $mailsent = $mail->send(array($not['email']));
        if (empty($notificationPage)) {
            $notificationPage = preg_replace('/[\\?&]TOKEN=' . $token . '/', '', $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
        // Log each token access
        $logslib->add_log('token', $detailtoken['email'] . ' ' . tra('has accessed the following shared content:') . ' ' . $notificationPage);
    } else {
        // Error Token expired
        $token_error = tra('Your access to this page has expired');
$allperms = $userlib->get_enabled_permissions();
Esempio n. 4
         // Check permissions
         $chkUser = $aux["sender"]["user"];
         if ($acc["anonymous"] == 'n' && !$userlib->user_has_permission($chkUser, 'tiki_p_admin')) {
             if (!$wikilib->user_has_perm_on_object($chkUser, $page, 'wiki page', 'tiki_p_view')) {
                 $errorMsg = $chkUser . " cannot view the page: " . $page . "<br />";
                 $logslib->add_log('mailin', mailin_preplog($errorMsg), $logUser);
                 $content .= $errorMsg;
                 $processEmail = false;
         if ($processEmail) {
             $info = $tikilib->get_page_info($page);
             $data = $tikilib->parse_data($info["data"]);
             $mail->addAttachment($info['data'], 'source.txt', 'plain/txt');
             $mail->setHTML($data, strip_tags($data));
     } else {
         $l = $prefs['language'];
         $mail_data = $smarty->fetchLang($l, "mail/mailin_reply_subject.tpl");
         $mail->setSubject($mail_data . $page);
     if ($processEmail) {
         $res = $mail->send(array($email_from), 'mail');
         $content .= "Response sent<br />";
         $hasError = false;
 } elseif ($acc['type'] == 'wiki-put' || $acc['type'] == 'wiki' && $method == "PUT") {
     //	wiki-put, wiki PUT: Send a wiki page. User emails page to System