function buildThread50($id, $return = false, $mod = false, $thread = null, $antibot = false) { global $board, $config, $build_pages; $id = round($id); if ($antibot) { $antibot->reset(); } if (!$thread) { $query = prepare(sprintf("SELECT * FROM ``posts_%s`` WHERE (`thread` IS NULL AND `id` = :id) OR `thread` = :id ORDER BY `thread`,`id` DESC LIMIT :limit", $board['uri'])); $query->bindValue(':id', $id, PDO::PARAM_INT); $query->bindValue(':limit', $config['noko50_count'] + 1, PDO::PARAM_INT); $query->execute() or error(db_error($query)); $num_images = 0; while ($post = $query->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) { if (!isset($thread)) { $thread = new Thread($post, $mod ? '?/' : $config['root'], $mod); } else { if ($post['files']) { $num_images += $post['num_files']; } $thread->add(new Post($post, $mod ? '?/' : $config['root'], $mod)); } } // Check if any posts were found if (!isset($thread)) { error($config['error']['nonexistant']); } if ($query->rowCount() == $config['noko50_count'] + 1) { $count = prepare(sprintf("SELECT COUNT(`id`) as `num` FROM ``posts_%s`` WHERE `thread` = :thread UNION ALL\n\t\t\t\t\t\t SELECT SUM(`num_files`) FROM ``posts_%s`` WHERE `files` IS NOT NULL AND `thread` = :thread", $board['uri'], $board['uri'])); $count->bindValue(':thread', $id, PDO::PARAM_INT); $count->execute() or error(db_error($count)); $c = $count->fetch(); $thread->omitted = $c['num'] - $config['noko50_count']; $c = $count->fetch(); $thread->omitted_images = $c['num'] - $num_images; } $thread->posts = array_reverse($thread->posts); } else { $allPosts = $thread->posts; $thread->posts = array_slice($allPosts, -$config['noko50_count']); $thread->omitted += count($allPosts) - count($thread->posts); foreach ($allPosts as $index => $post) { if ($index == count($allPosts) - count($thread->posts)) { break; } if ($post->files) { $thread->omitted_images += $post->num_files; } } } $hasnoko50 = $thread->postCount() >= $config['noko50_min']; $body = Element('thread.html', array('board' => $board, 'thread' => $thread, 'body' => $thread->build(false, true), 'config' => $config, 'id' => $id, 'mod' => $mod, 'hasnoko50' => $hasnoko50, 'isnoko50' => true, 'antibot' => $mod ? false : ($antibot ? $antibot : create_antibot($board['uri'], $id)), 'boardlist' => createBoardlist($mod), 'return' => $mod ? '?' . $board['url'] . $config['file_index'] : $config['root'] . $board['dir'] . $config['file_index'])); if ($return) { return $body; } else { file_write($board['dir'] . $config['dir']['res'] . sprintf($config['file_page50'], $id), $body); } }