Esempio n. 1
 public function index()
     $m_setting = D('Setting');
     if (chkSubmit()) {
         $update = array();
         $update['site_name'] = $this->getString('post.site_name');
         //$update['site_logo']	= $this->getString('post.site_logo');
         //$update['member_face']	= $this->getString('post.member_face');
         $update['site_seo'] = $this->getString('post.site_seo');
         $update['site_email'] = $this->getString('post.site_email');
         $update['upload_size_limit'] = $this->getInt('post.upload_size_limit') * 1024;
         $update['site_phone'] = $this->getString('post.site_phone');
         $update['site_status'] = $this->getString('post.site_status');
         $update['closed_reason'] = $this->getString('post.closed_reasons');
         if ($_FILES) {
             $upload = new \Think\Upload();
             // 实例化上传类
             $upload->rootPath = C('UPIMG_PATH') . '/';
             // 设置附件上传根目录
             $upload->savePath = '';
             // 设置附件上传(子)目录
             if ($_FILES['site_logo']['name']) {
                 $result = $upload->uploadOne($_FILES['site_logo']);
                 if ($result) {
                     $path = $result['savepath'] . $result['savename'];
                     $update['site_logo'] = $path;
                 } else {
             if ($_FILES['member_face']['name']) {
                 $result = $upload->uploadOne($_FILES['member_face']);
                 if ($result) {
                     $path = $result['savepath'] . $result['savename'];
                     $update['member_face'] = $path;
                 } else {
         $res = $m_setting->updateAll($update);
         if ($res) {
         } else {
     $setting_list = $m_setting->getSettingList(array());
     $this->assign('setting', $setting_list);
 public function submitSignup()
     $upload = new \Think\Upload(C("UPLOAD_USER_PICS_CONFIG"));
     $info = $upload->uploadOne($_FILES['upic']);
     if (!$info) {
     } else {
         $image = new \Think\Image();
         $image->open(C("UPLOAD_USER_PICS_CONFIG.rootPath") . $info['savepath'] . $info['savename']);
         $thumb_url = C("UPLOAD_USER_PICS_CONFIG.rootPath") . $info['savepath'] . 'thumb_' . $info['savename'];
         $image->thumb(C("THUMB_USER_PIC_WIDTH"), C("THUMB_USER_PIC_HEIGHT"))->save($thumb_url);
         $_POST['upic'] = $info['savename'];
     $_POST['upwd'] = I("upwd", "", md5);
     if (M("User")->create()) {
         $uid = M("User")->add();
         if ($uid) {
             session("uid", $uid);
             session('uname', I('uname'));
Esempio n. 3
 * 单文件上传
 * @param array
 * @return string 
function upload_one($param)
    $upload = new \Think\Upload();
    $upload->maxSize = 2097152;
    //字节 1KB=1024字节 默认为2M
    if (isset($param['exts'])) {
        $upload->exts = $param['exts'];
    } else {
        $upload->exts = array('jpg', 'gif', 'png', 'jpeg');
    $upload->savePath = $param['savePath'];
    //保存路径 相对路径
    $upload->subName = $param['subName'];
    $upload->saveName = $param['saveName'];
    $upload->saveExt = $param['saveExt'];
    $upload->replace = true;
    //存在同名的文件 覆盖
    $info = $upload->uploadOne($param['files']);
    if (!$info) {
        return 'error';
    } else {
        return $info['savepath'] . $info['savename'];
Esempio n. 4
function upload_one_thumb($param, $w = 680, $h = 250)
    $upload = new \Think\Upload();
    $upload->maxSize = 2097152;
    //字节 1KB=1024字节 默认为2M
    $upload->exts = array('jpg', 'gif', 'png', 'jpeg');
    $upload->savePath = $param['savePath'];
    //保存路径 相对路径
    $upload->subName = $param['subName'];
    $upload->saveName = $param['saveName'];
    $upload->saveExt = $param['saveExt'];
    $upload->replace = true;
    //存在同名的文件 覆盖
    $info = $upload->uploadOne($param['files']);
    if (!$info) {
        return 'error';
    } else {
        $img_src = './Uploads/' . $info['savepath'] . $info['savename'];
        $image = new \Think\Image();
        $new_img_src = './Uploads/' . $info['savepath'] . 'thumb_' . $info['savename'];
        $image->crop($w, $h)->save($new_img_src);
        return $info['savepath'] . $info['savename'];
        //return $info['savepath'].'thumb_'.$info['savename'];
Esempio n. 5
 * 上传文件
 * @param unknown $file
 * @param string $rootPath
 * @param number $maxSize
 * @param unknown $exts
 * @param string $randomSaveName
 * @return stdClass
function upload($file, $maxSize = 3145728, $exts = array(), $rootPath = '', $randomSaveName = true, $saveName = "")
    if (empty($rootPath)) {
        $rootPath = C('IMAGE_PATH');
    $upload = new \Think\Upload();
    $upload->maxSize = $maxSize;
    if (!$randomSaveName) {
        $saveName = iconv('utf-8', 'gbk', $saveName);
        $upload->saveName = $saveName;
    $upload->exts = $exts;
    $upload->rootPath = $rootPath;
    $info = $upload->uploadOne($file);
    $res = new stdClass();
    if (!$info) {
        $res->success = false;
        $res->message = $upload->getError();
        $res->filePath = "";
    } else {
        $info['savename'] = iconv('gbk', 'utf-8', $info['savename']);
        $res->success = true;
        $res->message = "上传成功";
        $res->filePath = str_replace("./", "", $rootPath) . $info['savepath'] . $info['savename'];
        $res->savename = $info['savename'];
    return $res;
 public function upload()
     $upload = new \Think\Upload();
     // 实例化上传类
     $upload->maxSize = 133145728;
     // 设置附件上传大小
     $upload->exts = array('jpg', 'png');
     // 设置附件上传类型
     $upload->rootPath = './Public/Uploads/Video/';
     // 设置附件上传目录
     ini_set('post_max_size', '1000M');
     //$upload->imageClassPath = '@.ORG.Image'; //设置需要生成缩略图的文件后缀
     $info = $upload->uploadOne($_FILES['photo1']);
     if (!$info) {
         // 上传错误提示错误信息
     } else {
         // 上传成功 获取上传文件信息
     $data['id'] = $_POST['id'];
     $data['name'] = $info['savename'];
     $data['create_time'] = time();
     $data['path'] = $info['savepath'];
     $data['link'] = $_POST['link'];
     $data['lable'] = $_POST['lable'];
     $pic = M("videonews");
     if ($pic->save($data)) {
     } else {
 public function save()
     $Link = D('link');
     $data = $Link->create();
     if ($Link->type == 'file' && $_FILES['android']['error'] != 4) {
         C('DB_PREFIX', 'rou_');
         $savePath = M('website')->getFieldByid($Link->webid, 'filename');
         $config = array('exts' => 'apk', 'rootPath' => '.' . $savePath . '/resources/');
         $Upload = new \Think\Upload($config);
         $info = $Upload->uploadOne($_FILES['android']);
         if ($Upload->getError()) {
         $Link->android = $savePath . '/resources/' . $info['savepath'] . $info['savename'];
     if ($Link->id) {
         if ($Link->save()) {
             updateApi($data['webid'], 'getLink', $data['id']);
         } else {
     } else {
         if ($Link->add()) {
             updateApi($data['webid'], 'getLink', $Link->getLastInsId());
         } else {
 public function upload()
     $uid = I('post.uid');
     // 上传标识
     if (empty($uid)) {
         $return['error'] = 1;
         $return['message'] = '没有登录不允许上传';
     /* 返回标准数据 */
     $return = array('error' => 0);
     $dir = I('get.dir');
     // 上传类型image、flash、media、file
     // 上传配置
     $ext_arr = array('image' => array('gif', 'jpg', 'jpeg', 'png', 'bmp'), 'flash' => array('swf', 'flv'), 'media' => array('swf', 'flv', 'mp3', 'wav', 'wma', 'wmv', 'mid', 'avi', 'mpg', 'asf', 'rm', 'rmvb'), 'file' => array('doc', 'docx', 'xls', 'xlsx', 'ppt', 'htm', 'html', 'txt', 'zip', 'rar', 'gz', 'bz2'));
     $upload = new \Think\Upload();
     // 实例化上传类
     $upload->maxSize = 3145728;
     // 设置附件上传大小
     $upload->exts = $ext_arr[$dir];
     // 设置附件上传类型
     $upload->rootPath = './Uploads/';
     $upload->savePath = $uid . '/' . $dir . '/';
     $info = $upload->uploadOne($_FILES['imgFile']);
     if ($info) {
         $return['url'] = $upload->rootPath . $info['savepath'] . $info['savename'];
     } else {
         $return['error'] = 1;
         $return['message'] = $upload->getError();
Esempio n. 9
 protected function upload_file($username, $fileNameInHTML, $isOri)
     $upload = new \Think\Upload();
     // 实例化上传类
     $upload->maxSize = 3145728;
     // 设置附件上传大小
     if ($isOri) {
         $upload->exts = array('bmp');
     // 设置附件上传类型
     $upload->rootPath = "Public";
     $upload->savePath = "/users_pic/{$username}/rec/";
     // 设置附件上传目录
     $upload->saveName = '';
     // 设置上传的文件名为原文件名
     $upload->autoSub = false;
     // 不设置子文件夹(若为true, 则默认还有个时间命名规则的子文件夹)
     $info = $upload->uploadOne($_FILES[$fileNameInHTML]);
     if (!$info) {
         if ($isOri == false) {
             $this->deleteUserFile($username, $_FILES["OriPhoto"]["name"], true);
     return $info;
Esempio n. 10
  * 编辑器图片上传
  * @return json
 public function keditor_uploadAct()
     $upload = new \Think\Upload();
     // 实例化上传类
     $upload->maxSize = 314572800;
     // 设置附件上传大小
     $upload->exts = array('jpg', 'gif', 'png', 'jpeg');
     // 设置附件上传类型
     $dir = I('get.dir');
     $upload->rootPath = './';
     // 保存根路径
     $upload->savePath = 'data/keditor/' . $dir . '/' . date('Y-m') . '/';
     // 创建目录
     // 执行上传
     if (!($info = $upload->uploadOne($_FILES['imgFile'], $upload->savePath))) {
         // 上传错误提示错误信息
         echo json_encode(array('error' => 1, 'message' => "1" . $upload->getError()));
     } else {
         // 上传成功 获取上传文件信息
         $fileUrl = $info['savepath'] . $info['savename'];
         $fullPath = __BASE__ . $fileUrl;
         echo json_encode(array('error' => 0, 'url' => $fullPath));
Esempio n. 11
 public function upload()
     if (!session('?admin')) {
     if (session('right') != 1) {
     $upload = new \Think\Upload();
     // 实例化上传类
     $upload->maxSize = 3145728;
     // 设置附件上传大小
     $upload->exts = array('xls', 'xlsx');
     // 设置附件上传类
     $upload->savePath = '/';
     // 设置附件上传目录
     // 上传文件
     $info = $upload->uploadOne($_FILES['excelData']);
     $filename = './Uploads' . $info['savepath'] . $info['savename'];
     $exts = $info['ext'];
     if (!$info) {
         // 上传错误提示错误信息
     } else {
         // 上传成功
         $this->goods_import($filename, $exts);
Esempio n. 12
 public function insert()
     $art = D('Article');
     $_POST['uid'] = 1;
     $_POST['addtime'] = time();
     //$content = htmlspecialchars($_POST['content'], ENT_QUOTES);
     $_POST['content'] = htmlspecialchars($_POST['content'], ENT_QUOTES);
     $new_id = D('Article')->add($_POST);
     if (!empty($_FILES)) {
         $config = array('rootPath' => './Public/', 'savePath' => 'Uploads/');
         $upload = new \Think\Upload($config);
         $res = $upload->uploadOne($_FILES['image']);
         if (!$res) {
         $image = $res['savepath'] . $res['savename'];
     } else {
         $image = '';
     $_POST['img'] = $image;
     //print_r($_POST); // Array ( [tit] => 测试文件 [content] => 这是一个测试文件 [addtime] => 1434072175 )
     //[title] => [pid] => 329 [content] => [uid] => 1 [addtime] => 1434192227 [img] => sijiosj )
     $sql = "update shop_article set img='{$image}' where id={$new_id}";
     $res = $art->execute($sql);
     //$art -> create();
     //$result = $art -> add($_POST);
     if ($res) {
         $this->assign('mess', '添加权限成功');
     } else {
         $this->assign('mess', '添加权限失败');
Esempio n. 13
 public function upload()
     $config = array('maxSize' => 3145728, 'savePath' => './Public/Upload/Image/', 'saveName' => array('uniqid', ''), 'exts' => array('jpg', 'gif', 'png', 'jpeg'), 'autoSub' => true, 'subName' => array('date', 'Ymd'));
     $upload = new \Think\Upload($config);
     // 实例化上传类
     $info = $upload->uploadOne($_FILES['image']);
     //echo $filename;
     $returnData = null;
     if (!$info) {
         // 上传错误提示错误信息
     } else {
         // 上传成功
         $image = M('image');
         $data['image_name'] = $_POST['imageName'];
         $data['savename'] = $info['savename'];
         $data['path'] = $info['savepath'];
         $data['dept_id'] = $_POST['deptId'];
         $data['floor_id'] = $_POST['floorId'];
 public function upload()
     $x1 = I("x1");
     $y1 = I("y1");
     $upload = new \Think\Upload();
     $upload->maxSize = 3145728;
     // 设置附件上传大小
     $upload->exts = array('jpg', 'gif', 'png', 'jpeg');
     // 设置附件上传类型
     $upload->rootPath = 'Public/';
     $upload->savePath = 'Uploads/';
     $info = $upload->uploadOne($_FILES['member_pic']);
     if (!$info) {
         // 上传错误提示错误信息
     } else {
         // 上传成功 获取上传文件信息
         $member_pic = $info['savepath'] . $info['savename'];
     $member_p = "./Public/" . $info['savepath'] . $info['savename'];
     $image = new \Think\Image();
     $image->crop(128, 128, $x1, $y1)->save($member_p);
     $memberdetail = M("Memberdetail");
     if ($memberdetail->create()) {
         $memberdetail->member_pic = $member_pic;
         $_SESSION['member_pic'] = $member_pic;
         $this->success("头像修改成功!", U("avatar"));
     } else {
         $this->error("头像修改失败!", U("avatar"));
Esempio n. 15
 protected function UploadFile()
     $filename = self::$config['filename'];
     if (!empty($_FILES[$filename]['name'])) {
         $file_types = explode(".", $_FILES[$filename]['name']);
         $file_type = $file_types[count($file_types) - 1];
         if (!in_array(strtolower($file_type), self::$config['filetype'])) {
         $config = array('maxSize' => 3145728, 'rootPath' => self::$config['rootpath'], 'savePath' => self::$config['savepath'], 'saveName' => array('uniqid', time()), 'exts' => self::$config['filetype'], 'autoSub' => true, 'subName' => array('date', 'Ym'), 'hash' => true);
         $upload = new \Think\Upload($config);
         $info = $upload->uploadOne($_FILES[$filename]);
         if (!$info) {
         $rootpath = ltrim($config['rootPath'], '.');
         $full_path = $rootpath . $info['savepath'] . $info['savename'];
         return array('filepath' => $full_path, 'filename' => $info['savename']);
  * @example 视频添加
 public function vadioAdd()
     if (IS_POST) {
         $Apk = D('vadio');
         $webid = $Apk->webid;
         $config = array('exts' => 'mp4', 'rootPath' => './', 'maxSize' => 20 * 1024 * 1024, 'subName' => array(), 'savePath' => I('post.path', ''));
         $Upload = new \Think\Upload($config);
         $info = $Upload->uploadOne($_FILES['video']);
         if ($Upload->getError()) {
         $Apk->img = $this->getFilePath('path', 'filename');
         $Apk->url = $info['savepath'] . '/' . $info['savename'];
         if (!$Apk->add()) {
         $insID = $Apk->getLastInsId();
         $this->updateApi($webid, 'getVadio', $insID);
     } else {
         $webid = I('get.webid', '');
         $cate = $this->Cate->where(array('webid' => $webid, 'type' => 'video'))->select();
         $web = M('website')->getById($webid);
         $filepath = urlencode(str_replace('/', '.', $web['filename'] . '/reource'));
         $this->assign('filepath', $filepath);
         $this->assign('cate', $cate);
 public function uploadHead()
     if ($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] == NULL) {
         die("<meta charset='utf-8'><h1>非法访问</h1>");
     $tokenName = C('TOKEN_NAME', null, 'token');
     if (Behavior\CheckIslogin::checkIsUser() & IS_POST & I('post.tokenforHead') == $_SESSION[$tokenName][md5('forHead')]) {
         $upload = new \Think\Upload();
         // 实例化上传类
         $upload->maxSize = 204800;
         // 设置附件上传大小
         $upload->exts = array('jpg', 'png', 'jpeg');
         // 设置附件上传类型
         $upload->rootPath = './Public/Upload/';
         // 设置附件上传根目录
         $upload->autoSub = FALSE;
         $upload->savePath = '';
         // 设置附件上传(子)目录
         // 上传单个文件
         $info = $upload->uploadOne($_FILES['photo']);
         if (!$info) {
             // 上传错误提示错误信息
         } else {
             // 上传成功 获取上传文件信息
             /*$image = new \Think\Image(); 
               $image->open('./Public/Upload/'   .$info['savename']);
                // 判断图像大小之后,再决定是否裁剪
             $resumehead = '/Upload/' . $info['savename'];
             $Resume = M("Resume");
             // 实例化Resume对象
             // 要修改的数据对象属性赋值
             $condition['oid'] = md5(session('uid'));
             if (!$Resume->where($condition)->find()) {
                 $Resume->head = $resumehead;
                 $Resume->name = session('name');
                 $Resume->tel = session('tel');
                 $Resume->email = session('email');
                 $this->success('上传成功', U('/Admin/Index/resumeUpdate'));
             } else {
                 $Resume->head = $resumehead;
                 $this->success('上传成功', U('/Admin/Index/resumeUpdate'));
     } else {
 public function onAdd()
     if (!empty($_FILES)) {
         /*实例化上传类 方法1
         		$upload = new \Think\Upload();// 实例化上传类
         		$upload->maxSize   =  3145728 ;// 设置附件上传大小
         		$upload->exts      =  array('jpg', 'gif', 'png', 'jpeg');// 设置附件上传类型
         		$upload->rootPath  =  './Public/upload/';//上传文件 的根目录
         		$upload->savePath  =  'link/'; // 设置附件上传目录	 
         		$upload->saveName = array('uniqfile','');//上传文件命名规则,[0]-函数名,[1]-参数,多个参数使用数组
         		$upload->autoSub  = false;//自动子目录保存文件
         //实例化上传类 方法2
         $config = array();
         $config['maxSize'] = 3145728;
         // 设置附件上传大小
         $config['exts'] = array('jpg', 'gif', 'png', 'jpeg');
         // 设置附件上传类型
         $config['rootPath'] = './Public/upload/';
         //上传文件 的根目录
         $config['savePath'] = 'link/';
         // 设置附件上传目录
         $config['saveName'] = array('uniqfile', '');
         $config['autoSub'] = false;
         $upload = new \Think\Upload($config);
         // 实例化上传类
         // 上传单个文件
         $info = $upload->uploadOne($_FILES['linkpic']);
         if ($info) {
             // 上传成功 将获取文件名,更新数据库和session
             $data['logo'] = $info['savename'];
             $data['linkname'] = I("post.linkname");
             $data['linkaddres'] = I("post.linkaddress");
             $data['content'] = I("post.content");
             $data['linkip'] = get_client_ip();
             $sql = D("Friendlink");
             $rs = $sql->data($data)->add($data);
             // dump($rs);exit;
             if ($rs) {
                 $this->success("Add Sucess");
             } else {
                 $this->error("Add Failure");
         } else {
             $this->error('File Upload Failure');
     } else {
         $this->error("Please choose the file you want to upload");
Esempio n. 19
 public function doadd()
     $upload = new \Think\Upload();
     // 实例化上传类
     $upload->maxSize = 3145728;
     // 设置附件上传大小
     $upload->exts = array('jpg', 'gif', 'png', 'jpeg');
     $upload->savePath = './Public/Uploads/';
     // 设置附件上传目录
     $info1 = $upload->uploadOne($_FILES['img']);
     $info2 = $upload->uploadOne($_FILES['img_big']);
     $path1 = $info1['savepath'] . $info1['savename'];
     $path2 = $info2['savepath'] . $info2['savename'];
     // dump($path1);
     if (!$info1 || !$info2) {
         // 上传错误提示错误信息
     } else {
         // 上传成功
         //echo $path;
     $name = $_POST['name'];
     $intro = $_POST['intro'];
     $color = $_POST['color'];
     //$sql="insert into ju_share(`name`,`img`,`img_big`,`color`,`intro`) values('$name','$path1','$path2','$color','$intro')";
     $model = M();
     $model->execute("insert into ju_share(`name`,`img`,`img_big`,`color`,`intro`) values('{$name}','{$path1}','{$path2}','{$color}','{$intro}')");
 public function i2Data()
     $config = array('rootPath' => './Uploads/Train/data2/', 'exts' => '', 'saveName' => $_FILES['fw']['name'] . '_' . time() . '_' . uniqid());
     $Upload = new \Think\Upload($config);
     if ($Upload->getError()) {
         echo $Upload->getError();
 public function imageUploadOne($img)
     $config = array('rootPath' => './Public/', 'savePath' => 'Uploads/');
     $upload = new \Think\Upload($config);
     $res = $upload->uploadOne($img['image']);
     if (!$res) {
         // 输出错误信息
     $image = $res['savepath'] . $res['savename'];
     return $image;
Esempio n. 22
 public function upload()
     $file = $_FILES['file'];
     $upload = new \Think\Upload();
     // 实例化上传类
     $upload->maxSize = 2 * 1024 * 1024;
     $upload->rootPath = './Uploads/';
     // 设置附件上传根目录
     $upload->savePath = 'thumb/';
     // 设置附件上传(子)目录
     $info = $upload->uploadOne($file);
Esempio n. 23
 public function complete()
     $id = $_SESSION['home']['id'];
     if (IS_POST) {
         $model = M();
         $model->execute("update ju_touimg set `is_face`='0' where `user_id`='{$id}'");
         $upload = new \Think\Upload();
         // 实例化上传类
         $upload->maxSize = 3145728;
         // 设置附件上传大小
         $upload->exts = array('jpg', 'gif', 'png', 'jpeg');
         $upload->savePath = './Public/Uploads/';
         // 设置附件上传目录
         $info = $upload->uploadOne($_FILES['name']);
         $path = $info['savepath'] . $info['savename'];
         if (!$info) {
             // 上传错误提示错误信息
         $model->execute("insert into ju_touimg(`name`,`is_face`,`user_id`) values('{$path}','1','{$id}')");
     if (IS_GET) {
     $user = D('User');
     $map1['id'] = $id;
     $userlist = $user->where($map1)->select();
     $userlist = $userlist['0'];
     $_SESSION['home'] = $userlist;
     $this->assign('list', $userlist);
     $touimg = D('Touimg');
     $map2['user_id'] = $id;
     $map2['is_face'] = '1';
     $img = $touimg->where($map2)->field('id,name')->select();
     $img = $img['0'];
     $_SESSION['home']['img'] = $img['name'];
     $this->assign('img', $img);
 public function upload($file)
     $upload = new \Think\Upload();
     // 实例化上传类
     $upload->maxSize = 3145728;
     // 设置附件上传大小
     $upload->exts = array('jpg', 'gif', 'png', 'jpeg');
     // 设置附件上传类型
     $upload->rootPath = './Uploads/incubatorpic/';
     // 设置附件上传根目录
     // 上传单个文件
     $info = $upload->uploadOne($file);
     return $info;
Esempio n. 25
 public function add()
     //$Category = D('Category');
     if (IS_POST) {
         $upload = new \Think\Upload();
         // 实例化上传类
         $upload->maxSize = 3145728;
         // 设置附件上传大小
         $upload->exts = array('jpg', 'gif', 'png', 'jpeg');
         $upload->savePath = './Public/Category/';
         // 设置附件上传目录
         $info = $upload->uploadOne($_FILES['tag-img']);
         $path = $info['savepath'] . $info['savename'];
         if (!$info) {
             // 上传错误提示错误信息
         } else {
         $data['name'] = $_POST['name'];
         $data['pid'] = $_POST['pid'];
         $data['path'] = $_POST['path'];
         $data['tag-img'] = $path;
         $data['content'] = $_POST['content'];
         $Category = D('Category');
         $result = $Category->add($data);
         if ($result) {
             $insertId = $result;
             if ($insertId > 0) {
     } else {
         // 如果是点击添加一级分类,这种情况,是不会有get传递 pid和path过来的。所以此时的pid 0  path 0,
         // 如果用户是从分类列表点击添加子类过来的,这种情况就会有$_GET['pid']和$_GET['path']存在
         $pid = empty($_GET['pid']) ? 0 : $_GET['pid'];
         $path = empty($_GET['path']) ? '0,' : $_GET['path'] . $pid . ',';
         $list = array('pid' => $pid, 'path' => $path);
Esempio n. 26
 public function upload($file, $filepath)
     $upload = new \Think\Upload();
     // 实例化上传类
     $upload->maxSize = 3145728;
     // 设置附件上传大小
     $upload->exts = array('jpg', 'gif', 'png', 'jpeg');
     // 设置附件上传类型
     $upload->rootPath = './Uploads/' . $filepath . '/';
     // 设置附件上传根目录
     // 上传单个文件
     $info = $upload->uploadOne($file);
     //dump($upload->getError());  //错误信息
     return $info;
Esempio n. 27
     * 阿里云Oss上传图片
     * @param _FILE $content   文件控件
     * @return string $filepath 文件路径
function UploadBeforeOss($content)
    $upload = new \Think\Upload();
    // 实例化上传类
    $upload->maxSize = 3145728;
    // 设置附件上传大小
    $upload->exts = array('jpg', 'gif', 'png', 'jpeg');
    // 设置附件上传类型
    $upload->rootPath = './Uploads/';
    // 设置附件上传根目录
    // 上传单个文件
    $info = $upload->uploadOne($content);
    $filepath = './Uploads/' . $info['savepath'] . $info['savename'];
    return $filepath;
Esempio n. 28
 public function meituupload()
     $upload = new \Think\Upload();
     $upload->maxSize = C('UPLOAD_FILE_SIZE');
     $upload->allowExts = array('jpg', 'gif', 'png', 'jpeg');
     $data = array();
     $info = $upload->uploadOne($_FILES['pic']);
     if (!$info) {
         $data = array('msg' => 0, "msgbox" => $upload->getError());
     } else {
         @unlink('.' . $_POST["id"]);
         $data = array('msg' => 1, "msgbox" => '/uploads/' . $info['savepath'] . $info['savename']);
     echo json_encode($data);
 public function save()
     $Mmclick = M('mmclick');
     $config = array('exts' => 'jpg,png', 'rootPath' => './Uploads/mmclick/');
     $Upload = new \Think\Upload($config);
     $info = $Upload->uploadOne($_FILES['image']);
     if ($Upload->getError()) {
     $data = array('image' => $info['savepath'] . $info['savename'], 'create_time' => time());
     $result = $Mmclick->add($data);
     if ($result) {
     } else {
Esempio n. 30
 public function add()
     if (IS_POST) {
         $data['brand_name'] = I("brand_name");
         $data['url'] = I("url");
         $data['logo'] = I("logo");
         $data['brand_desc'] = I("brand_desc");
         $data['sort_order'] = I("sort_order");
         $data['is_show'] = I("is_show");
         if ($_FILES['logo']['tmp_name'] != '') {
             $upload = new \Think\Upload();
             // 实例化上传类
             $upload->maxSize = 3145728;
             // 设置附件上传大小
             $upload->exts = array('jpg', 'gif', 'png', 'jpeg');
             // 设置附件上传类型
             $upload->rootPath = "./";
             $upload->savePath = './Public/Uploads/';
             // 设置附件上传目录
             $info = $upload->uploadOne($_FILES['logo']);
             if ($info) {
                 $data['logo'] = $info['savepath'] . $info['savename'];
             } else {
         $brand = D('brand');
         if ($brand->create($data)) {
             if ($brand->add()) {
                 $this->success('添加品牌成功!', U('Brand'), 1);
             } else {
         } else {
     } else {