public function commentPage()
     $gid = intval($_REQUEST['jid']);
     $count = M("evaluate")->where("tag='record' and status=0 and checkinfo ='true' and j_id='{$gid}'")->count();
     $page = new \Think\Snewpage($count, 1);
     $arCommentList = M("evaluate")->where("tag='record' and status=0 and checkinfo ='true' and j_id='{$gid}'")->order("created_at DESC")->limit($page->firstRow, $page->listRows)->select();
     foreach ($arCommentList as &$commentInfo) {
         $commnetUser = M("member")->where("id=" . $commentInfo['uid'])->find();
         if ($commnetUser['avatar']) {
             $commentInfo['avatar'] = '/' . $commnetUser[avatar];
         } else {
             $commentInfo['avatar'] = '/Public/img/rcmd-img/icon11.png';
         $commentInfo['created_at'] = date("Y-m-d", $commentInfo['created_at']);
         $commentInfo['username'] = cut_str($commentInfo['username'], 3, 0) . '**' . cut_str($commentInfo['username'], 2, -2);
     $show = $page->show();
     $this->assign("commentCount", $count);
     $this->assign("arCommentList", $arCommentList);
     $this->assign("page", $show);
 function searchs()
     $nowpage = I('i');
     $position = I('position');
     //职位 1
     $industry = I("industry");
     //行业 2
     $place = I('area');
     $title = trim(I('title'));
     $treatment = I('treatment');
     $puttime = I('puttime');
     $cpname = I('cpname');
     if ($cpname) {
         $where .= " AND (cpname like '%" . $cpname . "%') ";
     if ($title) {
         $keywordGroup = M("keyword_group")->where("keyword_group like '%" . $title . "%'")->getField("keyword_group");
         if ($keywordGroup) {
             $arKeywordGroup = explode(" ", $keywordGroup);
             $titleTmp = "";
             foreach ($arKeywordGroup as $keyword) {
                 if ($keyword) {
                     $titleTmp .= " or title like '%" . $keyword . "%' ";
         if (strlen($titleTmp) > 0) {
             $where .= " AND (title like '%" . $title . "%' " . $titleTmp . ") ";
         } else {
             $where .= " AND (title like '%" . $title . "%') ";
     if ($position != "") {
         $jt = M("casclist")->where("parentid='" . $position . "'")->select();
         $industryid = array();
         foreach ($jt as $j) {
             $industryid[] = $j['id'];
         $industryid[] = $position;
         $sindustryid = implode(",", $industryid);
         if ($sindustryid) {
             $where .= " AND Jobcate in (" . $sindustryid . ")";
         } else {
             $where .= " AND Jobcate in (1000000000)";
     if ($industry != "") {
         $jt = M("casclist")->where("parentid='" . $industry . "'")->select();
         $industryid = array();
         foreach ($jt as $j) {
             $industryid[] = $j['id'];
         $industryid[] = $industry;
         $sindustryid = implode(",", $industryid);
         if ($sindustryid) {
             $where .= " AND strycate in (" . $sindustryid . ")";
         } else {
             $where .= " AND strycate in (1000000000)";
     if ($place != "") {
         $jobCate_list = M("casclist")->where("parentid='{$place}'")->select();
         $jobid = array();
         foreach ($jobCate_list as $jobInfo) {
             $jobid[] = $jobInfo['id'];
         if ($jobid) {
             $jobid = implode(",", $jobid);
             $where .= " AND jobplace in (" . $jobid . ")";
         } else {
             $where .= " AND jobplace in (1000000000)";
     if ($treatment != "") {
         $where .= " AND treatment = '" . $treatment . "'";
     if ($puttime != "") {
         if ($puttime == '604800') {
             $lastWeek = time() - 24 * 60 * 60 * 7;
             $where .= " AND starttime>" . $lastWeek;
         } else {
             if ($puttime == '1209600') {
                 $lastWeek = time() - 24 * 60 * 60 * 14;
                 $where .= " AND starttime>" . $lastWeek;
             } else {
                 if ($puttime == '2592000') {
                     $lastWeek = time() - 24 * 60 * 60 * 30;
                     $where .= " AND starttime>" . $lastWeek;
     $count = M("job")->where("employ>(select count(*) from stj_record where stj_record.j_id = and audstart=6) and checkinfo='true' and endtime>unix_timestamp(now()) and is_deleted=0  and is_show=1" . $where)->count();
     $page = new \Think\Snewpage($count, self::$_size);
     $arJobList = M("job")->where("employ>(select count(*) from stj_record where stj_record.j_id = and audstart=6) and  checkinfo='true' and endtime>unix_timestamp(now()) and is_deleted=0  and is_show=1" . $where)->order("orderid ASC,checktime DESC, starttime DESC")->limit($page->firstRow, $page->listRows)->select();
     $show = $page->show();
     foreach ($arJobList as $key => &$val) {
         if ($val['Tariff'] > 10) {
             $val['Tariff'] = floor($val['Tariff'] * 0.8 / 100) * 100;
         } else {
             $val['Tariff'] = floor($val['treatment'] * $val['Tariff'] * 12 * 0.8 / 100) * 100;
         $val['starttime'] = $val['checktime'] != 0 ? date('Y-m-d H:i', $val['checktime']) : date('Y-m-d H:i', $val['starttime']);
         if (!$val['title']) {
             $val['title'] = M("casclist")->where("id='{$val['Jobcate']}'")->getField("cascname");
         } else {
             $val['title'] = $val['title'];
         $val['treatment'] = M("cascadedata")->where("datagroup='treatment' and datavalue='{$val['treatment']}'")->getField("dataname");
         $val['education'] = M("cascadedata")->where("datagroup='education' and datavalue='{$val['education']}'")->getField("dataname");
         $company = M("company")->where("id=" . $val['cpid'])->find();
         $val['cpname'] = $company["cpname"];
         $val['thumlogo'] = $company['thumlogo'] ? $company['thumlogo'] : "/Public/img/defoultLogo.png";
         $val['experience'] = M("cascadedata")->where("datagroup='experience' and datavalue='{$val['experience']}'")->getField("dataname");
         $val['strycate'] = getCscData($val['strycate']);
         $val['nature'] = getDataName("nature", $company['nature']);
         $val['scale'] = getDataName("scale", $company['scale']);
         $val['stage'] = M("cascadedata")->where("datagroup='stage' and datavalue=" . $company['stage'])->getField("dataname");
         $val['record_num'] = M("record")->where("j_id=" . $val['id'])->count();
         $val['jobplace'] = M("casclist")->where("id='{$val['jobplace']}'")->getField("cascname");
     $this->nowpage = $nowpage;
     $this->assign("page", $show);
     $this->assign("arJobList", $arJobList);