Esempio n. 1
* <h3>B. Send SMS</h3>
* <p>Documentation of methods and parameters not used in this example are available <a href="api/services/sms">here</a>.</p>
* <h4>1. Client initialization and configuration</h4>
require '../src/ThecallrClient.php';
$thecallrLogin = '******';
$thecallrPassword = '******';
$THECALLR = new ThecallrClient($thecallrLogin, $thecallrPassword);
* <h4>2. Send a SMS</h4>
* <p>Method description</p>
try {
    // Sender
    $sender = "THECALLR";
    // Recipient phone number (E.164 format)
    $to = "__PHONENUMBER__";
    // SMS text
    $text = "This is my first SMS with THECALLR API :)";
    // Options
    $options = new stdClass();
    $options->flash_message = FALSE;
    // "sms.send" method execution
    $result = $THECALLR->call('sms.send', $sender, $to, $text, $options);
    // The method returns the SMS ID
    echo 'SMS ID : ' . $result . '<br />';
* <h3>C. Create a Call Tracking Voice App</h3>
* <h4>1. Client initialization and configuration</h4>
require '../src/ThecallrClient.php';
$thecallrLogin = '******';
$thecallrPassword = '******';
$THECALLR = new ThecallrClient($thecallrLogin, $thecallrPassword);
* <h4>2. Application creation</h4>
* <p>Step description</p>
try {
    // A CallTracking application has the CALLTRACKING10 type
    $app_type = 'CALLTRACKING10';
    // Application name
    $app_name = 'My first CallTraking app';
    // Application parameters
    $app_params = new stdClass();
    // Media configuration
    $app_params->medias = new stdClass();
    $app_params->medias->welcome = 84;
    // Played immediately to the caller
    $app_params->medias->ringtone = 3;
    // Played while the target is ringing
* <h3>I. SMS Analytics</h3>
* <h4>1. Client initialization and configuration</h4>
* <p>Your credentials are the ones you use with</p>
require '../src/ThecallrClient.php';
$thecallrLogin = '******';
$thecallrPassword = '******';
$THECALLR = new ThecallrClient($thecallrLogin, $thecallrPassword);
* <h4>2. Outbound SMS Analytics (summary)</h4>
* <p>Note : "credit" and "debit" fields are in EUR cents.</p>
try {
    // WARNING
    // All the dates are GMT/UTC. Your country time offset is not handled
    // Start date (included)
    $from = date('Y-m-d 00:00:00');
    // Today at 00h00
    // End date (included)
    $to = date('Y-m-d 23:59:59');
    // Today at 23h59
    // "analytics/sms.summary" method execution
    $sms = $THECALLR->call('analytics/sms.summary', $from, $to);
    // SMS Analytics display
    echo '<pre>';
* <h3>D. Make a ClickToCall application</h3>
* <p>ClickToCall is also known as "Web Callback"</p>
* <h4>1. Client initialization and configuration</h4>
require '../src/ThecallrClient.php';
$thecallrLogin = '******';
$thecallrPassword = '******';
$THECALLR = new ThecallrClient($thecallrLogin, $thecallrPassword);
* <h4>2. Application creation</h4>
try {
    // A ClickToCall application has the CLICKTOCALL10 type
    $app_type = 'CLICKTOCALL10';
    // Application name
    $app_name = 'My first ClickToCall app';
    // Application parameters
    $app_params = new stdClass();
    // Media configuration for both interlocutors
    $app_params->medias = new stdClass();
    $app_params->medias->A_welcome = 84;
    // Played to A immediately
    $app_params->medias->A_ringtone = 3;
    // Played to A while calling B
    $app_params->medias->B_whisper = 0;
    // Played to B only (A still hears the ringtone)
 $DB = new Database();
 $lastid = $DB->addSmsLock($unite, $msg, $lang, $tel, $val);
 $urlSMS = APP::getInstance()->config['url'];
 //génération texte suivant msg langue et code
 $sender = "GENDLOC";
 if ($msg == "Geoloc") {
     $text = "* Vérifier GPS et DATA à ON\r\n* Cliquer le lien " . $urlSMS . "/pos?c=" . $lastid . "\r\n* Accepter le partage\r\n* Patienter\r\n" . $unite;
 } elseif ($msg == "Tracking") {
     $text = "* Vérifier GPS et DATA à ON\r\n* Cliquer le lien " . $urlSMS . "/trace?c=" . $lastid . "\r\n* Accepter le partage\r\n" . $unite;
 //envoi SMS et récupération du hash d'envoi
 // require('/js/thecallR/src/ThecallrClient.php');
 $config = APP::getInstance()->config['thecallr'];
 $thecallrLogin = $config['login'];
 $thecallrPassword = $config['password'];
 $THECALLR = new ThecallrClient($thecallrLogin, $thecallrPassword);
 $settings = $config['settings'];
 $res = $THECALLR->send($config['order']['set'], array($settings));
 // Options
 $options = new stdClass();
 $options->flash_message = FALSE;
 // "sms.send" method execution
 $result = $THECALLR->call($config['order']['send'], $sender, $tel, $text, $options);
 // The method returns the SMS ID
 $nModif = $DB->setSmsSend($lastid, $result);
 if ($nModif != 1) {
     throw new Exception("l'envoi du sms a échoué");
 // Renvoi au navigateur du succès de l'envoi du sms
 $html = '</br>
      <table id="sms-table">
Esempio n. 6
* <h3>G. Retrieve your CDR</h3>
* <h4>1. Client initialization and configuration</h4>
* <p>Your credentials are the ones you use with</p>
require '../src/ThecallrClient.php';
$thecallrLogin = '******';
$thecallrPassword = '******';
$THECALLR = new ThecallrClient($thecallrLogin, $thecallrPassword);
* <h4>2. Retrieve detailed inbound and outbound CDR</h4>
try {
    // WARNING
    // All the dates are GMT/UTC. Your country time offset is not handled
    // Call type (IN ou OUT)
    $type = 'IN';
    // Start date (included)
    $from = date('Y-m-d 00:00:00');
    // Today at 00h00
    // End date (included)
    $to = date('Y-m-d 23:59:59');
    // Today at 23h59
    // Application ID or NULL if you want to retrieve all CDR
    $app = NULL;
    // DID ID (IN) or number (OUT) or NULL to retrieve all CDR
Esempio n. 7
* <h3>K. Manage audio media</h3>
* <h4>1. Client initialization and configuration</h4>
require '../src/ThecallrClient.php';
$thecallrLogin = '******';
$thecallrPassword = '******';
$THECALLR = new ThecallrClient($thecallrLogin, $thecallrPassword);
* <h4>2. Upload a media in library</h4>
* <p>Message creation follows several steps:<br />
* &nbsp;&nbsp;- 1/ Media creation.</li><br />
* &nbsp;&nbsp;- 2/ Content load or definition.<br />
* &nbsp;&nbsp;- 3/ Assign one or more keywords.<br />
* About audio media, please see <a href="api/services/media/#media.set_content"> documentation</a>.</p>
try {
    // 1. Media definition
    $msg_name = 'My test media with audio file';
    // Media creation and ID recovery
    $msg_id_01 = $THECALLR->call('media.create', $msg_name);
    // 2. Content definition
    $file_text_content = 'Waiting music 01';
    // Audio file content recovery
    $file_content = file_get_contents('assets/Media_sample.wav');
    // Base 64 content encoding
    $file_encoded = base64_encode($file_content);
* <h3>F. Manager Conference rooms</h3>
* <h4>1. Client initialization and configuration</h4>
require '../src/ThecallrClient.php';
$thecallrLogin = '******';
$thecallrPassword = '******';
$THECALLR = new ThecallrClient($thecallrLogin, $thecallrPassword);
* <h4>2. Create conference app</h4>
* <p>Description</p>
try {
    // Room name
    $app_name = 'My first conference room';
    // Room parameters
    $app_params = new stdClass();
    // Room media
    $app_params->medias = new stdClass();
    $app_params->medias->welcome = 109753;
    $app_params->medias->pin_ask = 109756;
    $app_params->medias->pin_invalid = 109757;
    // Room limits
    $app_params->limits = new stdClass();
    $app_params->max_duration = 3600;
    // In seconds (0 = unlimited)
    $app_params->max_connected = 0;
* <h3>A. Quick Start</h3>
* <h4>1. Include the Library and edit your credentials</h4>
* <p>Your credentials are the ones you use with</p>
require '../src/ThecallrClient.php';
$thecallrLogin = '******';
$thecallrPassword = '******';
$THECALLR = new ThecallrClient($thecallrLogin, $thecallrPassword);
* <h4>2. Requirements</h4>
try {
    // This method will check your environment and throw an Exception if something is wrong
    $result = $THECALLR->check_configuration();
    // Response
    echo 'Your server completed all requirements.<br />';
} catch (Exception $error) {
* <h4>3. Method execution without parameters</h4>
try {
    // The "system.get_timestamp" method returns THECALLR server timestamp
    $result = $THECALLR->call('system.get_timestamp');
    // Response display
* <h3>H. Calls Analytics</h3>
* <h4>1. Client initialization and configuration</h4>
* <p>Your credentials are the ones you use with</p>
require '../src/ThecallrClient.php';
$thecallrLogin = '******';
$thecallrPassword = '******';
$THECALLR = new ThecallrClient($thecallrLogin, $thecallrPassword);
* <h4>2. Global Analytics (summary)</h4>
* <p>Note : "credit" and "debit" fields are in EUR cents.</p>
try {
    // WARNING
    // All the dates are GMT/UTC. Your country time offset is not handled
    // Start date (included)
    $from = date('Y-m-d 00:00:00');
    // Today at 00h00
    // End date (included)
    $to = date('Y-m-d 23:59:59');
    // Today at 23h59
    // "analytics/calls.summary" method execution
    $calls = $THECALLR->call('analytics/calls.summary', $from, $to);
    // display Calls Analytics
    echo '<pre>';
Esempio n. 11
* <h3>E. Make a real time application</h3>
* <p> Like VoiceXML, Real-Time allows you to monitor your inbound and outbound calls thanks to a WebService you provide.<br />
* Some server examples are available in this SDK (see "<b>realtimeBasicServer.php</b>" and "<b>realtimeExtendedServer.php</b>")</p> 
* <h4>1. Client initialization and configuration</h4>
require '../src/ThecallrClient.php';
$thecallrLogin = '******';
$thecallrPassword = '******';
$THECALLR = new ThecallrClient($thecallrLogin, $thecallrPassword);
* <h4>2. Application creation</h4>
* <p>Real time application management is available through "<b>thedialr</b>" service.<br />
* The only application type valid for this service is "THEDIALR20".</p>
try {
    // Application type is THEDIALR20
    $app_type = 'THEDIALR20';
    // Application name
    $app_name = 'My first Dialer app';
    // Your webservice access parameters
    $app_params = new stdClass();
    $app_params->url = '__YOURSERVER__/SDK/realtimeExtendedServer.php';
    // Your URL callback. Our system will POST call status to your URL, and your answers will control the call
    $app_params->data_format = 'JSON';
    // Data format. The only format supported right now is "JSON"
    $app_params->login = '******';
Esempio n. 12
* <h3>E. Make a REAL-TIME application</h3>
* <p> Like VoiceXML, Real-Time allows you to monitor your inbound and outbound calls thanks to a WebService you provide.<br />
* Some server examples are available in this SDK (see "<b>realtimeBasicServer.php</b>" and "<b>realtimeExtendedServer.php</b>")</p>
* <h4>1. Client initialization and configuration</h4>
require '../src/ThecallrClient.php';
$thecallrLogin = '******';
$thecallrPassword = '******';
$THECALLR = new ThecallrClient($thecallrLogin, $thecallrPassword);
* <h4>2. Application creation</h4>
* <p>Real time application management is available through "<b>dialr</b>" service.<br />
* The only application type valid for this service is "REALTIME10".</p>
try {
    // Application type is REALTIME10
    $app_type = 'REALTIME10';
    // Application name
    $app_name = 'My first realtime app';
    // Your webservice access parameters
    $app_params = new stdClass();
    $app_params->url = '__YOURSERVER__/SDK/realtimeExtendedServer.php';
    // Your URL callback. Our system will POST call status to your URL, and your answers will control the call
    $app_params->data_format = 'JSON';
    // Data format. The only format supported right now is "JSON"
    $app_params->login = '******';