function printForm($data = array()) { foreach (array('name', 'email', 'copy_me', 'subject', 'text') as $value) { if (!isset($data[$value])) { $data[$value] = ''; } } $form = new HTML_QuickForm2('contect', 'post', array('action' => '/account-mail.php?handle=' . htmlspecialchars($_GET['handle']))); $form->removeAttribute('name'); // Set defaults for the form elements $form->addDataSource(new HTML_QuickForm2_DataSource_Array(array('name' => htmlspecialchars($data['name']), 'email' => htmlspecialchars($data['email']), 'copy_me' => htmlspecialchars($data['copy_me']), 'subject' => htmlspecialchars($data['subject']), 'text' => htmlspecialchars($data['text'])))); $form->addElement('text', 'name', array('required' => 'required'))->setLabel('Y<span class="accesskey">o</span>ur Name:', 'size="40" accesskey="o"'); $form->addElement('email', 'email', array('required' => 'required'))->setLabel('Email Address:'); $form->addElement('checkbox', 'copy_me')->setLabel('CC me?:'); $form->addElement('text', 'subject', array('required' => 'required', 'size' => '80'))->setLabel('Subject:'); $form->addElement('textarea', 'text', array('cols' => 80, 'rows' => 10, 'required' => 'required'))->setLabel('Text:'); if (!auth_check('')) { $numeralCaptcha = new Text_CAPTCHA_Numeral(); $form->addElement('number', 'captcha', array('maxlength' => 4, 'required' => 'required'))->setLabel("What is " . $numeralCaptcha->getOperation() . '?'); $_SESSION['answer'] = $numeralCaptcha->getAnswer(); } $form->addElement('submit', 'submit')->setLabel('Send Email'); print $form; }
* @package Bugs * @copyright Copyright (c) 1997-2005 The PHP Group * @license PHP License * @version $Id$ */ // Obtain common includes require_once './include/'; // Get user's CVS password require_once './include/'; // Numeral Captcha Class require_once 'Text/CAPTCHA/Numeral.php'; require_once 'services/HoneyPot.php'; $errors = array(); $ok_to_submit_report = false; // Instantiate the numeral captcha object. $numeralCaptcha = new Text_CAPTCHA_Numeral(); if (isset($_POST['save']) && isset($_POST['pw'])) { // non-developers don't have $user set setcookie('MAGIC_COOKIE', base64_encode(':' . $_POST['pw']), time() + 3600 * 24 * 12, '/', ''); } // captcha is not necessary if the user is logged in if (isset($auth_user) && $auth_user->registered) { if (auth_check('pear.voter') && !auth_check('') && !auth_check('pear.bug')) { // auto-grant bug tracker karma if it isn't present require_once 'Damblan/Karma.php'; $karma = new Damblan_Karma($dbh); $karma->grant($auth_user->user, 'pear.bug'); } if (isset($_SESSION['answer'])) { unset($_SESSION['answer']); }
| Authors: | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ $Id$ */ redirect_to_https(); require_once 'HTML/QuickForm2.php'; require_once 'HTML/QuickForm2/Renderer/PEAR.php'; /** @todo Remove once in QF2 */ require_once 'HTML/QuickForm2/Element/InputNumber.php'; require_once 'HTML/QuickForm2/Element/InputEmail.php'; require_once 'HTML/QuickForm2/Element/InputUrl.php'; require_once 'Damblan/Mailer.php'; require_once 'election/pear-election-accountrequest.php'; require_once 'Text/CAPTCHA/Numeral.php'; require_once 'services/HoneyPot.php'; $numeralCaptcha = new Text_CAPTCHA_Numeral(); session_start(); $display_form = true; $errors = array(); $jumpto = 'handle'; $stripped = @array_map('strip_tags', $_POST); response_header('Request Account'); echo '<h1>Request Account</h1>'; do { if (isset($stripped['submit'])) { if (empty($stripped['handle']) || !preg_match('/^[0-9a-z_]{2,20}\\z/', $stripped['handle'])) { $errors[] = 'Username is invalid.'; $display_form = true; } if (empty($_POST['read_everything']['comments_read'])) { $errors[] = 'Obviously you did not read all the comments' . ' concerning the need for an account. Please read ' . 'them again.';