Esempio n. 1
  * Deletes a Shipper from the database
  * Deletes related Text, shipment cost, and zone relation records as well.
  * @param   integer     $shipper_id     The Shipper ID
  * @return  boolean                     True on success, false on failure,
  *                                      null on noop.
  * @static
  * @access  private
 private static function _delete_shipper($shipper_id)
     global $objDatabase;
     if (empty(self::$arrShippers)) {
     if (empty(self::$arrShippers[$shipper_id])) {
         return null;
     if (!\Text::deleteById($shipper_id, 'Shop', self::TEXT_NAME)) {
         return false;
     $objResult = $objDatabase->Execute("\n            DELETE FROM " . DBPREFIX . "module_shop" . MODULE_INDEX . "_shipment_cost\n             WHERE shipper_id=" . $shipper_id);
     if (!$objResult) {
         return false;
     $objResult = $objDatabase->Execute("\n            DELETE FROM " . DBPREFIX . "module_shop" . MODULE_INDEX . "_rel_shipper\n             WHERE shipper_id=" . $shipper_id);
     if (!$objResult) {
         return false;
     $objResult = $objDatabase->Execute("\n            DELETE FROM " . DBPREFIX . "module_shop" . MODULE_INDEX . "_shipper\n             WHERE id=" . $shipper_id);
     if (!$objResult) {
         return false;
     $objDatabase->Execute("OPTIMIZE TABLE " . DBPREFIX . "module_shop" . MODULE_INDEX . "_shipment_cost");
     $objDatabase->Execute("OPTIMIZE TABLE " . DBPREFIX . "module_shop" . MODULE_INDEX . "_rel_shipper");
     $objDatabase->Execute("OPTIMIZE TABLE " . DBPREFIX . "module_shop" . MODULE_INDEX . "_shipper");
     return true;
Esempio n. 2
  * Deletes the Attribute from the database.
  * Includes both the name and all of the value entries related to it.
  * As a consequence, all relations to Products referring to the deleted
  * entries are deleted, too.  See {@link Product::arrAttribute(sp?)}.
  * Keep in mind that any Products currently held in memory may cause
  * inconsistencies!
  * @return  boolean                     True on success, false otherwise.
  * @global  ADONewConnection  $objDatabase    Database connection object
 function delete()
     global $objDatabase;
     // Delete references to products first
     $query = "\n            DELETE FROM `" . DBPREFIX . "module_shop" . MODULE_INDEX . "_rel_product_attribute`\n             WHERE `option_id` IN (\n                SELECT `id`\n                  FROM `" . DBPREFIX . "module_shop" . MODULE_INDEX . "_option`\n                 WHERE `attribute_id`={$this->id})";
     $objResult = $objDatabase->Execute($query);
     if (!$objResult) {
         return false;
     // Delete values' Text records
     foreach (array_keys($this->arrValues) as $id) {
         if (!\Text::deleteById($id, 'Shop', self::TEXT_OPTION_NAME)) {
             //DBG::log("Attribute::delete(): Error deleting Text for Option ID $id");
             return false;
     // Delete option
     $query = "\n            DELETE FROM `" . DBPREFIX . "module_shop" . MODULE_INDEX . "_option`\n             WHERE `attribute_id`={$this->id}";
     $objResult = $objDatabase->Execute($query);
     if (!$objResult) {
         return false;
     // Delete names' Text records
     if (!\Text::deleteById($this->id, 'Shop', self::TEXT_ATTRIBUTE_NAME)) {
         //DBG::log("Attribute::delete(): Error deleting Text for Attribute ID $id");
         return false;
     // Delete Attribute
     $query = "\n            DELETE FROM `" . DBPREFIX . "module_shop" . MODULE_INDEX . "_attribute`\n             WHERE `id`={$this->id}";
     $objResult = $objDatabase->Execute($query);
     if (!$objResult) {
         return false;
     $objDatabase->Execute("OPTIMIZE TABLE " . DBPREFIX . "module_shop_attribute");
     $objDatabase->Execute("OPTIMIZE TABLE " . DBPREFIX . "module_shop_option");
     $objDatabase->Execute("OPTIMIZE TABLE " . DBPREFIX . "module_shop_rel_product_attribute");
     return true;
Esempio n. 3
  * Delete this Product from the database.
  * Associated Attributes and pictures are deleted with it.
  * @return  boolean                         True on success, false otherwise
  * @global  ADONewConnection  $objDatabase  Database connection object
  * @author  Reto Kohli <*****@*****.**>
 function delete($flagDeleteImages = false)
     global $objDatabase;
     // TODO: MUST NOT delete while the Product is part of any Order!
     if (!$this->id) {
         return false;
     if ($flagDeleteImages) {
         // Heck, most of this should go into the ProductPicture class...
         // Split picture data into single pictures
         $arrPictures = explode(':', $this->pictures);
         foreach ($arrPictures as $strPicture) {
             if (empty($strPicture)) {
             // Split picture into name, width, height -- all are base64
             // encoded!
             $arrPicture = explode('?', $strPicture);
             $strFileName = base64_decode($arrPicture[0]);
             // If it is the default image, skip it
             if (preg_match('/' . ShopLibrary::noPictureName . '$/', $strFileName)) {
             // Verify that no other Product uses the same picture.
             // $arrPicture[0] contains the encoded file name
             $query = "\n                    SELECT picture FROM " . DBPREFIX . "module_shop" . MODULE_INDEX . "_products\n                     WHERE picture LIKE '%" . addslashes($arrPicture[0]) . "%'";
             $objResult = $objDatabase->Execute($query);
             if ($objResult->RecordCount() == 1) {
                 // The only one -- it can be deleted.
                 // Delete the picture and thumbnail.
                 $thumbName = \Image::getThumbnailPath($strFileName);
                 // Continue even if deleting the images fails
     // Remove any Text records present
     if (!\Text::deleteById($this->id, 'Shop', self::TEXT_NAME)) {
         return false;
     if (!\Text::deleteById($this->id, 'Shop', self::TEXT_SHORT)) {
         return false;
     if (!\Text::deleteById($this->id, 'Shop', self::TEXT_LONG)) {
         return false;
     if (!\Text::deleteById($this->id, 'Shop', self::TEXT_KEYS)) {
         return false;
     if (!\Text::deleteById($this->id, 'Shop', self::TEXT_CODE)) {
         return false;
     if (!\Text::deleteById($this->id, 'Shop', self::TEXT_URI)) {
         return false;
     // Delete the Product attribute relations and the Product itself
     // TEST
     if (!Attributes::removeFromProduct($this->id)) {
         return false;
     \Env::get('cx')->getEvents()->triggerEvent('model/preRemove', array(new \Doctrine\ORM\Event\LifecycleEventArgs($this, \Env::get('em'))));
     $objResult = $objDatabase->Execute("\n            DELETE FROM " . DBPREFIX . "module_shop" . MODULE_INDEX . "_products\n                WHERE id={$this->id}");
     if (!$objResult) {
         return false;
     \Env::get('cx')->getEvents()->triggerEvent('model/postRemove', array(new \Doctrine\ORM\Event\LifecycleEventArgs($this, \Env::get('em'))));
     $objDatabase->Execute("\n            OPTIMIZE TABLE " . DBPREFIX . "module_shop" . MODULE_INDEX . "_products");
     return true;
Esempio n. 4
  * Delete the article group from the database
  * Backend use only.
  * @param   integer   $group_id     The group ID
  * @return  boolean                 True on success, false otherwise
  * @static
  * @author  Reto Kohli <*****@*****.**>
 static function deleteArticleGroup($group_id)
     global $objDatabase, $_ARRAYLANG;
     if (empty($group_id)) {
         return false;
     if (is_null(self::$arrArticleGroup)) {
     if (empty(self::$arrArticleGroup[$group_id])) {
         return true;
     // Remove related rates
     $query = "\n            DELETE FROM `" . DBPREFIX . "module_shop" . MODULE_INDEX . "_rel_discount_group`\n             WHERE `article_group_id`={$group_id}";
     $objResult = $objDatabase->Execute($query);
     if (!$objResult) {
         return self::errorHandler();
     // Remove the group
     if (!\Text::deleteById($group_id, 'Shop', self::TEXT_NAME_GROUP_ARTICLE)) {
     $query = "\n            DELETE FROM `" . DBPREFIX . "module_shop" . MODULE_INDEX . "_article_group`\n             WHERE `id`={$group_id}";
     $objResult = $objDatabase->Execute($query);
     if (!$objResult) {
Esempio n. 5
  * Deletes a currency
  * This method will fail if you try to delete the default Currency.
  * @return  boolean             Null if nothing was deleted,
  *                              boolean true upon deleting the currency
  *                              successfully, or false otherwise
 static function delete()
     global $objDatabase;
     if (empty($_GET['currencyId'])) {
         return null;
     $currency_id = $_GET['currencyId'];
     if ($currency_id == self::$defaultCurrencyId) {
         return false;
     if (!\Text::deleteById($currency_id, 'Shop', self::TEXT_NAME)) {
         return false;
     $objResult = $objDatabase->Execute("\n            DELETE FROM `" . DBPREFIX . "module_shop" . MODULE_INDEX . "_currencies`\n             WHERE `id`={$currency_id}");
     if (!$objResult) {
         return false;
     $objDatabase->Execute("OPTIMIZE TABLE `" . DBPREFIX . "module_shop" . MODULE_INDEX . "_currencies`");
     return true;
Esempio n. 6
  * Remove the VAT with the given ID from the database
  * Note that VAT class names are only visible in the backend.  Thus,
  * the backend language is used to display and store those Texts.
  * Remember to re-init() the Vat class after changing the database table.
  * @static
  * @access  public
  * @param   integer         The VAT ID
  * @global  ADONewConnection
  * @return  boolean         True if the values were accepted and
  *                          successfully inserted into the database,
  *                          false otherwise.
 static function deleteVat($vatId)
     global $objDatabase;
     if (!is_array(self::$arrVat)) {
     $vatId = intval($vatId);
     if (!$vatId > 0) {
         return false;
     if (!\Text::deleteById($vatId, 'Shop', self::TEXT_CLASS)) {
         return false;
     $query = "\n            DELETE FROM " . DBPREFIX . "module_shop" . MODULE_INDEX . "_vat\n             WHERE id={$vatId}";
     $objResult = $objDatabase->Execute($query);
     if (!$objResult) {
         return false;
     return true;
Esempio n. 7
  * Delete matching image types from the database.
  * Also deletes associated Text records.
  * @param       string      $key          The type key
  * @return      boolean                   True on success, false otherwise
  * @global      mixed       $objDatabase  Database object
  * @author      Reto Kohli <*****@*****.**>
 static function deleteByKey($key)
     global $objDatabase;
     if (empty($key)) {
         return false;
     $objResult = $objDatabase->Execute("\n            SELECT `text_id`\n              FROM `" . DBPREFIX . "core_imagetype`\n             WHERE `module_id`=" . MODULE_ID . "\n               AND `key`='" . addslashes($key) . "'");
     if (!$objResult) {
         return self::errorHandler();
     if ($objResult->RecordCount()) {
         if (!\Text::deleteById($objResult->fields['text_id'])) {
             return false;
     $objResult = $objDatabase->Execute("\n            DELETE FROM `" . DBPREFIX . "core_imagetype`\n             WHERE `module_id`=" . MODULE_ID . "\n               AND `key`='" . addslashes($key) . "'");
     if (!$objResult) {
         return self::errorHandler();
     return true;
Esempio n. 8
  * Deletes the Country with the given ID from the database
  * @param   integer   $country_id The Country ID
  * @return  boolean               True on success, false otherwise
 static function deleteById($country_id)
     global $objDatabase, $_CORELANG;
     if (is_null(self::$arrCountries)) {
     if (empty(self::$arrCountries[$country_id])) {
         //            Message::add($_CORELANG['TXT_CORE_COUNTRY_ERROR_DELETING_NOT_FOUND'];
         return false;
     if (!\Text::deleteById($country_id, 'core', self::TEXT_NAME, 0)) {
         return false;
     $query = "\n            DELETE FROM `" . DBPREFIX . "core_country`\n             WHERE `id`=" . intval($country_id);
     $objResult = $objDatabase->Execute($query);
     if (!$objResult) {
         //            Message::add($_CORELANG['TXT_CORE_COUNTRY_ERROR_DELETING'];
         return false;
     return true;
Esempio n. 9
  * Deletes this ShopCategory from the database.
  * Also removes associated subcategories and Products.
  * Images will only be erased from the disc if the optional
  * $flagDeleteImages parameter evaluates to true.
  * @return  boolean                 True on success, false otherwise
  * @global  ADONewConnection  $objDatabase    Database connection object
  * @author  Reto Kohli <*****@*****.**>
 function delete($flagDeleteImages = false)
     global $objDatabase;
     // Delete Products and images
     if (Products::deleteByShopCategory($this->id, $flagDeleteImages) === false) {
         return false;
     // Delete subcategories
     foreach ($this->getChildCategories() as $subCategory) {
         if (!$subCategory->delete($flagDeleteImages)) {
             return false;
     // TEST: Delete pictures, if requested
     if ($flagDeleteImages) {
     // Delete Text
     \Text::deleteById($this->id(), 'Shop', self::TEXT_NAME);
     \Text::deleteById($this->id(), 'Shop', self::TEXT_DESCRIPTION);
     // Delete Category
     $objResult = $objDatabase->Execute("\n            DELETE FROM " . DBPREFIX . "module_shop" . MODULE_INDEX . "_categories\n            WHERE id={$this->id}");
     if (!$objResult) {
         return false;
     $objDatabase->Execute("\n            OPTIMIZE TABLE " . DBPREFIX . "module_shop" . MODULE_INDEX . "_categories");
     return true;
Esempio n. 10
  * Delete Zone
  * @static
 static function deleteZone()
     global $objDatabase;
     if (empty($_GET['delete_zone_id'])) {
         return null;
     $zone_id = $_GET['delete_zone_id'];
     if (is_null(self::$arrZone)) {
     if (empty(self::$arrZone[$zone_id])) {
         return null;
     // Delete Country relations
     $objResult = $objDatabase->Execute("\n            DELETE FROM " . DBPREFIX . "module_shop" . MODULE_INDEX . "_rel_countries\n             WHERE zone_id={$zone_id}");
     if (!$objResult) {
         return false;
     // Update relations: Move affected Payments and Shipments to Zone "All"
     $objResult = $objDatabase->Execute("\n            UPDATE " . DBPREFIX . "module_shop" . MODULE_INDEX . "_rel_payment\n               SET zone_id=1\n             WHERE zone_id={$zone_id}");
     if (!$objResult) {
         return false;
     $objResult = $objDatabase->Execute("\n            UPDATE " . DBPREFIX . "module_shop" . MODULE_INDEX . "_rel_shipper\n               SET zone_id=1\n             WHERE zone_id={$zone_id}");
     if (!$objResult) {
         return false;
     // Delete Zone with Text
     if (!\Text::deleteById($zone_id, 'Shop', self::TEXT_NAME)) {
         return false;
     $objResult = $objDatabase->Execute("\n            DELETE FROM " . DBPREFIX . "module_shop" . MODULE_INDEX . "_zones\n             WHERE id={$zone_id}");
     if (!$objResult) {
         return false;
     $objDatabase->Execute("OPTIMIZE TABLE " . DBPREFIX . "module_shop" . MODULE_INDEX . "_zones");
     $objDatabase->Execute("OPTIMIZE TABLE " . DBPREFIX . "module_shop" . MODULE_INDEX . "_rel_countries");
     $objDatabase->Execute("OPTIMIZE TABLE " . DBPREFIX . "module_shop" . MODULE_INDEX . "_rel_payment");
     $objDatabase->Execute("OPTIMIZE TABLE " . DBPREFIX . "module_shop" . MODULE_INDEX . "_rel_shipper");
     return true;
Esempio n. 11
  * Deletes one or more Manufacturers
  * @param   mixed     $ids      The Manufacturer ID or an array of those
  * @return  boolean             True on success, false otherwise
  * @static
 static function delete($ids)
     global $objDatabase, $_ARRAYLANG;
     if (empty($ids)) {
         return true;
     if (!is_array($ids)) {
         $ids = array($ids);
     if (is_null(self::$arrManufacturer)) {
     foreach ($ids as $id) {
         if (empty(self::$arrManufacturer[$id])) {
             // Something weird is going on.  Probably just a page reload,
             // silently
             return false;
         if (!\Text::deleteById($id, 'Shop', self::TEXT_NAME)) {
             return \Message::error($_ARRAYLANG['TXT_SHOP_MANUFACTURER_DELETE_FAILED']);
         if (!\Text::deleteById($id, 'Shop', self::TEXT_URI)) {
             return \Message::error($_ARRAYLANG['TXT_SHOP_MANUFACTURER_DELETE_FAILED']);
         $query = "\n                DELETE FROM `" . DBPREFIX . "module_shop" . MODULE_INDEX . "_manufacturer`\n                 WHERE `id`={$id}";
         $objResult = $objDatabase->Execute($query);
         if (!$objResult) {
             return \Message::error($_ARRAYLANG['TXT_SHOP_MANUFACTURER_DELETE_FAILED']);
     return \Message::ok($_ARRAYLANG['TXT_SHOP_MANUFACTURER' . (count($ids) > 1 ? 'S' : '') . '_DELETED_SUCCESSFULLY']);
Esempio n. 12
  * Update or add a new template
  * Stores the template for the given section
  * Uses the language ID from the lang_id index, if present,
  * or the FRONTEND_LANG_ID constant otherwise.
  *  key           The key of any mail template to be used
  *  lang_id       The language ID
  *  sender        The sender name
  *  from          The sender e-mail address
  *  to            The recipient e-mail address(es), comma separated
  *  reply         The reply-to e-mail address
  *  cc            The carbon copy e-mail address(es), comma separated
  *  bcc           The blind carbon copy e-mail address(es), comma separated
  *  subject       The message subject
  *  message       The plain text message body
  *  message_html  The HTML message body
  *  html          If this evaluates to true, turns on HTML mode
  *  attachments   An array of file paths to attach.  The array keys may
  *                be used for the paths, and the values for the name.
  *                If the keys are numeric, the values are regarded as paths.
  * The key index is mandatory.  If available, the corresponding mail
  * template is loaded, and updated.
  * Missing fields are filled with default values, which are generally empty.
  * The protected flag can neither be set nor cleared by calling this method,
  * but is always kept as-is.
  * Note:  The attachment paths must comply with the requirements for
  * file paths as defined in the {@see File} class version 2.2.0.
  * @param   string    $section    The section
  * @param   array     $arrField   The field array
  * @return  boolean               True on success, false otherwise
 static function store($section, $arrField)
     global $objDatabase;
     if (empty($arrField['key'])) {
         return false;
     // TODO: Field verification
     // This is non-trivial, as any placeholders must also be recognized and accepted!
     //        if (!empty($arrField['from']) && !\FWValidator::isEmail($arrField['from'])) ...
     $lang_id = isset($arrField['lang_id']) ? $arrField['lang_id'] : FRONTEND_LANG_ID;
     $key = $arrField['key'];
     // Strip crap characters from the key; neither umlauts nor symbols allowed
     $key = preg_replace('/[^_a-z\\d]/i', '', $key);
     $text_id = 0;
     // The original template is needed for the Text IDs and protected
     // flag only
     $arrTemplate = self::get($section, $key, $lang_id);
     if ($arrTemplate) {
         // && $arrTemplate['available']) {
         $arrField['protected'] = $arrTemplate['protected'];
         $text_id = $arrTemplate['text_id'];
         // If the key is present in the database, update the record.
         $query = "\n                UPDATE " . DBPREFIX . "core_mail_template\n                   SET `html`=" . (empty($arrField['html']) ? 0 : 1) . ",\n                       `protected`=" . (empty($arrField['protected']) ? 0 : 1) . "\n                 WHERE `key`='" . addslashes($key) . "'\n                   AND `section`" . (isset($section) ? "='" . addslashes($section) . "'" : ' IS NULL');
         $objResult = $objDatabase->Execute($query);
         if (!$objResult) {
             \DBG::log("MailTemplate::store(): ERROR updating Template with key {$key}");
             return self::errorHandler();
     } else {
         $query = "\n                SELECT MAX(`text_id`) AS `id`\n                  FROM " . DBPREFIX . "core_mail_template";
         $objResult = $objDatabase->Execute($query);
         if (!$objResult) {
             return self::errorHandler();
         $text_id = $objResult->fields['id'] + 1;
         $query = "\n                INSERT INTO " . DBPREFIX . "core_mail_template (\n                    `key`, `section`, `html`, `protected`, `text_id`\n                ) VALUES (\n                    '" . addslashes($key) . "', " . (isset($section) ? "'" . addslashes($section) . "'" : 'NULL') . ",\n                    " . (empty($arrField['html']) ? 0 : 1) . ",\n                    " . (empty($arrField['protected']) ? 0 : 1) . ",\n                    {$text_id}\n                )";
         $objResult = $objDatabase->Execute($query);
         if (!$objResult) {
             \DBG::log("MailTemplate::store(): ERROR inserting Template with key {$key}");
             return self::errorHandler();
     foreach (self::$text as $index => $key) {
         if (isset($arrField[$index])) {
             if (!\Text::replace($text_id, $lang_id, $section, $key, $arrField[$index])) {
                 \DBG::log("MailTemplate::store(): ERROR replacing text for key {$key}, ID {$text_id}, lang ID {$lang_id}");
                 return false;
         } else {
             if (!\Text::deleteById($text_id, $section, $key, $lang_id)) {
                 \DBG::log("MailTemplate::store(): ERROR deleting text for key {$key}, ID {$text_id}, lang ID {$lang_id}");
                 return false;
     // Force reinit
     return true;