private function IndexGrounds()
     require_once 'stoolball/ground-manager.class.php';
     require_once "stoolball/team-manager.class.php";
     require_once 'search/ground-search-adapter.class.php';
     $manager = new GroundManager($this->GetSettings(), $this->GetDataConnection());
     $grounds = $manager->GetItems();
     $team_manager = new TeamManager($this->GetSettings(), $this->GetDataConnection());
     foreach ($grounds as $ground) {
         /* @var $ground Ground */
         # Get teams based at the ground
         $teams = $team_manager->GetItems();
         $adapter = new GroundSearchAdapter($ground);
 function OnLoadPageData()
     # check parameter
     if (!isset($_GET['item']) or !is_numeric($_GET['item'])) {
     # new data managers
     $ground_manager = new GroundManager($this->GetSettings(), $this->GetDataConnection());
     # get ground
     $this->ground = $ground_manager->GetFirst();
     # must have found a ground
     if (!$this->ground instanceof Ground) {
     # Get teams based at the ground
     require_once "stoolball/team-manager.class.php";
     $team_manager = new TeamManager($this->GetSettings(), $this->GetDataConnection());
     $team_manager->FilterByTeamType(array(Team::CLOSED_GROUP, Team::OCCASIONAL, Team::REGULAR, Team::REPRESENTATIVE, Team::SCHOOL_YEARS, Team::SCHOOL_CLUB, Team::SCHOOL_OTHER));
     # Update search engine
     if ($this->ground->GetSearchUpdateRequired()) {
         require_once "search/ground-search-adapter.class.php";
         $this->SearchIndexer()->DeleteFromIndexById("ground" . $this->ground->GetId());
         $adapter = new GroundSearchAdapter($this->ground);
     # Read statistics highlights for the ground
     require_once 'stoolball/statistics/statistics-manager.class.php';
     $statistics_manager = new StatisticsManager($this->GetSettings(), $this->GetDataConnection());
     $this->best_batting = $statistics_manager->ReadBestBattingPerformance();
     $this->best_bowling = $statistics_manager->ReadBestBowlingPerformance();
     $this->most_runs = $statistics_manager->ReadBestPlayerAggregate("runs_scored");
     $this->most_wickets = $statistics_manager->ReadBestPlayerAggregate("wickets");
     $this->most_catches = $statistics_manager->ReadBestPlayerAggregate("catches");
     # See what stats we've got available
     $best_batting_count = count($this->best_batting);
     $best_bowling_count = count($this->best_bowling);
     $best_batters = count($this->most_runs);
     $best_bowlers = count($this->most_wickets);
     $best_catchers = count($this->most_catches);
     $this->has_player_stats = ($best_batting_count or $best_batters or $best_bowling_count or $best_bowlers or $best_catchers);
     if (!$this->has_player_stats) {
         $player_of_match = $statistics_manager->ReadBestPlayerAggregate("player_of_match");
         $this->has_player_stats = (bool) count($player_of_match);
 function OnLoadPageData()
     require_once "stoolball/team-manager.class.php";
     $team_manager = new TeamManager($this->GetSettings(), $this->GetDataConnection());
     $this->teams = $team_manager->GetItems();
     require_once "stoolball/competition-manager.class.php";
     $comp_manager = new CompetitionManager($this->GetSettings(), $this->GetDataConnection());
     $this->competitions = $comp_manager->GetItems();
 function OnLoadPageData()
     # Require an API key to include personal contact details to avoid spam bots picking them up
     $api_keys = $this->GetSettings()->GetApiKeys();
     $valid_key = false;
     if (isset($_GET['key']) and in_array($_GET['key'], $api_keys)) {
         $valid_key = true;
     $data = array();
     $data[] = array("Club/ facility name", "Address 1", "Address 2", "Address 3", "Address 4", "Address 5", "City", "Postcode", "Country", "Tel", "Email", "Website", "Activities", "Opening times");
     require_once 'stoolball/team-manager.class.php';
     $team_manager = new TeamManager($this->GetSettings(), $this->GetDataConnection());
     while ($team_manager->MoveNext()) {
         /* @var $team Team */
         $team = $team_manager->GetItem();
         # NHS choices can only import records with a postcode
         if (!$team->GetGround()->GetAddress()->GetPostcode()) {
         $address = array();
         if ($team->GetGround()->GetAddress()->GetSaon()) {
             $address[] = $team->GetGround()->GetAddress()->GetSaon();
         if ($team->GetGround()->GetAddress()->GetPaon()) {
             $address[] = $team->GetGround()->GetAddress()->GetPaon();
         if ($team->GetGround()->GetAddress()->GetStreetDescriptor()) {
             $address[] = $team->GetGround()->GetAddress()->GetStreetDescriptor();
         if ($team->GetGround()->GetAddress()->GetLocality()) {
             $address[] = $team->GetGround()->GetAddress()->GetLocality();
         if ($team->GetGround()->GetAddress()->GetAdministrativeArea()) {
             $address[] = $team->GetGround()->GetAddress()->GetAdministrativeArea();
         $data[] = array($team->GetName() . " Stoolball Club", isset($address[0]) ? $address[0] : "", isset($address[1]) ? $address[1] : "", isset($address[2]) ? $address[2] : "", isset($address[3]) ? $address[3] : "", isset($address[4]) ? $address[4] : "", $team->GetGround()->GetAddress()->GetTown(), $team->GetGround()->GetAddress()->GetPostcode(), "England", $valid_key ? $team->GetContactPhone() : "", $valid_key ? $team->GetContactEmail() : "", $team->GetWebsiteUrl() ? $team->GetWebsiteUrl() : "https://" . $this->GetSettings()->GetDomain() . $team->GetNavigateUrl(), "stoolball", preg_replace('/\\[[^]]+\\]/', "", $team->GetPlayingTimes()));
     require_once "data/csv.class.php";
     # Test code only. Comment out CSV publish line above to enable display as a table.
     require_once "xhtml/tables/xhtml-table.class.php";
     $table = new XhtmlTable();
     $table->BindArray($data, false, false);
     echo $table;
 function OnLoadPageData()
     # new data manager
     $team_manager = new TeamManager($this->GetSettings(), $this->GetDataConnection());
     # Check for player type
     $this->player_type = null;
     if (isset($_GET['player'])) {
         if ($_GET['player'] == "past") {
             $this->player_type = 0;
         } else {
             $this->player_type = PlayerType::Parse($_GET['player']);
             $a_player_types = is_null($this->player_type) ? null : array($this->player_type);
             if ($this->player_type == PlayerType::JUNIOR_MIXED) {
                 $a_player_types[] = PlayerType::GIRLS;
                 $a_player_types[] = PlayerType::BOYS;
     if (isset($_GET['area']) and $_GET["area"]) {
         $this->administrative_area = preg_replace('/[^a-z]/', "", strtolower($_GET['area']));
         if ($this->administrative_area) {
     # Get the counties for the filter
     $this->areas = $team_manager->ReadAdministrativeAreas();
     if ($this->administrative_area) {
         # read all teams matching the applied filter
         $this->teams = $team_manager->GetItems();
 function OnLoadPageData()
     # Require an API key to include personal contact details to avoid spam bots picking them up
     $api_keys = $this->GetSettings()->GetApiKeys();
     $valid_key = false;
     if (isset($_GET['key']) and in_array($_GET['key'], $api_keys)) {
         $valid_key = true;
     $data = array();
     $data[] = array("Team id", "Team name", "Player type", "Home ground name", "Street name", "Locality", "Town", "Administrative area", "Postcode", "Country", "Latitude", "Longitude", "Contact phone", "Contact email", "Website", "Description");
     require_once 'stoolball/team-manager.class.php';
     $team_manager = new TeamManager($this->GetSettings(), $this->GetDataConnection());
     while ($team_manager->MoveNext()) {
         $team = $team_manager->GetItem();
         /* @var $team Team */
         # Spogo can only import records with contact details
         if (!$team->GetContactPhone() and !$team->GetContactEmail()) {
         # Combine free text fields into a description field
         $description = $team->GetIntro();
         if ($description) {
             $description .= "\n\n";
         if ($team->GetPlayingTimes()) {
             $description .= $team->GetPlayingTimes() . "\n\n";
         if ($team->GetCost()) {
             $description .= $team->GetCost();
         # Add this team to the data array
         $data[] = array($team->GetId(), $team->GetName() . " Stoolball Club", PlayerType::Text($team->GetPlayerType()), $team->GetGround()->GetAddress()->GetPaon(), $team->GetGround()->GetAddress()->GetStreetDescriptor(), $team->GetGround()->GetAddress()->GetLocality(), $team->GetGround()->GetAddress()->GetTown(), $team->GetGround()->GetAddress()->GetAdministrativeArea(), $team->GetGround()->GetAddress()->GetPostcode(), "England", $team->GetGround()->GetAddress()->GetLatitude(), $team->GetGround()->GetAddress()->GetLongitude(), $valid_key ? $team->GetContactPhone() : "", $valid_key ? $team->GetContactEmail() : "", $team->GetWebsiteUrl() ? $team->GetWebsiteUrl() : "https://" . $this->GetSettings()->GetDomain() . $team->GetNavigateUrl(), trim(html_entity_decode(strip_tags($description), ENT_QUOTES)));
     require_once "data/csv.class.php";
     # Test code only. Comment out CSV publish line above to enable display as a table.
     require_once "xhtml/tables/xhtml-table.class.php";
     $table = new XhtmlTable();
     $table->BindArray($data, false, false);
     echo $table;
 function OnLoadPageData()
     # new data managers
     $o_comp_manager = new CompetitionManager($this->GetSettings(), $this->GetDataConnection());
     $o_team_manager = new TeamManager($this->GetSettings(), $this->GetDataConnection());
     # get comps
     $this->a_comps = $o_comp_manager->GetItems();
     # get teams
     foreach ($this->a_comps as $o_comp) {
         /* @var $o_comp Competition */
         $a_seasons = array($o_comp->GetLatestSeason()->GetId());
         while ($o_team_manager->MoveNext()) {
     # tidy up
    public function OnLoadPageData()
        require_once "stoolball/team-manager.class.php";
        $team_manager = new TeamManager($this->GetSettings(), $this->GetDataConnection());
        if (isset($_GET['except'])) {
            $except = explode(",", $_GET['except']);
            # Make sure all values are numeric. If not, ignore them all.
            foreach ($except as $id) {
                if (!is_numeric($id)) {
                    $except = array();
        $teams = $team_manager->GetItems();
        if (count($teams)) {
            # Build up the data to display in the autocomplete dropdown
            $suggestions = array();
            foreach ($teams as $team) {
                /* @var $team Team */
                $escaped_name = str_replace("'", "\\'", $team->GetNameAndType());
                # escape single quotes because this will become JS string
                $suggestions[] = "{label:\"" . $escaped_name . "\"}";
                # escape single quotes for JS string
            # Write those names as a JS array
	var teams = [<?php 
            echo implode(",\n", $suggestions);

	// find anywhere a team's name should be entered
	$("", "form").each(enableSuggestions);

	function enableSuggestions()
		// hook up the autocomplete to work with just the team's name, not their supporting info
		var input = $(this);
		if (!input.hasClass("autocomplete"))
			input.autocomplete({source:teams}).data( "autocomplete" )._renderItem = function( ul, item ) {
				return $( "<li></li>" )
					.data( "item.autocomplete", item )
					.append("<a>" + item.label + "</a>")
					.appendTo( ul )};
 function OnLoadPageData()
     /* @var $o_last_match Match */
     /* @var $season Season */
     /* @var $team Team */
     # new data manager
     $o_match_manager = new MatchManager($this->GetSettings(), $this->GetDataConnection());
     # Collect season to add this match to, starting with the URL
     # get season and teams (was at this stage because editor needed teams to build its
     # posted data object, but that's no longer the case so probably could be later if needed)
     if (isset($this->i_season_id)) {
         $season_manager = new SeasonManager($this->GetSettings(), $this->GetDataConnection());
         $this->season = $season_manager->GetFirst();
         # If there are at least 2 teams in the season, show only those teams, otherwise show all teams of the relevant player type
         if (count($this->season->GetTeams()) > 1) {
         } else {
             require_once 'stoolball/team-manager.class.php';
             $team_manager = new TeamManager($this->GetSettings(), $this->GetDataConnection());
     # Not elseif, because when you've added a match there's a season, but we still need this to run to populate
     # the choices for the next match to be added
     if ($this->team instanceof Team) {
         # Otherwise it should be a team.
         # Get more information about the team itself
         require_once 'stoolball/team-manager.class.php';
         $team_manager = new TeamManager($this->GetSettings(), $this->GetDataConnection());
         $this->team = $team_manager->GetFirst();
         if (!is_null($this->team)) {
             $season_ids = array();
             $team_groups = array();
             $a_exclude_team_ids = array();
             # Add the home team first
             $team_groups[] = array($this->team);
             $a_exclude_team_ids[] = $this->team->GetId();
             # Get the seasons this team is in...
             $season_manager = new SeasonManager($this->GetSettings(), $this->GetDataConnection());
             if ($this->i_match_type == MatchType::FRIENDLY) {
                 # For a friendly, any group of teams they play with is fine
             } else {
                 # For anything else, get the seasons *for this type of match*
                 $season_manager->ReadCurrentSeasonsByTeamId(array($this->team->GetId()), array($this->i_match_type));
             $seasons = $season_manager->GetItems();
             # on postback, the season just added is already there, so clear to prevent a duplicate
             foreach ($seasons as $season) {
                 $season_ids[] = $season->GetId();
             #... and their opponent teams in those seasons
             if (count($season_ids)) {
                 $season_teams = $team_manager->GetItems();
                 if (count($season_teams)) {
                     $team_groups['This season\'s teams'] = $season_teams;
                 foreach ($season_teams as $team) {
                     $a_exclude_team_ids[] = $team->GetId();
             # ...and if this is a friendly it could be any other team
             if ($this->i_match_type == MatchType::FRIENDLY) {
                 # get any other teams they played in the last 2 years, and combine with existing results
                 $team_manager->ReadRecentOpponents(array($this->team->GetId()), 24);
                 $recent_opponents = $team_manager->GetItems();
                 if (count($recent_opponents)) {
                     $team_groups['Recent opponents'] = $recent_opponents;
                 foreach ($recent_opponents as $team) {
                     $a_exclude_team_ids[] = $team->GetId();
                 # get any other teams they might play, and combine with existing results
                 $team_groups['Other teams'] = $team_manager->GetItems();
             # What if there are still no opponents to choose from? In that case select all teams.
             if (count($team_groups) == 1) {
                 $team_groups[] = $team_manager->GetItems();
             # Offer those teams to select from
             if ($total_groups = count($team_groups)) {
                 # If only two groups (home team + 1 group), don't group teams. Remove the only key from the array.
                 if ($total_groups == 2) {
                     $keys = array_keys($team_groups);
                     $team_groups = array($team_groups[$keys[0]], $team_groups[$keys[1]]);
     # Save match
     if ($this->IsPostback() and $this->IsValid()) {
         # Get posted match
         $this->match = $this->edit->GetDataObject();
         if (!$this->IsRefresh()) {
             # Save match
             $o_match_manager->SaveSeasons($this->match, true);
             # Update 'next 5 matches'
             $this->a_next_matches = $o_match_manager->GetItems();
         # Reset control for new match
         $this->edit->SetDataObject(new Match($this->GetSettings()));
     if (isset($this->i_season_id)) {
         # If we're adding a match to a season, get last game in season for its date
     } else {
         if ($this->team instanceof Team) {
             # Get the last game already scheduled for the team to use its date
     $o_last_match = $o_match_manager->GetFirst();
     if (is_object($o_last_match)) {
         $current_season = Season::SeasonDates();
         if (gmdate('Y', $o_last_match->GetStartTime()) < gmdate('Y', $current_season[0])) {
             # If the last match this team played was last season, use the time but not the date
             $this->edit->SetDefaultTime(gmmktime(gmdate('H', $o_last_match->GetStartTime()), gmdate('i', $o_last_match->GetStartTime()), 0, gmdate('m'), gmdate('d'), gmdate('Y')));
         } else {
             # If the last match was this season and has a time, use it
             if ($o_last_match->GetIsStartTimeKnown()) {
             } else {
                 # If the last match has no time, use 6.30pm BST
                 $this->edit->SetDefaultTime(gmmktime(17, 30, 0, gmdate('m', $o_last_match->GetStartTime()), gmdate('d', $o_last_match->GetStartTime()), gmdate('Y', $o_last_match->GetStartTime())));
     # Get grounds
     $o_ground_manager = new GroundManager($this->GetSettings(), $this->GetDataConnection());
     $a_grounds = $o_ground_manager->GetItems();