/** * Get user details for authorisation testing * * @param int $id Joomla user id * @return array TableUser */ public static function getAuthorisedUser($id = null) { static $userarray; if (!isset($userarray)) { $userarray = array(); } if (is_null($id)) { $juser = JFactory::getUser(); $id = $juser->id; } if (!array_key_exists($id, $userarray)) { JLoader::import("jevuser", JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR . "/components/" . JEV_COM_COMPONENT . "/tables/"); $user = new TableUser(); $params = JComponentHelper::getParams(JEV_COM_COMPONENT); $authorisedonly = $params->get("authorisedonly", 0); // if authorised only then load from database if ($authorisedonly) { $users = $user->getUsersByUserid($id); if (count($users) > 0) { $userarray[$id] = current($users); // user must also be enabled! if (!$userarray[$id]->published) { $userarray[$id] = null; } } else { $userarray[$id] = null; } } else { $userarray[$id] = null; } } return $userarray[$id]; }
function removeUser() { // Check for request forgeries JRequest::checkToken() or jexit('Invalid Token'); if (!JEVHelper::isAdminUser()) { $msg = "Not Authorised"; $link = JRoute::_('index.php?option=' . JEV_COM_COMPONENT . '&task=user.list', false); $this->setRedirect($link, $msg); return; } $model = $this->getModel('user'); $users = TableUser::getUsers($this->cid); $countdeleted = 0; foreach ($users as $user) { $countdeleted += $user->delete() ? 1 : 0; } if ($countdeleted = count($users)) { $msg = JText::_('USERS_DELETED'); } else { $msg = JText::_('NOT_ALL_USERS_DELETED'); } $link = JRoute::_('index.php?option=' . JEV_COM_COMPONENT . '&task=user.list', false); $this->setRedirect($link, $msg); }
/** * Method to load the users in the system * * @return void */ function _loadUsers() { $this->_users = TableUser::getUsers(); }
function authorisedUser($lang = 0) { $user = JFactory::getUser(); $users = TableUser::getUsersByUserid($user->id, "langid"); if (count($users) > 0 && $lang <= 0) { return true; } if (array_key_exists($lang, $users)) { return $users[$lang]; } if (count($users) > 0) { foreach ($users as $user) { if ($user->langid == $lang && $user->published) { return true; } } } return false; }