function onAfterRoute() { if (defined('T3_PLUGIN')) { T3Bot::preload(); $template = T3::detect(); if ($template) { // load the language $this->loadLanguage(); T3Bot::beforeInit(); T3::init($template); T3Bot::afterInit(); //load T3 plugins JPluginHelper::importPlugin('t3'); if (is_file(T3_TEMPLATE_PATH . '/templateHook.php')) { include_once T3_TEMPLATE_PATH . '/templateHook.php'; } $tplHookCls = preg_replace('/(^[^A-Z_]+|[^A-Z0-9_])/i', '', T3_TEMPLATE . 'Hook'); $dispatcher = JDispatcher::getInstance(); if (class_exists($tplHookCls)) { new $tplHookCls($dispatcher, array()); } $dispatcher->trigger('onT3Init'); //check and execute the t3action T3::checkAction(); //check and change template for ajax T3::checkAjax(); } } }
function onAfterRoute() { include_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/includes/core/defines.php'; include_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/includes/core/t3.php'; include_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/includes/core/bot.php'; T3Bot::preload(); $template = T3::detect(); if ($template) { T3Bot::beforeInit(); T3::init($template); T3Bot::afterInit(); //check and execute the t3action T3::checkAction(); //check and change template for ajax T3::checkAjax(); } }