static function getLastActivities() {
		$members = active_context_members(false); // Context Members Ids
		$options = explode(",",user_config_option("filters_dashboard",null,null,true));

		$extra_conditions = "action <> 'login' AND action <> 'logout' AND action <> 'subscribe' ";
		if($options[1] == 0){//do not show timeslots
			$extra_conditions .= "AND action <> 'open' AND action <> 'close' AND ((action <> 'add' OR action <> 'edit' OR action <> 'delete') AND object_name NOT LIKE 'Time%')";
		// task assignment conditions
		if (!SystemPermissions::userHasSystemPermission(logged_user(), 'can_see_assigned_to_other_tasks')) {
			$extra_conditions .= " AND IF((SELECT o.object_type_id FROM ".TABLE_PREFIX."objects o WHERE FROM ".TABLE_PREFIX."object_types ot WHERE'task'),
				(SELECT t.assigned_to_contact_id FROM ".TABLE_PREFIX."project_tasks t WHERE t.object_id=rel_object_id) = ".logged_user()->getId().",

		$members_sql = "";
		if(count($members) > 0){
			$object_ids_rows = DB::executeAll("SELECT object_id FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "object_members om
				WHERE member_id IN (" . implode ( ',', $members ) . ")
				GROUP BY object_id HAVING count(member_id) = ".count($members)."");
			$object_ids = implode(',', array_flat($object_ids_rows));
			if ($object_ids == "") $object_ids = "0";
			$members_sql = "rel_object_id IN ($object_ids)";

		$permissions_sql = "AND rel_object_id IN (
			SELECT object_id FROM ".TABLE_PREFIX."sharing_table
			WHERE group_id  IN (SELECT permission_group_id FROM ".TABLE_PREFIX."contact_permission_groups WHERE contact_id = ".logged_user()->getId().")

		$condition = ($members_sql != "" ? $members_sql . " AND " : "") . $extra_conditions . $permissions_sql;
		return ApplicationLogs::findAll(array(
			"condition" => $condition,
			"order" => "created_on DESC",
			"limit" => "100"
	function list_objects() {
		/* get query parameters */
		$filesPerPage = config_option('files_per_page');
		$start = array_var($_GET,'start') ? (integer)array_var($_GET,'start') : 0;
		$limit = array_var($_GET,'limit') ? array_var($_GET,'limit') : $filesPerPage;
		$order = array_var($_GET,'sort');
		$id_no_select = array_var($_GET,'id_no_select',"undefined");
		$ignore_context = (bool) array_var($_GET, 'ignore_context');
		$member_ids = json_decode(array_var($_GET, 'member_ids'));
		$extra_member_ids = json_decode(array_var($_GET, 'extra_member_ids'));
		$orderdir = array_var($_GET,'dir');
		if (!in_array(strtoupper($orderdir), array('ASC', 'DESC'))) $orderdir = 'ASC';
		if ($order == "dateUpdated") {
			$order = "updated_on";
		}elseif ($order == "dateArchived") {
			$order = "archived_on";
		}elseif ($order == "dateDeleted") {
			$order = "trashed_on";
		} else {
			$order = "";
			$orderdir = "";
		$page = (integer) ($start / $limit) + 1;
		$hide_private = !logged_user()->isMemberOfOwnerCompany();
		$typeCSV = array_var($_GET, 'type');
		$types = null;
		if ($typeCSV) {
			$types = explode(",", $typeCSV);
		$name_filter = mysql_escape_string( array_var($_GET, 'name') );
		$linked_obj_filter = array_var($_GET, 'linkedobject');
		$object_ids_filter = '';
		$show_all_linked_objects = false;
		if (!is_null($linked_obj_filter)) {
			$show_all_linked_objects = true;
			$linkedObject = Objects::findObject($linked_obj_filter);
			$objs = $linkedObject->getLinkedObjects();
			foreach ($objs as $obj) $object_ids_filter .= ($object_ids_filter == '' ? '' : ',') . $obj->getId();
		$filters = array();
		if (!is_null($types)) $filters['types'] = $types;
		if (!is_null($name_filter)) $filters['name'] = $name_filter;
		if ($object_ids_filter != '') $filters['object_ids'] = $object_ids_filter;

		$user = array_var($_GET,'user');
		$trashed = array_var($_GET, 'trashed', false);
		$archived = array_var($_GET, 'archived', false);

		/* if there's an action to execute, do so */
		if (!$show_all_linked_objects){
			$linkedObject = null;
			if (array_var($_GET, 'action') == 'delete') {
				$ids = explode(',', array_var($_GET, 'objects'));

				$result = ContentDataObjects::listing(array(
					"extra_conditions" => " AND IN (".implode(",",$ids).") ",
					"include_deleted" => true

				$objects = $result->objects;

				$real_deleted_ids = array();
				list($succ, $err) = $this->do_delete_objects($objects, false, $real_deleted_ids);

				if ($err > 0) {
					flash_error(lang('error delete objects', $err));
				} else {
					Hook::fire('after_object_delete_permanently', $real_deleted_ids, $ignored);
					flash_success(lang('success delete objects', $succ));
			} else if (array_var($_GET, 'action') == 'delete_permanently') {
				$ids = explode(',', array_var($_GET, 'objects'));

				$objects = Objects::instance()->findAll(array("conditions" => "id IN (".implode(",",$ids).")"));

				$real_deleted_ids = array();
				list($succ, $err) = $this->do_delete_objects($objects, true, $real_deleted_ids);

				if ($err > 0) {
					flash_error(lang('error delete objects', $err));
				if ($succ > 0) {
					Hook::fire('after_object_delete_permanently', $real_deleted_ids, $ignored);
					flash_success(lang('success delete objects', $succ));
			}else if (array_var($_GET, 'action') == 'markasread') {
				$ids = explode(',', array_var($_GET, 'objects'));
				list($succ, $err) = $this->do_mark_as_read_unread_objects($ids, true);

			}else if (array_var($_GET, 'action') == 'markasunread') {
				$ids = explode(',', array_var($_GET, 'objects'));
				list($succ, $err) = $this->do_mark_as_read_unread_objects($ids, false);

			}else if (array_var($_GET, 'action') == 'empty_trash_can') {

				$result = Objects::getObjectsFromContext(active_context(), 'trashed_on', 'desc', true);
				$objects = $result->objects;

				list($succ, $err) = $this->do_delete_objects($objects, true);
				if ($err > 0) {
					flash_error(lang('error delete objects', $err));
				if ($succ > 0) {
					flash_success(lang('success delete objects', $succ));
			} else if (array_var($_GET, 'action') == 'archive') {
				$ids = explode(',', array_var($_GET, 'objects'));
				list($succ, $err) = $this->do_archive_unarchive_objects($ids, 'archive');
				if ($err > 0) {
					flash_error(lang('error archive objects', $err));
				} else {
					flash_success(lang('success archive objects', $succ));
			} else if (array_var($_GET, 'action') == 'unarchive') {
				$ids = explode(',', array_var($_GET, 'objects'));
				list($succ, $err) = $this->do_archive_unarchive_objects($ids, 'unarchive');
				if ($err > 0) {
					flash_error(lang('error unarchive objects', $err));
				} else {
					flash_success(lang('success unarchive objects', $succ));
			else if (array_var($_GET, 'action') == 'unclassify') {
				$ids = explode(',', array_var($_GET, 'objects'));
				$err = 0;
				$succ = 0;
				foreach ($ids as $id) {
					$split = explode(":", $id);
					$type = $split[0];
					if (Plugins::instance()->isActivePlugin('mail') && $type == 'MailContents') {
						$email = MailContents::findById($split[1]);
						if (isset($email) && !$email->isDeleted() && $email->canEdit(logged_user())){
							if (MailController::do_unclassify($email)) $succ++;
							else $err++;
						} else $err++;
				if ($err > 0) {
					flash_error(lang('error unclassify emails', $err));
				} else {
					flash_success(lang('success unclassify emails', $succ));
			else if (array_var($_GET, 'action') == 'restore') {
				$errorMessage = null;
				$ids = explode(',', array_var($_GET, 'objects'));
				$success = 0; $error = 0;
				foreach ($ids as $id) {
					$obj = Objects::findObject($id);
					if ($obj->canDelete(logged_user())) {
						try {

							if($obj->getObjectTypeId() == 11){
								$event = ProjectEvents::findById($obj->getId());
								if($event->getExtCalId() != ""){

							ApplicationLogs::createLog($obj, ApplicationLogs::ACTION_UNTRASH);
						} catch (Exception $e) {
					} else {
				if ($success > 0) {
					flash_success(lang("success untrash objects", $success));
				if ($error > 0) {
					$errorString = is_null($errorMessage) ? lang("error untrash objects", $error) : $errorMessage;
		$filterName = array_var($_GET,'name');
		$result = null;
		$context = active_context();

		$obj_type_types = array('content_object', 'dimension_object');
		if (array_var($_GET, 'include_comments')) $obj_type_types[] = 'comment';
		$type_condition = "";
		if ($types) {
			$type_condition = " AND name IN ('".implode("','",$types) ."')";  
		$res = DB::executeAll("SELECT id from ".TABLE_PREFIX."object_types WHERE type IN ('". implode("','",$obj_type_types)."') AND name <> 'file revision' $type_condition ");
		$type_ids = array();

		foreach ($res as $row){
			if (ObjectTypes::isListableObjectType($row['id']) ){
				$types_ids[] = $row['id'] ;

		//Hook::fire('list_objects_type_ids', null, $types_ids);
		$type_ids_csv = implode(',', $types_ids);
		$extra_conditions = array() ;
		$extra_conditions[] = "object_type_id in ($type_ids_csv)";
		if ($name_filter) {
			$extra_conditions[] = "name LIKE '%$name_filter%'" ;
		if ($id_no_select != "undefined") {
			$extra_conditions[] = "id <> $id_no_select" ;
		if($object_ids_filter != ""){
			$extra_conditions[] = "id in ($object_ids_filter)";
		if (!SystemPermissions::userHasSystemPermission(logged_user(), 'can_see_assigned_to_other_tasks')) {
			$extra_conditions[] = "IF((SELECT FROM ".TABLE_PREFIX."object_types ot WHERE'task',
			 (SELECT t.assigned_to_contact_id FROM ".TABLE_PREFIX."project_tasks t WHERE = ".logged_user()->getId().",
		if($object_ids_filter == "" && $show_all_linked_objects){
			$pagination = array();
			$pagination = ContentDataObjects::listing(array(
				"start" => $start,
				"limit" => $limit,
				"order" => $order,
				"order_dir" => $orderdir,
				"trashed" => $trashed,
				"archived" => $archived,
				"types" => $types,
				"extra_conditions" => " AND ".implode(" AND ", $extra_conditions),
				"ignore_context" => $ignore_context,
				"extra_member_ids" => $extra_member_ids
		$result = $pagination->objects;
		$total_items = $pagination->total;
		if(!$result) $result = array();

		/* prepare response object */
		$info = array();

		foreach ($result as $obj /* @var $obj Object */) {
			$info_elem =  $obj->getArrayInfo($trashed, $archived);
			$instance = Objects::instance()->findObject($info_elem['object_id']);
			if (!$instance instanceof ContentDataObject) continue;
			$info_elem['url'] = $instance->getViewUrl();
			/* @var $instance Contact  */
			if ($instance instanceof  Contact /* @var $instance Contact  */ ) {
				if( $instance->isCompany() ) {
					$info_elem['icon'] = 'ico-company';
					$info_elem['type'] = 'company';
			} else if ($instance instanceof ProjectFile) {
				$info_elem['mimeType'] = $instance->getTypeString();
			$info_elem['isRead'] = $instance->getIsRead(logged_user()->getId()) ;
			$info_elem['manager'] = get_class($instance->manager()) ;
			$info_elem['memPath'] = json_encode($instance->getMembersToDisplayPath());
			$info[] = $info_elem;
		$listing = array(
			"totalCount" => $total_items,
			"start" => $start,
			"objects" => $info
		tpl_assign("listing", $listing);
		if (isset($reload) && $reload) ajx_current("reload");
		else ajx_current("empty");
 static function getLastActivities()
     $members = active_context_members(false);
     // Context Members Ids
     $options = explode(",", user_config_option("filters_dashboard", null, null, true));
     $extra_conditions = "action <> 'login' AND action <> 'logout' AND action <> 'subscribe' AND created_by_id > '0'";
     if ($options[1] == 0) {
         //do not show timeslots
         $extra_conditions .= "AND action <> 'open' AND action <> 'close' AND ((action <> 'add' OR action <> 'edit' OR action <> 'delete') AND object_name NOT LIKE 'Time%')";
     // task assignment conditions
     if (!SystemPermissions::userHasSystemPermission(logged_user(), 'can_see_assigned_to_other_tasks')) {
         $extra_conditions .= " AND IF((SELECT o.object_type_id FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "objects o WHERE FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "object_types ot WHERE'task'),\r\n\t\t\t\t(SELECT t.assigned_to_contact_id FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "project_tasks t WHERE t.object_id=rel_object_id) = " . logged_user()->getId() . ",\r\n\t\t\t\ttrue)";
     //do not display template tasks logs
     $extra_conditions .= " AND IF((SELECT o.object_type_id FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "objects o WHERE FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "object_types ot WHERE'template_task'), false, true)";
     // if logged user is guest dont show other users logs
     if (logged_user()->isGuest()) {
         $extra_conditions .= " AND `created_by_id`=" . logged_user()->getId();
     $members_sql = "";
     $is_member_child = "";
     if (count($members) > 0) {
         $members_sql = "(EXISTS(\r\n\t\t\t\tSELECT om.object_id FROM  " . TABLE_PREFIX . "object_members om\r\n\t\t\t\tWHERE om.member_id IN (" . implode(',', $members) . ") AND rel_object_id = om.object_id\r\n\t\t\t\tGROUP BY object_id\r\n\t\t\t\tHAVING count(member_id) = " . count($members) . "\r\n\t\t\t))";
         $is_member_child = "AND mem.parent_member_id IN (" . implode(',', $members) . ")";
     $logged_user_pgs = implode(',', logged_user()->getPermissionGroupIds());
     $permissions_condition = "al.rel_object_id IN (\r\n\t\tSELECT sh.object_id FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "sharing_table sh\r\n\t\tWHERE al.rel_object_id = sh.object_id AND sh.object_id > 0\r\n\t\tAND sh.group_id  IN ({$logged_user_pgs})\r\n\t\t)";
     $sql = "SELECT FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "application_logs al \r\n\t\t\t\tWHERE {$permissions_condition} AND {$extra_conditions}";
     if ($members_sql != "") {
         $sql .= " AND {$members_sql}";
         //do not display users logs
         $sql .= " AND NOT EXISTS(SELECT con.object_id FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "contacts con WHERE con.object_id=rel_object_id AND user_type > 0)";
     $sql .= " ORDER BY created_on DESC LIMIT 100";
     $id_rows = array_flat(DB::executeAll($sql));
     // if logged user is guest dont show other users logs
     $user_condition = "";
     if (logged_user()->isGuest()) {
         $user_condition .= " AND `created_by_id`=" . logged_user()->getId();
     $member_logs_sql = "SELECT FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "application_logs al\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tINNER JOIN " . TABLE_PREFIX . "members mem ON \r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tINNER JOIN " . TABLE_PREFIX . "contact_member_cache cmcache ON AND cmcache.contact_id = " . logged_user()->getId() . "\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE al.member_id>0\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t{$user_condition}\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t{$is_member_child}\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tORDER BY created_on DESC LIMIT 100";
     $m_id_rows = array_flat(DB::executeAll($member_logs_sql));
     $id_rows = array_filter(array_merge($id_rows, $m_id_rows));
     $logs = array();
     if (count($id_rows) > 0) {
         $logs = ApplicationLogs::findAll(array("condition" => "id IN (" . implode(',', $id_rows) . ")", "order" => "created_on DESC"));
     return $logs;
Esempio n. 4
  * Returns timeslots based on the set query parameters
  * @param User $user
  * @param string $workspacesCSV
  * @param DateTimeValue $start_date
  * @param DateTimeValue $end_date
  * @param string $object_id
  * @param array $group_by
  * @param array $order_by
  * @return array
 static function getTaskTimeslots($context, $members = null, $user = null, $start_date = null, $end_date = null, $object_id = 0, $group_by = null, $order_by = null, $limit = 0, $offset = 0, $timeslot_type = 0, $extra_conditions = '')
     $commonConditions = "";
     if ($start_date) {
         $commonConditions .= DB::prepareString(' AND `e`.`start_time` >= ? ', array($start_date));
     if ($end_date) {
         $commonConditions .= DB::prepareString(' AND (`e`.`paused_on` <> 0 AND `e`.`paused_on` <= ? OR `e`.`end_time` <> 0 AND `e`.`end_time` <= ?) ', array($end_date, $end_date));
     //User condition
     $commonConditions .= $user ? ' AND `e`.`contact_id` = ' . $user->getId() : '';
     //Object condition
     $commonConditions .= $object_id > 0 ? ' AND `e`.`rel_object_id` = ' . $object_id : '';
     switch ($timeslot_type) {
         case 0:
             //Task timeslots
             $conditions = " AND EXISTS (SELECT `obj`.`id` FROM `" . TABLE_PREFIX . "objects` `obj` WHERE `obj`.`id` = `e`.`rel_object_id` AND `obj`.`trashed_on` = 0 AND `obj`.`archived_on` = 0)";
         case 1:
             //Time timeslots
             $conditions = " AND `e`.`rel_object_id` = 0";
         case 2:
             //All timeslots
             $conditions = " AND (`e`.`rel_object_id` = 0 OR `e`.`rel_object_id` IN (SELECT `obj`.`id` FROM `" . TABLE_PREFIX . "objects` `obj` WHERE `obj`.`trashed_on` = 0 AND `obj`.`archived_on` = 0))";
             throw new Error("Timeslot type not recognised: " . $timeslot_type);
     if (!SystemPermissions::userHasSystemPermission(logged_user(), 'can_see_assigned_to_other_tasks')) {
         $conditions .= " AND `e`.`contact_id` = " . logged_user()->getId();
     $conditions .= $commonConditions . $extra_conditions;
     $order_by[] = 'start_time';
     $result = self::instance()->listing(array('order' => $order_by, 'extra_conditions' => $conditions));
     return $result->objects;
Esempio n. 5

$genid = gen_id();
$limit = 20;
$total = $limit;
$page = 10;
$task_assignment_conditions = "";
if (!SystemPermissions::userHasSystemPermission(logged_user(), 'can_see_assigned_to_other_tasks')) {
    $task_assignment_conditions = " AND assigned_to_contact_id = " . logged_user()->getId();
$tasks_result = ProjectTasks::instance()->listing(array("order" => "completed_on", "order_dir" => "DESC", "extra_conditions" => " AND is_template = 0 AND completed_by_id > 0 {$task_assignment_conditions}", "limit" => $limit + 1));
$tasks = $tasks_result->objects;
$active_members = array();
$context = active_context();
if (is_array($context)) {
    foreach ($context as $selection) {
        if ($selection instanceof Member) {
            $active_members[] = $selection;
if (count($active_members) > 0) {
    $mnames = array();
    $allowed_contact_ids = array();
    foreach ($active_members as $member) {
        $mnames[] = clean($member->getName());
    $widget_title = lang('completed tasks') . ' ' . lang('in') . ' ' . implode(", ", $mnames);
if ($tasks_result->total > 0) {
    include 'template.php';
Esempio n. 6
	 * Execute a report and return results
	 * @param $id
	 * @param $params
	 * @return array
	static function executeReport($id, $params, $order_by_col = '', $order_by_asc = true, $offset=0, $limit=50, $to_print = false) {
		if (is_null(active_context())) {
			CompanyWebsite::instance()->setContext(build_context_array(array_var($_REQUEST, 'context')));
		$results = array();
		$report = self::getReport($id);
		if($report instanceof Report){
			$conditionsFields = ReportConditions::getAllReportConditionsForFields($id);
			$conditionsCp = ReportConditions::getAllReportConditionsForCustomProperties($id);
			$ot = ObjectTypes::findById($report->getReportObjectTypeId());
			$table = $ot->getTableName();
			eval('$managerInstance = ' . $ot->getHandlerClass() . "::instance();");
			eval('$item_class = ' . $ot->getHandlerClass() . '::instance()->getItemClass(); $object = new $item_class();');
			$order_by = '';
			if (is_object($params)) {
				$params = get_object_vars($params);				
			$report_columns = ReportColumns::getAllReportColumns($id);

			$allConditions = "";
			if(count($conditionsFields) > 0){
				foreach($conditionsFields as $condField){
					$skip_condition = false;
					$model = $ot->getHandlerClass();
					$model_instance = new $model();
					$col_type = $model_instance->getColumnType($condField->getFieldName());

					$allConditions .= ' AND ';
					$dateFormat = 'm/d/Y';
						$value = $params[$condField->getId()];
						if ($col_type == DATA_TYPE_DATE || $col_type == DATA_TYPE_DATETIME)
						$dateFormat = user_config_option('date_format');
					} else {
						$value = $condField->getValue();
					if ($value == '' && $condField->getIsParametrizable()) $skip_condition = true;
					if (!$skip_condition) {
						if($condField->getCondition() == 'like' || $condField->getCondition() == 'not like'){
							$value = '%'.$value.'%';
						if ($col_type == DATA_TYPE_DATE || $col_type == DATA_TYPE_DATETIME) {
							$dtValue = DateTimeValueLib::dateFromFormatAndString($dateFormat, $value);
							$value = $dtValue->format('Y-m-d');
						if($condField->getCondition() != '%'){
							if ($col_type == DATA_TYPE_INTEGER || $col_type == DATA_TYPE_FLOAT) {
								$allConditions .= '`'.$condField->getFieldName().'` '.$condField->getCondition().' '.DB::escape($value);
							} else {
								if ($condField->getCondition()=='=' || $condField->getCondition()=='<=' || $condField->getCondition()=='>='){
									if ($col_type == DATA_TYPE_DATETIME || $col_type == DATA_TYPE_DATE) {
										$equal = 'datediff('.DB::escape($value).', `'.$condField->getFieldName().'`)=0';
									} else {
										$equal = '`'.$condField->getFieldName().'` '.$condField->getCondition().' '.DB::escape($value);
										case '=':
											$allConditions .= $equal;
										case '<=':
										case '>=':
											$allConditions .= '(`'.$condField->getFieldName().'` '.$condField->getCondition().' '.DB::escape($value).' OR '.$equal.') ';
								} else {
									$allConditions .= '`'.$condField->getFieldName().'` '.$condField->getCondition().' '.DB::escape($value);
						} else {
							$allConditions .= '`'.$condField->getFieldName().'` like '.DB::escape("%$value");
					} else $allConditions .= ' true';
			if(count($conditionsCp) > 0){
				$dateFormat = user_config_option('date_format');
				$date_format_tip = date_format_tip($dateFormat);
				foreach($conditionsCp as $condCp){
					$cp = CustomProperties::getCustomProperty($condCp->getCustomPropertyId());

					$skip_condition = false;
						$value = $params[$condCp->getId()."_".$cp->getName()];
						$value = $condCp->getValue();
					if ($value == '' && $condCp->getIsParametrizable()) $skip_condition = true;
					if (!$skip_condition) {
						$current_condition = ' AND ';
						$current_condition .= ' IN ( SELECT object_id as id FROM '.TABLE_PREFIX.'custom_property_values cpv WHERE ';
						$current_condition .= ' cpv.custom_property_id = '.$condCp->getCustomPropertyId();
						$fieldType = $object->getColumnType($condCp->getFieldName());

						if($condCp->getCondition() == 'like' || $condCp->getCondition() == 'not like'){
							$value = '%'.$value.'%';
						if ($cp->getType() == 'date') {
							if ($value == $date_format_tip) continue;
							$dtValue = DateTimeValueLib::dateFromFormatAndString($dateFormat, $value);
							$value = $dtValue->format('Y-m-d H:i:s');
						if($condCp->getCondition() != '%'){
							if ($cp->getType() == 'numeric') {
								$current_condition .= ' AND cpv.value '.$condCp->getCondition().' '.DB::escape($value);
							}else if ($cp->getType() == 'boolean') {
								$current_condition .= ' AND cpv.value '.$condCp->getCondition().' '.$value;
								if (!$value) {
									$current_condition .= ') OR NOT IN (SELECT object_id as id FROM '.TABLE_PREFIX.'custom_property_values cpv2 WHERE AND cpv2.value=1 AND cpv2.custom_property_id = '.$condCp->getCustomPropertyId();
								$current_condition .= ' AND cpv.value '.$condCp->getCondition().' '.DB::escape($value);
							$current_condition .= ' AND cpv.value like '.DB::escape("%$value");
						$current_condition .= ')';
						$allConditions .= $current_condition;
			$select_columns = array('*');
			$join_params = null;
			if ($order_by_col == '') {
				$order_by_col = $report->getOrderBy();
			if (in_array($order_by_col, self::$external_columns)) {
				$original_order_by_col = $order_by_col;
				$order_by_col = 'name_order';
				$join_params = array(
					'table' => Objects::instance()->getTableName(),
					'jt_field' => 'id',
					'e_field' => $original_order_by_col,
					'join_type' => 'left'
				$select_columns = array();
				$tmp_cols = $managerInstance->getColumns();
				foreach ($tmp_cols as $col) $select_columns[] = "e.$col";
				$tmp_cols = Objects::instance()->getColumns();
				foreach ($tmp_cols as $col) $select_columns[] = "o.$col";
				$select_columns[] = ' as name_order';
			if ($order_by_asc == null) $order_by_asc = $report->getIsOrderByAsc();

			if ($ot->getName() == 'task' && !SystemPermissions::userHasSystemPermission(logged_user(), 'can_see_assigned_to_other_tasks')) {
				$allConditions .= " AND assigned_to_contact_id = ".logged_user()->getId();
			if ($managerInstance) {
				$result = $managerInstance->listing(array(
					"select_columns" => $select_columns,
					"order" => "$order_by_col",
					"order_dir" => ($order_by_asc ? "ASC" : "DESC"),
					"extra_conditions" => $allConditions,
					"join_params" => $join_params
				// TODO Performance Killer
				$result = ContentDataObjects::getContentObjects(active_context(), $ot, $order_by_col, ($order_by_asc ? "ASC" : "DESC"), $allConditions);
			$objects = $result->objects;
			$totalResults = $result->total;

			$results['pagination'] = Reports::getReportPagination($id, $params, $order_by_col, $order_by_asc, $offset, $limit, $totalResults);
			$dimensions_cache = array();
			foreach($report_columns as $column){
				if ($column->getCustomPropertyId() == 0) {
					$field = $column->getFieldName();
					if (str_starts_with($field, 'dim_')) {
						$dim_id = str_replace("dim_", "", $field);
						$dimension = Dimensions::getDimensionById($dim_id);
						$dimensions_cache[$dim_id] = $dimension;
						$doptions = $dimension->getOptions(true);
						$column_name = $doptions && isset($doptions->useLangs) && $doptions->useLangs ? lang($dimension->getCode()) : $dimension->getName();
						$results['columns'][$field] = $column_name;
						$results['db_columns'][$column_name] = $field;
					} else {
						if ($managerInstance->columnExists($field) || Objects::instance()->columnExists($field)) {
							$column_name = Localization::instance()->lang('field '.$ot->getHandlerClass().' '.$field);
							if (is_null($column_name)) $column_name = lang('field Objects '.$field);
							$results['columns'][$field] = $column_name;
							$results['db_columns'][$column_name] = $field;
				} else {
					$results['columns'][$column->getCustomPropertyId()] = $column->getCustomPropertyId();
			$report_rows = array();
			foreach($objects as &$object){/* @var $object Object */
				$obj_name = $object->getObjectName();
				$icon_class = $object->getIconClass();
				$row_values = array('object_type_id' => $object->getObjectTypeId());
				if (!$to_print) {
					$row_values['link'] = '<a class="link-ico '.$icon_class.'" title="' . $obj_name . '" target="new" href="' . $object->getViewUrl() . '">&nbsp;</a>';
				foreach($report_columns as $column){
					if ($column->getCustomPropertyId() == 0) {
						$field = $column->getFieldName();
						if (str_starts_with($field, 'dim_')) {
							$dim_id = str_replace("dim_", "", $field);
							if (!array_var($dimensions_cache, $dim_id) instanceof Dimension) {
								$dimension = Dimensions::getDimensionById($dim_id);
								$dimensions_cache[$dim_id] = $dimension;
							} else {
								$dimension = array_var($dimensions_cache, $dim_id);
							$members = ObjectMembers::getMembersByObjectAndDimension($object->getId(), $dim_id, " AND om.is_optimization=0");
							$value = "";
							foreach ($members as $member) {/* @var $member Member */
								$val = $member->getPath();
								$val .= ($val == "" ? "" : "/") . $member->getName();
								if ($value != "") $val = " - $val";
								$value .= $val;
							$row_values[$field] = $value;
						} else {
							$value = $object->getColumnValue($field);
							if ($value instanceof DateTimeValue) {
								$field_type = $managerInstance->columnExists($field) ? $managerInstance->getColumnType($field) : Objects::instance()->getColumnType($field);
								$value = format_value_to_print($field, $value->toMySQL(), $field_type, $report->getReportObjectTypeId());
							if(in_array($field, $managerInstance->getExternalColumns())){
								$value = self::instance()->getExternalColumnValue($field, $value, $managerInstance);
							} else if ($field != 'link'){
								$value = html_to_text($value);
							if(self::isReportColumnEmail($value)) {
									$value = '<a class="internalLink" href="'.get_url('mail', 'add_mail', array('to' => clean($value))).'">'.clean($value).'</a></div>';
									$value = '<a class="internalLink" target="_self" href="mailto:'.clean($value).'">'.clean($value).'</a></div>';
							$row_values[$field] = $value;
					} else {
						$colCp = $column->getCustomPropertyId();
						$cp = CustomProperties::getCustomProperty($colCp);
						if ($cp instanceof CustomProperty) { /* @var $cp CustomProperty */
							$cp_val = CustomPropertyValues::getCustomPropertyValue($object->getId(), $colCp);
							$row_values[$cp->getName()] = $cp_val instanceof CustomPropertyValue ? $cp_val->getValue() : "";
							$results['columns'][$colCp] = $cp->getName();
							$results['db_columns'][$cp->getName()] = $colCp;

				Hook::fire("report_row", $object, $row_values);
				$report_rows[] = $row_values;
			if (!$to_print) {
				if (is_array($results['columns'])) {
					array_unshift($results['columns'], '');
				} else {
					$results['columns'] = array('');
				Hook::fire("report_header", $ot, $results['columns']);
			$results['rows'] = $report_rows;

		return $results;
	} //  executeReport
 function add_timeslot()
     $object_id = array_var($_REQUEST, "object_id", false);
     $timeslot_data = array_var($_POST, 'timeslot');
     if ($object_id) {
         $object = Objects::findObject($object_id);
         if (!$object instanceof ContentDataObject || !$object->canAddTimeslot(logged_user())) {
             flash_error(lang('no access permissions'));
         $member_ids = $object->getMemberIds();
     } else {
         $member_ids = json_decode(array_var($_POST, 'members', array()));
         // clean member_ids
         $tmp_mids = array();
         foreach ($member_ids as $mid) {
             if (!is_null($mid) && trim($mid) != "") {
                 $tmp_mids[] = $mid;
         $member_ids = $tmp_mids;
         if (empty($member_ids)) {
             if (!can_add(logged_user(), active_context(), Timeslots::instance()->getObjectTypeId())) {
                 flash_error(lang('no access permissions'));
         } else {
             if (count($member_ids) > 0) {
                 $enteredMembers = Members::findAll(array('conditions' => 'id IN (' . implode(",", $member_ids) . ')'));
             } else {
                 $enteredMembers = array();
             if (!can_add(logged_user(), $enteredMembers, Timeslots::instance()->getObjectTypeId())) {
                 flash_error(lang('no access permissions'));
         $object_id = 0;
     try {
         $hoursToAdd = array_var($timeslot_data, 'hours', 0);
         $minutes = array_var($timeslot_data, 'minutes', 0);
         if (strpos($hoursToAdd, ',') && !strpos($hoursToAdd, '.')) {
             $hoursToAdd = str_replace(',', '.', $hoursToAdd);
         if (strpos($hoursToAdd, ':') && !strpos($hoursToAdd, '.')) {
             $pos = strpos($hoursToAdd, ':') + 1;
             $len = strlen($hoursToAdd) - $pos;
             $minutesToAdd = substr($hoursToAdd, $pos, $len);
             if (!strlen($minutesToAdd) <= 2 || !strlen($minutesToAdd) > 0) {
                 $minutesToAdd = substr($minutesToAdd, 0, 2);
             $mins = $minutesToAdd / 60;
             $hours = substr($hoursToAdd, 0, $pos - 1);
             $hoursToAdd = $hours + $mins;
         if ($minutes) {
             $min = str_replace('.', '', $minutes / 6);
             $hoursToAdd = $hoursToAdd + ("0." . $min);
         if ($hoursToAdd <= 0) {
             flash_error(lang('time has to be greater than 0'));
         $startTime = getDateValue(array_var($timeslot_data, 'date'));
         $startTime = $startTime->add('h', 8 - logged_user()->getTimezone());
         $endTime = getDateValue(array_var($timeslot_data, 'date'));
         $endTime = $endTime->add('h', 8 - logged_user()->getTimezone() + $hoursToAdd);
         //use current time
         if (array_var($_REQUEST, "use_current_time", false)) {
             $currentStartTime = DateTimeValueLib::now();
             $currentEndTime = DateTimeValueLib::now();
             $currentStartTime = $currentStartTime->add('h', -$hoursToAdd);
         $timeslot_data['start_time'] = $startTime;
         $timeslot_data['end_time'] = $endTime;
         $timeslot_data['description'] = html_to_text($timeslot_data['description']);
         $timeslot_data['name'] = $timeslot_data['description'];
         $timeslot_data['rel_object_id'] = $object_id;
         $timeslot = new Timeslot();
         //Only admins can change timeslot user
         if (!array_var($timeslot_data, 'contact_id', false) || !SystemPermissions::userHasSystemPermission(logged_user(), 'can_manage_time')) {
             $timeslot_data['contact_id'] = logged_user()->getId();
         $user = Contacts::findById($timeslot_data['contact_id']);
         $billing_category_id = $user->getDefaultBillingId();
         $bc = BillingCategories::findById($billing_category_id);
         if ($bc instanceof BillingCategory) {
             $hourly_billing = $bc->getDefaultValue();
             $timeslot->setFixedBilling($hourly_billing * $hoursToAdd);
         $task = ProjectTasks::findById($object_id);
         if ($task instanceof ProjectTask) {
         if (!isset($member_ids) || !is_array($member_ids) || count($member_ids) == 0) {
             $member_ids = json_decode(array_var($_POST, 'members'));
         $object_controller = new ObjectController();
         $object_controller->add_to_members($timeslot, $member_ids);
         ApplicationLogs::createLog($timeslot, ApplicationLogs::ACTION_ADD);
         $show_billing = can_manage_billing(logged_user());
         ajx_extra_data(array("timeslot" => $timeslot->getArrayInfo($show_billing), "real_obj_id" => $timeslot->getRelObjectId()));
     } catch (Exception $e) {
     // try
  * Execute a report and return results
  * @param $id
  * @param $params
  * @return array
 static function executeReport($id, $params, $order_by_col = '', $order_by_asc = true, $offset = 0, $limit = 50, $to_print = false)
     if (is_null(active_context())) {
         CompanyWebsite::instance()->setContext(build_context_array(array_var($_REQUEST, 'context')));
     $results = array();
     $report = self::getReport($id);
     $show_archived = false;
     if ($report instanceof Report) {
         $conditionsFields = ReportConditions::getAllReportConditionsForFields($id);
         $conditionsCp = ReportConditions::getAllReportConditionsForCustomProperties($id);
         $ot = ObjectTypes::findById($report->getReportObjectTypeId());
         $table = $ot->getTableName();
         if ($ot->getType() == 'dimension_object' || $ot->getType() == 'dimension_group') {
             $hook_parameters = array('report' => $report, 'params' => $params, 'order_by_col' => $order_by_col, 'order_by_asc' => $order_by_asc, 'offset' => $offset, 'limit' => $limit, 'to_print' => $to_print);
             $report_result = null;
             Hook::fire('replace_execute_report_function', $hook_parameters, $report_result);
             if ($report_result) {
                 return $report_result;
         eval('$managerInstance = ' . $ot->getHandlerClass() . "::instance();");
         eval('$item_class = ' . $ot->getHandlerClass() . '::instance()->getItemClass(); $object = new $item_class();');
         $order_by = '';
         if (is_object($params)) {
             $params = get_object_vars($params);
         $report_columns = ReportColumns::getAllReportColumns($id);
         $allConditions = "";
         $contact_extra_columns = self::get_extra_contact_columns();
         if (count($conditionsFields) > 0) {
             foreach ($conditionsFields as $condField) {
                 if ($condField->getFieldName() == "archived_on") {
                     $show_archived = true;
                 $skip_condition = false;
                 $model = $ot->getHandlerClass();
                 $model_instance = new $model();
                 $col_type = $model_instance->getColumnType($condField->getFieldName());
                 $allConditions .= ' AND ';
                 $dateFormat = 'm/d/Y';
                 if (isset($params[$condField->getId()])) {
                     $value = $params[$condField->getId()];
                     if ($col_type == DATA_TYPE_DATE || $col_type == DATA_TYPE_DATETIME) {
                         $dateFormat = user_config_option('date_format');
                 } else {
                     $value = $condField->getValue();
                 if ($ot->getHandlerClass() == 'Contacts' && in_array($condField->getFieldName(), $contact_extra_columns)) {
                     $allConditions .= self::get_extra_contact_column_condition($condField->getFieldName(), $condField->getCondition(), $value);
                 } else {
                     if ($value == '' && $condField->getIsParametrizable()) {
                         $skip_condition = true;
                     if (!$skip_condition) {
                         $field_name = $condField->getFieldName();
                         if (in_array($condField->getFieldName(), Objects::getColumns())) {
                             $field_name = 'o`.`' . $condField->getFieldName();
                         if ($condField->getCondition() == 'like' || $condField->getCondition() == 'not like') {
                             $value = '%' . $value . '%';
                         if ($col_type == DATA_TYPE_DATE || $col_type == DATA_TYPE_DATETIME) {
                             if ($value == date_format_tip($dateFormat)) {
                                 $value = EMPTY_DATE;
                             } else {
                                 $dtValue = DateTimeValueLib::dateFromFormatAndString($dateFormat, $value);
                                 $value = $dtValue->format('Y-m-d');
                         if ($condField->getCondition() != '%') {
                             if ($col_type == DATA_TYPE_INTEGER || $col_type == DATA_TYPE_FLOAT) {
                                 $allConditions .= '`' . $field_name . '` ' . $condField->getCondition() . ' ' . DB::escape($value);
                             } else {
                                 if ($condField->getCondition() == '=' || $condField->getCondition() == '<=' || $condField->getCondition() == '>=') {
                                     if ($col_type == DATA_TYPE_DATETIME || $col_type == DATA_TYPE_DATE) {
                                         $equal = 'datediff(' . DB::escape($value) . ', `' . $field_name . '`)=0';
                                     } else {
                                         $equal = '`' . $field_name . '` ' . $condField->getCondition() . ' ' . DB::escape($value);
                                     switch ($condField->getCondition()) {
                                         case '=':
                                             $allConditions .= $equal;
                                         case '<=':
                                         case '>=':
                                             $allConditions .= '(`' . $field_name . '` ' . $condField->getCondition() . ' ' . DB::escape($value) . ' OR ' . $equal . ') ';
                                 } else {
                                     $allConditions .= '`' . $field_name . '` ' . $condField->getCondition() . ' ' . DB::escape($value);
                         } else {
                             $allConditions .= '`' . $field_name . '` like ' . DB::escape("%{$value}");
                     } else {
                         $allConditions .= ' true';
         if (count($conditionsCp) > 0) {
             $dateFormat = user_config_option('date_format');
             $date_format_tip = date_format_tip($dateFormat);
             foreach ($conditionsCp as $condCp) {
                 $cp = CustomProperties::getCustomProperty($condCp->getCustomPropertyId());
                 $skip_condition = false;
                 if (isset($params[$condCp->getId() . "_" . $cp->getName()])) {
                     $value = $params[$condCp->getId() . "_" . $cp->getName()];
                 } else {
                     $value = $condCp->getValue();
                 if ($value == '' && $condCp->getIsParametrizable()) {
                     $skip_condition = true;
                 if (!$skip_condition) {
                     $current_condition = ' AND ';
                     $current_condition .= ' IN ( SELECT object_id as id FROM ' . TABLE_PREFIX . 'custom_property_values cpv WHERE ';
                     $current_condition .= ' cpv.custom_property_id = ' . $condCp->getCustomPropertyId();
                     $fieldType = $object->getColumnType($condCp->getFieldName());
                     if ($condCp->getCondition() == 'like' || $condCp->getCondition() == 'not like') {
                         $value = '%' . $value . '%';
                     if ($cp->getType() == 'date') {
                         if ($value == $date_format_tip) {
                         $dtValue = DateTimeValueLib::dateFromFormatAndString($dateFormat, $value);
                         $value = $dtValue->format('Y-m-d H:i:s');
                     if ($condCp->getCondition() != '%') {
                         if ($cp->getType() == 'numeric') {
                             $current_condition .= ' AND cpv.value ' . $condCp->getCondition() . ' ' . DB::escape($value);
                         } else {
                             if ($cp->getType() == 'boolean') {
                                 $current_condition .= ' AND cpv.value ' . $condCp->getCondition() . ' ' . ($value ? '1' : '0');
                                 if (!$value) {
                                     $current_condition .= ') OR NOT IN (SELECT object_id as id FROM ' . TABLE_PREFIX . 'custom_property_values cpv2 WHERE AND cpv2.value=1 AND cpv2.custom_property_id = ' . $condCp->getCustomPropertyId();
                             } else {
                                 $current_condition .= ' AND cpv.value ' . $condCp->getCondition() . ' ' . DB::escape($value);
                     } else {
                         $current_condition .= ' AND cpv.value like ' . DB::escape("%{$value}");
                     $current_condition .= ')';
                     $allConditions .= $current_condition;
         $select_columns = array('*');
         $join_params = null;
         if ($order_by_col == '') {
             $order_by_col = $report->getOrderBy();
         if ($ot->getHandlerClass() == 'Contacts' && in_array($order_by_col, $contact_extra_columns)) {
             $join_params = self::get_extra_contact_column_order_by($order_by_col, $order_by_col, $select_columns);
         $original_order_by_col = $order_by_col;
         if (in_array($order_by_col, self::$external_columns)) {
             $order_by_col = 'name_order';
             $join_params = array('table' => Objects::instance()->getTableName(), 'jt_field' => 'id', 'e_field' => $original_order_by_col, 'join_type' => 'left');
             $select_columns = array();
             $tmp_cols = $managerInstance->getColumns();
             foreach ($tmp_cols as $col) {
                 $select_columns[] = "e.{$col}";
             $tmp_cols = Objects::instance()->getColumns();
             foreach ($tmp_cols as $col) {
                 $select_columns[] = "o.{$col}";
             $select_columns[] = ' as name_order';
         if ($order_by_asc == null) {
             $order_by_asc = $report->getIsOrderByAsc();
         if ($ot->getName() == 'task' && !SystemPermissions::userHasSystemPermission(logged_user(), 'can_see_assigned_to_other_tasks')) {
             $allConditions .= " AND assigned_to_contact_id = " . logged_user()->getId();
         if ($managerInstance) {
             if ($order_by_col == "order") {
                 $order_by_col = "`{$order_by_col}`";
             $listing_parameters = array("select_columns" => $select_columns, "order" => "{$order_by_col}", "order_dir" => $order_by_asc ? "ASC" : "DESC", "extra_conditions" => $allConditions, "count_results" => true, "join_params" => $join_params);
             if ($limit > 0) {
                 $listing_parameters["start"] = $offset;
                 $listing_parameters["limit"] = $limit;
             if ($show_archived) {
                 $listing_parameters["archived"] = true;
             $result = $managerInstance->listing($listing_parameters);
         } else {
             // TODO Performance Killer
             $result = ContentDataObjects::getContentObjects(active_context(), $ot, $order_by_col, $order_by_asc ? "ASC" : "DESC", $allConditions);
         $objects = $result->objects;
         $totalResults = $result->total;
         $results['pagination'] = Reports::getReportPagination($id, $params, $original_order_by_col, $order_by_asc, $offset, $limit, $totalResults);
         $dimensions_cache = array();
         foreach ($report_columns as $column) {
             if ($column->getCustomPropertyId() == 0) {
                 $field = $column->getFieldName();
                 if (str_starts_with($field, 'dim_')) {
                     $dim_id = str_replace("dim_", "", $field);
                     $dimension = Dimensions::getDimensionById($dim_id);
                     $dimensions_cache[$dim_id] = $dimension;
                     $column_name = $dimension->getName();
                     $results['columns'][$field] = $column_name;
                     $results['db_columns'][$column_name] = $field;
                 } else {
                     if ($managerInstance->columnExists($field) || Objects::instance()->columnExists($field)) {
                         $column_name = Localization::instance()->lang('field ' . $ot->getHandlerClass() . ' ' . $field);
                         if (is_null($column_name)) {
                             $column_name = lang('field Objects ' . $field);
                         $results['columns'][$field] = $column_name;
                         $results['db_columns'][$column_name] = $field;
                     } else {
                         if ($ot->getHandlerClass() == 'Contacts') {
                             if (in_array($field, $contact_extra_columns)) {
                                 $results['columns'][$field] = lang($field);
                                 $results['db_columns'][lang($field)] = $field;
                         } else {
                             if ($ot->getHandlerClass() == 'Timeslots') {
                                 if (in_array($field, array('time', 'billing'))) {
                                     $results['columns'][$field] = lang('field Objects ' . $field);
                                     $results['db_columns'][lang('field Objects ' . $field)] = $field;
                             } else {
                                 if ($ot->getHandlerClass() == 'MailContents') {
                                     if (in_array($field, array('to', 'cc', 'bcc', 'body_plain', 'body_html'))) {
                                         $results['columns'][$field] = lang('field Objects ' . $field);
                                         $results['db_columns'][lang('field Objects ' . $field)] = $field;
             } else {
                 $results['columns'][$column->getCustomPropertyId()] = $column->getCustomPropertyId();
         $report_rows = array();
         foreach ($objects as &$object) {
             /* @var $object Object */
             $obj_name = $object->getObjectName();
             $icon_class = $object->getIconClass();
             $row_values = array('object_type_id' => $object->getObjectTypeId());
             if (!$to_print) {
                 $row_values['link'] = '<a class="link-ico ' . $icon_class . '" title="' . clean($obj_name) . '" target="new" href="' . $object->getViewUrl() . '">&nbsp;</a>';
             foreach ($report_columns as $column) {
                 if ($column->getCustomPropertyId() == 0) {
                     $field = $column->getFieldName();
                     if (str_starts_with($field, 'dim_')) {
                         $dim_id = str_replace("dim_", "", $field);
                         if (!array_var($dimensions_cache, $dim_id) instanceof Dimension) {
                             $dimension = Dimensions::getDimensionById($dim_id);
                             $dimensions_cache[$dim_id] = $dimension;
                         } else {
                             $dimension = array_var($dimensions_cache, $dim_id);
                         $om_object_id = $object instanceof Timeslot ? $object->getRelObjectId() : $object->getId();
                         $members = ObjectMembers::getMembersByObjectAndDimension($om_object_id, $dim_id, " AND om.is_optimization=0");
                         $value = "";
                         foreach ($members as $member) {
                             /* @var $member Member */
                             $val = $member->getPath();
                             $val .= ($val == "" ? "" : "/") . $member->getName();
                             if ($value != "") {
                                 $val = " - {$val}";
                             $value .= $val;
                         $row_values[$field] = $value;
                     } else {
                         if ($object instanceof Timeslot) {
                             if ($field == 'id') {
                                 $value = $object->getObjectId();
                             } else {
                                 $value = $object->getColumnValue($field);
                                 // if it is a task column
                                 if (in_array($field, ProjectTasks::instance()->getColumns())) {
                                     $task = ProjectTasks::findById($object->getRelObjectId());
                                     // if task exists
                                     if ($task instanceof ProjectTask) {
                                         $value = $task->getColumnValue($field);
                                         // if it is an external task column
                                         if (in_array($field, ProjectTasks::instance()->getExternalColumns())) {
                                             $value = self::instance()->getExternalColumnValue($field, $value, ProjectTasks::instance());
                                         } else {
                                             // if is a date then use format
                                             if (ProjectTasks::instance()->getColumnType($field) == DATA_TYPE_DATETIME && $value instanceof DateTimeValue) {
                                                 $value = format_value_to_print($field, $value->toMySQL(), DATA_TYPE_DATETIME, $report->getReportObjectTypeId());
                                     $results['columns'][$field] = lang('field ProjectTasks ' . $field);
                                     $results['db_columns'][lang('field ProjectTasks ' . $field)] = $field;
                         } else {
                             $value = $object->getColumnValue($field);
                         if ($value instanceof DateTimeValue) {
                             $dateFormat = user_config_option('date_format');
                             Hook::fire("custom_property_date_format", null, $dateFormat);
                             $tz = logged_user()->getTimezone();
                             if ($object instanceof ProjectTask) {
                                 if ($field == 'due_date' && !$object->getUseDueTime() || $field == 'start_date' && !$object->getUseStartTime()) {
                                     $dateFormat = user_config_option('date_format');
                                     $tz = 0;
                             $value = format_date($value, $dateFormat, $tz * 3600);
                         if (in_array($field, $managerInstance->getExternalColumns())) {
                             if ($object instanceof Timeslot && $field == 'time') {
                                 $lastStop = $object->getEndTime() != null ? $object->getEndTime() : ($object->isPaused() ? $object->getPausedOn() : DateTimeValueLib::now());
                                 $seconds = $lastStop->getTimestamp() - $object->getStartTime()->getTimestamp();
                                 $hours = number_format($seconds / 3600, 2, ',', '.');
                                 $value = $hours;
                                 //$value = DateTimeValue::FormatTimeDiff($object->getStartTime(), $lastStop, "hm", 60, $object->getSubtract());
                             } else {
                                 if ($object instanceof Timeslot && $field == 'billing') {
                                     $value = config_option('currency_code', '$') . ' ' . $object->getFixedBilling();
                                 } else {
                                     $value = self::instance()->getExternalColumnValue($field, $value, $managerInstance);
                         } else {
                             if ($field != 'link') {
                                 //$value = html_to_text(html_entity_decode($value));
                                 if ($object->getColumnType($field) == DATA_TYPE_STRING) {
                                     // change html block end tags and brs to \n, then remove all other html tags, then replace \n with <br>, to remove all styles and keep the enters
                                     $value = str_replace(array("</div>", "</p>", "<br>", "<br />", "<br/>"), "\n", $value);
                                     $value = nl2br(strip_tags($value));
                         if (self::isReportColumnEmail($value)) {
                             if (logged_user()->hasMailAccounts()) {
                                 $value = '<a class="internalLink" href="' . get_url('mail', 'add_mail', array('to' => clean($value))) . '">' . clean($value) . '</a></div>';
                             } else {
                                 $value = '<a class="internalLink" target="_self" href="mailto:' . clean($value) . '">' . clean($value) . '</a></div>';
                         $row_values[$field] = $value;
                         if ($ot->getHandlerClass() == 'Contacts') {
                             if ($managerInstance instanceof Contacts) {
                                 $contact = Contacts::findOne(array("conditions" => "object_id = " . $object->getId()));
                                 if ($field == "email_address") {
                                     $row_values[$field] = $contact->getEmailAddress();
                                 if ($field == "is_user") {
                                     $row_values[$field] = $contact->getUserType() > 0 && !$contact->getIsCompany();
                                 if ($field == "im_values") {
                                     $str = "";
                                     foreach ($contact->getAllImValues() as $type => $value) {
                                         $str .= ($str == "" ? "" : " | ") . "{$type}: {$value}";
                                     $row_values[$field] = $str;
                                 if (in_array($field, array("mobile_phone", "work_phone", "home_phone"))) {
                                     if ($field == "mobile_phone") {
                                         $row_values[$field] = $contact->getPhoneNumber('mobile', null, false);
                                     } else {
                                         if ($field == "work_phone") {
                                             $row_values[$field] = $contact->getPhoneNumber('work', null, false);
                                         } else {
                                             if ($field == "home_phone") {
                                                 $row_values[$field] = $contact->getPhoneNumber('home', null, false);
                                 if (in_array($field, array("personal_webpage", "work_webpage", "other_webpage"))) {
                                     if ($field == "personal_webpage") {
                                         $row_values[$field] = $contact->getWebpageUrl('personal');
                                     } else {
                                         if ($field == "work_webpage") {
                                             $row_values[$field] = $contact->getWebpageUrl('work');
                                         } else {
                                             if ($field == "other_webpage") {
                                                 $row_values[$field] = $contact->getWebpageUrl('other');
                                 if (in_array($field, array("home_address", "work_address", "other_address"))) {
                                     if ($field == "home_address") {
                                         $row_values[$field] = $contact->getStringAddress('home');
                                     } else {
                                         if ($field == "work_address") {
                                             $row_values[$field] = $contact->getStringAddress('work');
                                         } else {
                                             if ($field == "other_address") {
                                                 $row_values[$field] = $contact->getStringAddress('other');
                         } else {
                             if ($ot->getHandlerClass() == 'MailContents') {
                                 if (in_array($field, array('to', 'cc', 'bcc', 'body_plain', 'body_html'))) {
                                     $mail_data = MailDatas::findById($object->getId());
                                     $row_values[$field] = $mail_data->getColumnValue($field);
                                     if ($field == "body_html") {
                                         if (class_exists("DOMDocument")) {
                                             $d = new DOMDocument();
                                             $mock = new DOMDocument();
                                             $body = $d->getElementsByTagName('body')->item(0);
                                             foreach ($body->childNodes as $child) {
                                                 $mock->appendChild($mock->importNode($child, true));
                                             // if css is inside an html comment => remove it
                                             $row_values[$field] = preg_replace('/<!--(.*)-->/Uis', '', remove_css($row_values[$field]));
                                         } else {
                                             $row_values[$field] = preg_replace('/<!--(.*)-->/Uis', '', remove_css_and_scripts($row_values[$field]));
                         if (!$to_print && $field == "name") {
                             $row_values[$field] = '<a target="new-' . $object->getId() . '" href="' . $object->getViewUrl() . '">' . $value . '</a>';
                 } else {
                     $colCp = $column->getCustomPropertyId();
                     $cp = CustomProperties::getCustomProperty($colCp);
                     if ($cp instanceof CustomProperty) {
                         /* @var $cp CustomProperty */
                         $row_values[$cp->getName()] = get_custom_property_value_for_listing($cp, $object);
                         $results['columns'][$colCp] = $cp->getName();
                         $results['db_columns'][$cp->getName()] = $colCp;
             Hook::fire("report_row", $object, $row_values);
             $report_rows[] = $row_values;
         if (!$to_print) {
             if (is_array($results['columns'])) {
                 array_unshift($results['columns'], '');
             } else {
                 $results['columns'] = array('');
             Hook::fire("report_header", $ot, $results['columns']);
         $results['rows'] = $report_rows;
     return $results;
Esempio n. 9
 * Returns whether a user can manage configuration.
 * @param Contact $user
 * @return boolean
function can_manage_configuration(Contact $user)
    return SystemPermissions::userHasSystemPermission($user, 'can_manage_configuration');
Esempio n. 10
	function add_timeslot(){
		if (!can_add(logged_user(), active_context(), Timeslots::instance()->getObjectTypeId())) {
			flash_error(lang('no access permissions'));
		$timeslot_data = array_var($_POST, 'timeslot');
		try {
			$hoursToAdd = array_var($timeslot_data, 'hours',0);
			$minutes = array_var($timeslot_data, 'minutes',0);
			if (strpos($hoursToAdd,',') && !strpos($hoursToAdd,'.'))
				$hoursToAdd = str_replace(',','.',$hoursToAdd);
			if (strpos($hoursToAdd,':') && !strpos($hoursToAdd,'.')) {
				$pos = strpos($hoursToAdd,':') + 1;
				$len = strlen($hoursToAdd) - $pos;
				$minutesToAdd = substr($hoursToAdd,$pos,$len);
				if( !strlen($minutesToAdd)<=2 || !strlen($minutesToAdd)>0){
					$minutesToAdd = substr($minutesToAdd,0,2);
				$mins = $minutesToAdd / 60;
				$hours = substr($hoursToAdd, 0, $pos-1);
				$hoursToAdd = $hours + $mins;
				$min = str_replace('.','',($minutes/6));
				$hoursToAdd = $hoursToAdd + ("0.".$min);
			if ($hoursToAdd <= 0){
				flash_error(lang('time has to be greater than 0'));
			$startTime = getDateValue(array_var($timeslot_data, 'date'));
			$startTime = $startTime->add('h', 8 - logged_user()->getTimezone());
			$endTime = getDateValue(array_var($timeslot_data, 'date'));
			$endTime = $endTime->add('h', 8 - logged_user()->getTimezone() + $hoursToAdd);
			$timeslot_data['start_time'] = $startTime;
			$timeslot_data['end_time'] = $endTime;
			$timeslot_data['name'] = $timeslot_data['description'];
			$timeslot_data['object_id'] = 0;//array_var($timeslot_data,'project_id');
			$timeslot = new Timeslot();
			//Only admins can change timeslot user
			if (!array_var($timeslot_data, 'contact_id', false) || !SystemPermissions::userHasSystemPermission(logged_user(), 'can_manage_time')) {
				$timeslot_data['contact_id'] = logged_user()->getId();
			$user = Contacts::findById($timeslot_data['contact_id']);
			$billing_category_id = $user->getDefaultBillingId();
			$bc = BillingCategories::findById($billing_category_id);
			if ($bc instanceof BillingCategory) {
				$hourly_billing = $bc->getDefaultValue();
				$timeslot->setFixedBilling($hourly_billing * $hoursToAdd);
			$member_ids = json_decode(array_var($_POST, 'members'));
			$object_controller = new ObjectController();
			$object_controller->add_to_members($timeslot, $member_ids);
			ApplicationLogs::createLog($timeslot, ApplicationLogs::ACTION_ADD);
			$show_billing = can_manage_billing(logged_user());
			ajx_extra_data(array("timeslot" => $timeslot->getArrayInfo($show_billing)));
		} catch(Exception $e) {
		} // try
 function list_objects()
     /* get query parameters */
     $filesPerPage = config_option('files_per_page');
     $start = array_var($_GET, 'start') ? (int) array_var($_GET, 'start') : 0;
     $limit = array_var($_GET, 'limit') ? array_var($_GET, 'limit') : $filesPerPage;
     $order = array_var($_GET, 'sort');
     $id_no_select = array_var($_GET, 'id_no_select', "undefined");
     $ignore_context = (bool) array_var($_GET, 'ignore_context');
     $member_ids = json_decode(array_var($_GET, 'member_ids'));
     $extra_member_ids = json_decode(array_var($_GET, 'extra_member_ids'));
     $orderdir = array_var($_GET, 'dir');
     if (!in_array(strtoupper($orderdir), array('ASC', 'DESC'))) {
         $orderdir = 'ASC';
     if ($order == "dateUpdated") {
         $order = "updated_on";
     } elseif ($order == "dateArchived") {
         $order = "archived_on";
     } elseif ($order == "dateDeleted") {
         $order = "trashed_on";
     } elseif ($order == "name") {
         $order = "name";
     } else {
         $order = "";
         $orderdir = "";
     $extra_list_params = array_var($_GET, 'extra_list_params');
     $extra_list_params = json_decode($extra_list_params);
     $page = (int) ($start / $limit) + 1;
     $hide_private = !logged_user()->isMemberOfOwnerCompany();
     $typeCSV = array_var($_GET, 'type');
     $types = null;
     if ($typeCSV) {
         $types = explode(",", $typeCSV);
     $name_filter = mysql_real_escape_string(array_var($_GET, 'name'));
     $linked_obj_filter = array_var($_GET, 'linkedobject');
     $object_ids_filter = '';
     $show_all_linked_objects = false;
     if (!is_null($linked_obj_filter)) {
         $show_all_linked_objects = true;
         $linkedObject = Objects::findObject($linked_obj_filter);
         $objs = $linkedObject->getLinkedObjects();
         foreach ($objs as $obj) {
             $object_ids_filter .= ($object_ids_filter == '' ? '' : ',') . $obj->getId();
     $filters = array();
     if (!is_null($types)) {
         $filters['types'] = $types;
     if (!is_null($name_filter)) {
         $filters['name'] = $name_filter;
     if ($object_ids_filter != '') {
         $filters['object_ids'] = $object_ids_filter;
     $user = array_var($_GET, 'user');
     $trashed = array_var($_GET, 'trashed', false);
     $archived = array_var($_GET, 'archived', false);
     /* if there's an action to execute, do so */
     if (!$show_all_linked_objects) {
     $filterName = array_var($_GET, 'name');
     $template_object_names = "";
     $template_extra_condition = "true";
     $template_objects = false;
     if (in_array("template_task", array_var($filters, 'types', array())) || in_array("template_milestone", array_var($filters, 'types', array()))) {
         $template_id = 0;
         $template_objects = true;
         if (isset($extra_list_params->template_id)) {
             $template_id = $extra_list_params->template_id;
         $tmpl_task = TemplateTasks::findById(intval($id_no_select));
         if ($tmpl_task instanceof TemplateTask) {
             $template_extra_condition = " IN (SELECT object_id from " . TABLE_PREFIX . "template_tasks WHERE `template_id`=" . $tmpl_task->getTemplateId() . " OR `template_id`=0 AND `session_id`=" . logged_user()->getId() . " )";
         } else {
             $template_extra_condition = " IN (SELECT object_id from " . TABLE_PREFIX . "template_tasks WHERE `template_id`=" . intval($template_id) . " OR `template_id`=0 AND `session_id`=" . logged_user()->getId() . " )";
     } else {
         $template_object_names = "AND name <> 'template_task' AND name <> 'template_milestone'";
     $result = null;
     $context = active_context();
     $obj_type_types = array('content_object', 'dimension_object');
     if (array_var($_GET, 'include_comments')) {
         $obj_type_types[] = 'comment';
     $type_condition = "";
     if ($types) {
         $type_condition = " AND name IN ('" . implode("','", $types) . "')";
     $extra_conditions = array();
     // user filter
     if (in_array("contact", array_var($filters, 'types', array())) && isset($extra_list_params->is_user)) {
         $joins[] = "\r\n\t\t\t\tLEFT JOIN " . TABLE_PREFIX . "contacts c on";
         $extra_conditions[] = "\r\n\t\t\t\tc.user_type " . ($extra_list_params->is_user == 1 ? ">" : "=") . " 0";
         if (isset($extra_list_params->has_permissions) && $extra_list_params->has_permissions > 0) {
             $mem_id = $extra_list_params->has_permissions;
             $extra_conditions[] = " EXISTS (\r\n\t\t\t\t\tSELECT cmp.permission_group_id FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "contact_member_permissions cmp\r\n\t\t\t\t\tWHERE cmp.permission_group_id IN (SELECT x.permission_group_id FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "contact_permission_groups x WHERE\r\n\t\t\t\t\tAND cmp.member_id='{$mem_id}' \r\n\t\t\t\t\tAND cmp.object_type_id NOT IN (SELECT tp.object_type_id FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "tab_panels tp WHERE tp.enabled=0)\r\n\t\t\t\t\tAND cmp.object_type_id NOT IN (SELECT FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "object_types oott WHERE IN ('comment','template'))\r\n\t\t\t\t\tAND cmp.object_type_id IN (SELECT FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "object_types oott2 WHERE oott2.type IN ('content_object','dimension_object'))\r\n\t\t\t\t)";
     // Object type filter - exclude template types (if not template picker), filter by required type names (if specified) and match value with objects table
     $extra_object_type_conditions = "\r\n\t\t\tAND name <> 'file revision' {$template_object_names} {$type_condition} AND o.object_type_id =";
     $extra_conditions[] = ObjectTypes::getListableObjectsSqlCondition($extra_object_type_conditions);
     // --
     // logged user permission group ids
     $logged_user_pg_ids = implode(',', logged_user()->getPermissionGroupIds());
     // used in template object picker
     $extra_conditions[] = $template_extra_condition;
     // when filtering by name
     if ($name_filter) {
         $extra_conditions[] = "\r\n\t\t\t\tname LIKE '%{$name_filter}%'";
     // when excluding some object in particular
     if ($id_no_select != "undefined") {
         $extra_conditions[] = "\r\n\t\t\t\tid <> '{$id_no_select}'";
     // when filtering by some group of objects, for example in the linked objects view
     if ($object_ids_filter != "") {
         $extra_conditions[] = "\r\n\t\t\t\tid in ({$object_ids_filter})";
     $joins[] = "\r\n\t\t\tLEFT JOIN " . TABLE_PREFIX . "project_tasks pt on";
     if (!SystemPermissions::userHasSystemPermission(logged_user(), 'can_see_assigned_to_other_tasks')) {
         // exclude other users' tasks if cannot see them
         $extra_conditions[] = "\r\n\t\t\t\t( pt.assigned_to_contact_id IS NULL OR pt.assigned_to_contact_id= " . logged_user()->getId() . ")";
     // don't include tasks which have is_template=1
     $extra_conditions[] = "\r\n\t\t\t( pt.is_template IS NULL OR pt.is_template=0)";
     // trashed conditions
     $extra_conditions[] = "\r\n\t\t\to.trashed_on" . ($trashed ? "<>" : "=") . "0";
     // archived conditions
     $extra_conditions[] = "\r\n\t\t\to.archived_on" . ($archived ? "<>" : "=") . "0";
     // don't include unclassified mails from other accounts
     if (Plugins::instance()->isActivePlugin('mail')) {
         $accounts_of_loggued_user = MailAccountContacts::getByContact(logged_user());
         $account_ids = array(0);
         foreach ($accounts_of_loggued_user as $acc) {
             $account_ids[] = $acc->getAccountId();
         $joins[] = "\r\n\t\t\t\tLEFT JOIN " . TABLE_PREFIX . "mail_contents mc on\r\n\t\t\t";
         $extra_conditions[] = "\r\n\t\t\t\tIF( mc.account_id IS NULL, true, mc.account_id IN (" . implode(',', $account_ids) . ") OR EXISTS (\r\n\t\t\t\t\tSELECT om1.object_id FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "object_members om1 \r\n\t\t\t\t\t\tINNER JOIN " . TABLE_PREFIX . "members m1 ON \r\n\t\t\t\t\t\tINNER JOIN " . TABLE_PREFIX . "dimensions d1 ON \r\n\t\t\t\t\tWHERE AND d1.is_manageable=1)\r\n\t\t\t\t)";
     // don't show attached files of emails that cannot be viewed
     if (logged_user()->isAdministrator() && Plugins::instance()->isActivePlugin('mail')) {
         $joins[] = "LEFT JOIN " . TABLE_PREFIX . "project_files pf on";
         $extra_conditions[] = "IF(pf.mail_id IS NULL OR pf.mail_id = 0, true, \r\n\t\t\t\tpf.mail_id IN (SELECT sh.object_id FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "sharing_table sh WHERE pf.mail_id = sh.object_id AND sh.group_id  IN ({$logged_user_pg_ids})))";
     $only_count_result = array_var($_GET, 'only_result', false);
     $count_results = array_var($_GET, 'count_results', false);
     // Members filter
     $sql_members = "";
     if (!$ignore_context && !$member_ids) {
         $members = active_context_members(false);
         // Context Members Ids
     } elseif (count($member_ids)) {
         $members = $member_ids;
     } else {
         // get members from context
         if (!$ignore_context) {
             $members = active_context_members(false);
     if (is_array($extra_member_ids)) {
         if (isset($members)) {
             $members = array_merge($members, $extra_member_ids);
         } else {
             $members = $extra_member_ids;
     if (isset($members) && is_array($members) && count($members) > 0 && !(isset($template_id) && $template_id > 0)) {
         $sql_members = "\r\n\t\t\t\tAND (EXISTS (SELECT om.object_id\r\n\t\t\t\t\tFROM  " . TABLE_PREFIX . "object_members om\r\n\t\t\t\t\tWHERE om.member_id IN (" . implode(',', $members) . ") AND = om.object_id \r\n\t\t\t\t\tGROUP BY object_id\r\n\t\t\t\t\tHAVING count(member_id) = " . count($members) . "\r\n\t\t\t\t))\r\n\t\t\t";
     // --
     // Permissions filter
     if (isset($template_id) && $template_id > 0) {
         // editing template items do not check permissions
         $sql_permissions = "";
     } else {
         $sql_permissions = "\r\n\t\t\t\tAND EXISTS (SELECT sh.object_id FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "sharing_table sh WHERE AND sh.group_id IN ({$logged_user_pg_ids}))\r\n\t\t\t";
     // Main select
     $sql_select = "SELECT * FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "objects o ";
     // Joins
     $sql_joins = implode(" ", $joins);
     // Where
     $sql_where = "\r\n\t\t\tWHERE " . implode(" AND ", $extra_conditions) . $sql_permissions . $sql_members;
     // Order
     $sql_order = "";
     if ($order) {
         $sql_order = "\r\n\t\t\t\tORDER BY {$order} {$orderdir}\r\n\t\t\t";
     // Limit
     $sql_limit = "";
     if ($start >= 0 && $limit > 0) {
         $sql_limit = " LIMIT {$start}, {$limit}";
     // Full SQL
     $sql = "{$sql_select} {$sql_joins} {$sql_where} {$sql_order} {$sql_limit}";
     // Execute query
     if (!$only_count_result) {
         $rows = DB::executeAll($sql);
     // get total items
     if ($count_results) {
         $sql_count = "SELECT count( as total_items FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "objects o {$sql_joins} {$sql_where}";
         $rows_count = DB::executeAll($sql_count);
         $total_items = $rows_count[0]['total_items'];
     } else {
         if (isset($rows) && is_array($rows)) {
             $total_items = count($rows) < $filesPerPage ? count($rows) : 1000000;
         } else {
             $total_items = 0;
     // prepare response object
     $info = array();
     // get objects
     if (isset($rows) && is_array($rows)) {
         foreach ($rows as $row) {
             $instance = Objects::findObject($row['id']);
             if (!$instance instanceof ContentDataObject) {
             $info_elem = $instance->getObject()->getArrayInfo();
             $info_elem['url'] = $instance->getViewUrl();
             $info_elem['isRead'] = $instance->getIsRead(logged_user()->getId());
             $info_elem['manager'] = get_class($instance->manager());
             $info_elem['memPath'] = json_encode($instance->getMembersIdsToDisplayPath());
             if ($instance instanceof Contact) {
                 if ($instance->isCompany()) {
                     $info_elem['icon'] = 'ico-company';
                     $info_elem['type'] = 'company';
                 } else {
                     $info_elem['memPath'] = json_encode($instance->getUserType() ? "" : $instance->getMembersIdsToDisplayPath());
             } else {
                 if ($instance instanceof ProjectFile) {
                     $info_elem['mimeType'] = $instance->getTypeString();
             $info[] = $info_elem;
     $listing = array("totalCount" => $total_items, "start" => $start, "objects" => $info);
     tpl_assign("listing", $listing);
     if (isset($reload) && $reload) {
     } else {
Esempio n. 12
 * Returns whether a user can link objects.
 * @param Contact $user
 * @return boolean
function can_link_objects(Contact $user)
    return SystemPermissions::userHasSystemPermission($user, 'can_link_objects');
Esempio n. 13
	function new_list_tasks(){
		//load config options into cache for better performance
		load_user_config_options_by_category_name('task panel');
		// get query parameters, save user preferences if necessary
		$status = array_var($_GET,'status',null);
		if (is_null($status) || $status == '') {
			$status = user_config_option('task panel status',2);
		} else
		if (user_config_option('task panel status') != $status) {
			set_user_config_option('task panel status', $status, logged_user()->getId());

		$previous_filter = user_config_option('task panel filter', 'no_filter');
		$filter = array_var($_GET, 'filter');
		if (is_null($filter) || $filter == '') {
			$filter = $previous_filter;
		} else if ($previous_filter != $filter) {
			set_user_config_option('task panel filter', $filter, logged_user()->getId());

		if ($filter != 'no_filter'){
			$filter_value = array_var($_GET,'fval');
			if (is_null($filter_value) || $filter_value == '') {
				$filter_value = user_config_option('task panel filter value', null, logged_user()->getId());
				set_user_config_option('task panel filter value', $filter_value, logged_user()->getId());
				$filter = $previous_filter;
				set_user_config_option('task panel filter', $filter, logged_user()->getId());
			} else
			if (user_config_option('task panel filter value') != $filter_value) {
				set_user_config_option('task panel filter value', $filter_value, logged_user()->getId());
		$isJson = array_var($_GET,'isJson',false);
		if ($isJson) ajx_current("empty");

		$template_condition = "`is_template` = 0 ";

		//Get the task query conditions
		$task_filter_condition = "";
			case 'assigned_to':
				$assigned_to = $filter_value;
				if ($assigned_to > 0) {
					$task_filter_condition = " AND (`assigned_to_contact_id` = " . $assigned_to . ") ";
				} else {
					if ($assigned_to == -1) 
						$task_filter_condition = " AND `assigned_to_contact_id` = 0";
			case 'assigned_by':
				if ($filter_value != 0) {
					$task_filter_condition = " AND  `assigned_by_id` = " . $filter_value . " ";
			case 'created_by':
				if ($filter_value != 0) {
					$task_filter_condition = " AND  `created_by_id` = " . $filter_value . " ";
			case 'completed_by':
				if ($filter_value != 0) {
					$task_filter_condition = " AND  `completed_by_id` = " . $filter_value . " ";
			case 'milestone':
				$task_filter_condition = " AND  `milestone_id` = " . $filter_value . " ";
			case 'priority':
				$task_filter_condition = " AND  `priority` = " . $filter_value . " ";
			case 'subtype':
				if ($filter_value != 0) {
					$task_filter_condition = " AND  `object_subtype` = " . $filter_value . " ";
			case 'subscribed_to':
				if ($filter_value > 0) {
					$res20 = DB::execute("SELECT object_id FROM ". TABLE_PREFIX . "object_subscriptions WHERE `contact_id` = " . $filter_value);
					$subs_rows = $res20->fetchAll($res20);
					$subs = array();
					if(count($subs_rows) > 0){
						foreach($subs_rows as $row) $subs[] = $row['object_id'];
						unset($res20, $subs_rows, $row);
						if(count($subs) > 0){
							$task_filter_condition = " AND `completed_on` = " . DB::escape(EMPTY_DATETIME) . " AND `id` IN(" . implode(',', $subs) . ")";
						$task_filter_condition = " AND `completed_on` = " . DB::escape(EMPTY_DATETIME) . " AND `id` = -1";
			case 'no_filter':
				$task_filter_condition = "";
				flash_error(lang('task filter criteria not recognised', $filter));

		$task_status_condition = "";
		$now_date = DateTimeValueLib::now();
		$now_date->advance(logged_user()->getTimezone() * 3600);
		$now = $now_date->format('Y-m-d 00:00:00');
		$now_end = $now_date->format('Y-m-d 23:59:59');
			case 0: // Incomplete tasks
				$task_status_condition = " AND `completed_on` = " . DB::escape(EMPTY_DATETIME);
			case 1: // Complete tasks
				$task_status_condition = " AND `completed_on` > " . DB::escape(EMPTY_DATETIME);
			case 10: // Active tasks
				$task_status_condition = " AND (SELECT COUNT(ts.object_id) FROM ".TABLE_PREFIX."timeslots ts WHERE AND ts.end_time = '".EMPTY_DATETIME."') > 0";
			case 11: // Overdue tasks
				$task_status_condition = " AND `completed_on` = " . DB::escape(EMPTY_DATETIME) . " AND `due_date` < '$now'";
			case 12: // Today tasks
				$task_status_condition = " AND `completed_on` = " . DB::escape(EMPTY_DATETIME) . " AND `due_date` >= '$now' AND `due_date` <= '$now_end'";
			case 13: // Today + Overdue tasks
				$task_status_condition = " AND `completed_on` = " . DB::escape(EMPTY_DATETIME) . " AND `due_date` <= '$now_end'";
			case 20: // Actives task by current user
				$task_status_condition = " AND `completed_on` = " . DB::escape(EMPTY_DATETIME) . " AND `start_date` <= '$now' AND `assigned_to_contact_id` = " . logged_user()->getId();
			case 21: // Subscribed tasks by current user
				$res20 = DB::execute("SELECT object_id FROM ". TABLE_PREFIX . "object_subscriptions WHERE `contact_id` = " . logged_user()->getId());
				$subs_rows = $res20->fetchAll($res20);
				foreach($subs_rows as $row) $subs[] = $row['object_id'];
				unset($res20, $subs_rows, $row);
				$task_status_condition = " AND `completed_on` = " . DB::escape(EMPTY_DATETIME) . " AND `id` IN(" . implode(',', $subs) . ")";
			case 2: // All tasks
				throw new Exception('Task status "' . $status . '" not recognised');

		$task_assignment_conditions = "";
		if (!SystemPermissions::userHasSystemPermission(logged_user(), 'can_see_assigned_to_other_tasks')) {
			$task_assignment_conditions = " AND assigned_to_contact_id = ".logged_user()->getId();
		$conditions = "AND $template_condition $task_filter_condition $task_status_condition $task_assignment_conditions";                
		//Now get the tasks
		$tasks = ProjectTasks::instance()->listing(array(
			"extra_conditions" => $conditions,
			"start" => 0,
			"limit" => user_config_option('task_display_limit', 501),
			"count_results" => false,
			"raw_data" => true,
		$pendingstr = $status == 0 ? " AND `completed_on` = " . DB::escape(EMPTY_DATETIME) . " " : "";
		$milestone_conditions = " AND `is_template` = false " . $pendingstr;
		//Find all internal milestones for these tasks
		$internalMilestones = ProjectMilestones::instance()->listing(array("extra_conditions" => $milestone_conditions))->objects;
		//Find all external milestones for these tasks, external milestones are the ones that belong to a parent member and have tasks in the current member
		$milestone_ids = array();
			$task_ids = array();
			foreach ($tasks as $task){
				$task_ids[] = $task['id'];
				if ($task['milestone_id'] != 0) {
					$milestone_ids[$task['milestone_id']] = $task['milestone_id'];
			// generate request cache
			ObjectMembers::instance()->getCachedObjectMembers(0, $task_ids);
			ProjectTasks::instance()->findByRelatedCached(0, $task_ids);
		$int_milestone_ids = array();
		foreach($internalMilestones as $milestone) {
			$int_milestone_ids[] = $milestone->getId();
		$milestone_ids = array_diff($milestone_ids, $int_milestone_ids);
		if (count($milestone_ids) == 0) $milestone_ids[] = 0;
		$ext_milestone_conditions = " `is_template` = false " . $pendingstr . ' AND `object_id` IN (' . implode(',',$milestone_ids) . ')';

		$externalMilestones = ProjectMilestones::findAll(array('conditions' => $ext_milestone_conditions));
		// Get Users Info
		$users = allowed_users_in_context(ProjectTasks::instance()->getObjectTypeId(), active_context(), ACCESS_LEVEL_READ);
		$allUsers = Contacts::getAllUsers();
		$user_ids = array(-1);
		foreach ($allUsers as $user) {
			$user_ids[] = $user->getId();
		// only companies with users
		$companies = Contacts::findAll(array(
			"conditions" => "e.is_company = 1",
			"join" => array(
				"table" => Contacts::instance()->getTableName(),
				"jt_field" => "object_id",
				"j_sub_q" => "SELECT xx.object_id FROM ".Contacts::instance()->getTableName(true)." xx WHERE 
					xx.is_company=0 AND xx.company_id = e.object_id AND xx.object_id IN (".implode(",", $user_ids).") LIMIT 1"
        tpl_assign('tasks', $tasks);
        if (config_option('use tasks dependencies')) {
        	$dependency_count = array();
	        foreach ($tasks as $task) {
				$previous = 0;
				$ptasks = ProjectTaskDependencies::getDependenciesForTask($task['id']);
				foreach ($ptasks as $pdep) {
					$ptask = ProjectTasks::findById($pdep->getPreviousTaskId());
					if ($ptask instanceof ProjectTask && !$ptask->isCompleted()) $previous++;
				$dependants = ProjectTaskDependencies::getDependantsForTask($task['id']);
				$dep_csv = "";
				foreach ($dependants as $dep) $dep_csv .= ($dep_csv==""?"":",") . $dep->getTaskId();
				$dependency_count[] = array('id' => $task['id'], 'count' => $previous, 'dependants' => $dep_csv);
			tpl_assign('dependency_count', $dependency_count);
		if (!$isJson){
			$all_templates = COTemplates::findAll(array('conditions' => '`trashed_by_id` = 0 AND `archived_by_id` = 0'));
			tpl_assign('all_templates', $all_templates);

			if (user_config_option('task_display_limit') > 0 && count($tasks) > user_config_option('task_display_limit')) {
				tpl_assign('displayTooManyTasks', true);
			tpl_assign('internalMilestones', $internalMilestones);
			tpl_assign('externalMilestones', $externalMilestones);
			tpl_assign('users', $users);
			tpl_assign('allUsers', $allUsers);
			tpl_assign('companies', $companies);

			$userPref = array();
			$userPref = array(
				'filterValue' => isset($filter_value) ? $filter_value : '',
				'filter' => $filter,
				'status' => $status,
				'showWorkspaces' => user_config_option('tasksShowWorkspaces',1),
				'showTime' => user_config_option('tasksShowTime'),
				'showDates' => user_config_option('tasksShowDates'),
				'showTags' => user_config_option('tasksShowTags',0),
				'showEmptyMilestones' => user_config_option('tasksShowEmptyMilestones',1),
				'showTimeEstimates' => user_config_option('tasksShowTimeEstimates',1),
				'groupBy' => user_config_option('tasksGroupBy'),
				'orderBy' => user_config_option('tasksOrderBy'),
				'defaultNotifyValue' => user_config_option('can notify from quick add'),
			hook::fire('tasks_user_preferences', null, $userPref);
			tpl_assign('userPreferences', $userPref);
Esempio n. 14
 private function get_tasks_request_conditions()
     // get query parameters, save user preferences if necessary
     $status = array_var($_REQUEST, 'status', null);
     if (is_null($status) || $status == '') {
         $status = user_config_option('task panel status', 2);
     } else {
         if (user_config_option('task panel status') != $status) {
             set_user_config_option('task panel status', $status, logged_user()->getId());
     $previous_filter = user_config_option('task panel filter', 'no_filter');
     $filter_from_date = getDateValue(array_var($_REQUEST, 'from_date'));
     if ($filter_from_date instanceof DateTimeValue) {
         $copFromDate = $filter_from_date;
         $filter_from_date = $filter_from_date->toMySQL();
     $tasks_from_date = '';
     $filter_to_date = getDateValue(array_var($_REQUEST, 'to_date'));
     if ($filter_to_date instanceof DateTimeValue) {
         $copToDate = $filter_to_date;
         $filter_to_date = $filter_to_date->toMySQL();
     $tasks_to_date = '';
     if (user_config_option('tasksDateStart') != $filter_from_date) {
         if ($filter_from_date != '0000-00-00 00:00:00' || array_var($_REQUEST, 'resetDateStart')) {
             set_user_config_option('tasksDateStart', $copFromDate, logged_user()->getId());
         } else {
             $filter_from_date = user_config_option('tasksDateStart');
     if (user_config_option('tasksDateEnd') != $filter_to_date) {
         if ($filter_to_date != '0000-00-00 00:00:00' || array_var($_REQUEST, 'resetDateEnd')) {
             set_user_config_option('tasksDateEnd', $copToDate, logged_user()->getId());
         } else {
             $filter_to_date = user_config_option('tasksDateEnd');
     if ($filter_from_date != '0000-00-00 00:00:00' || $filter_to_date != '0000-00-00 00:00:00') {
         if ($filter_from_date != '0000-00-00 00:00:00') {
             $dateFrom = DateTimeValueLib::dateFromFormatAndString(DATE_MYSQL, $filter_from_date);
             $dateFrom->advance(logged_user()->getTimezone() * -3600);
             $dateFrom = $dateFrom->toMySQL();
         if ($filter_to_date != '0000-00-00 00:00:00') {
             $dateTo = DateTimeValueLib::dateFromFormatAndString(DATE_MYSQL, $filter_to_date);
             $dateTo->advance(logged_user()->getTimezone() * -3600);
             $dateTo = $dateTo->toMySQL();
         if ($filter_from_date != '0000-00-00 00:00:00' && $filter_to_date != '0000-00-00 00:00:00') {
             $tasks_from_date = " AND (((`start_date` BETWEEN '" . $dateFrom . "' AND '" . $dateTo . "') AND `start_date` != " . DB::escape(EMPTY_DATETIME) . ") OR ((`due_date` BETWEEN '" . $dateFrom . "' AND '" . $dateTo . "') AND `due_date` != " . DB::escape(EMPTY_DATETIME) . "))";
         } elseif ($filter_from_date != '0000-00-00 00:00:00') {
             $tasks_from_date = " AND (`start_date` > '" . $dateFrom . "' OR `due_date` > '" . $dateFrom . "') ";
         } else {
             $tasks_from_date = "AND ((`start_date` < '" . $dateTo . "' AND `start_date` != " . DB::escape(EMPTY_DATETIME) . ") OR (`due_date` < '" . $dateTo . "' AND `due_date` != " . DB::escape(EMPTY_DATETIME) . "))";
     } else {
         $tasks_from_date = "";
     $filter = array_var($_REQUEST, 'filter');
     if (is_null($filter) || $filter == '') {
         $filter = $previous_filter;
     } else {
         if ($previous_filter != $filter) {
             set_user_config_option('task panel filter', $filter, logged_user()->getId());
     if ($filter != 'no_filter') {
         $filter_value = array_var($_REQUEST, 'fval');
         if (is_null($filter_value) || $filter_value == '') {
             $filter_value = user_config_option('task panel filter value', null, logged_user()->getId());
             set_user_config_option('task panel filter value', $filter_value, logged_user()->getId());
             $filter = $previous_filter;
             set_user_config_option('task panel filter', $filter, logged_user()->getId());
         } else {
             if (user_config_option('task panel filter value') != $filter_value) {
                 set_user_config_option('task panel filter value', $filter_value, logged_user()->getId());
     /*	$isJson = array_var($_GET,'isJson',false);
     		if ($isJson) ajx_current("empty");
     $template_condition = "`e`.`is_template` = 0 ";
     //Get the task query conditions
     $task_filter_condition = "";
     switch ($filter) {
         case 'assigned_to':
             $assigned_to = $filter_value;
             if ($assigned_to > 0) {
                 $task_filter_condition = " AND (`assigned_to_contact_id` = " . $assigned_to . ") ";
             } else {
                 if ($assigned_to == -1) {
                     $task_filter_condition = " AND `assigned_to_contact_id` = 0";
         case 'assigned_by':
             if ($filter_value != 0) {
                 $task_filter_condition = " AND  `assigned_by_id` = " . $filter_value . " ";
         case 'created_by':
             if ($filter_value != 0) {
                 $task_filter_condition = " AND  `created_by_id` = " . $filter_value . " ";
         case 'completed_by':
             if ($filter_value != 0) {
                 $task_filter_condition = " AND  `completed_by_id` = " . $filter_value . " ";
         case 'milestone':
             $task_filter_condition = " AND  `milestone_id` = " . $filter_value . " ";
         case 'priority':
             $task_filter_condition = " AND  `priority` = " . $filter_value . " ";
         case 'subtype':
             if ($filter_value != 0) {
                 $task_filter_condition = " AND  `object_subtype` = " . $filter_value . " ";
         case 'subscribed_to':
             if ($filter_value > 0) {
                 $res20 = DB::execute("SELECT object_id FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "object_subscriptions WHERE `contact_id` = " . $filter_value);
                 $subs_rows = $res20->fetchAll($res20);
                 $subs = array();
                 if (count($subs_rows) > 0) {
                     foreach ($subs_rows as $row) {
                         $subs[] = $row['object_id'];
                     unset($res20, $subs_rows, $row);
                     if (count($subs) > 0) {
                         $task_filter_condition = " AND `e`.`completed_on` = " . DB::escape(EMPTY_DATETIME) . " AND `o`.`id` IN(" . implode(',', $subs) . ")";
                 } else {
                     $task_filter_condition = " AND `e`.`completed_on` = " . DB::escape(EMPTY_DATETIME) . " AND `o`.`id` = -1";
         case 'no_filter':
             $task_filter_condition = "";
             flash_error(lang('task filter criteria not recognised', $filter));
     $task_status_condition = "";
     $now_date = DateTimeValueLib::now();
     $now_date->advance(logged_user()->getTimezone() * 3600);
     $now = $now_date->format('Y-m-d 00:00:00');
     $now_end = $now_date->format('Y-m-d 23:59:59');
     switch ($status) {
         case 0:
             // Incomplete tasks
             $task_status_condition = " AND `e`.`completed_on` = " . DB::escape(EMPTY_DATETIME);
         case 1:
             // Complete tasks
             $task_status_condition = " AND `e`.`completed_on` > " . DB::escape(EMPTY_DATETIME);
         case 10:
             // Active tasks
             $task_status_condition = " AND (SELECT COUNT(ts.object_id) FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "timeslots ts WHERE AND ts.end_time = '" . EMPTY_DATETIME . "') > 0";
         case 11:
             // Overdue tasks
             $task_status_condition = " AND `e`.`completed_on` = " . DB::escape(EMPTY_DATETIME) . " AND `e`.`due_date` < '{$now}'";
         case 12:
             // Today tasks
             $task_status_condition = " AND `e`.`completed_on` = " . DB::escape(EMPTY_DATETIME) . " AND `e`.`due_date` >= '{$now}' AND `e`.`due_date` <= '{$now_end}'";
         case 13:
             // Today + Overdue tasks
             $task_status_condition = " AND `e`.`completed_on` = " . DB::escape(EMPTY_DATETIME) . " AND `e`.`due_date` <= '{$now_end}'";
         case 20:
             // Actives task by current user
             $task_status_condition = " AND `e`.`completed_on` = " . DB::escape(EMPTY_DATETIME) . " AND `e`.`start_date` <= '{$now}' AND `e`.`assigned_to_contact_id` = " . logged_user()->getId();
         case 21:
             // Subscribed tasks by current user
             $res20 = DB::execute("SELECT object_id FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "object_subscriptions WHERE `contact_id` = " . logged_user()->getId());
             $subs_rows = $res20->fetchAll($res20);
             foreach ($subs_rows as $row) {
                 $subs[] = $row['object_id'];
             unset($res20, $subs_rows, $row);
             $task_status_condition = " AND `e`.`completed_on` = " . DB::escape(EMPTY_DATETIME) . " AND `o`.`id` IN(" . implode(',', $subs) . ")";
         case 2:
             // All tasks
             throw new Exception('Task status "' . $status . '" not recognised');
     $task_assignment_conditions = "";
     if (!SystemPermissions::userHasSystemPermission(logged_user(), 'can_see_assigned_to_other_tasks')) {
         $task_assignment_conditions = " AND assigned_to_contact_id = " . logged_user()->getId();
     $conditions = "AND {$template_condition} {$task_filter_condition} {$task_status_condition} {$task_assignment_conditions} {$tasks_from_date}";
     $data = array();
     $data['conditions'] = $conditions;
     $data['filterValue'] = isset($filter_value) ? $filter_value : '';
     $data['filter'] = $filter;
     $data['status'] = $status;
     $data['limit'] = array_var($_REQUEST, 'limit', user_config_option('task_display_limit', 999));
     return $data;
 function change_invitation_state($attendance = null, $event_id = null, $user_id = null)
     $from_post_get = $attendance == null || $event_id == null;
     // Take variables from post
     if ($attendance == null) {
         $attendance = array_var($_POST, 'event_attendance');
     if ($event_id == null) {
         $event_id = array_var($_POST, 'event_id');
     if ($user_id == null) {
         $user_id = array_var($_POST, 'user_id');
     // If post is empty, take variables from get
     if ($attendance == null) {
         $attendance = array_var($_GET, 'at');
     if ($event_id == null) {
         $event_id = array_var($_GET, 'e');
     if ($user_id == null) {
         $user_id = array_var($_GET, 'u');
     $silent = array_var($_REQUEST, 'silent');
     if ($attendance == null || $event_id == null) {
         flash_error('Missing parameters');
     } else {
         $conditions = array('conditions' => "`event_id` = " . DB::escape($event_id) . " AND `contact_id` = " . DB::escape($user_id));
         $inv = EventInvitations::findOne($conditions);
         $conditions_all = array('conditions' => "`event_id` = " . DB::escape($event_id));
         $invs = EventInvitations::findAll($conditions_all);
         if ($inv != null) {
             if (!SystemPermissions::userHasSystemPermission(logged_user(), 'can_update_other_users_invitations') && $inv->getContactId() != logged_user()->getId()) {
                 flash_error(lang('no access permissions'));
             try {
             } catch (Exception $e) {
         if ($from_post_get) {
             // Notify creator (only when invitation is accepted or declined)
             $event = ProjectEvents::findById(array('id' => $event_id));
             if ($inv->getInvitationState() == 1 || $inv->getInvitationState() == 2) {
                 $user = Contacts::findById(array('id' => $user_id));
                 Notifier::notifEventAssistance($event, $inv, $user, $invs);
                 if (!$silent) {
                     if ($inv->getInvitationState() == 1) {
                         flash_success(lang('invitation accepted'));
                     } else {
                         flash_success(lang('invitation rejected'));
             } else {
                 if (!$silent) {
                     flash_success(lang('success edit event', $event instanceof ProjectEvent ? clean($event->getObjectName()) : ''));
             if (array_var($_GET, 'at')) {
             } else {
                 if (!$silent) {
                 } else {
Esempio n. 16
	static function getOverdueAndUpcomingObjects($limit = null) {
		$conditions_tasks = " AND is_template = 0 AND `e`.`completed_by_id` = 0 AND `e`.`due_date` > 0";
		$conditions_milestones = " AND is_template = 0 AND `e`.`completed_by_id` = 0 AND `e`.`due_date` > 0";
		if (!SystemPermissions::userHasSystemPermission(logged_user(), 'can_see_assigned_to_other_tasks')) {
			$conditions_tasks .= " AND assigned_to_contact_id = ".logged_user()->getId();
		$tasks_result = self::instance()->listing(array(
			"limit" => $limit, 
			"extra_conditions" => $conditions_tasks, 
			"order"=>  array('due_date', 'priority'), 
			"order_dir" => "ASC"
		$tasks = $tasks_result->objects;
		$milestones_result = ProjectMilestones::instance()->listing(array(
			"limit" => $limit, 
			"extra_conditions" => $conditions_milestones, 
			"order" => array('due_date'), 
			"order_dir" => "ASC"
		$milestones = $milestones_result->objects;
		$ordered = array();
		foreach ($tasks as $task) { /* @var $task ProjectTask */
			if (!$task->isCompleted() && $task->getDueDate() instanceof  DateTimeValue ) {
				if (!isset($ordered[$task->getDueDate()->getTimestamp()])){ 
					$ordered[$task->getDueDate()->getTimestamp()] = array();
				$ordered[$task->getDueDate()->getTimestamp()][] = $task;
		foreach ($milestones as $milestone) {
			if (!isset($ordered[$milestone->getDueDate()->getTimestamp()])) {
				$ordered[$milestone->getDueDate()->getTimestamp()] = array();
			$ordered[$milestone->getDueDate()->getTimestamp()][] = $milestone;
		ksort($ordered, SORT_NUMERIC);
		$ordered_flat = array();
		foreach ($ordered as $k => $values) {
			foreach ($values as $v) $ordered_flat[] = $v;
		return $ordered_flat;
 function general_search()
     // Init vars
     $search_dimension = array_var($_GET, 'search_dimension');
     $filteredResults = 0;
     $uid = logged_user()->getId();
     if (!isset($search_dimension)) {
         $members = active_context_members(false);
     } else {
         if ($search_dimension == 0) {
             $members = array();
         } else {
             $members = array($search_dimension);
     // click on search everywhere
     if (array_var($_REQUEST, 'search_all_projects')) {
         $members = array();
     $revisionObjectTypeId = ObjectTypes::findByName("file revision")->getId();
     $members_sql = "";
     if (count($members) > 0) {
         $context_condition = "(EXISTS\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t(SELECT om.object_id\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tFROM  " . TABLE_PREFIX . "object_members om\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE\tom.member_id IN (" . implode(',', $members) . ") AND so.rel_object_id = om.object_id\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tGROUP BY object_id\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tHAVING count(member_id) = " . count($members) . "\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t)\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t)";
         $context_condition_rev = "(EXISTS\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t(SELECT fr.object_id FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "object_members om\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tINNER JOIN " . TABLE_PREFIX . "project_file_revisions fr ON om.object_id=fr.file_id\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tINNER JOIN " . TABLE_PREFIX . "objects ob ON\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE fr.file_id = so.rel_object_id AND ob.object_type_id = {$revisionObjectTypeId} AND member_id IN (" . implode(',', $members) . ")\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tGROUP BY object_id\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tHAVING count(member_id) = " . count($members) . "\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t)\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t)";
         $members_sql = "AND ( " . $context_condition . " OR  " . $context_condition_rev . ")";
         $this->search_dimension = implode(',', $members);
     } else {
         $this->search_dimension = 0;
     $listableObjectTypeIds = implode(",", ObjectTypes::getListableObjectTypeIds());
     $can_see_all_tasks_cond = "";
     if (!SystemPermissions::userHasSystemPermission(logged_user(), 'can_see_assigned_to_other_tasks')) {
         $can_see_all_tasks_cond = " AND IF((SELECT FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "object_types ot WHERE'task',\r\n\t\t\t (SELECT t.assigned_to_contact_id FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "project_tasks t WHERE = " . logged_user()->getId() . ",\r\n\t\t\t true)";
     $search_string = trim(array_var($_REQUEST, 'query', ''));
     $search_string = mysql_real_escape_string($search_string, DB::connection()->getLink());
     $start = array_var($_REQUEST, 'start', 0);
     $orig_limit = array_var($_REQUEST, 'limit');
     $limit = $orig_limit + 1;
     $useLike = false;
     if (user_config_option("search_engine") == 'like') {
         $useLike = true;
     if (strlen($search_string) < 4) {
         $useLike = true;
     if (strlen($search_string) > 0) {
         $this->search_for = $search_string;
         $logged_user_pgs = implode(',', logged_user()->getPermissionGroupIds());
         $sql = "\r\n\t\t\tSELECT DISTINCT so.rel_object_id AS id, so.content AS text_match, so.column_name AS field_match\r\n\t\t\tFROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "searchable_objects so\r\n\t\t\tWHERE " . ($useLike ? " so.content LIKE '%{$search_string}%' " : " MATCH (so.content) AGAINST ('\"{$search_string}\"' IN BOOLEAN MODE) ") . "\r\n\t\t\tAND (EXISTS\r\n\t\t\t\t(SELECT\r\n\t\t\t\t FROM  " . TABLE_PREFIX . "objects o\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t WHERE\ = so.rel_object_id AND (\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t (o.object_type_id = {$revisionObjectTypeId} AND\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t EXISTS (\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t SELECT group_id FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "sharing_table WHERE object_id  = ( SELECT file_id FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "project_file_revisions WHERE object_id = )\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tAND group_id IN ({$logged_user_pgs})\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t)\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t)\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tOR (\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t(EXISTS\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t(SELECT object_id\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tFROM  " . TABLE_PREFIX . "sharing_table sh\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE = sh.object_id\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tAND sh.group_id  IN (\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t{$logged_user_pgs}\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t)\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t)\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t)\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t)\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t) AND o.object_type_id IN ({$listableObjectTypeIds}) " . $members_sql . $can_see_all_tasks_cond . "\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t)\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t)\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\tGROUP BY(id)\t\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\tORDER BY(id) DESC\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\tLIMIT {$start}, {$limit}";
         $rows = DB::executeAll($sql);
         if (!is_array($rows)) {
             $rows = array();
         // show more
         $show_more = false;
         if (count($rows) > $orig_limit) {
             $show_more = true;
         if ($show_more) {
             ajx_extra_data(array('show_more' => $show_more));
         $search_results = array();
         $object_ids = array();
         foreach ($rows as $ob_data) {
             // basic data
             $data = array('id' => $ob_data['id'], 'text_match' => $this->highlightOneResult($ob_data['text_match']), 'field_match' => $ob_data['field_match']);
             $object_ids[] = $ob_data['id'];
             $search_results[] = $data;
         if (count($object_ids) > 0) {
             $result = ContentDataObjects::listing(array("extra_conditions" => " AND IN (" . implode(",", $object_ids) . ") ", "include_deleted" => true));
             $objects = $result->objects;
             foreach ($objects as $object) {
                 foreach ($search_results as $key => $search_result) {
                     if ($search_result['id'] == $object->getId()) {
                         $search_results[$key]['name'] = $object->getObjectName();
                         $class = 'ico-' . $object->getObjectTypeName();
                         $search_results[$key]['iconCls'] = $class;
                         $search_results[$key]['url'] = $object->getViewUrl();
         $row = "search-result-row-medium";
         ajx_extra_data(array('row_class' => $row));
         ajx_extra_data(array('search_results' => $search_results));
Esempio n. 18
 // if
 $otherInvitationsTable = '';
 if (!$event->isNew()) {
     $otherInvitations = EventInvitations::findAll(array('conditions' => 'event_id = ' . $event->getId()));
     if (isset($otherInvitations) && is_array($otherInvitations)) {
         $otherInvitationsTable .= '<div class="coInputMainBlock adminMainBlock" style="width:70%;">';
         $otherInvitationsTable .= '<table style="width:100%;"><col width="50%" /><col width="50%" />';
         $otherInvitationsTable .= '<tr><th><b>' . lang('name') . '</b></th><th><b>' . lang('participate') . '</b></th></tr>';
         $isAlt = false;
         $cant = 0;
         foreach ($otherInvitations as $inv) {
             $inv_user = Contacts::findById($inv->getContactId());
             if ($inv_user instanceof Contact) {
                 if (can_access($inv_user, $event->getMembers(), ProjectEvents::instance()->getObjectTypeId(), ACCESS_LEVEL_READ)) {
                     if (!SystemPermissions::userHasSystemPermission(logged_user(), 'can_update_other_users_invitations')) {
                         // only show status
                         $state_desc = lang('pending response');
                         if ($inv->getInvitationState() == 1) {
                             $state_desc = lang('yes');
                         } else {
                             if ($inv->getInvitationState() == 2) {
                                 $state_desc = lang('no');
                             } else {
                                 if ($inv->getInvitationState() == 3) {
                                     $state_desc = lang('maybe');
                         $otherInvitationsTable .= '<tr' . ($isAlt ? ' class="altRow"' : '') . '><td>' . clean($inv_user->getObjectName()) . '</td><td>' . $state_desc . '</td></tr>';
                     } else {
  * Return true if $user can view this task lists
  * @param Contact $user
  * @return boolean
 function canView(Contact $user)
     $other_perm_conditions = SystemPermissions::userHasSystemPermission($user, 'can_see_assigned_to_other_tasks') || $this->getAssignedToContactId() == $user->getId();
     return can_read($user, $this->getMembers(), $this->getObjectTypeId()) && $other_perm_conditions;