$tag = new Swagger\Client\Model\Tag();
        // use the same id as pet
        $tag->setName("profile tag 1");
        // new category
        $category = new Swagger\Client\Model\Category();
        // use the same id as pet
        $category->setName("profile category 1");
        // add a new pet (model)
        $add_response = $pet_api->addPet($new_pet);
        // ~~~ GET PET ~~~
        prof_flag("{$x}: GET PET");
        $response = $pet_api->getPetById($new_pet_id);
        // ~~~ UPDATE PET WITH FORM ~~~
        prof_flag("{$x}: UPDATE PET");
        $response = $pet_api->updatePetWithForm($new_pet_id, "new profiler", "sold");
        // ~~~ DELETE PET ~~~
        prof_flag("{$x}: DELETE PET");
        $response = $pet_api->deletePet($new_pet_id);
    } catch (Swagger\Client\ApiException $e) {
        echo 'Caught exception: ', $e->getMessage(), "\n";
        echo 'HTTP response headers: ', print_r($e->getResponseHeaders(), true), "\n";
        echo 'HTTP response body: ', print_r($e->getResponseBody(), true), "\n";
        echo 'HTTP status code: ', $e->getCode(), "\n";
prof_flag("{$x}: FINISH");