public function createAction() { $entity = new Suscriptor(); $entity->load_from_array($this->request->getParam("suscriptor")); $same_email = load_suscriptor_where("email = '" . $entity->email . "'"); if ($same_email != null) { $this->flash->error("Dude! Chill, you're already suscribed, just relax and browse the list of repos..."); } else { if (save_suscriptor($entity)) { $this->flash->setSuccess("Thanks for suscribing! Stay tuned!"); } else { $this->flash->setError("Please enter a valid email address and try again"); } } $this->redirect_to(home_root_path_path()); }
/** Retrieves a list of Suscriptor @order = Optional, can be an array of keys or just a single key to order by the results @limit = Optional */ function list_suscriptor($order = null, $limit = null) { global $__db_conn; $sql = "SELECT * FROM suscriptor"; if ($order != null) { $order_str = $order; if (is_array($order)) { $order_str = implode(",", $order); } $sql .= " order by {$order_str}"; } if ($limit != null) { $sql .= " limit {$limit}"; } $result = mysql_query($sql, $__db_conn); $results = array(); while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) { $tmp = new Suscriptor(); $tmp->load_from_array($row); $results[] = $tmp; } return $results; }