Esempio n. 1
  * Lists Records already present in sugar db using the $columnName & $moduleName parameters
  * @param $columnName
  * @param $moduleName
  * @param $recordIds array (array of id to be used in the in clause of the query)
  * @return array
 private function getExistingRecords($columnName, $moduleName, $recordIds = null)
     $seed = BeanFactory::newBean($moduleName);
     //if duns_num, format all duns to be 0 padded
     // for 9 digits
     if ($columnName == 'duns_num') {
         foreach ($recordIds as &$duns) {
             $duns = str_pad($duns, 9, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT);
     $options = array();
     $options['offset'] = 0;
     $options['order_by'] = array(array('date_modified', 'DESC'));
     $options['add_deleted'] = true;
     $options['offset'] = 'end';
     $options['module'] = $seed->module_name;
     $options['team_security'] = false;
     $q = new SugarQuery();
     $q->from($seed, $options);
     $fields = array($columnName);
     $where = $q->where();
     $where->in($columnName, $recordIds);
     $where = $where->queryAnd();
     $where->equals('deleted', 0);
     $queryResults = $q->execute('json');
     return $queryResults;
 protected function generateFTSQuery($module, $fieldDefs)
     $queueTableName = self::QUEUE_TABLE;
     $bean = BeanFactory::getBean($module);
     $ftsQuery = new SugarQuery();
     // add fts enabled fields to the filter
     $fieldsFilter = array('id');
     foreach ($fieldDefs as $value) {
         // skip nondb fields
         if (!empty($value['source']) && $value['source'] == 'non-db') {
         // filter email1 field and add the join.
         if ($value['name'] == 'email1') {
             $ftsQuery->join('email_addresses_primary', array('alias' => 'email1'));
             $fieldsFilter[] = 'email1.email_address';
         } else {
             $fieldsFilter[] = $value['name'];
     // need to get the doc owner to be indexed
     if (isset($bean->field_defs['assigned_user_id'])) {
         $docOwnerField = 'assigned_user_id';
     } else {
         if (isset($bean->field_defs['created_by'])) {
             $docOwnerField = 'created_by';
     if (!empty($docOwnerField)) {
         $fieldsFilter[] = $docOwnerField;
     // join fts_queue table
     $ftsQuery->joinTable($queueTableName)->on()->equalsField($queueTableName . '.bean_id', 'id');
     // additional fts_queue fields
     $ftsQueueFields = array(array($queueTableName . '.id', 'fts_id'), array($queueTableName . '.processed', 'fts_processed'));
     return $ftsQuery->compileSql();
Esempio n. 3
 protected function runQuery(ServiceBase $api, array $args, SugarQuery $q, array $options)
     $GLOBALS['log']->info("Filter SQL: " . $q->compileSql());
     $beans = array('_rows' => array());
     foreach ($q->execute() as $row) {
         $beans[$row['id']] = BeanFactory::getBean($row['module'], $row['id']);
         $beans['_rows'][$row['id']] = $row;
     $rows = $beans['_rows'];
     $data = array();
     $data['next_offset'] = -1;
     $i = 0;
     foreach ($beans as $bean_id => $bean) {
         if ($i == $options['limit']) {
             $data['next_offset'] = (int) ($options['limit'] + $options['offset']);
         $this->populateRelatedFields($bean, $rows[$bean_id]);
     // add on the contact_id and contact_name fields so we get those
     // returned in the response
     $args['fields'] .= ',contact_id,contact_name';
     $data['records'] = $this->formatBeans($api, $args, $beans);
     foreach ($data['records'] as $id => $record) {
         $data['records'][$id]['moduleNameSingular'] = $GLOBALS['app_list_strings']['moduleListSingular'][$record['_module']];
         $data['records'][$id]['moduleName'] = $GLOBALS['app_list_strings']['moduleList'][$record['_module']];
         // Have to tack on from/to/description here due to not all modules
         // having all these fields
         if ($record['_module'] == 'Emails') {
             /* @var $q SugarQuery */
             $q = new SugarQuery();
             $q->select(array('description', 'from_addr', 'to_addrs'));
             $q->where()->equals('email_id', $data['records'][$id]['id']);
             foreach ($q->execute() as $row) {
                 $data['records'][$id]['description'] = $row['description'];
                 $data['records'][$id]['from_addr'] = $row['from_addr'];
                 $data['records'][$id]['to_addrs'] = $row['to_addrs'];
     return $data;
Esempio n. 4
 public function retrieveCases($api, $args, $custom = false)
     $_idRows = array();
     //echo $args;
     global $current_user;
     //Current user
     $userLogged = $current_user->id;
     //Current teams
     $team = BeanFactory::getBean('Teams');
     $teamsForThisUser = $team->get_teams_for_user($userLogged);
     $inTeams = "(";
     foreach ($teamsForThisUser as $key => $teamRow) {
         if ($inTeams == "(") {
             $inTeams .= "'" . $teamRow->id . "'";
         } else {
             $inTeams .= ", '" . $teamRow->id . "'";
     $inTeams .= ")";
     // Init the pmse_BpmFlow bean
     $flowBean = BeanFactory::getBean('pmse_BpmFlow');
     $inboxBean = BeanFactory::getBean('pmse_Inbox');
     $options = self::parseArguments($api, $args, $inboxBean);
     if (empty($options['select'])) {
         $options['select'] = self::$mandatory_fields;
     $queryOptions = array('add_deleted' => !isset($options['add_deleted']) || $options['add_deleted'] ? true : false);
     if ($queryOptions['add_deleted'] == false) {
         $options['select'][] = 'deleted';
     $q = new SugarQuery();
     // $fields will store the fields required
     $fields = array();
     foreach ($options['select'] as $field) {
         $fields[] = $field;
     $fields = array('a.*');
     //$q->from($flowBean, $queryOptions);
     $q->from($inboxBean, array('alias' => 'a'));
     // Add raw joins to combine other tables
     //TODO Update this way to declare joins when SugarQuery will accept them.
     //$q->joinRaw('INNER JOIN pmse_inbox ON pmse_inbox.cas_id=pmse_bpm_flow.cas_id', array('alias'=>'pmse_inbox'));
     //$q->joinRaw('INNER JOIN pmse_bpmn_activity ON', array('alias'=>'pmse_bpmn_activity'));
     $q->joinRaw("LEFT JOIN pmse_bpm_flow b ON (a.cas_id = b.cas_id)");
     $q->joinRaw("LEFT JOIN pmse_bpmn_activity c ON (b.bpmn_id  = and b.bpmn_type = 'bpmnActivity')");
     $q->joinRaw("INNER JOIN pmse_bpm_activity_definition d ON ( =");
     //$q->joinRaw("INNER JOIN pmse_bpmn_process ON( = a.pro_id)", array('alias'=>'e'));
     // Add external fields using fieldRaw method
     if ($auxValue = $this->closeFieldFilter($args['filter'])) {
         $data = array();
         $data['records'] = '';
         return $data;
     $_filter_array = $this->preProcessFilters($args['filter']);
     if ($this->hasStaticFilter($args['filter'])) {
         $_filter_array[] = array('b.cas_user_id' => array('$equals' => array($userLogged)));
         //$_filter_array[] = array('b.cas_started'=> array('$equals' => 1));
         //AND (b.cas_user_id='$userLogged'
     } else {
         // AND (d.act_assign_team IN $inTeams AND b.cas_start_date IS NULL))
         $_filter_array[] = array('d.act_assign_team' => array('$in' => $inTeams));
         $_filter_array[] = array('b.cas_start_date' => array('$is_null' => ''));
     $q->where()->queryAnd()->addRaw("b.cas_flow_status='FORM' AND a.cas_status <> 'DELETED' " . self::_filter_aux($_filter_array) . "");
     //->addRaw("b.cas_flow_status='FORM' AND (b.cas_user_id='$userLogged' OR (d.act_assign_team IN $inTeams  ".self::_filter_aux($_filter_array)." AND b.cas_start_date IS NULL)) AND a.cas_status <> 'DELETED'");
     ////->addRaw("b.cas_flow_status='FORM' AND (b.cas_user_id='$userLogged' OR (d.act_assign_team IN $inTeams AND d.act_assignment_method='selfservice' AND b.cas_start_date IS NULL)) AND a.cas_status <> 'DELETED' ".self::_filtritos($_infoFiltro)."");
     //addRaw("b.cas_flow_status='FORM' AND (b.cas_user_id='$userLogged' OR (d.act_assign_team IN $inTeams AND b.cas_start_date IS NULL)) AND a.cas_status <> 'DELETED'");
     $q->select->fieldRaw('', 'flow_id');
     $q->select->fieldRaw('b.cas_delegate_date', 'cas_delegate_date');
     $q->select->fieldRaw('b.cas_start_date', 'cas_start_date');
     $q->select->fieldRaw('b.cas_task_start_date', 'cas_task_start_date');
     $q->select->fieldRaw('b.cas_sugar_module', 'cas_sugar_module');
     $q->select->fieldRaw('', 'task_name');
     $q->select->fieldRaw('d.act_assignment_method', 'act_assignment_method');
     $q->select->fieldRaw('d.act_expected_time', 'act_expected_time');
     $q->select->fieldRaw("'true' as", 'in_time');
     foreach ($options['order_by'] as $orderBy) {
         $q->orderBy($orderBy[0], $orderBy[1]);
     // Add an extra record to the limit so we can detect if there are more records to be found
     //        $q->limit($options['limit'] + 1);
     //        $q->offset($options['offset']);
     //remove limit for test
     $data_aux = new stdClass();
     $idRows = $q->execute();
     $cont_aux = 1;
     foreach ($idRows as $key => $value) {
         $data_aux->cas_task_start_date = $value['cas_task_start_date'];
         //            $data_aux->cas_task_start_date = $value['cas_start_date'];
         $data_aux->cas_delegate_date = $value['cas_delegate_date'];
         $idRows[$key]["id2"] = $value["id"];
         $idRows[$key]["id"] = $value["id"] . '_' . $cont_aux++;
         $expected = $this->expectedTime($value['act_expected_time'], $data_aux);
         $idRows[$key]["expected_time_warning"] = $expected["expected_time_warning"];
         $idRows[$key]["expected_time_message"] = $expected["expected_time_message"];
         $idRows[$key]["expected_time_view"] = $expected["expected_time_view"];
         $idRows[$key]["expected_time"] = $expected["expected_time"];
         //loading values
         if ($expected["expected_time_warning"] == self::_FilterTime($_filter_array)) {
             $idRows[$key]["in_time"] = false;
         } else {
             $idRows[$key]["in_time"] = true;
     //reorganizing the record
     if (count($idRows) > 0) {
         foreach ($idRows as $key => $row) {
             $auxRows[$key] = $row['cas_delegate_date'];
         array_multisort($auxRows, SORT_DESC, $idRows);
     //        sort($idRows);
     //loading record for limit
     if (!isset($args['offset']) || (int) $args['offset'] == -1 || empty($args['offset'])) {
         $_offset = 0;
     } elseif ((int) $args['offset'] > 0) {
         $_offset = (int) $args['offset'];
     $_auxCont = 0;
     $i = $_offset;
     while ($i < $_offset + (int) $args['max_num'] && $i < count($idRows)) {
         $_idRows[] = $idRows[$i++];
     //        }while($i<$_offset+(int)$args['max_num'] && $i<count($idRows));
     //        for($i=$_offset;$i<$_offset+(int)$args['max_num'];$i++)
     //        {
     //            $_idRows[]=$idRows[$i];
     //        }
     if (count($idRows) > (int) $_offset + (int) $args['max_num']) {
         $_nextOffset = (int) $_offset + (int) $args['max_num'];
     } else {
         $_nextOffset = -1;
     //TODO Count record to calculate next_offset value
     //reload $options['offset'] and $options['limit']
     $options['limit'] = $args['max_num'];
     if (!empty($args['offset'])) {
         if ($args['offset'] == 'end') {
             $options['offset'] = 'end';
         } else {
             $options['offset'] = $_nextOffset;
     $data = array();
     $data['next_offset'] = $_nextOffset;
     $data['records'] = $_idRows;
     //        $data['records'] = $idRows;
     $data['options'] = $options;
     $data['args'] = $args;
     $data['sql'] = $q->compileSql();
     //$data['expected'] = $expected;
     return $data;