/** * Initiates Shared Session */ protected function initSharedSession() { $cookie_name = $this->getSharedSessionCookieName(); if (isset($_COOKIE[$cookie_name])) { $data = $this->parseSignedRequest($_COOKIE[$cookie_name]); if ($data && !empty($data['domain']) && self::isAllowedDomain($this->getHttpHost(), $data['domain'])) { // good case $this->sharedSessionID = $data['id']; return; } // ignoring potentially unreachable data } // evil/corrupt/missing case $base_domain = $this->getBaseDomain(); $this->sharedSessionID = md5(uniqid(mt_rand(), true)); $cookie_value = $this->makeSignedRequest(array('domain' => $base_domain, 'id' => $this->sharedSessionID)); $_COOKIE[$cookie_name] = $cookie_value; if (!headers_sent()) { $expire = time() + self::FBSS_COOKIE_EXPIRE; SugarApplication::setCookie($cookie_name, $cookie_value, $expire, '/', '.' . $base_domain, false, true); } else { // @codeCoverageIgnoreStart self::errorLog('Shared session ID cookie could not be set! You must ensure you ' . 'create the Facebook instance before headers have been sent. This ' . 'will cause authentication issues after the first request.'); // @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd } }
global $app_language, $sugar_config; //we don't want the parent module's string file, but rather the string file specifc to this subpanel global $current_language; // Get the login page image if (sugar_is_file('custom/include/images/sugar_md.png')) { $login_image = '<IMG src="custom/include/images/sugar_md.png" alt="Sugar" width="340" height="25">'; } else { $login_image = '<IMG src="include/images/sugar_md_open.png" alt="Sugar" width="340" height="25" style="margin: 5px 0;">'; } $sugar_smarty->assign('LOGIN_IMAGE', $login_image); // See if any messages were passed along to display to the user. if (isset($_COOKIE['loginErrorMessage'])) { if (!isset($_REQUEST['loginErrorMessage'])) { $_REQUEST['loginErrorMessage'] = $_COOKIE['loginErrorMessage']; } SugarApplication::setCookie('loginErrorMessage', '', time() - 42000, '/'); } if (isset($_REQUEST['loginErrorMessage'])) { if (isset($mod_strings[$_REQUEST['loginErrorMessage']])) { echo "<p align='center' class='error' > " . $mod_strings[$_REQUEST['loginErrorMessage']] . "</p>"; } else { if (isset($app_strings[$_REQUEST['loginErrorMessage']])) { echo "<p align='center' class='error' > " . $app_strings[$_REQUEST['loginErrorMessage']] . "</p>"; } } } $lvars = $GLOBALS['app']->getLoginVars(); $sugar_smarty->assign("LOGIN_VARS", $lvars); foreach ($lvars as $k => $v) { $sugar_smarty->assign(strtoupper($k), $v); }
public function testsetCookie() { //execute the method and check that the method adds the key value pair to cookies array. SugarApplication::setCookie('key', 'value'); $this->assertEquals('value', $_COOKIE['key']); }