function delEmpFormData($getArr, $postArr) { if (isset($postArr['econtactSTAT']) && $postArr['econtactSTAT'] == 'DEL') { $econ = new EmpEmergencyCon(); $arr[1] = $postArr['chkecontactdel']; for ($c = 0; count($arr[1]) > $c; $c++) { if ($arr[1][$c] != NULL) { $arr[0][$c] = $getArr['id']; } } $econ->delEmpEC($arr); } if (isset($postArr['passportSTAT']) && $postArr['passportSTAT'] == 'DEL') { $passport = new EmpPassPort(); $arr[1] = $postArr['chkpassportdel']; for ($c = 0; count($arr[1]) > $c; $c++) { if ($arr[1][$c] != NULL) { $arr[0][$c] = $getArr['id']; } } $passport->delEmpPP($arr); } if (isset($postArr['directDebitSTAT']) && $postArr['directDebitSTAT'] == 'DEL') { $directDebit = new EmpDirectDebit(); $directDebit->delete($getArr['id'], $postArr['chkdebitdel']); } if (isset($postArr['wrkexpSTAT']) && $postArr['wrkexpSTAT'] == 'DEL') { $empwrkexp = new EmpWorkExp(); $arr[1] = $postArr['chkwrkexpdel']; for ($c = 0; count($arr[1]) > $c; $c++) { if ($arr[1][$c] != NULL) { $arr[0][$c] = $getArr['id']; } } $empwrkexp->delEmpWorkExp($arr); } if (isset($postArr['licenseSTAT']) && $postArr['licenseSTAT'] == 'DEL') { $license = new EmpLicenses(); $arr[1] = $postArr['chklicdel']; for ($c = 0; count($arr[1]) > $c; $c++) { if ($arr[1][$c] != NULL) { $arr[0][$c] = $getArr['id']; } } $license->delEmpLicenses($arr); } if (isset($postArr['skillSTAT']) && $postArr['skillSTAT'] == 'DEL') { $empskill = new EmpSkill(); $arr[1] = $postArr['chkskilldel']; for ($c = 0; count($arr[1]) > $c; $c++) { if ($arr[1][$c] != NULL) { $arr[0][$c] = $getArr['id']; } } $empskill->delEmpSkill($arr); } if (isset($postArr['educationSTAT']) && $postArr['educationSTAT'] == 'DEL') { $empeducation = new EmpEducation(); $arr[1] = $postArr['chkedudel']; for ($c = 0; count($arr[1]) > $c; $c++) { if ($arr[1][$c] != NULL) { $arr[0][$c] = $getArr['id']; } } $empeducation->delEmpEducation($arr); } if (isset($postArr['membershipSTAT']) && $postArr['membershipSTAT'] == 'DEL') { $empmem = new EmpMembership(); $arr = $postArr['chkmemdel']; for ($c = 0; count($arr) > $c; $c++) { $frg = explode("|", $arr[$c]); $arrpass[1][$c] = $frg[0]; $arrpass[2][$c] = $frg[1]; } for ($c = 0; count($arr) > $c; $c++) { if ($arr[$c] != NULL) { $arrpass[0][$c] = $getArr['id']; } } $empmem->delEmpMembership($arrpass); } if (isset($postArr['paymentSTAT']) && $postArr['paymentSTAT'] == 'DEL') { $emppayment = new EmpBasSalary(); $arr = $postArr['chkpaydel']; for ($c = 0; count($arr) > $c; $c++) { $frg = explode("|", $arr[$c]); $arrpass[1][$c] = $frg[0]; $arrpass[2][$c] = $frg[1]; } for ($c = 0; count($arr) > $c; $c++) { if ($arr[$c] != NULL) { $arrpass[0][$c] = $getArr['id']; } } $emppayment->delEmpBasSal($arrpass); } if (isset($postArr['reporttoSTAT']) && $postArr['reporttoSTAT'] == 'DEL') { $emprepto = new EmpRepTo(); if ($postArr['delSupSub'] == 'sup') { $arr = $postArr['chksupdel']; for ($c = 0; count($arr) > $c; $c++) { $frg = explode("|", $arr[$c]); $arrpass[0][$c] = $frg[0]; $arrpass[2][$c] = $frg[1]; } for ($c = 0; count($arr) > $c; $c++) { if ($arr[$c] != NULL) { $arrpass[1][$c] = $getArr['id']; } } } elseif ($postArr['delSupSub'] == 'sub') { $arr = $postArr['chksubdel']; for ($c = 0; count($arr) > $c; $c++) { $frg = explode("|", $arr[$c]); $arrpass[1][$c] = $frg[0]; $arrpass[2][$c] = $frg[1]; } for ($c = 0; count($arr) > $c; $c++) { if ($arr[$c] != NULL) { $arrpass[0][$c] = $getArr['id']; } } } $emprepto->delEmpRepTo($arrpass); } if (isset($postArr['langSTAT']) && $postArr['langSTAT'] == 'DEL') { $emplan = new EmpLanguage(); $arr = $postArr['chklangdel']; for ($c = 0; count($arr) > $c; $c++) { $frg = explode("|", $arr[$c]); $arrpass[1][$c] = $frg[0]; $arrpass[2][$c] = $frg[1]; } for ($c = 0; count($arr) > $c; $c++) { if ($arr[$c] != NULL) { $arrpass[0][$c] = $getArr['id']; } } $emplan->delEmpLang($arrpass); } if (isset($postArr['dependentSTAT']) && $postArr['dependentSTAT'] == 'DEL') { $dep = new EmpDependents(); $arr[1] = $postArr['chkdepdel']; for ($c = 0; count($arr[1]) > $c; $c++) { if ($arr[1][$c] != NULL) { $arr[0][$c] = $getArr['id']; } } $dep->delEmpDep($arr); } if (isset($postArr['conextSTAT']) && $postArr['conextSTAT'] == 'DEL') { $conext = new EmpConExt(); $arr[1] = $postArr['chkconextdel']; for ($c = 0; count($arr[1]) > $c; $c++) { if ($arr[1][$c] != NULL) { $arr[0][$c] = $getArr['id']; } } $conext->delConExt($arr); } if (isset($postArr['empjobHistorySTAT']) && $postArr['empjobHistorySTAT'] == 'DEL') { // Job title history if (isset($postArr['chkjobtitHistory'])) { $jobTitleHistory = new JobTitleHistory(); $jobTitleHistory->delete($postArr['chkjobtitHistory']); } // Sub division history if (isset($postArr['chksubdivisionHistory'])) { $empDivisionHistory = new SubDivisionHistory(); $empDivisionHistory->delete($postArr['chksubdivisionHistory']); } // Location history if (isset($postArr['chklocationHistory'])) { $locationHistory = new LocationHistory(); $locationHistory->delete($postArr['chklocationHistory']); } } if (isset($postArr['childrenSTAT']) && $postArr['childrenSTAT'] == 'DEL') { $chi = new EmpChildren(); $arr[1] = $postArr['chkchidel']; for ($c = 0; count($arr[1]) > $c; $c++) { if ($arr[1][$c] != NULL) { $arr[0][$c] = $getArr['id']; } } $chi->delEmpChi($arr); } if (isset($postArr['brchSTAT']) && $postArr['brchSTAT'] == 'DEL') { $bankacc = new EmpBank(); $arr[1] = $postArr['chkbrchdel']; for ($c = 0; count($arr[1]) > $c; $c++) { if ($arr[1][$c] != NULL) { $arr[0][$c] = $getArr['id']; } } $bankacc->delEmpBank($arr); } if (isset($postArr['attSTAT']) && $postArr['attSTAT'] == 'DEL') { $attachment = new EmpAttach(); $arr[1] = $postArr['chkattdel']; for ($c = 0; count($arr[1]) > $c; $c++) { if ($arr[1][$c] != NULL) { $arr[0][$c] = $getArr['id']; } } $attachment->delEmpAtt($arr); } }
/** * Test delete() method */ public function testDelete() { // find array of id's that are not available in database foreach ($this->subDivisionHistory as $hist) { $ids[] = $hist->getId(); } $notIds = array_values(array_diff(range(1, 14), $ids)); $before = $this->_getNumRows(); $history = new SubDivisionHistory(); // invalid params try { $history->delete(34); $this->fail("Exception not thrown"); } catch (EmpHistoryException $e) { $this->assertEquals(EmpHistoryException::INVALID_PARAMETER, $e->getCode()); } // invalid params try { $history->delete(array(1, 'w', 12)); $this->fail("Exception not thrown"); } catch (EmpHistoryException $e) { $this->assertEquals(EmpHistoryException::INVALID_PARAMETER, $e->getCode()); } // empty array $res = $history->delete(array()); $this->assertEquals(0, $res); $this->assertEquals($before, $this->_getNumRows()); // no matches $res = $history->delete(array($notIds[1], $notIds[4])); $this->assertEquals(0, $res); $this->assertEquals($before, $this->_getNumRows()); // one match $res = $history->delete(array($ids[0], $notIds[3])); $this->assertEquals(1, $res); $this->assertEquals(1, $before - $this->_getNumRows()); $before = $this->_getNumRows(); // one more the rest $res = $history->delete(array($ids[2])); $this->assertEquals(1, $res); $this->assertEquals(1, $before - $this->_getNumRows()); $before = $this->_getNumRows(); // rest $res = $history->delete(array($ids[1], $ids[3], $ids[4], $ids[5])); $this->assertEquals(4, $res); $this->assertEquals(4, $before - $this->_getNumRows()); $this->assertEquals(0, $this->_getNumRows()); }