public function testOverrideOptions() { $api1 = new \Stubs\GW2ApiStub(false, []); $options1 = $api1->getRealOptions(); $this->assertEquals($options1['base_uri'], ''); $testBaseUrl = 'http://localhost:8080/'; $api2 = new \Stubs\GW2ApiStub(false, ['base_uri' => $testBaseUrl]); $options2 = $api2->getRealOptions(); $this->assertEquals($options2['base_uri'], $testBaseUrl); }
public function testExtractCacertPhar() { $api = new \Stubs\GW2ApiStub(true); $this->assertTrue($api->isIncludedAsPhar(), 'should simulate being included as phar'); $path = $api->getCacertFilePath(); $sourcePath = __DIR__ . '/../src/cacert.pem'; $this->assertStringStartsWith(sys_get_temp_dir(), $path, 'file path of cacert should be in temp directory'); // delete extracted cacert if it exists if (file_exists($path)) { unlink($path); } $this->assertFileNotExists($path, 'extracted cacert file should not exist before extracting'); $api->extractCacertFile(); $this->assertFileExists($path, 'extracted cacert file should exist after extracting'); $this->assertFileEquals($sourcePath, $path, 'extracted cacert file should match source cacert file'); }