public function renderFile() { header("Content-Type: application/json;charset=utf-8"); $aRequest = array(); $sContentType = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'; if (isset($_SERVER['CONTENT_TYPE'])) { $sContentType = $_SERVER['CONTENT_TYPE']; } if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_CONTENT_TYPE'])) { $sContentType = $_SERVER['HTTP_CONTENT_TYPE']; } if (StringUtil::startsWith($sContentType, 'application/json')) { $aRequest = json_decode(file_get_contents('php://input'), true); } else { foreach ($_REQUEST as $sKey => $sValue) { $aRequest[$sKey] = json_decode($sValue, true); } } $oSession = Session::getSession(); if (!isset($aRequest['session_language']) && $oSession->isAuthenticated()) { $aRequest['session_language'] = $oSession->getUser()->getLanguageId(); } $sPrevSessionLanguage = null; $sSetSessionLanguage = null; if (isset($aRequest['session_language'])) { $sPrevSessionLanguage = Session::language(); $sSetSessionLanguage = $aRequest['session_language']; $oSession->setLanguage($sSetSessionLanguage); } try { try { $mJSONData = $this->getJSON($aRequest); $sResult = json_encode($mJSONData); $iError = json_last_error(); if ($iError !== JSON_ERROR_NONE) { throw new LocalizedException('wns.error.json', array('json_error' => $iError, 'json_error_message' => self::$JSON_ERRORS[$iError])); } print $sResult; } catch (Exception $e) { //Handle the gift, not the wrapping… if ($e->getPrevious()) { throw $e->getPrevious(); } else { throw $e; } } } catch (LocalizedException $ex) { LinkUtil::sendHTTPStatusCode(500, 'Server Error'); print json_encode(array('exception' => array('message' => $ex->getLocalizedMessage(), 'code' => $ex->getCode(), 'file' => $ex->getFile(), 'line' => $ex->getLine(), 'trace' => $ex->getTrace(), 'parameters' => $ex->getMessageParameters(), 'exception_type' => $ex->getExceptionType()))); } catch (Exception $ex) { LinkUtil::sendHTTPStatusCode(500, 'Server Error'); ErrorHandler::handleException($ex, true); print json_encode(array('exception' => array('message' => "Exception when trying to execute the last action {$ex->getMessage()}", 'code' => $ex->getCode(), 'file' => $ex->getFile(), 'line' => $ex->getLine(), 'trace' => $ex->getTrace(), 'exception_type' => get_class($ex)))); } //If we changed the session language and no widget willfully changed it as well, reset it to the previous state if ($sPrevSessionLanguage !== null && Session::language() === $sSetSessionLanguage) { $oSession->setLanguage($sPrevSessionLanguage); } }
public function __call($sMethodName, $aParameters) { //Event name if (!StringUtil::startsWith($sMethodName, 'handle')) { return 0; } $sEventName = substr($sMethodName, strlen('handle')); return $this->doHandleEvent($sEventName, $aParameters); }
public static function prepareUrlForCurl($url) { $url = StringUtil::startsWith($url, '//') ? 'http:' . $url : $url; // URL encode based of MDN spec // return preg_replace_callback("{[^0-9a-z_.!~*'();,/?:@&=+\$#]}i", function ($m) { return sprintf('%%%02X', ord($m[0])); }, $url); }
public function onRichtextWriteTagForIdentifier($sTagName, $aParameters, $oIdentifier, $sTagContent, $oLink) { if (Manager::getCurrentManager() instanceof BackendManager || $oIdentifier->getName() !== 'external_link' || !StringUtil::startsWith($aParameters[0]['href'], 'subs://') || !$oLink instanceof Link) { return; } $aParameters[0]['href'] = EXT_WEB_DIR_FE . '/' . substr($aParameters[0]['href'], strlen('subs://')); $aParameters[0]['class'] = 'internal_link subsite'; $aParameters[0]['rel'] = 'internal'; }
public static function suite() { $oResult = new PHPUnit_Framework_TestSuite("ResourceFinder test suite"); foreach (ResourceFinder::getFolderContents(dirname(__FILE__)) as $sFileName => $sFilePath) { if (StringUtil::endsWith($sFileName, "Tests.php") && (StringUtil::startsWith($sFileName, "ResourceFinder") || StringUtil::startsWith($sFileName, "FileResource") || StringUtil::startsWith($sFileName, "ResourceIncluder"))) { $oResult->addTestFile($sFilePath); } } return $oResult; }
public static function suite() { $oResult = new PHPUnit_Framework_TestSuite("Complete test suite"); foreach (ResourceFinder::getFolderContents(dirname(__FILE__)) as $sFileName => $sFilePath) { if (StringUtil::endsWith($sFileName, ".php") && StringUtil::startsWith($sFileName, "Test") && !StringUtil::startsWith($sFileName, "TestUtil") && $sFilePath !== __FILE__) { require_once $sFilePath; $oResult->addTest(call_user_func(array(substr($sFileName, 0, -strlen('.php')), "suite"))); } } return $oResult; }
public static function processCSSContent($sContent, $oFile) { $oCache = new Cache('preview_css' . $oFile->getInternalPath(), DIRNAME_TEMPLATES); header("Content-Type: text/css;charset=" . Settings::getSetting('encoding', 'browser', 'utf-8')); if ($oCache->entryExists() && !$oCache->isOutdated($oFile->getFullPath())) { $oCache->sendCacheControlHeaders(); $oCache->passContents(); exit; } $oParser = new Sabberworm\CSS\Parser($sContent, Sabberworm\CSS\Settings::create()->withDefaultCharset(Settings::getSetting('encoding', 'browser', 'utf-8'))); $oCssContents = $oParser->parse(); //Make all rules important // foreach($oCssContents->getAllRuleSets() as $oCssRuleSet) { // foreach($oCssRuleSet->getRules() as $oRule) { // $oRule->setIsImportant(true); // } // } //Multiply all rules and prepend specific strings $aPrependages = array('#rapila_admin_menu', '.filled-container.editing', '.ui-dialog', '.cke_dialog_contents', '#widget-notifications', '.cke_reset', 'body > .cke_reset_all', '.tag_panel'); foreach ($oCssContents->getAllDeclarationBlocks() as $oBlock) { $aNewSelector = array(); foreach ($oBlock->getSelectors() as $iKey => $oSelector) { $sSelector = $oSelector->getSelector(); if (StringUtil::startsWith($sSelector, "body ") || StringUtil::startsWith($sSelector, "html ")) { $aNewSelector[] = $sSelector; } else { foreach ($aPrependages as $sPrependage) { if (StringUtil::startsWith($sSelector, "{$sPrependage} ") || StringUtil::startsWith($sSelector, "{$sPrependage}.") || $sSelector === $sPrependage) { $aNewSelector[] = $sSelector; } else { $aNewSelector[] = "{$sPrependage} {$sSelector}"; } } } } $oBlock->setSelector($aNewSelector); } //Absolutize all URLs foreach ($oCssContents->getAllValues() as $oValue) { if ($oValue instanceof Sabberworm\CSS\Value\URL) { $sURL = $oValue->getURL()->getString(); if (!StringUtil::startsWith($sURL, '/') && !preg_match('/^\\w+:/', $sURL)) { $sURL = $oFile->getFrontendDirectoryPath() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $sURL; } $oValue->setURL(new Sabberworm\CSS\Value\CSSString($sURL)); } } $sContents = $oCssContents->render(Sabberworm\CSS\OutputFormat::createCompact()); $oCache->setContents($sContents); $oCache->sendCacheControlHeaders(); print $sContents; }
private function createMethodGetter($methodName, $isSpecialColumn = false) { if (StringUtil::startsWith($methodName, $this->formatMethodPrefix)) { $conversion = null; } else { $formatMethod = preg_replace('/^get/', $this->formatMethodPrefix, $methodName, 1); if (method_exists($this->class, $formatMethod)) { $methodName = $formatMethod; $conversion = null; } else { $conversion = $this->formatConversion; } } return new afMethodGetter($methodName, $conversion, $isSpecialColumn); }
public function getMissingRights($mPage, $bInheritedOnly = false) { $oRightMethods = get_class_methods("Right"); $aResult = array(); foreach ($oRightMethods as $iKey => $sRightMethodName) { if (!StringUtil::startsWith($sRightMethodName, 'getMay')) { continue; } $sRightName = substr($sRightMethodName, strlen('getMay')); if (!$this->may($mPage, $sRightName, $bInheritedOnly)) { $aResult[] = $sRightName; } } return $aResult; }
public function __call($sMethodName, $aArguments) { if ($this->aFilterTypes !== null && StringUtil::startsWith($sMethodName, 'set') && $sMethodName[3] === strtoupper($sMethodName[3])) { $sFilterColumn = StringUtil::deCamelize(lcfirst(substr($sMethodName, 3))); if ($this->filterTypeForColumn($sFilterColumn) !== null) { return $this->oListSettings->setFilterColumnValue($sFilterColumn, $aArguments[0]); } } if ($this->aFilterTypes !== null && StringUtil::startsWith($sMethodName, 'get') && $sMethodName[3] === strtoupper($sMethodName[3])) { $sFilterColumn = StringUtil::deCamelize(lcfirst(substr($sMethodName, 3))); if ($this->filterTypeForColumn($sFilterColumn) !== null) { return $this->oListSettings->getFilterColumnValue($sFilterColumn); } } return call_user_func_array(array($this->oCriteriaDelegate, $sMethodName), $aArguments); }
public static function getResourceIncluderContents($oIncluder) { $sContents = ''; foreach ($oIncluder->getResourceInfosForIncludedResourcesOfPriority() as $aInfo) { if (isset($aInfo['file_resource'])) { $sContents .= file_get_contents($aInfo['file_resource']->getFullPath()); } else { $sLocation = $aInfo['location']; if (StringUtil::startsWith($sLocation, '//')) { $sLocation = 'http:' . $sLocation; } $sContents .= file_get_contents($sLocation); } } return $sContents; }
public function setConnectionCharset($sAdapter, $sCharset, PDOConnection $oConnection = null) { if ($oConnection === null) { $oConnection = Propel::getConnection(); } $sCharset = self::convertEncodingNameToSql($sCharset); if (StringUtil::startsWith($sAdapter, 'mysql')) { $sAdapter = 'mysql'; } $sFile = ResourceFinder::create(array('data', 'sql', 'charset', "{$sAdapter}.dump"))->find(); if ($sFile === null) { return; } $sCharsetCode = file_get_contents($sFile); $sCharsetCode = str_replace('{{charset}}', $sCharset, $sCharsetCode); $oConnection->exec($sCharsetCode); }
public function loadFromBackup($sFileName = null) { $sFilePath = ResourceFinder::findResource(array(DIRNAME_DATA, 'sql', $sFileName)); $oConnection = Propel::getConnection(); $bFileError = false; if ($sFilePath === null) { $bFileError = true; } if (!$bFileError) { if (!is_readable($sFilePath)) { $bFileError = true; } if (!$bFileError) { $rFile = fopen($sFilePath, 'r'); if (!$rFile) { $bFileError = true; } } } // throw error and filename on error if ($bFileError) { throw new LocalizedException('wns.backup.loader.load_error', array('filename' => $sFilePath)); } // continue importing from local file $sStatement = ""; $sReadLine = ""; $iQueryCount = 1; while (($sReadLine = fgets($rFile)) !== false) { if ($sReadLine !== "\n" && !StringUtil::startsWith($sReadLine, "#") && !StringUtil::startsWith($sReadLine, "--")) { $sStatement .= $sReadLine; } if ($sReadLine === "\n" || StringUtil::endsWith($sReadLine, ";\n")) { if (trim($sStatement) !== "") { $oConnection->exec($sStatement); $iQueryCount++; } $sStatement = ""; } } if (trim($sStatement) !== "") { $oConnection->exec($sStatement); } Cache::clearAllCaches(); return $iQueryCount; }
/** * Redirects (locally by default). * Use with LinkUtil::link()ed URLs (because this redirect does not add the base path/context MAIN_DIR_FE). * Discards all buffered output and exits * Pass $sHost = false to mark $sLocation as absolute URL */ public static function redirect($sLocation, $sHost = null, $sProtocol = 'default', $bPermanent = true) { while (ob_get_level() > 0) { ob_end_clean(); } if ($bPermanent) { self::sendHTTPStatusCode(301, "Moved Permanently"); } else { self::sendHTTPStatusCode(302, "Found"); } if ($sHost !== false) { $sLocation = self::absoluteLink($sLocation, $sHost, $sProtocol); } if (StringUtil::startsWith($sLocation, '//')) { $sLocation = (self::isSSL() ? 'https:' : 'http:') . $sLocation; } $sRedirectString = "Location: {$sLocation}"; header($sRedirectString); exit; }
public static function getCustomMethods() { $aMethods = array(); $aStaticMethods = array(); $oSuperClass = new ReflectionClass('WidgetModule'); $oClass = new ReflectionClass(get_called_class()); foreach ($oClass->getMethods(ReflectionMethod::IS_PUBLIC) as $oMethod) { if (StringUtil::startsWith($oMethod->getName(), '__')) { continue; } if ($oSuperClass->hasMethod($oMethod->getName())) { continue; } if ($oMethod->isStatic()) { $aStaticMethods[] = $oMethod->getName(); } else { $aMethods[] = $oMethod->getName(); } } $aMethods[] = 'getInputName'; $aMethods[] = 'setInputName'; return array('static' => $aStaticMethods, 'instance' => $aMethods); }
public function onNavigationItemChildrenRequested(NavigationItem $oNavigationItem) { if (!($oNavigationItem instanceof PageNavigationItem && $oNavigationItem->getIdentifier() === self::PARENT_PAGE_IDENTIFIER)) { return; } $aDocumentationPartKeys = array(); foreach (DocumentationProviderTypeModule::completeMetaData() as $sPart => $aLanguages) { if (isset($aLanguages[Session::language()])) { $aDocumentationPartKeys[$sPart] = false; } } foreach (DocumentationPartQuery::create()->filterByLanguageId(Session::language())->select('Key')->find() as $sPart) { $aDocumentationPartKeys[$sPart] = true; } ksort($aDocumentationPartKeys); $aDocumentations = DocumentationsFrontendModule::listQuery()->select(array('Key', 'Name', 'Title', 'NameSpace'))->find(); foreach ($aDocumentations as $aParams) { $aConfiguredParts = array(); foreach ($aDocumentationPartKeys as $sKey => $bIsInternal) { if (StringUtil::startsWith($sKey, $aParams['NameSpace'] . '.')) { $aConfiguredParts[$sKey] = $bIsInternal; unset($aDocumentationPartKeys[$sKey]); } else { if ($sKey > $aParams['NameSpace'] . '.') { break; } } } $sTitle = $aParams['Title'] != null ? $aParams['Title'] : $aParams['Name']; $oNavItem = new VirtualNavigationItem(self::ITEM_TYPE, $aParams['Key'], 'Dokumentation ' . $sTitle, $aParams['Name'], $aConfiguredParts); $oNavigationItem->addChild($oNavItem); } // if(count($aDocumentationPartKeys) > 0) { // $oNavItem = new VirtualNavigationItem(self::ITEM_TYPE_UNCATEGORIZED, 'uncategorized', TranslationPeer::getString('documentations.uncategorized'), null, $aDocumentationPartKeys); // $oNavigationItem->addChild($oNavItem); // } }
/** * Returns an array mapping user, password, host and database to their respective values. **/ function db_splitDsn($dsn = null) { $result = array(); if (!$dsn) { $dsn = pref_getServerPreference('database'); } $prefix = 'mysql://'; assert(StringUtil::startsWith($dsn, $prefix)); $dsn = substr($dsn, strlen($prefix)); $parts = preg_split("/[:@\\/]/", $dsn); assert(count($parts) == 3 || count($parts) == 4); if (count($parts) == 4) { $result['user'] = $parts[0]; $result['password'] = $parts[1]; $result['host'] = $parts[2]; $result['database'] = $parts[3]; } else { $result['user'] = $parts[0]; $result['host'] = $parts[1]; $result['database'] = $parts[2]; $result['password'] = ''; } return $result; }
/** * Ensures that startsWith() returns false if the string is shorter than the * prefix and equals the first part of the prefix. */ public function testStartsWithReturnsFalseIfStringEqualsFirstPartOfPrefix() { $result = StringUtil::startsWith('test', 'testprefix'); $this->assertFalse($result); }
/** * Removes _* keys from the list of keys. */ private static function pruneKeys(&$keys) { foreach ($keys as $i => $key) { if (StringUtil::startsWith($key, '_')) { unset($keys[$i]); } } }
$lexemMap = array(); $errorMap = array(); $deleteMap = array(); foreach ($_REQUEST as $name => $value) { if ((StringUtil::startsWith($name, 'caps_') || StringUtil::startsWith($name, 'model_') || StringUtil::startsWith($name, 'comment_') || StringUtil::startsWith($name, 'singular_') || StringUtil::startsWith($name, 'plural_') || StringUtil::startsWith($name, 'verifSp_') || StringUtil::startsWith($name, 'delete_') || StringUtil::startsWith($name, 'deleteConfirm_')) && $value) { $parts = preg_split('/_/', $name); assert(count($parts) == 2); $lexemId = $parts[1]; if (!array_key_exists($lexemId, $lexemMap)) { $lexemMap[$lexemId] = Lexem::get_by_id($lexemId); } $l = $lexemMap[$lexemId]; $lm = $l->getFirstLexemModel(); switch ($parts[0]) { case 'caps': if (StringUtil::startsWith($l->form, "'")) { $l->form = "'" . AdminStringUtil::capitalize(mb_substr($l->form, 1)); } else { $l->form = AdminStringUtil::capitalize($l->form); } $l->formNoAccent = str_replace("'", '', $l->form); break; case 'singular': $lm->restriction = 'S'; break; case 'plural': $lm->restriction = 'P'; break; case 'model': if ($value) { $m = Model::factory('FlexModel')->where_raw("concat(modelType, number) = '{$value}'")->find_one();
<?php require_once "../../phplib/util.php"; util_assertModerator(PRIV_EDIT); util_assertNotMirror(); $submitButton = util_getRequestParameter('submitButton'); if ($submitButton) { $defId = util_getRequestParameter('definitionId'); $def = Definition::get_by_id($defId); // Collect the user choices $choices = array(); foreach ($_REQUEST as $name => $value) { if (StringUtil::startsWith($name, 'radio_')) { $choices[substr($name, 6)] = $value; } } // Collect the positions of ambiguous abbreviations $matches = array(); AdminStringUtil::markAbbreviations($def->internalRep, $def->sourceId, $matches); usort($matches, 'positionCmp'); $s = $def->internalRep; foreach ($matches as $i => $m) { if ($choices[count($choices) - 1 - $i] == 'abbrev') { $orig = substr($s, $m['position'], $m['length']); $replacement = StringUtil::isUppercase(StringUtil::getCharAt($orig, 0)) ? AdminStringUtil::capitalize($m['abbrev']) : $m['abbrev']; $s = substr_replace($s, "#{$replacement}#", $m['position'], $m['length']); } } $def->internalRep = $s; $def->htmlRep = AdminStringUtil::htmlize($def->internalRep, $def->sourceId); $def->abbrevReview = ABBREV_REVIEW_COMPLETE;
public function replaceIn($oIdentifier) { $sText = $oIdentifier->getValue(); $sReplacement = $oIdentifier->getParameter('with'); if ($oIdentifier->hasParameter('matching')) { $sPattern = $oIdentifier->getParameter('matching'); if (!StringUtil::startsWith($sPattern, '/')) { $sPattern = '/' . $sPattern . '/'; } return preg_replace($sPattern, $sReplacement, $sText); } else { $sSearch = $oIdentifier->getParameter('string'); return str_replace($sSearch, $sReplacement, $sText); } }
/** * Read forms and isLoc/recommended checkboxes from the request. * The map is already populated with all the applicable inflection IDs. * InflectionId's and variants are coded in the request parameters. **/ function readRequest(&$map) { foreach ($_REQUEST as $name => $value) { if (StringUtil::startsWith($name, 'forms_')) { $parts = preg_split('/_/', $name); assert(count($parts) == 3); assert($parts[0] == 'forms'); $inflId = $parts[1]; $variant = $parts[2]; $form = trim($value); if ($form) { $map[$inflId][$variant] = array('form' => $form, 'isLoc' => false, 'recommended' => false); } } else { if (StringUtil::startsWith($name, 'isLoc_')) { $parts = preg_split('/_/', $name); assert(count($parts) == 3); assert($parts[0] == 'isLoc'); $inflId = $parts[1]; $variant = $parts[2]; if (array_key_exists($variant, $map[$inflId])) { $map[$inflId][$variant]['isLoc'] = true; } } else { if (StringUtil::startsWith($name, 'recommended_')) { $parts = preg_split('/_/', $name); assert(count($parts) == 3); assert($parts[0] == 'recommended'); $inflId = $parts[1]; $variant = $parts[2]; if (array_key_exists($variant, $map[$inflId])) { $map[$inflId][$variant]['recommended'] = true; } } } } } // Now reindex the array, in case the admin left, for example, variant 1 empty but filled in variant 2. foreach ($map as $inflId => $variants) { $map[$inflId] = array_values($variants); } }
if ($newLocVersion) { if ($locVersion == $newLocVersion) { FlashMessage::add('Ați selectat aceeași versiune LOC de două ori'); util_redirect('scrabble-loc'); } $file1 = tempnam('/tmp', 'loc_diff_'); $file2 = tempnam('/tmp', 'loc_diff_'); writeLexems($locVersion, $file1); writeLexems($newLocVersion, $file2); $diff = OS::executeAndReturnOutput("diff {$file1} {$file2} || true"); print "<pre>\n"; foreach ($diff as $line) { if (StringUtil::startsWith($line, '< ')) { print sprintf("<span style=\"color: red\">%s: %s</span>\n", $locVersion, substr($line, 2)); } else { if (StringUtil::startsWith($line, '> ')) { print sprintf("<span style=\"color: green\">%s: %s</span>\n", $newLocVersion, substr($line, 2)); } } } print "</pre>\n"; util_deleteFile($file1); util_deleteFile($file2); exit; } if ($locVersion) { header('Content-type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8'); writeLexems($locVersion, 'php://output'); exit; } setlocale(LC_ALL, "ro_RO.utf8");
private function consolidationStepForResourceType($sType, $bExcludeExternal, $iPriority, $sKey, &$aConsolidatorInfo, &$resource_type, &$file_resource, &$location, &$content, &$template, &$media, $aResourceInfo) { $sSSLMode = 'default'; if ($resource_type !== $sType && $resource_type !== "inline_{$sType}") { return; } //External location (no file_resource given) or location not determinable $bIsExternal = $file_resource === null && $content === null; // Files with external references should only be consolidated if explicitly requested (resource_includer.yml/general/consolidate_resources == 'internal' disables this) $bShouldNotBeConsolidated = $bIsExternal && ($bExcludeExternal || $location === null); // Files with an IE condition can’t be consolidated because the condition (unlike CSS media queries) can only be set in HTML $bShouldNotBeConsolidated = $bShouldNotBeConsolidated || isset($aResourceInfo['ie_condition']); if ($bShouldNotBeConsolidated) { $this->cleanupConsolidator($aConsolidatorInfo); } else { $this->initConsolidator($sType, $iPriority, $sKey, $aConsolidatorInfo); $oCache = new Cache('consolidated-' . $sKey, DIRNAME_PRELOAD, CachingStrategy::fromConfig('file')); if (!$oCache->entryExists()) { $sRelativeLocationRoot = null; $sContents = ''; if ($file_resource !== null) { // We have a file resource $sContents = file_get_contents($file_resource->getFullPath()); $sRelativeLocationRoot = LinkUtil::absoluteLink($file_resource->getFrontendPath(), null, $sSSLMode, true); } else { if ($location !== null) { // No file resource given, we only have a URL to go on if (StringUtil::startsWith($location, '//')) { $location = substr($location, strlen('//')); // The path is a protocol-relative URL. Absolutize for file_get_contents and relativize for linking (according to linking/always_link_absolutely) $sRelativeLocationRoot = LinkUtil::getProtocol() . $location; $mProtocolSetting = 'auto'; $location = LinkUtil::getProtocol($mProtocolSetting) . $location; } else { if (StringUtil::startsWith($location, '/')) { // The path is a domain-relative-URL. Absolutize for file_get_contents and relativize for linking (according to linking/always_link_absolutely) $sRelativeLocationRoot = LinkUtil::absoluteLink($location, null, $sSSLMode, true); $location = LinkUtil::absoluteLink($location, null, LinkUtil::isSSL()); } else { $sRelativeLocationRoot = $location; } } $sContents = file_get_contents($location); } else { if ($content !== null) { if ($content instanceof Template) { $content = $content->render(); } $sContents = $content; } } } if ($sType === self::RESOURCE_TYPE_CSS && $media) { $sContents = "@media {$media} { {$sContents} }"; } // Fix relative locations in CSS if ($sType === self::RESOURCE_TYPE_CSS && $sRelativeLocationRoot !== null) { //Remove the protocol so our slash-detection logic works correctly (because the protocol may also contain slashes) if (preg_match(',^([a-z][a-z.\\-+]*:)?//,', $sRelativeLocationRoot, $sProtocol) === 1) { $sProtocol = $sProtocol[0]; } else { $sProtocol = ''; } $sRelativeLocationRoot = substr($sRelativeLocationRoot, strlen($sProtocol)); $sAbsoluteLocationRoot = $sRelativeLocationRoot; $bHasTruncatedTail = false; $iSlashPosition = null; // Calculate the absolute location root (will be "" most of the time unless the CSS was loaded from an external domain or linking/always_link_absolutely is true) while (($iSlashPosition = strrpos($sAbsoluteLocationRoot, '/')) !== false) { $sAbsoluteLocationRoot = substr($sAbsoluteLocationRoot, 0, $iSlashPosition); if (!$bHasTruncatedTail) { // Remove the last part from the relative location as it’s the resource itself $sRelativeLocationRoot = "{$sAbsoluteLocationRoot}/"; $bHasTruncatedTail = true; } } // Re-add the protocol part $sRelativeLocationRoot = $sProtocol . $sRelativeLocationRoot; $sAbsoluteLocationRoot = $sProtocol . $sAbsoluteLocationRoot; // Find url() tokens $sContents = preg_replace_callback(',url\\s*\\(\\s*(\'[^\']+\'|\\"[^\\"]+\\"|[^(\'\\"]+?)\\s*\\),', function ($aMatches) use($sRelativeLocationRoot, $sAbsoluteLocationRoot) { // Convert /something/../ to / $sQuote = ''; $sUrl = $aMatches[1]; $sFirst = substr($sUrl, 0, 1); if ($sFirst === '"' || $sFirst === "'") { $sQuote = $sFirst; $sUrl = substr($sUrl, 1, -1); } if (StringUtil::startsWith($sUrl, '//')) { // URL is protocol-relative. Do nothing. // If this were pointing to the local host, we’d need to respect linking/ssl_in_absolute_links // but if it did come from a file resource, we’d already have that } else { if (StringUtil::startsWith($sUrl, '/')) { // URL absolute. That means relative to $sAbsoluteLocationRoot $sUrl = $sAbsoluteLocationRoot . $sUrl; } else { if (!preg_match(',^[a-z][a-z.\\-+]*:,', $sUrl)) { // URL is relative to the resource being changed. That means relative to $sRelativeLocationRoot // Absolutize only relative URLs (the ones not starting with a protocol) // Prepend the coomon root for the relative location $sUrl = $sRelativeLocationRoot . $sUrl; // Fix explicit relative URLs (./) $sUrl = preg_replace(',/\\./,', '/', $sUrl); // Resolve Uplinks (/some-place/../) $sParentPattern = ',/[^/]+/\\.\\./,'; while (preg_match($sParentPattern, $sUrl) === 1) { $sUrl = preg_replace($sParentPattern, '/', $sUrl, 1); } } } } return "url({$sQuote}{$sUrl}{$sQuote})"; }, $sContents); } $oCache->setContents($sContents); } $aConsolidatorInfo['contents'][$sKey] = $oCache; } }
<?php require_once "../../phplib/util.php"; util_assertModerator(PRIV_EDIT); util_assertNotMirror(); $submitButton = util_getRequestParameter('submitButton'); if ($submitButton) { foreach ($_REQUEST as $name => $position) { if (StringUtil::startsWith($name, 'position_')) { $parts = preg_split('/_/', $name); assert(count($parts) == 2); assert($parts[0] == 'position'); $lexem = Lexem::get_by_id($parts[1]); $noAccent = util_getRequestParameter('noAccent_' . $lexem->id); if ($noAccent) { $lexem->noAccent = 1; $lexem->save(); } else { if ($position != -1) { $lexem->form = mb_substr($lexem->form, 0, $position) . "'" . mb_substr($lexem->form, $position); $lexem->save(); foreach ($lexem->getLexemModels() as $lm) { $lm->regenerateParadigm(); } } } } } util_redirect("placeAccents.php"); } $chars = array();
/** * Attempts to assign an image automatically for the given date and word. * Returns the image name on success, null on failure **/ function assignImageByName($wotd, $def) { global $staticFiles; $yearMonth = substr($wotd->displayDate, 0, 7); $strippedLexicon = stripImageName($def->lexicon); foreach ($staticFiles as $file) { if (StringUtil::startsWith($file, "img/wotd/{$yearMonth}/")) { $file = basename(trim($file)); $strippedFile = stripImageName($file); if (preg_match("/{$strippedLexicon}\\.(png|jpg|jpeg)/", $strippedFile)) { return "{$yearMonth}/{$file}"; } } } return null; }
/** * Returns an /absolute URL. */ public static function abs($url) { if (StringUtil::startsWith($url, 'http://')) { return $url; } if (StringUtil::startsWith($url, 'https://')) { return $url; } if (!StringUtil::startsWith($url, '/')) { $url = '/' . $url; } return $url; }
<?php require_once "../../phplib/util.php"; util_assertModerator(PRIV_EDIT); util_assertNotMirror(); $suffix = util_getRequestParameter('suffix'); $submitButton = util_getRequestParameter('submitButton'); if ($submitButton) { foreach ($_REQUEST as $name => $modelId) { if (StringUtil::startsWith($name, 'lexem_')) { $parts = preg_split('/_/', $name); assert(count($parts) == 2); assert($parts[0] == 'lexem'); $lexem = Lexem::get_by_id($parts[1]); if ($modelId) { $parts = preg_split('/_/', $modelId); assert(count($parts) == 2); $lm = $lexem->getFirstLexemModel(); $lm->modelType = $parts[0]; $lm->modelNumber = $parts[1]; $lm->restriction = util_getRequestParameter('restr_' . $lexem->id); $lm->save(); $lm->regenerateParadigm(); } else { $lexem->comment = util_getRequestParameter('comment_' . $lexem->id); $lexem->save(); } } } util_redirect("bulkLabel.php?suffix={$suffix}"); }
public function identifiersMatching($sName = null, $sValue = null, $aParameters = null, $bFindFirst = false, $iStartPosition = 0) { $aResult = array(); $aIdentifiers = $this->allIdentifiers(); if ($iStartPosition) { $aIdentifiers = array_slice($aIdentifiers, $iStartPosition, null, true); } foreach ($aIdentifiers as $iKey => $mValue) { if ($sName === null || $mValue->getName() === $sName && ($sValue === self::$ANY_VALUE || $mValue->getValue() === $sValue)) { if ($aParameters === null || count($aParameters) === 0) { if ($bFindFirst) { return $mValue; } else { $aResult[$iKey] = $mValue; continue; } } $bMatches = true; foreach ($aParameters as $sParameterName => $sParameterValue) { if (is_string($sParameterValue) && StringUtil::startsWith($sParameterValue, "!")) { //search for non-matching values $sParameterValue = substr($sParameterValue, 1); if ($mValue->hasParameter($sParameterName) && $mValue->getParameter($sParameterName) === $sParameterValue) { $bMatches = false; break; } } else { if (!$mValue->hasParameter($sParameterName) || $sParameterValue !== self::$ANY_VALUE && $mValue->getParameter($sParameterName) !== $sParameterValue) { $bMatches = false; break; } } } if ($bMatches === true) { if ($bFindFirst) { return $mValue; } else { $aResult[$iKey] = $mValue; } } } } if ($bFindFirst) { return null; } return $aResult; }