Esempio n. 1
  * @return array
  * @throws Exception
 public function processDownload()
     Craft::log('Starting to process the update download.', LogLevel::Info, true);
     $tempPath = craft()->path->getTempPath();
     // Download the package from ET.
     Craft::log('Downloading patch file to ' . $tempPath, LogLevel::Info, true);
     if (($fileName = craft()->et->downloadUpdate($tempPath)) !== false) {
         $downloadFilePath = $tempPath . $fileName;
     } else {
         throw new Exception(Craft::t('There was a problem downloading the package.'));
     $uid = StringHelper::UUID();
     // Validate the downloaded update against ET.
     Craft::log('Validating downloaded update.', LogLevel::Info, true);
     if (!$this->_validateUpdate($downloadFilePath)) {
         throw new Exception(Craft::t('There was a problem validating the downloaded package.'));
     // Unpack the downloaded package.
     Craft::log('Unpacking the downloaded package.', LogLevel::Info, true);
     $unzipFolder = craft()->path->getTempPath() . $uid;
     if (!$this->_unpackPackage($downloadFilePath, $unzipFolder)) {
         throw new Exception(Craft::t('There was a problem unpacking the downloaded package.'));
     return array('uid' => $uid);
  * @param SproutSeo_SitemapModel $attributes
  * @return mixed|null|string
 public function saveSitemap(SproutSeo_SitemapModel $attributes)
     $row = array();
     $isNew = false;
     if (isset($attributes->id) && substr($attributes->id, 0, 3) === "new") {
         $isNew = true;
     if (!$isNew) {
         $row = craft()->db->createCommand()->select('*')->from('sproutseo_sitemap')->where('id=:id', array(':id' => $attributes->id))->queryRow();
     $model = SproutSeo_SitemapModel::populateModel($row);
     $model->id = !$isNew ? $attributes->id : null;
     $model->sectionId = isset($attributes->sectionId) ? $attributes->sectionId : null;
     $model->url = isset($attributes->url) ? $attributes->url : null;
     $model->priority = $attributes->priority;
     $model->changeFrequency = $attributes->changeFrequency;
     $model->enabled = $attributes->enabled == 'true' ? 1 : 0;
     $model->ping = $attributes->ping == 'true' ? 1 : 0;
     $model->dateUpdated = DateTimeHelper::currentTimeForDb();
     $model->uid = StringHelper::UUID();
     if ($isNew) {
         $model->dateCreated = DateTimeHelper::currentTimeForDb();
         craft()->db->createCommand()->insert('sproutseo_sitemap', $model->getAttributes());
         return craft()->db->lastInsertID;
     } else {
         $result = craft()->db->createCommand()->update('sproutseo_sitemap', $model->getAttributes(), 'id=:id', array(':id' => $model->id));
         return $model->id;
Esempio n. 3
  * @param $downloadPath
  * @return bool
 public function downloadUpdate($downloadPath)
     $et = new Et(static::DownloadUpdate, 240);
     if (IOHelper::folderExists($downloadPath)) {
         $downloadPath .= StringHelper::UUID() . '.zip';
     if (($fileName = $et->phoneHome()) !== null) {
         return $fileName;
     return false;
 public function addCacheById($cacheId, $flags)
     $flags = craft()->cacheFlag->sanitizeFlags($flags);
     $transaction = craft()->db->getCurrentTransaction() === null ? craft()->db->beginTransaction() : null;
     try {
         craft()->db->createCommand()->insert('templatecaches_flagged', array('cacheId' => $cacheId, 'flags' => $flags, 'uid' => StringHelper::UUID(), 'dateCreated' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'), 'dateUpdated' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s')), false);
         if ($transaction !== null) {
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         if ($transaction !== null) {
         throw $e;
Esempio n. 5
  * @param string $unzipFolder
  * @throws Exception
  * @return array
 private function _validateNewRequirements($unzipFolder)
     $requirementsFolderPath = $unzipFolder . '/app/etc/requirements/';
     $requirementsFile = $requirementsFolderPath . 'Requirements.php';
     $errors = array();
     if (!IOHelper::fileExists($requirementsFile)) {
         throw new Exception(Craft::t('The Requirements file is required and it does not exist at {path}.', array('path' => $requirementsFile)));
     // Make sure we can write to craft/app/requirements
     if (!IOHelper::isWritable(craft()->path->getAppPath() . 'etc/requirements/')) {
         throw new Exception(StringHelper::parseMarkdown(Craft::t('Craft CMS needs to be able to write to your craft/app/etc/requirements folder and cannot. Please check your [permissions]({url}).', array('url' => ''))));
     $tempFileName = StringHelper::UUID() . '.php';
     // Make a dupe of the requirements file and give it a random file name.
     IOHelper::copyFile($requirementsFile, $requirementsFolderPath . $tempFileName);
     $newTempFilePath = craft()->path->getAppPath() . 'etc/requirements/' . $tempFileName;
     // Copy the random file name requirements to the requirements folder.
     // We don't want to execute any PHP from the storage folder.
     IOHelper::copyFile($requirementsFolderPath . $tempFileName, $newTempFilePath);
     require_once $newTempFilePath;
     $checker = new RequirementsChecker();
     if ($checker->getResult() == RequirementResult::Failed) {
         foreach ($checker->getRequirements() as $requirement) {
             if ($requirement->getResult() == InstallStatus::Failed) {
                 Craft::log('Requirement "' . $requirement->getName() . '" failed with the message: ' . $requirement->getNotes(), LogLevel::Error, true);
                 $errors[] = $requirement->getNotes();
     // Cleanup
     return $errors;
  * @param $manifestData
  * @param $sourceTempFolder
  * @param $handle
  * @return bool
 public static function doFileUpdate($manifestData, $sourceTempFolder, $handle)
     if ($handle == 'craft') {
         $destDirectory = craft()->path->getAppPath();
         $sourceFileDirectory = 'app/';
     } else {
         $destDirectory = craft()->path->getPluginsPath() . $handle . '/';
         $sourceFileDirectory = '';
     try {
         foreach ($manifestData as $row) {
             if (static::isManifestVersionInfoLine($row)) {
             $folder = false;
             $rowData = explode(';', $row);
             if (static::isManifestLineAFolder($rowData[0])) {
                 $folder = true;
                 $tempPath = static::cleanManifestFolderLine($rowData[0]);
             } else {
                 $tempPath = $rowData[0];
             $destFile = IOHelper::normalizePathSeparators($destDirectory . $tempPath);
             $sourceFile = IOHelper::getRealPath(IOHelper::normalizePathSeparators($sourceTempFolder . '/' . $sourceFileDirectory . $tempPath));
             switch (trim($rowData[1])) {
                 // update the file
                 case PatchManifestFileAction::Add:
                     if ($folder) {
                         Craft::log('Updating folder: ' . $destFile, LogLevel::Info, true);
                         $tempFolder = rtrim($destFile, '/') . StringHelper::UUID() . '/';
                         $tempTempFolder = rtrim($destFile, '/') . '-tmp/';
                         IOHelper::copyFolder($sourceFile, $tempFolder);
                         IOHelper::rename($destFile, $tempTempFolder);
                         IOHelper::rename($tempFolder, $destFile);
                     } else {
                         Craft::log('Updating file: ' . $destFile, LogLevel::Info, true);
                         IOHelper::copyFile($sourceFile, $destFile);
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         Craft::log('Error updating files: ' . $e->getMessage(), LogLevel::Error);
         UpdateHelper::rollBackFileChanges($manifestData, $handle);
         return false;
     return true;
  * Sets a user record up for a new verification code without saving it.
  * @param  UserRecord $userRecord
  * @return string
 private function _setVerificationCodeOnUserRecord(UserRecord $userRecord)
     $unhashedCode = StringHelper::UUID();
     $hashedCode = craft()->security->hashPassword($unhashedCode);
     $userRecord->verificationCode = $hashedCode;
     $userRecord->verificationCodeIssuedDate = DateTimeHelper::currentUTCDateTime();
     return $unhashedCode;
Esempio n. 8
  * @param string $table
  * @param array  $keyColumns
  * @param array  $updateColumns
  * @param bool   $includeAuditColumns
  * @return int
 public function insertOrUpdate($table, $keyColumns, $updateColumns, $includeAuditColumns = true)
     if ($includeAuditColumns) {
         $keyColumns['dateCreated'] = DateTimeHelper::currentTimeForDb();
         $keyColumns['uid'] = StringHelper::UUID();
         $updateColumns['dateUpdated'] = DateTimeHelper::currentTimeForDb();
     // TODO: This is all MySQL specific
     $allColumns = array_merge($keyColumns, $updateColumns);
     $params = array();
     $table = $this->getConnection()->addTablePrefix($table);
     $sql = 'INSERT INTO ' . $this->getConnection()->quoteTableName($table) . ' (';
     foreach (array_keys($allColumns) as $i => $column) {
         if ($i > 0) {
             $sql .= ', ';
         $sql .= $this->getConnection()->quoteColumnName($column);
         $params[':' . $column] = $allColumns[$column];
     $sql .= ') VALUES (:' . implode(', :', array_keys($allColumns)) . ')' . ' ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE ';
     foreach (array_keys($updateColumns) as $i => $column) {
         if ($i > 0) {
             $sql .= ', ';
         $sql .= $this->getConnection()->quoteColumnName($column) . ' = :' . $column;
     return $this->setText($sql)->execute($params);
Esempio n. 9
  * Restores a user session from the identity cookie.
  * This method is used when automatic login ({@link allowAutoLogin}) is enabled. The user identity information is
  * recovered from cookie.
  * @todo Verify that it's totally necessary to re-save the cookie with a new user session token
  * @return null
 protected function restoreFromCookie()
     // If this request doesn't want to extend the user session, it is unfortunately not possible for us to restore
     // their user session from a cookie, because the cookie needs to be re-saved with a new user session token,
     // but we can't do that without also setting a new expiration date.
     if ($this->_dontExtendSession) {
     // See if they have an existing identity cookie.
     $cookie = $this->getIdentityCookie();
     if ($cookie) {
         $data = $this->getIdentityCookieValue($cookie);
         if ($data && $this->_checkUserAgentString($data[4])) {
             $loginName = $data[0];
             $currentSessionToken = $data[1];
             $uid = $data[2];
             $rememberMe = $data[3];
             $states = $data[5];
             $currentUserAgent = craft()->request->userAgent;
             $this->authTimeout = craft()->config->getUserSessionDuration($rememberMe);
             // Get the hashed token from the db based on login name and uid.
             if (($sessionRow = $this->_findSessionToken($loginName, $uid)) !== false) {
                 $dbHashedToken = $sessionRow['token'];
                 $userId = $sessionRow['userId'];
                 // Make sure the given session token matches what we have in the db.
                 $checkHashedToken = craft()->security->hashData(base64_encode(serialize($currentSessionToken)));
                 if (strcmp($checkHashedToken, $dbHashedToken) === 0) {
                     // It's all good.
                     if ($this->beforeLogin($loginName, $states, true)) {
                         $this->changeIdentity($userId, $loginName, $states);
                         if ($this->autoRenewCookie) {
                             // Generate a new session token for the database and cookie.
                             $newSessionToken = StringHelper::UUID();
                             $hashedNewToken = craft()->security->hashData(base64_encode(serialize($newSessionToken)));
                             $this->_updateSessionToken($loginName, $dbHashedToken, $hashedNewToken);
                             // While we're let's clean up stale sessions.
                             // Save updated info back to identity cookie.
                             $data = array($this->getName(), $newSessionToken, $uid, $rememberMe ? 1 : 0, $currentUserAgent, $states);
                             $this->_identityCookie = $this->saveCookie('', $data, $this->authTimeout);
                             $this->_sessionRestoredFromCookie = true;
                             $this->_userRow = null;
                 } else {
                     Craft::log('Tried to restore session from a cookie, but the given hashed database token value does not appear to belong to the given login name. Hashed db value: ' . $dbHashedToken . ' and loginName: ' . $loginName . '.', LogLevel::Warning);
                     // Forcing logout here clears the identity cookie helping to prevent session fixation.
             } else {
                 Craft::log('Tried to restore session from a cookie, but the given login name does not match the given uid. UID: ' . $uid . ' and loginName: ' . $loginName . '.', LogLevel::Warning);
                 // Forcing logout here clears the identity cookie helping to prevent session fixation.
         } else {
             Craft::log('Tried to restore session from a cookie, but it appears we the data in the cookie is invalid.', LogLevel::Warning);
  * Creates a new support ticket for the GetHelp widget.
 public function actionSendSupportRequest()
     $getHelpModel = new GetHelpModel();
     $getHelpModel->fromEmail = craft()->request->getPost('fromEmail');
     $getHelpModel->message = craft()->request->getPost('message');
     $getHelpModel->attachDebugFiles = (bool) craft()->request->getPost('attachDebugFiles');
     if ($getHelpModel->validate()) {
         $user = craft()->userSession->getUser();
         $requestParamDefaults = array('sFirstName' => $user->getFriendlyName(), 'sLastName' => $user->lastName ? $user->lastName : 'Doe', 'sEmail' => $getHelpModel->fromEmail, 'tNote' => $getHelpModel->message);
         $requestParams = $requestParamDefaults;
         $hsParams = array('helpSpotApiURL' => '');
         try {
             if ($getHelpModel->attachDebugFiles) {
                 $tempZipFile = craft()->path->getTempPath() . StringHelper::UUID() . '.zip';
                 if (IOHelper::folderExists(craft()->path->getLogPath())) {
                     // Grab the latest log file.
                     Zip::add($tempZipFile, craft()->path->getLogPath() . 'craft.log', craft()->path->getStoragePath());
                     // Grab the most recent rolled-over log file, if one exists.
                     if (IOHelper::fileExists(craft()->path->getLogPath() . 'craft.log.1')) {
                         Zip::add($tempZipFile, craft()->path->getLogPath() . 'craft.log.1', craft()->path->getStoragePath());
                     // Grab the phperrors log file, if it exists.
                     if (IOHelper::fileExists(craft()->path->getLogPath() . 'phperrors.log')) {
                         Zip::add($tempZipFile, craft()->path->getLogPath() . 'phperrors.log', craft()->path->getStoragePath());
                 if (IOHelper::folderExists(craft()->path->getDbBackupPath())) {
                     // Make a fresh database backup of the current schema/data.
                     $contents = IOHelper::getFolderContents(craft()->path->getDbBackupPath());
                     // Only grab the most recent 3 sorted by timestamp.
                     for ($counter = 0; $counter <= 2; $counter++) {
                         if (isset($contents[$counter])) {
                             Zip::add($tempZipFile, $contents[$counter], craft()->path->getStoragePath());
                 $requestParams['File1_sFilename'] = '';
                 $requestParams['File1_sFileMimeType'] = 'application/zip';
                 $requestParams['File1_bFileBody'] = base64_encode(IOHelper::getFileContents($tempZipFile));
                 // Bump the default timeout because of the attachment.
                 $hsParams['callTimeout'] = 120;
         } catch (\Exception $e) {
             Craft::log('Tried to attach debug logs to a support request and something went horribly wrong: ' . $e->getMessage(), LogLevel::Warning);
             // There was a problem zipping, so reset the params and just send the email without the attachment.
             $requestParams = $requestParamDefaults;
         require_once craft()->path->getLibPath() . 'HelpSpotAPI.php';
         $hsapi = new \HelpSpotAPI($hsParams);
         $result = $hsapi->requestCreate($requestParams);
         if ($result) {
             if ($getHelpModel->attachDebugFiles) {
                 if (IOHelper::fileExists($tempZipFile)) {
             $this->returnJson(array('success' => true));
         } else {
             $hsErrors = array_filter(preg_split("/(\r\n|\n|\r)/", $hsapi->errors));
             $this->returnJson(array('errors' => array('Support' => $hsErrors)));
     } else {
         $this->returnJson(array('errors' => $getHelpModel->getErrors()));
Esempio n. 11
  * @return string
 private function _createZip()
     $zipFile = craft()->path->getTempPath() . StringHelper::UUID() . '.zip';
     return $zipFile;
  * Populates the current user object with the information obtained from cookie.
  * This method is used when automatic login ({@link allowAutoLogin}) is enabled.
  * The user identity information is recovered from cookie.
 protected function restoreFromCookie()
     // See if they have an existing identity cookie.
     $cookie = craft()->request->getCookies()->itemAt($this->getStateKeyPrefix());
     // Grab the identity cookie and make sure the data hasn't been tampered with.
     if ($cookie && !empty($cookie->value) && is_string($cookie->value) && ($data = craft()->securityManager->validateData($cookie->value)) !== false) {
         // Grab the data
         $data = $this->getCookieValue('');
         if (is_array($data) && isset($data[0], $data[1], $data[2], $data[3], $data[4], $data[5])) {
             $loginName = $data[0];
             $currentSessionToken = $data[1];
             $uid = $data[2];
             $seconds = $data[3];
             $savedUserAgent = $data[4];
             $states = $data[5];
             $currentUserAgent = craft()->request->userAgent;
             $this->_checkUserAgentString($currentUserAgent, $savedUserAgent);
             // Get the hashed token from the db based on login name and uid.
             if (($sessionRow = $this->_findSessionToken($loginName, $uid)) !== false) {
                 $dbHashedToken = $sessionRow['token'];
                 $userId = $sessionRow['userId'];
                 // Make sure the given session token matches what we have in the db.
                 if (craft()->security->checkString($currentSessionToken, $dbHashedToken)) {
                     // It's all good.
                     if ($this->beforeLogin($loginName, $states, true)) {
                         $this->changeIdentity($userId, $loginName, $states);
                         if ($this->autoRenewCookie) {
                             // Generate a new session token for the database and cookie.
                             $newSessionToken = StringHelper::UUID();
                             $hashedNewToken = craft()->security->hashString($newSessionToken);
                             $this->_updateSessionToken($loginName, $dbHashedToken, $hashedNewToken['hash']);
                             // While we're let's clean up stale sessions.
                             // Save updated info back to identity cookie.
                             $data = array($this->getName(), $newSessionToken, $uid, $seconds, $currentUserAgent, $states);
                             $this->saveCookie('', $data, $seconds);
                             $this->authTimeout = $seconds;
                             $this->_sessionRestoredFromCookie = true;
                             $this->_userRow = null;
                 } else {
                     Craft::log('Tried to restore session from a cookie, but the given hashed database token value does not appear to belong to the given login name. Hashed db value: ' . $dbHashedToken . ' and loginName: ' . $loginName . '.', LogLevel::Error);
                     // Forcing logout here clears the identity cookie helping to prevent session fixation.
             } else {
                 Craft::log('Tried to restore session from a cookie, but the given login name does not match the given uid. UID: ' . $uid . ' and loginName: ' . $loginName . '.', LogLevel::Error);
                 // Forcing logout here clears the identity cookie helping to prevent session fixation.
         } else {
             Craft::log('Tried to restore session from a cookie, but it appears we the data in the cookie is invalid.', LogLevel::Error);
     } else {
         // If session duration is set to 0, then the session will be over when the browser is closed.
         if ($this->_getSessionDuration(false) > 0) {
             // If they are not a guest, they still have a valid PHP session, but at this point their identity cookie has expired, so let's kill it all.
             if (!$this->isGuest()) {
 private function _storeFile(EmbeddedAssetsModel $media, $folderId)
     $fileName = EmbeddedAssetsPlugin::getFileNamePrefix() . StringHelper::UUID() . '.json';
     $fileData = $media->getAttributes(null, true);
     $fileData['__embeddedasset__'] = true;
     $this->_addToFiles('assets-upload', $fileName, JsonHelper::encode($fileData));
     $response = craft()->assets->uploadFile($folderId);
     if ($response->isSuccess()) {
         $fileId = $response->getDataItem('fileId');
         $file = craft()->assets->getFileById($fileId);
         return $file;
     } else {
         throw new \Exception($response->errorMessage);
Esempio n. 14
  * Prepares the model's attribute values to be saved to the database.
  * @return null
 public function prepAttributesForSave()
     $attributes = $this->getAttributeConfigs();
     $attributes['dateUpdated'] = array('type' => AttributeType::DateTime, 'column' => ColumnType::DateTime, 'required' => true);
     $attributes['dateCreated'] = array('type' => AttributeType::DateTime, 'column' => ColumnType::DateTime, 'required' => true);
     foreach ($attributes as $name => $config) {
         $value = $this->getAttribute($name);
         if ($config['type'] == AttributeType::DateTime) {
             // Leaving this in because we want to allow plugin devs to save a timestamp or DateTime object.
             if (DateTimeHelper::isValidTimeStamp($value)) {
                 $value = new DateTime('@' . $value);
         $this->setAttribute($name, ModelHelper::packageAttributeValue($value, true));
     // Populate dateCreated and uid if this is a new record
     if ($this->isNewRecord()) {
         $this->dateCreated = DateTimeHelper::currentTimeForDb();
         $this->uid = StringHelper::UUID();
     // Update the dateUpdated
     $this->dateUpdated = DateTimeHelper::currentTimeForDb();
  * Returns the field's input HTML.
  * @param string $name
  * @param mixed  $elements
  * @return string
 public function getInputHtml($name, $elements)
     $id = rtrim(preg_replace('/[\\[\\]]+/', '-', $name), '-') . '-' . StringHelper::UUID();
     if (!$elements instanceof RelationFieldData) {
         $elements = new RelationFieldData();
     $criteria = array('status' => null);
     if (!empty($this->element->id)) {
         $criteria['id'] = 'not ' . $this->element->id;
     if ($this->allowMultipleSources) {
         $sources = $this->getSettings()->sources;
     } else {
         $sources = array($this->getSettings()->source);
     return craft()->templates->render('_includes/forms/elementSelect', array('jsClass' => $this->inputJsClass, 'elementType' => new ElementTypeVariable($this->getElementType()), 'id' => $id, 'name' => $name, 'elements' => $elements->all, 'sources' => $sources, 'criteria' => $criteria, 'limit' => $this->allowLimit ? $this->getSettings()->limit : null, 'addButtonLabel' => $this->getAddButtonLabel()));
  * Returns a unique indexing session id.
  * @return string
 public function getIndexingSessionId()
     return StringHelper::UUID();