public function testData() { $stores = new Stores($this->progress, $this->logger, $this->source, $this->destination, $this->recordTransformerFactory, $this->recordFactory, 'data'); $this->assertTrue($stores->perform()); foreach ($this->destinationDocuments as $documentName => $recordsCount) { $this->assertEquals($recordsCount, count($this->destination->getRecords($documentName, 0))); } }
public function getStore($store_slug = null) { $stores = Stores::where('store_slug', $store_slug)->lists('id'); // Get Category According to SLUG $allCoupons = Coupons::whereIn('store_id', $stores)->paginate(20); // Get Coupons According to Category Selected $type = 'store'; $data = array('pageTitle' => 'CouponJadu - Get Latest Coupons', 'allCoupons' => $allCoupons, 'allCategories' => $this->allCategories, 'allStores' => $this->allStores, 'type' => $type); return View::make('home', $data); }
function storeslista() { $results = array(); $data = Stores::getList(STORES_NUM_STORES); $results['stores'] = $data['results']; $results['totalRows'] = $data['totalRows']; $results['pageTitle'] = $results['pageHeading'] . " | SystemBolaget"; require TEMPLATE_PATH . "/storeslista.php"; }
<?php $sdl = new StoresDataLoader($db); $stores = new Stores($db); $pos = new POS($db); $getset->setStandardValue("exact_search", false); switch ($getset->header(FORM_ACTION)) { case FORM_ACTION_SAVE . "_store": require_once __DIR__ . '/edit/save_store.php'; $result = $sdl->get($getset->header("search"), $getset->header("value"), $getset->header("exact_search")); break; case FORM_ACTION_SAVE . "_pos": require_once __DIR__ . '/edit/save_pos.php'; $result = $sdl->get($getset->header("search"), $getset->header("value"), $getset->header("exact_search")); break; case FORM_ACTION_CREATE: $result = $sdl->get("", ""); break; case FORM_ACTION_DELETE . "_store": $stores->delete_Store($getset->header("delete_id")); $result = $sdl->get($getset->header("search"), $getset->header("value"), $getset->header("exact_search")); $result = null; break; case FORM_ACTION_DELETE . "_pos": $pos->delete_POS($getset->header("delete_id")); $result = $sdl->get($getset->header("search"), $getset->header("value"), $getset->header("exact_search")); break; case FORM_ACTION_SEARCH: $result = $sdl->get($getset->header("search"), $getset->header("value"), $getset->header("exact_search")); break; default:
/** * Returns the data model based on the primary key given in the GET variable. * If the data model is not found, an HTTP exception will be raised. * @param integer $id the ID of the model to be loaded * @return Stores the loaded model * @throws CHttpException */ public function loadModel($id) { $model = Stores::model()->findByPk($id); if ($model === null) { throw new CHttpException(404, 'The requested page does not exist.'); } return $model; }
function viewStore() { if (!isset($_GET["storeId"]) || !$_GET["storeId"]) { homepage(); return; } $results = array(); $results['stores'] = Stores::getById((int) $_GET['storeId']); $results['pageTitle'] = $results['stores']->Address1 . " | SystemBolaget"; require TEMPLATE_PATH . "/viewStore.php"; }
public function getEditCoupon($couponId) { $coupons = Coupons::whereId($couponId)->first(); $categories = Categories::lists('category_name', 'id'); $categories[''] = 'Select Category'; $stores = Stores::lists('store_name', 'id'); $stores[''] = 'Select Store'; $data = array('userData' => $this->userData, 'pageTitle' => 'Edit Coupon', 'couponsDetails' => $coupons, 'categories' => $categories, 'stores' => $stores); return View::make('admin.editcoupon', $data); }
function examplesMenu() { Yii::import("application.modules.stores.models.Stores", true); Yii::import("application.modules.examples.models.Examples", true); $store_limit = Yii::app()->params['store_example_limit']; $example_limit = Yii::app()->params['before_after_limit']; $stores_examples = Stores::model()->findAll(array('limit' => "{$store_limit}", 'order' => "sequence", "condition" => "publish = 1 AND store_type='example' AND deleted = 0 ")); $examples = Examples::model()->findAll(array("condition" => "publish = 1 AND status = 1 AND deleted = 0 LIMIT {$example_limit}")); return array('stores' => $stores_examples, 'examples' => $examples); }